Author Topic: General games updates and info thread  (Read 71694 times)


Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2011, 11:15:24 AM »
New stable Dungeon Crawl release: 0.9

* Save compatibility with the 0.8 release is retained, although once a game is
loaded in 0.9, you can not go back to 0.8.

0.9 Highlights
* New skill training system. Experience pool and victory dancing are gone.
* Ashenzari: Remove passive XP boost, add a skill boost depending on level
  of boundedness and which equipment is bound.
* Rename Crusader to Skald, change starting book and skill levels.
* New spells: Inner Flame, Shroud of Golubria.
* Removed spells: Teleport Self, Berserker Rage, Resist Poison.
* New monsters: Ignacio (unique executioner), catoblepas, basilisk.
* New subgame: Zot Defence.  Consider it of experimental quality, though.

* Skill training: skills are trained immediately when XP is gained. The skills
  trained are the ones that have been used recently (auto) or the ones which
  have been selected (manual).
* Skill costs: the XP to skill point ratio no longer depends on skill level.
* Magic school skills early game discount removed.

* Cheibriados gives full stat boost for fully ponderous, regardless of species.
* Jiyva is a little less likely to remove mutations.
* Improve Jiyva's stat shuffling, take skills and armour into account.
* Makhleb has a new flavour description.
* Nerf TSO's and Makhleb's HP and MP on kills.
* Trog specialises in antimagic weapon gifts, gives fewer artefacts.
* Trog dislikes it when you train magic skills.
* Yred takes statue kills and forbids Statue Form.
* Zin's Vitalisation is cheaper and cures petrification, stat boost stackable.
* Don't allow avoiding good god wrath by swapping via another good god.
* Ashenzari: Remove passive XP boost, add a skill boost depending on level
  of boundedness and which equipment is bound.
* Ashenzari: reduce reskilling XP penalty and some ability piety costs.
* Ashenzari wrath: reduce all skills for the duration of wrath.

* +3 base HP for all characters.
* Racial HP/MP gain is now displayed on a -3 to +3 scale (see ?%).
* Fighting gives less HP boost.
* All characters carry a bootknife to dissect corpses.
* Hill Orc Priests always take on Beogh.
* Berserkitis mutation triggers less often.
* Tweak starting skills for a few backgrounds (Fi, Gl, Wr, CK).
* Give Warpers a few more darts of dispersal.
* Let Gladiators start with a cap if they can't wear helmets.
* Start all Hunters with the same melee weapon.
* Start Artificers with quarterstaves, instead of letting Monks choose them.
* Rename Crusader to Skald, change starting book and skill levels.
* Conjurers don't need to choose a book (they always get an Air/Ice book).
* Felids: lose a level on death, gain at most nine lives, improved aptitudes.
* Draconians are more dextrous.
* Berserk speed-up reduced to that of haste (1.5 instead of 2).
* All species take the same amount of time to use stairs.

* New spell: Shroud of Golubria (comes in Skald and Warper starting books).
  Prevents some melee damage, but likely to break against more damaging
* New spell: Inner Flame (comes in starting book of Fire Elementalists).
  Causes targeted enemy to explode in a fireball when killed.
* Removed spells: Teleport Self, Berserker Rage, Resist Poison.
* Tornado: radius starts low, increases over time, add cooldown, adjust damage.
* Tornado moves monsters within its radius around.
* Blinking with Tornado active reduces its duration, teleporting cancels it.
* Make Fire Storm, Ice Storm, Bolt of Magma and Throw Icicle more resistible.
* Increase Bolt of Magma damage.
* Give Summon Dragon a longer duration, summon two dragons at high power.
* Shock and Lightning will hit a creature at most twice; damage increased.
* Make LRD and Sandblast more strongly affected by monster AC again.
* Ranges of Throw Frost/Flame and of Bolt of Cold/Fire swapped.
* Increase Flame Tongue's accuracy and range a little.
* Sublimation of Blood takes spellpower into account.
* Apportation takes spellpower into account for all items.
* Statue and Dragon Form balance: give both some GDR, reduce unarmed damage.
* Statue Form: boost all melee damage, give 50% torment resistance.
* Increase Ozocubu's Refrigeration to level 6.
* Reduce Summon Ice Beast to level 4, Static Discharge to level 3.
* Maxwell's Silver Hammer works also on all weapons with bludgeoning damage.
* Poison Weapon works also on blunt weapons.
* Condensation Shield duration increased.
* Simulacra from the spell are no longer abjurable.
* Renamed books: Chemistry -> Alchemy, Zoology -> Beasts.

* Catoblepas: a new hard-hitting yak-genus monster with petrifying breath.
* Replace "gila monster" with "basilisk", complete with petrification.
* Ignacio, a unique executioner of Makhleb, spawns in Pandemonium.
* AI: monsters improve even signature weapons (e.g. Sigmund will use Finisher).
* AI: confused high intelligence monsters don't move if next to a deadly cell.
* Allow polymorphing demons into other similar-tier demons.
* Snapping turtles and Geryon reach diagonally.
* Give Shadow Fiends and Tormentors a pain-branded melee attack.
* Boost ghost moth damage, don't spawn them in Spider's Nests.
* Fix random pan lords not getting Symbol of Torment in their spell sets.
* Vampire bats are undead.
* Monsters with mutagenic chunks leaves corpses less often.
* Reaching over a hostile monster may hit the monster between you and target.
* Kenku monsters come with gear, may spawn in the Abyss.
* Rename "beast" to "hell beast".
* Rename "megabat" to "bat".
* Kobolds can (rarely) get crossbows.
* Pikel: fixed bugs with freed monsters.
* Adjust xp values for some monsters.
* Disable feature mimics.

* New branch endings: multiple Elf:5 maps, Zot entry vaults on D:27.
* Many other new vaults, including serial vaults, traps, Abyss vaults.
* Blink in the Abyss only blinks; does not teleport anymore.
* Baileys are more sane in loot and threat.
* Troves: fix some bugs, and additional quests.
* Vestibule of Hell has its own monster set.
* Don't place kobold/orc/jelly/bee special rooms in the Hells.

Information about changes concerning interface, items, game options, orb run and tiles can be found here.

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #31 on: August 25, 2011, 12:36:47 PM »
DotS v0.967g - map download:

Fixed a bug that made Chen's F skill cause double damage while stunned
Fixed a bug that caused the Nuclear Control Rod to be ineffective for Yukari's T skill at level 5
Health regeneration for barracks reduced from 20 per second to 8 per second
Health regeneration for shrines reduced from 20 per second to 12 per second
Youmu's Enlightenment Sword "Rise from Delusion" bonus damage increased from 10/15/20/25 to 12/18/24/30
Yuyuko is now a Stage 1 Boss
Kaguya's "Imperishable Night - Rising World" additional mana cost reduced from 200 to 150
Aya's "Bunbunmaru" damage increased from 15/27/46/67 to 17/34/52/68
Aya's Wind Sign "Wind God's Fan" base damage increased from 20/28/36/44 to 30/37/44/51
Aya's Wind Sign "Wind God's Fan" additional damage multiplier changed from 0.8/1.0/1.2/1.4 to 0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2
Aya's "Wind God Girl" bonus movement speed changed from 380/420/522 to 380/451/522
Aya's "Wind God Girl" cooldown increased from 44/44/22 to 80, duration changed from 2/4/4 to 3/4/5
Satori's Recollection "Terrible Souvenir" cooldown increased from 1 second to 5 seconds
Satori's Recollection "Terrible Souvenir" mana cost increased from 60 to 115
Satori's Heart Flower "Camera Shy Rose" mana cost increased from 60 to 110, cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 11 seconds, and no longer has a passive component to the skill
Satori's Recollection "Terrifying Hypnotism" mana cost increased from 150/175/200 to 200/300/400
Minamitsu's Captain "Spinach" mana cost increased from 50 to 90
Minamitsu's Captain "Spinach" bonus strength decreased from 33/44/55/66 to 30/40/50/60, splash damage changed from 30/50/70/90 to 30/45/60/75
Hatate's "Kakashi Spirit News" bonus damage increased from 7/13/23/38 to 13/26/39/52
Sunny Milk now takes 2.5 seconds to turn invisible
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 06:33:42 PM by ApharmdB »

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2011, 05:09:27 AM »
SDMD (Chinese) v0.28 and SDMD Translated v0.28

Download link:
Translated map:
External model pack:
Note: You need to update the model pack as well.

Tweaked hero magic resistance levels
Tweaked the bonus armour that enemies get with each difficulty level increase
Tweaked the bounty given by some enemies
Added a new boss - Nue Houjuu

Fixed the medium potion of restoration
Reduced the amount of P gained from selling the recipe for National Legend MAX
Changed the effect of Satori's Eye

Iku Nagae
Fixed an error involving the number of charges for her innate skill

Hakurei Reimu
Added a new ability Dream Sign "Duplex Barrier"

Patchouli Knowledge
Tweaked the effects of Moon Sign "Silent Selene"

Remilia Scarlet
Changed her innate skill
Changed the effects of Scarlet Sign "Red the Nightless Castle"

Flandre Scarlet
Tweaked her innate skill
Tweaked the effects of Secret Barrage "And Then There Were None?"

Fixed the incorrect range of Royal Magic
Re-made Fire Sign "Hellfire"
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 04:33:55 AM by ApharmdB »

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #33 on: October 14, 2011, 08:46:43 PM »
DotS v0.977 di Cirno
Map download: (normal map)
Map download: (optimized map)

Note: This map is somehow updated from v0.967f and not v0.967g. Hence that oddly familiar change for Satori.

Fixed a bug causing incorrect effects for levels 1-3 of Patchouli's Metal Earth Sign
Fixed the mismatch between Merlin's innate's actual effects and its description
Fixed a bug causing Reimu's R skill to interrupt Meiling's W skill
Fixed a bug causing a mismatch between the slow effect for Letty's D skill and its damage area
Fixed a bug allowing Yuugi to use unpathable terrain to activate her W skill's instant-death effect

Base gold income changed from +1 per second to +15 per 10 seconds
Maximum hero level reduced from 25 to 20
Maximum level of stat gain skill reduced from 10 to 5
Mana points per point of intelligence reduced from 14 to 13
Mana regen per point of intelligence reduced from 0.04 to 0.03
Increased the amount of faith needed for a buyback
Adjusted the abilities and strengths of neutral creeps and their positions
Adjusted the respawn times of neutral creeps
Movement speed reduction of snow weather increased from 20% to 35%
Health penalty per cast under scorching sun weather increased from 4% of current health to 8% of current health
Mana regen bonus under drizzle reduced from +3 to +2.5
Health regen bonus under calm weather increased from +4 to +5
Added bonus auras to shrine creeps that increase their attack and movement speeds depending on how many enemy girls have been killed
The bonus auras level up by [Level of girl killed/4] (rounded up)

Health for middle towers reduced from 2000 to 1750
The twin towers guarding the outer barracks are now the same level as middle towers
Bounty for Moriya's base towers increased from 200 to 400
Towers now deal additional 50% damage to girls
When there are no enemy creeps within 1200 range of a tower, it will gain 30% increased attack speed and +15 armour and +25 damage (outer towers) / +35 damage (middle towers) / +45 damage (barracks towers) / +75 to 125 damage (base towers)
If a tower is not granted such bonus when there are girls within the area, it will not gain the bonus
If all the girls on a tower's team have died, the tower will lose its bonus
Barracks and base will receive bonuses under similar conditions of +10 (barracks) / +15 (base) health regen and +15 armour

Genji's and the Hisoutensokus' base damage reduced from 250 to 142
Genji and the Hisoutensokus now level up with shrine creeps, gaining 9 attack damage per level
Destroying the outer barracks no longer adds siege creeps or increases your own shrine creeps' levels
Destroying the outer barracks will result in the opponent's side receiving a bonus of 6 gold per 10 seconds
Siege creeps will start appearing once shrine creeps reach level 8

Adjusted some heros*
Marisa now has a new innate skill
Rumia's Seal 'Darkness Cycle' magic resistance bonus of 10% changed to a magic damage evasion rate of 10%
Rumia's Darkness Sign 'Demarcation' no longer gives bonus damage or critical strike chance and now does magic damage to units within 250 range, stunning them for 0.01 seconds
Rumia's Night Sign 'Midnight' now gives half its effect during the day
Cirno's 'I'm the strongest!' now only creates one random frozen nova and its mana cost reduced from 29 to 9
Meiling's Qi Sign 'Fierce Tiger's Inner Strength' charges reduced from 3/4/5/6 to 1/2/3/4 and chance to bash increased from 60% to 100% and stun duration decreased from 0.8s to 0.5s
Flandre's QED 'Ripples of 495 Years' images now leech life back for Flandre herself
Letty's Winter Sign 'Letty's Heart' activation time required reduced from 7 seconds to 5 seconds and now shields against melee damage
Letty's Winter Sign 'Flower Wither Away' no longer reduces movement speed
Letty's R skill has been remade
Youmu now has a new innate skill
Yuyuko's Deadly Dance 'Law of Mortality' now recovers health
Yukari's 'Danmaku Bounded Field' no longer does damage
Tewi no longer has an orb skill
Kaguya has been remade for the nth time
Mokou's Hourai 'Fujiyama Volcano' 18% chance to create an explosion changed to creating an explosion on every 5th attack
Mokou's 'Possessed by Phoenix' no longer has a self-immolation effect after its duration
Medicine no longer has an orb skill
Shikieiki's innate skill has been removed
Shizuha's skills have been remade
Nitori's Chemistry 'Light Sabre Energy Reaction' can now be activated manually
Momiji's Surveillance 'Beyond Hyper Senses' (2nd skill) now adds attack damage (including her wolves)
Aya's Wind Sign 'Wind God's Fan' 25% chance to create a tornado changed to creating a tornado every 4th attack
Suwako has been remade for the nth time
Kisume's ultimate no longer damages herself based on her current health
Yuugi's Oni Sign 'Mysterious Power and Disrupting Spirits' now increases her health by 2/3/4/5 and damage by 0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 per point of health when activated
Yuugi's Feat of Strength 'Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe' now additionally stuns for 2 seconds
Satori's Heart Flower 'Camera Shy Rose' no longer has a passive effect
Nazrin's ultimate has been changed
Minamitsu's 'I'm the Captain' skill changed to 'Ghost of Drowning'
Byakuren has been remade

