Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Rika and Nitori's Garage Experiments => Topic started by: EthanSilver on August 14, 2012, 12:07:19 AM

Title: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power (0.66)
Post by: EthanSilver on August 14, 2012, 12:07:19 AM
(Current progress can be seen here (
(Instructions can be read here (

In the Endless Youkai thread, I discussed with a few other members making a browser-based Touhou rogue-like. I figured I'd give this project its own thread, given that it's become more than just sparse ideas now. So far the account/character management section is essentially done. Feel free to play around with it (passwords are optional). Accounts and characters will probably be dumped by the time the final game is released so go wild.

Here's an overview of what's planned. The project is still somewhat in its infancy so I'm very open to suggestions right now. Note that I'm also trying to keep the scope of things manageable so I can't accept every single suggestion made, even if they're really good. ;)

Note that like Endless Youkai, this game is not intended for Internet Explorer. It will work with Firefox. I have no tested it with Chrome yet but it should work with that too.

Account/Character Management

To play, a player must first create an account. This allows the game to track what belongs to who. Each account allows for up to 8 characters, though any number of account can be created if 8 slots isn't enough.

Once logged into their account, a player can either select an existing character to continue playing or create a new one. Character creation is a very simple process where the player specifies a name, picks a race, and customizes the appearance of their new character.

The game world (Gensokyo)

The player can pick between different locations to explore. Aside from the Hakurei Shrine, all locations are presented to the player in the form of a dungeon. The world map serves mainly as a hub between these locations.

Town (Hakurei Shrine)

The Hakurei Shrine serves as the player's main base of operations. Items can be purchased, crafted, or sold and equipment can be identified or upgraded using items found in the dungeons. Additionally, a simple messaging system allows players to communicate.

Though not immediately available, players will eventually be able to fight one-another. Three modes exist: free combat allows fighting just for fun, without any penalty for losing. In ranked combat, the player maintains a score which increases or decreases based on their victories/defeats and which can be viewed by all other players. Finally, wagers allow players to put up money or items as a bet; other players can challenge one-another if the money or item seems interesting.

In the distant future, organizing parties may become a possibility.


Each dungeon features a randomly-generated layout consisting of a series of rooms. Each room can contain items, enemies, traps, and various others. Dungeons have a certain depth (say, 20 floors) but every 5 floor contains an exit, allowing the player to leave and return at any time.

A dungeon can also randomly contain bosses, each of which is a familiar Touhou character. Bosses can no longer be encountered once defeated but will drop rare and powerful items. Defeating all bosses will "reset" the game, increasing the difficulty of dungeons and enemies as well as the rewards and allowing a character to progress further.

Character growth

Characters obtain experience points for defeating opponents. Consequently, they also gain levels. Gaining a level will increase the character's stats and give them Skill Points, which can be spent on a number of things.

Characters can unlock spellcards by spending skill points on them. Unlocked spellcards can also be upgraded by spending additional skill points. This adds various bonuses, such as reducing the cooldown, increasing the damage, so forth.

Characters can also obtain various bonuses, again by spending skill points on them. Bonuses can range from increased proficiency with a certain weapon type to changes to the character's base melee attack.

Finally, skill points can also be spent on stats to further increase them. While the increase is small, it stacks up over time.


Like any self-respecting rogue-like, equipment found in the dungeon is randomly-generated. Aside from its base type (ex, "Gohei"), equipment can have various enchantments (ex, "Blazing", "Sharpened", etc.). Each enchantment has its own level (ex, "+3"); the higher, the stronger the enchantment's effect. A piece of equipment can have up to 5 of these effects, though most equipment will rarely go much further than 2-3.

Equipment can be enchanted at the Hakurei Shrine using loot obtained in the dungeon.

A player can exchange items between their characters for a cost. A storage service is available at the Hakurei Shrine but it will cost money to store and retrieve the item with a different character.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on August 14, 2012, 12:39:44 AM
I think there should be a limited chance to run into Rinnosuke in the dungeon and be able to buy items with indeterminate and/or unique properties. items that wouldn't otherwise be available at the Hakurei Shrine.


Also also,
make Mari and Renko the final bosses.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 14, 2012, 12:50:46 AM
I think there should be a limited chance to run into Rinnosuke in the dungeon and be able to buy items with indeterminate and/or unique properties. items that wouldn't otherwise be available at the Hakurei Shrine.
Rinnosuke is a planned character (well, sorta - you've probably seen how it goes - I have ~65 planned "characters" though only a few will be available at first. This data doesn't write itself and these images don't edit themselves on their own ;) ), which also means he'll be a randomly-encounterable boss. Though that doesn't exclude him from playing other roles...

So, yeah, that's a good idea. I'm hoping to avoid making dungeons too repetitive and the more types of "events" the player can run into, the more interesting a foray into some dungeon will turn out. Perhaps the player can purchase enchanted items or crafting/enhancement items in limited supply from these shops.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: I have no name on August 14, 2012, 12:51:13 AM
It never seems to load for me.

(I've tried in both Chrome and Firefox, so I know it isn't browser)

I choose a character and it gives "Loading, please wait..." forever.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 14, 2012, 12:54:25 AM
I choose a character and it gives "Loading, please wait..." forever.
Quote from: Ethan Silver
So far the account/character management section is essentially done.
I've only been working on this for a day or so. I don't code that fast. :)

I expect the game to be playable with the majority of the above implemented in about a month or so. Seeing as it's in progress, I figured I may as well see how you guys would like it to turn out. I'm also making whatever I have available - it won't be playable for a bit but more and more stuff should come together in the coming days (next bit's the Hakurei Shrine and, before that, the menu screen (status, items, equipment...)).
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: I have no name on August 14, 2012, 01:01:48 AM
I've only been working on this for a day or so. I don't code that fast. :)
Ah, so there's nothing to load yet.
A message saying as much would be nice. (in the actual game)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 14, 2012, 01:08:01 AM
A message saying as much would be nice. (in the actual game)
Done. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Supreme Gamesmaster on August 14, 2012, 01:13:22 AM
I think there should be a limited chance to run into Rinnosuke in the dungeon and be able to buy items with indeterminate and/or unique properties. items that wouldn't otherwise be available at the Hakurei Shrine.


Also also,
make Mari and Renko the final bosses.
What, Labyrinth again?
Seriously looking forward to this. I've somehow managed to make Satori Komeiji despite the character creation system being really limited at the moment. Are there any other races (though they're more like classes) on the table? Maybe some unlockable classes?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Imosa on August 14, 2012, 02:22:35 AM
Sucks that this is starting now, when my activity on the forum will probably be limited. Wish I could give this more attention.
Have you ever played Diablo? You might take a hint from their item system.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 14, 2012, 02:56:56 AM
Well, this is a nice little surprise to wake up to. I'll be waiting eagerly for the first dungeon.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 14, 2012, 04:09:15 AM
Are there any other races (though they're more like classes) on the table? Maybe some unlockable classes?
I haven't considered a class-unlocking system but current I have 65-ish "classes" planned out. I also don't expect to see all 65 done for a LONG time. ;P I guess it's more a matter of what gets prioritized and what doesn't. Unlockable classes, I haven't considered; I'm not sure what criteria could lead to unlocking the classes though. Maybe defeating their respective "boss"?

I've thought about making some "dungeons" only accessible through other dungeons, rather than the overworld. For instance, if you go to the SDM, around floor 10 you can find the entrance to the Great Library (where you can fight Koakuma and Patchy, and get good magic-oriented items). I suppose "completing" these "optional" areas could unlock classes...?

Quote from: Imosa
Have you ever played Diablo? You might take a hint from their item system.

Hmm, Diablo? Never heard of it. ;o

I'm aiming for a system that allows for more bonuses though. Diablo uses a system of prefixes and suffixes to give its items bonuses. But this only allows for two bonuses. I'm considering that a player may want to go beyond the scope of what I've planned (let's face it - I can't keep this game going for infinity levels), so having more than two possible upgrades seems like a way to go beyond that. Plus, the "+" system allows these upgrades to scale with the player's level.

Diablo is certainly an influence for this. I'm not going to be providing dungeons in "real-time" with enemies moving around the map (this is just JS, after all... then again... maybe next project ;D), but the mechanics behind all of this have been heavily influenced from most rogue-likes. :)

(I should note I'm somewhat drunk at the moment (STFU, it's monday!), so my appologies if I've said anything offensive. :x)

I should also direct your attention to this (, by the way. I'm not going for this, but if you don't know about it you're a retard. (HEY, calm the heck down, I already said I was drunk. :/ I can be a jerk for ONE friggin' SENTENCE, yeah? ;) )
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 14, 2012, 04:20:03 AM
That could work. It'll be something to work towards to get a remi/flan playable.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on August 14, 2012, 04:20:54 AM
Speaking of drunk, if you fail to somehow implement alcohol into the gameplay in some meaningful manner I will forever shame you in the name of Almighty ZUN. :P
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 14, 2012, 04:53:57 AM
Speaking of drunk, if you fail to somehow implement alcohol into the gameplay in some meaningful manner I will forever shame you in the name of Almighty ZUN. :P

...Ahem. Yeah. Still drunk. (Edit: How's that for a tribute? Part of the game was coded under the influence of oni sak? several pitchers of 8% canadian beer. >_> )

I suppose I could take suggestions for items. Alcohol (sake) could be a great idea as an item (maybe to restore MP?).
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 14, 2012, 05:08:24 AM
That'd do it, since in stuff like nethack, wines are a restorative that seem skewed towards mp. (According to my notably spotty memory.)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 14, 2012, 06:40:31 AM
Rouge-likes are some of my favorite genre of games (my favorites being Fushigi no Gensokyo and Izuna) so I have a few ideas.

This is a question: If you die, do you lose all of your items and money that you are carrying?

If you want wines in you can add a hunger and/or fatigue gauge. You get hungrier/more tired as you progress through the dungeon and when the gauge hits zero you will slowly lose HP and have all stats halved. You can have it so the wine or some food fills up the gauge.

Regarding spell cards, you can add an MP stat or use a "special gauge" that allows you to use a spell card in return for using up a percentage of the gauge. Or you can have it so the spell cards are actual items.

Regarding the dungeons, a common one in some games are the 100-floor ones that only allows one character in, prevents you from bringing in items and money, temporarily drops your level to one, and has no way of allowing you to exit or escape except by beating the dungeon. They usually have unique items, traps, or enemies, so you can have this as an extra dungeon with the reward being something like a super rare item or having the chance to fight the true last boss. Or if the dungeon contains rare and unique items anyway they don't need a reward since they got a lot of good items anyway :P.

Regarding the whole idea, I like these types of games so I'll support this. These are only a few ideas and I have more if you want them.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 14, 2012, 06:54:39 AM
Hi. Still drunk.

This is a question: If you die, do you lose all of your items and money that you are carrying?
You'd lose everything obtained since you entered the dungeon. I intend to make this a somewhat "casual" game, but rogue-likes always have pretty hard penalties for dying. So in the spirit of this, death isn't without its consequences, but it's not the end of the world either.

If you want wines in you can add a hunger and/or fatigue gauge. You get hungrier/more tired as you progress through the dungeon and when the gauge hits zero you will slowly lose HP and have all stats halved. You can have it so the wine or some food fills up the gauge.

I've never cared much for hunger in rogue-likes - it's an annoyance that offers no real benefit. But I suppose that could work - exploring a dungeon could be limited by your character's stamina (kinda like Labyrinth's TP). I could easily picture Suika clamoring for some sake in the middle of a deep, long dungeon... :)

Regarding the dungeons, a common one in some games are the 100-floor ones that only allows one character in, prevents you from bringing in items and money, temporarily drops your level to one, and has no way of allowing you to exit or escape except by beating the dungeon. They usually have unique items, traps, or enemies, so you can have this as an extra dungeon with the reward being something like a super rare item or having the chance to fight the true last boss. Or if the dungeon contains rare and unique items anyway they don't need a reward since they got a lot of good items anyway :P.

I'm thinking Lufia (took me like 2 minutes to type that, wtf...) II's Ancient Cave, here. Only Lufia II had those Iris items that had no purpose whatsoever, so not QUITE like Lufia II. :D

I suppose some area could serve as an "infinit dungeon" - maybe once the player has beaten everyone they are given the option to travel to Higan for rebirth prior to the game "resetting" itself?
...Wait, not thinking here. How is the player supposed to clear a dungeon like that? :x

Well, scrap that. But the player could unlock dungeons as they go along. Maybe some remote recess of Gensokyo could serve as an "infinit dungeon", like some gap created by Yukari or something.

These are only a few ideas and I have more if you want them.

The more the better. It will be hard for me to take into account ideas as the game comes together, too, so the sooner I hear them the sooner I can try to find a way to work them in. :)

Man, these oni are onto something. Now if only I could keep my keyboard from moving around... Also my walls are yelling at me. Wtf was in that beer? :/
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 14, 2012, 07:02:25 AM
I actually have an idea for deaths.
You do lose some things, but if you manage to get back to where you last died, you can reclaim the item/s, and a portion of the lost cash.

I've been playing Soma Bringer lately, and dying in that carries an EXP penalty.
But you leave behind a Gravestone, which, when you reach, can return some of the lost exp to you.
This is the sort of thing that I think would be well-suited to a game like this.
Maybe call 'em 'Soul Fragments'. Basically, the Fragment carries the lost loot for you, and if you find it, you reclaim most of what you lost!
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 14, 2012, 10:10:58 AM
Surprisingly...I understood all the references. Does this mean I play video games too much.   orz

I've never cared much for hunger in rogue-likes - it's an annoyance that offers no real benefit. But I suppose that could work - exploring a dungeon could be limited by your character's stamina (kinda like Labyrinth's TP). I could easily picture Suika clamoring for some sake in the middle of a deep, long dungeon... :)

This is usually a measure to discourage level grinding. These types of games are supposed to be hard, but I agree they are annoying at times, especially in the higher difficulty levels if you're under-leveled.

Monster houses or monster house floors are also popular mechanics.

Concerning items, you can include throwing type items (I guess they would be amulets or yin-yang orbs in this case or even just stones for that matter), another common item. you can also have cursed items. An item will sometimes be cursed and you will be unable to remove it until it is exorcised via item or some service (Reimu or Sanae). On the flip side you can have blessed items that have special properties/better stats then most weapons and can be a super rare drop item.

If you choose to include status ailments, here are a few ideas:
poison - lose HP after a predetermined amount of steps. Does not disappear over time.
strong poison - lose HP (more than poison) after a predetermined amount of steps (less than poison). Does not disappear over time.
silence/sealed - prevents the use of of magic/skills.
confused - movement becomes erratic and you will be unable to properly control your actions (for some reason lots of games have throwing as an exception to this).
sleep - cannot perform any action for a predetermined amount of time or until attacked (attacking has 100% accuracy).
fear - all actions except movement are unusable.
slow - actions take two turns to use.
weakness - halves all stats.
immobilized - you can't move for a period of time
blind - you can't see anything around you.
paralysis - you lose a few turns.

haste - two actions can be taken in one turn.
focused - increases critical hit rate.
counter - automatically attacks target when attacked but does not take up a turn.
guts - survive with one HP until it wears off.
invisible - you cannot be seen by enemies until it wears off.
sure hit - attacks will always hit until it wears off.
buffed - doubles stats.

I'll talk about some other things later like traps and such. I need some sleep.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Imosa on August 14, 2012, 02:25:27 PM
I actually like the idea of high death costs in most games. However, if you wanted to do something you could have there be some interaction with Komachi, Shikieiki, Orin, and Yuyuko
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 14, 2012, 05:14:27 PM
I actually have an idea for deaths.
You do lose some things, but if you manage to get back to where you last died, you can reclaim the item/s, and a portion of the lost cash.
I was lukewarm at first because the penalty's kind of tame to begin with (seeing as many rogue-likes just perma-death your ass and leave it at that..). But the idea of temporarily losing XP or even a level as a result of death (on top of the items and XP obtained in that dungeon) until the player can retrieve their corpse/soul/power crystal/hovering mass of sentient bee-like cogs/spirit, sounds pretty good. If a bit harsh on the player, but that's a roguelike for ya ("NOEZ WTF lost all my levels trying to get my corpse back :(:(:(").

Quote from: Genso
...cursed/blessed items...
Would you believe I actually forgot about those? Yeah, this is kind of a staple of rogue-likes. Can't leave out cursed items that randomly teleport the player into walls! ;)
Blessed items, I'm not sure how that would work. Items already do come with the occasional enchantment, each of which can have various "+" bonuses, so they're already "blessed". Having the occasional out of depth item could be neat though.

Quote from: Genso
...status ailments...
Touhou features an immense cast of characters, each with a wide range of spellcards. I don't intend to use a fixed pool of status ailments as this would lend itself to a lot of repetition; there's only so many "cause damage and status ailment 'x'" abilities you can make before they start to repeat. Instead skills determine their effect themselves (think League of Legends). Effects are still grouped in general categories so restorative items can be used (eg, damage-causing, stat-reducing...) but the specifics can differ completely from spellcard to spellcard.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 14, 2012, 10:20:09 PM
I actually have an idea for deaths.
You do lose some things, but if you manage to get back to where you last died, you can reclaim the item/s, and a portion of the lost cash.

This is a good idea and I would normally be fine with it but I always hated this thing. Games like this always had that level down trap as well which resulted in losing 3 levels just to get one level back. OTL
As long as there are no level down traps it's all good. Fushigi no Gensokyo was super brutal in dying. You lose everything you are carrying and your level is reduced back to one, basically a resetting the game.

there's only so many "cause damage and status ailment 'x'" abilities you can make before they start to repeat.

I meant status effects caused from traps and items if I wrote something weird. Rouge-like like to use that weird item naming system where they name things like bubbly potion like red potion ("insert adjective, insert noun"). In Fushigi no Gensokyo they used スキマ/sukima (yukari gaps) items for things like attacking and storing items (awesome backpack!). So some common items can have these effects and can be used on yourself or thrown at enemies. ex. a sealing talisman prevents the opponent from using spell cards or skills if you throw it at them. As for spells, you can always have the "affects a certain area" (entire room/whole floor/straight line/ 3 panels in front of you).

