Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Patchouli's Scarlet Library => Topic started by: Bias Bus on July 07, 2009, 07:38:00 PM

Title: Mysterious Detective's Call (+Other works of fiction)
Post by: Bias Bus on July 07, 2009, 07:38:00 PM
This thread will basically be where all my 'random' Touhou writings will go. Most are one shot and won't be episodic by anymeans. Oh, I'm still planning on updating Mystic Mutation, to those who actually give a damn anymore (I won't hold it against you if you don't).

Anyways, let's start.


It's really too late in the night to be up and driving around, but here I am, in my beat up, white Nissan, riding the dark streets of the Human City. I got a call just when I was about to go on to sleep myself. It was a murder case, something that wasn't a rarity in Gensokyo. I mean, really, people get killed, it's the way the world works. In Gensokyo, wild youkai come out at night, some poor sap is up wanderin the woods at night, youkai eat people at night. You see where I'm getting at with this? Yeah, thought so. So anyway, it wouldn't come as much of a surprise to find a dead body lying around here somewhere at night time, especially the kind that's been nibbled on.

But they claimed this one was different. Way different.

As I continue driving on forward, I notice that I'm taking the road that leads nearly towards the city limits, most of the rich folks who made it in life live around this part of town, so I'm thinking "Why would there be a murder out here? Unless it was a result of a robbery" The latter is a good answer, but I'll soon find out that it surely doesn't apply to this murder case...

I finally pull up to the scene, A fancy japanese styled manor, that's at least 3 stories off the ground. If it weren't for the various police cars that were mobbed around the front gate then you would probably sit by and marvel at the way the mansion was built, nowadays you don't see stuff like least before Gensokyo was industrialized, but that's a story for another time...

When I enter the house, the entire place is crawling with police officers, or at least the ones who bothered to take the call tonight (Who would, it's 12 o' fucking clock). A few of them are questioning a couple that stood not to far from the staircase, the both of them looked pretty spooked and shaken, so I can guess they were connected to the victim. Friends, family, maybe? Little did I know they were indeed family. I would soon discover just how close those folks were to the victim when a rookie, no older than a collage grad I believe, came to me and directed me upstairs where the body was discovered...

And that's when I saw it; a small, young girl her face flat on the tatami floors, pools of blood splattered on her bed, the walls on her clothing and on the floor. There looked to be signs of a struggle; some items on her nightstand looked to be over turned and the small table that held her writing utensils and ink was over turned too. The one thing that truly nags at me is the stench of the ink, the strong scent has completely filled the room, some who were in here before me had on face masks. Although, most of my attention was on the little girl that was laying down in front of, dead. I've heard alot about child killings, but I never really seen one before. It's...something you really doesn't sit well with you. Kinda like how you know it's the way life is, but you just don't want to accept it.

"Here, you might want to put this on, Detective." I turn away from my thoughts and see Kotohime, the so called Police Officer of Gensokyo, offer me a face mask. Alot of folks said she was the very first, and basically got this whole business started with the help of Keine right when Gensokyo went all modern on us. Probably because Keine knew full well that with fancier objects around, more people would convert to crime to get said fancy objects, because where there is poverty there is crime, and before you can be damn sure there was poverty. "The scent's pretty strong up here, alot of our guys had to go down stairs becase they got some nasty headaches from it."

"I can tell..." I remark dryly, putting the face mask on. "What kind of ink is this anyway, this stuff didn't always stink like this..."

"Some new brand that's been in circulation for a while now, they claim that it's completely immune to the elements that normal ink can't withstand." Kotohime shrugged, obviously knowing just as much on the subject as I did. "So, if you write something the ink won't fade, or wash off, meaning it can probably remain intact for thousands of years on end. A true writer's dream."

"Hmph, that is if the guy writing with it doesn't pass out first." Which is true, I don't think anyone in their right mind would sit down to writing with this smelly junk, especially since we have ink pens now. I suppose some folks just can't get away from tradition. "Anyway, this our victim?" Kotohime nods weakly "Damn shame, seein' a little kid like this cut down..." I try not to make these cases personal vendettas to catch the victim's murderer, when that happens you lose your sight on logic and ultimately lose where your going on the case. It's tough but you have to put personal and emotional aspects of yourself aside and let rationality take over.