Added new girls Tokiko and Renko

Items were adjusted*

*I kid you not. There're a craptonne of changes hidden by these two lines.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 11:16:31 AM by ApharmdB »

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #34 on: October 16, 2011, 04:30:50 AM »
DotS v0.977dB
Map download: (normal map)
Map download: (optimized map)

Fixed a bug with Moriya's Supervisor's character selection screen being filled with creeps
Fixed a bug that prevented illusions from having critical strike effects
Fixed a bug that made critical strike effects show through the fog of war
Fixed a bug that made critical strike effects disappear if the damage display was turned off
Fixed a bug that made some slow spells not work
Fixed Reimu's E skill description
Fixed a bug causing Rumia's R skill's speed bonus to be ineffective when she cast her D skill
Fixed a bug that caused Meiling's F skill to be short of 1 charge
Fixed a bug with Letty's D skill that gave it damage bonuses from some items
Fixed a bug that magnified Lunasa's D skill's scaling factor by 4 times
Fixed a bug that made Lunasa's R critical strikes display in red instead of purple
Fixed a bug with Merlin's W that made it not reflect damage from normal attacks
Fixed a bug that made Yuyuko's R skill effect not trigger when using skills
Fixed a bug that caused the speed bonus to be lost when Mystia used her E skill following her F skill
Fixed a bug with the incorrect healing location of Eirin's F skill
Fixed a bug that allowed Kaguya's R skill to affect her allies
Fixed a bug that prevented Koishi's F skill from burning mana
Fixed a bug causing incorrect healing values when the Lovers' Card is used on allies
Fixed a bug causing incorrect healing values when the Star of Healing is used on allies
Fixed a bug with the Flying Leaf Knife not giving its full 100% accuracy effect
Fixed a bug with the description of the Lamp when bought
Fixed a bug that allowed the Melancholic Violin to be clickable without any effect
Fixed a bug that made the Silver Knife's life leech effect ineffective
Fixed a bug that made the Thundercloud Scarf share cooldown with Mystia's Flute
Fixed the incorrect description of the Donation Box in the shop
Fixed the incorrect description of Shizuha's ultimate
Fixed a bug that made the Bad Girl Card ineffective
Fixed a bug that prevented the Green Dam from blocking magic damage

Girls using temporary transformation skills will no longer be able to teleport
Barracks armour reduced from 10 to 5
Shrine armour reduced from 30 to 15
Normal tower armour reduced from 16 to 12
Bounty for girls reduced to 80
Bonus bounty for kills and assists reduced by 20%

Marisa's Comet 'Blazing Star' base damage reduced from 50/75/100/125 to 40/60/80/100, scaling factor reduced from 0.70 to 0.50
Marisa's Magic Sign 'Stardust Reverie' base damage reduced from 50/100/150/200 to 45/90/135/180, scaling factor reduced from 1.30 to 1.00
Marisa's Ritual Sign 'Orreries Sun' scaling factor reduced from 0.30 to 0.20
Marisa's Magicannon 'Master Spark' scaling factor reduced from 2.60 to 2.45
Marisa's 'Fairy Destruction Bomb' base damage reduced from 140 to 120
Koakuma's Fire Sign 'Pyro Match' base damage reduced from 75/100/125/150 to 70/90/110/130
Patchouli's damage for all her skills has been reduced by 12.5%
Remilia's Divine Spear 'Spear The Gungnir' base damage reduced from 200/280/360/440 to 160/240/320/400
Mokou's 'Honest Man's Death' base attack time bonus reduced from 0.30s to 0.25s
Mokou's Immortal 'Fire Bird' base damage reduced from 180/260/340/420 to 150/225/300/375, scaling factor reduced from 2.1 to 1.6
Shizuha's Leaf Sign 'Tempest Swept Leaves' base damage reduced from 50/65/80 to 40/55/70, area of effect per leaf reduced from 120 to 60
Nitori's Energy 'Photon Cannon Cucumber.II' base damage reduced from 100/160/220/280 to 90/140/190/240, scaling factor reduced from 1.4 to 1.3
Momiji's White Wolf 'Tengu Guard' health increment decreased from 60 to 45, damage increment decreased from 3 to 2.5, attack speed increment decreased from 2% to 1.5%
Momiji's Surveillance 'Beyond Hyper Senses' damage bonus decreased from 8/16/24/32 to 6/12/18/24
Kisume's Will-o'-the-Wisp 'Extinguishing Number' base damage decreased from 450/625/800 to 400/550/700, scaling factor decreased from 4.0 to 3.0
Yuugi's attack range increased from 105 to 125
Utsuho's 'Abyss Nova' base damage decreased from 420 to 375, scaling factor decreased from 2.0 to 1.6
Utsuho's 'Hell's Artificial Sun' base damage decreased from 450/625/800 to 400/550/700, scaling factor decreased from 3.6 to 3.2
Nue's Grudge Bow 'The Bow of Yorimasa Genzanmi' base damage changed from 100/140/180/220 to 100/130/160/190
Nue's Unidentified 'UFO Invasion of Terror' base damage changed from 60/160/260 to 60/140/220
Tokiko's Heron Sign 'Toki's Counterattack' base heal reduced from 80/120/150/200 to 60/90/120/150, scaling factor reduced from 1.0 to 0.75
Tokiko's Wok Sign 'Mysterious Fire' base damage changed from 95/155/215/275 to 95/145/195/245
Tokiko's Book Sign 'Virtue of an Open Book' base damage decreased from 15/30/45/60 to 10/20/30/40
Renko's base damage reduced from 58-58 to 53-53
Renko's Magnet Sign 'Like Poles' and Unification 'Metaphysics' life leech reduced from 60% to 40%
Renko's Unification 'Metaphysics' no longer has a passive aspect to the skill
Renko's Unification 'Metaphysics' cooldown increased from 34/28/22 to 40/32/24

Lunar Bow's scaling factor reduced from 4.0 to 3.0
Scarlet Devil Launcher base cooldown increased from 60s to 100s
Hakugyokurou Fan's cooldown increased from 30s to 60s
Xiao Yu Shen's Adamantine final cost increased from 5500 to 5750, cooldown increased from 60s to 85s
Thundercloud Scarf's final cost reduced from 3200 to 2700
Shinigami's Coin final cost reduced from 2350 to 2250, recipe cost reduced from 900 to 800
Shinigami's Coin base distance increased from 300 to 400, scaling distance increased from 100 to 125

New Heros


Innate Ability: 'Exclusive VIP Card'
When purchasing any item, Tokiko will enjoy a 10% refund.

Heron Sign 'Toki's Counterattack' (D)
Throw's Toki (a heron) at the target location, causing magic damage to and stunning the first girl it hits, afterwhich Tokiko flies to the target location to retrieve Toki. If Tokiko successfully retrieves Toki, she will regain some health, otherwise she will lose some health.

Cast range: 900
Area of Effect: 900 (length) x 125 (width)
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9

Level 1: Does [60 + 0.75xInt] magic damage and stuns for 0.6 seconds and regains/loses [60 + 0.75xInt] health.
Level 2: Does [90 + 0.75xInt] magic damage and stuns for 0.9 seconds and regains/loses [90 + 0.75xInt] health.
Level 3: Does [120 + 0.75xInt] magic damage and stuns for 1.2 seconds and regains/loses [120 + 0.75xInt] health.
Level 4: Does [150 + 0.75xInt] magic damage and stuns for 1.5 seconds and regains/loses [150 + 0.75xInt] health.

Wok Sign 'Mysterious Fire' (F)
Does magic damage to Tokiko and nearby enemies.

Area of Effect: 350
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 5

Level 1: Does[95 + 1.35xInt] magic damage.
Level 2: Does[145 + 1.35xInt] magic damage.
Level 3: Does[195 + 1.35xInt] magic damage.
Level 4: Does[245 + 1.35xInt] magic damage.

Book Sign 'Virtue of an Open Book' (R) (Passive)
The first time Tokiko attacks an enemy girl, she will do additional magic damage. This has a cooldown of 4.5 seconds for each enemy girl.
The first time any enemy girl attacks Tokiko, she will block some damage. This has a cooldown of 4.5 seconds for each enemy girl.

Level 1: Does/Blocks [10 + 4% x Target Girl's Current Health] damage.
Level 2: Does/Blocks [20 + 8% x Target Girl's Current Health] damage.
Level 3: Does/Blocks [30 + 12% x Target Girl's Current Health] damage.
Level 4: Does/Blocks [40 + 16% x Target Girl's Current Health] damage.

Learning Sign 'Application of Knowledge' (W)
Does magic damage to the target and adds a portion of the target's total stats to Tokiko's own.

Cast range: 600
Mana cost: 200/250/300
Cooldown: 100/85/70

Level 1: Does [200 + 2.0xInt] magic damage and adds 30% of the average of the target's total stats to Tokiko for 12 seconds.
Level 2: Does [300 + 2.0xInt] magic damage and adds 35% of the average of the target's total stats to Tokiko for 12 seconds.
Level 3: Does [400 + 2.0xInt] magic damage and adds 40% of the average of the target's total stats to Tokiko for 12 seconds.

Renko Usami

Innate Ability: Schrodinger's Cat
Each time Renko uses a skill, she gains 5 agility. Stacks up to 8 times and lasts for 8 seconds.

Science 'Spirit Blast' (D)
Does physical damage to a nearby unit (prioritizes heros). Carries an additional effect based on Renko's previously used skill:
Science - Blinks to the unit hit.
String Theory - Does an additional 100% damage
Magnetism Sign - Does 100% damage within 300 area
Unification - Does an additional 300% damage

Mana cost: 50
Area of Effect: 750
Cooldown: 9/8/7/6

Level 1: Does [40 + 0.30xAgi] physical damage.
Level 2: Does [60 + 0.45xAgi] physical damage.
Level 3: Does [80 + 0.60xAgi] physical damage.
Level 4: Does [100 + 0.75xAgi] physical damage.

String Theory 'Euler's Formula' (F)
Fires a wave of strings to Renko's front, dealing physical damage to units hit. Carries an additional effect based on Renko's previously used skill:
Science - Lowers the target's magic damage by 30% for 4 seconds
String Theory - Stuns the target for 1.0 seconds
Magnetism Sign - Lowers the target's armour by 5 for 4 seconds
Unification - Lowers the target's movement speed by 75% for 4 seconds

Mana cost: 50
Area of Effect: 600 (length) x 150 (width)
Cooldown: 9/8/7/6

Level 1: Does [40 + 0.30xAgi] physical damage.
Level 2: Does [60 + 0.45xAgi] physical damage.
Level 3: Does [80 + 0.60xAgi] physical damage.
Level 4: Does [100 + 0.75xAgi] physical damage.

Magnetism Sign 'Like Poles' (R)
Does physical damage to nearby units. Carries an additional effect based on Renko's previously used skill:
Science - Increases Renko's damage by 35 and attack speed by 35% for 4 seconds
String Theory - Increases Renko's armour by 12 and magic resistance by 30% for 4 seconds
Magnetism Sign - Recovers 20% of the damage done as mana
Unification - Increases Renko's life leech by 40% for 4 seconds

Mana cost: 50
Area of Effect: 300
Cooldown: 9/8/7/6

Level 1: Does [40 + 0.30xAgi] physical damage.
Level 2: Does [60 + 0.45xAgi] physical damage.
Level 3: Does [80 + 0.60xAgi] physical damage.
Level 4: Does [100 + 0.75xAgi] physical damage.

Unification 'Super Physicist' (W)
Increases physical damage for 8 seconds. Carries an additional effect based on Renko's previously used skill:
Science - Further magnifies the damage increase by half
String Theory - Increases the duration by another 8 seconds
Magnetism Sign - Grants the same effect for allies within 450 range
Unification - Grants a 30% chance to do a critical strike for 3x damage

Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 40/32/24

Level 1: Increases physical damage by 20%
Level 2: Increases physical damage by 30%
Level 3: Increases physical damage by 40%

Remade Skills/Heros

Innate Ability: 'Fairy Destruction Bomb' (E)
Throws a bomb at the target location, causing [120 + 0.7xInt] magic damage. Costs 1 point of power.

Cast range: 600
Area of effect: 250
Cooldown: 6 seconds

'World of the Heart of Frost' (R)
Passively increases maximum health and adds bonus magic damage and a slows movement speed for 1.5 seconds whenever Letty does magic damage to anyone.