For spell cards you can have them as items for use. Certain spellcards can only be used by certain classes and other prerequisites may be needed. This way if you find a rare spellcard you can trade with other people or fight for one.

Regarding the blessed items, I meant like they are rare items that automatically have five slots and have one or a few uncommon abilities (ex. at full HP, normal attacks cause a shockwave that travels in a straight line to attack an enemy, normal hits strike two times in one turn, or +100 attack). Or you can do what Tales of the World 3 did, you have extremely low odds to find legendary items (weapons/armor) that have 6 slots as opposed to the usual 5 slots and all the slots are filled with the highest/unique types of upgrades (class restrictions prevent some classes from using it).

You can add traps too like Fushigi's system: character traps. (ex. Yuyuko traps causes eats all the food in your bag.) Maybe you can have a Suika trap that causes you to get drunk (confused). Or you can use generic traps. Anyway traps are a must have. As a side note, sometimes enemies can trip traps in some games.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 14, 2012, 10:52:59 PM
Oh hey, time to show off something new (not uploaded yet).

Click me for a bigger image.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 14, 2012, 10:58:56 PM
From Nitori's workshop's identify option, I'm guess that unidentified items can be found in dungeons? I shall donate to the offertory box if you add the option.  :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 14, 2012, 11:13:20 PM
From Nitori's workshop's identify option, I'm guess that unidentified items can be found in dungeons? I shall donate to the offertory box if you add the option.  :derp:
Yep. It wouldn't be a proper rogue-like if everything a player finds is identified. ;) Plus cursed items wouldn't... really work too well if the player knew right off the bat that their "Parasol of Weakness" would only give them penalties and can't be removed. Unless the player's a masochist (ohai Tenshi!)

Here's a quick overview of the options.

Buy: Purchase basic items. Available items are loosely based on the player's level - the really good stuff won't be available right at the start.
Sell: And of course, the junk you find in dungeons can be sold.

Nitori's Workshop
Identify: Allows you to work out an item's purpose. I may move this option to Kourindou however (isn't that Rinnosuke's ability, after all?)
Upgrade: Allows you to enchant items or increase the enchantment on them. Kourindou's equipment quickly becomes outdated since you start finding magic items eventually, but you can buy regular equipment from there and enchant it to a greater level of usefulness if you have the right enhancement items.
Craft: Various rare items can be created by combining loot obtained in the dungeon. This is mostly for consumables and upgrade items, though unique equipment may also be craftable.

Offertory Box
Uncurse: Cursed items cannot be removed once equipped. Various in-game effects can also curse your equipment, imposing penalties on it. The item can be removed or uncursed (if it wasn't originally) for a fee based on the strength of the curse.
Storage: Allows you to trade items between characters. An item in storage does not belong to any of your characters specifically and can be retrieved with anyone. This costs money based on the item's strength however, so using a high-level character to help a low-level character cheat their way through the game with uber equipment is very unlikely.

Social Area
Chatbox: An in-game chatting system. Players can communicate and organize PvP matches through this.
Send/Read Mail: A private messaging system.

Scores: Lets the player review the PvP leaderboard.
Challenge: Used to challenge another player to PvP through one of the game's three modes.
Wager: Lets a character put up an item or money for PvP bets. When challenging a player to a bet, all bet items can be seen and the player can select another player with an interesting item to challenge.

And of course, the player can leave the Hakurei Shrine or go to the menu screen (status, equipment, etc..)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 14, 2012, 11:35:09 PM
Cursed items work by telling you they are cursed after you equip them.

This may be unrelated but I always found it weird that you can sell your stuff at any random shop. It's like selling your weapons to a grocery store.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 15, 2012, 01:19:49 AM
I had an idea for equipment too.

See, equipment comes in a couple varieties. Two of which are General, and Magic-Sealed.
Magic-Sealed is kinda like Unidentified, but better.(And yes, these too can be unidentified themselves.)

And then on the general items, there's a scale, going from -2, to +2.

-2: Damaged(Penalties for using this, better off selling it.)
-1: Used(Average stats for an item of the type, but no bonuses.)
0: Normal(Average stats, some possible bonuses.)
+1: Fine(Better than a normal example, with a few more slots and stats.)
+2: High-end(The best prefix modifier for non-enchanted items you can find, bar none.)

And for magic-sealed items, you can like, take 'em to Reimu and have her remove the seal to see what sort of enchants the item has, like in Dungeon Fighter Online.
And then, if you have more than one Magic-Sealed item, you can take 'em to Kourindou, and combine up to two of them to try to get something better.

Gohei of Flames B + Ribbon of Flight C = Any Other Magic-Sealed item, already unsealed for the player's enjoyment.

They do this same thing in Dungeon Fighter Online, and you're encouraged to combine Magic-Sealed items that aren't you class to try for getting better gear.
It's all totally random, so you could combine a sword and a piece of armor to get a pair of handcannons.
But they also have strict combining templates. such as Heavy Armor, Gunner Weapon, Slayer Weapon, Leather Armor, Light Armor, Cloth Armor, Priest Weapon, Mage Weapon, Fighter Weapon, and so on.

So for example, they'd show up as 'Magic-Sealed Gohei', and so on, when you look in your inventory.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 15, 2012, 06:49:50 AM
I've made a few additions. Namely, the entire "Social Area" section is done (ie, the chat system and the private messaging system).

Chat is not in real-time yet. Right now, you'll have to hit the refresh button to reload the contents of the chat window. The window is also reloaded when you make a post. The last 6 posts are displayed but you can scroll through the last 60 posts via the arrows.

The private messaging system is pretty straightforward. You are identified by your account name, not your character name, as are others. For instance, if my account name is "Ethan Silver" and my current character is "Rumia II", the message must be sent to "Ethan Silver".

Next up will be the menu screen. It'll be necessary to have an inventory system before I can have shops and item-crafting systems. Gonna get some rest though. Will comment some more tomorrow. :D
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 15, 2012, 07:05:51 AM
Oh man. This is chugging along pretty damn fast eh?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 15, 2012, 07:35:51 AM
It's good it's moving along.

maybe 20 items in a bag is enough.

Also I was wondering, can you see the current accounts right now. I want to delete mine because I got the password wrong. That's what I get for typing in the dark at three in the morning.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 15, 2012, 07:56:18 AM
Oh man. This is chugging along pretty damn fast eh?
They don't call me the lunatic programmer for nothing. @_@

maybe 20 items in a bag is enough.

I was going to reply, "the inventory will be pretty big - big enough that you shouldn't run into space-related problems" - only you got me thinking. If the player can bring (for all intent and purpose) an unlimited number of items, they're basically back at full hp/mp after every fight. This could be somewhat abusable, but on the other hand items aren't free. Still, one way or another the inventory space can't be unlimited - there has to be a limit of some kind - so I may allow regular item storage at the shrine...

Also I was wondering, can you see the current accounts right now. I want to delete mine because I got the password wrong.

I wouldn't worry too much as the accounts will be wiped once this is officially started anyhow (and probably a few times during development too). But I've deleted the user "Genso" - I'm assuming that's you - just now so you should be able to recreate it whichever password you want to use.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 15, 2012, 08:13:04 AM
SHame this probably can't have any music. I'd rather like to hear stuff on the different menus.
For example, a remix of nitori's theme on the Nitori's Workshop related areas. Innocent Treasures on the main menu, and so on.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 15, 2012, 08:23:27 AM
SHame this probably can't have any music. I'd rather like to hear stuff on the different menus.
For example, a remix of nitori's theme on the Nitori's Workshop related areas. Innocent Treasures on the main menu, and so on.
Actually, it could - unfortunately it's hard to have a platform-independant way of playing music in a browser. I can certainly support midis for Firefox though.

I've updated the game to have some music playing. It's a quick test - I'll tighten it up if it works out. Lemme know what you think. :P
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 15, 2012, 08:27:46 AM
Apparently I need Quicktime 7 for it? (lousy old junker that uses vista....*grumble*)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 15, 2012, 08:33:33 AM
Apparently I need Quicktime 7 for it? (lousy old junker that uses vista....*grumble*)
That's unfortunately out of my control. Music playback depends on the plugin used by your browser...

Does the error message prevent the rest of the game from loading? If so, I'll remove the music rather than risk locking out people for not having a plugin installed for midi. Tomorrow though. It's 4:30 am. Gotta work tomorrow, too. ;D
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 15, 2012, 08:42:28 AM
Doesn't lock me out, it's just a mild annoyance of an inconvenience.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 15, 2012, 08:43:45 AM
SHame this probably can't have any music. I'd rather like to hear stuff on the different menus.
For example, a remix of nitori's theme on the Nitori's Workshop related areas. Innocent Treasures on the main menu, and so on.

You can listen to media player and put it on repeat I guess. :derp:

I was going to reply, "the inventory will be pretty big - big enough that you shouldn't run into space-related problems" - only you got me thinking. If the player can bring (for all intent and purpose) an unlimited number of items, they're basically back at full hp/mp after every fight. This could be somewhat abusable, but on the other hand items aren't free. Still, one way or another the inventory space can't be unlimited - there has to be a limit of some kind - so I may allow regular item storage at the shrine...

Yup, even I abused this method in Fushigi no Gensokyo. A certain gap item allows you pretty much infinite storage as long as you don't lose it, but you have to destroy it to get the items inside. The way most games have it is to have a limited bag and limited storage (that sometimes gets bigger as yu progress through the story or do a sidequest). The infamous "bag of holding" is a game changer though. If you do decide to go with infinite, then you can compensate with enemies being overleveled/powered compared to the player.

Aside from that I have an idea about the dungeons. Occasionally, you will find Rinnousuke selling items. the items are placed on a mat (size can vary) in front of him. You can pick up or drop items onto the mat. Once you get off the mat, you have to pay Rinnousuke. If you don't then Kourin himself will come kill you. This is a common way to add a super-powered mook to fight. Rouge-likes like to have the shopkeeper stronger than everything else (i.e. haste, always hits, strong moves, and high stats=Mannousuke) and sometimes have special rewards, but since they are practically the strongest and if you have multiple gang up on you, you're pretty much dead. It's a fun challenge though.

Thanks for erasing the account. I want to use it to watch the progress for now I guess.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 15, 2012, 08:51:19 AM
Oh nice, you put Lullaby of A Deserted Hell on the chatbox. Me likey.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 15, 2012, 10:41:13 PM
Several small updates (currently uploaded):

- The music system is no longer a test. Music won't constantly reload anymore.
- Every area that isn't done yet leads to a placeholder section which can be backed out of. No more hitting F5 to get out of an incomplete section!
- The DB is in the proper format to hold the characters' stats now. Stats are now "official", though no "race" has been given its official stats yet. There was no need to wipe the DB so all characters are still there.
- Three additional stats (critical%, hit rate, evasion) have been added.

I'll be adding the menu screen now (hence the reason why the character DB had to contain the right stuff). I've also worked out a way of dealing with characters that will allow any kind of bonus to be added regardless of wether a stat exists for it or not. Likewise, I've started throwing together plans for implementing the inventory system so once all that's done I can start working on the rest of the stuff in the Hakurei Shrine.

Well, back to work!


I actually considered doing something like that.
Given that he's a boss, this would be the perfect way to have the player encounter him rather than through random chance.
Seeing the idea brought up by someone else is motivation enough to go through with it. :P

I should note I'm not going for tile-based dungeons. It would not only be pretty heavy for the browser (games like Triglav get away with it by using a single static image as the map, which obviously isn't possible when maps are randomly-generated) but also involve way more code than what I'm planning on for the scope of this project. Think Desktop Dungeons, only a bit more elaborate and with actual FF-style combat. Or maybe Lufia II's Ancient Cave without enemies directly wandering around on the map.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 15, 2012, 10:53:26 PM
I like the music you stuck on the Gensokyo Screen placeholder.
With a Momiji image, I half expected Fall of Fall, but Flawless Clothing works too.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 15, 2012, 11:20:23 PM
Oh okay, now I have a better idea of what you mean now.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 16, 2012, 12:43:38 AM
zololz teh status screen is up!


Looks like implementing the inventory's the next step. I'm thinking of going the "limited inventory space + item storage service" route...

By the way, the music selection isn't set in stone. Mind you if I don't have a midi of it, I can't use it, obviously. And past IN ZUN stopped providing the music in midi format, so music from those games can be hard to find. Still, I have a few, and if you have a midi to send me I can use that too. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 16, 2012, 01:32:51 AM
I have a few questions:
What does the speed stat do in this game? (just making sure since the uses for it change from game to game)
What are the BP and PvP? (Battle Points? Player vs. Player?)
Since you have an equipment menu, does equipment take up space in your bag even if the item is equipped?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 16, 2012, 01:57:17 AM
I have a few questions:
What does the speed stat do in this game? (just making sure since the uses for it change from game to game)
What are the BP and PvP? (Battle Points? Player vs. Player?)

Attacks come in two "main" types: physical and magical. Physical attacks account for most regular attacks and some skills. Magical attacks account for a few regular attacks (ex, rods and other "magic user" weapons) and most spellcards.
StrengthPhysical damage.
DefensePhysical defense.
MagicMagical damage.
ResistanceMagical defense.

Attacks hit or miss based on hit rate and evasion. The difference between these two stats gives the chance to hit.
Hit rateAffects the odds of hitting an opponent. Spellcards can have a higher or lower chance of hitting but ultimately it's based on this stat.
EvasionAffects the odds of dodging an attack. This is generally low. Some characters may end up relying on evasion over defense; these would have a much higher evasion than normal.
Critical%If a regular attack connects, it has this much of a chance of causing a critical hit. Some spellcards can also cause critical hits - most do not.

The last stat is speed. The order in which actors in a battle take their turn is based on this - the higher, the faster. The delay in using special abilities and various other small things are also affected. Speed can also factor into the damage formula for certain weapon types and certain spellcards.

The remaining stats have no real battle application.
MoneyThis is used to apease the squid lord and ensure His tentacles of horror do not plunge the world in darkness another month. BLOOD FOR THE SQUID LORD! BLOOD FOR THE SQUID LOOOORD! ...Also, you can buy stuff with money.
Bonus PointsWhen a character levels up they gain a few BP to spend on learning/upgrading skills, passive bonuses, and on further increasing their stats.
PvP PointsThese are the points obtained by fighting other players. All characters start at 0 but defeating other players gives PvP points. Being defeated, on the other hand, reduces your points. The scoreboard in the Hakurei Shrine shows the top 10 characters/players.

Additional values can exist (such as resistance to various elements, chance to counter an attack, so on) but these exist in the form of passive bonuses as opposed to actual stats.

Since you have an equipment menu, does equipment take up space in your bag even if the item is equipped?

*Stares off in the distance for a few moments, his breathing increasing in pace and sweat beading on his forehead. After a moment he calms down again.*

Sorry. Just had an Earthbound flashback. No. God no. Wearing something and carrying it in your backpack are not the same thing. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 16, 2012, 02:48:54 AM
PvP PointsThese are the points obtained by fighting other players. All characters start at 0 but defeating other players gives PvP points. Being defeated, on the other hand, reduces your points. The scoreboard in the Hakurei Shrine shows the top 10 characters/players.


Sorry. Just had an Earthbound flashback. No. God no. Wearing something and carrying it in your backpack are not the same thing. :)

Thank god. I always hated this type of bag. I assumed you didn't have it, but if you did I was actually going to mention that as well.

After talking about all this I decided to play a few games again. Rinnousuke killed me for stealing his expensive goods; Then Okuu exploded and insta-killed me. orz
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: LadyScarlet on August 16, 2012, 07:39:37 PM
It's good so far! I have a few suggestions for races, though:

* Vampire (Remilia/Flandre)
* Monk (Byakuren)
* Ghost (Yuyuko)
* Lunarian (Eirin)
* Moon Rabbit (Reisen U. Inaba)
* Shinigami (Komachi)
* Crow Tengu (Aya/Hatate)
* Wolf Tengu (Momiji)
* Satori (Satori/Koishi)
* Zombie Jiangshi (Yoshika)

I have more ideas in mind, but these are only some. The game is very good so far, though.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 16, 2012, 08:30:56 PM
I've completed the item screen and the inventory system. Though the changes haven't been uploaded yet, I probably will later tonight. Next, the shops - there won't be much of a way to experiment with items until then anyway (unless I go edit the DB to give out items).

I've given the player 20 slots - this seems reasonable to me considering enemies drop loot (ie, junk items sold exclusively for cash or enhancement/item crafting materials). The shrine's storage area, on top of allowing the trade of items between characters, will also serve as a more general-purpose storage as well to account for the limited inventory (probably the next bit after Kourindou...).

Considering races, I already plan to include virtually everyone from the Windows era (and even one or two better-known PC-98 characters) with the exclusion of TD's characters - and that's only because I don't have sprites to use for them (though I've heard one of the more recent Touhoumons has them so they're not out of the question). In total, 65 races are planned. Once all of the game's interfaces are ready I'll release races and dungeons in "packs" organized by game until everything's been done.

What would be useful is how to implement these races. 65 races is going to mean a lot of repetition in playing style if many of the races don't have their own gimmick, and keeping everything fun and unique is pretty challenging. ;)

A few examples...

- The vampire race has decent stats but constantly lose health every turn. Their survivability is ensured by their ability to absorb damage as health, forcing them to constantly "feed" on enemies to get through a dungeon.

- The tsuchigumo race mainly attacks indirectly, using abilities to immobilize an enemy and let poison wear them out rather than relying on high-power spellcards to blow away foes.

- The immortal race can resurrect from being defeated in battle but returns with a severe penalty to their stats until they've had a chance to rest outside the dungeon. Each defeat reduces the character's stats further until combat is no longer possible, at which point the character is "dead".

Here's a list of all planned races ( Spoilers abound!
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hinacle on August 16, 2012, 09:13:56 PM
What about making Eirin Lunarian Healer so, that way she isn't just Lunarian? Also a suggestion for Immortal instead of making their stats go down why not just lower the chance that they will revive at like, 1st revive 100% 2nd revive 85%.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 16, 2012, 09:29:05 PM
What a coincidence, I was gonna mention race/character traits today.~ YESSSSSS KOAKUMA!!!!!!