"I know, but it's how Gensokyo is, things like this have happened long before this place was modernized..." Kotohime replied before taking a look at the notes she had gathered from the investigation thus far. "Her name's Heida no Akyu, she's known for her many written works on Gensokyo's History and other written databases, family's pretty loaded too. According to this, Akyu has an immense memory capable of remembering, and recalling, anything she sets eyes on, and is also the reincarnation of the original Heida no Akyu several times over..." Kotohime flips a page over and contiues while I look over the body a bit more. "More over, if Akyu dies she'll reincarnate with all the memories she has in her head intact, but at the price of her lifespan which is shortened each time she's reincarnated."

"So, Akyu would already be long dead even if she wasn't murdered." Which means the motive for killing her out of personal gain would be pointless. Why kill someone who's going to die early and on top of that reincarnate? If you're after something that she has it's best to simply swipe it rather than waste the effort in killing someone who'll only comeback later anyways. I sigh and look forward through window of this youngsters room, seeing the city in the night out yonder. "Well, do we at least know who are our 'top contenders' in this case?" I have a habit of calling suspects 'contenders'. Don't ask me why, I just do it.

"Mmm, none so far..." Kotohime replied taking another look at her notes. "Akyu usually stayed inside, didn't really go anywhere, pretty much kept too herself. If anyone could be a suspect I'd say it would be one Kamishirasawa Keine, but I highly doubt she would murder Akyu, or any human for that matter, in cold blood, seeing as that they were good friends."

I remain silent for about a minute or two, I wasn't about to overlook Keine just yet, simply because she was a friend of Akyu's and protected humans. Don't get me wrong, I trust Keine, she was the one who helped me out in the past after all, but she still could prove to have vital clues on what exactly led to this murder. "In that case, who was around when it happened?" I asked my hand still on my chin and rubbing the prickly underbrush I had growing. Hmm, maybe I should shave sometime soon, when I get up tomorrow. "Someone had to have seen something happen, or rather someone suspicious around"

"It was around midnight so not alot of people were awake; Akyu's parents down there claimed they heard alot of commotion in her room, but when they came in to check on her, she was already face down on the floor, blood everywhere just like you see now." Kotohime took a seat in a chair, that happened to be behind her at the time, and leaned back a bit. "The only true eyewitness that was on the premisis at the time of the murder is a drunk who wandered into the area, he later ran off when we arrived on the scene."

Figures, easiest questions don't turn up shit. I probably should have expected that much out of this, though. As they say for our agency; There is never an easy case for us here in Gensokyo. "...Good thing I skipped the booze tonight." I sigh as I turn to head out of the room, something told me this was going to be a long night, unfortunately my intuition has a nasty habit of being right...

"Headin' home, already?" Kotohime asks from behind me.

"You said Keine was a friend of this Akyu kid right?" I remark not giving her eye contact, I was too focused on getting answers to. "I'm gonna pay her a little visit real quick, take charge of the investigation will ya?"

"You got it~" Geeze, Kotohime can sure take this shit lightly.


This story I posted on Pooshlmer awhile back (and forgot about it), It was far too long to be written in a single shot so I decided to divide it into parts, I dunno how many it will have but I don't plan for it to be very long by any means.

Whatever, Enjoy I guess. I'll be back later to see how much I failed at this.
Title: Re: Mysterious Detective's Call (+Other works of fiction)
Post by: Bias Bus on July 10, 2009, 02:43:04 PM

Let's get this over with.


I really can't understand why I made the decision to come out here tonight. I mean, seriously I could have waited until say tomorrow to do all this. Well, I'm already here, so I suppose there's no use in going back now. Be a waste if I did, and besides, I already rang Keine's doorbell more than once so I'm guessing she'd be pretty pissed to see someone just ding-dong ditched her this late at night. Still, it's fucking cold out tonight, I can practically feel the hairs on my arm standing up even when they're covered by my coat. They say some broad by the name of 'Letty Whiterock' is responsible for Winter, if that's the case then she needs to take a long walk on a short pier, because this chill is ridiculous.

Fortunately, I don't have to wait outside for very long as the door to Keine's home opens up about midway letting me see the half asleep school teacher in her evening attire and her bed hair. Still, I gotta say, even though she's looking kinda rough, those pajama's she's sportin still do here some good in the looks department; the copious valley of cleavage behind that partially buttoned pajama shirt is the first thing my eyes focus on when I see her come into my sights. Oh right...I'm here for business, better rethink my priorities then. "Oh, Detective..." Keine drones sleepily as she rubs her eyes and yawns, attempting to wake her mind up. "...What brings you here?"

