Author Topic: (c79) motto!? fushigi no gensokyo: under the moonlight discussion thread  (Read 23219 times)


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Leveling up your weapon will get you more orb slots.
The only other way I know is using the [拡](expand) orb in the 博麗アミュレット(Hakurei Amulet), which will give you 2 more orb slots.
Only thing is, the Hakurei Amulet is one if the most rare items in the whole game, so use it very wisely.

what is the best equipment for survival?


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Now that is a hard question.
Weapons, shields, amulets, orbs, and even resonance should be considered
Everything has its pros and cons, so it is not easy to compare the possible options.

Obviously the stronger you are, the easier it is to survive.

The strongest weapon is 毘沙門天の宝塔(Bishamonten's Pagoda), leveled up from 落し物(Lost thing).
It has a whopping 40 base attack, but it is not good for survival, because it uses a portion of Reimu's HP.

The next strongest weapons are 祓串, leveled up from 木の棒(Wooden stick) and メテオリックオンバシラ(Meteoric Onbashira), leveled up from 丸太(Wooden log).
They both have 30 base attack.

丸太 has a chance to break completely when attacking, but it can destroy walls and traps. If you can manage to get 2,000,000 exp. to the orb and level it up to level 5, it will never break.
木の棒 gains a base orb at level 5, which will sometimes activate an attack spell card without using your Ps. Quite useful, but be careful not to attack Rinnosuke.

The strongest shield is the 神守大二重ラセンスキマ(Great Duel Spiral Sukima protected by gods), leveled up from スキマ(Sukima).
It has 30 base defense, but it still breaks when flung at walls.
There is another shield called アンチスパイラル(Anti Sprial) which also comes from the スキマ(Sukima), and it is very tiresome to make it, but it doesn't break.

The almost obvious amulet of choice would be the 博麗アミュレット(Hakurei Amulet). Just put in the orbs and it's done.
For other amulets, 天狗の古地図(Tengu's Old Map) is the best choice you can have. It tells you the locations of enemies and items. You can search for potential MHs or stores.
If you can get hands on the 大輪の向日葵(Large Sunflower) flask item, you can 'mix' some items to make the 四季酒「幻想郷百花繚乱」potion item, which has the 【花】orb.
This orb, when on a amulet, will give Reimu +50HP, +25 stomach, +3 Max Attack, and a chance of strong hit.

For the orbs, it will be good if the weapons have 【必】,【治】,【多】, 【広】.
必中【必】(certain hit) orbs can be found in 草刈り鎌(mowing scythe) weapons, and gives Reimu perfect accuracy with 10% reduced power. Leveling up the orb reduces the penalty.
治癒【治】(heal) orbs can be found in はたきのようなもの(duster-like thing) weapons, and heals Reimu proportional to damage dealt. Leveling up the orb can heal up to 40% of damage dealt.
多段攻撃【多】(multi-hit) orbs can be found in 猿田彦味酒「幻想風靡」(Sarutahiko Sake 「Illusionary Dominance」). It is a result of a long mixing sequence.
It gives Reimu the power to hit multiple times with reduced, like Aya. Leveling up will give you more hits with a bit less power. Lv. 9 needs 6,100,000 exp., but gives a total of 20%*10 hits.
広範囲攻撃 【広】(wide hit) orbs can be found in 妖刀「犬走」(Youkai Sword 「Inubashiri」) weapons. It is made by synthesizing the right orbs in the right order in the right weapon.
If the weapon has this orb, the range will increase to the three tiles in front of Reimu. Leveling up will widen the range to the sides then the back sides.

The shields would have 【地】,【重】,【吸】,【避】
地雷名張 【地】 orbs can be found in 三日月プレート(Cresent Plate) shields, and reduces the explosion damage down to 60% of Reimu's HP. Really important. Or else, stupid luck can kill Reimu easier.
重石【重】(heavy stone) orbs can be found in 漬物石(Pickle Stone) shields, and prevents Reimu from being flung. Its most important function is to block Yuugi from throwing Reimu into traps.
吸血耐性【吸】(anti-blood sucking) orbs can be found in 紅いリボン(Scarlet Ribbon) shields, and prevents Remilia's ability.
回避【避】(dodge) orbs can be found in 触角リボン(Whisker Ribbon) shields, and makes Reimu dodge attacks more often.
変換【変】(change) orbs can be found in 絵本(Picture Book) shields, and changes status to damage. Leveling up will reduce the percentage of damage. Good status will also be counted into damage.

This is all I can think about now. These are written under the assumption that you can bring items to the dungeon.

what is the addition of the new 1.10 patch?


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It adds two new maps.

The first one is 玉兎の修練所 (Jade Rabbit's Training place).
It has 99 floors and is very similar to the the other 99F dungeons.
You can bring items, and you have the options to exit every ten floors.
It doesn't have Kogasa, Youmu, Rin, Hatate, and the store.
All the items are identified.
Very very monotonous, since the style and the BGM is the same on all 99 floors.

The other map is up the 月光城(Moonlight Castle).
Beat it once after the patch to open a new route after 26F.
The next time you reach 26F, you will be given the choice to go up or return.
It is very, very hard and even being level 99 and 999HP won't ensure victory.

It also fixes a few bugs, as always.

where do i get hakurei amulet and what is it effect?
also is there a trick to level reimu up to lv 99?
« Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 01:04:08 PM by omegastar »


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The Hakurei Amulet is a type of amulet.
It's base orb is the 拡張【拡】 orb, which gives more orb spaces.
Every Hakurei Amulet has a number after the name in brackets, which shows the number of orb slots available.
It doesn't have a effect by itself, but the fact that you can synthesize many orbs in it is the strong point.
It can be found anywhere, but it is freaking rare, or I'm unlucky.

There is a potion called しあわせになれるくすり(something about happiness, I can't translate) which increases Reimu's level by one.
It is made by mixing specific ingredients. All mixing processes need the 四葉のクローバー(four-leafed clover) mixing material.
四葉のクローバー is randomly dropped by Tewi, which only has a chance to appear when Kaguya activates her special ability.
You can mix either 逆行薬(reverse potion), 煌々液(shiny liquid), or another 四葉のクローバー to make the しあわせになれるくすり potion.
So, in theory, you can drink 98 of this potion to level yourself to level 99.

The 不思議おはぎ(Strange rice ball) food gives Reimu random positive effects when eaten.
One of the possible effects is double exp on the floor. But it also extends to the effect of しあわせになれるくすり, giving you 2 levels per potion.
Bring a few, because it might not show up.

The 蛇と蛙の髪飾り(Hair ornament of snake and frog) amulet, when equipped, makes consumables not disappear when used, but has a chance to destroy the amulet.
Equipping 丸太(Log) weapon and 麦わら帽子(Straw hat) shield with 蛇と蛙の髪飾り creates a resonance effect which lowers the chance of breaking the amulet.

These two items will cut the amount needed to make level 99. You'll need a lot of 蛇と蛙の髪飾り, but it's less rare than the potion.

how do i synthesis wide hit orb?

Beef Owl

  • Why yes, owls do yield beef:
  • It is known as The Strongest White Meat
This game is too amazingly complex for me in Japanese- has there been any work on a translation? Even in English this game is confusing :V


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You'll need 千里眼の大太刀, which is the Level 6 version of 哨戒天狗の刀.
Then you'll have to synthesize 6 orbs in the sword.
妖 can be found in a 陰陽ボール, or more simply, from the 厄除「サーディーンヘッド」spell card
盗 is the tricky part in the process. It is in the 閻魔様の審判帳 amulet.
狗 is in the 鴉天狗の卵 mixing item(the green flask) and the 天狗の古地図 amulet.
破 is in the グネグネした棒 weapon or the 更地「ジャイアントローラー」spell card.
離 is in the 遠離の札 tag.

Kill any enemy with this sword and it will change to 妖刀「犬走」with 【広】as its base orb.

Actually I've never tried this by myself.

what is the best way to grind weapon and hat to maximum level?


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The obvious choice would be going through the 玉兎の修練所(Jade Rabbit's Training place) dungeon.
Even going once gives you enough exp to level almost every weapon from level 1 to level 9.

But it is very hard to beat it without strengthened weapons and shields.
I suggest using the 月光城(Moonlight Castle) route to level up your equipments to level 8, then strengthen it to the max, then go through the 玉兎の修練所.
Floor 80 would be sufficient if you killed most of the enemies.
Wearing theしあわせのにんじん(Carrot of Happiness) until 20F, then switching to 天狗の古地図(Tengu's Old Map) seems to be a good strategy.

i'm trying to download the new ver 1.10 patch but somehow it always failed after a few minutes. what exactly wrong with it?
also i noticed there is a new fushigi no gensokyo game in aquastyle website. apparently it's called nazrinland.


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I wouldn't know,  I can't access the homepage at all.
AQUASTYLE seems to block off some connections.

Have you tried the mirror?

is there a equipment that allow me to see traps on every floor?
« Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 12:45:33 PM by omegastar »


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No, there isn't.
The only items that let you see are the 目薬(eyedrop) potion and the 天眼薬 potion.

what exactly is cirno sword ability?


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The ウエハースブレイド(Wafer Blade) is a weapon which has the 限界突破【⑨】(Limit break) orb.
When Reimu reaches MAX Power, she can unleash a powerful attack(instead of usual danmaku) that deals 150 fixed damage, but uses all the power she had.
The 【⑨】 orb levels up at 1,000,000 exp. and 2,000,000 exp. which reduces the power used from 299 to 199, then 99.

I have never tried it yet, so I don't know the attack range.
And it cannot be synthesized into other weapons.

what other amulet beside hakurei amulet or tengu old map in the game that has positive effect in the game?
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 11:54:25 AM by omegastar »


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Basically the ones with dangerous abilities should be killed or avoided. Especially the ones that cannot be blocked with equipment.

The first thing that should be killed would be Kogasa. Kill her fast. Very fast.
Then Parsee and Satori. These two are also dangerous.
Then Suika, Iku and Tenshi, the higher leveled ones can attack from very strange angles.
Then Shou and Eirin and Patchouli. You just have to be careful not to be in a straight line.

All of the enemy should be avoided, but some enemies should be more avoided than others.
First of all, Ran. If Ran kicks your equipment into another enemy, it'll be one of the most frustrating situations that can ever happen.
Reisen , Minoriko (-sama and up),  Aya(-san and up), Murasa also have potential to mess up your important items.
Mostly Minoriko and Murasa. Reisen's ability can be avoided by not looking directly to her direction.
Nue and Keine are dangerous when in adjacent tiles.
Others include Patchouli, Shiki, Hina, Medicine, Yamame, Cirno, Youmu.

These are my personal options.

what is the effect of a weapon named  さらさらヘアー?


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さらさらヘアー is actually Sanae's hair.
The 風祝【風】(Wind Priestess) orb has the power to make miracles occur, although it does happens rarely.

It can either do one of these.(Same effect as the Trap of Miracles(Sanae's face) )

Increase every enemy's level by one.
Melt every enemy into みず(water)
Double the amount of money.
Reduce the amount of money to zero.
Strengthen equipped weapon and shield by three.
Stops belly reducing while on current floor.
Reduce amount of belly.
Set timer to the first warning(700 steps)
...but nothing happened.
Create Monster House.

It is quite the risky weapon.

which orb that has the effect of dealing more damage to a certain type of enemy and in what item the orb in?


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The 'more damage' type orbs are estimated to deal about +10%*Lv. damage.

妖怪系特効【妖】(Youkai Type)
Can be found in 陰陽ボール weapon. Also in 厄除「サーディーンヘッド」Spell Card (Lv.1) and 退魔針 Amulet (Lv.5)
Effects a lot of enemies which doesn't fit in any other group.

浮遊系特効【浮】(Float Type)
Can be found only in 文ちゃんうちわ weapon.
Effects anything that floats. Expect Utsuho, Flandre, and flying Marisa.

耳系特効【耳】(Ear Type)
Can be found only in てゐの耳 weapon.
Effects anything animal. Except Shou.

爆発系特効【爆】(Explosion Type)
Can be found in 融合の足 weapon. Also in 爆薬 potion (Lv.1), 核爆「パワーオブ・ザ・アトム」spell card (Lv.5) , and 核爆薬「ニュークリアフュージョン」(Lv.7) potion.
Effects Patchouli, Mokou, Nitori, Suika. And maybe high leveled Eirin.

神系特効【神】(God Type)
Can be found only in 卒塔婆 weapon.
Effects all 'Gods', Komachi, and Shiki.

幽霊系特効【幽】(Ghost Type)
Can be found in 白楼剣 weapon. Also in 御祓「カーネルサルベージ」spell card (Lv.1) and 死出酒「黄泉平坂行路」potion (Lv.5)
Effects The Prismrivers, Youmu, Youmu's ghost half, Yuyuko, Murasa.

妖精系特効【精】(Fairy Type)
Can be found only in ブレイジングスター weapon, level 9 of 竹箒 weapon.
Effects all 'Fairies'

魔法使い系特効【魔】(Magician Type)
Can be found in 口封「ジュ・スエテ」spell card (Lv. 1) and 賢者の石 amulet (Lv.5)
Effects Marisa, Alice, Patchouli, and Byakuren.

盗人系特効【盗】(Thief Type)
Can be found in 閻魔様の審判帳 amulet (Lv.1)
Effects Marisa, Yuyuko, Aya, and Shou.

天狗系特効【狗】(Tengu Type)
Can be found in 鴉天狗の卵 flask (Lv.1) and 天狗の古地図 amulet (Lv.5)
Effects Momiji, Aya, and Hatate.

水生系特効【水】(Water Type)
Can be found in 水没「オッツダルヴァ」spell card (Lv.1)
Effects Nitori, Murasa, and Senjunamako(センジュナマコ)

覚系特効【覚】(Enlightenment Type)
Can be found in あぶない薬 potion (Lv.1) and 火水木金土日月の札 tag (Lv.1)
Effects Satori and Koishi.

鬼系特効【鬼】(Oni Type)
Can be found in 鬼縛りの鎖 amulet (Lv.3), 鬼の○△□ amulet (Lv.3), and 秘蔵酒「酒天童子」 potion (Lv.5)
Effects Suika and Yuugi.

月人系特効【月】(Lunarian Type)
Can be found in 蓬莱の薬 flask (Lv.1) and 厄をため込んだお守り amulet (Lv.5)
Effects Eirin and Kaguya.

天人系特効【天】(Celestial Type)
Can be found in 激震薬「マグニチュード計測不能」potion (Lv.1)
Effects Tenshi

入道系特効【入】(Taoist Type)
Can be found in 入道薬「気化前の雲山」potion (Lv. 1)
Effects Unzan Piece (ちぎれ雲山)

These are all.

after i installed ver 1.10 patch and completed the 26F moon dungeon akyu has been replaced by meiling. what happen to akyuu?


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It would be spoliers. And I forgot how to put spoiler tags. But I think it being spoliers explains a lot.

is there a item or equipment that prevent negative status ?


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I am happy to say that there is.
The 絵本(Picture Book) shield item has the 変換【変】(Conversion) Orb item, which converses status to % damage.
It first deals 50% damage, but when leveled to max, it deals only 10% damage when maxed with 5,000,000 exp.
Just be careful that it also applies to good status, such as haste, drunk, invincible and those stuff.
Watch out for the Prismrivers.

how do i make multi-hit orb?


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The multi-hit orb is made by a rather complex mixing process.
First of all, you'll need a 調合のスキマ(Sukima of Mixing)
It will be much better if you also have 薬師のフラスコ(Pharmacist's Flask) amulet, which makes Reimu always succeed at mixing.

銘酒 = お酒 + お酒
☆変性液 = ☆雑草 + ☆火薬
日輪酒「花鳥風月」= 銘酒 + ★大輪の向日葵
月輪酒「嘯風弄月」= 日輪酒「花鳥風月」+ ☆変性液
猿田彦味酒「幻想風靡」= 月輪酒「嘯風弄月」+ ★鴉天狗の卵

★大輪の向日葵 and ★鴉天狗の卵 are the flask items that are only dropped by Yuka and Aya respectively.
☆ are the flask items.

The last item will have the 多段攻撃【多】orb. Synthesis it into フラフープ(Hula-hoop) weapon to level it up.
You'll need
25,000, 75,000, 175,000, 300,000, 550,000, 1,100,000, 3,100,000, 6,100,000
exp. to level it up.
The resonance of 麦わら帽子 and フラフープ will give you double exp for the orbs, though.