I agree with Hinacle about Immortals (btw, like your signature, I have the actual cards). Instead of having their stats halved (eventually you can't do anything even with weapons. LV100 with all stats at 1). Revival chance should be halved in succession and you start off with lower HP each time. The Fushigi no Gensokyo games also have enemy characters with traits (i.e.Rumias causes you to be unable to see anything farther than 1 space, Meilings will guard corridor openings and fall asleep after a while, and Okuus explode and instantly kill you when hit with certain fire damage.) so I guess you can put some for some boss enemies.

Reguarding reviving. I was thinking you can put a special revival item that revives you once (then disappears after use) but is extremely rare (don't want a situation with 99 phoenix downs).
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: LadyScarlet on August 16, 2012, 09:45:08 PM
Reguarding reviving. I was thinking you can put a special revival item that revives you once (then disappears after use) but is extremely rare (don't want a situation with 99 phoenix downs).
Shanghai Elixir: A rare medicine made by Eirin. Revives a dead character.

The Hourai Elixir would be too broken, so I came up with this instead.  :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on August 16, 2012, 09:50:10 PM
Quote from:
CHAR: Rinnosuke. RACE: Male.

:getdown: :getdown: :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 17, 2012, 05:27:47 AM
Well, in most roguelikes, a class generally starts with a few pieces of equipment that's best suited to the class.
For example, the Shrine Maiden Class, depending on who's used as the template, will start with either a gohei and a basic miko outfit, or that thing sanae has and a basic miko outfit.
Perhaps the starting weapon for vampires could, unsurprisingly, be a cross rosary. Given how those things don't hurt Remi and Flan anymore.
(And Remi even uses crosses in her attacks frequently.)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 17, 2012, 08:32:59 AM
Time for the daily update!

These are placeholders...

- The inventory system has been added.
- The item screen has been added. The only thing missing is being able to use consumables.
- Kourindou is now open for business! The sell section is done, the ID section is almost done, the buying section is next...
- It's possible to switch between Kourindou's 3 portions without "leaving" that sub-area. Same deal with Nitori's Workshop. Seeing as these areas have their own music and backgrounds, it feels more fluid than going to ID items, having the music change, leaving, having the music change again, going to sell items, having the music change again...
- Maybe a few other small things I forgot about.

The big empty box on most of these screens will contain stats and other data relevant to the item. This part'll have to wait until equipment's in. Also, until the buying portion of the shop's done, there's no way to get items to play around with (unless I were to manually add them to your accounts, but the buying portion's gonna be done tomorrow...) For now though, the interfaces are in place and fully-working.

So the next step is completing Kourindou and the offertory box - everything's ready to do those two sub-sections in full. The scoreboard too, even though everyone's score'll be 0. ;P (Edit: OH HEY GUESS WHAT, I JUST CODED THAT. Enjoy. >_> (The sun's still not up so... y'know... got some code left in me.))

Alright, time for sleep. I can hear oranges - that's probably not normal. :x
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 17, 2012, 10:07:26 AM
Touhou Kourindou..........from Kinema-kan.............isn't it.

Regarding items, do you need ideas for equipment and consumables yet or do you already have a list?
Are traps going to be included in this game?

Add a donate option for the offertory box (even if I'm the only one donating :P), Reimu needs to be appeased or we're all gonna die just like a certain doujin by VISIONNERZ.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 17, 2012, 11:16:07 AM
Regarding items, do you need ideas for equipment and consumables yet or do you already have a list?
Feel free to make suggestions, though I'm nowhere near ready to start adding official content. That'll have to wait for the battle system and for all aspects of combat to be established... Current items are just place-holders for testing purposes. Right now I'm focusing more on code than content, TBH.

Are traps going to be included in this game?
Okuu does have a "third leg", and she is a playable "character", so... yeah, I suppose so.

Add a donate option for the offertory box (even if I'm the only one donating :P), Reimu needs to be appeased or we're all gonna die just like a certain doujin by VISIONNERZ.
I could add something like that. Might even base small things around it (eg, every week whoever donated the most receives a bonus of some kind, or some lottery (with Reimu keeping part of the profits, of course)). One way or another, having a bunch of youkai running around her shrine isn't going to make Reimu too happy. She must be appeased. (Also, blood for the squid lord. >_> ).

Oh god, the sun's rising and we're still during the week. I need to get some sleep - only an hour and a half before wor- awwww screw it... Gonna make some coffee and clean up the code some...
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 17, 2012, 08:26:34 PM
Okuu does have a "third leg", and she is a playable "character", so... yeah, I suppose so.

I didn't mean that kind of trap. OTL I meant like hidden traps in the dungeons that react when you step on them, like a warp trap that transports you to a random place on the floor.

For now I guess I'll give suggestions for consumable/useable items. For equipment, I'm thinking that you could have weapon types that certain class can use (i.e. swords=Momiji, Youmu, and Tenshi's classes or umbrellas=Yuuka and Kogasa's classes) that way you don't need items for every class to think of.

example consumable/usable items
notebook - reveals the target's HP (or maybe stats). can only be used when adjacent to enemy. (this is for if your rouge-like doesn't have HP shown for enemies like most of them don't)
various potions - can be recovery type items that heal HP/status ailments or cause various negative effects (Eirin's shady drugs) like damage/status ailments
various talismans - effects have a larger scale. some can be thrown when used to inflict damage/status ailments. some can be used for other miscellaneous uses (i.e. a cleansing talisman will uncurse cursed items)
food - fills hunger/fatigue gauge if you do decide to have them.
spell cards - Different from my original idea, I'm thinking you can have one spell card from each actual character as a usable item (unusable in boss/VS fights). The spell card will call of the character if belongs to and they will use the spell card for you. (I was thinking that with this you can have two types of special moves for player characters: Skills (use MP) and Use Spell Cards (fully uses up a player's "specials" bar and uses the player character's own spell cards. The item spell cards would also use up your "specials" bar.)
power items - I was thinking that each character has their own unique danmaku shot they can shoot and to make it stronger, you need to collect power items.
point items - not really anything, just your experience points.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 18, 2012, 04:58:12 AM
Daily update time!

...And possibly a few more things I've forgotten about. It's been a big day but the night's still young and the next bit I'm tackling is the storage system. Time to code some more... >_> *Sips coffee slowly. <_<

(Yeah... the chatbox definitely needs some auto-refresher. Gonna work on that too. May as well put up some kind of notification system for private messages too. Ahh, so much stuff to do. My predictions are that the game'll be a playable demo by the end of the month, and I'm sticking by that. >_> )

Oh hey, chatbox autorefreshes.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Yao-Kun on August 18, 2012, 10:54:12 AM
I accidently click create account without input any password.

Can you delete my account? (same username)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 18, 2012, 03:25:46 PM
Uh, I can't connect to the thingy, it keeps giving me an error that says 'The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.'.
I can access just about everything else normally, just not this game.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 19, 2012, 10:32:25 PM
Time for the daily update!

- The storage is done. Stored items can be traded across characters but it will cost quite a bit of money to do so.
- The world map is done. All planned areas are in, too, but only the starting areas are accessible right now. All areas lead to the Loading Screen of Infinity for the time being.

Additional areas can be unlocked by finding them in related locations. For instance, as hinted in its description, the SDM can be unlocked by randomly finding it while exploring some part of the Frozen Lake. Areas are also divided into 1-4 parts, each 5 floors long. Once an area is found or a part reached, it becomes unlocked on the world map. A total of 23 dungeons are planned (in total, this makes for 270+ floors). One of which MAY be infinite. >_> (though technically every dungeon is infinite, what with the "reset" thing I mentioned before...).

I will probably start working on the dungeon layout generator next. This will mean explorable dungeons (though with little to no content) within a few days.

At some point I'll need to work on the equipment and Nitori's workshop, but I intend to wait implementing the battle system first...

I accidently click create account without input any password.

Can you delete my account? (same username)

Uh, I can't connect to the thingy, it keeps giving me an error
It should be fine now. Though seeing as you've been posting in the chatbox, I'm guessing you already know that. ;)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 20, 2012, 12:28:59 AM
once you choose leave and go to the location choice menu, you can't go back. clicking menu brings you back to the menu screen alright, but clicking back brings you BACK to the Location selection screen again. just a minor detail, but an annoyance to those that forgot to do something (i.e. store items or sell junk or whatever) at the shrine.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 20, 2012, 12:34:36 AM
once you choose leave and go to the location choice menu, you can't go back. clicking menu brings you back to the menu screen alright, but clicking back brings you BACK to the Location selection screen again. just a minor detail, but an annoyance to those that forgot to do something (i.e. store items or sell junk or whatever) at the shrine.
Select the shrine first (first area in the list; all others are dungeons) and click the "go" button to the right. Clicking "back" while in the menu takes you back to the screen the menu was called from, not all the way back to town.


Oh hey, my dungeon-generator test works. Time to code it. >_>
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on August 20, 2012, 03:58:37 AM
/me suddenly realizes that you've been cooking all this up within the course of a week

Sweet youkai Jesus, dude, are you even human? :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Yao-Kun on August 20, 2012, 04:10:48 AM
Question about dungeon :  you make dungeon layout like Fushigi no Gensokyo, or TPW 1?

And a little opinion, maybe you can insert random search point in dungeon for gathering material.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 20, 2012, 04:55:43 AM
Sweet youkai Jesus, dude, are you even human? :getdown:
N- yes. Yes. Definitely human. >_> <_<

Question about dungeon :  you make dungeon layout like Fushigi no Gensokyo, or TPW 1?

To put it simply, I have absolutely no intention of making a game of that scope. I do have other projects to work on after this one, and a job, after all, and I don't want to still be programming the game engine five months from now. ;)

It's also important not to lose sight of the fact this is written in javascript. Not flash, definitely not C++. So there are limits to take into consideration. Handling pathfinding and game logic (assuming your enemies aren't morons that run into walls and repeatedly drink all of their healing potions while at full health) can come up to some pretty heavy computing to begin with - doing it in an interpreted language while handling the display and update of a tile-based map and various animated sprites would be... yeaaaaah... :)

Dungeon exploration is done in a style similar to Desktop Dungeons, only with more content (ex, traps, hidden areas, bosses, events, shops...) and an actual battle system ?-la pretty much any SNES-era Final Fantasy (though without animated battle sprites - rather, your character image is your battle sprite) rather than "click-click-click monster is dead".

The contents of a room is only revealed when the player enters it, though stairs and cutscenes (generally leading to boss encounters) are revealed one room ahead. Other types of events (enemy encounters, treasure, traps...) are only shown as a general-purpose "!" (again, one room ahead only) and revealed once the player enters the room. It is possible to backtrack and leave through the entrance, otherwise the player must survive through 5 floors to reach the next exit.

And a little opinion, maybe you can insert random search point in dungeon for gathering material.

I like this idea (dunno if you've ever played Elona but it made me think of the ones in that), though it should be a rare occurrence. Crafting/upgrading materials are meant to be somewhat rare to prevent players from hoarding them and creating whatever equipment they need rather than exploring dungeons for what is commonly called "phat lewt".

Todo-listed. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Yao-Kun on August 20, 2012, 05:58:42 AM

Ah, I get the picture what kind of dungeon you'll make. (maybe)

I never played Elona. This search point idea come from Unchained Blade and Tales of The World RM  :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on August 20, 2012, 06:03:20 AM
On that note, a Touhou mod for Elona would be the most wonderfully brainachey thing ever. :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 20, 2012, 07:39:49 AM
Elona was awesome. And for a roguelike, it was surprisingly forgiving on deaths. Just a slight stat penalty, and a dropped equip.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 20, 2012, 07:49:22 AM
Elona was pretty epic. My favorite character was my prostitute character, who made a living getting people drunk out of their skulls and er... giving a lil' tail. That the game actually allowed me to play like this was not only hilarious but also awesome. She died of a wasting sickness of some kind at level 6 and never quite got recovered from this...

On the other hand, some of the events were just over the top. Sleeping and getting hit with a major mutation that transforms your hands into tentacles and prohibits you from equipping any weapon, or alternatively getting your equipment cursed (again for sleeping)? Bull-friggin-crap. Especially when you sleep in a bed of legendary quality and get hit with mutations 3 nights in a row. Equally frustrating was having an ally drown in a well just for walking over them.

Or having one drink from a well only to have an alien burst out of them and ruin the ever-loving crap out of the entire city. ...Thank god for nukes...

Maybe I'll give hacking it a whirl after this project if I'm not too busy by then... I miss playing Elona. :)

The dungeon layout generator works (not uploaded yet though). Dungeons may even be explorable sometime tonight (though there won't be any actual content...) Not all tilesets will be ready so I'll probably be using a placeholder. So hey, there's about 10 days left in the month and we're rapidly approaching something "playable" - looks like everything's on schedule!

Edit: Yep. Explorable dungeons ( tonight, it looks like...
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 21, 2012, 02:50:50 AM
Yeah, uh, did you do a wipe or something? I'm trying to log in, but it keeps giving me the 'Wrong Username/Password' error.

EDIT: No, obviously not a wipe, because trying to remake it resulted in the 'Account already exists' prompt.
EDIT 2: There we go, maybe I was using a ',' instead of a '.'.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 21, 2012, 09:51:51 PM
Well, it's done. Very basic dungeon exploration is up (move with the arrow keys).

By very basic, I mean that...
- The tileset's somewhat of a placeholder.
- No "events" do anything except for the "stairs up" one.
- Not all planned event types are in ("material" spots, dungeon shops, etc..)
- There's just one (randomized) layout. Have fun figuring out what it is.
- It could be buggy. So far so good though.

Note that dungeons are only regenerated if you switch areas, so leaving and returning right away will keep the same dungeon layout as when you left.

So, time to get working on events...
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 21, 2012, 10:32:32 PM
There's just one (randomized) layout. Have fun figuring out what it is.

Answer: 9
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on August 22, 2012, 12:43:54 AM
If you ever have any dungeons with poor lighting, you should have a message saying "It is pitch black. You are (un)likely to be eaten by a Rumia." :P

As for serious commentary...Any way to enable a zoom-in on the playing field? Everything looks a bit small and grainy in the default view. Hard to see.

Other than that this is progressing amazingly well.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 22, 2012, 01:36:57 AM
So... Current updates...

- It is now possible to travel between floors, though not through parts of an area yet. The game will probably crash after the fifth floor anywhere because of this. :)
- Confirmation is asked before taking stairs (instead of instantly booting the player back out to the world map).
- The game's "event" scripting system is in place. Stairs use it, in fact.
- A new way of building text has been added - some "shop" options have more dialog as a result (ex, donating to Reimu).

Dungeons will start containing stuff pretty soon now. I'll also work on equipment (both the mechanics behind them and the menu option to handle them, as well as the shrine's equipment uncursing option), which will just leave spellcard/bonuses and combat. And Nitori's workshop. Oh yeah, and multi-player. And the game content, too. ...So yeah, almost done. :)

(For those curious, the game now weighs 208kb in code and data; 3.59mb with all images/music.)

As for serious commentary...Any way to enable a zoom-in on the playing field? Everything looks a bit small and grainy in the default view. Hard to see.
I would recommend using ctrl and the mouse wheel to zoom in. You can press F11 to go full-screen too. It looks pretty good (, all things considered. (This assumes you're using Firefox - Chrome seems to run the game just fine (small 1-pixel graphics errors sometimes though) and the same shortcuts work, though Chrome will add a vertical scrollbar before you can take up the whole screen.)

The tileset is just a placeholder so pardon the graininess for the time being. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 23, 2012, 01:53:24 AM
Time for the daily update! None of this is on the server yet (I'm trying to get material-gathering spots in as well) but it will be later tonight. Possibly a few more things will be added to the list...

- Dungeons are displayed in a slightly different way. Only unexplored explorable tiles are masked - the rest are shown as a "solid wall" graphic.
- Dungeons can also specify which layouts they use. Only two layouts are in and all dungeons use them right now, but the mechanics are done.
- Several keyboard shortcuts are coming in, such as "escape"  to bring up the menu. Given that much of the gameplay in the dungeon is keyboard-based, I felt this would be more appropriate.
- Treasure can be obtained from chests. The current item list is pretty small though. Note that items will be wiped upon leaving the dungeon as I haven't written the code to save them to the server yet (though this may be done by the time I do the update). At least you can get extra cash to donate to Reimoo.
- Several small additions have been made to the scripting engine, such as waiting for a keypress (spacebar) to dismiss a window.
- Support for material-gathering spots is in. As mentioned above, they will probably be functional by the update.

I figured this is as good a time as any to talk about the game's currently-implemented mechanics in-depth. :)

Shop (Buy, Sell, Identify)
The list of items is based on an internal flag every items has that identifies it as appearing in the shop. While not currently implemented, items that exceed your character's level by a certain amount will not be displayed.

Items are sold back to Rinnosuke at half their value. If an item is cursed, it is sold at 1/5th its value. If an item is not identified the curse penalty is not applied (as a player could easily tell which of their unidentified items are cursed by attempting to sell them; besides, it's not like Rinnosuke knows about it any more than you do).

Identifying an item costs 1/6th the item's actual value. Unlike selling, curses do not affect the item's value.

Offertory Box (Uncursing, Storage)

Uncursing an item is a very costly process. It's often better to just get rid of it rather than try to salvage it. It costs 125% the item's value. For identified cursed items, they will generally have negative enchantments so there generally isn't much of a point to it except in the rare case where the bonuses outweigh the penalties (ex, a weapon that increases magic and reduces strength is still useful for a magic-user). For equipped cursed items, well, no choice but to pay, really. >:)

Storing items is relatively inexpensive (5% of the item's cost, rounded up). Retrieving the item, on the other hand, is free. Items can be exchanged between characters (and are displayed in red) but this is very costly to discourage cheating (ie, using your super-high level character to get epic loot for your level 1 character). The item in this case will cost 75% of its value to transfer.

Dungeon Generation

The algorithm I use is a pretty simple one.

