Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Patchouli's Scarlet Library => Topic started by: Bardiche on July 26, 2011, 11:51:04 AM

Title: Mafia High
Post by: Bardiche on July 26, 2011, 11:51:04 AM
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to what is going to be my greatest matter of shame in a few hours' time. This evolved from TeamSpeak, once again proving that Voice Communications are bad for you.

I'll post it in chapters because I honestly cannot be bothered to write it in one go. :V Please don't take it serious. I'll write in anyone who wants to, but be warned that the portrayal will not be accurate, and stuff.

Also you probs won't get a lot of lines because our five HEROES are chosen already. So, without further ado.



?So, let?s do something fun.?

It all started with those innocent words, said by who most agreed to be the most innocent girl in school. Sadly, one could not be further from the truth.

?So what are the fun things you were thinking of?? asked her friend, Dormio. He wasn?t well-known, unlike Shadoweh herself, and few people thought him remarkable.

Those who did know him knew him mostly for his propensity to suddenly yell in Korean, though none could ever quite understand what he was yelling.

?I don?t know!? Shadoweh replied, throwing her hands up. ?Just? something! Something fun!?

?I?m Iffreeta don?t know any fun things,? Dormio quipped. He found his pun quite clever.

The last of their trio sighed. ?You can wipe your grin off that face, Durr,? he said, ?there?s nothing funny about that pun.?

It was an unlikely combination of friends, and they didn?t always get along, but for some reason they were always seen together.

?It?s so cute when you sigh like that.?

?Shut up.? Bardiche made as if to punch Dormio, but didn?t pull through either way.

Shadoweh giggled. ?See? Now we?re doing something fun!?

?Making fun of me is fun?? Bardiche frowned.

Dormio and Shadoweh didn?t need to think about that answer for even a minute. ?Yes!? they chorused, and broke out in laughter, while Bard buried his face in his palm.

?Right, so what do you want to do?? Bardiche asked, when the laughter had died down. He looked expectantly at Shadoweh, who just stared off in the distance, a hint of smile still on her face.

Dormio grinned. ?Time-out.?

?Shut up, Durrmio.?

?How about children?s card games?? Shadoweh perked up and looked at the other two challengingly.

Dormio, who could not play children?s card games, just shot a look at Bardiche, who was already back to sighing.

?You?ll just beat me again,? he whined.

?Oh, come on!? returned Shadoweh, making a dismissive gesture. ?It?s not like I beat you all the time.?

?68 to 10,? observed Dormio.

Bardiche just threw his hands up. ?See? You beat me all[ the frigging time! I just can?t win! You and your dumb synchros and Dark Worlds and whatnot!?

?Hey! I?m totally not using those all the time. I don?t even use Dark World at all!?

?You totes are!?

?Am not!?

Dormio laughed. ?You two are so cuuuute together!?

?They?re such a good couple, aren?t they?? As one the group turned to the newcomer. Kitten stood, confidently grinning, in the opening of the small room the trio called their ?clubroom?. It was really nothing more than a storage room, but that didn?t deter them.

?We are not a couple, damnit! I hate Shadomeh!? Bard cried. None ever believed him, and Shadoweh didn?t care to dispel the illusion the others had deluded themselves with.

?Kitten!? she cried instead, flinging her arms around the other girl?s neck. ?Come play children?s card games with us!?

?But how about a game of Mafia instead?? A new voice, again. Another girl, again.

She was like a twin to Kitten. In name, at least. Most people had simply resorted to calling her U.K., and in time everyone forgot she even had a proper name.

Such is life in Mafia.

?Yeah! Let?s play Mafia!? The only one of the trio to jump up excitedly was Shadoweh.

Dormio was hesitant. ?I?m not that good at Mafia, can I pass??

?No.? U.K. looked quite certain about that. Knowing that there was no resistance, Dormio folded and surrendered.

?So we have five players,? Kitten counted, ?and we?re all ready to play. Let?s do this!?

?Do I hear a game of Mafia?!? The clear voice that rang out resounded clearly through the room. She leapt from the wall, as though she had always been there, landing with grace and poise of a level no human could match. ?In that case, let?s play Mafia!?

No one knew what the Keines were. They only knew Keine was legion, and Keine was everywhere there was a Mafia game. But then, Mafia wasn?t just a game.

Sure, it was just that when people were children, but as they grew older they knew. Mafia was more than just a game. Mafia was life.

The great wars of days of yore were all replaced now by Mafia games. The last grand game had been talked about for ages ? no one had expected the American President to be a Jester.

?Let?s play!? all five cheered in unison; some more enthusiastic than the other.

Keine dutifully passed around red cards, set the five up in a circle and placed herself in the centre.

?Mafia players ready? Then? let?s Mafia!? She lifted a hand, and the area was bathed in a fluorescent light.

The five players looked at eachother. Until the game was done, none of them could leave.

It was time to play Mafia.
Title: Re: Mafia High
Post by: Dormio Ergo Sum on July 26, 2011, 11:51:59 AM
This evolved from TeamSpeak, once again proving that Voice Communications are bad for you.
Title: Re: Mafia High
Post by: Bardiche on July 26, 2011, 12:21:03 PM
Now to gather people to write-in for a bigger game, etc.