"You mind if I come in for while, ask a few questions?" I ask feeling another shiver run done my spine thanks to the bone chilling air. "It won't take long." Keine looks a little confused as to why I wish to question her, but, being the good sameritan she is, she opens the door a little further and allows me inside her abode.

Thank Kanako, I'll finally be out of this cold air.


Keine Kamishirasawa, the schoolmarm and history teacher at Gensokyo Elemetry School, and the supposed 'protector' of the Human City for as long as many could remember. Although, President Yukari pretty much calls the shots in Gensokyo, it looks like Keine has her place for running the Human City even though she remains a simple school teacher. A rather odd poisition at best, a position the Government wanted to do something about it (because, let's face it, if you have enough power behind you, the government bigwigs suddenly hate your guts), but the civilians insisted on keeping her in charge of the cities protection. The main reason for that is that Keine has done a great job of keeping the city safe from the wild youkai back in the olden times so the people have come to trust her enough to let her do what she will in terms of security and other matters.

In regards to her relationship with Akyu; the both of them, supposedly , go way back, although whether Akyu was a student of Keine's or a simple friend isn't really known amoung the public, although the odds of both these notions being true isn't too far off either.

Keine had went off to brew up some tea for the both of us, so I just sat tight and wait for awhile, in the meantime taking in the scenery of her house and all that. I have no real understanding as to why people in Gensokyo always insist on making tea for every little occasion they have in the home. Even if you're only stopping by just for a 20 minute visit, someone just HAS to make tea for it. Well, I'm not really complaining about it, especially since the tea being made is usually rather good I hear. I don't usually drink tea myself, I drink more beer then I do tea. Something I should probably cut out now that I think about it...

"I hope you don't mind green tea, it's all I have until I buy more later on" Keine says as she brings in the tray of tea, I shake my head in response and she nods, taking a seat across from me and pouring the cups of tea. "Anywhom, did something happen, Detective?"

"Yeah, something did happen," I answer, giving my thanks for the tea and taking a sip. Just as I thought, it's damn good. Warms my system up too, just the kinda thing a guy needs when he's on the job this late at night. "I'm sure you're familiar with Heida no Akyu, right?"

Keine nods as she drinks her share of tea.

"I see...well, I would ask you to sit down for this, but you already are...heh." It's really tough to tell someone their friend just kicked the bucket. I don't always get stuck with this sort of thing, so it didn't always cross my mind. "Anywho...Akyu was murdered tonight, by an unknown assaliant."

Keine freezes mid sip of her tea, and brings her cup down to speak. "Murdered?" I nod to confirm the truth on the matter, as painful as it is. "...I see, she is a fraile individual so it's common for me to see her death, but...murder..." Her tone is that of the expected sadness one would feel when losing someone close to them. However, she doesn't seem all that shaken up by it.

This type of thing would normally come off as suspcisious to anyone who didn't know of Akyu's 'ability' (for a lack of a better word) of remembering anything she sees, which includes people. Supposedly, when Akyu dies, she'll reincarnate later on, but loses a bigass chunk of her normal lifespan in the process. When she's born again, Akyu retains all her memories from her previous life (or should I say lives), so she'll pretty much remember anyone she's met prior to her death. In Keine's case, it would be like having Akyu go away for awhile and coming back some years later as if nothing had ever happened. Nothing would have changed between them except for the fact that she died recently. It's actually sorta trippy if you stop and think about it; sitting down and saying 'oh wait, I died that day didn't I?'

I swear, if I was one of those outsider guys I wouldn't believe a lick of this stuff.

"And you say the suspect is unknown for now?" Keine spoke up breaking the silence that had settled between us.

"Well, yes and no. Normally, we would look at you as the possible suspect, being you're usually around Akyu, and well you get where this is coming from..." It is a common instinct to place the blame one the person who was around the victim prior to their murder, but as it was said before, that doesn't always equal a suspect in the case, especially if they have a solid aliby that checks out with the authorities.

"Yes, I do, and I assure you Detective I had no hand in Akyu's murder," Keine replied, her tone making it clear to me that she meant what she said. Not that I needed a reason to doubt her. "I don't think I could ever bring myself to harm another human...especially not Akyu..."

"That part I know," I remark "However, this also opens up a chance for me to hopefully pick up some clues as to who actually murdered Akyu."

"I'll tell you all I know, although I can't say it's alot..." Keine commented. "So where should I begin?"