1. Create as many rooms as there are free spaces in the layout. Place each room in a list (leaving you with as many lists as there are rooms).
2. Pick a room at random. Select a random neighbor.
3. If the neighbor belongs to a different list, merge its list with the current room's list and connect the rooms.
4. If the neighbor is in the same list, each room can make an "internal" connection to another room in its list only once (to prevent "spaghetti" mazes).
5. Repeat from 2 until there is only one list left.

Because the rooms inside a list are always connected, once we've merged things down to a single list we can be sure that every room is accessible from every other room. Content is now generated in the rooms at random. Each area specifies its own density of treasure, traps, enemies, events, so forth.

To render the room, two groups of three tilesets are used. The first group contains the "room" tiles used to represent rooms with content. The second group contains the "passage" tiles used to represent rooms without content. The three sets in each group provide different variations on the tiles used; the first set is favored, then the second, and finally the last.

Here's ( the tileset current being used as a placeholder.

Item Generation

The dungeon level, referenced occasionally in this section, is calculated as follows: Area Level + (Current Floor / 3)

The following table is used to decide what type of item is obtained from a chest.   

If the contents are money, the following formula is used: ((DungeonLv + 1) x (DungeonLv + 3)) ? 16%.

If the contents are an item, it will be generated at a level between 5 below and 3 above the current dungeon level (the lower the difference, the more likely the item to be picked). Items and dungeons have special flags that indicate which "type" of items should be found in a dungeon, which also modifies the odds of getting an item (+50% or -50% per matching flag; there is also a set of "impossible" flags to prevent certain item types from ever appearing in a dungeon). Bonuses are not currently applied.

If an item is equipment, it is automatically unidentified and has a 1 in 32 chance of being cursed. Some areas can have a special flag that increases these odds to 1/8, and an other to reduce it to 1/128.


A few odds and ends...

I need to stress this point: the classes and races are based on their related characters; they aren't these characters. Not every half-ghost HAS to use a katana like Youmu. In fact, there's no reason why Youmu couldn't be an exception, and most half-ghosts are actually powerful magic-users rather than swordswomen. Granted, this isn't how I'll be doing this, but it's important to keep this in mind as I'm aiming way more for something balanced than something that mimics every character to perfection (for instance, weapon categories are distributed more or less evenly among the races/classes to give everything a roughly equal chance at being useful). I should also note that the characters are built around the game, not the other way around - I have no plans to include complex and involving mechanics that will only be usable by one single race/class.

The level cap is 50. A typical first run through the entire game will take a character to level ~30-35. Why 50? There are 65 classes/races and they all need some new spellcards every once in a while - say every 5-6 levels. Even ignoring the possibility of a skill tree, this means at least about a dozen spellcards per class/race. 780 spellcards. Yeah. Going to level 99 would either mean a thousand or two spellcards, or long stretches of leveling up before finally getting something new for your efforts. And again, this is assuming straightforward get-ability-x-at-level-y style skills - which as I'm hinting, is not what the game'll be doing. :) (Granted there'll be some overlap between some classes/races, but you get the idea nevertheless...) I also expect most people will want to play more than just one of the 65 races/classes, so being able to "complete" a character in a reasonable period of time seems like a plus (not that a character can't still progress once they hit the level cap, mind you).

Similar story for equipment. If every class/race has its own personal weapon, that's 65 weapon types. Given the earlier equipment-generation table, the odds of you...

1- Getting a weapon (6%)
2- Getting a weapon (6%) that's of the category you want (out of like 65 other; ~0.09%)
3- Getting a weapon (6%) that's of the category you want (out of like 65 other; ~0.09%) and that carries interesting bonuses

...becomes painfully low (~1/1000 chance of getting a weapon per chest, no word on what kinds of bonuses if any). There are only about 16 weapon categories as a result (though they're kept somewhat generalized) and all classes/races can be proficient in the use of several different types rather than just one specific weapon category.

Races/classes have no restriction on what they can equip. However they do have proficiencies. A shrine maiden, for instance, is proficient in the use of a gohei. Giving her a katana instead will impose penalties on its stats because your shrine maiden just wasn't trained in using a weapon like that. It doesn't mean she can't hold it in her hands and swing it around by any stretch of the imagination but pulling a Youmu just isn't going to happen. Likewise there's no reason a nekomata can't try to put on a shrine maiden dress - whatever divine protection it would have given a shrine maiden won't be granted to a nekomata but it's still a layer of clothes to buffer blows, though!

More will follow as it gets implemented. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 27, 2012, 03:10:01 PM
It's been a while since the last "daily" update. Gotta say doing the translation to KK2 has been cutting into my time a bit but it should be done in a day or so. :)

- Traps have been added. They're only place-holders though and as the combat mechanics aren't in yet, their effect is just a test as well.
- Events have been added. Like traps, they're only place-holders. Basic script commands are done but they'll mainly be added on a need-to-use basis.
- Characters are now fully saved. You get to keep everything you find in the dungeons. Your character is saved on the world map and on the Shrine grounds, except in a few cases where saving immediately is necessary (eg, when donating, so the list can be updated).
- Much of the server code has been rewritten. A few hiccups may occur but everything seems fine with the new code.
- In regards to the above, donating was broken for a few hours earlier today before I noticed the problem. It's been fixed.
- A few other small changes with no impact on the gameplay. (Ex: the information related to visited areas is in a new format that takes up less place in the DB).

I will now be implementing equipment - the battle system's right around the corner. Before that (and after equipment), the rest of the menu screen will be completed. So things are pretty far along. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 27, 2012, 06:48:27 PM
Awesome! To quote Akihiko, "I've been waiting for this!" (
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 27, 2012, 07:33:24 PM
Awesome! To quote Akihiko, "I've been waiting for this!" (

Oh you...All of us battle hungry fools have been! just a little longer, but KK2 is fine also (great series).
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 29, 2012, 08:41:06 AM
Time for the daily update!

- Equipment now has stats.
- The blank box in most of the screens with an item listing now lists the item's stats and basic information about it.
- An additional box has been added to the shop screens to see the impact equipment has on the character's stats.
- The equipment screen's in. Equipment can now be equipped. The "proficiency" system mentioned in an earlier post isn't in yet, however.
- Reimu's "uncurse equipment" option now works.

Next will be the equipment enchantments and curses. After the next update the dungeons will start generating far more interesting stuff; the later areas should stop dropping books all the time...

So what's left? (In the intended order I'll be working on them...)
- Equipment bonuses/curses
- Skills and Bonuses
- Combat (actually, this is a bit of a big part :) )
- Death
- Dungeon shops
- Nitori's workshop (all of it...)
- PvP combat

PvP combat will be a low priority thing (not that anyone'll be able to get that much out of it until they've had a chance to build their characters for a bit) so after Nitori's Workshop I'll start adding content to the game while occasionally adding to the PvP engine. If I get enough of the combat system working by sept. 1st, I'll start adding the first "official" batch of characters/dungeons/etc., will reset the DB, and the game will be playable while I get the remaining parts of it up. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 29, 2012, 09:21:24 AM
So if we can equip stuff, how come I can't?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 29, 2012, 09:24:26 AM
So if we can equip stuff, how come I can't?
Hit ctrl+F5 to refresh your cache. You're still using the previous version of the script.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on August 29, 2012, 09:27:19 AM
Updates yaaay!

Also, all trap squares should have a 1/XXth chance of spawning an encounter with Wriggle, instead. :getdown:

/me braces for inevitable bricking
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 29, 2012, 09:59:24 AM
Also, all trap squares should have a 1/XXth chance of spawning an encounter with Wriggle, instead. :getdown:
Traps can define their own behavior entirely so encounter-spawning traps are a definite possibility. For instance, maids laying an ambush down for the SDM's newest intruder, or a swarm of Chen's cats mobbing what appears to be an easy target.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 29, 2012, 10:14:45 AM
And it seems the chatbox is kinda broken. It's not displaying anything for me.
Probably just my bad connection though. It's been intermittent like hell these past few days.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 29, 2012, 10:21:04 AM
And it seems the chatbox is kinda broken. It's not displaying anything for me.
Probably just my bad connection though. It's been intermittent like hell these past few days.
Naw, turns out there actually was a small problem with it. Seems I forgot to upload a file last update - it should work fine now. :) Thanks for pointing it out.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 29, 2012, 12:00:56 PM
Like I said in the chatbox, this game's chugging along awesomely. Should definitely be on time for the deadline you set yourself.
Zombie Catsquid Incidents notwithstanding of course.

Incidentally, as I also said in the chatbox, that would be an awesome name for a rock band.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Yao-Kun on August 29, 2012, 02:11:25 PM
Awesome progress, but I think you should give a little chance to avoid trap floor (5% or less).
And I just realize, no hospital or something like that to recover health & mana?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 30, 2012, 10:30:54 AM
I think I'll let our favorite shrine maidens explain today's daily update.


Ahem. Yeah. I guess that wasn't a very good explanation. Anyhow.

Equipment quality is a bonus (eg, "gohei +3") equipment can get in addition to enchantments (eg, "gohei of sharpness"). The higher the dungeon's level in relation to the item's, the better the enchantment it's likely to get. The current set of items are all lv 1, so the later dungeons (eg, Mayohiga, part 3) can give very high plusses. When content comes in, items at an appropriate level for these high-level areas will usually come up instead - the game just doesn't have anything else to choose from right now so it at least tries to generate an item that's worthwhile for the level it's obtained in.

Cursed items will have a "-" instead of a "+" (and always at least -1). Their stats go down by 10% per "-". When uncursed it'll turn back into a "+" and its stats will be restored to what that "+" would normally give, which makes uncursing items somewhat more worthwhile than just discarding them. (Negative enchantments will remain though...)

I think you should give a little chance to avoid trap floor (5% or less).
There will be items and skills to deal with traps. Characters like, say, Tewi, for instance, will probably get some passive abilities that allow them to avoid traps. Equipment will be able to get enchantments that protect in various ways against them too. And single-use trap-destroying items and such will certainly come in eventually.

And I just realize, no hospital or something like that to recover health & mana?
There are no combat mechanics yet so it'd be pointless. However it took about a minute to implement it, so... figured I may as well get it out of the way now. :P
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on August 30, 2012, 01:48:13 PM
On the subject of out-of-combat abilities would it make sense for Momiji types to be able to see a square or two farther given that Momiji's main ability is extremely acute vision?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 31, 2012, 12:32:40 AM
Yeah, problem. I'm dicking around in Mayohiga 3 to get some interesting items, but when I exit with 'em, it keeps freezing up.
And it doesn't save them unless I return to the Shrine's Front Yard. But it's frozen on the area select screen. So I can't get back there TO save them. Forcing me to hit refresh, and hunt them all over again.

EDIT: Okay, it only does it when I try to exit via the endpoint. Going back the way I came does work.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 31, 2012, 01:13:17 AM
Yeah, problem. I'm dicking around in Mayohiga 3 to get some interesting items, but when I exit with 'em, it keeps freezing up.
And it doesn't save them unless I return to the Shrine's Front Yard. But it's frozen on the area select screen. So I can't get back there TO save them. Forcing me to hit refresh, and hunt them all over again.

Thought I was the only one......anyway, check to see if you don't go over 20 items. if it's over 20 items that might be the problem. However, this was just a problem i had a while ago only in that area and I figured this out before the update. So this might be an actually bug or something from after the update. I'll try also to make sure.

EDIT: Yeah, I just tried that too. You can't exit to Gensokyo, but you CAN go backwards. Maybe a bug?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 31, 2012, 01:23:53 AM
Aaaand it's a completely random bug. :/
Sometimes it'll let you free, sometimes it won't.

I had a good haul too, a ?Clothes, a ?Hat, and about 6 or so ?Katana. and a few Junks.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 31, 2012, 03:37:18 AM
Time for the daily update!


So, the equipment system's done. Here's a brief rundown of what it looks like.

- Equipment can have various levels of quality (all the way up to +9, the strongest (lol u c wut i did thar?))
- Equipment can also have various bonuses. Up to 5, though the amount depends on the equipment's quality.
- Bonuses can have various "+"s. What "+" a bonus is at depends on the weapon's level and how many bonuses are applied to it.
- The more out of depth an item is in relation to the dungeon level (ie, a weak item in a high-level dungeon), the better its odds of being of exceptional quality.

More technically... The following table is used to calculate the odds of having a certain quality level for an item based on how big the difference between its level (one of the internal values the game uses to generate the right content for the current dungeon) and the dungeon's level are. For instance, if an item's level is 8 and the dungeon's is 15 (difference of 7) it has a 90% chance of being +1, a ~47% chance of being +2, and a slim 7% chance of being +3. (Yes, I know this doesn't add up to 100% - the tests are each made seperately).
Code: [Select]
Diff +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
1 --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--%
2 --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--%
3 10.00% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--%
4 30.00% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--%
5 50.00% 8.13% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--%
6 70.00% 24.15% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--%
7 90.00% 47.48% 7.36% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--%
8 **.**% 71.00% 22.72% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--%
9 **.**% 89.25% 43.29% 3.35% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--%
10 **.**% **.**% 65.00% 14.63% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--%
15 **.**% **.**% **.**% 96.25% 43.31% --.--% --.--% --.--% --.--%
20 **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% 50.00% --.--% --.--% --.--%
25 **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% 37.50% --.--% --.--%
30 **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% 85.00% 6.38% --.--%
35 **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% 46.25% --.--%
40 **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% 85.00% --.--%
45 **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% 20.00%
50 **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% **.**% 50.00%

The number of bonuses to generate is based on the item's quality. An item with a quality of 3, for instance, will always have at least 1 bonus, a very high chance (80%) of 2, maybe (~50%) 3, and a fairly small chance of 4 or 5.

Code: [Select]
Lv/N 1 2 3 4 5
0 25.00 5.00 0.75 --.-- --.--
1 50.00 20.00 6.00 0.60 --.--
2 75.00 45.00 20.25 4.05 0.20
3 **.** 80.00 48.00 14.40 1.44
4 **.** **.** 75.00 30.00 4.50
5 **.** **.** 90.00 45.00 9.00
6 **.** **.** **.** 60.00 15.00
7 **.** **.** **.** 70.00 21.00
8 **.** **.** **.** 80.00 28.00
9 **.** **.** **.** 90.00 36.00

Finally, quality and the number of bonuses generated on an item will be used to determine how powerful each bonus is (ie, how many plusses). An item with a quality of 5 and 4 bonuses will have at from +1 to +4 assigned to each bonus. Note that while a +9 item can't get less than 3 bonuses (and other such cases), item-crafting can result in a +9 item with only a single bonus added to it.

Code: [Select]
Q\N 1 2 3 4 5
0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0
1 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0
2 0-2 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0
3 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-0 0-0
4 1-3 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-0
5 1-4 1-3 0-2 0-2 0-1
6 1-4 1-4 0-3 0-2 0-2
7 1-5 1-4 1-4 0-3 0-2
8 2-5 1-5 1-4 1-4 0-3
9 2-5 2-5 1-5 1-4 1-4

So to sum it up... A lv 5 item found in a level 15 dungeon will...
- Have a quality of +2 at least, probably +3, slight chance of +4. Let's say +3.
- Have at least 1 bonus. Almost certainly 2, maybe 3, probably no more. Let's say 2.
- Each bonus will be between +0 and +2. Let's say +2 and +1.
In other words, we'll get a +3 item with a level 2 and a level 1 bonus.

The full game's dungeons do not go higher than level ~30
(with the extra dungeon being an exception)
but the "new game +" option mentioned before increases each dungeon's level cumulatively by 10 (as well as a few others, such as bosses and enemies). +9 items will probably not be accessible to all but the luckiest of players during the first run through the game but eventually they'll become very common as items themselves don't change levels. Most items being for levels 1-30 or so, the bonuses generated on them will start being very nice by the time you do a level 50 or 60 dungeon...

(PS: You can click a bonus's name in the info window (ex, on the equipment screen, to the right) to see what it does.)

On the subject of out-of-combat abilities would it make sense for Momiji types to be able to see a square or two farther given that Momiji's main ability is extremely acute vision?
Definitely. Though I should not that I have not planned anything for any "role" yet - gonna have to see what the battle system'll turn out like first...

However there will almost certainly never be an ability that reveals the contents of rooms due to how immensely unbalancing this would be. A player could easily run through very high level dungeons with a very low level character, avoiding fights and collecting only treasure. Revealing that "there's something 'there'" but not what that something is (like the game currently does), on the other hand, can easily be increased in range and effectiveness without causing these kinds of problems.

Server break!

Yeah, I was afraid of that. I also had that problem when I uploaded the files for item quality but couldn't for the life of me recreate it on my local version of the game. I traced it to the DB's contents and deleted my items, and haven't seen the problem since. I'm guessing that's what needs to be done if others get it too - the format of the DB changed somewhat when I added quality and bonuses - so I've wiped the item db clean. Characters are otherwise unaffected - money and everything's still there, just not items.

The problem should be gone afterwards as your newly-acquired items will be generated in the new format. At least, I'm hoping it will be. :P

Oyabtw - starting the battle system tomorrow.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on August 31, 2012, 04:11:16 AM
I've always hated those disarming items, or, even worse, a cursed item that automatically replaces whatever is currently equipped with itself once you pick it up (you at least still keep the item though).

Seems like things are developing quickly again. It's the end of the month and the battle system is almost done, yay~.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on August 31, 2012, 12:08:29 PM
Yeah, um, it's still freezing up.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on August 31, 2012, 10:47:07 PM
Yeah, um, it's still freezing up.
God I feel stupid. I figured it out. I'm pretty sure the problem won't occur again. For those interested in the specifics... (If not, there's no update buried in the message or anything yet; I just need to make others feel the frustration I've gone through. :) )

The typical way a call is made to the server to notify it that something has changed or that some information needs to be loaded involves setting a flag that makes the game stop responding to the user (as many screens would break if the server didn't fill them with the proper data first). The call is made and when the server receives it and responds, the data is loaded and the locking flag is unset. The server always responds, even when an error of some kind comes up, unless someone were to physically shut it down or something unlikely like that so the upshot of locking is we tell the game to just wait for the server before continuing.

