Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: Oldmansour on February 02, 2012, 02:07:23 AM

Title: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 02, 2012, 02:07:23 AM
The Netherworld
Home of demons, fallen angels, and humans with darkened souls, it is a chaotic realm, where treachery runs rampant, and true friends are few and far between.
Following the death of its previous ruler, King Krichefskoy, a period of anarchy descended upon the Netherworld, culminating in the rise of Krichefskoy's son, Laharl, as the new Overlord. Flanked by his 'faithful' vassal Etna, and an overly enthusiastic angel named Flonne, Laharl's reign has brought at least some measure of stability to this chaotic world, and brokered a level of peace between the Netherworld, the Human world, and the heavenly realm of Celestia.

A realm apart from the 'mundane' world, sealed behind a great boundary for many centuries. Overseen by the Hakurei Shrine Maiden, and the youkai of gaps, Yukari Yakumo, the humans and non-humans within Gensokyo live together in peace, the strife of ages past overcome, forgotten.
The netherworld of Makai, the celestial realm of Bhava Agra, and the mortal realm of Gensokyo dwell in harmony with each other, and among themselves. Barring the occasional.... incident.

Two realms that had never come into contact with each other. Never even knew of each other's existance.
But the multiverse is a strange place. Paths can cross in the strangest of ways, in the strangest of places.

Friends, love, and of course, enemies, can be found in the strangest places....

Welcome to Touhougaea, a Touhou-Disgaea z-adventure.

Choose your opening scenario:
Reimu Hakurei - A pair of unwelcome scarlet guests.
Sanae Kochiya - Defender of Earth?!

(To clarify, you can play as either Reimu or Sanae, each have their own unique scenario. Or both scenarios, eventually, if you wish. The choice of which one you start with is up to you folks.)
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 02, 2012, 02:16:53 AM
>Load up gameshark, introduce level 9999 Kanako to the party
>Votin'  for Little ReiRei.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Narouge on February 02, 2012, 02:24:43 AM
>voting for the defender of earth!!! For great ham JUSTICE!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Yog-N'yggoth on February 02, 2012, 02:49:32 AM
>take the lunatic route and be a generic prinny and take over everything yourself
>gonna be the defender of earth and presumably having tons of firepower
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Hero999 on February 02, 2012, 03:22:02 AM
Reimu - Hax bombing.
Sanae - Miracle Making.

Lets go with...

> ##Vote Reimu
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Kasu on February 02, 2012, 03:34:57 AM
> Jumpin' on the Reimu wagon.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Oldmansour on February 02, 2012, 04:17:43 AM
So that's three votes for Reimu, two for Sanae.
I'll leave voting open until tomorrow, at least.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: nolrai2 on February 02, 2012, 06:17:23 AM
I vote for the Wind Priestess who throws frogs that hurt even after they die.
(I have that quote wrong don't I ).
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Fightest on February 02, 2012, 08:49:46 AM
> Defender of the Earth.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 02, 2012, 09:08:55 AM
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: CrowCakes on February 02, 2012, 10:10:01 AM
>Sanae, because this reminds of me Almaz.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2012, 10:52:08 AM
> Sanae, so we don't have to worry about common sense.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2012, 10:09:10 PM
>Sanae, because ham.
Also, why bother with Common Sense?
For this is....
Netherworld Battle Chronicle

Oh hey, quick question.
After this one, do we get to do NG+ with the other one?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Oldmansour on February 02, 2012, 10:16:58 PM
Score: Reimu 3, Sanae 8.

And that's a qualified yes. Assuming you start with Sanae's scenario (which is prety much a given at this point  :P) then once that scenario reaches it's conclusion, you can either play through Reimu's scenario yourselves, or go 'auto-play' on that one, and jump right to the point where the two heroines come together to solve their common problem. At which point, you can either choose to play as one or the other, or switch between both. Or possible three, I may include Marisa after Reimu and Sanae's routes are complete. I haven't decided yet.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 02, 2012, 10:29:01 PM
>Changing vote to Sakuya's route >=|
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2012, 10:46:15 PM
Could always do Sakuya's as like, the Axel/Raspberyl Mode.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 02, 2012, 10:57:28 PM
Badass Overlords only.

Badass Overmaid.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Oldmansour on February 04, 2012, 12:54:14 AM
With a score of 8 to 3, the first scenario you have selected is:

Sanae Kochiya: Defender of Earth?!

Expect intro post with the next hour or two.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Oldmansour on February 04, 2012, 02:53:25 AM
You are Sanae Kochiya, HERO OF GENSOKYO!!!
Except that when you announce yourself as such, Kanako-sama usually drops a washbin on your head, so, until you find a safe place to hide from her oblong metallic basins of justice, you are simply Sanae Kochiya, living goddess, shrine maiden of the Moriya temple, and all around do-gooder, to anyone who asks.

A few months have passed since you and some other heroes of gensokyo traveled to the rather opulent mausoleum behind the Myoren Temple, and beat up the emergant villain Toyosatomimi no Miko and her minions. Kanako-sama was none too happy about another faith emerging in Gensokyo, muscling in on her turf, but since the Myoren crew has the uppity 'prince' under lock and key again (thanks in large part to you yourself, naturally) Kanako has since been mollified. Days of peace have once again fallen upon Gensokyo. But should the need arise to defend this world, and its people again, Sanae Kochiya will always be there!

It is an early winter morning, bright and brisk, comfortably cool, and barely a cloud in the sky. There's a hint of the scent of snow in the air, and you wouldn't be surprised if there's a flurry or two before tomorrow.
You are currently in the middle of hanging up your laundry, and may want to consider stirring up a breeze to dry it quicker, in the event of snow. You've also been on the lookout for Kogasa. It's been a few days since she's popped up to try and surprise you.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 04, 2012, 03:30:01 AM
>Yes, call up a breeze. We need these dry.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2012, 04:09:20 AM
>Blood Sugar levels
>Guitar Heroism Status
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors
Post by: Oldmansour on February 04, 2012, 06:02:17 AM

>Shrine maiden's outfit, white, blue and green.
>Gohei, slightly dented.
>Frog hairpin
>Snake charm, worn in hair.
>Spellcards (full list available upon request, or on the wiki)

>Blood Sugar levels
>Guitar Heroism Status

>Miracle worker:
>You have the ability to invoke miracles, predominantly, but not limited to, the realm of the weather.
>Danmaku-fu, skill level: Excellent
>Green thumb: You've some skill at horticulture.
>Your funkosity level is currently level: Rubber Ducky
>Blood Sugar: 4.8
>You are currently the sixth-rank guitar heroist in gensokyo. You had been entrenched in fifth, but a recent defeat during a strip Guitar Hero challenge with Marisa knocked your rank down one.
>One root beer float, comin' up!

>Yes, call up a breeze. We need these dry.

>Hanging your last set of unmentionables, you step back and, checking to make sure Kanako-sama isn't handy, gesture dramatically, setting the winds in motion around the shrine, to expedite the process of drying your laundry.
>Perhaps you gestured a little TOO dramatically, however, as the gust of wind that comes up is... a big stiffer than you'd anticipated. Fortunately, it does not blow any of your clothes off the line.
>Also unexpected is the distant sound from the stand of trees close to the shrine. A sound that sounds distinctly like a familiar 'kyaa'.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 04, 2012, 01:19:54 PM
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2012, 04:21:14 PM
>Who dented our gohei!?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 04, 2012, 05:39:59 PM
> look away from the "kyaa", but summon up a BIG gust of wind to try and nock them down.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2012, 05:41:21 PM
> look away from the "kyaa", but summon up a BIG gust of wind to try and nock them down.

>Don't do this, our laundry would be lost to the winds. And some darned faerie or possibly Hina would steal our undergarments.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 04, 2012, 08:08:19 PM
> hmm, is that a problem?
> If so back up towards the "kyaa"...try to look ambush-able.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 05, 2012, 12:36:35 AM
>Who dented our gohei!?

>About a month or so ago, you caught Aya Shameimaru sneaking pictures of a drinking party held at your temple, when the red-white co-hero of yours and her Oni flunky came to visit. The tengu made a rapid escape, but in the doing, stumbled into one of Kogasa's traps. This gave you just time enough to get the interloping tengu the business end of your gohei. With emphasis.

> look away from the "kyaa", but summon up a BIG gust of wind to try and nock them down.

>Don't do this, our laundry would be lost to the winds. And some darned faerie or possibly Hina would steal our undergarments.

>You consider throwing a blast of wind towards the voice, but then reconsider. Suwako-sama would never let you hear the end of it if the fairies made off with another one of your bras. Although getting it back was fun.


>Deciding to investigate the odd sound, you make for the droke of woods behind the temple grounds. It doesn't take long to determine the source of the sound: a humanoid figure, caught in a leaf-covered net, dangling from an overhanging tree branch. An eggplant-purple umbrella is in evidence on the ground under the net.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Kasu on February 05, 2012, 01:25:01 AM
> "Kogasa?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 05, 2012, 01:25:52 AM
>Do we know who set up the net?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2012, 01:44:43 AM
>Nab that umbrella.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 05, 2012, 01:46:46 AM
> "Kogasa?"

>"Booo...... Where'd that wind come frommmmm?"

>Do we know who set up the net?

>Not for certain. There's a few folks that have set traps around here over your time. Fairys, Aya herself once or twice, Kogasa, even that oni that hangs around Reimu once, just for fun. And Suwako, too, for badness, and to catch that ice fairy that gads about from time to time.

>Nab that umbrella.

>You snatch up the umbrella. The figure in the tree emits a sound like 'Hwyeah?!" and squirms.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2012, 01:48:56 AM
>"Kogasa, is this your net?"
>Rest the umbrella on our shoulder, and let it provide some shade.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 05, 2012, 01:58:07 AM
>"Kogasa, is this your net?"
>Rest the umbrella on our shoulder, and let it provide some shade.

>Popping the eggplant-brella over your shoulder and opening it, shielding your justice loving head from the onslaught of the sun, you inquire into the nature of the net's occupant.
>"Sanae-chan?" she sqeaks. Definitely Kogasa. "Uh.... Do you like it?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 05, 2012, 02:14:26 AM
"The net?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 05, 2012, 03:22:04 AM
"The net?"

>"Uh huh."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Kasu on February 05, 2012, 03:45:55 AM
> "Well since you're still up there, I'd say it was made pretty well at the very least.  Is it yours?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 05, 2012, 03:58:34 AM
> "Well since you're still up there, I'd say it was made pretty well at the very least.  Is it yours?"

>She gives you a pleased-sounding little laugh. "Yup!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 05, 2012, 04:15:46 AM
"Who were you hoping to get?" fly up so we can talk face to face.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 05, 2012, 04:29:32 AM
"Who were you hoping to get?" fly up so we can talk face to face.

>You levitate yourself so you can look eye to heterochromatic eye with the umbrella youkai. She's as close to horizontal as you think she can manage given her current predicament. She gives you a somewhat uncertain smile. "Oh... whoever came along?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 05, 2012, 04:35:26 AM
What do we think of the umbrella yokai? Are we dating anyone? Would our resident gods be angry if we were?

"Want some help down?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2012, 04:41:31 AM
>Give the umbrella a spin as we ask.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 05, 2012, 06:04:04 AM
But try not to smirk.  (maybe fail)
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 05, 2012, 06:11:14 AM
What do we think of the umbrella yokai? Are we dating anyone? Would our resident gods be angry if we were?

"Want some help down?"

>When you first met Kogasa, she was merely a Youkai in your way, and you gave her a bit of a whuping. Your stance on her changed, however, after she followed you home, vowing to surprise you. Her determination impressed you, and her... somewhat lackluster efforts led you to realize that she's really very cute. You were pleased to see her in the graveyard of the Myoren temple, finally improving her surprising skills. You still beat her at danmaku, but you were happy to see her gaining skill. The little youkai has wormed her way into your heart, and you are genuinely very fond of her. Quite the surprise, that. Nothing physical has happened between you two. Yet. But you have been tempted, more than once...
>At the moment, you do not have a steady girlfriend. But you are very close to Kogasa here, and you and Reimu Hakurei have grown quite close as well, during your time. Not just because you're both shrine maidens, but because she's a human your own age. You've noted she doesn't take her job quite as seriously as she ought to, so you've tried to 'straighten her out' a time or two. Needless to say, you've mostly failed. But in the process, you've learned that Reimu has a good heart, and cares for you, too. Again, nothing physical has happened. Which by no means indicates that nothing COULD happen.
>You believe this depends on the goddess in question. In Kanako-sama's case, so long as it dones't interfere with your work, she doesn't have too many objections to you looking for love. In Suwako-sama's case, you think it depends on if she likes that person. Which often means skill at danmaku, or a quirky sense of humor.


>Give the umbrella a spin as we ask.

>You twirl the umbrella in your hands, eliciting a 'munehhhhhhh' sound from Kogasa. Sounds like she's getting dizzy.

But try not to smirk.  (maybe fail)

>You try not to smirk. And then you smirk. But not TOO evily. She even looks cute in a net.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2012, 06:21:52 AM
>"What's in it for me?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 05, 2012, 08:47:53 PM
>"What's in it for me?"

>"Uh.... Helping a girl in a net?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2012, 09:01:18 PM
>Twirl it just a bit more.
>"But Kogasa, I think that net suits you~! Maybe you should wear it as an accessory from here on~!"
>Can't be trapped by common sense afterall, we're too hammy for that.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2012, 10:44:38 PM
>"But if you want out, then...bring in my laundry when it gets done."
>Heh heh heh. Way to shirk!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 06, 2012, 03:07:45 AM
>Twirl it just a bit more.
>"But Kogasa, I think that net suits you~! Maybe you should wear it as an accessory from here on~!"
>Can't be trapped by common sense afterall, we're too hammy for that.

>You give Kogasa's umbrella little twirl. This time, however, she emits a short little gasp.
>She makes a contemplative sound. "You think so? Hmm.... Maybe it'd help surprise people..."
>Common sense is fer yellabellies.

>"But if you want out, then...bring in my laundry when it gets done."
>Heh heh heh. Way to shirk!

>"Sure, I can do that."
>Take THAT, laundry duty!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2012, 03:13:35 AM
>Have a look at the net. How is it attached to the tree?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 06, 2012, 03:32:57 AM
>Have a look at the net. How is it attached to the tree?

>Having agreed to let Kogasa handle your undies, you set about the task of retrieving her from her current predicament. Her net appears to be tied to a sturdy branch overhead, rather securely, too. Kogasa seems to know her way around ropes and knots.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2012, 03:57:03 AM
>Fly up, and have a look at it. Do we think we could undo the knot?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 06, 2012, 04:29:58 AM
>Fly up, and have a look at it. Do we think we could undo the knot?

>An inspection of the knot above Kogasa reveals that the umbrella REALLY knows her knots. You suspect it would take at least ten minutes just to figure out where to start trying to undo this thing.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2012, 04:38:07 AM
>"So how do I open this, anyways?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 06, 2012, 04:58:05 AM
>"So how do I open this, anyways?"

>"Uh.... I hadn't thought that far ahead."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2012, 05:07:24 AM
>"Uh.... I hadn't thought that far ahead."

>"Oh. Well, I hope you like it here!"
>Check where the rope meets the net, and see if we can disconnect it from there.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 06, 2012, 05:09:47 AM
>"Oh. Well, I hope you like it here!"
>Check where the rope meets the net, and see if we can disconnect it from there.

>"Aw, don't be boo!"
>The net is made of rope. It is one solid unit.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2012, 05:12:45 AM
>"Can you fly?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 06, 2012, 05:21:53 AM
>"Can you fly?"

>"You know perfectly well I can fly! Just cut the bottom out! Uh, please?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 06, 2012, 05:36:52 AM
>Cut the bottom out via whatever means we currently have at our disposal.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2012, 05:46:03 AM
>"I mean right now! If you lift up your weight, we can probably get you out of this without cutting up your net."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 06, 2012, 06:27:38 AM
>"I mean right now! If you lift up your weight, we can probably get you out of this without cutting up your net."

>"We can?"

>Cut the bottom out via whatever means we currently have at our disposal.

>You fly down to the bottom of the net, coming to rest on the ground, and gather the wind about your hand, forming it into a blade. Striking out at the net, you reave the sturdy rope in twain, freeing the captive youkai within. It seems your advice about flight wasn't as impactful as the sudden lack of anything solid beneath her to keep her aloft. With a startled yelp, she plummets from her net. Dropping the umbrella in your hand, you levitate slightly and catch her in your arms.
>She looks up at you with a mixture of surprise and affection. "My hero."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2012, 06:48:02 AM
>Grin back.
>"My laundry girl!'
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 06, 2012, 10:19:12 AM
>Grin back.
>"My laundry girl!'

>Kogasa giggles, and snuggles comfortably in your arms. She's surprisingly light. "You're stronger than you look."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 06, 2012, 04:40:56 PM
>Heroic grin. "Of course! That's just my- Oh wait, I think I'd get in trouble if I finished that last part."

Player's Aside: Yeah, that's Adell's catchphrase, 'That's just my style!'.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Nekomata-chan on February 06, 2012, 06:10:03 PM
>"Are you always this clumsy~?"
>Be sure to laugh enough to have her join in too.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2012, 07:06:31 PM
If we're gonna chase after Kogasa, I recommend we play hard to get. We do have a reputation as a living goddess to maintain; and because it'll be hilarious.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 07, 2012, 03:42:25 AM
>Heroic grin. "Of course! That's just my- Oh wait, I think I'd get in trouble if I finished that last part."

>Kogasa nods. "That would be bad."

>"Are you always this clumsy~?"
>Be sure to laugh enough to have her join in too.

>At first her face squenches up a little, but your laugh wins her over, and she flushes nicely. "Only when I get surprised."

If we're gonna chase after Kogasa, I recommend we play hard to get. We do have a reputation as a living goddess to maintain; and because it'll be hilarious.

Surely you mean "chase after Kogasa FIRST", right? *grin*
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2012, 05:11:06 AM
>Float back toward the Shrine.
>"What surprised you?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 07, 2012, 08:21:31 AM
>Float back toward the Shrine.
>"What surprised you?"

>You float back towards your home base, one freshly caught youkai securely in your arms. Kogasa stretches an arm out and up, and the eggplant-purple umbrella floats up and into her outstretched hand.
>"Big gust of wind came outta nowhere." She pauses, then pouts. "That was YOU, wasn't it?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2012, 08:46:18 AM
>"Clothes gotta get dry, you know?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 07, 2012, 09:02:48 AM
If we're gonna chase after Kogasa
Surely you mean "chase after Kogasa FIRST", right? *grin*

Does this really need to happen? I've been thrown off more than one quest due to creepy waifu simulator requests. If that's what the rest of the thread wants, fine, I'll shut up, but for once I'd like to enjoy a story without the above.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 07, 2012, 09:34:38 AM
>"Clothes gotta get dry, you know?"

>"Ohhhh.... I'll get you for that."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2012, 07:16:26 PM
>"Well if you weren't so good at being sneaky, this wouldn't have happened."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 07, 2012, 10:46:03 PM
>"Well if you weren't so good at being sneaky, this wouldn't have happened."

>Kogasa's eyes light up with your praise. "Really?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2012, 11:10:50 PM
>Set her down once we get out of the woods
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 07, 2012, 11:12:29 PM
>"I wouldn't have even found you if I hadn't heard your surprised shout~!"

We get to add her to our team don't we? (She's probably a Monster-type unit with the Umbrella as her weapon.)
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 08, 2012, 01:21:11 AM
>"I wouldn't have even found you if I hadn't heard your surprised shout~!"

>Kogasa beams. "I'll be more careful next time."

>Set her down once we get out of the woods

>You fly along towards the shrine, Kogasa enjoying the ride, and you're hardly complaining either. But it's a short hop to the outskirts of the woods, Kogasa not having set her trap too deep in.
>Once you land, you lower your arms and Kogasa disembarks, accompanied by a *click* sound.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2012, 01:25:59 AM
>Can we tell what the click is?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 08, 2012, 01:41:59 AM
>Can we tell what the click is?

>It sounds remarkably like a camera shutter operating.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2012, 01:52:32 AM
>What do we know about the local shutterbugs?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 08, 2012, 01:58:45 AM
>What do we know about the local shutterbugs?