"Well, just tell me about the day before, and if you saw anything out of the ordinary that may have led to Akyu's death tonight, any info you have on the matter is key in cracking the case and catching the perp." I answer as I sit back and await what possible answers this could bring up.

Keine places her finger to her chin in a thoughtful gesture, glancing downward for a moment before she finally spoke with her story. "Well, she did go to Kourindou to buy that new ink that's been popping up lately, Akyu doesn't usually go there often, but she says there's alot of interesting supplies there for her writing. When she got back to the city, she stopped by the school for awhile to talk, and at around 7:50 I saw her off...that was the last I seen of her since then." Keine pauses as she attempts to recall anything else that may've happened, unfortunately she runs a blank and comes to end her story when she spoke again. "Otherwise, I didn't see anything or anyone out of the ordinary, I'm afraid."

Again, no dice on getting answers. To be honest, I was expecting Keine to know a little bit more about what may have happened to bring about Akyu's murder, but it looks like I was wrong. "I see..." I take another sip of tea and remain silent for a bit, even though it looked like there wasn't any means for Akyu to be attacked something was still nagging at me; There were obvious signs of a struggle, and there was blood spilled about in the room, which means someone had to have attacked her that night. However, one thing that doesn't quite fit is that no one seemed to recall seeing anyone enter Akyu's room (let alone the house) prior to her death. The keys to unlocking the mystery are there...I just haven't found them yet. In anycase, I'll have to dig deeper into this's getting pretty late, hell it IS late.

"Everything okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, just thinkin' is all..." Spacing out isn't what I should do alot, but when your line of work requires alot of thinking and pondering then it shouldn't come as a surprise that you'll loose track of the things going on around you. "You sure you don't know anything else?"

"Positive," Keine nods before she spoke again. "I'm sorry I couldn't give you alot of information, it's been rather hectic at the school lately and I haven't had much that time with Akyu; What with the papers I had to grade, getting the hang of that new computer network they're trying to install and then there's the cultural festival that's coming up..."

"No no it's fine, if anything I can understand work getting in the way of things." I reach into my coat pocket and hand the teacher my card, which had my phone number (work, home, and cell) located near the bottom. "Here's my card, if you see or hear anything regarding the murder, gimme a call."
Title: Re: Mysterious Detective's Call (+Other works of fiction)
Post by: Bias Bus on August 24, 2009, 10:29:36 PM
We interrupt this serious (x) part serious for something totally out there!


-Scarlet Night and Red Elixer

It's a typical evening in the rather lively Scarlet Devil Mansion, Patchuoli's within the confines of her library, Flandre's still locked up in basement, and Meiling's busy being forgotten and overlooked.

"Mistress, I've returned with your drink." Sakuya announced as she entered Remilia's quarters, carrying with her a silver tray holding the drink she spoke of. The young vampire looked to Sakuya and gave her a smile as she sat the beverage in front of her. Though upon looking at the drink more throughly, it would seem that it's not tea at all. The drink in question is too red to be tea actually, though it's too lightly colored to be blood either but yet the strange drink had a nice aroma to it, smelling of freshly squeezed fruits. Tropical ones, perhaps?

"Sakuya, what is this exactly?" Remilia inquired. "I can tell it's not tea...but it is not blood either..."

"That's because it's none of those things...this is an entirely new drink I found in one of the shops established in the human village," Sakuya replied "I believe the humans call it...'Kool-Aid'."

"Kool...Aid?" Remilia echoed as she gave the red drink before her another look of uncertainty, before returning her gaze back to Sakuya. "A rather strange name for a drink wouldn't you say?"

"Yes, but it's from the outside world, so it's to be expected." The maid nodded.

Remilia took a quick sip of the Red juice, and the 1st thing that hit her was just how deliciously sweet this strange new drink truly was. So sweet that Remilia shivered in her chair from the utter delight she felt from drinking. Truly it was a remarkable drink! "S-Sakuya, this is...amazing." Remilia cooed "It's so sweet~"

"Thank you, Mistress I made it myself."

Remilia paused for a moment to absorb Sakuya's response and then gave her another look of confusion "I thought you said you bought this from the human village"

"Oh I did, you see Mistress, Kool-Aid is in a powder form which can be put into water and stirred about to create the drink you just consumed" The maid replied "The sweetness comes from the sugar I added to it as well"

"Oh, I see it's similar to tea then, correct?"

Sakuya nodded in response. "Correct, Mistress"

"I wonder, is there more of this Kool Aid around," Remilia ventured as she swirled the red liquid around in the cup she held. "I want the others to have a taste of such a delicious beverage."

"Of course, I'll be sure to let everyone know that-"

"OOOOOOH YEAH!" A deep manly voice came rumbling from somewhere within the mansion, before a large walking picher of Kool Aid suddenly came bursting through the walls of the room, strangely despite being made of glass this monstrocity seemed pretty much intact. He wore tacky bright colored shorts, a large smile (literally) drawn on the front half of the pitcher part of his body.

Immedieatly, Sakuya went into defensive mode, stepping in front of Remilia and drawing knives the moment she locked eyes on the horribly disfigured intruder. "You there! Who are you! State your business here, at once!" Sakuya demanded ready to strike if this man(?) made any sort of movements that looked remotely funny. "You better have a good reason for bursting in here like this!"

"You wanted more Kool-Aid right?" The pitcher questioned in his(?) deep voice as he pointed his red finger to the perfect maid. In a swift motion the horrifically deformed pitcher whipped out glasses of ice cold, Kool-Aid of the red variety and thrust it into the faces of the ones who only stared at him with a look of confusion. "Well I gots plenty!"

"Sakuya." Remilia began, having seen just about enough of what was pretty much the strangest moment she's ever experienced while living here.

"Yes, Mistress?"

"Who is this?"

"No idea."

"Then you know what to do."

"With pleasure." Sakuya replied in a dark tone as she readies herself to put this stranger full of knives. That is until...

"Hooray~! Kool Aid Man!" Another voice rang out through the room, this one however having a higher pitch and sounded like the voice of a young child. A little girl to be exact.

"Ugh, what now?" Sakuya snarled in exasperation before Remilia rose up from her seat recognizing the voice as soon as it hit her ears.

"Wait, that's-!"

And just as she was going to announce it, Remilia's younger sister, Flandre came trotting into the room, the young vampire cheerfully circilng the Kool Aid Man in a playful manner. This action, only made Kool Aid Man chuckle as he saw the faces of the maid and vampire who laid witness to Flandre's actions towards him. "Hoooo yeah! This kid knows where it's at!" Kool-Aid Man then thrust the pitcher toward Sakuya and Remilia once more, this time seemed to be in a more arrogant manner than before. "It only took one sip to hook her, now she can't get enough of me, Hooo Yeah!"

"You..." Remilia narrowed her eyes to the stranger, only assuming that he had done the obvious to her younger sister. "You mean to tell me that you brainwashed, Flandre!"

"Oooooh No, lil' lady!" "She's just hooked is all, don't take much to get hooked on my juices, Ooooh Yea-" Before the KoolAid Man could even finish his copywrited catchphrase, he felt the sudden jolt of a small body jump onto his own before the sound of loud sucking and gulping sounds echoed through out the room. It was now (tragically) obvious as to what was happening to him...

"H-hey, kid what da hell are ya doin up there!?" Kool Aid Man protested as Flandre continued to drink the red liquid from the top of his head in earnest only stopping to bring her head up and moan in delight from the sheer amount of sweetness the red kool aid had within it's make up. "Get offa me!"

"No~!" The blonde vampire refused in a teasing manner. "Gimme more Kool Aid first~" And with that she went back to sucking up as much kool aid as she could. Needless to say this action did NOT bode well with Kool Aid Man and he immedieatly began to panic.

"Hooooo Shit!" The pitcher yelled as he(?) began to prance around in a frenzy the thirsty vampire atop his head not letting go in the least and causing more of the kool aid to disappear from his body. Slowly, the redness in his face began to turn translucent as the red juice that once occupied his being was gulped down Flandre's throat. Kool Aid Man ran around the room screaming in a fanatical attempt to dislodge Flandre from his head, but all was for naught and the vampire continued to drink away without a care in the world. "Get'er offa me! SHE'S DRYING ME THE FUCK OUT, OOOOOOH NOOOOO!"

"Flandre, stop!" Remilia shouted knowing the a man(?) his size was bound to succumb to the obvious when running around at such a frenzied pace. "He's going to fa-!"

But it was too late, before Remilia could actively warn her sister the panicing pitcher tripped and lost his footing, sending his rounded body toppling over to the ground below, and with one final 'OOOOOOOH NOOOOOO', Kool Aid Man's glass body shattered into thousands of pieces the red sugar water from his body splashing over everything that was with a few inches of his accident, and causing Flandre to be thrown from where she had grasped the (now deaceased) pitcher sending her body flying into a wall.

Paying no regard for the mess, Remilia and Sakuya rushed to Flandre's aid to see if she was okay, although her being a ampire, just a simple collision with a solid wall wouldn't be enough to cause serious injury, but still, "Flandre, are you okay?" Remilia asked her sister who lay on the floor, red kool aid stained all over her frilly clothes and flesh. For a moment the vampire did not move, but suddenly her eyes shot wide open and an rather unsettling grin snaked across her face.

"Uh...Miss Scarlet?" Sakuya backed away, she did not like the look in Flandre's eyes.

"YAAAAAAAAAAY!" Flandre screeched at an ungodly volume before she flew around the room giggling in an irate manner and talking a several hundred miles a minute.

"What in the name of Julius Belmont is going on?" Remilia said as she watched her sister go completely nuts right before her eyes. Like she wasn't already...

Sakuya remained silent for several moments, before a terrafying fact arose to her. ""

"What? Why did you say 'Oh no'?" Remilia looked to Sakuya who's face only darkned with dread.

"Kool Aid this sweet contains high amounts of sugar, Mistress..." Sakuya explained. "For someone as mature(?) as yourself, it usually doesn't have any sudden effects...but for Flandre..."

"KYAAAHAhAhAAHAHAHA!" Flandre cackled as she whipped out her destructive weapon, the wand glowing with an unstable aura that only meant one thing....

"Oh god! Get dow-!"

KA-BOOOM! (muthafuckers)

An immense explosion tore through the side of the mansion, leaving behind a gapping hole in it's wake and allowing the Hyperactive Flandre to escape into the dark night to cause many forms of destruction and chaos. Back inside the mansion, one could see the charred forms of Remila and Sakuya laying next to each other amidst the fallen rubble of the destroyed side of the mansion, Remilia on her back and Sakuya upside down on her head.

"...Sakuya..." Remilia spoke with a cough.

"Yes, Mistress?"

"I don't want to see Kool Aid in the house EVER again..."



Something a bit different just to show I still write despite the fact of me being a lazy ass prick.

Whatever, I had fun revamping this, so I guess I'll get ready for folks to completely over look this. Fuck it.
Title: Re: Mysterious Detective's Call (+Other works of fiction)
Post by: Bias Bus on March 18, 2010, 05:19:05 PM
Inspired by all the hype for Day Planners. Full credit goes to Purv for this.


Day One

Slowpoke's Bad Idea Prevention (sorta).
X Visit the Bleeding Mountain with Erebus and Dustyjo.
X Play outside with the Eldritch Horrors.
X Ask Erebus if it's possible to visit the outside world.
/ Hang out with Dusty s'more, ask if I can test drive truck she's working on.
_ Try not to get eaten (by Erebus or otherwise).
X Stop Erebus from doing something bad.
X Make sure Gigantapeworms have not invaded bedroom again.

Dustyjo's Tools for the Future
X Work on truck.
X Dislodge lost wrench from Erebus' 3rd stomach (Styx).
/ Talk with Erebus about eating tools and family members.
X Work on truck.
X Work on Eldritch Tomb Navigational System.
X Count money in order to buy a toolkit.
_ Try to smile.

Erebus' *Censored for your own mind's sake*
X Visit Bleeding Mountain with family.
X Anticipate being summoned by cult followers.
X Visit that 'Something Else' at the top of the tomb.
X Kill 6 eyed, 3 headed, Cattlesnake for lunch.
/ Invite Hastur over for lunch.
_ Send monsters to collect organs for galleria of anatomy.
_ Pollute Solais' water supply with Erebus Industrial Strength Mutagen.
_ Troll Moerin.
_Terrorize Slaves.
_ Rub Ruro the wrong way.
_ Taunt Zengar
/ Lure and try to devour Sakana
X Bully Sana
X Secretly observe Slaves and Mode.
X Remove Gigantapeworms from Slowpoke's room.
X Tuck Slowpoke into bed. Bedtime story - The King in Yellow.
X IMPORTANT = Look for a Toolkit for Dustyjo.
Title: Re: Mysterious Detective's Call (+Other works of fiction)
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on March 18, 2010, 11:36:58 PM
/ Invite Hastur over for lunch.
X Tuck Slowpoke into bed. Bedtime story - The King in Yellow.

I blame Kriegsaffe's fiction for making these sort of things appealing. :V Hastur Hastur Hastur.