When serializing the player data to send it to the server to save it, and when the bug would trigger, the server would mysteriously not respond. It wouldn't even receive the call in the first place. No errors would come up, and obviously the game would be locked up since it's waiting on the server to unset the "lock" flag. But, why? Even more puzzling, it DOES work for a little while before the bug eventually ALWAYS triggers. A quick scrape through the DB revealed absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. A quick poke through what the server should be receiving, same thing. And worse of all, it just did not happen on my end of things.

After running several comparaisons with both the local and online versions side-by-side, I came up with a test case that could be replicated to always trigger the problem. But only on the online version - my local version would go through it just fine (identical data being shuffled around, too). I figured some configuration on the server might be the problem. Also, it SEEMED to have something to do with items - not including that part would make the call go through to the server but, yeah, I'm pretty sure that needs to be saved too.

Server doesn't even get the call, data's fine, my end shows no problems. So... what the fuck?  ???

There are two ways to send information to a server through HTTP: via a POST and via a GET. You can probably see where this is going now, and why I feel pretty stupid. A GET allows you to pass information through the URL. A POST allows you to pass it through the body of the request itself. As URL lengths are limited, a GET cannot support a large volume of data like, say, trying to upload a file to a server. Or like, oh, say, trying to post all of your character's data with a large enough inventory in a serialized form. The worst part is, I know this shit (didn't expect the server to just DO NOTHING AT ALL though... an error response would be nice or something...). This is virtually one of the most basic aspects of all this, and I totally never noticed. A few changes later, my test case no longer locked up the game on the server.

I'll be over ----------> there, cleaning up a few piles of torn-out hair and hoping I can find my pride somewhere in one of them... <_<
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: TheRinSolstice on September 02, 2012, 01:49:58 PM
Where exactly can I get this game?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 02, 2012, 11:44:37 PM
Where exactly can I get this game?
The link is in bold and large font at the top of the first post. :)

Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on September 03, 2012, 10:17:42 PM
hmmmm.......おもしろそう. How nostalgic. Are there any special features in the battle system or is it basic turn-based?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 03, 2012, 10:53:26 PM
The battle system is a lot like the SNES-era Final Fantasies: the green bars under characters' names fills up throughout the battle and once full, their turn comes up. The action pauses on the player's turn so it's kinda like putting the battle system in "wait" mode (actually it pauses on anyone's turn but the computer's decisions are too fast to impact the gameplay, really). It would be trivial to make it fully real-time but I'll run into major synching problems when PvP and multiplayer are introduced if I do (let's just say HTTP requests aren't exactly the best and fastest way to handle talking to a server in a game, but it's not like this medium gives me access to much else). Aside from that, it's a traditional side-view battle system with the little numbers that fly around and all that fun stuff.

Several other small things have also been added; kinda wish I had kept a list. Among others, a few small bugs have been fixes, cursed items are now displayed in red, "bar"-style controls have been completely redesigned (to cope with some scaling problems that made them look all weird and stuff), the scripting engine now supports running scripts recursively, and the dungeon supports blocking the player with an "event" (ex, if you escape from battle the "!" will remain in place and prevent you from moving forward). Some small problem in the equipment screen made it so unidentified items would display as "- Nothing -" when equipped (even though they ARE equipped), equipment can have built-in enchantments (mainly for accessories that would give special bonuses and effects), and a few other things that may involve goats, squids, and watermelons.

In its current state, combat can make wandering through a dungeon very difficult (seeing as it's only possible to end them by running; oya, high level dungeons mean high level enemies means high SPD means no running away, so the later dungeons "lock up" the game). I'll get combat to a state where enemies can at least be killed by physical attacks before uploading anything. Shouldn't be much longer though.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on September 04, 2012, 12:12:03 AM
The battle system is a lot like the SNES-era Final Fantasies: the green bars under characters' names fills up throughout the battle and once full, their turn comes up.

When I saw the picture, this was what immediately popped up in my head.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 04, 2012, 12:33:27 AM
Lack of Scarlet Manor in the locations you can visit and plow through makes me sad. :derp:

I mean, c'mon. According to the lore the layout constantly subtly shifts, it's bigger on the inside than the outside, and it's got a BASEMENT OF DOOOOOOM.

Perfect roguelike material.

(So if you could please add it that would be funderful.)

Also, given that it's full of some pretty tough customers and is the locale of one of the most majorly shin-kicking games in the main series, I think the Underground should be a *much* higher-tier dungeon.

Also also, would it be possible for players to individually pick any and all colors for each part of their avatar through a color wheel or something at generation?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 04, 2012, 12:39:25 AM
Scarlet Manor's in the first Content Pack, EoSD Series.
Least as far as I know that is.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 04, 2012, 12:41:26 AM
Scarlet Manor's in the first Content Pack, EoSD Series.
Least as far as I know that is.


I see the Frozen Lake but not the Manor.

Oooooh, wait, lemme guess, the Manor is one of the later Parts of the Frozen Lake?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 04, 2012, 12:43:47 AM
That's also the content pack I look forward to most right now, as it also adds more new classes.
Rumia, Cirno, Hong, Patchy, Koa, Remi, and Flan. Three of which I'm highly looking forward to. You oughta be able to infer which ones based on my prior posts in here.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 04, 2012, 12:44:57 AM

I'm confused. Do you have direct access to Ethan's current dev builds or something? :V
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 04, 2012, 12:49:43 AM
Nah, it's just something he's commented. He's stated previously here, and in the game's chatbox, that he's releasing content in packs modeled after the games, and in chronological order.
So thus, there's gonna be an EoSD Pack, a PCB Pack, and IN Pack, a PoFV Pack, and so on.
And since the game's got around 65 projected classes, it's thusly understandable that he'll have everyone in windows up to at least UFO.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 04, 2012, 12:55:47 AM
Ahhhh, okay.

I'm guessing characters from the books and manga will come sometime slightly before Half Life Episode 3? :V
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 04, 2012, 01:01:33 AM
No clue. Only he knows for sure. He might have a special pack for the print characters, like Tokiko, Kasen, and the Three Light Fairies.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 04, 2012, 01:16:18 AM
Lack of Scarlet Manor in the locations you can visit and plow through makes me sad. :derp:
Several locations will be unlockable through the course of gameplay. They can either be randomly unlocked by finding the way to them while exploring specific dungeons or by triggering a certain sequence of storyline events. See the big empty space in the window containing the list of locations? All locations waiting to be unlocked.

Also, would it be possible for players to individually pick any and all colors for each part of their avatar through a color wheel or something at generation?
Nope. Unfortunately there's no way to "tint" an image in javascript like if I were using some graphical API and an actual programming language. Here's an example of what the character graphics look like...


As you can see, the colors available aren't simply numeric values. I can't simply take a neutral-colored "layer" and tell javascript "hey, make that one red 32, green 192, blue 32!" This still allows for 625 unique combinations per character role, though I'd love to give the player more options (without ending up with 60MB of character graphics ;) ).

Scarlet Manor's in the first Content Pack, EoSD Series.
Least as far as I know that is.

Actually the area itself, and in fact all areas, is already there. But aside from the basic area information (name, level, icon, description...) and the battle BG, every area's the same and free of content until the pack including them is released. So while it technically could be explored (though in practice there's no way there), it's just the same as everywhere else but with different levels right now. :)

I won't include a complete list of the game's areas to avoid spoiling anything, but some of the currently inaccessible (and less spoilery) ones include Eientei, Hakugyokurou, the Palace of the Earth Spirits, the Moriya shrine, and the temple of Myouren. Not every location in Gensokyo's included - I mostly focused on locations that were relevant to multiple characters and tried to avoid one-character-only areas as much as possible (save for the late-game bosses; the SDM's basement is pretty much a Flandre-only area for instance) and to try to keep the types of areas balanced out (ie, not have like 6 earth-element-based areas and only 1 fire-element-based area, that sort of thing).

he's releasing content in packs modeled after the games, and in chronological order.
What? Nonsense. I never said such things! ...Wait, you're right, I totally did. :D

I'm probably going to split the "packs" in halves. This is mainly because the game is spread out across all "packs" more or less evenly, which will make the later content of, say, EoSD very difficult to attain due to a lack of dungeons. It'd be better to offer more accessible content in a more "layered" way than just throwing all the EoSD stuff in there and having half of it only attainable through weeks of grinding.

I'm guessing characters from the books and manga will come sometime slightly before Half Life Episode 3?
I am only including characters from the official games, not characters from print works and others (Akyuu and Rinnosuke being the only exceptions).

However once all is said and done there could be room for additional character roles (Tokiko has already been discussed in the game's chat as a likely possibility, for instance). I'd rather work on adding features than on forcing a 66th or 67th character role into the game just to have never-seen-in-the-games-character-#425 (personally I do not for the print works or their characters...) - but if there's enough demand and enough original ideas being tossed around well, it's not like the game's code and data is getting frozen in carbonite and sealed away in a black hole once the planned content is complete. (Although you have to admit that would be way cool.)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 04, 2012, 01:32:23 AM
Sounds like you have this planned out. Yer da boss! :V

EDIT: Will permadeath be a thing, this being a roguelike? Or will Ironman Mode be a selectable option?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 04, 2012, 02:40:14 AM
Will permadeath be a thing, this being a roguelike? Or will Ironman Mode be a selectable option?
To be honest I haven't thought about that. Currently death is non-permanent. You are resurrected by a character in exchange for everything you obtained in the dungeon, including gold and experience. You can refuse to pay up and fight the character (in a rather difficult optional battle) to avoid paying the cost of death but this is unlikely to be even remotely doable until a character's in the late-game.

An ironman mode sounds like an interesting option to add. Handling this optional fight seems a bit more complicated however - the player could instead fight for a chance to come back instead of permadying but a completionist trying to beat all optional fights will have to take pretty big risks with their character for this one. Still, that's why it's ironman, not rubber-like substanceman I suppose.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 04, 2012, 02:43:36 AM
Personally, I'm not a big fan of permadeath. (Read: Dislike isn't a strong enough word.)
That's why I liked Elona so much, you could just revive back at home with stat penalties instead of actually being dead, maybe drop an equip or two.
But that itself wasn't an issue unless it was in one of the mystery dungeons like Puppy Cave.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 07, 2012, 05:11:06 AM
Just thought I'd make a quick update of what I'm working on and how things are going. Progress has been VERY slow this week because of work (ohai multiple contracts coming in at once - I'm glad for the extra cash but where'd absolutely all of my spare time go just now? ???) and I probably won't be able to get much done until this weekend-ish/next monday. So, in short, kinda hit a slow period right now. But...


Lookit, an animation system! This'll allow me to create unique (but simple - if I ever want to finish things...) animations for all spellcards/etc.. Currently all weapons will use the same animation for each category (ex, all swords do the sword animation) - no custom animation per piece of equipment - but once more stuff comes together I may do something about that. ;) One way or another, this system's uber-easy to work with and didn't really take long to toss together. The only thing it can't do is rotate sprites (unfortunately there's nothing I can do about this; too bad...).


Oh hey, got the damage-numbers thingie to show up and characters to fade when hit. Cool, cool... taking an hour or two away from my work to get a bit more code done's paid off it seems. Gonna do it again tomorrow and finish the "fight" command and combat resolution. >_> <_< It's been too damned long since last update.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 07, 2012, 05:23:02 AM
At least it works, eh?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 07, 2012, 05:16:31 PM
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 09, 2012, 10:17:30 AM

Combat now works. Enemies will not fight back and you can only fight or escape for now. Levels can be gained, though the exp for existing characters at lv 1 is screwed up at the moment (way lower than it should be). Many small tweaks here and there were also made. Some of the dungeons are in a test mode of sorts so the frozen lake is probably the best place to test this in.

So, we're pretty much at the point where it's time to start talking about content packs and DB wipes. The data in the game right now, as I've said before, is just placeholder data. Combat's a pain right now because your hit% and the enemy's eva% are junk values that don't represent the real game in the least (you will miss frequently as a result). The character data's also junk and since I've started manipulating some of these values now, it'll be necessary to have the right data in place soon.

So this is it - next up is the first half of the EoSD content pack. Followed by a complete wipe of the DB, now that official content is being added to the game. Better not get TOO attached to your characters either as none of the current roles will be available (for now; they'll be reintroduced as their respective content packs are added to the game). The remaining systems will be brought together after the first content pack, then the rest of the content'll come in, and BoUP will be done. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 10:25:29 AM

Seriously, y'know that one song that's linked with that one highlander anime? That's pretty much my reaction to this.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 09, 2012, 01:46:52 PM
wait what





I went into combat and my Puppeteer Magician char's ready gauge never filled. I made a new Demigoddess character and it worked fine. Buh?


Also, if you don't like the supplemental materials that much, why is Reisen-II the first Touhou to receive the cannon fodder treatment here? :P
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 02:00:43 PM
Yeah, I was pretty floored at first when I heard of it.
Here (, this link should clear things up. Turns out, it's a film. Not a full, episodic series. Go figure.
Either way, I'm gonna look into gettin' this for meself.

EDIT: And my equips aren't seeming to do anything, despite being equipped, and having stats.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 09, 2012, 02:07:20 PM
The fight-ready gauge on the Reisen IIs seems to keep refreshing itself even for defeated Reisens.


Reisen II take 6 hits and Youki Konpakus take...3? :getdown:


I was fighting a Youki and partway through the battle when I selected the Fight option it would only let me cancel out, not actually attack.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 09, 2012, 02:21:35 PM
Also, if you don't like the supplemental materials that much, why is Reisen-II the first Touhou to receive the cannon fodder treatment here? :P
She's a place-holder for now. ;) I just lifted a few sprites from Touhoumon to have something to display. Characters will never appear in random encounters anyhow - just as battles resulting from events.

I went into combat and my Puppeteer Magician char's ready gauge never filled. I made a new Demigoddess character and it worked fine. Buh?
Yeah, that's why a wipe'll be needed. The character roles have been given pretty generic values for their stats without knowing how the formulas these stats would end up being used in would look like. Newly-created characters shouldn't have any problems but their stats are still incorrect (hit rate, for instance). :P Things should be fine once all the proper values are in and fresh new characters created.

Quote from: Blissful Beleaguered Buddhist
The fight-ready gauge on the Reisen IIs seems to keep refreshing itself even for defeated Reisens.
Woops. Forgot to prevent that. They don't do anything anyway right now so it shouldn't cause any problems but I'll have a fix up in a few minutes. (Edit: Done.)

Quote from: Hanzo K.
And my equips aren't seeming to do anything, despite being equipped, and having stats.
Double-woops. That fix for the problem you mentioned in the chatbox may've not been fixed properly after all. Sorry about that - I'll have that up in a few minutes as well. ^^;

Edit: Are you sure...? They seem to work just fine on my end. What are they doing? (Or rather, not doing?)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 06:17:54 PM
For starters, they aren't augmenting my stats.
And for two, when I remove them, I can't re-equip them.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 09, 2012, 06:53:54 PM
For starters, they aren't augmenting my stats.
And for two, when I remove them, I can't re-equip them.
I've just logged into your account to see if I could replicate the problem. You had armor equipped as a weapon, which was probably caused by clicking "change" after equipping an item; the same thing happened to me earlier this morning and I've fixed the cause since then, so equipping something else over it should fix it. I had no trouble moving around your equipment so you should be able to fix it up just fine. A quick test reveals that your stats are being applied, but apparently not the item's bonus (the atk bonus your sharpened hat +7 gives doesn't stick, even though it gets displayed, for instance).

I'll have a look into that one - bonuses have also changed somewhat in the last update (for one, certain bonuses would never come up - you should find far more diverse items now) and it's not impossible some obscure part of the bonus section of the equipment-stat-applying code could still be using the old format. I'll have a look into that; good catch.

By the way...

Quote from: Blissful Beleaguered Buddhist
Also, would it be possible for players to individually pick any and all colors for each part of their avatar through a color wheel or something at generation?

Seeing as I had my hands dirty with the character role files I tried a few things in regards to this and found that adding extra colors really doesn't increase the file size by anything worth making a fuss over (Rumia went from 6kb to ~16kb after the changes - thank god we all have 28.8 baud modems nowadays!  ::) ). So instead of having 5 predetermined colors per "part", characters now have 12 colors per "part" spaced more or less evenly across the visible spectrum. This means a total of 248,832 color schemes per character role with every major color available (though not every existing shade of those colors, obviously) - if that's not enough then nothing will ever be. :)

I've also added a button to randomize the color scheme when creating a character.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 10, 2012, 12:04:04 AM
Ahhhh, terrifico!

You're amazin', Ethan! :] (I am guessing the color things will be in the next upload? 'cause I don't see them in the chargen menu yet.)

Oh, did you see my post about the Youki glitch? I couldn't advance to the next floor in one dungeon because of that.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 10, 2012, 02:13:11 AM
I am guessing the color things will be in the next upload? 'cause I don't see them in the chargen menu yet.
The current color data in the DB would be all wrong for existing characters, so a wipe would also be necessary before uploading the changes. It'll unfortunately have to wait until the next update... :/

Oh, did you see my post about the Youki glitch? I couldn't advance to the next floor in one dungeon because of that.
Nope, sorry, I seem to have missed it. Have you gotten the same problem again since then? If so, can you check if there's anything in the javascript console? (Ctrl+Shift+J in either FireFox or Chrome). The list'll probably be choked with messages if you've never cleared the log but if there's an error as the last entry could you post it here? I have yet to get myself in the situation you got into, so the conditions for it may be a bit obscure. If it throws an error, I should be able to work out what happened from that. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 10, 2012, 03:07:55 AM
Good news: No more unhittable Youki since that last glitch.

Bad news: HALP ME I'M STUCK.

I moved onto a "!" square and now I can't move in either direction. Oddly enough the square did nothing else aside from unintentionally(?) sticking me.

Also the menu button no longer works.

Now refreshing the window, starting anewish.

I...Think?...This error diagnostic I'm enclosing has something to do with it but you tell me. Hope they help.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 10, 2012, 03:29:45 AM
Good news: No more unhittable Youki since that last glitch.
Sa-weet! :D

I moved onto a "!" square and now I can't move in either direction. Oddly enough the square did nothing else aside from unintentionally(?) sticking me.