>Nine and a half times out of then, you're dealing with a tengu. And generally speaking, that means Aya. At least, when you suspect someone acting covertly. That other major tengu reporter, Hatate, comes around now and then, but she's more honest and up front than Aya, doesn't sneak in the back door as often.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2012, 02:02:13 AM
>"Hi Aya."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 08, 2012, 02:09:19 AM
>"Hi Aya."

Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 08, 2012, 02:23:44 AM
>Wind attak! Blow her out into the open!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 08, 2012, 02:25:17 AM
"Any head lines I should look forward too?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 08, 2012, 02:52:57 AM
"Any head lines I should look forward too?"

>"Maaaaaaybe~" comes a singsong voice that... doesn't actually sound like Aya this time.

>Wind attak! Blow her out into the open!

>Directing a blast of wind towards the source of the clicking, a tall fir tree, a "gyaaaaa!" precedes a figure falling from the branches. A short, blonde figure wearing a purple and white outfit, and a very distinctive hat. Not too many folks you wear hats with frog-like eyes atop it.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2012, 03:04:51 AM
>Assume grovelling position!
>"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 08, 2012, 03:25:17 AM
>Assume grovelling position!
>"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

>As you fall to your knees, Suwako returns to a standing position, a camera in hand, and her usual silly smile on her face. She hops over to you as your head goes up and down rapidly. You think Kogasa's getting dizzy looking at you bow up and down so quickly.
>"Not bad, Sanae-chan. But next time, shoot first, announce yourself later, if you wanna catch that bird."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2012, 03:41:21 AM
>Maintain grovelling position.
>"Understood, Suwako-sama."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 08, 2012, 05:37:42 AM
>Maintain grovelling position.
>"Understood, Suwako-sama."

>With your head still in the dirt, in full grovel mode, you hear Suwako chuckle. "Now, lick my shoes as punishment."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2012, 05:45:52 AM
>"But there's germs on them!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 08, 2012, 05:55:11 AM
>"But there's germs on them!"

>"You should have thought about that before striking me!"
>"B-bu... Suwaka-sama..." Kogasa peeps. "She didn't know-"
>"NO EXCUSES." Suwako proclaims, making Kogasa shrink half a foot.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 08, 2012, 06:17:33 AM
>Take Kogasa's umbrella and use its tounge to like Suwako's shoes clean. Hey, she never said we had to use our own tounge, right?
>Then give Kogasa her umbrella back.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 08, 2012, 07:50:21 AM
>Take Kogasa's umbrella and use its tounge to like Suwako's shoes clean. Hey, she never said we had to use our own tounge, right?
>Then give Kogasa her umbrella back.

>You reach out to grab Kogasa's accessory, in a rather clever attempt to avoid putting your own lips to your goddesses' shoes. Taking the umbrella from Kogasa, however, is not an automatically easy task, and she keeps a firm grip on her parasol.
>You wrestle with the youkai back and forth, until the long tongue of the umbrella snakes its way under your skirt, and begins to tickle the back of your leg.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2012, 08:32:23 AM
>Nab that tongue and employ it like a rag!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 08, 2012, 12:25:25 PM
>Nab that tongue and employ it like a rag!

>Unfazed by the inrodes of Kogasa's extraneous tongue - hah ha! - you remove a hand from the parasol proper - tee hee! - and grab the tongue with your judo-grip action. For some reason, this makes Kogasa herself produce a "glcckh!" sound. As you yank the tongue out from under your skirt, Kogasa suddenly releases her grip on the parasol itself. Now pulling on an object with no resistance, those pesky laws of physics conspire against you, and take your balance away from you.
>Yelling, "Surprise!" Kogasa lunges forward, and sets about tickling your underarms while you're temporarily off-balance.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 08, 2012, 12:48:23 PM
> Flail about wildly, becoming equally a danger to ourselves as to those around us.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 09, 2012, 02:09:15 AM
> Flail about wildly, becoming equally a danger to ourselves as to those around us.

>Devilish youkai trickery! She'll not get away with such tactics! You set about flailing madly, the likes of flailing unseen since... since a long time! And in the process, somehow, you manage to uppercut both yourself and Kogasa simultaneously.
>At this point, Suwako's face contorts, and she doubles over with laughter. At least until a washbin falls from the sky onto her head with a resounding CLANG, and her face hits the dirt, her tongue lolling out one side of her mouth.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 09, 2012, 02:16:51 AM
>Where did a washbin come from?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 09, 2012, 04:23:41 AM
>Where did a washbin come from?

>Generally speaking, when a washbin falls on someone's head around here, Kanako-sama's to blame.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2012, 04:30:02 AM
>Glance around, is she anywhere to be seen?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 09, 2012, 04:45:16 AM
>Glance around, is she anywhere to be seen?

>Shaking off the cobwebs of that impressive uppercut of yours, you look towards the shrine. Sure enough, Kanako-sama's standing in the doorway, her usual dour expression on her face, although it is aimed at her fellow goddess. "Is that really necessary at this time of the morning?"
>Suwako's answer is a muffled groan.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 09, 2012, 05:04:07 AM
> think 'Is it really that early?'...but don't say anything.

> How well does K-sama take being teased?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 09, 2012, 05:19:38 AM
> think 'Is it really that early?'...but don't say anything.

> How well does K-sama take being teased?

>You bite your lip to keep from making a clever quip.
>Usually, after she's already dropped one metallic weight on someone's head, teasing her immediately after would not be entirely advisable. Kogasa got away with it once, but you suspect that's because Kanako-sama took pity on the youkai. That time.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2012, 05:31:57 AM
>Time to slink away!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 09, 2012, 11:19:04 AM
>Time to slink away!

>With Kanako-sama's attention (hopefully) focused on her more exuberant counterpart, you decide to take the opportunity to exercise the better part of valor, post haste!
>... at least up until you hear Kanako-sama's voice ring out, "Would you mind explaining this, young lady?" in that more-than-a-little-paternal voice she only ever uses on you.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 09, 2012, 12:17:27 PM
>With Kanako-sama's attention (hopefully) focused on her more exuberant counterpart, you decide to take the opportunity to exercise the better part of valor, post haste!
>... at least up until you hear Kanako-sama's voice ring out, "Would you mind explaining this, young lady?" in that more-than-a-little-paternal voice she only ever uses on you.

> Wince, continue slinking, double-time!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 09, 2012, 06:28:36 PM
Stop, we have nothing to explain!
"Explain, what Kanako-sama?"
Make sure we have a firm grip on the umbrella and its yokai.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 10, 2012, 02:28:41 AM
> Wince, continue slinking, double-time!
Stop, we have nothing to explain!
"Explain, what Kanako-sama?"
Make sure we have a firm grip on the umbrella and its yokai.

>You pause in mid-slink, abandoning you feeble efforts to evade your goddess.
>Between your attempt to slink away, and your firm uppercut you delivered to Kogasas jaw, as well as your own, you have released both parasol and parasol-gal.
>Kanako folds her arms across her Mountains of Faith. "I come out here to investigate a ruckus, and find you grappling with young Kogasa." Her eyes dart between you and the still-stunned youkai.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2012, 02:31:50 AM
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 10, 2012, 03:48:56 AM

>The goddess of wind looks somewhat less than satisfied with your monosyllabic answer.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2012, 03:59:16 AM
>"Errrrrr...yes. You did."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 10, 2012, 04:16:56 AM
"I was flailing..not uhhh ummmm. You see Suwako.."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 10, 2012, 04:39:36 AM
>"Errrrrr...yes. You did."
"I was flailing..not uhhh ummmm. You see Suwako.."

Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2012, 04:56:53 AM
>Sidle away while she's looking at Suwako. Not too fast, don't want to catch her attention...
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 10, 2012, 06:21:02 AM
>Sidle away while she's looking at Suwako. Not too fast, don't want to catch her attention...

>She isn't actually looking at the froggy one. Her question was directed at you, a sort of 'Suwako was what?' intonation, just without the last couple syllables. No sidling away for you.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 10, 2012, 06:49:20 AM
"She was talking..and making me clean her shoes. I grabbed the umbrella's tongue, I mean its so big!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 10, 2012, 08:23:34 AM
"She was talking..and making me clean her shoes. I grabbed the umbrella's tongue, I mean its so big!"

>Only you, knowing Kanako-sama as well as you do, would be able to detect the ghost of a smile on the wind goddess' lips as you fumble your way though the explanation she'd asked for. "Yes. It certainly is."
>NOW she turns her attention to her shorter co-divinity, who has yet to extricate herself from under the washbin. "Your shoes, Suwako?"
>"Aauu...." is all the froggy one can muster.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2012, 08:25:20 AM
>Now we sidle off!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 10, 2012, 02:55:54 PM
To Kogasa if we can see her.

We should apologize, and she hasn't brought our laundry in yet..
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 10, 2012, 09:32:44 PM
To Kogasa if we can see her.
>Now we sidle off!

>Kanako-sama successfully diverted, at least for the moment, you try to slink off again. But then your good instincts overcome your wimpy ones, and sidle off towards Kogasa. After all, you do owe her an apology. And she owes you a load of laundry.
>The parasol-gal is where you last saw her: on the ground, massaging her jaw. She looks up at you with tears in her eyes.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2012, 10:02:29 PM
>Motion for her to follow, then slink off! We'll let the divinities hash this out.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 11, 2012, 11:25:08 PM
>Motion for her to follow, then slink off! We'll let the divinities hash this out.

>Kogasa remains where she is as Kanako crosses the grass towards Suwako. Kogasa looks fairly betrayed.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 12, 2012, 01:12:54 AM
>Slink back, grab her, and pull her with us.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 12, 2012, 07:56:57 AM
>Slink back, grab her, and pull her with us.

>Vowing to apologize once you're clear of your divinities, you reach out and take Kogasa my the hand. Seeming to notice the apologetic look in your eyes, she nods, rises, and the two of you do your best to become invisible as you slink away to be alone.
>Kanako, for her part, kicks the washbin on Suwako's head aside, picks the earth Goddess up by the scruff of her neck, the chucks her over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "And you wonder how I got the better of you." She seems not to have noticed your latest attempt to abscond with Kogasa.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 12, 2012, 08:05:10 AM
>Quietly: "Okay you don't have to get the laundry anymore. But don't tell anyone I went easy on you, I have a reputation to keep..."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 12, 2012, 08:23:13 AM
>Quietly: "Okay you don't have to get the laundry anymore. But don't tell anyone I went easy on you, I have a reputation to keep..."

>"Easy?" the youkai mutters as you creepily creep away from Kanako-sama. "You grabbed my tongue!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 12, 2012, 09:16:44 AM
>"Yeah, well, she made me!"
>Try not to voice our indignity too loudly.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 12, 2012, 09:12:34 PM
"And its such big tongue!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 12, 2012, 09:18:05 PM
>"Besides! We can just wash that taste away with tea, or maybe some sake! I'm sure there's some stashed somewhere in the shrine."
>"It isn't every day I invite you to have a drink, now is it?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 12, 2012, 10:40:43 PM
>"Yeah, well, she made me!"
>Try not to voice our indignity too loudly.

>"She didn't tell you to grab my tongue!"

"And its such big tongue!"

>Kogasa seems a little pacified by this. "Well... yeah, it kinda is...."

>"Besides! We can just wash that taste away with tea, or maybe some sake! I'm sure there's some stashed somewhere in the shrine."
>"It isn't every day I invite you to have a drink, now is it?"

>The youkai's eyes brighten at your peace offering. That's better.....
>"Can we have cookies, too?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 12, 2012, 10:54:09 PM
>"...Sure, let's do that too!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 12, 2012, 11:06:44 PM
>"...Sure, let's do that too!"

>A tentative smile spreads Kogasa's face. She nods, somewhat enthusiastically.
>By this point, Kanako-sama has re-entered the Moriya shrine, lugging the guts into the next room, but has paused in the doorway. In a voice that seems slightly amused, she tosses over her shoulder, "Shall I prepare some tea for you, then?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 12, 2012, 11:18:29 PM
>"I'll handle it, but do we have cookies? Cookies are important!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 12, 2012, 11:21:15 PM
>"I'll handle it, but do we have cookies? Cookies are important!"

>"I believe we do. In fact, I-"
>The rest of the wind goddesses' words are drowned out by a sonic boom.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 12, 2012, 11:26:26 PM
>"...Oh boy."
>We know that sonic boom anywhere don't we? It's gotta be Aya.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 12, 2012, 11:30:40 PM
>"...Oh boy."
>We know that sonic boom anywhere don't we? It's gotta be Aya.

>Kanako-sama would seem to agree with that sentiment, as she sighs a short sigh. "Damn tengu..."
>This boom, however, seems a little different than hers. Like there was more.... mass, or something, behind it. If anything, it sounds like the sounds fighter jets made back when you lived on the other side of the barrier. Or like you used to hear in those giant robo animes you were so fond of.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 12, 2012, 11:34:36 PM
"That sounded like a plane.."
Try to see what made it.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 12, 2012, 11:37:21 PM
>"That...hang on Kanako-sama, that didn't sound like a Tengu, it had more heft to it! Like a jet, or maybe...A Super Robot!"
>We're really pushing it with this next line, but the ham, it calls to us!
>"And a Super Robot is perfect for Sanae Kochiya, HERO OF GENSOKYO!"

(Come on, this is based on Disgaea after all, where would Disgaea be without the comedic pratfalls?)
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 12, 2012, 11:59:52 PM
>Raise up hand, fingers spread, and dramatically clench a fist while declaring that.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 13, 2012, 12:19:54 AM
>"That...hang on Kanako-sama, that didn't sound like a Tengu, it had more heft to it! Like a jet, or maybe...A Super Robot!"
>We're really pushing it with this next line, but the ham, it calls to us!
>"And a Super Robot is perfect for Sanae Kochiya, HERO OF GENSOKYO!"
>Raise up hand, fingers spread, and dramatically clench a fist while declaring that.

>Voicing your theory to Kanako-sama, both the mundane and the cool, you feel your inner ham welling up within you. And promptly decide to embrace it. Complete with a sufficiently DRAMATIC POSE.
>Rather predictably, a washbin falls from the sky onto your justice-loving head. *You are stunned for one round* How does she DO that....?

"That sounded like a plane.."
Try to see what made it.

>Turning your eyes up to the sky, the whatever-it-was that produced that sound doesn't appear to be automatically in evidence. But there is a distinctive trail of clouds in the sky, and following it quickly....
>Whatever it is, it's too far away to make discern the shape, but it does appear to be an object, and flying, and currently unidentified. Well, not so much FLYING as FALLING. It doesn't stay in the air for too long before dissapearing below your line of sight. It seemed to be heading in the general direction of the Myoren Temple.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 13, 2012, 12:38:41 AM
>"We need to catch that thing!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 13, 2012, 01:14:23 AM
>"We need to catch that thing!"

>Kogasa removes the Kanako Special <tm> from your head.
>*you are no longer stunned*
>Kanako-sama ponders your decloration for a moment. "Very well, go and investigate."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 13, 2012, 01:25:01 AM
>"Let's go, Kogasa!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 13, 2012, 01:26:07 AM
>No time to wait, gotta get after it before those crafty Buddhists steal it!
>Head in that direction at once!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 13, 2012, 02:12:39 AM
>No time to wait, gotta get after it before those crafty Buddhists steal it!
>Head in that direction at once!
>"Let's go, Kogasa!"

>No Buddhist is gonna make off with that cool new whatever on YOUR watch, nosireebob. And if this is the beginning of another incident, then SANAE KOCHIYA, HERO OF GENSOKYO, will rise to meet it!
>And have you trusty side kick Parasol Gal along for the ride, as well. Kogasa smiles broadly and nods, taking to the skies after you.
>*Kogasa Tatara has joined your party!*
>"And bring me back a souvenir!" Suwako calls after you.

>The two of you set off in a generally southwesterly direction, where lies the home of Byakuren Hijiri and her army of do-gooders. From distance away, you can hear the sounds of whatever that thing is coming in for a landing. And by landing, we definitely mean crash landing. There's no sounds of an explosion, but if there was anyone on board that thing, they ain't gonna be strutting away from that crash any time soon.
>Passing over the small settlement of humans that has sprung up near to your temple, you see people milling about, heads sticking out of windows, the general consensus being 'what the hell was that'? A couple of younger children wave to you as you fly overhead.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 13, 2012, 02:55:05 AM
>Wave back.
>To the temple!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 13, 2012, 03:45:19 AM
>Wave back.
>To the temple!

>You wave down to the kids below you. Perhaps one day they, too, will grow into DEFENDERS OF GENSOKYO in their own right. And Sanae Kochiya will be there to serve as a sterling example!
>"Watch out for fairys!" you catch one of them yell out to you.

>The kid may have had a point. The crashing object has the fairies of the mountain stirred up; there's a lot of the little dears flitting about. But none of them attack you or get in your way, but several of them do wave and say hello as you fly past with Kogasa. You have a pretty good relationship in general with the fairies of the mountain, and despite the increased fairy activity, you expect little trouble on your way to the crash site.
>Up until the point where a quintet of small fairys with blonde hair each rise from the trees and launch a small volley of danmaku at you and Kogasa!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 13, 2012, 04:01:13 AM
>Danmaku back. They're just fairies; that should be more than enough.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 13, 2012, 04:12:41 AM
>Danmaku back. They're just fairies; that should be more than enough.

>It is definately more than enough. Kogasa could handle this bunch, to say nothing of the Moriya shrine maiden. You easily evade their pitiful attempt to knock you from the sky and return fire, making the lot of them go poof with a single barrage.
>"Nice shot!" Kogasa congradulates you. In the handful of seconds it takes before another squadron of fairies descend upon you. Each of these has a red ribbon in their hair, and on their wrists. You recognize this as a sign of one of the local fairy gang, run by one Cinnamon Lily, a fairy of fire with a big attitude and a fairly inflated sense of her own power.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 13, 2012, 04:17:59 AM
>Take this gang out. Do try not to overlook evasive actions.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 13, 2012, 04:24:30 AM
>Take this gang out. Do try not to overlook evasive actions.

>This bad doesn't even get a shot off before your deft danmaku prowess makes them all dissapear.
>All but one, that is. One of them, slightly taller than the rest and with shorter, greenish hair, drops from the sky sharply, then back up. "You ain't stoppin' the boss! She wants that loud thing, and she gonna get it!" she boasts, firing off a slightly more serious pattern of bullets with one hand, while whistling sharply with the other, calling forth another half dozen fairies. Swell. Adds!
>"I got the help!" Kogasa cries, spinning her umbrella in front of her a unleashing a swirl of bullets.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 13, 2012, 04:32:21 AM
>Take the green-haired fairy out!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 13, 2012, 04:57:49 AM
>Take the green-haired fairy out!

>A bunch of fairies is no match for your trusty sidekick, and this green-haired flunky of Cinnamon is no match for you! Her bullets are a touch trickier to dodge than others, but she wouldn't even qualify as a stage 1 midboss. With a deft midair turn, you send her fire off harmlessly behind you, and unleash a stream of bullets. "I'll come back to haunt you!" the green haired fairy before dissapearing. The sky is yours again!
>Kogasa floats up alongside you. "Bet we're gonna see their boss before we get to where we're going."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 13, 2012, 06:53:28 AM
>"Then we'll take her out, too."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 13, 2012, 07:22:45 AM
> Muse "you think Green hair is in fashion for sidekicks?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 13, 2012, 08:42:54 AM
> Muse "you think Green hair is in fashion for sidekicks?"

> We are nobody's sidekick!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 13, 2012, 09:27:06 AM
> Muse "you think Green hair is in fashion for sidekicks?"

>You muse out loud, and Kogasa makes a thoughtful noise. She looks at your own head of green hair. "You tell me."

> We are nobody's sidekick!

>"I am nobody's sidekick!" you reply.

>"Then we'll take her out, too."

>Kogasa gives you a big nod, as you set off again. "Gotta give fairys credit. They never give up!"
>The next couple of minutes or so are fairly uneventful, apart from three or four fairies sporting identical ribbons, whose attacks barely even make you break stride. This affords you and Parasol Gal a nice view of the mountain as you descend. You're starting to come up near tengu territory as well, so you both start keeping an eye out for stray crows and paparazzi.
>As you cross over a clearing in the trees, you hear more sounds of danmaku from below, and several bullets fly up and across your flight path. Sure enough, it's Cinnamon herself, floating amidst the flower-filled clearing, a challenging smirk on her face.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 13, 2012, 10:27:06 AM
> Heroic Art ~ Dramatic Pose.
> "I hope you're hungry, because I am here to serve JUSTICE!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 14, 2012, 07:01:34 AM
> Heroic Art ~ Dramatic Pose.
> "I hope you're hungry, because I am here to serve JUSTICE!"