Level 1: Adds 100 to maximum health. Adds 5 bonus magic damage and slows movement speed by 15%.
Level 2: Adds 200 to maximum health. Adds 10 bonus magic damage and slows movement speed by 20%.
Level 3: Adds 300 to maximum health. Adds 15 bonus magic damage and slows movement speed by 25%.
Level 4: Adds 400 to maximum health. Adds 20 bonus magic damage and slows movement speed by 30%.

Innate Ability: Human Realm Sword 'Delusion of Enlightenment'
Reduces the duration of slow/stun, attack/cast/movement disabling effects by 25%

Innate Ability: 'Eternal Bamboo Princess'
After consuming the Hourai Elixir, Kaguya now has an ageless, deathless body. For every 1% health missing, she takes 0.75% less damage (including damage from instant-death skills.)

Impossible Request 'Rainbow Danmaku' (D)
Kaguya uses the Hourai Jade Branch to fire off a barrage of seven coloured pillars aimed at random nearby units, doing magic damage to them.

Health cost: 32% of the spell's damage, affected by magic resistance
Target range: 600
Cooldown: 18/17/16/15

Level 1: Each pillar does [50 + 1.2xInt] damage.
Level 2: Each pillar does [80 + 1.2xInt] damage.
Level 3: Each pillar does [110 + 1.2xInt] damage.
Level 4: Each pillar does [140 + 1.2xInt] damage.

'End of Imperishable Night -Paschal Moon-' (F)
Causes the target unit to blink forward. If the unit is an enemy, it takes magic damage. Otherwise, it is healed for 60% of the damage that would have been dealt.

Health cost: 10% of current health, affected by magic resistance
Cast range: 600
Cooldown: 19/17/15/13

Level 1: Blinks 400 distance forward, doing [90 + 1.8xInt] damage.
Level 2: Blinks 500 distance forward, doing [130 + 1.8xInt] damage.
Level 3: Blinks 600 distance forward, doing [170 + 1.8xInt] damage.
Level 4: Blinks 700 distance forward, doing [210 + 1.8xInt] damage.

Eternity 'Eternal Night Vignette' (R)
Using her powers over eternity, Kaguya lowers the rate of mana recovery of nearby enemies and causes them to take longer to revive upon death.

Area of Effect: 600

Level 1: Lowers mana regen by 40% and adds 5 seconds to revive timer.
Level 2: Lowers mana regen by 55% and adds 10 seconds to revive timer.
Level 3: Lowers mana regen by 70% and adds 15 seconds to revive timer.
Level 4: Lowers mana regen by 85% and adds 20 seconds to revive timer.

'Tree Ocean of Hourai' (W)
Using her powers over eternity, Kaguya does magic damage to all nearby enemies and traps them in a time-frozen state for 3.0 seconds, during which they cannot move but are invulnerable.

Health cost: 40% of current health, affected by magic resistance
Area of Effect: 450/550/650
Cooldown: 140/120/100

Level 1: Does [125 + 2.5xInt] magic damage.
Level 2: Does [200 + 2.5xInt] magic damage.
Level 3: Does [275 + 2.5xInt] magic damage.

AFAIK, the changes with Shizuha's skills are that her D and W skills now scale and her F skill adds fixed damage instead of percentage damage.

Innate Ability: Divine Tool 'Moriya's Iron Ring'
Launches an iron ring forward, doing physical damage to any unit it hits, leeching back 22% of the damage done as health and mana.

Area of effect: 700 x 75
Mana cost: 2
Cooldown: 2 seconds

Effect: Does [22 + 2.22xInt] physical damage

'Magma Amphibian' (F)
Goes underground for 2 seconds, becoming invulnerable and gaining 80 movement speed. Also does magic damage to enemies caught by the water vortex as she passes by. While underground, Suwako may not attack or use other skills.

Mana cost: 150
Area of effect: 250
Cooldown: 32/28/24/20

Level 1: Does [40 + 0.50xInt] magic damage.
Level 2: Does [60 + 0.50xInt] magic damage.
Level 3: Does [80 + 0.50xInt] magic damage.
Level 4: Does [100 + 0.50xInt] magic damage.

'Kero-chan Braves the Elements' (R)
Passively leeches mana when she causes damage with her skills. Activates a shield that uses mana to absorb 50% of incoming damage.

Mana cost: 25
Cooldown: 5 seconds

Level 1: Each point of mana absorbs 1.2 damage. Leeches back 6% of damage done as mana.
Level 2: Each point of mana absorbs 1.3 damage. Leeches back 9% of damage done as mana.
Level 3: Each point of mana absorbs 1.4 damage. Leeches back 12% of damage done as mana.
Level 4: Each point of mana absorbs 1.5 damage. Leeches back 15% of damage done as mana.

Treasure Sign 'Gold Rush' (W)
Marks an enemy girl with a bounty sign. When allied girls next attack the target, they will each deal additional magic damage and stun her. Lasts for 1 attack per allied girl. The mark lasts for 15 seconds. If the target girl dies within this time, any girl that attacked the target (including Nazrin herself) will gain an additional 125 gold.

Mana cost: 100
Cast range: 600
Cooldown: 90/75/60

Level 1: Gives an additional [150 + 1.25xInt] magic damage and stuns for 0.9 seconds.
Level 2: Gives an additional [200 + 1.25xInt] magic damage and stuns for 1.2 seconds.
Level 3: Gives an additional [250 + 1.25xInt] magic damage and stuns for 1.5 seconds.

Innate Ability: 'Superhuman Byakuren Hijiri'
Increases maximum health by 1 for every 2 maximum mana that Byakuren has. When attacking, Byakuren does [20 + 2% x Byakuren's missing health] as magic damage in an area around her target, recovering the damage done as health. Enemies aside from her target take 50% damage.

Area of effect: 300

Good Omen 'Nirvana's Cloudy Way in Purple' (D)
Does a magic attack on the target unit, causing magic damage to the target. Also does magic damage to and stuns any nearby enemies.

Cast range: 125
Area of effect: 350
Mana cost: 95/120/145/170
Cooldown: 17/14.5/12/9.5

Level 1: Does [100 + 0.5xInt] magic damage to the target and [65 + 0.3xInt] magic damage to nearby enemies, stunning for 1.2 seconds.
Level 2: Does [165 + 0.5xInt] magic damage to the target and [105 + 0.3xInt] magic damage to nearby enemies, stunning for 1.4 seconds.
Level 3: Does [230 + 0.5xInt] magic damage to the target and [145 + 0.3xInt] magic damage to nearby enemies, stunning for 1.6 seconds.
Level 4: Does [295 + 0.5xInt] magic damage to the target and [185 + 0.3xInt] magic damage to nearby enemies, stunning for 1.8 seconds.

'Yuugyou Hijiri' (F)
Passively increases maximum mana. When activated, Byakuren increases her movement speed for 3 seconds and her next spell will deal additional magic damage.

Mana cost: 10% of maximum mana
Cooldown: 13

Level 1: Passively adds 75 maximum mana. Increases movement speed by 8% and adds [40% of mana cost] magic damage to her next spell.
Level 2: Passively adds 150 maximum mana. Increases movement speed by 11% and adds [60% of mana cost] magic damage to her next spell.
Level 3: Passively adds 225 maximum mana. Increases movement speed by 14% and adds [80% of mana cost] magic damage to her next spell.
Level 4: Passively adds 300 maximum mana. Increases movement speed by 17% and adds [100% of mana cost] magic damage to her next spell.

Flying Bowl 'Legendary Flying Saucer' (R)
Target a unit. If it is an ally, it will be instantly transported beside Byakuren. Otherwise it will be returned to its current location after 3 seconds.

Cast range: 400/500/600/700
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 17/16/15/14

Great Magic 'Devil's Recitation' (W)
Reduces the magic resistance of nearby enemies by 40% for a while.

Area of effect: 600
Mana cost: 200/250/300
Cooldown: 100

Level 1: Lasts 4 seconds.
Level 2: Lasts 7 seconds.
Level 3: Lasts 10 seconds.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 04:20:09 PM by ApharmdB »

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2011, 04:59:44 AM »
DotS v0.977a
Map download: (normal)
Map download: (optimized)

v0.977diB -> v0.977a
Fixed the description of Tewi's D skill's dropped power
Fixed a bug that made Kanako's W skill do additional 50% damage to girls
Fixed a bug that made Komachi's D skill work on the Giant Shanghai Doll
Fixed a bug with Kaguya's R skill not taking into account revival timer reduction skills
Fixed a bug that allowed Shou to use the E hotkey

Increased the physical damage resistance of girls by 5%
Increased the magic damage resistance of girls by 5%
Increased the health increment for shrine creeps from 16 per level to 20 per level
Reduced the damage of the Giant Shanghai Doll from 314 to 274
Increased the damage of Youmu Yukkuri from 131 to 214 and increased its base attack time from 0.70 seconds to 1.40 seconds
Reduced the stats bonus from the Large Power item from +12 to +8
Increased the time needed to initially spawn neutral creeps from 60 seconds to 90 seconds
Removed one tower from the outer barracks area
Moved the inner barracks forwards
Instant death skills now do not work on Yukkuri neutral creeps
Transmute skills (?) now cause only 30% damage to Minamitsu's boat/Genji/Hisoutensoku (from the Donation Box?)
Changed the bounty for all towers from 500 to 1200
Increased the bounty for Genji from 1000 to 2400
Reduced Genji's splash damage from 60% to 40%

Cirno's 'Eye am the strongest!' cooldown reduced from 5s to 2s
Koakuma's Fire Sign 'Pyro Match'  damage decay factor reduced from 0.75 to 0.65
Patchouli's skills damage increased from 87.5% of listed damage to 90%
Sakuya's Conjuring 'Eternal Meek' scaling factor increased from 0.6 to 0.7
Sakuya's Buriallusion 'Phantomic Killer in Night Mist' scaling factor increased from 1.0 to 1.25
Sakuya's Strange Art 'Misdirection' scaling factor increased from 0.6 to 0.8, damage type changed from magic to physical
Remilia's Scarlet Sign 'Red the Nightless Castle' scaling factor reduced from 1.1 to 0.8
Letty's Winter Sign 'Letty's Heart' now reduces incoming non-hero damage by 25%, stacks up to 3 times
Alice's 'Shanghai Doll' Defence mode now reduces 12/18/24/30% of incoming non-hero damage
Chen's Direction Sign 'Kimontonkou' now reduces incoming non-hero damage by 35%
Youmu's Sword Skill 'Cherry Blossom Flash' base damage changed from 40/60/80/100 to 40/55/70/85
Yuyuko Sakura Sign 'Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome' scaling factor decreased from 1.6 to 1.4
Yuyuko's Deadly Dance 'Law of Mortality' scaling factor increased from 0.012% to 0.013%
Ran's Shikigami Shot 'Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser' base damage reduced from 65/100/135/170 to 60/90/120/150
Suika's 'Throwing Atlas' base damage reduced from 100/200/300/400 to 80/160/240/320
Reisen's Weak Heart 'Demotivation' active damage bonus increased from 200% to 250%
Eirin's 'Game of Life'  heal/damage value reduced from 130/260/390/520 to 100/200/300/400
Kaguya's Impossible Request 'Rainbow Danmaku' scaling factor reduced from 1.2 to 1.0
Kaguya's 'End of Imperishable Night -Paschal Moon-' cooldown increased from 19/17/15/13 to 23/21/19/17
Sanae's Great Miracle 'Yasaka's Divine Wind' scaling factor reduced from 0.5 to 0.4
Sanae's Sea Opening 'The Day the Sea Split' scaling factor reduced from 1.7 to 1.5
Kanako's Mystery 'Kuzui Clear Water' number of bounces changed from 4/6/8/10 to 4/5/6/7
Koishi's 'Embers of Love' damage changed from 4/6/8/10 to 3/6/9/12
Nazrin's Search Sign 'Treasure Detector' gold bonus reduced from +7 gold per 10 seconds for the entire team to +5 gold per 10 seconds for the entire team
Kogasa's Monster Train 'Spare Umbrella Express Night Carnival' duration reduced from 3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0 to 2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0

Yukkuri damage reduced from 20 to 0
Grand Dress' magic resistance increased from 5% to 9%
Bloomers' magic resistance increased from 9% to 14%
Sinsack magic resistance increased from 17% to 24%
Melancholic Violin magic resistance increased from 9% to 14%, magic resistance reduction decreased from 35% to 25%
Is That Enough Armour? magic resistance increased from 9% to 14%
Zun's Glasses magic resistance increased from 30% to 39%
Onbashira of the Gods' magic resistance decreased from 7% to 6%, magic resistance aura bonus increased from 11% to 12%
Thundercloud Scarf magic resistance increased from 17% to 29%, total cost increased from 2700 to 3300
Tengu Amulet attack speed bonus increased from 12% to 15%
Eirin Doll attack speed bonus increased from 12% to 15%
Grudge Bow attack speed bonus increased from 12% to 15%
Lunarite attack speed bonus increased from 30% to 40%
Throwing Knife attack speed bonus increased from 30% to 40%
Substitution Doll attack speed bonus increased from 30% to 40%
Lunar Bow attack speed bonus increased from 42% to 52%
Lunar Hairpin experience bonus increased from 3 points per 5 seconds to 4 points per 5 seconds
Modern Smartphone bonus effect activation condition changed from 'every attack on girls' to 'every attack'
Modern Smartphone mana recovery on attack reduced from 5 to 1.5