Also the menu button no longer works.
The log you've posted doesn't contain any code from the game I can recognize. I have noticed references to "lavasoft_search_plugin", which seems to be what's causing the errors in it. It's probably unrelated, and the problem may simply not have raised any actual error when it took place. :x

Can you tell me what kind of square it was? The "!" squares that are shown as "?" before the room is explored trigger combat. The "!" squares shown as "!" before exploring the room are events. I'll have a look to see if either of them ends up possibly getting into a unresolvable situation with the locking flag set.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 10, 2012, 03:32:32 AM
It was an event tile I think, because if it were a combat tile I would have wound up fighting and not glitching on a trap.

For the record this was in the Frozen Lake dungeon.

Also, what telltale code should I look for in Java reports from now on to tell that it's BOUP glitching up and not some other thing?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 12, 2012, 12:12:01 PM
Time for a quick update on the current progress.


Pretty much all items that will be released in the first EoSD pack are done (not all are displayed in the shop; that's a lv. 1 character's items only and not everything's purchasable), as is the data for all character roles (with the exclusion of abilities). I'll be doing the dungeons next, item enchantments and traps, enemies, and finally events. I'll also be getting the enemy AI done at the very least as when I make the next update, the DB will be wiped and all newly-created characters will be "official" - being able to plow your way through end-game dungeons without meeting with opposition will obviously result in overpowered characters. ;)

A few minor issues have been fixed with battles, though at this point it'll be difficult to update the relevant files without also updating the rest of the content, so it'll have to wait for the EoSD update.

Also, what telltale code should I look for in Java reports from now on to tell that it's BOUP glitching up and not some other thing?
The log indicates which page/file caused an error. If something has the BoUP URL in it, that's a BoUP error. :P
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 12, 2012, 12:57:46 PM
Oh sweet! Lookin' forward to this!

I don't suppose the 'Youkai, Darkness' comes with a permanent Head equip of 'Charm Ribbon'?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 12, 2012, 01:47:32 PM
I don't suppose the 'Youkai, Darkness' comes with a permanent Head equip of 'Charm Ribbon'?
Naw, that's just Rumia, not every darkness youkai in Gensokyo. But they do favor ribbon-type equipment as their headgear, and the actual Rumia does drop a ribbon-type headgear when defeated. :)
(Speaking of which, is it just me or shouldn't her name really be "Lumia"? Seems more fitting, particularly with "l" and "r" being the same kana in japanese...)

Here's a quick list of everything being released in this content pack.
- A few basic items not specific to any content pack. (In total, including the EoSD items, there's over 36 items/equipment.)
- A few basic equipment enchantments not specific to any content pack.
- The darkness youkai, fairy, ice fairy, and martial artist youkai character roles.
- Events and battles involving Rumia, Daiyousei, Cirno, Meiling.
- Items for levels 1 - 5 (weapons: swords, bows, gloves; headgear: ribbons, caps; armor: dresses, vests, clothing)
- The Small Path A, Frozen Lake A and B, and SDM A dungeons.
- Enemies from levels 1 through 5 and traps to be used in the above areas.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 12, 2012, 07:21:36 PM
So we gotta wait for the EoSD 2 Pack for anyone after Stg.3, huh?
Ah well, A Rumia Is Fine Too.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 12, 2012, 07:23:30 PM
We have Meiling and Cirno and that's a fine enough start for moi.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on September 13, 2012, 04:58:59 AM
Been a while since I been here because of school (Physics lectures are a pain right now). Seems like things are getting close to having playable content. Cirno is fine I guess (no Patchy........ :ohdear:). Looking forward to it Silver.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 14, 2012, 10:18:59 PM
In retrospect, given that half the cast is immortals, ghosts, or capable of regenerating ad infinitum in defiance of the laws of thermodynamics, permadeath in a Touhou roguelike would just be silly. :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 10:43:04 AM
That it would be.

On another note, mind givin' us players a progress report?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 25, 2012, 05:47:47 PM
On another note, mind givin' us players a progress report?
Sorry I haven't said much in the past week or two. I am self-employed and my workload is very variable. The last two or three weeks have been rather killer, with multiple projects coming in at once (like all my clients decided to just phone one another up and change the specifications of their project at the same time :D) so finding time to sit down and spend some time on BoUP has been difficult. Luckily I'm going to be finishing off the projects I'm working on early this week and will be able to get back to the game very soon.

Much of the first EoSD pack is ready but the enemy AI still needs to be added. It's a scripting system, which'll allow for a lot more intelligence than "pick a command at random between fight, heal, and defend :D". Given that there's already a scripting engine in the game, it won't be too hard to code this one.

So, sorry about the lack of updates lately; we're almost back in the "rawr, one new thing a day!" state we were in before. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 27, 2012, 08:51:22 PM
get hype

geeeeeeeeeeeet hyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyype
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Delfigamer on September 29, 2012, 12:50:14 PM
First button in battle menu, be it "Fight" or enemy, seems positioned wrong: it's left half is unclickable.

Twice I've spotted stairs to deeper level before encountering it. Both cases were when I was at bottom from it.
...Third case was when I was at north.

Rinnosuke's "Sell one" and "Sell all" buttons behave in same way, though I expected latter to sell all 5 my junks.

I had 30/32 XP. Gained a couple after two Reisens. Levelup? No. 32/32XP. D:
Defeated Yoki. Gained another couple. Levelup. 0/67XP. Where are Yoki's ones? D:

BTW, aren't 4lvl enemies supposed to give more experience than 1lvl ones?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 29, 2012, 04:23:14 PM
You're supposed to be able to somewhat tell what the neighboring squares have.
! = Event/Battle
? = Mystery
Stairs = Kinda obvious, eh?

And the exp rewards, stats, and such, are experimental testbed versions meant for the open beta. It'll all change once the first content pack, EoSD 1, is released.

As for the levelup bug, I've never run into it. Then again, I'm from a much earlier beta. I was one of the core group who got this idea spark'd I think.
Though Ethan here's the brains behind it all, folks like us gave the inspiration.

At any rate, looking forward to the full release of Content Pack 1!
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Delfigamer on September 30, 2012, 10:49:09 AM
I see.

Also, there's another bug. If I encounter enemies, escape from them, and then again go fight with them; "Fight" command will no longer show those enemies.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on September 30, 2012, 08:33:13 PM
Many of these bugs have already been fixed. However, it's no longer possible for me to update the live version without wiping the DB first (IDs have changed, some formats are different, so on). Not only that, but interdependencies between the source files means if I update one thing I have to update just about everything. So I can't really do anything about these issues until the first content pack is ready. But feel free to keep reporting bugs - there's no guarantee I've spotted everything wrong with the already-pretty-big-and-growing-in-complexity code after all. ;)

- Never noticed the thing with the first button in combat. The clickable region must be slightly incorrectly sized; I'll have a look into it.
- Stairs (and events) are supposed to show up when you're one tile away. All other form of content (treasure, encounter, trap, etc.) are masked with a "?" icon to prevent the player from grabbing nothing but loot/never enter a trap tile/etc..
- The Sell All button issue has already been fixed in my version. Yeah, it had the same ID as the Sell One button. :)
- XP calculations have been revised. Yeah, higher-levelled enemies should give more XP, and they do. But the formula is broken and gives such a minimal increase as to be insignificant. I've switched to a percentage-based system since.
- The "no targets after escaping" bug has been fixed. Forgot what went wrong with that one, though.

I've started coding the enemy AI. Enemies will use a scripting system similar to most SNES CRPGs, allowing for actual intelligent responses instead of them picking attacks at random or something to that end. After this, only abilities/bonuses will remain and the content pack'll essentially be ready. Next week may be a bit slow for me but I'm hoping to get this released in about a week or so (taking into account time-eating-job issues)...

I'll be adding a manual to the game after the content pack is released. Should clear up a few things about the mechanics. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on September 30, 2012, 08:34:14 PM
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 30, 2012, 08:56:10 PM
Awwww yeah! Here we go! Time's a tickin'! Just a little longer and the full release will be upon us!
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on September 30, 2012, 09:09:14 PM
So, It's coming soon. I guess I should have time by then......hopefully.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 02, 2012, 07:30:18 PM
Awwwwww yeaaaaah.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on October 03, 2012, 06:56:42 AM
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Delfigamer on October 12, 2012, 09:23:45 AM
How do game do now? :3
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on October 14, 2012, 04:20:39 AM
/me prods Ethan awake and asks for a status report
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Battler on October 15, 2012, 02:11:22 PM
When I click on the "Create" button on the log in screen, it just gives me a pop up that says "This account already exists."

For what it's worth, I'm using Chrome. Aside from that, I dunno what the problem could be.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: RemiShama on October 15, 2012, 03:55:48 PM
When I go to try to register it say "This account already exists." ?_?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Delfigamer on October 16, 2012, 10:46:52 AM
Strange. I've just registered "delfigamer1" with pass "1234".
You sure you don't try to re-register existing account?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on October 17, 2012, 04:04:54 PM
ethan man the suspense is killing ussssssss
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on October 21, 2012, 07:34:59 AM
Hehe, sorry about the lack of updates lately. I've been away for the past week.

And have returned with good news. This past month has been terribly busy for me and, in regards to BoUP, hasn't given me much of a chance to get any work done. Things have gotten less busy lately, and I've gotten quite a bit done. This monday, the database will be wiped clean and the current progress on the first EoSD pack will be released.

A few things will be missing, though implementing most of them won't take very long.

- Elemental affinities are not in yet.
- Status ailments are also missing. This includes the "defend" battle command (which is basically handled like a turn-long positive ailment).
- Abilities and bonuses are also missing. This includes using items in battle (which are basically handled like single-use abilities).

Although at this point all four character roles' abilities and bonuses are already fully planned out, there is no support for this yet. This will make several battles considerably easy (eg, an enemy who relies on magic to compensate for piss-poor physical stats would be terribly weak). To compensate for this, boss battles will be disabled until this system is implemented.

What is done, on the other hand, could take a while to go through. In fact, I'd forget quite a few things. Three weapon categories and several categories of defensive equipment are in (up to lv 5), enemies now run complex AI scripts to handle their combat behavior, there is a "game over" screen, equipment "proficiencies" are enforced (and items in a favored equipment category show up in a slightly different color), some customization aspects of character creation have been expanded, and quite a bit more.

I will also be starting a small website/online manual for the game listing the algorithms used and all (some?) game content. A bug report form will be made available, so addressing problems will be much more streamlined. :)

The upcoming release will sorely be in need of balancing out, what with being the first release and all that. However, this db wipe will be the only necessary one regardless. So we can sorta call this upcoming update the first "real" one.

Hopefully it'll have been worth the wait. :P
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on October 21, 2012, 07:49:53 AM
worth the wait. :P

And then Ethan was a Gabe Newell. :getdown:

No seriously, though, I'm just glad that you're still sticking with this and happy that now we'll get to see the sum fruits of your labor of all this. :]
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Delfigamer on October 21, 2012, 04:36:45 PM

I'm even ashamed of not working for my project. :/
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on October 21, 2012, 09:25:01 PM
(*?∇`*) So it'll finally be out!!! ..................but at the most inopportune time for me. orz

Good to know progress has still been going, albeit slowly. I assumed you were putting it on hold for work and stuff until you had more free time.

Now waiting patiently...
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 21, 2012, 09:33:37 PM
Heh, keep it up man, we'll be sitting here waiting for ya.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on October 21, 2012, 09:59:11 PM
Figured I'd give a little teaser of the four initial character roles. Seeing as abilities and bonuses won't be implemented right away, it'll be a little bit before they can be properly used despite being released tomorrow.

Darkness Youkai
   HP : C, MP : B
   STR: B, DEF: D, MAG: C, RES: E, SPD: C
   HIT: A, EVA: A, CRI: C

   Uses swords, clothes, ribbons.

   Gains various darkness-elemental spellcards and bonuses, but can also specialize in light-elemental (albeit less effectively than darkness).
   Also has a few status ailment-causing abilities and bonuses, mainly blind and curse.

   HP : D, MP : B
   STR: D, DEF: D, MAG: B, RES: B, SPD: C
   HIT: B, EVA: B, CRI: E

   Uses bows, vests, and ribbons.

   A bit of a sub-par character role.
   Can play several roles but doesn't excel at much, except magic.
   They do gain a strong affinity for sleep and confusion, and get a few magic-damage spellcards, along with several oddball thief-like abilities.

Ice Fairy
   HP : D, MP : B
   STR: B, DEF: D, MAG: D, RES: C, SPD: C
   HIT: C, EVA: C, CRI: B

   Uses swords, dresses, ribbons.

   The main ice-elemental "specialist" role.
   Doesn't have much variety in her spellcards but does gain a few buffs and paralysis-causing (freezing) spellcards.
   Shares a few abilities and bonuses with regular fairies.

Martial Artist
   HP : C, MP : E
   STR: B, DEF: A, MAG: E, RES: D, SPD: B
   HIT: C, EVA: E, CRI: B

   Uses gloves, clothes, caps.

   A physical attacker with a wide range of magical attacks (which can be a bit difficult to fully exploit given her low magic stat).
   Can mainly specialize in unarmed combat, or focus on damaging physical or magical attacks.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 21, 2012, 10:13:04 PM
Oooh. Dibs on rolling a Rumiaclone. (Until the rest of the SDM cast is released at least.)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on October 21, 2012, 10:17:02 PM
Dibs on rolling a Dopplemeiling!
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on October 22, 2012, 12:40:42 AM

I'll take dibs on Cirno clone
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 07:00:33 PM
Heheh, let's get ready to rock you guys! Because this party's about to get Gensokyo!
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on October 23, 2012, 10:31:17 PM
Kinda fell asleep at the keyboard last night. Sorry about the delay. So, the database has been cleared complete and the first EoSD pack is ready for use! You will need to recreate your accounts before logging in.

There are a few small bugs, which I have yet to fix. They're very minor though.
- At times, the left-half of the "fight" commands becomes unclickable. I was pretty sure I had fixed this before, but apparently not. Simply click on the right half of the command and it'll go through just fine.
- Sometimes items end up with the same bonus multiple times. This shouldn't happen. I've only seen it affect cursed items though ("Frail flyswatter of frailty" and whatnot). If it happens, consider yourself in possession of a limited-supply item as this will eventually be fixed.

Currently, this is more of a half-release than the complete pack as abilities, bonuses, status ailments, and elemental affinities are missing. They will be added shortly, but until then combat will either be harder (no abilities means not being able to use consumable items, so no HP restoration) or easier (enemies that depend on magic will be pretty weak). Combat's also pretty boring as the only functional command (other than "run") is the fight command. Boss events have been disabled in order to avoid ruining these battles.

In addition to the above, I'll also be adding non-storyline generic events (as all events are storyline-related right now) and more content to go with the character roles' bonuses and skills. There are also several balancing issues to work out, which is a little hard without abilities being in yet, so this is a bit of a shaky release for the moment. ;)

Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 10:44:01 PM
Doesn't look like the chatbox works.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on October 23, 2012, 10:50:24 PM
Seems to be working fine for me; what happens when you put in something?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Battler on October 24, 2012, 01:44:48 AM
It seems as though things like traps and the ! events freeze the game (arrow keys and menu button do nothing) and force me to refresh. Or maybe I'm just completely missing something, I dunno.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on October 24, 2012, 01:48:25 AM
It seems as though things like traps and the ! events freeze the game (arrow keys and menu button do nothing) and force me to refresh. Or maybe I'm just completely missing something, I dunno.

Press the enter key. :]
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Battler on October 24, 2012, 01:52:42 AM
Press the enter key. :]


Well, at least now I know I lost all those items to stupidity rather than glitches.

As an aside, might I suggest some sort of on-screen indication for that?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Yugian on October 24, 2012, 02:18:00 AM
Think it crashed. cant log in for some reason.

Edit- Nope! its working now. dont mind it...
Edit2- ...Although, it wiped my current save and went before i cleared Village path F1. owch.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on October 24, 2012, 03:09:59 AM

Well, at least now I know I lost all those items to stupidity rather than glitches.

If it makes you feel any better I only discovered it by accident/aimless key mashing. :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Yugian on October 24, 2012, 03:35:26 AM
If it makes you feel any better I only discovered it by accident/aimless key mashing. :getdown:
Yeeeeah. that was funny... no such luck with the accidental click on skills in mid-combat!

*donate donate donate*
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 24, 2012, 08:38:58 PM
Do you guys see what's wrong with this picture (

If you said 'There's no stairs out!', then you're right!
For reference, this was Floor 1 of Frozen Lake Pt.1.

EDIT: THankfully, I was able to bum rush my way through to the exit on the other end.
But still, that little bug could really wreck things for other folks if it hasn't already.
I had hope when I found a Gap, but then as it turns out, item use is still not implemented. :V

EDIT2: Also, the Sock item is bugged. I have one in my inventory right now and it's causing trouble for me. If you could either fix the code for it, or remove that specific item from my inventory on Yamiko, that would be a big help man. Scratch that, I'll just store all the neat stuff, and foist it off on Akyu, she'll take anything.
Eh, remembered the discard option.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on November 07, 2012, 05:50:13 AM
Time for the daily weekly monthly aw screw it... fall's been a busy season :)

I have a few days ahead of me so before making this update, if there's anything you guys feel should be changed, I've got the time to do it. I'll be updating the game around friday. I'm also going to be working on passive bonuses next; with a bit of luck they may be in before friday's update. Passive bonuses means I can add elemental and ailment resistances/immunities/weaknesses (and items to go along with them) - the only thing left after that are abilities/spellcards (and modifying the enemy scripts to use them).

I haven't been able to recreate the no-stairs-up bug despite a few false leads. If it happens again to anyone, can you check and see if your browser's error console reports anything from the game? Some other error may cause the parser to just skip over generating the stairs entirely, rather than failing to do so, but figuring out the issue will be a lot guesswork if that's the case...

As for the sock, I think the problem's with a bonus/penalty that was generated on it rather than the item itself (as I have a few socks on a test character and none of them seem to cause problems). May be a little hard to figure out what now, but I'll run a few tests with item generation to see if I can coax the game into generating a bonus it's not supposed to.

Also of interest... I'm putting together the game's instruction pages and was wondering what the opinion was on including a listing of all items/enemies/etc.. It would be advantageous for those trying to plan out their build or to make preparations for a difficult area, on the other hand it may take away from some of the game's mystery.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Delfigamer on November 07, 2012, 12:59:56 PM
Maybe you should for every player store a list of enemies that player had seen? Then, when that player will open instruction, you'll show him only enemies that are in this list. Same may be for items, skills, spellcards, etc.

BTW, nice Eientei ( :3

mountaintop.png and top.png are the same.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on November 07, 2012, 02:09:12 PM
Ethan, could you please wipe the account info for Alliterator and BuddhaBuddy, or find a way to get me the passwords for those two? I've forgotten the info for them and forgot to write them down.  :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 07, 2012, 04:34:53 PM
Anyone else having trouble getting the site to connect? Because it's refusing to even load for me as of this post.

EDIT: And as of this edit, it's working now.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on November 08, 2012, 12:19:11 AM
Maybe you should for every player store a list of enemies that player had seen? Then, when that player will open instruction, you'll show him only enemies that are in this list.
A player won't necessarily have an account when viewing the instructions - this isn't accessible in-game from, say, the Hakurei Shrine. It talks about creating and logging into an account when first starting the game, for instance, so it has to be accessible for anyone.

I do like the player building up a list of "seen things" though. This will be difficult to handle with content packs adding or altering things as much as they do so I may have to put something like that off until later.  Definitely keeping the idea in mind - I may add an extra "members only" section for those with accounts that does just that once content settles down a bit more.

(EDIT: For now, I'm just going to list the items available in the shop.)

Ethan, could you please wipe the account info for Alliterator and BuddhaBuddy, or find a way to get me the passwords for those two? I've forgotten the info for them and forgot to write them down.  :derp:
There's no BuddhaBuddy account, which probably explains why you couldn't log into it. ;) As for the Alliterator account, I can get the password out for you if you want to keep the account (it has a character named "Li" with 0 xp; probably hasn't been used for anything yet) otherwise I can remove it; up to you. PM me with your choice. :)

Right now I kept the system simple enough that a player doesn't have to mess around with validation emails and all that crap to start playing so there's no way to validate someone's identity other than through their password. I may consider adding an extra field, such as email address, for account-related communications like password retrieval. Existing accounts will not have to be recreated; I'll add a page to edit account details or something to that end so whatever information those accounts are missing can be added.

Anyone else having trouble getting the site to connect? Because it's refusing to even load for me as of this post.
EDIT: And as of this edit, it's working now.
The host I'm using is free. It's sometimes very slow to respond for brief (~few minutes) periods. It also keeps an FTP connection open for about 30 seconds of inactivity before closing it, which is really frustrating when making updates (time enough to take a sip of coffee and BAM, gotta reconnect and reupload the file :x). There's not much I can do about this except find a better host. If this one starts crapping out too much, I may consider paying for one and adding some unobtrusive little banner ad at the bottom of the screen, or something to that end, to cover the bill.

I've put up a preview of the manual pages here ( There's not much content yet about of third of the manual up but I'm only really just putting it up to give an idea of what this is going to be like. I expect the bulk of it to be done by this weekend (note the date in the "What's New" section ;) ).
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 08, 2012, 12:25:47 AM
Heh, it's working out rather well. If we had that other server still running, you could've asked the staff to put it there. But eh, that's life.
Either way, looks like things are really picking up!
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Delfigamer on November 09, 2012, 08:32:35 AM
This will be difficult to handle with content packs adding or altering things as much as they do so I may have to put something like that off until later.
I thinked each entity (enemy/item/spellcard/whatever) has an internal name, or at least an index in some list; so entire entity can be got by that id; and player's info can only store the list of these ids.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on November 09, 2012, 09:51:01 AM
That is not the issue.

The instruction pages are nearly fully up. Among others, the character roles ( and items ( sections are done. All data is drawn directly from the game's files, so any future content pack updates or changes will "automatically" be updated in the manual as well (w00t, less work for me! :P ).

This leaves just two sections to do and the upload of the game's recent changes tomorrow OHEY IT'S UPLOADED.

I will be adding a bug report form, either in-game or on the game's website/instruction pages, to facilitate reporting and tracking any issue that may come up. Next update will feature passive bonuses and elemental affinities, as well as additional items/equipment bonuses to take advantage of all of this. This'll just leave abilities and the first EoSD content pack will be complete.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 09, 2012, 05:56:25 PM
Wow, interesting stuff there. I assume that the Orin class prefers the Spirit weapon(due to her canonical ability to control evil spirits), while Chen uses Claws?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on November 10, 2012, 12:53:00 AM
I assume that the Orin class prefers the Spirit weapon(due to her canonical ability to control evil spirits), while Chen uses Claws?
Yup yup. Right on the nose.

I've been adding a few sections to the site (working on the bug-report thing I mentioned earlier and adding a player/character listing). Aside from the algorithms section (and the two new sections), everything else's up!

In less pleasant news, I've stumbled on two bugs. The first relates to defending - it sometimes "sticks" and I've had it pop up without using the command at all, at some point. Gonna have to scour the code to see if some condition fails to detect when it should be removed... The second involves escaping - the health you lost in that fight is restored after you've escaped. The game makes a temporary copy of the character when in combat and copies the data it wants to keep back to the original once the fight's over, so it seems it just skips that step if the fight ends via running. Better exploit that second one while you still can - it'll probably be fixed by the time you read this. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 10, 2012, 01:09:34 AM
Never saw either of those bugs. I always took damage as normal, and retained it on escaping.
I'm glad I never found the guard bug though, that sounds like it could be nasty.

Speaking of which, that should so totally be a potential enemy. 'Guard Bug'.
Characterized by having a lot of HP for the area's standards, and a thick layer of Defense, but below-average RES, and likely a double-weakness in Ice and Fire.
(Which is to say, it's weak to both elements.)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on November 10, 2012, 07:09:28 AM
The manual/website is now fully up, with the exception of the algorithms section. The bug report form's a bit simple but it's good enough to send problems, complaints, death threats, and Momijis.

I've had a chance to look over some game data and intend to balance out a few things* before moving on to the next part. Damage values are too low for enemies, too high for players. Money also seems to flow like water. Granted, seeing as a few characters are level 4, I figure there's been quite a bit of grinding.

Shouldn't take too long. But it'll be pointless to get the algorithms section up if I'm going to change some things in the next few days. ;)

* No DB wipe will take place. No worries. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 10, 2012, 03:31:56 PM
D: But I like being tanky! I think it's more the fact that the enemies that are player classes(such as Fairy and Ice Fairy) don't have weapons or armor themselves.(At least, they don't feel like they have any.)
And plus, there's also the aforementioned grinding.

And on the thing about the money, it's probably because of Cursed items being relatively common, and generally not too good ones at that.
That, and the fact that Frail/of Frailty is a bit too common a modifier. Maybe tweaking how common that one is would fix things.
Because seriously, I've found so many items with just the Frail modifier alone. And then there's the Frailty modifier, which comes up just as often.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Delfigamer on November 10, 2012, 04:40:37 PM
Strange. After defeating Ice Fairies Lv.4 and Lv.6 I'd gained 8 XP, after defeating Lv.4 and Lv.5 - ⑨XP.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on November 10, 2012, 07:10:52 PM
And on the thing about the money, it's probably because of Cursed items being relatively common, and generally not too good ones at that.
Given that cursed items sell for less than non-cursed items though, I'd expect finding a lot of Cursed Panties of Everitching would mean making less money than coming home with an armload of Swords of Localized Black-Hole Conjuration... (Wait, that kinda sounds like it'd be cursed too. Let's just say something with the "Frail/of Frailty" modifier vs "Thick/of Defense")

That, and the fact that Frail/of Frailty is a bit too common a modifier. Maybe tweaking how common that one is would fix things.
Because seriously, I've found so many items with just the Frail modifier alone. And then there's the Frailty modifier, which comes up just as often.
Both modifiers are the same - they just take a different form depending on wether they're prefixed or suffixed (eg, "Sharpened Gohei Fierce" or "of Defense Hakama of Speed" would look kinda... eeeeeaaaargh...). :P This is a known and documented bug on the "site" but the causes behind it are currently unknown (can't quite figure out why this only affects cursed items as the algorithm that picks the enchantments is the same in either case - I'm thinking some later modifier may interfere with the final enchantment generated somehow...).

Strange. After defeating Ice Fairies Lv.4 and Lv.6 I'd gained 8 XP, after defeating Lv.4 and Lv.5 - ⑨XP.
It's not actually as strange as it seems.

Basically, enemies' levels (and stats, including XP) are offset ? 25% when they are generated to give a bit of variance in their stats. Internally, for calculations (such as level-adjusted stats and the likes), the levels keep their fractional portion so two Lv 5 enemies won't end up being exactly the same. Your two groups were probably at levels 4.00 and 6.00 (total of 10), and levels 4.95 and 5.95 (total of nearly 11), making the second group actually stronger (and worth more XP) than the first.

However, for display, the level's decimal portion is trimmed off as it would look messy otherwise ("Ice Fairy, Lv. 4.86324905323" -> "Ice Fairy, Lv. 4"). Which can mislead as to how strong/weak the enemy really is. To correct this, rather than outright trim the number I've just rounded it off. You would have seen levels 5 and 6 instead of 4 and 5 had this fix been in place, so I think it should take care of the problem in all but a few mathematically-uncooperative areas, and only by one half of a point. ;P
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 10, 2012, 09:22:34 PM
Well, what I was getting at is that generally if I see something with Frail/Of Frailty, I generally sell it. Unless it's an acceptable enough penalty(Read: I have enough tankiness to compensate).
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on November 11, 2012, 12:34:51 AM
Really, I hardly ever get frail items, most of the time I get pretty good ones and I sell the rest. Maybe you just have pretty bad luck......or I have super luck.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Juno Arieiv on November 12, 2012, 07:53:20 AM
Hey, I'm not lurking anymore! Hi everybody! :blush:

Okay, I seem to have run into a bit of a problem. I found an unidentified belt in Frozen Lake Part 2, but the game seems to treat it as a blank space; I can't identify it or sell it, because it doesn't show up. Worse yet, when I sell the item above the belt, the game seems to fail to read the belt's data, resulting in a freeze. Did I get an unimplemented item that slipped through the cracks, or is this a random bug?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Sparen on November 12, 2012, 04:51:54 PM
Just now, I got a Frail Tank Top of Power + 4, and it gives a 30+ defense boost to what I already have. Is that... supposed to happen?

Also, the Lv 14 part of the small path has level 1 enemies, and is great for getting free cash. That's not a bug, right?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on November 12, 2012, 08:53:03 PM
Okay, I seem to have run into a bit of a problem. I found an unidentified belt in Frozen Lake Part 2, but the game seems to treat it as a blank space; I can't identify it or sell it, because it doesn't show up. Worse yet, when I sell the item above the belt, the game seems to fail to read the belt's data, resulting in a freeze. Did I get an unimplemented item that slipped through the cracks, or is this a random bug?

I've gotten this a lot actually, I just go to items in menu and drop the item. I gave up on trying t do anything else with them.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on November 12, 2012, 09:43:40 PM
Could one of you getting these bugged items hang onto it and notify me of it? I'd like to have a look at what the game generated to see if it's not just trying to apply a bonus to it that references something that doesn't exist (might even tie into the whole "everything cursed is frail!" thing).

Just now, I got a Frail Tank Top of Power + 4, and it gives a 30+ defense boost to what I already have. Is that... supposed to happen?
"Frail" and "of Power" don't affect defense. The fact it's +4 gives it a pretty good bonus to begin with (I'm assuming you got that in the Lake's 3rd area). In addition, if it's an item your character favors (which it is) there's an additional 15% bonus to its effectiveness. I should note that getting a +4 item at your level is very unlikely, but...

Also, the Lv 14 part of the small path has level 1 enemies, and is great for getting free cash. That's not a bug, right?
There is no content for that section until the appropriate content pack is released, so the game can only generate easier-tier enemies. If unfinished areas are taken advantage of too much, I may have to eventually clear the donations and character money/items from the DB.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 12, 2012, 10:40:32 PM
I only go there for fighting mostly, and seeing what I can find. I usually just sell most of what I find anyhow.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Yao-Kun on November 13, 2012, 06:34:24 AM
Well, I found interesting bug...


I found this weapon in Small Path part 3 (Oh look -5 cursed), and when I sell it, this is what happen :


The game freeze and force me to reload.
After relogin, that cursed branch still in my inventory (unidentified), and when I try to sell it without identify it, the game freeze again.

EDIT : Whoops it seems the ?sling weapon glitched, not that cursed branch.
I've discard that branch, sell uncessecary item, and when ?sling highlighted during selling item, that 2nd picture happen. (and the ?sling can't be identify)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on November 13, 2012, 09:45:27 AM
Well, I found interesting bug...

Like I was saying in my other post...

Could one of you getting these bugged items hang onto it and notify me of it?

I can't really do anything about it if you got rid of the item. The info's gone, so I can't really know what happened to cause the problem in the first place. If it happens again, please don't discard the item so I can give fixing this an actual go. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Yao-Kun on November 13, 2012, 10:05:15 AM
I can't really do anything about it if you got rid of the item. The info's gone, so I can't really know what happened to cause the problem in the first place. If it happens again, please don't discard the item so I can give fixing this an actual go. :)

Ohh, I see. I'm speed reading older post so I don't read it clearly.
I'll post it when I get that bug item again.

EDIT : I found one ( (that ?Fake Glasses)
My account same as my name in MoTK.
EDIT 2 :
There is no content for that section until the appropriate content pack is released, so the game can only generate easier-tier enemies. If unfinished areas are taken advantage of too much, I may have to eventually clear the donations and character money/items from the DB.

It seems I need to stop grinding from part 3 until new monster implemented  :V
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Delfigamer on November 13, 2012, 11:58:50 AM
From what time dungeons became that big, enemies became that rare and traps became that common? [Edit:] And that evil! Last one ate about 140HP!
From time I've entered Small Path (Part 2)?

The game is slow! We danmaku dodgers are used to fast actions. But here I have to wait about 7 seconds after battle is finished.
And, by the way, could you assign menu items to numpad/numkeys? I'd be more comfortable to use keyboard both for moving on map and for fighting, without need to take a mouse in a hand...

Frail Belt of Defense +2 (
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Delfigamer on November 13, 2012, 01:21:28 PM
Property "numbers"? :wat:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'numbers' of undefined - src_functions.js:274
  getItemCost - src_functions.js:274
  click_sellPickItem - src_sell.js:60
  init_shop_sell - src_sell.js:41
  handleInit - src_game.js:36
  main - src_game.js:215
EAccessViolation: Read of adress $0000000C!

Code: [Select]
269: // Apply bonuses.
270: if( &&
271: for(var i = 0; i <; i++)
272: {
273: var bonus =[i];
274: c *= datBonuses[].numbers.price[]; //Here goes the exception.
/* Script tries to to get datBonuses[22], because somehow I've got an item with bonus 22. But we don't have a bonus with id=22. So, script returns <undefined>. */
275: }
Item is still in my inventory. "?String". Login is "delfigamer".
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on November 13, 2012, 11:10:07 PM
Good evening boys and girls, it's time for...
Debugging Item Bonuses With Ethan! (Yaaaay!)

In today's episode, Ethan tackles the mean 'ol Item Bonus Generation Problem gang and learns a lesson about friendship from a cute anthropomorphic woodland critter.

Hi kids! How are you all doing today? Boy have I got a story for you all! Do you all remember the nasty Item Bonus Generation Problem gang that had been skulking around here lately? Well, we won't be hearing from them anymore! And all of this could have been prevented if it weren't for one tiny, itsy-bitsy bug. That's right! The IBGP gang-leader!

The mean 'ol IBGP gang would've gotten away with it if it weren't for its leader's calling card: the Non-Existant Bonus ID. Yup! I suspected this for a while, but in the end its existence was confirmed all thanks to our informer, Delfigamer! So I started doing some skulking about of my own, this time into the Dark and Evil lair known as The Game's Source Code. @_@

...Where it turned out I had not one but TWO fail-safe tests to ensure bonus IDs being generated DID, in fact, exist in the list of bonuses. Kids? I want you all to pay close attention to uncle Ethan now: put your hands over your ears and wait until I give a thumbs up before removing them. :)

What the fucking hell? Seriously, what the fucking hell? There's literally no fucking way a non-existent bonus ID can be generated. Not with two fail-safe tests that don't allow the one single place where bonuses are generated to return anything unless it's explicitly a valid ID. Complete. Fucking. Nonsense. OYA, and extensively testing the function to ensure it doesn't somehow generate the wrong ID never returned an invalid ID in ~1000 runs. Someone's fucking with me here... >_>

*Give thumbs up. :D*

Out of ideas, I went to visit the old sage, Item Data Serializer. He invited me into his little hut and offered me a cup of tea to clear my mind. As we sat around his table discussing the Item Bonus Generation Problem Gang, my head started feeling fuzzy and my vision swam about unsteadily. The tea! Item Data Serializer had drugged me! I confronted him...

"Hey old man, you put something in this tea! Just what are you up to?!"
"Hush, young programmer. You should have paid more attention to the server code..."
"I don't understand. You're the backend. You're supposed to be rock-solid or everything falls apart. How could-"

And then I knew. He was their leader. The leader of the IBGP gang! I felt myself growing weaker - the paralytic agent was working fast indeed - but I wasn't going to give up! I gritted my teeth, forced myself to stand, and ripped open the old fool's source code. The mountains shook with the fury of my debugging - it was such a simple bug, how could I have been so blind! - and soon the old man lay still. Moments later his eyes opened and he seemed oblivious to what had happened moments ago.

I smiled, thanked him for the tea, and left.

Do you remember the members of the IBGP gang? Item That Freezes Up The Game, Cursed Items That Almost Always Have The Same Curse, and even the cleverly-hidden Item Bonuses That Never Get Generated? I believe with the fall of their leader, they are now gone.