Chapter 1: Assassin in the Palace

The game started with silence. People stared at one-another, wondering who would take the first move. Or in the case of the assassin, wondering what the best course of action was.

?So then, we all going to stare at eachother here?? Bardiche was the first to talk, eyeing the others with equal measures of suspicion and derision.

?Talking is scummy!? Kitten declared, raising a hand. A pink light enveloped her briefly, then it formed an arrow which pointed at Bardiche.

Keine?s response was a firm nod. ?One vote for Bardiche,? she declared mechanically.

Bardiche?s reaction was throwing up his hands. ?Oh come on! That?s a retarded reason to vote!? he whined.

Keine nodded again. ?Two votes for Bardiche.?

?You?re so cuuuute,? Dormio laughed, while his blue arrow joined Kitten?s.

Bardiche glared and crossed his arms. ?You two are stupid,? he pouted, and sent a resounding vote in Dormio?s way.

U.K. and Shadoweh exchanged looks.

?So it?s assassin in the palace,? recounted Shadoweh. ?Why are we voting ?scummy? and not ?assassin-y???

Kitten shrugged non-committally. ?Talking is scummy,? she repeated, and no matter how the others pressed, she refused to clarify this point.

Keine?s look shot from one to the other. ?Five minutes remain!? she announced. ?Bardiche is at two votes, Dormio is at one, U.K. is at one.?

?U.K.?? The group looked up, and realised that, yes, U.K. had been voted by? U.K.?

?This doesn?t make sense!? protested Bardiche. ?Voting yourself is stupid.?

?It?s silly,? Dormio agreed, and his arrow changed directions.

But U.K. quickly raised a hand. ?Hold it,? she began. ?There?s nothing stupid about self-voting. Self-voting is pro-town.?

There were many times U.K. had declared outrageous things during class. Many teachers had run off, crying they?d ?definitely weed out the scums? whenever U.K. had one of her self-declared epiphanies.

The memory of her declaration that ?cases are scummy? was still fresh on everyone?s mind.

A gambit, then, assumed Shadoweh. She was torn. What was she to do?

?Well, alright then.? Before anyone could say anything, Bardiche?s arrow moved already, and the fluorescent light turned red.

All sounds were stifled. All movement was stifled. U.K.?s body broke in half and crumbled to dust.

?U.K. has been lynched,? Keine observed calmly. ?She was a bodyguard. Game resumes.?

The lights glimmered again, and turned back to neutral.

?? so she wasn?t the assassin.? Bardiche shrugged. ?At least now we don?t have to hear those silly theories of her.?

?Jerk.? Shadoweh stuck her tongue out at him.

?I am not a jerk!?

?Are too!?

As the two began again, Dormio and Kitten exchanged knowing looks. Whether the two were really a couple or not, one thing was for certain: they bickered like one.

?Shadoweh, let?s get married!? cried Bard.

?Yes, let?s!? Shadoweh said in return.

The lights turned red again, and Keine interjected calmly, ?Bardiche has been lynched. He was a bodyguard.?

?Now that?s enough, she?s mine,? Kitten said when the light turned neutral again.

Now only Dormio, Shadoweh and Kitten remained. Not a pleasant situation, Dormio knew ? if one of them was an assassin, and the other a VIP, it meant the assassin had fifty-fifty odds of getting it right in one go.

And if they mislynched, well, the game was over already.

Votes flashed quickly. ?Shadoweh, Dormio and Kitten are at one vote.?

?Stop staring at me like thaaaat!? Shadoweh suddenly cried, cowering like a little girl. To her credit, she was a little girl. ?I can?t just shoot either of you two! I?d never shoot you two!?

?Oh dear,? said Dormio.

Dormio and Kitten moved as one. ?Shadoweh has been lynched. She was the assassin,? declared Keine. ?You may shoot.?

Shadoweh looked at the two. ?I can?t shoot!? she still cried. ?I can?t do that to either of you! It?d mean! Don?t stare at me! I can?t! I?ll shoot Dormio.?

Dormio smiled, and like the two before him, turned to dust.

The lights turned green, and Keine raised her hand again. ?The winner is Kitten,? she said. ?Dormio was a bodyguard.?

The light gathered back in the palm of her hand, and when it faded so had Keine ? but those who had been killed were returned to the room.

?That was fast,? Bardiche commented.

?I loooooost!?  Shadoweh struck a dramatic pose, and slumped down on a chair. ?I lost, how could I lose, I didn?t win, I lost.?

Kitten took to patting her consolingly, mumbling sweet nothings in the distressed girl?s ear.

Dormio looked around him uncertainly. Neither Bard nor U.K. seemed to know what to do now. Dormio thusly did the only thing he could.

?You?re so cute.?

Bardiche promptly punched him in the face.
Title: Re: Mafia High
Post by: Shadoweh on July 26, 2011, 12:55:56 PM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I can't shoot Kitten WHY IS SHE TOO CUTE TO KILL aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa