Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Sara's Audio-Visual Import-Overflow Retail => Topic started by: Yukarin on March 29, 2012, 03:10:27 PM

Title: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: Yukarin on March 29, 2012, 03:10:27 PM
Deathly bored. I'm fine with any genre.

Sorry if there is an existing thread like this, in which case, do go ahead and lock this.
Title: Re: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: Tengukami on March 29, 2012, 03:17:10 PM
Everything you see here ( that's rated 8 or higher.

You're welcome.
Title: Re: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on March 29, 2012, 04:36:41 PM
THE Original Macross, the movie.


When Min Mei sang and missiles were flying and VFs were launching and humanity united with aliens etc etc etc...

/tingling sensation that just won't stop spreading up and down your spine like rippling of an alligator during mating season ritual. (/tmi?)
Title: Re: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: Yukarin on March 29, 2012, 06:01:52 PM
Everything you see here ( that's rated 8 or higher.

You're welcome.

Thank you for reminding me that there's still Mirai Nikki to watch.

Also, I do wonder why you dropped Another. (I just watched it like yesterday and I want your opinion on it.)
Title: Re: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: Tengukami on March 29, 2012, 06:19:01 PM
Also, I do wonder why you dropped Another. (I just watched it like yesterday and I want your opinion on it.)

Because the first five episodes were "Oh hey, MC, has anyone told you about the TERRIBLE SECRET of Classroom 3? No? I see ... welp, talk to you later!", and then when the 6th episode came and finally "explained" the secret, and why a kid gets ignored every year ... that was the breaking point. It was the most poorly-constructed, nonsensical explanation for what was holding the whole series together. At that point, the Stupid outweighed the Art, and I had to drop it.
Title: Re: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on March 30, 2012, 02:39:45 AM
also the rest of the of the show is about people smashing blunt objects into each other, killing them, for generally not much reason than quoting said 'curse' and you will characters whom they put considerable backstory into come out at the late episodes only to get killed after 1 or 2 after that.
It is generally a show about guro, it sucks.

you want something with lots of blood and guts? you are better off watching Gantz or Berserk.

I just missed this:

You want something similar to the vibe of Another but with actual watchable content?

Shiki, from last season. fuck yeah 20 episodes and more of PLOT DRIVEN GORE.
Title: Re: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on March 30, 2012, 03:44:48 AM
Just throwin' a list of stuff here, dunno what you have and haven't seen, so.

in no particular order:
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Mawaru Penguindrum
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Sailor Moon
Cardcaptor Sakura
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Kara no Kyoukai
Nodame Cantabile
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Strike Witches
Tiger & Bunny
Eureka Seven
Welcome to the NHK!
Gunbuster/Top wo Nerae!
Gunbuster 2/Diebuster/Top wo Nerae! 2
Tokyo Marble Chocolate
Kuuchuu Buranko/Trapeze
Haibane Renmei
Eden of the East
Ichigo Mashimaro

Have fun.
Title: Re: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: triangles on March 30, 2012, 01:44:05 PM
Adding to that:

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Magic Knight Rayearth
Fate/Stay Night + Zero
Title: Re: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: Yukarin on March 30, 2012, 01:55:53 PM
Oh god that's a lot. Are you guys trying to kill me or something? :ohdear:

And yeah, most of them I have already watched.
Title: Re: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on March 31, 2012, 06:19:50 PM
In case you missed my ninja-edit

If you want gory stuff with PLOT, like real plot (not the ones typically found hidden in bikinis or sweaters or school uniforms) you probably want to try Shiki.
It has vampires, blood, and lots of guro bits much like Higurashi, the best thing is the constant but fair delivery of actual creepiness stemming from the fear of the unknown perpetrator of the crimes in that secluded village. While Mirai Nikki succeeds with bringing the battle royale front of yandere killing goodness (and even an end to be reckoned with) Shiki has its own very unique content of mystery with a kind of forebodding doom the first episode you lay eyes on it. The brilliance behind this underrated show is a box of goodies for those who try it.

If you are willing to last through it, Railgun actually offers something oddly familiar to the series of Index. Index is... well, Index, the series completely neglects the character it bases its name on nor does it bother to give that rut a role other than eating and sleeping and being generally useless in the actual battle. Hence, watching Railgun is fantastic. Nonetheless, unless you pick up both seasons of Index and Railgun in between the story would make a lot less... 'sense' to you.
Still I guess you can consider.

Are you high on the want for a love story that isn't afraid to cross borders?
like the borders of 18++ and above? Yosuga no Sora offers something quite unlike your typical harem show, it comes in 4 small parts (5 if you count the extras) where the MC (being DENSE as usual) finds love among 4 different girls. If you watch them in order of 1-12 it would make one complete story, but if you watch it in random it becomes another story of a sort, highlight of this show is brocon and siscon and incestual relationship in a little known backwater village... so it is kind of... disturbing in a way, but somehow, it feels natural as well to expect it.

One thing I never finished as yet, a reverse watching anime (24 - 1st episode) called Touka Gettan, I dunno why I haven't really finished it, but it has one of the best art for something based off a visual novel (which we used to know as H GAME). It has time travel beauties fighting to save what I believe was a God forged weapon designed to kill deities and demons and stuff like that... it is quite epic, consider the cast is made of solid top listed seiyuus.

Title: Re: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: Yog-N'yggoth on April 01, 2012, 11:18:40 AM
Redline - If you haven't watched that

Master Keaton - A really great show in my opinion.  A lot of episodes, but they're for the most part, standalone and are pretty memorable to me.

MD Geist - It's like a action movie. Which is to say, if you aren't expecting anything from it, it can be kinda fun to watch once.

Iria: Zeiram the Animation

Getter Robo Armageddon (Haven't watched the rest of the Getter series, so couldn't say anything about them)

Gun X Sword

Giant Robo

My tastes are a bit odd with some of them, but those are decent choices.
Title: Re: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: Yukarin on April 01, 2012, 06:20:08 PM

Is it wrong that I cried way too many times on this?

I would have already given up if I were in Okabe's shoes.

and dat Rukako is just HNNNNGGGGH
Title: Re: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: pineyappled on April 01, 2012, 07:43:22 PM
I hope Nitroplus realizes a genius girl wouldn't think that you can change the sex of a baby after conception.
Title: Re: Suggest me anime to watch!
Post by: Power on April 01, 2012, 11:44:04 PM
Gurren Lagann 8)