Inaba Medicinal Pestle
Small Hammer - 1500
Tengu Amulet - 500
Total Cost - 2700

Attack Damage +26
Attack Speed +15%

Little Screwdriver - 2000
Cat's Claws - 1000
Bloomers - 450
Total Cost - 3450

Attack Damage +30
Agility +10
Magic Resistance +14%

Removed the passive effect from Tentacles

Paper Mask - 1000
Paper Mask - 1000
Sinsack - 1200
Total Cost - 4000

Strength +25
Magic Resistance +24%

Removed the Metal Chest Protector

Gum - 1000
Bun - 800

Reduces incoming non-hero damage by 50%

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #36 on: October 21, 2011, 04:41:00 AM »
DotS v0.977b
Map download: (normal map)
Map download: (optimized map)

v0.977a -> v0.977b
Fixed a bug where the Large P item only added agility bonuses
Fixed the incorrect price of the Hakkero recipe scroll
Fixed the incorrect aura bonuses on Moriya's shrine creeps
Fixed a bug that allowed Tokiko's illusions to constantly activate her R skill
Fixed a bug that made the Throwing Knife not leech life
Fixed the incorrect cooldown for Reimu's F skill
Fixed a bug that allowed creeps from Yukari's R skill to be controllable

Set the default damage display mode to be off (use -onword to activate and -offword to deactivate)
The Large P item and Giant Shanghai Doll's item have been changed from being carried equipment to power-ups
Large P duration increased from 180s to 240s
Tweaked the spawn/respawn times of neutral creeps
Initial spawn time changed from 90s to 90s
Small creep camps respawn in 150s
Medium creep camps respawn in 240s
Large creep camps' respawn time increased from 330s to 360s
Yukkuri camp respawn time increased from 510s to 600s
Giant Shanghai Doll respawn time increased from 1740s to 1800s
Base attack time for Giant Shanghai Doll increased from 0.70s to 0.80s
Genji's devour skill's faith cost increased from 3 to 5, cooldown increased from 60s to 120s
Kappa Mechanics can now be bought from Moriya's towers, faith cost increased from 3 to 5 and will auto-repair nearby damaged buildings and can turn invulnerable for 20s
Base experience for level 1 creeps increased from 28 to 33
Base gold income increased from 15 to 20

Reimu's Treasure Sign 'Yin-Yang Orb' scaling factor increased from 1.3 to 1.4
Patchouli's base damage reduced from 90% of listed damage to 87.5%
Patchouli's normal spell cooldowns reduced from 12/11/10/9s to 11/10/9/8s
Patchouli's Metal Wood Sign 'Elemental Harvester' scaling factor increased from 1.6 to 1.9
Patchouli's Metal Water Sign 'Mercury Poisoning' scaling factor increased from 0.5 to 0.7
Patchouli's Metal Fire Sign 'St. Elmo's Pillar' scaling factor increased from 0.4 to 0.5
Patchouli's Metal Earth Sign 'Emerald Megalith' base damage increased from 98/147/196/245 to 106/159/212/265
Patchouli's Metal Earth Sign 'Emerald Megalith' scaling factor increased from 1.3 to 1.75, area of effect increased from 225/250/275/300 to 240/280/320/360
Patchouli's Wood Water Sign 'Water Elf' scaling factor increased from 1.0 to 1.5
Patchouli's Wood Water Sign 'Water Elf' area of effect increased from 300 to 350, pushback distance increased from 160/240/320/400 to 200/300/400/500
Patchouli's Wood Fire Sign 'Schrotter's Match' scaling factor increased from 1.4 to 1.8
Patchouli's Wood Earth Sign 'Ficus Creeper' scaling factor increased from 1.0 to 1.45
Patchouli's Water Fire Sign 'Phlogistic Rain' base damage increased from 84/126/168/210 to 90/135/180/225
Patchouli's Water Fire Sign 'Phlogistic Rain' scaling factor increased from 1.1 to 1.7, cast range increased from 600 to 750
Patchouli's Water Earth Sign 'Noalachian Deluge' scaling factor increased from 1.1 to 1.65
Patchouli's Fire Earth Sign 'Lava Cromlech' scaling factor increased from 1.2 to 1.7, cast range increased from 700 to 850
Patchouli's Sun Sign 'Royal Flare' cooldown changed from 150/135/120s to 120s
Patchouli's Moon Sign 'Silent Selene' cooldown changed from 150/135/120s to 120s
Patchouli's Moon Sign 'Silent Selene' cast range increased from 700 to 900
Alice's 'Shanghai Doll' damage scaling factor changed from 1.0 per point of agility to 1.0 per point of strength
Alice's 'Shanghai Doll' health scaling factor changed from 5.0 per point of intelligence to 6.0 per point of strength
Alice's 'New England Doll' health scaling factor changed from 4.0 per point of intelligence to 5.0 per point of agility
Suika's 'Throwing Atlas' scaling factor decreased from 2.0 to 1.7
Wriggle's 'Nightbug Tornado' scaling factor increased from 0 to 1.5xLevel
Mystia's Night Sign 'Song of the Night Sparrow' (W) cooldown increased from 20s to 90s
Kaguya's 'Eternal Bamboo Princess' damage reduction per 1% of missing health reduced from 0.75% to 0.65%
Shikieiki's Judgment 'Last Judgment' heal's scaling factor increased from 0 to 1.2xIntelligence
Shizuha's Leaf Sign 'Tempest Swept Leaves' cooldown increased from 60s to 90s, scaling factor reduced from 0.35 to 0.25
Suwako's Divine Tool 'Moriya's Iron Ring' leech factor reduced from 22% to 20%, base damage reduced from 22 to 20, scaling factor reduced from 2.22 to 2.00
Kisume's Well Bucket 'Well Destructor' stun duration bonus increased from 1.2s to 1.7s
Yuugi's Shackles Sign 'Shackles a Criminal Can't Take Off' movement speed reduction increased from 30% to 45%, attack speed reduction decreased from 30% to 25% and reduces targets' magic damage by 25% (Correction thanks to swdn)
Yuugi's Four Devas' Arcanum 'Knockout in Three Steps' cooldown changed from 80/60/40 to 60/50/40

Cake's price increased from 325 to 350
Soft Drink's price decreased from 375 to 350
Sake's price reduced from 875 to 800
Lunar Hairpin experience bonus increased from +4 per 5 seconds to +5 per 5 seconds
Shinigami's Death Scythe damage magnifier increased from 0.14 to 0.16
« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 12:53:34 PM by ApharmdB »

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #37 on: October 22, 2011, 12:34:29 PM »
DotS v0.977c
Map download: (normal version)
Map download: (optimized version)

v0.977b -> v0.977c
- Fixed a bug that made the Bloomers give extra magic resistance
- Fixed a bug that made Renko's R skill give double the stated magic resistance
- Fixed a bug that gave the Crooked Red Sword an incorrect effect
- Fixed a bug that gave the Melancholic Violin an incorrect effect
- Fixed the incorrect description of the Crucifix
- Fixed the incorrect description of the Divine Sword (it's actually Miko's Shichiseiken, just as the Crooked Red Sword is Flandre's Laevatein :/)
- Fixed a bug with the Pad's effect
- Fixed a bug that made Medicine's W skill trigger Yuugi's W skill's instant kill
- Fixed a bug that made Lyrica's F skill give too much damage
- Fixed a bug that made Moriya's Kappa Mechanics not require any faith to purchase

- Magic resistance is now an integer statistic for each unit and will use a similar calculation as damage reduction from armour (e.g. each point of armour/magic resistance will add 6% effective health vs physical/magic damage)
- Use -gr to check your own magic resistance statistic
- All girls start with 7.0 magic resistance, equivalent to 30% magic damage reduction
- Buying Zun's Glasses alone will give a similar magic damage reduction effect to that in the previous version
- Ranged shrine creeps magic resistance of 10% converted to magic resistance of 3.0
- All shrine creeps gain 1.0 magic resistance every 10 minutes
- Items that grant physical damage reduction against non-hero physical damage will now work at half-efficiency against physical damage from summoned units and buildings
- Bonus damage for structures against girls will now also apply against summoned units

- Remilia's Divine Spear 'Spear the Gungnir' base damage reduced from 160/240/320/400 to 140/220/300/380
- Remilia's Divine Spear 'Spear the Gungnir' damage against normal units reduced from 50% to 30%
- Remilia's Scarlet Sign 'Red the Nightless Castle' scaling factor reduced from 0.8 to 0.7
- Rumia's Darkness Sign 'Demarcation' slow effect increased from 15/20/25/30% to 25/30/35/40%
- Chen's Rolling Sign 'Rolling Ball' now gives a 40% attack speed bonus after her roll
- Alice's 'Shanghai Doll' health scaling factor reduced from 6 to 5
- Alice's 'Shanghai Doll''s 'Lancer Storm' base damage reduced from 36/48/60/72 to 20/30/40/50, scaling factor reduced from 0.8 to 0.4
- Alice's 'Shanghai Doll''s 'Sonic Rush' base damage reduced from 24/30/36/48 to 20/25/30/35, scaling factor reduced from 0.5 to 0.25
- Alice's 'New England Doll' health scaling factor reduced from 5 to 4
- Lunasa's Violinist 'Melancholic Strings' lowers magic resistance by 0.25/0.50/0.75/1.00
- Merlin's Trumpeter 'Inspiring Military Fanfare' lowers magic resistance by 4/6/8/10
- Lyrica's Key Ghost 'Bosendorfer' scaling factor increased from 0.50 to 1.50
- Lyrica's Dark Keys 'Soul Stirring Music' scaling factor increased from 0.80 to 1.20, duration decreased from 8 seconds to 6 seconds, cooldown decreased from 12 seconds to 8 seconds
- Yuyuko's Sakura Sign 'Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome' base damage changed from 50/100/150/200 to 60/100/140/180, scaling factor reduced from 1.4 to 1.2
- Ran's Shikigami Shot 'Ultimate Buddhist' increases magic resistance by 10
- Ran's Illusion God 'Descent of Izuna Gongen' armour bonus of 20/30/40 reduced to 10
- Suika's 'Throwing Atlas' base damage reduced from 80/160/240/320 to 60/120/180/240, scaling factor reduced from 1.7 to 1.4
- Tewi's Rabbit Sign 'Great Fortune Crest' damage no longer takes distance into account
- Tewi's 'Lucky Inaba' aura radius increased from 600 to 900
- Reisen's Weak Heart 'Demotivation' chance to miss and movement speed reduction effects increased from 12/18/24/30% to 15/24/33/42%
- Kaguya's 'End of Imperishable Night -Paschal Moon-' blink distance reduced from 400/500/600/700 to 300/375/450/525
- Kaguya's 'End of Imperishable Night -Paschal Moon-' base damage decreased from 90/130/170/210 to 70/100/130/160, scaling factor reduced from 1.8 to 1.4
- Mokou's 'Possessed by Phoenix' explosion damage no longer scales
- Medicine's Poison Sign 'Poison Breath' duration decreased from 2.0 seconds to 1.5 seconds
- Medicine's Poison Sign 'Sweet Poison' gives 2/4/6/8 magic resistance
- Medicine's 'Into Delirium' duration reduced from 4/5/6 seconds to 3/4/5 seconds
- Shikieiki's Judgment 'Last Judgment' stun duration changed from 1.0/1.3/1.6/1.9 to 1.0/1.4/1.8/2.2
- Shikieiki's Judgment 'Last Judgment' now passively grants 10/20/30/40% attack speed bonus against units with guilt
- Shikieiki's Judgment 'Bar of Ten Kings' bonus pure damage increased from 6/9/12/15 to 10/15/20/25
- Aya's Wind Sign 'Wind God's Fan' now does double damage to her target
- Momiji's White Wolf 'Tengu Vanguard' damage scaling reduced from 2.5 to 2.0
- Suwako's Curse God 'Mishaguji-sama' mana cost increased from 80/90/100/110 to 110/120/130/140
- Suwako's 'Magma Amphibian' mana cost increased from 150 to 175
- Suwako's 'Kero-chan Braves the Elements' leech effect changed from 6%/9%/12%/15% to 6%/8%/10%/12%
- Kisume's Well Bucket 'Well Destructor' bonus damage of 50 reduced to 0
- Kisume's Horror 'Well-Bucket-Dropping Monster' base damage reduced from 60/90/120/150 to 50/75/100/125
- Yuugi's Feat of Strength 'Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe' damage reduced from 300/350/400/450 to 250/300/350/400
- Satori's Brain Sign 'Brain Fingerprint' now has a scaling component to its percentage damage: (Intelligence x 0.1)%
- Satori's Brain Sign 'Brain Fingerprint' now has a base damage component of 2.0 x Intelligence
- Utsuho's Explosion Sign 'Peta Flare' base damage changed from 95/145/195/245 to 95/135/175/215, scaling factor decreased from 1.0 to 0.85
- Utsuho's Explosion Sign 'Peta Flare' afterburn damage changed from 35/55/75/95 to 35/50/65/80, scaling factor reduced from 0.4 to 0.3
- Utsuho's 'Abyss Nova' scaling factor reduced from 1.5 to 1.3
- Utsuho's 'Abyss Nova' mana cost reduced from 160 to 155
- Utsuho's 'Hell's Artificial Sun' mana cost reduced from 240/320/400 to 230/300/370
- Nazrin's Defence Sign 'Pendulum Guard' magic resistance bonus of 10/15/20/25% changed to 6/9/12/15, armour bonus reduced from 8/12/16/20 to 6/9/12/15
- Nazrin's Defence Sign 'Pendulum Guard' no longer has a bonus duration when cast on herself
- Kogasa's Rain Sign 'A Rainy Night's Ghost Story' cooldown changed from 15s to 21/19/17/15s
- Kogasa's Rain Sign 'A Rainy Night's Ghost Story' armour reduction changed from 4/6/8/10 to 4/5/6/7
- Kogasa's Monster Train 'Spare Umbrella Express Night Carnival' cooldown changed from 12s to 18/16/14/12s
- Kogasa's Monster Train 'Spare Umbrella Express Night Carnival' duration changed from 2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0s to 3.0s
- Shou's Buddha's Light 'Vajra of Perfect Buddhism' base damage increased from 70/115/160/205 to 80/125/170/215
- Shou's Buddha's Light 'Vajra of Perfect Buddhism' armour bonus increased from 8/12/16/20 to 10/15/20/25, now gives a magic resistance bonus of 10/15/20/25
- Shou's Light Sign 'Purifying Magic' base damage changed from 70/100/130/160 to 70/105/140/175, scaling factor increased from 0.8 to 1.0
- Shou's 'Complete Clarification' stun duration increased from 1.0/1.5/2.0 to 1.5/2.0/2.5
- Byakuren's Great Magic 'Devil's Recitation' magic resistance reduction changed to 12
- Sunny Milk's Flickering Light 'Fatal Flash' lowers magic resistance by 4.0
- Tokiko's Wok Sign 'Mysterious Fire' base damage changed from 95/145/195/245 to 95/130/165/200, scaling factor reduced from 1.35 to 1.1
- Tokiko's Book Sign 'Virtue of an Open Book' cooldown increased from 4.5s to 6.0s
- Renko's Magnetism Sign 'Like Poles' increased magic resistance by 12.0
- Renko's Unification 'Metaphysics' cooldown increased from 40/32/24s to 60/55/50s