And that concludes today's adventures, kids! Remember, treat your friends right - a badger told me this, once. >_>

I'll be making an update in a few days - got a few other things I'm working on too - but once uploaded this should fix pretty much all bonus-related problems. The bonus ID was being improperly stored and IDs > 10 would overwrite the units with the tens (eg, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22 were the IDs the game could generated; 11 is "Frail" I believe, and 22 does not exist.). In the meantime, if you have a broken item and can't get rid of it, let me know your character name and I'll remove the bonus ID 22 on whichever items have it.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Delfigamer on November 14, 2012, 01:08:18 PM
Oh. How familiar. :3
That means, having bonuses 11 and 22 actually was not accidental.

What are odds of meeting a boss? I still run into events like "familiar darkness is creeping in" and "it's a trap". Is it just as planned?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 14, 2012, 06:11:46 PM
Bosses are disabled until the full update. Once Bonuses and Abilities and the like are added in the next big update, Bosses will be a thing.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Sparen on November 27, 2012, 02:27:48 AM
Is this thread dead? Also noting the fact that the game hasn't had any major updates yet.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on November 27, 2012, 02:43:24 AM
Silver's pretty busy with real life and his real life job, so it's kinda common for there to be delays and such. But hey, we take what we can get.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on November 30, 2012, 09:29:47 AM
Ofux. It's an update! :o

Bonuses are still not fully in but I have a clear weekend ahead of me so more stuff should be coming in within a few days.

Enjoy! :)

Edit: Bonuses are now done. There is currently no support for the status ailments some of these bonuses involve or for elemental damage/resistances yet, but the rest are all in. Note that BP are also used for skills, and that you're only meant to learn half of the bonuses and abilities available to your character role throughout the game, so going on a wild shopping spree may not be the best of ideas. ;)

Next up, the status ailments involved in the missing bonuses and support for elemental damage. Then abilities.
(Speaking of which, why not take a quick stroll down to the characters roles' page ( Sneak peek ahoy!)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 06:12:51 PM
Ummm...I think you may have broke something (
If it helps, this was on my Rumiaclone, and all I bought was Sword Mastery I, EVA Mastery I, Dark Core I, and the stock Light Frailty that comes naturally. I didn't get Light Core or Nightvision, given that they're both 10 BP.
I figured that with bonuses up, now would be as good a time as any to visit Small Path 3F, and try to locate a better sword than the +3 Frail Bokken I have right now.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on December 04, 2012, 10:14:42 PM
Ummm...I think you may have broke something (
Oops, my bad - I forgot to upload the most recent version of one of the files it seems. Thanks for pointing it out; fix'ed! :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Delfigamer on December 05, 2012, 10:30:49 AM
Party member
Party hard! :V
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Zork787 on December 07, 2012, 07:22:04 PM
Ok decided to try this out, created my character, went to the frozen lake, got into a battle, then I pressed the kill button, aaaaaaaaaaaaaand now I'm kinda stuck and have been forced to refresh
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 09:39:31 PM
Only Fight, Run, and Guard work. Skills haven't been implemented yet. :V
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Sparen on December 08, 2012, 01:21:03 AM
Pressing 'items,' 'skills,' or 'guard' on certain browsers will freeze the game. Confirmed for Safari.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on December 08, 2012, 02:05:18 AM
This game was mainly meant for Firefox and maybe Chrome. So it's expected that it would freeze or have some problems.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Sparen on December 09, 2012, 09:26:23 PM
Suggestions for the short run:
-Storage: Implement a system where you choose how many of each item to store, and make it so that in storage, the total number of each item is shown rather than a X5, then a X1, then a X2.
-Implement item usage. Currently, healing items do not work, and usage of the magnifying glass (when you can't even carry that many) is unavailable.
-Allow the 'guard' command to work reliably

These are merely suggestions for the future, if you decide to continue on this project.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: XYXYX on December 14, 2012, 10:18:49 PM
danmaku stages?? :D
will you be able to see other characters playing?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on December 19, 2012, 09:32:50 PM
Update! I was hoping to do this during last weekend but a problem with one of my host's sql servers going offline for a bit made that impossible. :x

So for the most part, from a player perspective, this new update mostly adds generic events and a new area. I will be adding content to exploit elements and ailments throughout the course of the week however. The only thing remaining after this will be support for skills and all features not to be implemented alongside a content pack of some kind will be done. After that, I will give the game a bit of balancing-out (the damage formula, among others, comes to mind...) and unlock the SDM pack 1 bosses/boss events, and from that point on content packs are all that's left.

Enjoy! :)

Storage: Implement a system where you choose how many of each item to store, and make it so that in storage, the total number of each item is shown rather than a X5, then a X1, then a X2.
Didn't realize items don't stack properly in storage. Thanks for bringing it up. :) I've added it to the buglist and will have a fix for it soon.

Implement item usage. Currently, healing items do not work, and usage of the magnifying glass (when you can't even carry that many) is unavailable.
Abilities and items use the same system; one will have to be completed in order to do the other. Abilities are pretty much the next step (just gonna modify/add a bit of content to take advantage of status ailments and elemental affinities first...) so expect to see this being implemented soon.

Allow the 'guard' command to work reliably
This was already on the bug page and an upcoming fix for it was mentioned in the thread. It has been fixed in this update. :)

Pressing 'items,' 'skills,' or 'guard' on certain browsers will freeze the game. Confirmed for Safari.
As Genso pointed out, I cannot guarantee the game will run reliably on a browser other than Firefox; Chrome seems to run it just fine too and I test it occasionally, but I mainly use Firefox to develop the game. Support for IE is not impossible if there's enough demand/a good enough reason - there's an equivalent way of doing the things I do in Firefox in IE - but other browsers I have no plan whatsoever of making the game compatible for. (Can't support everything, or this won't ever move forward...)

I should note that items and skills already result in the game getting "stuck" - the "combat" section in the manual makes a loose mention of this and it's been brought up several times before in this thread.

By the way, Sparen... You have submitted quite a lot of bugs through the website, which I am thankful for, but literally over two-thirds of them are features that are currently unimplemented, not bugs, and the order in which they will be implemented is regularly brought up in this thread. This doesn't really help y'know... :) I tend to bring up an overview of what's-what and when's-when after my post for each update; you can generally find a summary of where things are headed there.

danmaku stages?? :D
will you be able to see other characters playing?
I'm not sure I get your question, lol ^^;

The chatbox allows you to talk with other players, and I've been cooking up plans to gradually add support for parties (this is a low-priority thing though - I don't intend to work on this until the "main" content is done first). There is no other area for players to meet in outside of town (and the chatbox/private messaging system in it) though, as there is no "world map"/wilderness and dungeons are randomly-generated for each player.

If you meant Touhou characters, yep, game's full of 'em. Currently they cannot be encountered but their events are in place and will be unlocked once abilities are in. They do not "play" the game like the player does however, and are just there to convey the storyline.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Yao-Kun on December 19, 2012, 11:36:34 PM
I've a suggestion : how about making a little pointer when highlight enemy name in battle, so you'll not confuse which one you're attack when battling same multiple enemies??
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on December 20, 2012, 12:13:29 AM
Awww yeah.

Can't wait to finish the semester and play this.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on December 20, 2012, 01:04:33 AM
I've a suggestion : how about making a little pointer when highlight enemy name in battle, so you'll not confuse which one you're attack when battling same multiple enemies??
Hmm. Good idea. I'll look into having the enemy whose name the cursor is over highlighted in some way. Shouldn't take too much effort to implement. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Yao-Kun on December 20, 2012, 01:19:25 AM
SDM tier 2 (lv 14 if I'm not wrong) and 3 (lv 25) not locked...
I've tried 1 run at tier 2, 1 floor at tier 3 and one treasure from tier 3 giving me a 600G+, and immediately out from dungeon, discarded all item and money from tier 2 to prevent risk banned from taking advantage.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Sparen on December 20, 2012, 01:24:48 AM
So, with the new update...

One thing. The font. Since when did it turn to Times New Roman, and since when has it been so small? I think the old font was more readable personally, but the rest of the game is relatively fine so far, in my opinion. Keep up the good work, and hope that the update goes smoothly!

P.S. Can't access the SDM on the dungeon menu.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Yao-Kun on December 20, 2012, 01:28:41 AM
P.S. Can't access the SDM on the dungeon menu.

To access SDM you need to trigger event from dungeon (random dungeon I guess, I got from Fairy Lake tier 2)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on December 20, 2012, 03:11:54 AM
SDM tier 2 (lv 14 if I'm not wrong) and 3 (lv 25) not locked...
Oops. Kinda forgot to make those two sections locked when I unlocked the SDM. It's been fixedified.

The font. Since when did it turn to Times New Roman, and since when has it been so small? I think the old font was more readable personally
The old font had a bit of a problem with the letter 'w' - for some reason Firefox inserted a space after it. It's related to how the font is scaled up, but it only affects 'w'. It turns out it happens with quite a few fonts, not just the one that was in use. TNR was the first I found that displayed properly but I agree that it's not as readable as before. Oddly enough, while trying to get a screenshot showing the problem, it seemed to vanish all on its own. Huh.

I've switched it back to something that should be more eye-friendly, lemme know how this one turns out.

I've added the selection effect in battle. The enemy whose name is being mouseover'ed will be dimmed slightly (50% translucent). Enjoy! :)

(God I need to start cleaning up the battle code. @_x)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Sparen on December 20, 2012, 03:23:31 AM
Translucency has a bug: When you defeat the first enemy, hovering over another enemy will cause the first enemy's sprite to show up even though it's dead, and when there are two enemies, you can't tell which one you're actually attacking until you attack.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on December 20, 2012, 03:38:11 AM
Translucency has a bug: When you defeat the first enemy, hovering over another enemy will cause the first enemy's sprite to show up even though it's dead, and when there are two enemies, you can't tell which one you're actually attacking until you attack.
I have uploaded the changes before my post, but at the time found a bug much like what you describe and fixed it before posting. If you ran the game recently you may've seen the problem before it was fixed, or the buggy script may still be in your browser's cache. I haven't been able to get the bug to trigger (though I only tested it for a fight or two... well, really, ~5 or so but I'm not counting the single-enemy battles) but let me know if it still happens and I'll look into it. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 13, 2013, 11:53:59 PM

Been a while since we've gotten anything on this, hasn't it? Life kept ya too busy to work on this I take it?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Delfigamer on January 14, 2013, 02:42:47 PM
This game is probably uncontrollable on tablets. May you give me the files, so I could try to play with them?
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on January 15, 2013, 10:21:00 PM
Been a while since we've gotten anything on this, hasn't it? Life kept ya too busy to work on this I take it?
Sorry I haven't said much in regards to this project lately; the holidays kept me busy and I ended up taking a brief break to work on some of my other projects (I don't just do Touhou stuff :P). I've also started making some pretty heavy-duty internal rewrite of the game engine (and pretty much only have a few stray functions and the battle system remaining, yay!). You can skip the next paragraph if the technicals don't interest you. :)

Originally BoUP was intended for a smaller scope than what it became, so I got a bit lazy in coding some things. Over time and as new features came in, stuff ended up slowly getting scattered all over the place (I have character-related code in the file that handles the interfaces, for crying out loud!) and it's been getting harder and harder to update. The game was more like some ball of play-doh being rolled around in a pile of functions and structures, stuff getting stuck wherever it lands and piling up in an unworkable tangle. To fix this, I've been rewriting the game engine to be more object-oriented, forcing a much-needed structure to emerge. This has also helped me cut down the game's ever-growing pile of globals, which is always a good thing.

Aside from cleaning things up, I've also been adding a configuration screen.


More stuff may end up being added by the time I'm done cleaning up the game's code (as you may've noticed from the screenshot, I've also made far sexier-looking windows and buttons), though I'm focusing on getting the cleanup done so as to proceed with abilities.

This game is probably uncontrollable on tablets.
There is no planned support for mobile devices and tablets. I do not own a tablet and have no means of ensuring the game works properly in this format. Sorry! :(

I may make the project's files available once it's done. Until then however, the project is closed-source. Making the files available to be modified by someone else means having to rely on this person to test new code before it can be released and depending on them to ensure the "tablet" code's bugs are resolved when they come up, and I do not wish to proceed that way. In any event, particularly with the current rewrite, it would probably be best to handle these kinds of issues once everything's set in stone and unlikely to be refactored/rewritten at a later date anymore.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 15, 2013, 10:25:14 PM
So the next version's gonna be way more polished than all the prior ones, eh? At least a config menu's being added, those are always useful.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on January 15, 2013, 10:39:21 PM
So the next version's gonna be way more polished than all the prior ones, eh?
For me, yes, and quite a bit! For you, eh... probably not in any noticeable way. ;)

Though it will speed the hell up out of adding new bonuses/abilities/features to the game and reduce the odds of future bugs coming up...
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 15, 2013, 10:43:02 PM
As long as it works, eh? Good to hear that things are going well on that end.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Genso on January 15, 2013, 11:31:58 PM
Good to know this is still going and nice to see ya again. Love the new look for it. We shall wait warmly for the next update~.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on January 16, 2013, 08:01:56 AM
Bah, screw it. Time for an update (! :)
You may want to clear your cache / hold shift+F5 to reload the page to get everything to show up fine.

To sum it up...
(Oh yeah, forgot to add this one. Fixed a small bug on the "death" screen, too. ...Well, I guess it'll be a bit more noticeable an updated than I led on after all. >_>)

After a lil' more tidying up, expect a pretty massive update. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Sparen on January 16, 2013, 10:34:08 PM
This is regarding the translucency bug for the current version.

Also, a suggestion: In the subject of the thread, when you post new updates, put the BoUP version up too.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on January 16, 2013, 11:51:34 PM
This is regarding the translucency bug for the current version.
Hmm, interesting. Got any details as to what happened? I gather that enemy's dead and inactive, but it's image wasn't removed?

Also, a suggestion: In the subject of the thread, when you post new updates, put the BoUP version up too.
I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean to post a link to the current version of the game? The link's always the same, but I can do that, sure. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 17, 2013, 12:03:44 AM
I think he means adding in a version in the Update Header for each update, like v0.65, v0.65a, v0.65b, that sort of thing.
Let's use your latest update as an example, like so.

Quote from: Update Example
Bah, screw it. Time for an update (! :)
You may want to clear your cache / hold shift+F5 to reload the page to get everything to show up fine.

To sum it up...

Version 0.65X

  • Much of the rewrite is complete. Some stuff is still missing but everything works. Don't be too surprised if a bug managed to slip through as I've only just now finished this. Seems stable enough though. :P
  • The interface has changed slightly: windows and buttons are textured, and the scheme in use can be changed via the config menu.
  • Oh yeah. There's that one too. The configuration screen. ( Couple of new options...
  • The chatbox has been improved. Posts no longer take up a fixed amount of space and more of them are displayed at once.
  • New private messages will display a blinking icon in the main Hakurei Shrine screen. (All messages are initialized as unread so expect a few to come up if you've been using this.)
(Oh yeah, forgot to add this one. Fixed a small bug on the "death" screen, too. ...Well, I guess it'll be a bit more noticeable an updated than I led on after all. >_>)

After a lil' more tidying up, expect a pretty massive update. :)
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: Sparen on January 17, 2013, 12:56:38 AM
That's help, but I mean this:

When you make a new post, in Subject, add the current game version to the end of "Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power"
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
Post by: EthanSilver on January 17, 2013, 03:23:07 AM
Oh, alright, I see. To be honest, the version number has been pretty arbitrary up until now. I'll start maintaining it for the future releases to help keep track of what's what though. I'm also going to keep the current version number in the thread title, for easy reference.

Officially I'm calling this one "0.65" since that's what the current version number is. Future releases will increase it by 0.01 for minor releases (bugfixes and lesser features) and 0.1 for major releases (ex, if abilities were ready right now, next version would be 0.75). I'll jump up to 1.00 once only content packs remain (off the top of my head, after abilities, the only stuff that won't be released alongside a content pack will be being able to have more than one character on the player's side (eg, summoned dolls with a puppeteer magician, or event-driven battles involving allies) and the multiplayer stuff. The former can wait until a summoner character role is introduced, the latter isn't as important as the rest of the features for the time being).
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power (0.65)
Post by: EthanSilver on January 28, 2013, 05:16:13 PM
So, I figured I'd give a bit of an update on how things are going. I've had a bit of time last weekend to work on a few things, and have yet more spare time sitting around this week so there's probably going to be a release this weekend.

So far the following has been done.

What I'm currently focusing on, mainly, are the skills. I'm hoping to have them done by this weekend-ish. After that, there'll be a period of rebalancing things out (as was discussed a while back) and bosses will then be added. Then, tentatively, the game would become version 1.0 and work on the first PCB pack would begin.

So yeah. Progress is happening this week!
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power (0.65)
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 05:54:32 PM
Okay, for some reason I can't get at my storage, and I found some nifty things I wanted to give to my Meilingclone.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power (0.65)
Post by: EthanSilver on January 28, 2013, 06:34:58 PM
Okay, for some reason I can't get at my storage, and I found some nifty things I wanted to give to my Meilingclone.
That's already a documented problem concerning the major rewrite last update. It's been fixed though the fix isn't up yet. I'll look into packaging things up and making a minor update tonight though. (Edit: Okay, kinda zoned out. Seems I'll make that patch tomorrow. Or today, technically. Whatever. >_>)

Edit: Oh wait, my bad, turns out it's not documented after all. Sparen brought it up through the bug report form on the site but I forgot to upload the revised bug list afterwards. ;P
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power (0.66)
Post by: EthanSilver on January 30, 2013, 12:39:22 AM
Update time!

Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power (0.66)
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 03:19:26 PM
Storage is still broke for me it seems. I can get INTO it, but I can't take anything out, or put anything in.
Not sure if this is a wrong version in my cache or not though, since it shows as v0.66 in the window.
Title: Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power (0.66)
Post by: AnonymousPondScum on March 21, 2013, 02:48:39 AM
Any idea when we can expect an update, Ethan?

(Also, not!Cirno stomped my Meiling. I feel dumb. ;_; )