>The strawberry blonde haired fairy returns your dramatic pose with one of her own. She shows some promise in that department, but her DRAMATIC sense is not on your level. Not by a longshot.
>She points at you with her white-gloved hand. "You may have got away from me before, but not this time, MoriMiko!" She then throws her arms out wide, exclaiming, "BEHOLD!!!" (Wow, you didn't think she knew that word) and at her call, approximately 30 fairys fly into the clearing to flank her. And for good measure, her red-gloved hand catches fire. "Got me some new tricks!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 14, 2012, 07:39:20 AM
>How many frognukes do we have onhand?

We know we want to.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 14, 2012, 08:15:20 AM
>How many frognukes do we have onhand?

>You are currently using Kanako's shot type.
>Certainly enough to deal with a taller than average fairy and her flunkies.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 14, 2012, 08:44:14 AM
Sweet, even morer awesome bombs.

And we don't need to aim! That frees us to POSE!

Any good trees to pose on?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 14, 2012, 10:05:37 AM
Sweet, even morer awesome bombs.

And we don't need to aim! That frees us to POSE!

Any good trees to pose on?

>There are trees ringing the clearing Cinnamon and her army. And given your status as DEFENDER OF GENSOKYO, any and all of them will serve as a suitable pedastal for posing upon.
>At this point, your own personal narrator tells you are not restricted in your shot type. That is a limit for rookies, and that is something you are clearly not. And you have full access to all your spellcards.

I'm not too proud to admit when I make a mistake. I thought about it, and considered restricting shot type would be a mistake. You may pummel those who stand against you in any way you see fit. Furthur questions, feel free to ask.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 14, 2012, 10:51:45 AM
> Stand ourselves on a high outhanging branch in Gunbuster Stance.
> Click our fingers.
> Drop nuke.
> Turn around to stand with our back to the explosion.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 15, 2012, 11:49:05 AM
> Stand ourselves on a high outhanging branch in Gunbuster Stance.
> Click our fingers.
> Drop nuke.
> Turn around to stand with our back to the explosion.

>Descending to stand atop a tall, firm branch, and invoking a long-forgotten Gainax production, you flip the small fairy army a cocky grin, then give your fingers a snap.
>Recognizing the sign, and that grin, Kogasa produces a pair of stylin' sunglasses as the air above the fairy army begins to glow ominously. To a fairy, they all look up at the expanding concentric circles of light forming above them.
>As you spin 180 degrees on your heel, your Frog Sign: Wily Toad detonates, blanketing the area in a brilliant flash of white light, and the sound of JUSTICE being served. Your long hair blows dramatically in the breeze. Like a BOSS.
>Kogasa seems suitably impressed. "I think that was brighter than the last time you dropped one of those bombs." she praises you as the light of the bomb fades. You chuckle and nod. The youkai knows good work when she sees it.
>Somewhat to your surprise, however, you hear a voice from behind you squawk, "That wasn't fair! I wasn't ready! You CHEATED!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2012, 01:22:28 PM
>Grin toward Kogasa, then whirl at toward the voice.
>"I'm no cheater! You're supposed to be ready when you see your opponent!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 15, 2012, 04:54:48 PM
> "Not being ready for JUSTICE makes you all the more guilty!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Nekomata-chan on February 15, 2012, 05:11:13 PM
> Be sure to point like a boss. Look as if we could explode them in a heartbeat.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 16, 2012, 12:05:11 PM
>Grin toward Kogasa, then whirl at toward the voice.
>"I'm no cheater! You're supposed to be ready when you see your opponent!"
> "Not being ready for JUSTICE makes you all the more guilty!"
> Be sure to point like a boss. Look as if we could explode them in a heartbeat.

>Flashing Kogasa a quick grin, you spin on your other heel to face the fool who DARED survive your mighty bomb. Cinnamon Lily looks more than a little disheveled as a result of your frognuke, but she's still in one piece. She is, however, conspicuously alone now. So much for her army.... Still and all, the fact that she weathered your attack at all is fairly impressive, as Kogasa notes. "Wow. Don't see that everyday."
>"I WAS ready!" she protests, evidently unfazed by your boss-like pointing. Guess it might not work on those who consider themselves a boss as well. "You're not supposed to start a fight with a bomb!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 16, 2012, 02:39:43 PM
> Do we have more bombs in our arsenal?
> Are they in limited supply?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 16, 2012, 06:00:00 PM
> Do we have more bombs in our arsenal?
> Are they in limited supply?

>Your bombs are essentially infinite, but you can't spam them. Your two bombs (Frog Sign: Wily Toad and Snake Sign: Orochi of Ancient Times) must be recharged after each use. This charge can be acheived either by the passage of time, defeating enemies and gathering powerups, or the power of Love.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Nekomata-chan on February 16, 2012, 06:41:07 PM
> Let's use a regular attack. Save the bombs for another time.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 16, 2012, 09:47:02 PM
> Let's use a regular attack. Save the bombs for another time.

>You decide to lay off both bombs and spellcards for the time being. Little fairy might be tougher than the last time you faced her, but it probably shouldn't too much more to make her go POP. Maybe she'll learn her less... Never mind. It's a fairy.
>Unleashing a stream of bullets towards Cinnamon, you are rewarded with the sight of... her evading your assault? So she does! Not easily, mind, but she weaves between your shots with a bit of effort. Kogasa gives the little fairy a little applause.
>"Told'ja I got some new tricks." she smirks, rising up to your elevation. "Now lesse what you think of MY special move!" And with that she produces a spellcard. Wait, what?!
>"Fire Sign: Cinnamon Wheel!"
>To her left and to her right appear great spinning wheels of flame, fireballs strung together.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2012, 12:55:59 AM
>"I can to start with one! You're just mad you didn't."
>Switch over to the snake-style shots and fire; they should be harder to evade.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 17, 2012, 09:51:40 AM
> Are we bound more by Touhou rules or Disgaea rules?
> I.e. do we have to engage in danmaku or can we just slug her in the face?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 18, 2012, 08:52:32 AM
> Are we bound more by Touhou rules or Disgaea rules?
> I.e. do we have to engage in danmaku or can we just slug her in the face?

>This is an interesting question, and requires an answer from the parser.

At this point in time, the people of gensokyo are bound to the rules of gensokyo, IE, danmaku, spellcards, all that jazz. I admit, I haven`t read up on the spellcard battle rulebook for a while, but I suppose, in theory, you COULD just fly at at her and give her a shot upside the head. But it would be very bad form, and have some other consequences as well. I THINK it actually violates the rules of the spellcard, but again, I'm not sure.
As for later on, will Flonne develop her own spellcards and do battle with the likes of Utsuho? Will Marisa convert and become a level 6450 Human unique? Time will tell.

>"I can to start with one! You're just mad you didn't."
>Switch over to the snake-style shots and fire; they should be harder to evade.

>"Well, I'll WIN with this one!"
>Calling upon the divine wisdom of Kanako-sama, you unleash a more straightforward shot type in an attempt to deplete the health of Cinnamon's spellcard. Simple danmaku should be more than enough to handle a fairy's spellcard without declaring one of your own.
>Cinnamon doesn't actually even seem to try to evade your danmaku, for some reason. She seems intent on controlling her spellcard, you think, as she unleashes a barrage of return fire from her outstretched hands even as your strike home. A fairly impressive looking stream of bullets fly from both of her hands... and sail right by you on other side of you, without you needing to move an inch. From her rings of fire, there comes nothing.

>Fire Sign: Cinnamon Wheel health remaining: 75%
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 18, 2012, 01:18:24 PM
> Snake-shots track, don't they?
> Make wide, sweeping dodges in unpredictable directions whilst firing recklessly. Make sure to dodge the obvious giant lasers or whatever she's charging up from those firewheels.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 20, 2012, 04:58:31 AM
> Snake-shots track, don't they?
> Make wide, sweeping dodges in unpredictable directions whilst firing recklessly. Make sure to dodge the obvious giant lasers or whatever she's charging up from those firewheels.

>More or less. When snake-shots 'miss', they tend to branch off in perpendicular directions when they're alongside whatever you're shooting at, making them very hard to dodge. It's not a 'homing' shot, like that OTHER miko specializes in, and the branched shots are not as powerful as the primary shot, but their accuracy and reliability more than justifies this.
>You weave in and out of the bullet streams with pizzazz, just to show the little fairy how a pro does it. All the while maintaining a steady stream of danmaku fire of your own. Cinnamon still makes no effort to dodge or evade your shots. She must be new at this game. In her defense, her two bullet streams, unmoving though they may be, are fairly densely packed, and a little tricky to weave in and out of. Cinnamon seems vexed about something.
>Tricky though they may be, you've faced much much worse, and you are fully prepared to deal with whatever Cinnamon's preparing with her burning wheels of burning. Great balls of fire detach themselves from the wheels and fire off in all directions at moderate speed. Less than half fly in your direction, but they're large enough to pose a bit of a threat when mixed with the streams of normal danmaku. There's a number of ways this could be more a more threatening attack, but as it is, you deftly avoid both fireballs and bullets.
>You have to admit. Cinnamon's no Cirno, but she ain't bad.
>Kogasa, you note, has descended to ground level, staying out of the way.

>Fire Sign: Cinnamon Wheel health remaining: 60%
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 20, 2012, 05:16:17 AM
>If she's not dodging, change over to the more power powerful frog-shots, and let her have a face full of those!
>Don't neglect the dodging, though.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 20, 2012, 11:05:04 AM
>If she's not dodging, change over to the more power powerful frog-shots, and let her have a face full of those!
>Don't neglect the dodging, though.

>She may have picked up a spellcard, but someone should really talk to this fairy about dodging. Perhaps a justice-loving hero could teach this up and coming fairy about some of the finer things about being a hero. Like evasion!
>But first things first. You fly up closer to Cinnamon, getting all up in her business, and unleash a stream of focused frogshot. Her parallel danmaku streams still do not move, despite your proximity, but another volley of fireballs blast out from the rings. There are a few more fireballs, and they move a little faster than the last batch, but these suffer the same drawback that the first volley did: None of them fly in front of her any closer than 10 feet or so, giving her spellcard a sort of 'blind spot', as it were. Not unlike a certain ice fairy's spellcard.
>Over the impact of your powerful frogshot, you can hear Cinnmon's voice warbling "AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAa!!" as your danmaku pummel her.

>Fire Sign: Cinnamon Wheel health remaining: 23%
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 20, 2012, 11:42:27 AM
>Keep up the music! circle around behind her, if we can.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Nekomata-chan on February 20, 2012, 06:33:31 PM
>Keep up the speed, too!! Disorient her!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 21, 2012, 08:56:37 AM
>Keep up the music! circle around behind her, if we can.
>Keep up the speed, too!! Disorient her!

>Oh, now you're just showing off. The little fairy hasn't moved, hasn't changed her shot, and her fireballs don't seem to be a threat to you in your current location. But, on the other hand, she IS a fairy, so it takes some emphasis to get through their heads, as often as not.
>It turns out though, that with as little health remaining on her spellcard as it is, fancy maneuvers and excessive speed aren't entirely necessary. You flit between bullets from her right hand and begin to circle around her, maintaining a stream of frogshot. As you come alongside her, however, her spellcards' health pool hits 0%.
>In a burst of light and sound, Cinnamon's spellcard dissolves. The little fairy seems disoriented, to say the least. "aaaaa..." she mumbles.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 21, 2012, 10:12:38 AM
>Continue toward that crash site!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 21, 2012, 02:14:14 PM
Say loudly enough for her to hear "Well, she's not up to Crino, but that was fun."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 21, 2012, 02:57:14 PM
Say loudly enough for her to hear "Well, she's not up to Crino, but that was fun."

> And add as an afterthought: "Or Cirno, for that matter."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on February 21, 2012, 03:07:17 PM
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 22, 2012, 02:53:07 AM
>Continue toward that crash site!
Say loudly enough for her to hear "Well, she's not up to Crino, but that was fun."

>That little distraction taken care of, you set off once again towards the crash site of that u.f.o. Kogasa flies up and falls in behind you as you toss off a compliment to Cinnamon, as you and your sidekick put some distance between her.
>Kogasa seems similarly impressed, as well. "Never thought I'd see a fairy with a spellcard that wasn't Cirno." She laughs a happy little laugh. "Maybe you should give her some pointers on spellcard tactics. You never know, she might volunteer to be your bodyguard, or a temple guard."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 22, 2012, 03:53:31 AM
>"Nah, she fits better in a Quirky Miniboss Squad."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 22, 2012, 10:59:14 AM
>"Nah, she fits better in a Quirky Miniboss Squad."

>Kogasa blinks twice. "Is that one of those 'hero' terms from your world?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2012, 11:50:41 AM
>"Yep! But maybe she'll be a good Defender of Gensokyo in time."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 22, 2012, 01:40:16 PM
>"Yep! But maybe she'll be a good Defender of Gensokyo in time."

>"Practice makes perfect!" Kogasa pauses then, seemingly thinking. "A fairy Defender...." She giggles. "That's cute!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 23, 2012, 09:02:09 AM
> Advance.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 23, 2012, 09:30:09 AM
> Advance.

>As you and your trust sidekick fly on down the mountain, you note a distinct lack of furthur fairys rising to attack you. Probably thanks to your little demonstration of your prowess back with Cinnamon. The little fairy's won a fair amount of respect from the other fairys of the mountain, at least as much as fairy respect goes, so you'll probably be unmolested. At least for a while. Plus, you're getting handy to Tengu territory. Not a lot of fairys in and around their turf.
>There's also a fairly ominous looking storm cloud rolling in from the direction of the Myoren temple.
>You note Kogasa start to keep a sharp eye on the landscape below you in this region. Aya's snuck up on her more than once, and your friend considers it a point of pride not to let it happen again. She's not had tremendous success, but she certainly tries her best. And is cute doing it, you have to admit.

>Passing close to the broad river that cuts through Tengu and Kappa territory, you do indeed have an encounter with a tengu reporter, though not the one you'd expected to spring up at you. A pair of tengu are flying out ahead of you and higher up. The trailing tengu (whom you can't recognize) turns her head down to look at you. The leader, whom you know to be, Hatate Himekaidou, also turns her head back. The two decelerate slightly and begin to lower their altitude, dropping down towards you and Kogasa.
>"Think they wanna fight, too?" Kogasa wonders out loud.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 23, 2012, 02:51:19 PM
>"Not if they know what's good for 'em!"
>Wave to the oncoming duo.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 23, 2012, 07:09:48 PM
> "Are you here to taste some JUSTICE or just have a chat?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 24, 2012, 03:31:48 AM
>"Not if they know what's good for 'em!"
>Wave to the oncoming duo.
> "Are you here to taste some JUSTICE or just have a chat?"

>Issuing a greeting and a challenge in the same breath, as all true heroes can do, the two tengu ladies make no offensive gestures as the descend to fly just above you and Kogasa. The smaller tengu returns your wave, you think a little tentatively, but Hatate takes the lead from her companion. Now that she's closer, you CAN recognize her. You've never caught her name, that you can recall, but you've seen her with Hatate a couple of times. She seems to be an assistant to Hatate, of sorts.
>"More the latter, I hope." Hatate replies with a casual smile. "It seems we're both going in the same direction."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 24, 2012, 04:08:29 AM
>"Oh! DO you want to join my party?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 24, 2012, 04:45:28 AM
>"Oh! DO you want to join my party?"

>Hatate laughs, and her companion's face turns beet red. "Well, I wouldn't have put it like that, but, yes, I suppose so."
>"As a matter of fact, I had actually wondering if that thing, whatever it is, was something from the outside world. In which case, you'd be the resident expert."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 24, 2012, 05:09:28 AM
>"Don't know. Let's find out!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 24, 2012, 08:51:30 AM
>"Don't know. Let's find out!"

>Hatate has joined your party!
>Hatate's flunky has joined your party!

>The four of you resume your previous speeds towards the crash site.
>"Because I'm thinking," Hatate continues, "If it IS something from your world, than an interview with an expert would give me an edge over that OTHER reporter. If you're willing, of course."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2012, 09:12:24 AM
>"I could be convinced, if you were willing to make a proper donation to the Moriya Shrine, of course..."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 24, 2012, 10:15:35 AM
>"I could be convinced, if you were willing to make a proper donation to the Moriya Shrine, of course..."

>Hatate looks you up and down weirdly. "Reimu?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2012, 10:27:24 AM
>"I said the shrine, not me!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 24, 2012, 10:58:57 AM
>"I said the shrine, not me!"

>The tengu reporter continues giving you the eye. "Sanae's never tried to extort money for her shrine before. Are you sure you're not Reimu?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2012, 11:01:26 AM
>"Hey, I'm on the job here. If you want me to give interviews on the job, you're gonna have to help out the shrine."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 24, 2012, 11:03:13 AM
>"Hey, I'm on the job here. If you want me to give interviews on the job, you're gonna have to help out the shrine."

>Kogasa joins Hatate in her looking at you odd. "That's not a very hero thing to say..."
>Hatate tilts her head sideways. "Being the Moriya miko's a job?"
>Her assistant produces a small notebook and quilled pen, and begins scribbling notes.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2012, 11:09:22 AM
>"Wait, you don't think keeping a shrine up and running and dealing with incidents is a job?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 24, 2012, 11:25:35 AM
>"Wait, you don't think keeping a shrine up and running and dealing with incidents is a job?"

>"It's your duty, isn't it?" Hatate asks.
>"That's what you've always said..." Kogasa adds. "'A true hero defends her home and her homeland. It's the right thing to do.'"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Fightest on February 24, 2012, 11:58:02 AM
>"It's your duty, isn't it?" Hatate asks.
>"That's what you've always said..." Kogasa adds. "'A true hero defends her home and her homeland. It's the right thing to do.'"

> "The right thing to do is to stop asking questions you have little understanding of and make with the donations. There is lots of JUSTICE to go around with too little time for semantics."
> Respond to any objections with a very judgmental stare.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 26, 2012, 12:47:13 PM
> "The right thing to do is to stop asking questions you have little understanding of and make with the donations. There is lots of JUSTICE to go around with too little time for semantics."
> Respond to any objections with a very judgmental stare.

You would do well not to act in this manner in the future. At least and especially with the characters that are supposed to be your friends.
However, I am forgiving, and will let you off the hook this time.

Oh, and I neglected to respond to this earlier,

Does this really need to happen? I've been thrown off more than one quest due to creepy waifu simulator requests. If that's what the rest of the thread wants, fine, I'll shut up, but for once I'd like to enjoy a story without the above.

Yes. In my games, I encourage it, and welcome it, whole heartedly. In fact, it will also help you down the road, in more ways than one. For those that enjoy it, then go nuts. For those that don't, well, I respect that, but that's no reason everyone else can't.

Now, with that out of the way...

> "The right thing to do is to stop asking questions you have little understanding of and make with the donations. There is lots of JUSTICE to go around with too little time for semantics."
> Respond to any objections with a very judgmental stare.

>Hatate shakes her head slowly. "Never mind."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 26, 2012, 01:21:38 PM
>"Oh crap, I was hoping it'd get me some extra credit back at the shrine...well, maybe you'll change your mind once we find it!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 26, 2012, 02:14:54 PM
>"Oh crap, I was hoping it'd get me some extra credit back at the shrine...well, maybe you'll change your mind once we find it!"

>Hatate considers your words. She offers you a somewhat cautions smile. "We can probably work something out."
>"I wanna be interviewed to!" Kogasa pipes up. "Especially if it'll surprise Aya."
>Hatate and her flunky laugh. "Now I KNOW we can work something out there." the tengu assures Kogasa. Kogasa smiles broadly.

>Ahead of you, comes into view a plateau strewn with boulders and rocky debris, sparse plantlife. Many of the rocks show burn damage. You don't think you're all that far from where Utsuho blasted out that geyser of hers a few years back; this may be part of the fallout from that nuclear power surge.
>There is a trail of metallic debris heading towards the southwest edge of the plateau. You see a pillair of black smoke rising from that direction, and you think you can detect the faint of a fire on the wind blowing in from that direction. There is no evidence of a crew that you can see in this area.
>Hatate looks down at the metal fragments below you. "Unless this a new Kappa invention we haven't heard of, and that's usually not a bad bet, I'm at a loss."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 26, 2012, 02:17:24 PM
>"Maybe it was the legendary super saiyan!? This looks like their work!"
>"Yeah, this is definitely something else."
>Head toward the crash site and view it from above. Try not to get a face full of smoke.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 26, 2012, 03:52:05 PM
>"Maybe it was the legendary super saiyan!? This looks like their work!"
>"Yeah, this is definitely something else."
>Head toward the crash site and view it from above. Try not to get a face full of smoke.