- Grand Dress gives 2 magic resistance
- Bloomers gives 4 magic resistance
- Sinsack gives 8 magic resistance
- Grudge Bow's magic resistance reduction of 5% changed to magic resistance reduction of 1.5
- 3D Escapade lowers magic resistance by 10
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 08:05:15 PM by ApharmdB »

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2011, 07:12:56 PM »
DotS v0.977d2
Map download: (normal version)
Map download: (optimized version)
[I realized that the optimized version doesn't have that horrible 7 second lag after everyone confirms their hero... Well, score one for the widgetizer.]

v0.977c -> v0.977d2
Fixed the incorrect cooldown of Yuugi's W skill
Fixed the incorrect damage of Sakuya's D skill
Fixed a bug that prevented Shikieiki's R skill from giving bonus damage against normal units
Fixed a bug that allowed Hina's W skill to work with critical strikes
Fixed a bug that made Yukari's F skill disable the effects of certain skills
Fixed a bug that made Mokou's R skill disable the effects of certain skills
Fixed a bug that made Minamitsu's F skill disable the effects of certain skills
Fixed a bug that made Nue's W skill disable the effects of certain skills
Fixed a bug that made Reisen's F skill affect herself
Fixed a bug that made Chen's R skill trigger scale damage incorrectly
Fixed a bug that made Iku's F skill not increase magic resistance
Fixed a bug that made the damage display incorrect for hits killing a player
Fixed a bug that made Genji's and Genji's Sons' devour skills require 10 faith
Fixed a bug that made some Moriya's towers not require faith for repairs
Fixed a bug that made Moriya unable to select heros in Captain's Mode
Fixed a bug that made no. of kills for Merlin's innate skill display on her targets' screen on their deaths
Fixed a bug that made no. of kills for Lunasa's innate skill display on her targets' screen on their deaths
Fixed a bug that made Marisa's F, R and W skills not attract creep aggression

Optimized the damage display trigger
Tweaked the bounty for assists
Creeps no longer gain health regeneration bonuses when enemy girls are killed
Every level increase gives an additional 15 health
Life leech on physical damage skills now work at half efficiency
Yuyuko Yukkuri's damage reduced from 160 to 90, health increased from 2000 to 3500
Youmu Yukkuri's damage reduced from 214 to 130, health increased from 2000 to 3500
Giant Shanghai Doll damage reduced from 274 to 200, health increased from 9000 to 15000, magic resistance decreased from 38 to 32
Stormrage Youkai base attack cooldown increased from 0.75s to 1.00s
Phantom Rider neutral creep damage reduced from 69 to 54

Marisa's Comet 'Blazing Star' scaling factor increased from 0.5 to 0.7
Marisa's Magic Sign 'Stardust Reverie' scaling factor increased from 1.0 to 1.2
Marisa's Ritualize Space 'Orreries Sun' scaling factor increased from 0.20 to 0.25
Rumia's Darkness Sign 'Demarcation' now does additional 15/20/25/30 magic damage
Cirno's 'Eye am the Strongest!' movement speed reduction effect increased from 30% to 40%
Meiling's Qi Sign 'Fierce Tiger's Inner Strength' damage multiplication factor reduced from 3% to 2%
Meiling's Supreme Colour 'Colourful Light Chaotic Dance' base damage reduced from 80/90/100/110 to 60/70/80/90
Patchouli's damage increased from 87.5% of listed damage to 90% of listed damage
Remilia's Divine Spear 'Spear the Gungnir' base damage decreased from 140/220/300/380 to 120/190/260/330
Remilia Scarlet Bat 'Vampirish Night' cooldown increased from 24s to 35s
Letty's White Sign 'Undulation Ray' scaling factor increased from 0.8 to 0.9
Chen's Yin Yang 'Large Pentagram Crest' scaling factor increased from 0.7 to 0.9
Chen's Heaven Sign 'Immortal Sage's Rumbling' scaling factor increased from 0.5 to 0.7
Merlin's Dark Trumpet 'Ghost Clifford' additional damage on creeps decreased from 600 to 500
Merlin's 'Maddening Fantasy Music' no longer grants bonus regeneration on herself
Lyrica's innate skill was changed
Lyrica's Dark Keys 'Soul Stirring Music' slow effect duration increased from 1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5 to 2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5
Youmu's Enlightened Sword 'Rise from Delusion' is now able to reduce the armour of buildings (only increases physical damage on buildings)
Yuyuko's Sakura Sign 'Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome' base damage changed from 60/100/140/180 to 60/90/120/150
Yukari's Aerial Bait 'Hyperactive High Speed Flying Object' (D) scaling factor increased from 0.8 to 1.0
Yukari's Outer Force 'Infinite Superspeed Flying Object' (T) creep drop interval increased from 0.20s to 0.35s
Reisen has been remade
Eirin's 'Game of Life' base heal/damage value reduced from 100/200/300/400 to 75/150/225/300
Eirin's 'Game of Life' base impact heal/damage reduced from 40/80/120/160 to 30/60/90/120
Kaguya's 'Eternal Bamboo Princess' damage reduction reduced from 65% to 60%
Kaguya's Impossible Request 'Rainbow Danmaku' scaling factor reduced from 1.0 to 0.8
Kaguya's 'End of Imperishable Night -Paschal Moon-' cast range reduced from 600 to 400
Kaguya's Eternity 'Eternal Night Vignette' aura radius reduced from 600 to 400
Kaguya's 'Tree Ocean of Hourai' scaling factor reduced from 2.5 to 2.2
Medicine's Poison Sign 'Poison Breath' base damage reduced from 7/14/21/28 to 5/10/15/20
Aya's 'Bunbunmaru' now does additional damage on her target the first time she hits them
Aya's Wind Sign 'Wind God's Fan' slow effect duration increased from 1.5s to 2.5s, base damage increased from 30/45/60/75 to 45/60/75/90, scaling factor increased from 0.6 to 0.9
Aya's Wind Sign 'Wind God's Fan' now affects buildings
Minoriko's Honesty Sign 'Apple' base heal reduced from 100/150/200/250/300 to 80/120/160/200/240
Minoriko's Honesty Sign 'Apple' scaling factor for healing reduced from 2.5/5.0/7.5/10.0/12.5$ to 2/4/6/8/10%
Hina's Wound Sign 'Pain Flow' now does 50/75/100/125 pure damage to units hit when cast
Hina's Flawed Sign 'Broken Amulet' mana cost changed from 85 to 60/70/80/90
Hina's Flawed Sign 'Broken Amulet' now does 60/80/100/120 pure damage to the target unit when cast
Hina's Cursed Field 'Purification River Deposit' damage absorption changed from 40%/50%/60% to 40%
Hina's Cursed Field 'Purification River Deposit' gravity effect increased from 50G to 75/110/145G
Kanako's Mystery 'Kuzui Clear Water' heals for 70% of the listed damage
Kanako's Heaven's Stream 'Miracle of Otensui' healing percentage decreased from 3/6/9/12% to 2/4/6/8%
Suwako's Divine Tool 'Moriya's Iron Ring' damage increased from 20 + 2.0 to 22 + 2.22, leech factor increased from 20% to 22%
Suwako's Divine Tool 'Moriya's Iron Ring' now hits up to 2 units, with the second unit hit taking 22% less damage
Suwako's Native God 'Gushing Spring of the Ancients' stun duration changed from 1.0/1.5/2.0 to 1.0/1.25/1.50
Suwako's Native God 'Gushing Spring of the Ancients' cooldown changed from 150/125/100 to 150/140/130
Yuugi's Feat of Strength 'Wind Blowing Down From Mt. Ooe' base damage reduced from 250/300/350/400 to 200/250/300/350
Satori's Brain Sign 'Brain Fingerprint' percentage scaling factor reduced from 0.1% to 0.07%
Nazrin's Treasure 'Gold Rush' base damage reduced from 150/200/250 to 100/150/200, scaling factor reduced from 1.25 to 1.00
Byakuren's 'Superhuman Byakuren' maximum health bonus per 2 points of maximum mana increased from 1.0 to 1.2
Byakuren's 'Superhuman Byakuren' now works on buildings (only the healing effect)
Nue's 'Nightmare of Heiankyo' now works on buildings
Sunny Milk's Light Sign 'Blue Deflection' now works on buildings
Renko's Unification 'Metaphysics' critical strike factor of 3.00 reduced to 2.00, chance reduced from 30% to 25%
Tokiko's Heron Sign 'Toki's Counterattack' no longer heals or damages herself
Tokiko's Learning Sign 'Knowledge Application' base damage reduced from 200/300/400 to 140/210/280

Silver Knife's life leech increased from 10% to 12.5%
Small Wooden Stool's life leech increased from 7.5% to 9%
Eye of the Frozen Heart movement speed reduction effect increased from 35% to 45%
3D Escapade's total cost decreased from 4800 to 4500
Added new items - 6 Ball and Gensokyo Chronicles
Healing Star's cooldown increased by 20 seconds
Jiao Shou's Mask total cost reduced from 2400 to 2250
Kitsune's Protection total cost reduced from 2400 to 2100
High-Tech Camera's damage increased from 3.5% to 4%
Hairpin of Sunlight debuff duration reduction increased from 15% to 25%


Innate Ability: Wave Sign 'Heart Murmur'
Reisen's attacks can cause her target's heart to tremble. Units hit by Reisen's attacks will take an additional [3 x Target's Magic Resistance] physical damage.

Phantasmal Rabbit 'Parallel Cross' (D)
Creates 5 illusions to attack the enemy while Reisen turns invisible. The illusions are created in random locations within 200 range and take 400% damage.

Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 35/28/21/14s

Level 1: Illusions carry 8.0% of Reisen's damage and last for 4 seconds.
Level 2: Illusions carry 10.0% of Reisen's damage and last for 5 seconds.
Level 3: Illusions carry 12.0% of Reisen's damage and last for 6 seconds.
Level 4: Illusions carry 14.0% of Reisen's damage and last for 7 seconds.

Weak Heart 'Demotivation' (F)
When activated, Reisen's next attack will sap her target's motivation, causing additional damage and reducing its attack and movement speeds for 2.0 seconds. If the target unit is facing Reisen, the additional damage and slow effect duration will be increased by 50%.

Mana cost: 35/40/45/50
Cooldown: 6 seconds

Level 1: Adds [70 + 1.1 x Intelligence] magic damage, lowers attack and movement speeds by 20%.
Level 2: Adds [100 + 1.1 x Intelligence] magic damage, lowers attack and movement speeds by 30%.
Level 3: Adds [130 + 1.1 x Intelligence] magic damage, lowers attack and movement speeds by 40%.
Level 4: Adds [160 + 1.1 x Intelligence] magic damage, lowers attack and movement speeds by 50%.

Phantasmal Bullet 'Illusion Parallax' (R)
Reisen can cause the distance between her and her targets to fluctuate, effectively increasing her attack range.

Level 1: Increases attack range by 72.
Level 2: Increases attack range by 108.
Level 3: Increases attack range by 144.
Level 4: Increases attack range by 180.

Spread Sign 'Rocket in Mist' (W)
Fires a bullet at the target location that grants her vision of the area for 60 seconds and does magic damage spread over all units in the area. If a girl is within the area, any magic damage from her is lowered by 25%.

Cast range: 1250
Area of effect: 200
Mana cost: 75
Cooldown: 30/15/7.5s

Level 1: Does a total of [300 + 2.6 x Intelligence] magic damage.
Level 2: Does a total of [425 + 2.6 x Intelligence] magic damage.
Level 3: Does a total of [550 + 2.6 x Intelligence] magic damage.

Innate Ability: Solo Concert 'Prismriver Concerto - Keyboard Solo'
Every 4th attack, Lyrica does 65 magic damage in a 300 area.
Each time she kills a unit, the cooldowns for her skills are lowered by 0.3%.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 12:18:23 PM by ApharmdB »

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #39 on: October 25, 2011, 04:27:06 AM »
DotS v0.977d3
Map download: (normal map)
Map download: (optimized map)

v0.977d2 -> v0.977d3
Fixed a bug that made the damage calculation system not work for both Moriya and Hakurei

Yuyuko's Sakura Sign 'Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome' damage changed from 60/90/120/150 to 60/90/120/151

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #40 on: November 03, 2011, 11:03:42 AM »
DotS v0.977e
Map download: (normal map)
Map download: (optimized map)

v0.977d3 -> v0.977e
Fixed a bug that gave the Shinzanken an incorrect magic resistance bonus
Fixed a bug that gave the Gensokyo Chronicles an incorrect magic resistance bonus
Fixed a bug that allowed the Pad to reduce physical damage from skills
Fixed a bug with the Healing Star's calculations
Fixed the Anchor's incorrect cost
Fixed the Thundercloud Scarf's incorrect cost
Fixed a bug that credited Player 1 with kills from Hina's F skill
Fixed a bug that made transformation skills cancel the effects of some skills
Fixed a bug that made Kogasa's Umbrella only give its aura effect
Fixed a bug with damage calculations involving small negative values of magic resistance
Fixed the incorrect damage for Minamitsu's R skill
Fixed the incorrect magic resistance penalty for Merlin's F skill

Magic damage reduction factor per point of magic resistance decreased from 0.06 to 0.05
Ranged creeps now gain 1.0 magic resistance every 10 minutes and gain 15 health every level
Buybacks are now done at a new building
Removed the bonus for killing a player who is on a killstreak
Bonus bounty increased from 350 to 450
Buyback cooldown increased from 0 seconds to [240 + 180 x No. of times bought back] seconds
Removed the special effect for Hina's damage absorb
Shrine armour reduced from 30 to 0
Hammergirl (neutral creep) stun duration reduced from 3.00 seconds to 1.20 seconds, cooldown increased from 9 seconds to 24 seconds
Increased the base attack time for all neutral creeps by 12.5%
Siege creeps now spawn initially after 18 minutes and their health increases by 50/100/150/200% at the 36/54/72/90 minute mark (needs confirmation because I fell asleep in front of the game verifying this -.-)

Chen's Direction Sign 'Kimontonkou' damage reduction increased from 35% to 45%
Chen's Heaven Sign 'Immortal Sage's Rumbling' base damage increased from 50/65/80/95 to 70/85/100/115
Chen's Wizard Sign 'Incarnate Immortal Sage' can now be activated when she is level 1, damage bonus increased from 20/30/40 to (24)/36/48/60, and no longer gives additional damage bonuses
Chen's Wizard Sign 'Incarnate Immortal Sage' cooldown reduced from 26 seconds to 18 seconds
Lunasa's Solo Concert 'Prismriver Concerto - Violin Solo' scaling factor increased from 0.25% to 0.3%
Yuyuko's base armour increased from 1.50 to 3.50
Yuyuko's Deadly Dance 'Law of Mortality' now does a base damage of 15, mana recovery increased from 5/10/15/20 to 10/15/20/25
Suika's 'Throwing Atlas' scaling factor increased from 1.4 to 1.7
Keine's Spiritual Birth 'Beginning of History' mana cost decreased from 135 to 100
Keine's Spiritual Birth 'Beginning of History' cooldown changed from 43/35/28/22/17/13/10 to 28/25/22/19/16/13/10
Keine's Spiritual Birth 'Beginning of History' damage type on normal units for instant kill effect changed from pure damage to physical damage
Keine's Ambition Sign 'Buretsu Crisis' cooldown changed from 43/35/28/22/17/13/10 to 28/25/22/19/16/13/10
Keine's Land Sign 'Hidden Treasure - Headbutt' mana cost decreased from 100 to 75, damage type changed from magic to physical
Keine's Land Sign 'Hidden Treasure - Headbutt' damage increased from 90/120/150/180/210/240/270 to 120/150/180/210/240/270/300
Keine's Land Sign 'Hidden Treasure - Headbutt' tooltip now describes its cooldown reset when used to kill normal units
Reisen's Wave Sign 'Heart Murmur' bonus damage reduced from [3 x Target's Magic Resistance] to [2 x Target's Magic Resistance]
Reisen's Spread Sign 'Rocket in Mist' vision range reduced from 500 to 200
Kaguya's Impossible Request 'Rainbow Danmaku' scaling factor increased from 0.8 to 1.1
Yuuka's Flower Sign 'Moon Shadow, Flower Circle' mana cost reduced from 90/100/110/120  to 70/80/90/100
Yuuka's Flower Fall 'Gravity, Umbrella Assault' mana cost reduced from 100 to 90
Yuuka's Flower Field 'Sunlight, Watering' mana cost reduced from 55/70/85/100 to 50
Hina's Curse Sign 'Purification River Deposit' damage store reduced from 40% to 30%
Shizuha Aki's Leaf Sign 'Tempest Swept Leaves' number of leaves summoned reduced from 15/20/25 to 12/15/18
Nitori's Mech 'All-Weather Phantasmal Aerial Cannon' mana cost reduced from 200/250/300 to 100
Sanae's Great Miracle 'Yasaka's Divine Wind' base damage reduced from 24/36/48/60 to 20/30/40/50
Sanae's Sea Opening 'The Day the Sea Split' base damage reduced from 70/120/170/220 to 60/100/140/180, scaling factor reduced from 1.7 to 1.35
Tenshi's Earth Sign 'Sword of Unyielding Soil' scaling factor increased from 1.0 to 1.3
Yamame's Disease Sign 'Miasma-filled Grounds' spread interval decreased from 3.0 seconds to 2.0 seconds
Yamame's Trap Sign 'Capture Web' mana cost reduced from 70/80/90/100 to 40/50/60/70
Yamame's Spider 'Cave Spider's Nest' base damage increased from 13 to 19, scaling factor increased from an increment every 9 points to an increment every 7 points
Yamame's Small Thread 'Kandata's Rope' scaling factor increased from 0.13 to 0.2, cooldown changed from 80/75/70 to 80/65/50
Utsuho's Control 'Hell's Tokamak Reactor' now reduces only the magic resistance of enemy girls and no longer affects creeps
Minamitsu's Harbour Sign 'Phantom Ship Harbour' cooldown increased from 90 seconds to 135 seconds
Minamitsu's Harbour Sign 'Phantom Ship Harbour' base movement speed decreased from 250/275/300 to 200
Shou's 'Complete Clarification' mana cost reduced from 300/400/500 to 200/250/300

Hakurei Shrine Tea's effect changed from healing 350 health over 10 seconds to healing 250 health over 25 seconds and is now uninterruptible
Scarlet Tea's effect changed from recovering 150 mana over 16 seconds to recovering 150 mana over 25 seconds and is now uninterruptible
Eye of the Heart of Frost slow effect reduced for ranged girls from 45% to 30%
Frost Hat movement speed reduction reduced from 25% to 20%
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 03:53:02 PM by ApharmdB »

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #41 on: November 04, 2011, 12:42:25 PM »
DotS v0.977f
Map download: (normal version)
Map download: (optimized version)

v0.977e -> v0.977f
Fixed the incorrect damage for Meiling's R skill
Fixed the incorrect damage for Minamitsu's R skill
Fixed a bug that gave incorrect bounty for kills
Fixed the incorrect display for Yamame's F skill
Fixed a bug that made Reisen slow herself
Fixed the incorrect damage scaling for Renko's F -> D skill

Adjusted the terrain

Cirno's 'Eye am the Strongest!' scaling factor increased from 0.7 to 0.9
Chen's Heaven Sign 'Immortal Sage's Rumbling' scaling factor increased from 0.7 to 0.9
Youmu's Enlightened Sword 'Rise from Delusion' bonus damage decreased from 10/15/20/25 to 8/12/16/20
Ran's Shikigami Shot 'Fox-Youkai Tanuki Laser' scaling factor increased from 0.9 to 1.1
Yukari's Aerial Bait 'Hyperactive High Speed Flying Object' (D) scaling factor increased from 1.0 to 1.3
Mystia's Vocal Sign 'Hooting in the Night' scaling factor increased from 1.5 to 1.8
Kisume's Horror 'Well-Bucket-Dropping Monster' scaling factor increased from 0.8 to 0.95
Sunny Milk's Light Sign 'Yellow Deflection' cooldown decreased from 25 seconds to 16 seconds
Renko's 'Schrodinger's Cat' agility gain increased from 5 to 7
Renko's Science 'Spirit Blast' cooldown changed from 9/8/7/6 to 12/10/8/6
Renko's Science 'Spirit Blast' base damage changed from 40/60/80/100 to 40/65/90/115
Renko's String Theory 'Euler's Formula' cooldown changed from 9/8/7/6 to 12/10/8/6
Renko's String Theory 'Euler's Formula' base damage changed from 40/60/80/100 to 40/65/90/115
Renko's Magnetism Sign 'Like Poles' cooldown changed from 9/8/7/6 to 12/10/8/6
Renko's Magnetism Sign 'Like Poles' base damage changed from 40/60/80/100 to 40/65/90/115
Tokiko's Heron Sign 'Toki's Counterattack' scaling factor increased from 0.75 to 0.9
Tokiko's Wok Sign 'Mysterious Fire' scaling factor increased from 1.1 to 1.4

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #42 on: November 05, 2011, 12:44:13 PM »
DotS v0.977fail2
Map download: (normal version)
Map download: (optimized version)

v0.977f -> v0.977f2
- Fixed a bug with the formula for gold rewards for assists

- First Blood bonus reduced from 300 to 150
- Tweaked the formula for bounties

- Reisen's Phantasmal Bullet 'Illusion Parallax' (R) bonus range reduced from 72/108/144/180 to 60/90/120/150

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #43 on: November 21, 2011, 12:58:03 PM »
DotS v0.977g2
Map download: (normal version)
Map download: (optimized version)

v0.977g -> v0.977g2
- Fixed a bug with Flandre's F skill that made it cost no mana
- Fixed the incorrect name for Flandre's F skill
- Fixed a bug that made Komachi's W skill permanent and gave it a chance to crash the game

- Flandre's Taboo 'Laevatein' cooldown decreased from 16/14/12/10s to 14/12/10/8s
- Komachi's Soul Sign 'Scythe of Wandering Spirits' base damage changed from 130/190/250/310 to 130/180/230/280
- Komachi's Soul Sign 'Scythe of Wandering Spirits' scaling factor reduced from 2.0 to 1.6

v0.977f2 -> v0.977g
- Fixed a bug that made Reimu's F skill do severely incorrect damage
- Fixed a bug that made Sanae's D skill do severely incorrect damage
- Fixed a bug that made Sakuya's D skill do incorrect damage after using her E skill
- Fixed a bug that made damage from Hina's F skill originate from an incorrect source
- Fixed a bug that made Chen's W skill add incorrect damage
- Fixed a bug with the character selection screen that made the second player disappear

- The character selection screen no longer displays girls' attributes but instead shows each girl's difficulty level of play
- Power lost is now capped at 10 and half of power lost will be dropped on death
- Shrine creeps base magic resistance increased by 2
- Health increments per level are now calculated based on girls' roles
- Attack damage increased by 5 for all girls
- 15 health per level: Tewi
- 20 health per level: Alice, Lily White, Yukari, Rin, Reisen, Eirin, Shikieiki
- 20 health per level: Koakuma, Patchouli, Shizuha, Sanae
- 25 health per level: Reimu, Lunasa, Yuyuko, Ran, Satori, Koishi, Medicine, Sakuya
- 25 health per level: Flandre, Sunny, Hatate, Minoriko, Hina, Momiji, Nitori
- 25 health per level: Kogasa, Minamitsu
- 30 health per level: Marisa, Letty, Chen, Lyrica, Youmu, Yamame, Wriggle
- 30 health per level: Mystia, Keine, Mokou, Iku, Rumia, Aya, Nazrin
- 30 health per level: Nue, Renko
- 35 health per level: Merlin, Kisume, Utsuho, Kaguya, Suika, Tenshi, Yuuka
- 35 health per level: Komachi, Cirno, Meiling, Remilia, Kanako, Suwako, Shou
- 35 health per level: Byakuren, Tokiko
- 40 health per level: Yuugi
- Additional armour scaling of 0.1: Nitori, Ran, Iku, Marisa, Mokou, Shou, Yuugi, Lunasa, Tenshi
- Additional armour scaling of 0.2: Minoriko, Meiling, Hina, Keine, Remilia, Byakuren, Yuuka, Merlin, Kaguya
- Additional armour scaling of 0.3: Letty, Tokiko