>"The legendary super saiyan?!" Hatate roars back, as her hair flies up into physics-defying spikes. "That can't be! Lord Freeza said that was only a myth!"
>You note that Hatate's ears are twitching slightly. She'd never admit it, but that's a trait she and Aya share: their ears twitch when they get near a big scoop. A hero like you notices these things.
>"You think this could be another one of those... incidents, boss?" Hatate's flunky asks her excitedly. Hatate's answering grin is practically predatory.
>"If it is, Fuu, then we might just get the drop on Aya, for once!"
>She actually flies out ahead of you as the four of you home in on the crash site, anxious to finally get the better of her journalistic rival. Unless Aya's been there and gone, but no need to menion that to her, it'd ruin her day.
>Following the debris trail and the smoke eventually leads you to.... No way. No WAY. It's a large silver-colored object, highlighted by green and blue stripes, and it looks, for all the world, like a flying saucer. In fact, it looks virtually identical to the flying saucers in the intro to that old famicom RPG you used to play, Earthbound, just smaller. Albeit a flying saucer that looks like it's been shot to hell; gouges and blast marks riddle the superstructure, and the 'dome' in the middle is half gone, likely by an explosion of some sorts. The ship is the source of the smoke, so something inside is still burning, or at least on fire. A large piece of wreckage to the right of the machine is also on fire.
>The smoke is blowing your way with the wind, but you're the freakin' wind priestess. A simple gesture diverts the smoke from you and your comrades. The smell of the fire remains, though, as well as faint hint of brimstone and... curry?
>Two figures are in evidence standing by the left side of the machine. They both appear to be humanoid, but you can't quite make out anything distinct about their forms from here.
>At first, Hatate seems to accelerate again, but then she hesitates, and slows down again, her eyes fixed on the two figures. Her expression, puzzled.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 26, 2012, 03:53:48 PM
>Quietly descend closer for a better look. Are they Starmen?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 27, 2012, 05:39:15 AM
>Quietly descend closer for a better look. Are they Starmen?

>They don't seem to be any color of Starman you remember from the game, but that doesn't rule out the possibility.
>You descend down closer to the ground, to get a better look at the two.
>"Watch it, Sanae." Hatate cautions you. "One of those two is reeeeealy weird looking."
>A closer look reveals one of them is a humanoid male, clad in what you'd describe as a kind of... blue spacesuit. Short brown hair, sculpted jawline... A fairly dashing figure, all around, even from this distance. The other figure is, well, Hatate said it best, 'weird looking'. It is a 7 foot tall figure, vaguely humanoid, no arms, with what looks like prongs jutting out from its 'chest'. It is colored a shade of greenish-brown. It's 'head' is a transparent glass dome, containing what seems to be an odd light fixture, for lack of a better term, with three lights contained therein, two on one side (giving it the illusion of eyes) and one of the back. Eye in the back of its head?
>An old spark strikes within you. Robot. That's a robot. It HAS to be a robot, what ELSE could look like that? A robot, a spaceship, a spaceman.... No way. That's too good to be true!
>The human is taking a wrench to the right side of the robot. Neither one appears to have noticed you.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 27, 2012, 06:13:29 AM
>Oh HELL yes!
>Fly in, land, push the man out of the way, and begin excitedly examining the robot.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 27, 2012, 08:20:28 AM
>Oh HELL yes!
>Fly in, land, push the man out of the way, and begin excitedly examining the robot.

>Forget too good to be true, this is a dream come true!
>You fly out ahead of your companions and hit the ground running, the uneven ground not slowing your progress much. Not much would slow your progress towards an honest to gosh robot!
>The man in blue seems oblivious to your presence as you approach, right up to the point where you shove him out of your way, sending him sprawling to across a large rock with an odd sound. You dash around the robot excitedly, poring over every rivet, every dab of paint. There is a panel in its chest, with a white line that moves as a series of squaks and squeals comes from the robot. It could be speaking, but it's not any language you know.
>The blue-suited man comes up to a seated position, and speaks, but you have no idea what he's saying.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 28, 2012, 08:18:50 AM
>"Hey! Hey Robot! Can you talk!?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 28, 2012, 09:19:04 AM
>"Hey! Hey Robot! Can you talk!?"

>Practically beside yourself to hear a TALKING robot, you inquire about said capacity. With some volume.
>A series of squeals and squaks emerge from the large green-brown robot, the line on its chest squiggling like a sound graph.
>The blue clad man grunts and gets back to his feet, eyeing the robot oddly. He says something, again with volume, sounding like a declaration of something from his tone, and then strolls back over to stand behind the robot, and gives it a swift kick in it's posterior!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 28, 2012, 09:28:38 AM
>Give the guy a glare
>"Don't get the robot, you jerk! You're gonna make it go into Mother Brain mode!"
>We've played Chrono Trigger, right?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 28, 2012, 09:53:33 AM
>Give the guy a glare
>"Don't get the robot, you jerk! You're gonna make it go into Mother Brain mode!"
>We've played Chrono Trigger, right?

>How dare this specimen of humanity strike this glorious machine! And in such an undignified manner, no less. Why, you should give him a well-placed dose of.... Settle down, Sanae, you're a hero. Even if this guy deserves a tornado to the face for-
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 28, 2012, 10:24:41 AM
>"Are you okay, Miss Robot?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 28, 2012, 11:01:08 AM
>"Are you okay, Miss Robot?"

>The machine's voice is synthetic, obviously, and has a faintly masculine quality to it. To most folks, it wouldn't be considered pleasant on the ears. You however.... A talking robot! How cool is that?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 28, 2012, 11:06:40 AM
>"...Can I hug you?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 28, 2012, 11:29:56 AM
>"...Can I hug you?"

>"Ha ha ha ha!" The blue-suited man laughs, the deep, hearty laugh of a simpleton. "There's no need for modesty, Thursday! She's obviously one of your fans! IIIII told you you'd develop your own one day!"

And owing to a bit of authorial derp... Forgive the delayed reply.

>We've played Chrono Trigger, right?

>Indeed you have, and you remember it fondly. You would regard it as one of, if not the, best RPGs, if not games, ever produced in glorious Japan.
>You actually have you old super famicom and a large number of your games with you, you just lack a power source with which to operate them. Nitori tried to rig up a portable generator for you once, but the results were less than successful. Kanako's been rather reluctant to let the kappa experiment on shrine grounds anymore.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 28, 2012, 11:49:52 AM
>"I'm Sanae Kochiya, the living goddess of the Moriya Shrine, Mr Thursday! Can you use Uzi Punch? That was always so cool!"
>Oh wait, that guy's here, too...
>"Oh, hi. Um, you're not a robot too, are you?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 29, 2012, 08:53:27 AM
>"I'm Sanae Kochiya, the living goddess of the Moriya Shrine, Mr Thursday! Can you use Uzi Punch? That was always so cool!"
>Oh wait, that guy's here, too...
>"Oh, hi. Um, you're not a robot too, are you?"

>Ah, yeah. The one that doens't look like a robot. Didn't you come here with some other? Who cares, they weren't robots either.
>Your question draws another hearty belly laugh from the man with brown hair. "Oh, come now, little lady! EVERYONE knows me!"
>"98.95% PROBABILTY WE ARE NO LONGER IN OUR UNIVERSE, GORDON." the robot drones at him. The man looks positively shocked. "WHAT? HOW is that POSSIBLE, Thursday? Jennifers calculations are ALWAYS correct!" (oy vey, this guy sounds like the hero out of one of those cheesy sci-fi movies that used to air at 3 in the morning.)
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 29, 2012, 09:47:36 AM
>"So you are a robot?"
>Look at the ship, now. How badly does it seem to be ruined?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 29, 2012, 10:34:46 AM
>"So you are a robot?"
>Look at the ship, now. How badly does it seem to be ruined?

>"No, no, little lady!" The man Thursday referred to as 'Gordon' proclaims grandiosley, placing his hands on his hips in a heroic pose. "I am as human as you! I am CAPTAIN GORDON, DEFENDER OF EARTH!"
>Gouges and blast marks riddle the superstructure, and the 'dome' in the middle is half gone, likely by an explosion of some sorts. From this distance, you'd think something blew OUT of the ship, rather than explode against its hull, to create that particular hole, though there are several small craters indicating those type of explosions on the outer hull. Smoke wisps from somewhere inside the ship, something in there is still on fire, or at least smoldering. The metal all along the ship is crumpled, either from the crash or from some other force, and the north-facing side of the ship is bent upwards slightly along the edge, from where the ship dug into the rocky ground. In summary? This thing's been shot to hell.
>Hatate and Fuu, her flunky, are flitting around the ship, Hatate taking pictures with her cell and dictating notes to her assistant, who dictates faithfully. You'd almost forgot they were there.
>And what about Kogasa? Glancing around, you see her half-concealed behind a semi-large boulder, her eyes fixed on Thursday. She actually looks scared of the robot. But that can't be, who could scared of something this cool?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 29, 2012, 10:48:38 AM
>"I'm Sanae, Defender of Gensokyo! That's where you are now, by the way. Also, um, I came from Earth. And we didn't have robots or spaceships. Did the grays finally come and uplift us?!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on February 29, 2012, 12:43:20 PM
>"I'm Sanae, Defender of Gensokyo! That's where you are now, by the way. Also, um, I came from Earth. And we didn't have robots or spaceships. Did the grays finally come and uplift us?!"

>Although Gordon maintains both his heroic pose and expression, he blinks a couple times in obvious confusion.
>"... You've lost me." he finally manages.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 29, 2012, 01:24:55 PM
>"Really? Well, this is Gensokyo."
>Gesture out toward a nice landscape.
>"And I'm Sanae, the Defender of Gensokyo! But, I came from earth, originally, and it was only a few years ago tops, I think... And we didn't have robots or spaceships or anything."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 01, 2012, 03:27:21 AM
>"Really? Well, this is Gensokyo."
>Gesture out toward a nice landscape.
>"And I'm Sanae, the Defender of Gensokyo! But, I came from earth, originally, and it was only a few years ago tops, I think... And we didn't have robots or spaceships or anything."

>"Gensokyo? Never heard of it. Thursday?!" A pair of lights on the robots' front blink in succession. "DESIGNATION: UNKNOWN. NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE."
>You gesticulate in a northerly direction, in the vague direction of the Myoren temple. Even on a winter morning, when the trees have no leaves and there's barely any grass on the ground, few animals in evidence, it still manages to be pretty. Well, pretty apart from that ugly storm cloud that's rolled in. The landscape in a growing radius has shown evidence of that beautification since Byakuren was unsealed.
>As you try to bring Gordon up to speed on where he is and where you come from, he shakes his head and chuckles an amused chuckle. "Now, little girl, it's not nice to lie. You know perfectly well that earth has had robots and spaceships for decades!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 01, 2012, 03:39:34 AM
>"Well... okay, technically. BUt the ships can barely reach the moon, and the robots are just automated arms that build cars and stuff."
>Wait. We came from one world to another. What if there's more than one world with an 'Earth'?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 01, 2012, 06:01:15 AM
>"Well... okay, technically. BUt the ships can barely reach the moon, and the robots are just automated arms that build cars and stuff."
>Wait. We came from one world to another. What if there's more than one world with an 'Earth'?

>Gordon laughs again. "You've been living in the past, little lady!" He makes a thoughtful noise. "Perhaps a part of our ship bumped you on the head?" he wonders, taking a step closer and giving the top of your head a look over.
>You've seen this happen in games sci-fi before. And if Gensokyo has taught you anything in your time, it's that impossible things that can't happen anywhere else happen here every other day, and twice on sundays.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 02, 2012, 01:51:00 AM
>"Actually, I think you're from a different Earth."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 02, 2012, 06:30:25 AM
>"Actually, I think you're from a different Earth."

>"Whoa, I think you really HAVE been hit on the head little lady." Gordon states with exaggerated worry.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 02, 2012, 10:32:03 AM
>"Couldn't be, I was a long ways off when you crashed. And, um, I don't think I came from any colony. I'm pretty sure I'm from The Earth, not a Earth. We've been there for thousands of years."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 02, 2012, 01:55:03 PM
>"Also, get used to impossible things. They tend to happen frequently here."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 03, 2012, 01:57:02 AM
>"Couldn't be, I was a long ways off when you crashed. And, um, I don't think I came from any colony. I'm pretty sure I'm from The Earth, not a Earth. We've been there for thousands of years."

>"Also, get used to impossible things. They tend to happen frequently here."

>"LOGICAL FALLACY, MISS SANAE. IMPOSSIBLE THINGS ARE, BY DEFINITION, IMPOSSIBLE." Thursday informs you. Sure, he may be wrong, but a debate with a robot's worth a lot of points. "HOWEVER, EVENTS THAT ARE HIGHLY IMPROBABLE DO OCCUR."
>Gordon massages his chiseled jaw for a moment, thinking. It seems to take him a little more effort than others. "So, did your ship crash here as well, little lady?" he asks you.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 03, 2012, 03:18:58 AM
>"Nope! The gods I'm the shrine maiden for-one of whom I'm descended from-moved the shrine here to get more faith."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 03, 2012, 04:06:00 AM
>"Nope! The gods I'm the shrine maiden for-one of whom I'm descended from-moved the shrine here to get more faith."

>Gordon gives you a strange look. "YOU? A demigod?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 03, 2012, 04:44:16 AM
>How DARE he doubt us!
>Fine, then, we'll just proove it!
>Summon a gust of wind to blow him into a nearby object. But not the robot. Don't want to hurt the robot.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 03, 2012, 02:59:18 PM
>How DARE he doubt us!
>Fine, then, we'll just proove it!
>Summon a gust of wind to blow him into a nearby object. But not the robot. Don't want to hurt the robot.

>NOBODY questions your divinity, spaceman with a robot or not! And those who dare earn themselves a well-placed dose of PROOF.
>Extending your hand outwards, Gordon suddenly finds the wind before him change from a gentle winter breeze to a "Dorothy's leaving town" blast of air. His heroic pose does him no good against your righteous outrage, and he is sent careening backwards arse over teakettle. He bounces and springs off the rocky terrain until coming to rest, upside down, against a sizable piece of broken granite, looking thoroughly disshevelled.
>Kogasa comes out from behind her hiding place and floats over to you, coming to rest in midair just behind you, sticking her tongues out at Gordon. "Surprised? That's what you get for doubting Sanae-chan!"
>Hatate is a little less enthusiastic as she pauses in her photo shoot of the wrecked ship. "Eesh, Sanae." she states, with a thin grin. "Let him have it pretty good, didn't you."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 03, 2012, 03:11:25 PM
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 03, 2012, 03:21:56 PM
>Glance at Hatate(And her flunky) and Kogasa with a suitably hammy smile. "That's what he gets for doubting me~!"
>Grin. "Bouncy, isn't he?"
>Le shocked! "I wonder if he's like that kid from the manga I used to read?! Y'know, the one with all the pirates!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 04, 2012, 01:49:22 AM


>Glance at Hatate(And her flunky) and Kogasa with a suitably hammy smile. "That's what he gets for doubting me~!"
>Grin. "Bouncy, isn't he?"
>Le shocked! "I wonder if he's like that kid from the manga I used to read?! Y'know, the one with all the pirates!"

>Kogasa giggles. "Now he knows better!" Hatate, for her part, snaps a quick picture of the suitably-chastised defender of Earth. Whatever Earth he hails from.
>"Fuu, make a note." Hatate commands her minion. "'Defenders of Earth' bounce when confronted by high wind blasts. Repeatedly."
>"What kinda manga was that, Sanae-chan?" Kogasa asks enthusiastically. She likes when you regale her with stories of the outside world.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 04, 2012, 02:03:27 AM
>"It was the power of a living god!"
>"Hey, Thursady, why do you always say 'blip' and 'beep'? I'd expect you to make the sounds, not say the words."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 05, 2012, 04:32:30 AM
>"It was the power of a living god!"
>"Hey, Thursady, why do you always say 'blip' and 'beep'? I'd expect you to make the sounds, not say the words."

>Reaffirming your status and power though an appropriate boast/pose combo, you then pause and have a look around for incoming retribution from Kanako-sama. None appears to be in evidence. Must be having an off day.
>"Yes..." Gordon pipes up, still upside down with his legs dangling over the rest of his torso. "Jennifer has a strange sense of humor." To his credit, he doesn't sound as out of sorts as he looks.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 05, 2012, 04:40:08 AM
>Why would there be incoming retribution from Kanako?
>"Who's Jennifer? Did she build the robot?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 05, 2012, 05:57:47 AM
>Why would there be incoming retribution from Kanako?
>"Who's Jennifer? Did she build the robot?"

>Kanako-sama has tried for years to keep your more dramatic impulses in line. Obviously with little success. You don't think she actually WANTS you to be as disciplined as she is, but she doesn't want you to get TOO carried away, either.
>"And my sidekick!" Gordon strains as he rights himself. "Thursday is one of her many creations!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 05, 2012, 06:12:30 AM
>Okay, we have GOT to meet this woman.
>"SHe builds robots? Where is she? I want to meet her?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 05, 2012, 08:08:17 AM
>Okay, we have GOT to meet this woman.
>"SHe builds robots? Where is she? I want to meet her?"

>A 'hero's' sidekick that makes robots? Cool robots? This just keeps getting better and better.
>"That... is a good question." Gordon admits, looking somewhat downcast.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 05, 2012, 01:53:02 PM
>"Wait, detonated?"
>"Yeah, um, maybe I should figure out how you got here. What happened?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 06, 2012, 03:00:58 AM
>"Wait, detonated?"
>"Yeah, um, maybe I should figure out how you got here. What happened?"

>"Treachery and villainy!" Gordon declares raising his fist up and giving it a dramatic shaking.
>"I don't call it retreat!" Gordon interject, jabbing a gloved finger at the robot. "I call it 'strategic evacuation!"
>"And so we crashed here." Gordon finishes. "We may not have survived at all, if Thursday hadn't got the retro-rockets to fire."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 06, 2012, 03:21:16 AM
>"Wait, the Netherworld? How did you get to the-"
>Wait, paralell worlds. It's probably a different 'Netherworld'.
>"Um, you flew a spaceship to the Netherworld? Your Netherworld must be a lot different from the one we have."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 06, 2012, 04:13:09 AM
>"Wait, the Netherworld? How did you get to the-"
>Wait, paralell worlds. It's probably a different 'Netherworld'.
>"Um, you flew a spaceship to the Netherworld? Your Netherworld must be a lot different from the one we have."

>"I wonder what the ghost princess would make of these two?" Hatate mutters to you.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 06, 2012, 04:43:25 AM
>"Yeah, sounds like it. Who's in charge of your Netherworld? Ours has a ghost princess!"
>"Is Jennifer somewhere in Gensokyo, them? We should go find her!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 06, 2012, 06:19:13 AM
>"Yeah, sounds like it. Who's in charge of your Netherworld? Ours has a ghost princess!"
>"Is Jennifer somewhere in Gensokyo, them? We should go find her!"

>"That's what I was trying to fix when you came along and sent me flying! The FIRST time!" Gordon admonishes you.
>Hatate mutters something to her flunky, who blushes but nods.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 06, 2012, 10:04:14 AM
>"Oh, okay. You should get back to that."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 06, 2012, 10:29:25 AM
>"Oh, okay. You should get back to that."

>"It won't take long." Gordon assures you. He walks back towards Thursday, raises his hand towards the robot, then pauses. His hand opens and closes a couple of times. "Didn't I have a wrench?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 06, 2012, 09:13:17 PM
>Look around for a wrench.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on March 06, 2012, 10:06:48 PM
> Consider feeling guilty, but don't.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 07, 2012, 03:31:47 AM
>If we can't find one: "Hatate, you're fast. Go get a wrench. Nitori probably has one, if nothing else."
>"Actually, get Nitori herself. She'll want to see this."
>And maybe she can learn how to build one!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 07, 2012, 04:53:34 AM
> Consider feeling guilty, but don't.

>Well, maybe a little guilty. You are a good girl, after all. But it was his own fault! He was between you and the robot.