- Reimu's attack range decreased from 550 to 500
- Reimu's Treasure Sign 'Yin Yang Orb' scaling factor increased from 1.4 to 1.5
- Reimu's Spirit Sign 'Fantasy Seal' base damage increased from 22/28/34/40 to 30/35/40/45, scaling factor increased from 0.25 to 0.35
- Reimu's Divine Skill 'Demon Binding Circle' scaling factor increased from 0.3 to 0.4
- Marisa's Magic Sign 'Stardust Reverie' scaling factor increased from 1.2 to 1.4
- Marisa's Ritualised Space 'Orreries Sun' scaling factor increased from 0.25 to 0.30
- Rumia's attack range increased from 100 to 125
- Rumia's Darkness Sign 'Demarcation' damage decreased from 15/20/25/30 to 10/15/20/25
- Rumia's 'Is~That~So?' cooldown increased from 36s to 55/50/45s
- Koakuma's base health decreased from 480 to 450
- Koakuma's Fire Sign 'Pyro Match' scaling factor increased from 0.65 to 0.8
- Koakuma's Magic Sign 'Phoenix Order' scaling factor increased from 0.35 to 0.45
- Patchouli's attack range decreased from 600 to 500, base health decreased from 408 to 368
- Patchouli's actual damage decreased from 90% of displayed damage to 87.5%
- Patchouli's Sun Sign 'Grimoire of the Sun' attack damage bonus decreased from +20 to +10
- Patchouli's Metal Wood Sign 'Elemental Harvester' scaling factor increased from 1.9 to 2.35
- Patchouli's Metal Water Sign 'Mercury Poisoning' area of effect decreased from 300 to 250
- Patchouli's Metal Water Sign 'Mercury Poisoning' cast range decreased from 800 to 700
- Patchouli's Metal Fire Sign 'St. Elmo's Pillar' scaling factor increased from 0.5 to 0.55
- Patchouli's Metal Fire Sign 'St. Elmo's Pillar' cast range decreased from 900 to 800
- Patchouli's Metal Earth Sign 'Emerald Megalith' scaling factor increased from 1.75 to 2.0
- Patchouli's Wood Fire Sign 'Schrotter's Match' cast range decreased from 1100 to 900
- Patchouli's Wood Fire Sign 'Schrotter's Match' scaling factor increased from 1.8 to 2.0
- Patchouli's Water Earth Sign 'Noalachian Deluge' cast range decreased from 800 to 700
- Patchouli's Water Earth Sign 'Noalachian Deluge' width decreased from 448/576/704/832 to 320/448/576/704
- Patchouli's Water Fire Sign 'Phlogistic Rain' scaling factor increased from 1.7 to 1.8
- Sakuya's base health increased from 390 to 450
- Sakuya's Conjuring 'Eternal Meek' agility scaling factor increased from 0.70 to 0.9
- Sakuya's Buriallusion 'Phantomic Killer in Night Mist'  agility scaling factor increased from 1.25 to 1.5
- Sakuya's Strange Art 'Misdirection' agility scaling factor increased from 0.80 to 1.35
- Sakuya's Time Sign 'Private Square' now lowers skills' damage by 10% each time they are used
- Flandre's Taboo 'Laevatein' has been re-made
- Flandre's Q.E.D. 'Ripples of 495 Years' has been re-made
- Flandre's 'And Then There Were None?' has been re-made
- Letty's Winter Sign 'Letty's Heart' stationary time required decreased from 5s to 3s
- Chen's attack range increased from 85 to 115
- Alice's base health decreased from 498 to 398
- Alice's 'Shanghai Doll' Lance Storm base damage decreased from 20/30/40/50 to 18/27/36/45
- Youmu's attack range increased from 100 to 120
- Youmu's base health increased from 462 to 512
- Yuyuko's Sakura Sign 'Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome' scaling factor increased from 1.2 to 1.3
- Ran's Shikigami's Radiance 'Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser' scaling factor increased from 1.1 to 1.3
- Yukari's Aerial Bait 'Hyperactive High Speed Flying Object' (D) base damage changed from 81/108/135/162 to 85/110/135/160
- Suika's attack range increased from 100 to 120
- Mystia's attack range increased from 90 to 120
- Mystia's Night Sparrow 'Midnight Chorus Master' grants 4/6/8/10 magic resistance
- Keine's attack range increased from 90 to 115
- Keine's base health increased from 444 to 504
- Tewi's Cunning Rabbit 'Ancient Duper' bomb duration decreased from 240s to 180s, health changed from 75 to infinite (cannot be destroyed by attacking)
- Tewi's Cunning Rabbit 'Ancient Duper' cooldown increased from 10s to 15s, stun duration decreased from 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0s to 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6s
- Tewi's Cunning Rabbit 'Ancient Duper' stun duration on Tewi's death now receives the 200% bonus stated on the skill
- Tewi's base health increased from 300 to 360
- Reisen's base health decreased from 462 to 412
- Kaguya's base health increased from 408 to 508
- Kaguya's 'Eternal Bamboo Princess' damage reduction factor increased from 0.6% to 0.65%
- Kaguya's Impossible Request 'Rainbow Danmaku' health cost changed from 32% of spell's damage to 150/200/250/300
- Kaguya's Impossible Request 'Rainbow Danmaku' scaling factor increased from 1.1 to 1.4
- Kaguya's 'End of Imperishable night -Paschal Moon-' scaling factor increased from 1.4 to 1.6
- Mokou's attack range increased from 100 to 120
- Mokou's Immortal 'Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix-' health cost changed from 100% of spell's damage to 150/200/250/300
- Mokou's 'Possessed by Phoenix' health regeneration increased from +15/30/50 to +30/50/70
- Komachi's Death Song 'Ferriage in the Deep Fog' replaced by 'Narrow Confines of Avici'
- Komachi's Soul Sign 'Soul Games' re-made
- Komachi's Death Sign 'Scythe of Final Judgement' replaced by Soul Sign 'Scythe of Wandering Spirits'
- Komachi's Soul Sign 'Scythe of Wandering Spirits' replaced by Spirit Sign 'Abundant Floating Spirits'
- Komachi's Poor Fate 'Short Life Expectancy' re-made
- Shikieiki's Judgement 'Bar of Ten Kings' no longer gives bonus intelligence and agility
- Shizuha's 'Divinity of Eight Million Red Leaves' agility bonus decreased from 8/16/24/32 to 5/10/15/20
- Minoriko's Honesty Sign 'Apple' scaling factor increased from 0.6 to 1.0
- Nitori's Energy 'Youkai Cucumber Battery' replaced by Energy 'Energized Armoured Suit'
- Nitori's Motion Physics 'Phantasmal Boosters' 1.5x critical strike changed to a 150% bonus for physical damage
- Nitori's Energy 'Photon Cannon Cucumber.II' re-made
- Nitori's Chemistry 'Light Sabre Energy Reaction' mana cost reduced from 90 to 50
- Nitori's Chemistry 'Light Sabre Energy Reaction' scaling factor increased from 1.0 to 1.2
- Nitori's Mech 'All-Weather Phantasmal Aerial Cannons' scaling factor increased from 0.2 to 0.3
- Aya's base health increased from 444 to 474
- Sanae's base movement speed increased from 295 to 310
- Sanae's Great Miracle 'Yasaka's Divine Wind' cast range reduced from 550 to 500
- Sanae's Great Miracle 'Yasaka's Divine Wind' area of effect reduced from 300 to 250
- Sanae's Great Miracle 'Yasaka's Divine Wind' base damage increased from 20/30/40/50 to 30/45/60/75, scaling factor increased from 0.4 to 0.6
- Sanae's Great Miracle 'Yasaka's Divine Wind' duration decreased from 4 to 3
- Sanae's Great Miracle 'Yasaka's Divine Wind' mana cost reduced from 135/150/165/180 to 105/120/135/150
- Sanae's Sea Opening 'The Day the Sea Split' cast range changed from 700 to 490/560/630/700
- Sanae's Miracle 'Night of the Supernova Storm' mana recovery per star removed
- Kisume's base health increased from 426 to 526
- Kisume's Horror 'Well-Bucket Dropping Monster' scaling attribute changed from intelligence to agility
- Kisume's Bucket Sign 'Bucket of Impenetrable Defence' scaling attribute changed from intelligence to agility
- Rin's Cursed Sprite 'Zombie Fairy' health bonus reduced from 20/30/40/50% to 10/20/30/40%
- Koishi's 'Philosophy of a Hated Person' 15% chance of doing 150/200/250/300% damage changed to a 20% chance of doing 175/200/225/250% damage
- Nazrin's attack range increased from 100 to 120
- Nazrin's base health increased from 444 to 484
- Minamitsu's Captain 'Spinach' damage type changed from magic to pure
- Minamitsu's Captain 'Spinach' damage reduced from 30/40/50/60 to 22.5/30.0/37.5/45.0
- Nue's Grudge Bow 'The Bow of Yorimasa Genzanmi' scaling factor increased from 0.8 to 1.1
- Hatate's base health increased from 426 to 456
- Hatate's Continuous Shooting 'Rapid Shot' duration increased from 4s to 5s
- Tokiko's Heron Sign 'Toki's Counterattack' stun duration increased from 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5s to 1.5/1.7/1.9/2.1s
- Tokiko's Heron Sign 'Toki's Counterattack' now heals health equivalent to half of damage dealt
- Tokiko's Wok Sign 'Mysterious Fire' now does 95/130/165/200 magic damage to herself only
- Tokiko's Wok Sign 'Mysterious Fire' now does 30% increased damage if it hits a girl again within 8 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times.

- Cooldown for buying of cards increased from 90s to 105s
- Lovers' Card's effect is reduced by 50% if used on the same unit within 20s
- Sad Girl's Card's effect is reduced by 50% if used on the same unit within 20s
- Xinhua Staff Sensor cooldown increased from 60s to 100s
- Shinigami's Coin no longer has any restrictions on use

Re-made Heros/Skills

Komachi Onozuka

'Narrow Confines of Avici' (Innate)
Passively adds 5 strength and 3 armour. When Soul Sign 'Game of the Souls' is used, Komachi gains a further 10 strength and 6 armour for 5 seconds.

Soul Sign 'Game of the Souls' (D)
Marks the target's soul and causes the target to swap positions with Komachi after 2s if she is still within 3600 range. After swapping, Komachi's next attack will stun her target. If the 'Scythe of Wandering Souls' is used on this next attack, all targets hit will be stunned as well.

Mana cost: 70
Cooldown: 20/18/16/14s

Level 1: Cast range of 200, stuns for 1.0s
Level 2: Cast range of 300, stuns for 1.4s
Level 3: Cast range of 400, stuns for 1.8s
Level 4: Cast range of 500, stuns for 2.2s

Soul Sign 'Scythe of Wandering Souls' (F)
Komachi's normal attacks leech life and carry a 20% chance to swing her scythe, causing damage to units within 320 range and leeching even more life.

Level 1: Leeches 10 health per attack. Scythe swing does [130 + 1.6 x Bonus Strength] physical damage and further leechs 35 health.
Level 2: Leeches 14 health per attack. Scythe swing does [180 + 1.6 x Bonus Strength] physical damage and further leechs 45 health.
Level 3: Leeches 18 health per attack. Scythe swing does [230 + 1.6 x Bonus Strength] physical damage and further leechs 55 health.
Level 4: Leeches 22 health per attack. Scythe swing does [280 + 1.6 x Bonus Strength] physical damage and further leechs 65 health.

Spirit Sign 'Abundant Floating Souls' (R)
Komachi draws out the souls of targets that she kills. Souls can be commanded to disperse, causing [60 + 3% x Target's Maximum Health] magic damage to units within 320 range. Souls are invulnerable and have 120 health and last longer when near Komachi. Activate this skill to command all souls to disperse.

Level 1: Keeps a maximum of 3 souls. Souls have a movement speed of 250.
Level 2: Keeps a maximum of 5 souls. Souls have a movement speed of 270.
Level 3: Keeps a maximum of 7 souls. Souls have a movement speed of 290.
Level 4: Keeps a maximum of 9 souls. Souls have a movement speed of 310.

Poor Fate 'Short Life Expectancy' (W)
Komachi appears next to her target in her capacity as a shinigami, stunning it for 1s and marks it for death, instantly removing half of its current health. For the next 10s, all healing spells will be ineffective on the marked target and any other regeneration effects will be halved.

Cast range: 600
Mana cost: 150
Cooldown: 90/75/60s

Flandre Scarlet

(No change to her innate.)

Taboo 'Four of a Kind' (D)
Flandre summons three images of herself. Each image carries some of her abilities and attack damage and takes 200% damage.

Mana cost: 90/100/110/120
Cooldown: 30s

Level 1: Images last for 9s and do 12% of Flandre's damage.
Level 2: Images last for 10s and do 18% of Flandre's damage.
Level 3: Images last for 11s and do 24% of Flandre's damage.
Level 4: Images last for 12s and do 30% of Flandre's damage.

Taboo 'Laevatein' (F)
A forbidden weapon with immense destructive power. When activated, Flandre charges quickly to her target, passing through any units along the way. For 4s after that, any unit hit by Flandre will have its movement and attack speeds lowered by 10% for 1s (duration cannot be lowered).

Cast range: 400/520/640/760
Mana cost: 70
Cooldown: 14/12/10/8s

Level 1: Slow effect stacks 1 time
Level 2: Slow effect stacks 2 times
Level 3: Slow effect stacks 3 times
Level 4: Slow effect stacks 4 times

Q.E.D. 'Ripples of 495 Years' (R)
Passively adds attack damage and causes Flandre to leech life to her real self when dealing any physical damage.

Level 1: Adds 6 damage, gives 12% life leech when dealing physical damage.
Level 2: Adds 9 damage, gives 18% life leech when dealing physical damage.
Level 3: Adds 12 damage, gives 24% life leech when dealing physical damage.
Level 4: Adds 15 damage, gives 30% life leech when dealing physical damage.