>Look around for a wrench.

>You glance around the landscape, but a discarded metal tool among a field of rocks, sent flying by an enthusiastic shove from a living goddess, is not an easy thing to spot.
>Well, unless you happen to be a tengu. Hatate's aide points to the left of the robot, off a ways behind it. "Is that it?"
>Gordon raises his hand to his brow, following the tengu's finger. "YES." he declares, trotting off to retrieve his tool.
>"Good eye, Fuu." Hatate compliments her aide. The shorter tengu smiles and nods briefly.
>Kogasa, however, seems rather... pensive. The expression is very odd on her cute little face.

>If we can't find one: "Hatate, you're fast. Go get a wrench. Nitori probably has one, if nothing else."
>"Actually, get Nitori herself. She'll want to see this."
>And maybe she can learn how to build one!

>A very good idea. And it might be worth mentioning this robot to Nitori later, anyway. Just imagine, a Kappatech line of robots....
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 07, 2012, 04:55:27 AM
"Hatate, you're quick. Go get Nitori. She'll want to see this."
>Must... have... robot army.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on March 07, 2012, 05:09:50 AM
> Walk over to kogasa, and ask her if she's okay, but quietly.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 07, 2012, 06:31:58 AM
"Hatate, you're quick. Go get Nitori. She'll want to see this."
>Must... have... robot army.

>The tengu reporter laughs. "That kappa would have a heart attack if she could see this thing. I'd love to see her reaction, but, there's something I have to ask this Gordon first. Besides, if there's another alien out there, I want to find her, too."
>Your own personal army of robotic minions.... You quickly catch yourself before you start drooling.

> Walk over to kogasa, and ask her if she's okay, but quietly.

>Kogasa's expression doesn't change, but she aims her mismatches eyes at you. It's so weird to see a worried expression in her eyes. "I was thinking.... These two. They said they were attacked in their own Netherworld. And then chased by whoever attacked them. What if whoever attacked them followed them here?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 07, 2012, 01:45:06 PM
>"Then we'll beat 'em up!"
>To Hatate: "I don't think we're going anywhere until Gordon's finished fixing the robot. You're fast enough to get Nitori before that, aren't you?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 08, 2012, 05:58:52 AM
>"Then we'll beat 'em up!"
>To Hatate: "I don't think we're going anywhere until Gordon's finished fixing the robot. You're fast enough to get Nitori before that, aren't you?"

>Kogasa's worried expression softens a little. "Yeah..."
>Hatate takes a moment to think before responding. "Maybe. Depends on how long he takes, and if that kappa's even home. Could be gone on one of those 'item hunts' of hers. And.... much as it galls me to admit, I'm not quite as fast as Aya is." She then gives you a questioning look. "What's your hurry?"
>Gordon stomps back over to Thursday, wrench in hand, and starts tightening the bolt he was working on before your arrival on the scene.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 08, 2012, 06:13:32 AM
>"I want Nitori to learn how to make a robot like that. Go get her. I'll work some miracles with the wind to speed you up."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 08, 2012, 07:09:31 AM
>"I want Nitori to learn how to make a robot like that. Go get her. I'll work some miracles with the wind to speed you up."

>Hatate can't help but laugh at that idea. But more the 'I'm impressed' than 'You're crazy' kind of laugh. "You dream big, Sanae. And I can only imagine how badly Aya would flip if I had the inside line of a story like that." The she sobers. "But I'm staying, for now. If there's another alien out there, and she's hurt, then Gordon may need my eyes and speed here, to find her fast. Plus," she adds, her voice getting a little more serious, "if there IS another alien force coming to Gensokyo, a hostile force, like Tatara-san said, then I intend to let them know that Gensokyo isn't a place to mess with."
>Gordon finishes on the one bolt, then gets on his back and twists another pair of bolts on Thursday's inner leg. "Try it now, Thursday!"
>"Excellent!" Gordon declares, kipping back up to his feet in one smooth motion. "Now find my Jennifer!"
>"HHmmmmmmm.. Then we need to find you some power!"
>As Gordon places his hand to his head (perhaps thinking is starting to give him a headache), Hatate's aide raises her hand. "Excuse me.... Would electricity do the job?"
>"Maybe not...." She then looks at you. "Kochiya-sama, can you call down lightning?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 08, 2012, 01:51:10 PM
>Can we? Whatever the answer is, say it.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 08, 2012, 03:48:55 PM
>Can we? Whatever the answer is, say it.

>Your specialty is the wind, but you do have a more limited control over other forms of weather: clouds, rain, and yes, lightning. You've never tried to call down a bolt of lightning out of a blue sky before, but you feel confidant you can do it. And so, you inform the smaller tengu.
>"I'm don't want Kochiya-sama to drop a lightning bolt on you, Thursday-san." the tengu replies. "I can control static electricity." she says hesitantly, a little shy, you think. "If Kochiya-sama can call down lightning somewhere within about 50 feet or so, I can channel the static charge left by the strike in the air into you. Will that... recharge your sensors?"
>"If Fuu says she can do it, she can do it." Hatate assures the robot. "Go ahead, Sanae, show us the lightning."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 08, 2012, 03:59:22 PM
>Check the clouds; do they seem lightning-worthy?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 08, 2012, 09:32:26 PM
>Check the clouds; do they seem lightning-worthy?

>The clouds in your immediate vicinity are still fairly white, though they are numerous. That ominous stormcloud is stills towards the north; it seems to have stalled in the area of the Myoren temple. It may take a little more elbow grease than normal get jigger a lighting bolt out of what you have to work with, but nothing you can't handle.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 08, 2012, 09:49:07 PM
>"You might want to hunker down or something, there's gonna be a lot of wind now!"
>Alright then, let's do this! Bring on the wind! We're gonna move that stormcloud!
>...Hope they don't have any laundry out today or anything, it could blow away.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 09, 2012, 03:53:30 AM
>"You might want to hunker down or something, there's gonna be a lot of wind now!"
>Alright then, let's do this! Bring on the wind! We're gonna move that stormcloud!
>...Hope they don't have any laundry out today or anything, it could blow away.

>Never one for halfway measures, you decide that one little lightning bolt isn't good enough. You're gonna borrow a whole stormbank! Of course, this time of year, that's just as likely to be a snow storm than a lightning storm, but you can work with that. Thunder snow... Yeah, that sounds cool.
>You call forth the north wind to dislodge that stalled storm, and move it to a more productive location. The Buddhists'll probably be grateful for that. And you do try and keep a collar on that wind, as well. No need to dislodge anything at the temple.
>After several moments of sustained concentration, much to your surprise, the black cloud has not moved. Hasn't even budged.
>Gordon scans the sky. "Shouldn't something have happened by now?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 09, 2012, 04:04:41 AM
>What the?
>Oh, right, the robot. We'll just do this boringly, then. And then look t the screwy cloud.
>Call down a lightning bolt.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 09, 2012, 06:32:36 AM
>What the?
>Oh, right, the robot. We'll just do this boringly, then. And then look t the screwy cloud.
>Call down a lightning bolt.

>That ain't right. No cloud can resist the might of Sanae!
>But, some ornery cloud can wait until after you help the robot get his parts back in working order.
>Switching your focus away from the north wind, and the chill that blew in with it, you refocus your will on the sky above you. There isn't a great deal of electrical activity in the air, but what does that matter? You're Sanae Kochiya! The laws of physics are no match for you!
>In response to your mental summons, a brilliant zig-zagging lance of electricity appears and dissapears in a flash about ten feet or so behind the two tengu. You frown slightly, as you HAD been aiming for furthur away than that. Well, lightning isn't your forte, that's close enough. Least you didn't drop it on Gordon's head, or something. An additional unforseen effect of this is the MASSIVE blast of thunder that echoes throughout the region. Kogasa's umbrella flares in surprise, and you, as well as everyone else, cover your ears instinctively.
>Note to self: lightning in close proximity = potential hearing damage.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 11, 2012, 04:49:14 PM
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 11, 2012, 09:03:13 PM

>Your task complete, it's time to see what this Fuu can do.
>At the moment, it's a safe bet that she, like Hatate, is wishing Tengu hearing was quite as acute as it is. Both of them are rubbing their ears, grimacing. Not surprising, really. If YOUR ears hurt, and they do, imagine how that sound hurt those two.
>"Booo..... A little warning next time, Sanae-chan?" Kogasa implores, holding a hand to her own ear.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 11, 2012, 09:05:43 PM
>"I was trying to get it to be further away.."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 11, 2012, 11:29:47 PM
>"I was trying to get it to be further away.."

>"Keep practicing...." Gordon suggests.
>The two tengu give their heads a shake, almost in concert, and Hatate gives her aide a look. "You alright?"
>"Gonna have a headache for a week...." Fuu replies, giving her boss a wan smile. "But I can do the job. Kochiya-sama did her part, now I'll do mine." The smaller tengu walks over to Thursday, her wings (and Hatate's too) looking a little frizzed. She walks around the robot, seemingly confused, looking for something. "Um, how do I...?"
>Fuu continues to look confused, and looks to you for help.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 11, 2012, 11:36:33 PM
>"I think that means touch it. Or it wants to play a tactical game? No, I think it's touch it."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 12, 2012, 02:43:50 AM
>"I think that means touch it. Or it wants to play a tactical game? No, I think it's touch it."

>Fuu nods. "All right, then. Thank you, Kochiya-sama." She reaches out her right hand and wiggles her fingers experimentally. Then she places her left hand on the side of the large green robot. Yellow lines of electricity emerge from around her elbow and traverse her arm, entering the robot's frame. This continues for the better part of a minute before the electricity subsides. "That's all I can manage, Thursday-san."
>"Excellent, Thursday!" Gordon exclaims. "Now start looking for Jennifer!" He then turns his eyes to Fuu. "Impressive, little angel!"
>"Uh.... I'm no...." Fuu stammers, looking decidedly uncomfortable.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 12, 2012, 03:26:40 AM
>"Hey, she's not an angel! She's a tengu! Get it right!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 12, 2012, 04:01:23 AM
>"Hey, she's not an angel! She's a tengu! Get it right!"

>Fuu glances at you at of the corner of her eye, giving you a look of gratitude as you come to her defense.
>"What's a tengu?" Gordon asks you.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 12, 2012, 05:20:29 AM
>Point at Hatate and Fuu.
>"They are! Don't they have tengu where you're from?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 12, 2012, 05:48:02 AM
>Point at Hatate and Fuu.
>"They are! Don't they have tengu where you're from?"

>"There's only one people wings wings where I come from, and those are angels. Although, I've never seen angels with black wings before. Is that what blackwinged angels like you call yourselves, 'tengu'?"
>"Weren't you listening, human?" Hatate replies, ruffling her feathers. "We're no 'angels'. We're tengu, and if your world doesn't have Tengu, that's your world's loss."
>"What's an angel, Sanae-chan?" Kogasa asks you.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 12, 2012, 06:21:46 AM
>"People with wings who live in heavan. Supposedly, at least. There aren't any here in our heaven, but I guess Gordon's world's heaven does have them."
>To Gorden: "Tengu aren't angels."
>WHat all do we know about tengu?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 13, 2012, 04:46:39 AM
>WHat all do we know about tengu?

>You know there are several types of tengu, but you've only ever had contact with two: the Crow tengu, like Aya and Hatate and Fuu here; and the White Wolf tengu, exemplified by Momiji and her fellow guard. The tengu are rather territorial, and don't take all that kindly to strangers invading their turf. But they're not mean about it, in general, and while they will almost always escort said intruders out of the their territory, and warn them not to come back, they never rough intruders up. At least, not the first time, anyway.
>Despite their insular society, the tengu are a curious people. This is why Crow tengu are the most commonly encountered tengu elsewhere in gensokyo. They're also amazing drinkers. You've known a few that could even put Kanako-sama under the table. They're generally good folks, but most of the ones you've known carry themselves with just a hint of haughtiness. Like they're better than humans, and they know it, even if they like humans. Hatate, however, is different, which is part of the reason you and she get on as well as you do.
Tengu are also very proud, and very competitive.
>Every tengu you've ever met has displayed at least a moderate amount of skill at danmaku, and probably have their own unique ability. And they're pretty smart, too. All in all, they're not a people you'd want to mess with casually.
>But if Gordon thinks they're angels, he'd be pretty disappointed. They're a generally good folk, but classically speaking, there's not a tremendous amount 'angelic' about them.

>"People with wings who live in heavan. Supposedly, at least. There aren't any here in our heaven, but I guess Gordon's world's heaven does have them."
>To Gorden: "Tengu aren't angels."

>Kogasa ponders your words for a moment. "Gensokyo's heaven doesn't have angels, but, what about your world?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 13, 2012, 05:10:31 AM
>"If you mean the outside world, nobody there's seen heaven. If you mean Gordon's world, you'll have to ask him."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 13, 2012, 06:19:28 AM
>"If you mean the outside world, nobody there's seen heaven. If you mean Gordon's world, you'll have to ask him."

>"People can't go back and forth to heaven in the outside?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 13, 2012, 04:34:55 PM
>"No, that'd be weird! ...Can they do it where you come from?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 13, 2012, 09:39:06 PM
>"No, that'd be weird! ...Can they do it where you come from?"

>"It isn't common, but more than it used to be, after we defeated the old Seraph." Gordon replies. "That's quite the story! You see, we and-"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 13, 2012, 09:40:43 PM
>"The guys that attacked you two?!"
>We should stick around to get a look at 'em!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 13, 2012, 10:28:13 PM
>"The guys that attacked you two?!"
>We should stick around to get a look at 'em!

>"Villains! They must have followed us!" Gordon concludes. "Where are they, Thursday?!"
>North-northwest... That's where that stormcloud is that you couldn't move.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 13, 2012, 10:33:51 PM
>"....That's where that stormcloud I couldn't move was!"
>Look to Hatate, Fuu, and Kogasa. "Come on, we've got an incident to resolve!" Don't forget to be sufficiently hammy!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 13, 2012, 11:53:42 PM
>"....That's where that stormcloud I couldn't move was!"
>Look to Hatate, Fuu, and Kogasa. "Come on, we've got an incident to resolve!" Don't forget to be sufficiently hammy!

>Each of your friends give you an affirmative nod. Gordon, however, doesn't seem.... impressed. In fact, he seems to be looking at you with suspicion. "Now I see.... Now I understand..." he mutters.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 14, 2012, 02:44:12 AM
>"Hey, what are you talking about?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 14, 2012, 05:32:16 AM
>"Hey, what are you talking about?"

>"Yeah, I don't much care for that tone, human." Hatate adds.
>"Now I know why you have black wings." Gordon finishes pointing at the taller tengu. "You must be in league with the evil ones that attacked Netherworld Castle!" Hatate's face drops instantly in surprise.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 14, 2012, 06:51:40 AM
>"It's a tower of white jade, mook!"
>"Uh, what?"
>Look at Hatate. "Have you been to the netherworld? Have any of the tengu, actually?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: nolrai2 on March 14, 2012, 09:51:51 AM
> Might be time to prove we are the good guys the way reimu does: beat them up!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 14, 2012, 10:28:52 AM
>"It's a tower of white jade, mook!"
>"Uh, what?"
>Look at Hatate. "Have you been to the netherworld? Have any of the tengu, actually?"

>Hatate hesitates before answering. "Well... yes, actually. Aya and I both have. Her more than me."
>"You deceived me for a time, but no longer! Only evildoers have feathered wings of black! You evil masters sent you forth to find us and delay us!"

> Might be time to prove we are the good guys the way reimu does: beat them up!

>If he's as thick as you're beginning to think he might be, a swift beating may be just what the doctor ordered!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 14, 2012, 06:19:28 PM
>"Hey, don't blame us. Canonically they aren't even supposed to have wings!"
>"What about crows? They aren't evildoers!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 15, 2012, 02:29:16 AM
>"Hey, don't blame us. Canonically they aren't even supposed to have wings!"
>"What about crows? They aren't evildoers!"

>"But of course they are! Crows spread bad luck, and then laugh at you when pigeons poop on your car!"
>"GORDON SUSPECTS ORNITHOLOGICAL CONSPIRACY." Thursday supplies. You can't tell if he's trying to be helpful or snide.
>"Does this guy have his head on straight?" Hatate remarks to you.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 15, 2012, 03:18:29 AM
>"Doesn't sound like it."
>"Hey! Gordon! What the heck is wrong with you? This isn't your world, okay? Things are diferent here! Crow tengu don't bring bad luck! They bring newspapers!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 15, 2012, 05:01:18 AM
>"Doesn't sound like it."
>"Hey! Gordon! What the heck is wrong with you? This isn't your world, okay? Things are diferent here! Crow tengu don't bring bad luck! They bring newspapers!"

>"Maybe he bumped his head in the crash?" Fuu suggests quietly, looking distinctly uncomfortable. Downright afraid, even.
>"As if I'd believe an ally of evil." Oh, now he's REALLY asking for it. The human places his hands upon his hips. "In the name of the EDC, I place the four of you under arrest. Surrender peacefully."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 15, 2012, 05:22:34 AM
>Damn it, we have othre things to deal with.
>"How DARE you call me evil!"
>Call up the wind again and use it to give Gordon the Team Rocket treatment. Then head for that cloud!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 15, 2012, 03:59:56 PM
I got something better than the team rocket treatment...Well, it's just a different version of it really, but hey!

>But before blowing him away, drop a lightningbolt on him if we can!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 17, 2012, 08:47:08 PM
>But before blowing him away, drop a lightningbolt on him if we can!

>Determined to show this fool of a human what for, you reach back into the sky for another surge of hot electric justice. However, as electricity really isn't your thing, you only manage to call down a lightning strike about half as intense as the last one. Half as bright, half as loud (which you're not entirely ungrateful for), and half as powerful, of course. And it drops about 25 feet to Gordon's right. Close, but no BBQ.

>Damn it, we have othre things to deal with.
>"How DARE you call me evil!"
>Call up the wind again and use it to give Gordon the Team Rocket treatment. Then head for that cloud!

>If evil abounds in your home, you don't have time to deal with this thick-headed male!
>"I dare only speak the truth!" Gordon retorts.
>This worked well last time, and it's your specialty, so you stretch your hand out and level another powerful gust of wind at the so-called 'defender of earth'. That should settle his hash. To your surprise, however, he raises one hand up his face to brace himself as your wind washes over him. He takes a half-step backwards, but he stubbornly resists your efforts to dispatch him. "Gordon is not caught off guard twice!" he declares once your gust subsides, clenching his fist before him. "Now it's MY turn!" Gordon produces what seems to be a laser blaster from one of the pouches on his waist, and levels it at you.
>"GORDON, WAIT." Thursday states suddenly before he can fire his weapon.
>"Thursday! Justice waits for-"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 17, 2012, 10:45:42 PM
>Pause in mid-motion to give me a facefull of danmaku.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 18, 2012, 03:06:12 AM
>Pause in mid-motion to give me a facefull of danmaku.

>You wish to give yourself a face full of danmaku?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 18, 2012, 03:27:26 AM
>Fuck you I'm dyslexic >=[
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 19, 2012, 06:58:53 AM
>Pause in mid-motion to give him a facefull of danmaku.

>The robot spoke up just in time to save Gordon getting a danmaku pattern in his face. Lucky sunovagun... His face twists slightly, like he's not fond of the idea, but he does, like yourself, hold his fire. He does not, however, put his blaster away.
>"You mean cooperation." Hatate asks Thursday is a flat tone.

>"I don't like it, Kochiya-sama." Fuu mutters, falling in behind you, obviously angry at the human male.
>"But it might be the most expedient method here, Fuu." Hatate counters. "If we can take them at their word, then whatever's on our world could be a major threat. If they are, we shouldn't be here wasting our time with these two."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 19, 2012, 04:06:29 PM
>"Hatate's got a point. Hey, maybe since they ended up coming here from another place kinda like Gensokyo, maybe we'll find new Youkai or something!"
>Note to self: We need to work on our lightningbolts, wasn't there a dragon palace envoy who could do that? Maybe she can help up get better!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 20, 2012, 02:54:01 AM
>"Hatate's got a point. Hey, maybe since they ended up coming here from another place kinda like Gensokyo, maybe we'll find new Youkai or something!"
>Note to self: We need to work on our lightningbolts, wasn't there a dragon palace envoy who could do that? Maybe she can help up get better!

>"You think you can trust him, Kochiya-sama?" Fuu cautions you. "Or that robot?"
>There was indeed a youkai who made her presense known on Gensokyo some time back. You've yet to have the pleasure of meeting her, but by all accounts, she was a master of both lightning, and dancing. You make a note to track her down and compare notes on hurling bolts of electricity .
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 20, 2012, 03:52:12 PM
>"Well, if he's not being honest, then he'll taste my Justice Wind!"
>Here it comes...time for the ham! "For I am Sanae Kochiya, Defender of Gensokyo!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 21, 2012, 03:18:10 AM
>"Well, if he's not being honest, then he'll taste my Justice Wind!"
>Here it comes...time for the ham! "For I am Sanae Kochiya, Defender of Gensokyo!"

>Your bold declaration seems to win over the younger looking tengu, as her worried expression fades. You have calmed your ally with the power of JUSTICE!. Good for you.
>Kogasa gives her a smile. "And we're here, too. Sanae-chan doesn't need help often, but if she does now, we'll be there."
>Hatate gives you a thin grin and lowers her voice. "Plus, you never know. These two might make a decent distraction, if nothing else, when we get there."

Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 21, 2012, 03:25:54 AM
>"Okay, sure Mr Thursday!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 21, 2012, 04:02:19 AM
>"Okay, sure Mr Thursday!"

>Gordon, with some reluctance, holsters his blaster. "I'll be watching you." he warns.
>Hatate flares her wings, but adresses Thursday instead of Gordon. "How'd you convince him to go along with it?" You note Fuu quickly produce her notebook again.
>"We'll see what Jennifer makes of you all when we find her!" Gordon bellows. "Thursday? Prepare for flight!"
>"BEEP BEEP BLIIIP BEEP. FLIGHT MODE ENGAGED." The robot's legs shrink down, and a pair of handles extend from his 'shoulders' and upper legs. Gordon takes a hold of the upper handles and climbs up on his robotic partner. "DO YOU AND OTHER WINGLESS FEMALE REQUIRE TRANSPORTATION, DEFENDER OF GENSOKYO?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 21, 2012, 05:25:02 AM
>If only that mook weren't there, we could fly on a robot!
>...Maybe if he takes a fall...No, that's probably bad!
>"That's okay, we can fly."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 21, 2012, 12:09:51 PM
>If only that mook weren't there, we could fly on a robot!
>...Maybe if he takes a fall...No, that's probably bad!
>"That's okay, we can fly."

>Rather than wish harm (well, not that he might have a little harm coming, anyway) upon the fool-headed human, consider this: If Nitori gets a crack at examining this robot, and makes one of her own, then you can fly that thing from one end of gensokyo to the other, mook or no! Just imagine the look on Reimu's face if you had your very own robot...
>Plus, yknow, you're a good girl. Hammy, but good. Gordon here may be a bit of a nitwit, but still.
>"Very well, then."
>A pair of flames emerge from Thursdays' feet as the robot, with his passenger, take off from the ground. Your friends also go aloft.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 21, 2012, 03:43:17 PM
>"Well...I wouldn't exactly call them defenders per se but...They have helped out in the past, and they've been at it since before I got here apparently!"
>"Wonder if it's Marisa this time..?" Let's get moving! To the stormcloud!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 22, 2012, 03:19:26 AM
>"Well...I wouldn't exactly call them defenders per se but...They have helped out in the past, and they've been at it since before I got here apparently!"
>"Wonder if it's Marisa this time..?" Let's get moving! To the stormcloud!

>Following your friends into the air, you take the lead (as any true hero should), and set off northward, towards the ominous stormcloud, the Myoren temple, and whatever new threat is bringing this incident to Gensokyo.
>Thursday and his passenger fall in to your left and just behind you, and you note that Fuu gives them a very wide berth. Gordon watches you all with undisguised suspicion.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 22, 2012, 03:39:59 AM
>"Um, I have to see 'em, first. Unless you can show me? Can you do that cool holograph projection thing?!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 22, 2012, 04:10:59 AM
>"Um, I have to see 'em, first. Unless you can show me? Can you do that cool holograph projection thing?!"

>"The Myoren Temple's this way, Sanae-chan." Kogasa supplies. "Maybe Thursday-san means them?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 22, 2012, 04:14:23 AM
>"Yeah, but it's a popular place, right?"
>Summarize what we know about the Myourens, with cavaets that they may not all be there.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 22, 2012, 12:15:45 PM
>"Yeah, but it's a popular place, right?"
>Summarize what we know about the Myourens, with cavaets that they may not all be there.

>"Real popular!" Kogasa chirps.
>It takes several minutes to recount what you know of the Myoren crew to Thursday and Gordon, fielding questions from them about their abilities. Kogasa also contributes to the conversation, as she all but lives there, and informs both Gordon and you about several new arrivals to the shrine since the Sealed Prince incident. She speaks highly of them all, especially Nue and Byakuren. Byakuren, because she's, well, Byakuren. Nue, because Kogasa admires the alien's ability to surprise people, and has been trying for some time to get her to teach her some tricks. She admits to having little success.
>While Gordon does not entirely lose the suspicious look in his eyes when he looks at you, your mention of their danmaku prowess seems to intrigue him. "I've never heard of a fighting style like that." he admits. "Are these... spellcard battles.... completely non-lethal?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 22, 2012, 04:01:20 PM
>"Yep! According to what I heard, the Spellcard Rules were made to give even humans a fighting chance against Youkai stronger than them. Something about being fair to everyone or something."
>"I've gone up against the folks at Myouren in the past, they're really good. Especically Nue and Byakuren. But Shou needs to be mentioned too, because she has lasers that curve! You have to see 'em to believe it!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 22, 2012, 08:26:00 PM
>Shudder. Curvy lasers, so many bad memories ;_;
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 23, 2012, 12:32:00 AM
>Shudder. Curvy lasers, so many bad memories ;_;

>You still wake up some nights with the sight of those haunting your nightmares... Fifth stage boss, indeed.

>"Yep! According to what I heard, the Spellcard Rules were made to give even humans a fighting chance against Youkai stronger than them. Something about being fair to everyone or something."
>"I've gone up against the folks at Myouren in the past, they're really good. Especically Nue and Byakuren. But Shou needs to be mentioned too, because she has lasers that curve! You have to see 'em to believe it!"

>"Quite a worthy goal." Gordon admits.
>"Curved lasers?" "CURVED LASERS?" the two aliens ask in tandem.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 23, 2012, 02:15:06 AM
>"They're horrifying!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 23, 2012, 02:31:58 AM
>"They're horrifying!"

>"Well, if these Myoren people are as you say, then let us hope the enemy finds them horrifying, too." You wince slightly at Gordon's pronounciation of 'Myoren.' It sounds like 'Mi'yourenn'.
>Kogasa answers him, "What do you mean, 'defensive weaponry'?"
>Kogasa looks very confused. "The building itself?"
>"Boo.... Sanae-chan, I'm not sure what half Thursday-san said. He talks like a kappa."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 23, 2012, 03:41:20 AM
>"Don't worry; I understood it."
>"No, the building does not have any defensive weaponry, but it's hardly defenseless. THere are some really powerful people there."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 23, 2012, 07:25:31 AM
>"Don't worry; I understood it."
>"No, the building does not have any defensive weaponry, but it's hardly defenseless. THere are some really powerful people there."

>"Then again, Thursday," Gordon interjects. "This COULD be a world without the technology of our own!"
>"GOOD POINT. IS THIS THE CASE, DEFENDER OF GENSOKYO?" Man, that sounds cool coming out of a robot!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 23, 2012, 03:08:49 PM
>"Well, the only people that use anything that needs electricity are the Tengu, the Kappa, and everyone else at the Moriya Shrine. That's where I live. But mostly just the Kappa, since they're always tinkering with machines and stuff. So yeah, there's not really much technology, nothing like the Outside World where I used to live."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 24, 2012, 07:25:22 AM
>"Well, the only people that use anything that needs electricity are the Tengu, the Kappa, and everyone else at the Moriya Shrine. That's where I live. But mostly just the Kappa, since they're always tinkering with machines and stuff. So yeah, there's not really much technology, nothing like the Outside World where I used to live."

>"So, who rules?" Gordon asks you.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 24, 2012, 02:20:41 PM
>"There's no Gensokyo-wide government. Different places are ruled by different people. For instance, Kaguya rules the bamboo forest, and Satori the underground. And Lady Kanako's in charge of the mountain."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 24, 2012, 04:27:07 PM
>"And then there's Keine down in the Human Village, she also works as a teacher apparently. Nobody really controls the Forest of Magic though, since there's a couple of folks living there."
>"And then there's this creepy mansion over near The Misty Lake, I hear that a vampire lives there! Apparently she's a really light eater from what I've heard. But she never really does much of anything really, I hear she caused quite a mess before I arrived in Gensokyo though, something about making way too much mist and screwing up the weather with it. Reimu and Marisa solved that one though, they've been doing that since before I showed up."
>Flash a suitably hammy grin. "But don't think that I'm not the real Defender of Gensokyo! I just consider it that they were holding down the fort for me until I arrived!"
>"...Even if they beat me up back then too..."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 26, 2012, 12:07:58 AM
>"There's no Gensokyo-wide government. Different places are ruled by different people. For instance, Kaguya rules the bamboo forest, and Satori the underground. And Lady Kanako's in charge of the mountain."

>"And then there's Keine down in the Human Village, she also works as a teacher apparently. Nobody really controls the Forest of Magic though, since there's a couple of folks living there."
>"And then there's this creepy mansion over near The Misty Lake, I hear that a vampire lives there! Apparently she's a really light eater from what I've heard. But she never really does much of anything really, I hear she caused quite a mess before I arrived in Gensokyo though, something about making way too much mist and screwing up the weather with it. Reimu and Marisa solved that one though, they've been doing that since before I showed up."
>Flash a suitably hammy grin. "But don't think that I'm not the real Defender of Gensokyo! I just consider it that they were holding down the fort for me until I arrived!"
>"...Even if they beat me up back then too..."

>"Your world is a disorganized place of chaos!" Gordon declares. "It needs structure! Order! Lest anarchy descend upon it! What your world needs is a strong leader! A GREAT leader! Someone to uphold truth, justice, and all that is right!" Gordon leaves his safe perch on Thursday and jumps up to stand on top of the robot's shoulders. He proceeds to rant about how your world evidently is in dire need of a justice-loving leader to 'straighten it out' for several minutes.
>"Has he stopped to breathe in all that?" Fuu asks Hatate.
>"Twice. I think."
>"Think we should mention Yukari to him, Sanae-chan?" Kogasa asks you.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 26, 2012, 12:35:12 AM
>Nod to Kogasa. "Yeah, probably."
>"We don't need a leader, I just take care of the problems when they happen!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 26, 2012, 08:30:07 AM
>Nod to Kogasa. "Yeah, probably."
>"We don't need a leader, I just take care of the problems when they happen!"

>"Yes.... YOU...." Gordon drawls. Since he possesses all the subtlety of a horde of drunken oni, it's not hard to tell he's still thinking, largely, that you're not quite what you say you are. The fact that he's even come this far with you is quite a thing, far as you can tell.
>"A strong leader would keep many problems from happening in the first place! And when he came up a bit short, that's where people like CAPTAIN GORDON, DEFENDER OF EARTH!! come in!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 26, 2012, 08:46:34 AM
>"So see? We're just fine like we are."
>Don't add weirdo to the end of that...
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 27, 2012, 02:54:29 AM
>"So see? We're just fine like we are."
>Don't add weirdo to the end of that...

>One suspects he may have been called that more than once already. Nevertheless, you refrain from adding the descriptor to your comment.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 27, 2012, 03:49:39 AM
>"Me me me!"
>Show Thursday a basic nonspell pattern.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 27, 2012, 04:11:14 AM
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 27, 2012, 02:16:39 PM
>"...Aw, what the hey. Let's all show him a lot of examples! And if things go like I think they will, you'll get to see some spellcards here in a bit too!"
>"Spellcards are kinda like Danmaku, insofar as they're just a lot of it. But they're way fancier and stronger than the typical non-spells. I'll have to see if I can talk Kanako into showing you guys one of her best cards sometime!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 28, 2012, 12:55:04 PM


>"Me me me!"
>Show Thursday a basic nonspell pattern.
>"...Aw, what the hey. Let's all show him a lot of examples! And if things go like I think they will, you'll get to see some spellcards here in a bit too!"
>"Spellcards are kinda like Danmaku, insofar as they're just a lot of it. But they're way fancier and stronger than the typical non-spells. I'll have to see if I can talk Kanako into showing you guys one of her best cards sometime!"

>You volunteer to supply Thursday with his data, and also give him the gist of what a spellcard is, as well as offer to show him Kanako's spellcards. How nice of you!
>You give your gohei a flick, for added dramatic effect of course, and bring forth one of your pentagram patterned spread of bullets, aiming them towards an unoccupied patch of ground beneath you.
>"That can't be right." Kogasa says. "Even with the new girls, there's not a dozen residents of the temple."
>"The Taoists might be involved, too." Hatate speculates.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 28, 2012, 01:16:00 PM
>"Come on, we'd better get over there!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 29, 2012, 11:35:29 AM
>"Come on, we'd better get over there!"

>The Taoists... You wonder which side they're on. They're no friends of the Myoren crew, to say the least.
>Approaching the ominous black cloud reveals that, despite its appearance, it's not a storm cloud, as there's nothing falling from it, nor does there seem to be any sign of lightning, either intra- or extra-cloud electricity. But there is a distinct feeling of EVIL coming from it. It's also hanging rather lower to the ground than you'd expect from a cloud.
>Even before the gates of the temple start to come into view, you can see flashes of illumination in the sky, some of which you recognize as the lights damnaku, others similar but different, akin to laser blasts.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on March 29, 2012, 12:56:03 PM
>Hey, someone's fighting invaders without us! Not cool!
>Get over there!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 31, 2012, 09:00:47 AM
>Hey, someone's fighting invaders without us! Not cool!
>Get over there!

>You've got first dibs on any hostile alien force! It's in your hero contract. Somewhere.
>You drop down to a lower altitude, followed by Kogasa and Fuu. Gordon and Thursday descend as well, but remain a little above you and to your left.
>"I'm going ahead." Hatate says quickly before going from your speed to 'gone in a flash' in the blink of an eye. Even left her aide behind. Bloody tengu...
>"Great galaxies!" Gordon exclaims.
>"It's a tengu thing." Kogasa supplies to him.

>The images of the battlefield begind to unfold as you draw in closer. There are distinct humanoid shapes in the air- you recognize the forms of both the residents of the Myoren temple and the followers of Toyosatomimi no Miko, though there are several you cannot identify at this range. There are also at least two dozen figures riding.... Very odd looking metal things. They look almost like motorcycles without wheels. Several types of energy discharges are coming both rider and machine, all directed at either the myoren crew or the unidentified figures. None at the Taoists, as near as you can determine. Likewise, the taoists do not seem to be battling the riders.
>From the center of the black cloud hanging over the temple, a large, brilliant beam of yellow energy descends towards the ground, embedding itself into the temple, penetrating its roof. You find this beam hard to look at it. Not because of its brightness, but something about it scares you. You can't place what.
>Before you draw close enough to make out individual characteristics of the people involved on either side, an explosion of red light erupts from the ground, scattering a group of four humanoids that had been engaged in battle, sending them hurtling at high speeds. One of them, seemingly a girl with curly hair and brown clothes, rockets in your direction!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 31, 2012, 09:28:11 AM
>Do we recognize her?
>If not and she seems threatening, give her the snake shots.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on March 31, 2012, 09:46:37 AM
>Do we recognize her?
>If not and she seems threatening, give her the snake shots.

>It appears to that sutra-reciting mountain echo youkai you met when the Taoists reared their head.
>And she may be on a ballistic trajectory towards you and your allies- and Gordon- but she doesn't appear to be in control of her travel path at all.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 31, 2012, 10:37:55 AM
>"Hey! We're on your side!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 02, 2012, 02:21:27 AM
>"Hey! We're on your side!"

>Calling out to the temple groundskeeper elicits no response from her.
>"Kochiya-sama, I don't think-" Fuu starts to say to you, but Gordon interrupts her.
>"Are you blind, woman?! That girl needs help!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on April 02, 2012, 03:09:31 AM
>"She's a youkai. She'll be fine."
>To the battle! These invaders must be stopped!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 03, 2012, 01:58:13 PM
>"She's a youkai. She'll be fine."
>To the battle! These invaders must be stopped!

>Declaring that Kyouko will be just fine, despite the fact that you've yet to actually ascertain that yourself, you decide to leave the poor youkai to her own devices and get to the fighting. You hear Gordon say something rather quietly, for him, as you leave him and fly towards the temple. The sound of wings tells you that Fuu is following close behind you, but both Thursday and Kogasa seem to be going up again.
>As Kyouko flies over your head, you can see that her dress is battered and burned, possibly from that explosion that sent her rocketing towards you. She also has what looks like an arrow imbedded in her lower back. You're also not entirely certain she's conscious. This puts you a bit edge. That youkai may not have been the strongest boss you've faced, by far, but she was still plenty tough. Would take a bit to do that.

>The scene on the temple grounds resolves into one looking like not unlike a war. No less than 30 figures are present, nearly all of them in the air, and all of them exchanging fire. About two dozen of these are riding those wheel-less bikes, which upon closer examination, bear a passing resemblance to bulls, with horn-shaped handlebars, a rocket engine port in the rear, and a saddle for the riders. Half a dozen of these riders appear to be human men, in long, dirty, battered brown or black trenchcoats, each wearing cowboy hats. Except one very muscular fellow with green skin, who is wearing nothing but hideous orange pants. The rest of the riders have more variety among their clothing, albeit the same hats, but they are definately not human. They seem to humanoid dogs, for lack of a better term: canine heads, fur, tails. And every one of them, canine and human, is wielding a gun or some sort. Mostly handguns, but some rifles are in evidence, and all of them laser weapons, firing rippling beams of white energy at the Myoren temple defenders.

>Of them, not all are in evidence. Ichirin and her nyuudo counterpart Unzan do not appear to be present. Nor does Nue, though knowing her, she may not be recognizable at the moment. Same is true for that new arrival, the tanuki, but you think you can account for her presence. There is a rather large brown bear- and by large, meaning about 15 feet tall, wrestling with an equally large mountain lion outside the gate surrounding the temple. The bear has a bushy brown and black striped tail that has no business being on a bear. The sounds of the two animals wrestling and roaring almost drown out the sounds of laser fire, danmaku spreads, engines roaring and people shouting.

Since this is running a bit longer than I'd expected, I'll end this as part one rather than give you a massive post to read at once, and describe the positions and situations of the taoists, the other UFO crew, and the bigger names among the villains in the next post, as well as anything else you can think of that you wanna know.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 03, 2012, 02:24:07 PM
>Where's the thickest clump of biker dudes? It seems a lot of good could be done by danmakuing them up.
>And then snagging a bike later!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 04, 2012, 08:52:03 AM
>Where's the thickest clump of biker dudes? It seems a lot of good could be done by danmakuing them up.
>And then snagging a bike later!

>The bulk of the riders are flying and swooping and rising away, flying without much grace, but all providing a moving target. There are, however, four that are almost completely stationary at the moment, raining laser fire down on top of... a giant green leaf barrier. The riders are currently facing away from you, and you can't make out who's on the other side of the leaf, but what seems to be a grey tail occasionally flicks out into view.
>Shou appears to be the biggest bruiser among the Myoren crew present, with Byakuren oddly nowhere in sight, but Shou definately has her hands full. With that Taoist Futo. The two of them are exchanging bullets and lasers, although neither appears to be using a spellcard at the moment. But the 'prince's' minion isn't Shou's only problem. On the ground below the two is a tall man in a black vest and brown leathers. His skin his dark, his ears pointed, and his face angular and severe. His eyes have no pupils, just an empty white glow. He wields a metallic, futuristic crossbow, and he has a pair of large bat-like wings protruding from his back. The fangs give him the look of a vampire. He levels his crossbow at the tiger youkai, and a spread of five lances of red energy burst from the tip and fly at Shou. The tiger banks left to evade most and uses her spear to deflect the last. But this leaves her vulnerable to Futo, who pummels her with a spread of arrow shaped bullets.

>Murasa may also be in over her head. That hermit, Seiga, and her zombie slave, have her on the run. Neither one of Miko's followers is what you'd call fast, but between the two of them, they're putting out more shots than Murasa seems to be able to handle. The ship ghost conjures one of her anchor-shaped wedges of bullets and swings it in an arc in front of her, making both it, and the incoming fire vanish. She gets no repreive, however, as someone you can only describe as a humanoid pig, wearing a blue uniform of some kind, hurls a large boulder at her. She springs backwards, but the rock smashes into the ground in front of her with considerable force, enough to send Murasa careening backwards. A youkai with colorful wings and an almost as colorful outfit swoops into the gap, firing petal-type bullets at the pig man, but a dog-rider flies over her head and blasts her with an energy beam, knocking her off course and almost out of the air altogether.

>To your amazement, there's a troop of fairies flitting about the battlefield, about ten or so. There are two of them that are bigger than the rest. One is strange to you, with long brown hair and PANTS, of all things, but the other one is your old pal Cinnamon! The fairies seem to following the lead of a youkai with large white wings, a white tail with gold streaks in it, and a simple white gown, as she duels with Tojiko of the taoists. The youkai wields a spear, the human-ghost-thing wields a straight sword, and the fairies seem to be devoted to keeping the riders off the pair. Their danmaku doesn't seem to be doing much to the riders or their machines, but they are being warned away from the dueling women.

>Hatate is in evidence as well, but she seems to have found an opponent that's as quick as she is. He is a tall, gangly looking man in raggedly clothes, with dirty black feathered wings and a bald head capping an ugly face. His bare feet end in ugly claws dripping black ichor. Hatate is sending round bullets at him, both moderate and large in size, while he returns fire from a rapidly firing laser pistol that looks like an uzi, and an odd looking pistol-thing that fires dozens of small darts- a flechette gun. Neither combatant lands any hits on each other, yet, but they leave a trail of feathers behind them.

>There is another youkai present as- at least you think it's a youkai, taking cover behind a crashed and smoking riding machine. Her black hair looks very windblown, and she shows burns on her exposed skin. She is not returning fire, but seems to simply be hiding from the lasers being aimed at her by the dog-riders buzzing about her.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on April 04, 2012, 02:20:48 PM
>Alright, let's drop some lightningbolts!
(If any of the myouren crew or our allies get hit)>"Sorry about the friendly fire! I'm still getting the hang of this!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 06, 2012, 03:43:24 AM
>Alright, let's drop some lightningbolts!
(If any of the myouren crew or our allies get hit)>"Sorry about the friendly fire! I'm still getting the hang of this!"

>When in need of aoe, lightning. Never a bad idea.
>Focusing your will on the sky overhead, beyond the ominous black cloud directly over head, you command the sky to unleash hot electric death. In answer, three streaks of white-hot electricity cut a zigzag from the clear blue, falling towards the ground. To your surprise, however, the lightning bolts do not emerge from the bottom of the black cloud like you'd expected. They seem to vanish into that ominous blackness.
>That is not to say they had no effect. Though you hear no sounds of impact, a terrible, gutteral snarling noise rumbles forth from the cloud, which seems to tremble slightly at the experience of eating a trio of lightning bolts. The sound sends a jolt of terror running through you, and hero though you are, you find yourself suddenly afraid of what lurks concealed by that black cloud. Fuu, for her part, takes a rattling breath and drifts backwards in the air, visibly frightened.
>On the plus side, the beam of yellow energy drilling its way into the Myoren temple roof seems to shrink just a tad.

>Although none of the players on either side make a move in your direction, you do see a number of heads among the aliens turn in your direction.

>As the snarling noise fades, the two giant duelling animals begin to shrink down. The mountain lion exudes a sickly yellow glow around itself as reduces in size, reforming into a scorpion, albeit a scorpion that runs about six feet from 'head' to torso, not counting the tail with venom-dripping stinger. Simultaneously, the brown bear with the tanuki tail shrinks down as well, its body twisting and elongating, stretching out into the form a 9-foot preying mantis.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on April 06, 2012, 03:46:27 AM
>Oooh, shapeshifter fight!
>No, wait, we can't watch that right now!
>Okay, time for that cloud-thing to die. Lightning the shit out of it.
>Are we able to contact Kanako and/or Suwako in any way?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 06, 2012, 06:12:29 AM
>Oooh, shapeshifter fight!
>No, wait, we can't watch that right now!
>Okay, time for that cloud-thing to die. Lightning the shit out of it.

>Despite the coolness of the scene unfolding below you- not that the rest of the battle is dull!- priorities! That freakyass cloud's gotta go.
>Since they did at least something the... whatever, didn't like, you decide to feed it some more lightning. Your efforts this time, however, are somewhat underwhelming. Not a single spark answers your mental summons, let alone any full blown lightning bolts. Guess you can't spam lightning bolt yet.

>Those battling beneath the cloud, at least among the good guys, seem unaware of your involvement at this point, still having their own hands more than full. Shou, recovering from the barrage she just ate from Futo, straightens and holds her spear out in front of her. She starts spinning the polearm before her, which not only serves to deflect another spread of danmaku from Futo, it also generates a rather hefty gale of wind, pushing the human backwards through the air, slowly but surely, while the mat-bat in the dark blue cowboy hat manages to hold his ground. You see his head turn, and you think you see him call out, but between all the other sounds of combat, the words are drowned out. At least two riders, coming from different directions, seem to be angling in towards her for a shot.

>Shou seems to be holding her own, for now, but Murasa appears to be in trouble. Knocked prone by that pig man and his boulder, she winces and tries to regain her feet, but two of the riders flying overhead open fire on her. She waves her hand before her and a curtain of blue bullets appears and blasts towards the two riders. The lasers impact against the bullets and explode in a transparant cloud of white energy, neutralizing most of the danmaku, and the remainder miss their target. Another rider flies into the gap behind her lasers and discharges his rifle, but the ship ghost lets loose a blast of water from her hand, which blocks the attack. The rifle-armed human lines up another shot, but that multi-colored youkai, evidently recovered from getting shot moments before, flies right at him, and gives him a solid kick in the chin as she passes him, then goes evasive to avoid the pistol blasts from the two riders following her. The human nearly drops his rifle, and almost falls off his mount, but manages to hang on to both. Seiga and Yoshika, however, seize the opening, and both unleash a fairly massive swarm of danmaku at the prone captain of the palanquin ship.

>The white winged youkai's duel with the taoists' Tojiko seems to be the only thing going right for the good guys. She seems to have the upper hand on the ghost, her spear flashing almost as quickly as Shou's. Tojiko raises her free hand to fire a small spread of danmaku, but the winged youkai drops down in evasion and rises up for a stab with amazing agility. Tojiko is barely able to keep her spear off her. And with the fairies' efforts, none of the riders in their vicinity can get a clear shot at the lancer. At least for now. There's a lot more riders than there are fairies.

>Both the leaf barrier and crashed machine that are serving as cover for the other unidentified youkai and who you assume is Nazrin seem to be holding up for now, but you know that can't last forever. There's just so many of them... Including the Taoists, no less than thirty enemies are arrayed against the Myoren temple defenders.

>"There so many of them..." Fuu whispers, unconsciously echoing your own thoughts. "How can we beat them all...?"
>To your far left and above you, one of the canine riders makes a turn to the left, breaking off from the fight and heading in your direction. One of the humans sees this and follows him, this just above your current height and closer to you, but still on your left.

>Are we able to contact Kanako and/or Suwako in any way?

>Your patrons goddesses have always been able to hear you, when you call for them. Other people have to look, and dream, for their guardian angels. You've had yours since you were born, and they've always been by your side.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on April 06, 2012, 01:00:12 PM
>"Kanako, Suwako, I could use a little help."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 06, 2012, 01:29:15 PM
>"Kanako, Suwako, I could use a little help."

>"What good could the goddesses do?" Fuu asks you. You get the distinct impression the tengu reporter's in a bit over her head.
>In response to your prayer comes the voice of... Kanako? You think. There's an odd interefernece in communication between you and the wind goddess. Her voice smaller, more distant, than it should be. "Sa  e?   at's wrong, the    ppe rs to me something dis      g your voice.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on April 06, 2012, 01:53:09 PM
>Let's let off a few choice 'words'. "Damn! Something's getting in the way!"
>Ah, we almost forgot about those guys didn't we? Let's head for that rider that broke off after us at full speed and boot 'im right off his ride!
>Just like in Kamen Rider!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 09, 2012, 03:44:07 AM
>Let's let off a few choice 'words'. "Damn! Something's getting in the way!"
>Ah, we almost forgot about those guys didn't we? Let's head for that rider that broke off after us at full speed and boot 'im right off his ride!
>Just like in Kamen Rider!

>Kanako's voice returns, a little stronger this time, "I did 't ra    you to use tha  k  d of lan   g  , young lady."
>But there's time to fix the phone lines later. Now you've got a couple punkass aliens on flying machines to KO.
>You can see the human's cocky smirk on his bearded face as you and he approach each other. His face is an open book: Flying cowboy obviously don't think too much of yet another little girl all up in his skies. Time for a well-placed dose of boot to the head!
>He starts to level his pistol at you, but you're obviously moving much faster than he'd anticipated. His face changes to an expression of shock as you barrel towards him. and deliver a flying mantis kick to his forehead. His hat goes flying from his head, and he drops his pistol, but give the ugly cock some credit, he actually maintains his one-handed grip on his handlebar, and flies underneath you, still mounted, but reeling and dazed.

>His dingo buddy, however, being farther away than the human, has time enough to close a bit of the gap between you and he, he doesn't look at all pleased at your treatment of his buddy. Which he demonstrates by discharging a pair of rippling laser blasts at you.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 09, 2012, 06:32:24 AM
>Move to the side and give him a face full of snakes!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 09, 2012, 09:41:56 AM
>Move to the side and give him a face full of snakes!

>One of the canine's lasers would have missed right anyway, but you deftly evade the one that was on target as well. Shot came in a bit faster than you had thought, but a pistol laser's got nothin' on the lasers you've fought and beat! And it's a safe bet nothing this joker's seen begins to compare with the firepower you can bring to bear.
>Unleashing a barrage of snake shot at the dog man, you see him try to pull up and away, but this time, he's not dealing with an outnumbered, overwhelmed Myoren crew. Your burst of snake-style bullets impact heavily upon his chest, and a few strike the front of his ride, leaving dents where they hit. You hear his yelp in surprise and pain as your bullet stream is too much for his one-handed riding grip to overcome. He falls the nine or so feet the ground, crashing and rolling on the grassy field beyond the temple gate. His ride fares no better, rocketing off and to your left at a steep upwards angle.

>From behind you and above you, you hear another energy discharge, followed by Fuu letting out a yelp of her own, and then electricity crackling.
>To your left, you hear another set of engines igniting.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 09, 2012, 10:50:31 AM
>Take a quick glance toward those noises.
>Do we know how to operate a motor vehicle? Or a bike?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 10, 2012, 01:05:49 PM
>Take a quick glance toward those noises.

>A glance behind you reveals Fuu surrounded by a shell of electricity, and the rider you booted flying past her and away, another pistol in his hands. The hatless human is banking to his left, evidently to get back to the safety of numbers of his buddies. Fuu, her expression a mix of terror and outrage, seems to have other ideas. She stratches out her right arm, pointing at the rider, and the static shell around her gathers over her arm. "YOU WA SHOCK!" She shouts, sending the electricity around her out at the retreating human. Both he and his ride are surrounded by blue and white electricity, and you can faintly hear his "aAaAAaAaA!" over the other sounds of battle going on around you. Something on the back end of his mount explodes, and both it and its rider find themselves in a 50 degree arc downwards towards the ground.

>The second engine sound seems to have come from Gordon, as thin black smoke is coming from behind him, and he seems to be flying under his own power. Guy must have a jetpack! Both he and Thursday are moving forward and towards the ground. And he does NOT look happy.
>The other member of your little group, Kogasa, is now supporting Kyouko, who seems rather shaken, and they both head in your direction.

>Do we know how to operate a motor vehicle? Or a bike?

>Only peripherally. Getting your driver's permit was on your list of things to do back in the outside world, but Kanako-sama moved the shrine, and you, to Gensokyo before you managed to get around to it.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on April 10, 2012, 02:01:00 PM
>Nicely done Fuu, we'll have to pick that up sometime!
>Let's bombard that runner with some snake shots then!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 10, 2012, 08:11:52 PM
>Nicely done Fuu, we'll have to pick that up sometime!
>Let's bombard that runner with some snake shots then!

>After making a mental note to have a chat with that tengu about her rather impressive electroplay skills, you decide to add injury to injury by attacking the shocked rider and his crashing ride. Because Fuu apparantly didn't do enough damage on her own.
>Your stream of fire catches the evidently stunned man in his broadside. You hear him emit a 'whuuuuf' sound, before the force of the danmaku carries him sideways off his ride. He hits the ground after falling about 4 feet or so, landing on his side, his ride impacting the ground heavily and what pieces don't fly off as shrapnel flatten into a metallic pancake.
>Despite the fact that you've demonstrated perhaps excessive force on an enemy that was likely beaten already, Fuu at least seems rather satisfied.

>Kogasa, as she and Kyouko pull up near to you, looks down at the smoldering hulk of the human's ride, then at the battle playing out on the temple grounds. "Sure are a lot of them."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on April 10, 2012, 08:25:30 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, wonder where they came from?"
>Smile in our usual hammy way. "Not that it matters any, because I'll just send 'em right back to wherever it is!"
>Let's fly off to the next big group of biker dudes and unload a bunch of frog shots!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 14, 2012, 11:32:06 AM
>Nod. "Yeah, wonder where they came from?"
>Smile in our usual hammy way. "Not that it matters any, because I'll just send 'em right back to wherever it is!"
>Let's fly off to the next big group of biker dudes and unload a bunch of frog shots!

>As you fly towards the rest of the invaders, you hear Kogasa issuing what sounds like orders to Fuu and and Kyouko. Smart girl. You on the other hand need no direction. You're a bloody hero.
>The only true grouping of the riders in the air are the four- Correction, three- canine riders pouring fire down on that leaf shield, the other one must have buggered off while you and Fuu were downing the two that broke off the cloud. But still, that's three essentially open targets. Perfect place for landing some more bullets, especially since they're all back on to you. And whoever's underneath that shield will definately appreciate the relief.
>Charging them from the rear, you unleash a barrage of unfocused frogshot at them. More targets, more area. The middle ride, your shot takes right in its' engine, a beautiful shot. The engine explodes, as does half the back end of the thing, and the rider suddenly has other things to worry about than the danmaku pummeling his back, as he and his machine are taking a sudden plunge towards the ground 8 feet below.
>The guy immediately to his left doesn't fare much better. You don't take his engine as cleanly, but you do a number on both him and his mount. He himself catches the majority of the shots, and this has the effect of making him simultaneously yell in surprise and pain, and goose his throttle, making him jet forward and towards the ground.
>The third rider is a bit more fortunate, not being neatly lined up with the other two and off to the right somewhat, and being beyond the most effective parts of your fan of bullets. He still catches a few, and he definately forgets about trying to penetrate the leaf barrier below him. But his ride stays in the air, and he manages to stay on it. He weathers the impact of your shots gamely, but he cranks his throttle and vectors off to his right and up. He doesn't go too far however, before making a sharp turn and heading back your way, firing his pistol at you.
>You seem to have drawn attention from other riders as well, as to several feet to your left and above you, another canine rider looses a laser bolt at you. As does the rider about a foot and a half behind him.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on April 14, 2012, 01:18:17 PM
>Like we can't dodge that.
>Evade and return fire.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2012, 08:04:24 PM


> Well, posting THAT sure backfired. Thanks a lot, Backstrom. >:|
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 17, 2012, 07:19:26 AM
>Like we can't dodge that.
>Evade and return fire.

>Bunch of dog-men with guns? Against you? Puh-leeze.
>Granted, these lasers are a wee bit faster than the average Gensokyo laser, and you've drawn fire from multiple sources, but nothing you haven't handled before. As a matter of fact, as nearly all these lasers are being fired at where you are, rather than where you're going to be, you take the expedient step of flying upwards and back a little bit. Although one of the lasers, a bit higher than its fellows, still manages to graze your foot. It leaves a faint numbness and an electrical tingling in your left foot, and you're pretty sure it singed your sandal. Now they're ASKING for it.

>Deciding to finish what you started, you fire a swarm of more basic bullets at the first guy, with the damaged ride, who survived your wrath before. Somewhat surprisingly, he pulls his ride over to starboard and away, and manages to clear them. Not a bad driver, that dog. You start to trace a pentagram spread to give him what for, but have to abort before it forms, as the other two riders fire on you again.
>These two lasers prove to be no match for your evasive skills, as a little lateral movement takes you out of harm's way. You return their fire with your own; a star shaped burst of danmaku, prompting evasive action from these two as well. One is far enough removed from the spread that his portside turn takes him out of harm's way. His buddy, the second rider that fired at you, is not so lucky, and your bullets buffet him and his ride. Nothing explodes on the machine, but the engine on it cuts out, and it makes a sudden change from flying machine to rock, dropping from the sky.

>The one that escaped your star-shot rather nimbly turns back towards you, but he doesn't get the chance to fire another blast before a swarm of kunai-shaped danmaku flies up around him from below. Caught by surprise, the canine yowls as he is peppered by shots, and his machine veers to the right. You've the impression its driver was not completely in control of that maneuver.
>It is at this point that you feel a laser blast you in your back. Having taken a few lasers since arriving in Gensokyo, you know what they feel like. This one comes with a bit more physical force than you're used to, and a lot more pain. You are momentarily stunned, and drop a few inches before righting yourself, a burning numbness spread across your back.



> Well, posting THAT sure backfired. Thanks a lot, Backstrom. >:|

>Better luck next game. <3
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on April 17, 2012, 03:26:37 PM
>"Oooh...You guys just earned even more punishment!"
>Let's ramp up the winds to full power! Tornadoes, typhoons, hurricanes, the whole nine yards!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 18, 2012, 05:54:32 AM

>Spellcards on hand:
>Esoterica: "Gray Thaumaturgy" (100%)
>Wonder: "Night with Overly Bright Guest Stars" (100%)
>Sea Opening: "The Day the Sea Split" (100%)
>Great Miracle "Yasaka's Divine Wind" (100%)

>Frog Sign: Wily Toad
>Snake Sign: Orochi of Ancient Times
>Current bomb energy level: 100%

>"Oooh...You guys just earned even more punishment!"
>Let's ramp up the winds to full power! Tornadoes, typhoons, hurricanes, the whole nine yards!

>Time to show these kludge boys who they're messing with. Nobody but NOBODY shoots Sanae Kochiya in the back, and gets away with it! You start to wave your arms about in the air, stretching your will out to summon forth the full force of the fours winds. Forget blowing these guys back to Kansas, they'll be lucky if they stop at Kucamunga!
>However, before you can set more than a bit of a decent breeze going, another laser blast, probably from the same guy that shot you the first time, catches you in the back. Now that one downright HURT, and you actually tumble from the sky, only stopping yourself a few inches off the ground.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on April 18, 2012, 04:15:16 PM
>Alright, that hurt! Rocket back up to our previous altitude!
>"Okay, now you've made me mad! Snake Sign: Orochi of Ancient Times!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 18, 2012, 08:21:55 PM
>Alright, that hurt! Rocket back up to our previous altitude!
>"Okay, now you've made me mad! Snake Sign: Orochi of Ancient Times!"

>In which direction did you wish to launch your bomb?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on April 18, 2012, 08:26:03 PM
>Towards the bonehead that shot us of course!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 21, 2012, 01:38:41 AM
>Towards the bonehead that shot us of course!

>As you whirl to face the knucklehead that shot you in the back-TWICE- you reclaim your former place in the air. And a good thing you did so at a good pace, too, because yet another laser passes through the place where you just where. Though you don't move quite as fast as you'd initially planned. Not only did that last blast hurt like the dickens, it also left a distinct numbness throughout your body. Although you can still MOVE at a good speed, you feel rather sluggish. You wouldn't want to take too many more of those.
>Turns out there's just the one guy beyond you that's armed, and it's the first human-dog you dismounted. Guess he didn't learn his lesson about messing with living goddesses after that little tumble of his. And already he's lining you up for another shot. He will soon regret that choice.

>As you prepare to unleash a little Kanako-sama brand of justice, a thought occurs: this is an alien you're firing at. Suppose he reacts differently to bombs than you'd expect? For all you know, these jokers could be like an EX-boss; bomb immune half the time. Or he could turn into cake. Ah, well. No sense worrying about it now.
>A wave of force flies out from you, taking the image of a giant snake barreling through the air. The dingo's eyes go wide, but, to his credit, he manages to fire off one more shot from his pistol. Which dissipates harmlessly against the Orochi bomb heading towards him, not even slowing it one iota. You think you see him start to yell, before the serpentine blast wave hits him.
>When the wave passes, the grass around the dingo is flattened- the ground itself seems a little flatter than normal, and the canine humanoid is flat on his back, some distance where he once was, and to your eyes, very unconscious. At least you think he's only unconscious. You did drop a bomb on him after all, and there was no one else around to absorb all that energy.

>But you'll have time to worry about that later, as another laser whizzes past your left arm, and you sense a swarm of danmaku fly up past you at a target overhead.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on April 21, 2012, 02:06:28 PM
>Unload a wide-area cluster of frogshot in all directions!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 21, 2012, 08:06:18 PM
>Unload a wide-area cluster of frogshot in all directions!

>Heedless of directionality, or the fact that you're not really looking at the bulk of the battle to see where your enemies are, or your allies for that matter, you spread your arms out wide and unleash a barrage of frogshot 360 degrees around you.
>From below and behind you, you hear a voice, Nazrin, you think, cry out, "Hey! Watch where you point that!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on April 21, 2012, 08:18:47 PM
>Oh! Stop firing in that direction at least.
>"Sorry! Force of habit!"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 21, 2012, 09:38:29 PM
>Oh! Stop firing in that direction at least.
>"Sorry! Force of habit!"

>You take that particular direction off your firing list, and maintain your barrage everywhere else. You manage to sustain this for another few seconds before you hear Nazrin yell at again, more urgently, "Look out!" Seemingly acting on her own advise, she flies up towards you on your left and tackles you to the right.
>Ordinarily, you might object to a youkai body checking you like that. However, as a decent sized rocket flies through the space you previously occupied, you think you'll make an exception in this case. Nazrin waves her arm- her free arm, as her left hand is holding a flat metal leaf the size of a small plate- and sends a wave of danmaku back behind you, before glancing around. You note a burn pattern on her shoulder and on her back. Looks like she's taken a shot or two as well. "Master and the cap'n need some help." she notes.

>Current Bomb charge: 6%
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on April 21, 2012, 09:48:20 PM
>Nod. "I'll try to find them and lend a hand, think you'll be okay to hold out here?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on April 21, 2012, 10:10:06 PM
>Nod. "I'll try to find them and lend a hand, think you'll be okay to hold out here?"

>"Whaddya mean, 'find them'? Just-" She pauses to duck under a stray shot. "Just look around, or have you been too busy firing blindly?"
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on April 21, 2012, 10:12:43 PM
>Grin slightly. "I told you, force of habit."
>Well, let's look around for them then.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on May 03, 2012, 09:52:56 AM
>Grin slightly. "I told you, force of habit."
>Well, let's look around for them then.

>The mouse youkai mutters something about those 'habits' of yours under her breath, you think. She's good at muttering. Quiet as a mouse, and all that.

>The two youkai she mentioned haven't moved all that much since the last time you saw them, but both appear to be in even deeper than they were before. Shou's managed to get into the air to fight Futo on her level, but she looks a bit more battered than she did the last time you saw her, both from the aliens' lasers and Futo's danmaku. She seems to keeping Futo at bay for now with her trademark curvy lasers, but the man with the bat-wings is trying to circle around behind her, and he's got himself a mount of his own. A massive robotic feline, steel grey and powerfully built, with a pair of horns like a bull and tusks like saber-toothed tiger. The man-bat sits astride the robocat, his crossbow in hand, seeming between shots.
>Complicating matters for Shou is the presense of the riders, of which there are three looping around over her head and around her, plus you're sure there are more waiting in the wings for an open shot at the tiger youkai. Shou isn't having a great deal of trouble dodging their fire, but it is clearly distracting her, keeping her from pouring more fire at Futo, as well as from noticing the manbat and his metallic cat outflanking her. A crashed flying ride, and two unconscious Dingo-men beneath her, give testament to Shou's tenacity, but she's simply outnumbered. You've faced her before. You've no doubt she could handle Futo, or the aliens, but not both at once.

>The same can definitely be said for Murasa, as well, as she's in even worser shape than her fellow follower of Byakuren. The last you saw her, before dealing with your own attack, she was taking heavy fire from Seiga and her pet zombie. From the looks of her now, she doesn't seem to have dodged too many bullets. She remains grounded, and she is swinging her anchor in front of her to keep Yoshika at bay, who is also on the ground and hopping towards her. Each sweep of her anchor is accompanied by a small spread of bullets, but Seiga, floating a few feet behind and a few feet above her servant, is using rather precise fire to counter Murasa's blasts, keeping her servant advancing and frustrating the ship captain. If you didn't know better, you'd think the taoist hermit was toying with Murasa.
>That Pig-man in blue uniform has come closer to Seiga as well, and is sitting on the ground next to her. Well, not so much the GROUND, as he is sitting on that youkai with the multi-colored wings, who is struggling, vainly, dislodge the corpulent porker. He has a rather large laser rifle draped over his shoulder as he sits and watches Murasa try to fend off the pair attacking her, and you get the impression that he'd be content just to watch, though he's still quite willing to get involved again.

>Murasa is currently to your left, on the ground, about 12 or so feet in front of you.
>Shou is to your right and about three feet below you, about 15 feet away.

>Current Bomb Charge: 7%
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on May 03, 2012, 03:42:24 PM
>What the hey? Let's send some shots to help both out!
>Snake shots towards the Man-bat and his robo-cat(that's so awesome.), and Frog Shots towards Big'n'Pork!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on May 07, 2012, 10:56:28 AM
>What the hey? Let's send some shots to help both out!
>Snake shots towards the Man-bat and his robo-cat(that's so awesome.), and Frog Shots towards Big'n'Pork!

>Why settle for blasting merely one bad guy, when there are so many targets just waiting for a broadside?
>His attention centered on Shou, the dark skinned man does not take note of the stream of snakeshot you send in his direction. His cat (does EVERY alien have a wicked robot?!)  however reacts to the threat, and leaps forward in an impressive bound. This has the consequence of throwing off the batman's aim, and the black arrow he'd lined up on Shou goes wide of her to her left, exploding a few feet to her northwest in a murky cloud of black gas and harsh purple light. While your primary stream did not impact the hostile alien, neither he nor his cat had seen your snakeshot before, and both are unprepared for its branching nature. The smaller stream of bullets catch both rider and ride, but neither shows any special discomfort at the impact. Guess this one's made of sterner stuff than the canines.
>The dark burst from the arrow's blast makes Futo blanch, and Shou quickly takes advantage of her opponents' lapse in judgement, pasting the Taoist with one of her curved lasers. She then sideslips to her left, evading one of the riders' returning shots, and turns to face the Man-bat, slashing her free arm out and sending a lance of pure light at him. The alien beats his wings and flies off the cat's back, pointing his left fist forward, and sending a beam of pale yellow light forward. The two beams collide in midair, scattering flecks of white and yellow outward in all directions.
>His cat, however, is now your problem as well, as it turns halfways towards you, opens his jaws and spits out a ball of fire directly at you. One of the riders buzzing around Shou breaks off from the tiger youkai and sets out in your direction, angling to fly over you, and he sends a pistol blast your way. Another rider starts flying in your direction as well, but this canine has no weapon in his hand. He may simply be trying to evade the fairy that's chasing him, but, how often do you see people run from fairys?

>Considering the spread of your frogshot, not only does your frog-style damnaku menace the big piggy, Seiga as well is in the line of fire, given their proximity. So much the better! By the looks of it, Murasa needs all the help she can get.
>As the primary target of your shots, the bulk of your frog shot heads towards the blue uniformed pigman. As he's sitting facing you, despite his attention focused on Murasa, your shots aren't about to take him by surprise. On the other hand, considering his rather... portly nature, he probably couldn't dodge too well if he tried. And he doesn't even try. He simply.... chuckles. You'll show him. Bursts of multihued energy explode as your frogshot strikes home. The porker seems to have underestimated the force of your shots, as you see him tilt backwards a bit between blasts. However, either because he's even heavier than he looks, or he has excellent balance, or perhaps because you were using unfocused frog-style danmaku, you do not dislodge the pigman from his seat atop the winged youkai. He rocks backwards, but he rocks forwards again when your bullet swarm subsides. And he looks decidedly less comfortable now.
>Seiga, likewise, is not caught off guard, and is able to go evasive while maintaining fire against Murasa. The pigman says something to her after your bullets fly past her, and the exchange a brief word.
>Nazrin, taking advantage of the brief distraction, flies down from you to behind Murasa, and starts unloading danmaku on Yoshika, the two way shot style she employed when you first encountered her. You see Seiga snarl shortly, before she starts returning fire against Nazrin. She doesn't seem entirely pleased that you've evened out the odds here. And while Nazrin's danmaku prowess might not be up to Seiga's entirely, it does serve to releave the pressure on Murasa, at least enough to let her deal with Yoshika more definitively. She springs backwards, and holds her anchor out and away from her with her right arm. A ghostly blue aura begins to build up around the weapon, while with her free arm, she discharges another water geyser, this one twice as intense as the one you saw her employ before. This one she aims at Seiga's undead slave, and while you can't tell how much, if any, damage this is doing, it's certainly halting her progress. You think you hear her say something like "How do ya like THEM apples?!", but it's hard to be certain over the din of battle.
>The two Taoists and their Myoren enemies may be busy with each other, but the hoggish alien is giving you the stink eye. He does not employ that massive rifle draped over his shoulder, but he does unholster his sidearm- a pistol, a bit larger than the ones employed by the other aliens- and fires a larger energy blast at you.

>Current bomb charge: 10%
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on May 07, 2012, 08:28:35 PM
>Heh, let's fly at the robo-cat, making sure to avoid the fireball. (And thus, avoiding the pigman's shot in the process.)
>Then, when we get close enough, peel away and make a beeline right for the pigman!
>If this works, those two knuckleheads will have a rather close encounter with each other.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on May 10, 2012, 04:51:34 AM
>Heh, let's fly at the robo-cat, making sure to avoid the fireball. (And thus, avoiding the pigman's shot in the process.)
>Then, when we get close enough, peel away and make a beeline right for the pigman!
>If this works, those two knuckleheads will have a rather close encounter with each other.

>In which direction did you wish to break off in once you traverse the distance between cat and pig?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on May 10, 2012, 03:47:12 PM
>Straight up, but make sure the cat's right on our tail as we head for the pigman, so that way we're obscuring it as best we can!

(Yeah, you've probably figured out what I'm planning.)
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on May 14, 2012, 10:22:01 AM
>Heh, let's fly at the robo-cat, making sure to avoid the fireball. (And thus, avoiding the pigman's shot in the process.)
>Then, when we get close enough, peel away and make a beeline right for the pigman!
>If this works, those two knuckleheads will have a rather close encounter with each other.
>Straight up, but make sure the cat's right on our tail as we head for the pigman, so that way we're obscuring it as best we can!

>Setting off dead right, neatly sidestepping the lasers of both the pigman and the dogman flying overhead (although the hog's laser proved a bit faster than its size would have indicated. You didn't dodge that one so much as graze it.) you fly down and straight towards the metallic feline, adroitly spinning to your left to get around its its incendiary blast. This has the secondary effect of spinning you narrowly past a laser coming in from your left, but if that shot was aimed at you, there is no follow up.
>The metallikat does not unleash any other projectiles as you two close in on each other, and, when you judge yourself close enough to ensure you have its attention (not hard to determine, its cold yellow eyes haven't left you for an instant) but not close enough to let him swipe at you with its steel paws, you bank a hard, tight right and circle back towards Hoggish.
>He lines you up again with that large pistol of his, but rather than sqeezing the trigger, he hesitates. You catch his eyes drift over your shoulder to look behind you, and his aim falters. No shot comes from him.
>Th cat, however, is not so hesitant, as you hear the crackling sounds of fire behind you, and then a *whooshing* sound. Odds are, Kitten launched another fireball at you. The last one was pretty quick moving, but you had good range on it. This time, since you're trying to keep yourself between cat and pig, it's a much greater threat. At this distance, dodging it could be tricky.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on May 22, 2012, 03:04:26 PM
>Change of plans; Cut the flight, and drop! Looks like Roast Pork is on the menu!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on May 24, 2012, 12:01:01 PM
>Change of plans; Cut the flight, and drop! Looks like Roast Pork is on the menu!

>Deciding that if you can't bring robotcat to pig, giving the porker a fireball to the face would be just as good. Would certainly give him something else to focus on other than keeping the poor youkai he's sitting on out of the fight.
>Dropping straight down like a heroic green-haired boulder, the flaming projectile passes over your back. But not completely harmlessly, as you feel the painful heat run up your back, crisping (at least) your clothing and singing your hair. You bite your lip to keep from yelling. You've been hit by a lot of things during your time in Gensokyo, but that's the first time someone's thrown an ordinary run-of-the-mill fireball at you, without it being danmaku of sorts. A glancing blow hurts. Thank Kanako-sama that didn't hit you full on. But that cat's gonna pay for messing up your hairdo.

>You would expect that you're a fair bit quicker than the pigman, and you barely got out of the way of that fireball. As you drop down to near ground level, you turn your eyes back towards him, firmly expecting to see a blue-suited hog engulfed in flames. The corpulent humanoid, however, throws himself to his left with surprising speed, but still not fast enough to save his bacon entirely. The fireball splats against his right flank, near his hip, and he rolls over once he hits the ground, using his rotund mass to smother the flames. This of course has the effect of removing his backside from the winged youkai. Said youkai groans loudly in relief, then hauls herself back up to her hands and knees, giving her wings an experimental flap, and sending a friendly smile your way as thanks.
>A cold metallic weight then crashes down upon your back, squashing you into the ground hard and almost knocking the wind out of you, pressing you into the dirt. You hear an odd sound from above and just behind you, a combination of a growl and a chuckle, but nothing human could have made that noise. Cat must have caught up with you when you dropped down to evade its fire blast.

>The winged youkai you saved from the pigman, however, returns the favor you did her right way. Rather than take flight or even move to get away from Porkey, she extends her right arm outwards, and a rainbow-colored beam of light flies out fro her hand and over your head. The robocat snarls an odd snarl, and the weight on your back lifts off, much to your relief. You hear the things' metallic footsteps backing away behind you.
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on May 24, 2012, 04:17:16 PM
>Flash her a thumbs up! "Thanks for the save! Looks like we're even now!"
>Let's get up and turn to face the robokitty with a highly angered expression. "That wasn't very nice you know, crisping my hair like that. Do you have any idea how long it takes me to get it ready in the morning?! Imagine how you'd feel if you were in my shoes!"
>Point at the robocat. "For that, you'll taste the wrath of justice!"
>Bombard it with frogshots!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on May 25, 2012, 08:46:50 AM
>Flash her a thumbs up! "Thanks for the save! Looks like we're even now!"
>Let's get up and turn to face the robokitty with a highly angered expression. "That wasn't very nice you know, crisping my hair like that. Do you have any idea how long it takes me to get it ready in the morning?! Imagine how you'd feel if you were in my shoes!"
>Point at the robocat. "For that, you'll taste the wrath of justice!"
>Bombard it with frogshots!

>The multihued youkai tosses you a friendly salute before hauling herself back to her feet, and turning towards the pigman that had her pinned. It is then that you turn to confront Robocat, so you don't see what she does next, but considering the sound of flapping wings and the sound of firing danmaku from her location, it's not a big leap to guess that she's paying Hogger back now for sitting on her.
>Much as you proceed to do to the metallic cat that messed up your hair. And burned your back a bit, as well, of course. By the looks of it, that youkai's rainbow didn't do much, if any damage, to the robot, but it is disorientated, shaking its head in a rather human way, trying to clear the cobwebs. As a result, your focused stream of frogshot catches it flatfooted, and it's pained snarl can barely be heard over the sound of your bullets. The giant feline can only stand that concentrated barrage for a few seconds, before turning around and beating a rather hasty retreat back towards the man-bat.
>It doesn't really have to travel all that far, however, as the dark skinned humanoid was flying in your direction anyway. And boy, does he look pissed. From behind you, you hear a deep, guttural male voice emit a dark chuckle. "Now you're in for it." it speaks in your direction. "Nobody messes with Grox without answerin' ta Morabund."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on June 03, 2012, 09:50:41 AM
>"You don't know who you're up against then, do you?"
>Let's call up the winds at full blast! We'll sit right in the center of a nice little mini-tornado!
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on June 03, 2012, 10:47:03 AM
>"You don't know who you're up against then, do you?"
>Let's call up the winds at full blast! We'll sit right in the center of a nice little mini-tornado!

>With a dramatic sweep of your arm, you pull the winds in around you, and set them spinning in a cloak of wind.
>"*snort* *snort* Sure I do. Little human that's about- AWWWGH!" The Pigman's voice is pre-empted by a discharge of energy. "Payback time, bacon!" a female voice declares, the sounds of her danmaku joining the battle between Nazrin and Murasa, and Yoshika and Seiga.

>Robocat does not slow, but does turn in a circle as he nears his rider. The manbat turns neatly in the air and lands squarely upon the back of his machine as the cat finishes its turn, and circles back towards you. You grin confidantly as the pair approach. Let em try to touch you now.
>They do not, nor do they fire. The bat-winged man has his crossbow in his hand, but he does not fire, nor does his partner. He glares at you, however, with empty white eyes, his thin lips pulled in a scowl, revealing his elongated canines. The cat stops short of you, about ten or so feat away, and the rider's scowl fades a touch. A flash of yellow appears and disappears in his pupil-less white eyes, and the dull yellow ring on his left hand begins to glow. His cat snarls at you once, lowly. The man speaks, and his voice is laced with an accent not unlike the old vampires you've seen in movies- Transylvanian, or something like that.
>"You're not like these others, not part of their group. I give you a chance to be smarter than them. Surrender, now, and be spared the wrath of Morabund."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on June 03, 2012, 10:54:47 AM
>"Justice never surrenders! Since you and the others who came with you are disrupting the peace, that makes you an enemy of Justice! And as the Defender of Gensokyo, I cannot allow someone like you to do as they please!"

>Bomb Charge
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on June 03, 2012, 11:04:55 AM
>"Justice never surrenders! Since you and the others who came with you are disrupting the peace, that makes you an enemy of Justice! And as the Defender of Gensokyo, I cannot allow someone like you to do as they please!"

>Bomb Charge

>"Heh. Lawmen are all the same, even on this planet. You speak as though you could stop us, little human. Even without the aid your countrymen, you could not stop us. The fact that there are those who fight alongside us only assures our victory here even more. They know the winning side when they see one."
>Robocat makes a chuckling sound, in agreement with its partner.

>Current bomb charge: 26%
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on June 03, 2012, 11:23:06 AM
>"They're only fighting because they didn't get along with the others around here to begin with! So don't think they're on your side."
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on June 03, 2012, 01:09:19 PM
>"They're only fighting because they didn't get along with the others around here to begin with! So don't think they're on your side."

>"Circumstances would indicate otherwise."
>Robotcat tilts his head upwards slightly and growls shortly.
>"Rrr, point, Grox." The manbat slightly raises his crossbow arm. "You've made your choic-"
>"Wait just a moment, Morabund-san." a somewhat familiar female voice calls down from above the male. Descending dramatically from the skies above and behind the manbat, the form of Toyosatomimi no Miko appears on the battlefield.

>Spellcards on hand:
>Esoterica: "Gray Thaumaturgy" (100%)
>Wonder: "Night with Overly Bright Guest Stars" (100%)
>Sea Opening: "The Day the Sea Split" (100%)
>Great Miracle "Yasaka's Divine Wind" (100%)

>Current Bomb Charge: 27%
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Hanzo K. on June 19, 2012, 04:53:36 PM
>Of the four spellcards we have on hand, which can do the most damage right now?
Title: Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
Post by: Oldmansour on June 19, 2012, 08:25:11 PM
>Of the four spellcards we have on hand, which can do the most damage right now?

>Both Wonder: "Night with Overly Bright Guest Stars", and Great Miracle: "Yasaka's Divine Wind" have very high damage yields. But in general, you've found that 'Wonder' has bullet spreads that are harder to dodge, so you'd rank its damage output higher than Great Miracle, in general.