'And Then There Will Be None?' (W)
When activated, Flandre concentrates massive destructive power into her next attack, dealing 4 times her normal damage. Lasts for 12s.

Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 60/45/30s

Nitori Kawashiro

Energy 'Energized Armoured Suit'
Nitori's armoured suit converts damage taken into power. Every 60s, Nitori's physical damage and magic damage increases by 0.3%.

Energy 'Photon Cannon Cucumber.II' (F)
Fires a huge photon beam, causing massive magic damage. The damage is reduced by 10% for each successive target hit. Units hit will have their movement speed and attack damage reduced by 30%. Does half damage to buildings.

Cast range: 1500
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 7s

Level 1: Does [90 + 1.7 x Intelligence] magic damage.
Level 2: Does [140 + 1.7 x Intelligence] magic damage.
Level 3: Does [190 + 1.7 x Intelligence] magic damage.
Level 4: Does [240 + 1.7 x Intelligence] magic damage.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 09:43:34 PM by ApharmdB »

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #44 on: December 06, 2011, 02:38:39 PM »
So I saw this update and asked December about it - some of the devs have gone on vacation, so 0.978 will be delayed by quite a bit. Hence their decision to update 0.977g2 for the moment instead. v0.977h2 and v0.977i are expected within the next week or so. Oh well... In other news, I'm almost done with 0.977g2's translation. 0.977i should be the next translated map if all goes according to what I discussed with Dec and shouldn't take too long - the only changes to 0.977 maps hereon are just numerical tweaks.

DotS v0.977h
Map download:
Map download (English):

v0.977g2 -> v0.977h
- Fixed a bug that made Reisen's F skill lower attack speed
- Fixed a bug that prevented Nitori's F skill from having its cooldown reduced at level 4 by the Nuclear Control Rod
*- Fixed a bug that made the Nuclear Control Rod reduce the cooldown of Lunasa's D skill by 40% instead of 25%

- Cirno's slow effects increased from 40% to 50%
- Koakuma's Fire Sign 'Pyro Match' cooldown changed from 8s to 8/7/6/5s
- Koakuma's Fire Sign 'Pyro Match' base damage changed from 70/90/110/130 to 70/95/120/145
- Koakuma's Little Devil 'Devil May Cry' cooldown changed from 85 to 85/65/45
- Patchouli's Metal Water Sign 'Mercury Poisoning' no longer lowers attack speed
- Sakuya's Conjuring 'Eternal Meek' base damage increased from 45/60/75/90 to 60/80/100/120
- Sakuya's Time Sign 'Private Square' cooldown changed from 120 to 120/100/80, damage decay reduced from 10% to 5%
- Remilia's Divine Spear 'Spear The Gungnir' scaling factor increased from 2.2 to 2.6
- Flandre's Taboo 'Laevateinn' slow effect increased from 10% to 15%
- Chen's Yin Yang 'Large Pentagram Crest' base damage changed from 60/80/100/120 to 60/85/110/135, scaling factor increased from 0.9 to 1.1
- Chen's Yin Yang 'Large Pentagram Crest' curse duration changed from 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0s to 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0s
- Chen's Heaven Sign 'Immortal Sage Rumbling' base damage changed from 70/85/100/115 to 70/90/110/130
- Lunasa's Violinist 'Melancholic Strings' magic resistance reduction increased from 0.25/0.5/0.75/1.00 to 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0
- Yuyuko's Sakura Sign 'Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome' base damage changed from 60/90/120/151 to 60/95/130/165
- Yuyuko's Sakura Sign 'Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome' scaling factor increased from 1.3 to 1.4
- Ran's Illusion God 'Descent of Izuna Gongen' area of effect reduced from 500 to 350
- Mystia's cast time reduced from 0.5 to 0.35
- Keine's Land Sign 'Hidden Sacred Treasures  Headbutt' base stun duration increased from 0.3/0.4/0.5/0.6 to 0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9
- Tewi's Cunning Rabbit 'Ancient Duper' cooldown increased from 15s to 18s
- Reisen's Phantasmal Bullet 'Illusion Parallax' range increase reduced from 60/90/120/150 to 50/75/100/125
- Kaguya's 'End of Imperishable Night -Paschal Moon-' cooldown decreased from 23/21/19/17 to 19/17/15/13
- Komachi's Soul Sign 'Games of the Soul' stun effect now only activates within 6s of the swap
- Iku's Light Star 'Dragon God's Sigh' chance to cast chain lightning increased from 10/12/14/16 to 12.5/15/17.5/20.0
- Iku's Angel's Raiments 'Veils Like Time' (innate) health increase increased from 10 to 15
- Kisume's Horror 'Well-Bucket Dropping Monster' stun duration changed from 0.50/0.75/1.00/1.25 to 1.25
- Kisume's Will-o-the-Wisp 'Extinguishing Number' cast time reduced from 1s to 0s, area of effect reduced from 600 to 450
- Satori's Recollection 'Terrible Souvenir' base damage increased from 24/32/40/48 to 30/40/50/60
- Satori's Recollection 'Terrible Souvenir' scaling factor increased from 0.36 to 0.5, stun duration increased from 0.1s to 1.0s
- Satori's Memory Sign 'Brain Fingerprint' scaling factor reduced from 2.0 to 1.4
- Satori's Heart Rose 'Camera Shy Rose' duration reduced from 1.2 to 0.8
- Satori's Recollection 'Terrifying Hypnosis' base damage increased from 105/140/175 to 135/170/205, cooldown changed from 75 to 75/65/55

- Utsuho's Explosion Sign 'Peta Flare' scaling factor increased from 0.85 to 0.95
- Utsuho's 'Abyss Nova' scaling factor increased from 1.3 to 1.45
- Minamitsu's Capsize 'Foundering Anchor' now works on normal units
- Minamitsu's Drowning Sign 'Sinkable Vortex' duration reduced from 4s to 3s
- Byakuren's 'Superhuman Byakuren Hijiri' scaling factor increased from 1.2 to 1.3
- Sunny's Flickering Light 'Fatal Flash' magic resistance penalty of 4.0 changed to a magic resistance bonus of 4.0

- Internet Addiction Eliminator cooldown increased from 36s to 90s
- 3D Escapade magic resistance reduction reduced from 10 to 9
- Nice Boat critical strike changed from 20% chance to do 3x damage to 27.5% chance to do 2.5x damage

*This fix is not present in the original Chinese version of the map.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 09:46:17 AM by ApharmdB »

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #45 on: December 25, 2011, 02:57:55 AM »
DotS v0.977h2/3
Map download (Chinese):

v0.977h1/3 -> v0.977h2/3
- Fixed the incorrect cooldown of the Magician's Hat ability
- Fixed a bug that caused Parsee's innate skill to crash the game if the game was played a second time

v0.977h -> v0.977h1/3
- Fixed a bug that made Aya able to store tornado charges
- Fixed a bug that made Minamitsu able to hook ancient creeps with her anchor
- Fixed the incorrect cooldown of the Green Dam Youth Escort

- New girl added: Parsee Mizuhashi
- Marisa's Ritualised Space 'Orreries Sun' attack interval increased from 1.20s to 1.45s
- Lunasa's Fake Strings 'Pseudo Stradivarius' cooldown time changed from 10s to 10.0/9.5/9.0/8.5s
- Lyrica's Key ghost 'Rhythmic Keyboard Piece - First Movement' duration decreased from 5/6/7s to 4.0/4.5/5.0s
- Yuyuko's Sakura Sign 'Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome' mana cost reduced from 90/100/110/120 to 60/70/80/90
- Yuyuko's Sakura Sign 'Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome' base damage increased from 60/95/130/165 to 70/105/140/175
- Ran's Shikigami Radiance 'Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser' cast range reduced from 600 to 550, bounce range reduced from 600 to 325/400/475/550
- Koishi's 'Philosophy of a Hated Person' evasion rate reduced from 10/15/20/25% to 5/10/15/20%
- Wriggle's Wriggle Sign 'Night Bug Tornado' number of bugs increased from 8 to 9
- Tewi's Rabbit Sign 'Great Fortune Crest' now requires 8/10/12/14 mana per shot
- Reisen's Phantasmal Rabbit 'Parallel Cross' duration reduced from 4/5/6/7s to 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5s
- Tenshi's 'Scarlet Weather Rhapsody of All Mankind' damage changed from 200/300/400 to 200/335/470
- Komachi's Soul Sign 'Games of the Soul' no longer has a stun effect
- Koakuma's Fire Sign 'Pyro Match' base damage increased from 70/95/120/145 to 75/105/135/165
- Koakuma's Fire Sign 'Pyro Match' scaling factor increased from 0.8 to 1.3
- Flandre's QED 'Ripples of 495 Years' damage bonus increased from 6/9/12/15 to 10/15/20/25
- Sanae's Great Miracle 'Yasaka's Divine Wind' duration increased from 3s to 4s
- Suwako's Divine Tool 'Moriya's Iron Ring' damage reduces by 22% for every 220 distance traveled
- Suwako's Divine Tool 'Moriya's Iron Ring' cooldown increased from 2.00s to 2.22s (-.-;;)
- Suwako's health bonus per level reduced from 35 to 27

- Green Dam Youth Escort duration decreased from 6s to 4.5s

Parsee Mizuhashi
Mage Hero     Ranged Intelligence
Difficulty: 4/5

Base movement speed: 300
Health: 462[+30.6](+25)
Mana: 273[+32.5](+0)
Base attack: 51-54 [+2.50](+0.0)
Base attack time: 1.75s
Attack range: 500
Strength: 19 [+1.70]
Agility: 20 [+1.80]
Intelligence: 21 [+2.50]

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #46 on: January 03, 2012, 04:51:22 PM »
External Model Pack for the DotS v0.978 and above
Download: (15mb)

How to Install
1. Extract the THDots folder to your Warcraft 3 folder. For example, if your WC3 executable is located at C:\Warcraft 3\war3.exe, then the folder ought to look like C:\Warcraft 3\THDots

2. Run the registry file contained in the THDots folder. You may need to rename it to something in english first.

Dormio Ergo Sum

  • MotK's Official Idlebot
  • *
  • I don't bite... much.
Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #47 on: January 13, 2012, 03:19:59 AM »
DotS 0.980a - DL Link (Chinese)

-A whole bunch of bug fixes I might translate later.

-Item magic damage stacking does not work.
-Remilia's R skill is no longer affected by items skills.
-Nitori's innate no longer works with item skills.
-Hakkero's bonus damage does not apply to items.
-Lunasa's R skill does not work with item's magical damage.
-Girl's vision during the day lowered from 1200 -> 1050.
-Girl's vision during the night lowered from 800 -> 700.
-Natural 10% resistance to physical damage removed.
-Natural 10% resistance to magical damage removed.
-Creep HP increased by 10%.
-HP gain per point of STR increased from 18 -> 20.
-Character's HP is displayed after dividing by 0.9(?).
-Lyrica's HP gain per level changed from 30 -> 30.
-Youmu's HP gain per level changed from 30 -> 30.
-Yuugi's HP gain per level changed from 40 -> 40.
-Utsuho's HP gain per level changed from 35 -> 35.
-Koishi's HP gain per level changed from  25 -> 25.
-Wriggle's HP gain per level changed from  30 -> 30.
-Keine's HP gain per level changed from  30 -> 35.
-Reisen's HP gain per level changed from  20 -> 20.
-Yuuka's HP gain per level changed from  35 -> 32.
-Komachi's HP gain per level changed from  35 -> 35.
-Patchouli's HP gain per level changed from  20 -> 19.
-Sakuya's HP gain per level changed from 25 -> 26.
-Remilia's HP gain per level changed from 35 -> 35.
-Flandre's HP gain per level changed from 25 -> 32.
-Aya's HP gain per level changed from 30 -> 30.
-Shizuha's HP gain per level changed from  20 -> 20.
-Sanae's HP gain per level changed from  20 -> 20.
-Suwako's HP gain per level changed from  27 -> 27.
-Armor gained per point of AGI reduced from 0.14 -> 0.10.
-All girl's base armor increased by 1.
-MP gain per point of INT reduced from 13 -> 10.
-INT characters gain job stats(?).

-Every 6 minutes, creep HP will be increased by 20%.
-Roaming Bro(?[jungle creep, the beastmaster])'s HP reduced from 1100 -> 900.
-Central jungle creep damage reduced by 20%.
-Advanced jungle creep HP reduced by 15%, damage increased by 30%, large P stat increase increased from +8 -> +12.
-Killing strong jungle creeps gives you 80 HP/MP.
-It is impossible to lower the speed or armor of jungle creeps.
-The yukkuri camp's HP has been reduced by 25%, damage reduced by 30%.
-Giant Shanghai Doll's HP has been reduced by 25%, time between attacks increased from 0.8 -> 1.1.

-Reimu's attack range reduced from 500 -> 475.
-Reimu's base armor increased by 1.
-Yin Yang Jade base damage reduced from 105/155/200/225 -> 95/145/190/215.
-Yin Yang Jade scaling factor increased from 1.5 -> 1.7.
-Fantasy Seal's MP cost changed from 80 -> 60/70/80/90.
-Fantasy Seal's scaling factor increased from 0.35 -> 0.4.
-Duplex Border's MP cost changed from 50/75/100/125 -> 90.
-Demon Binding Circle's area of effect reduced from 400/500/600 -> 300/350/400.
-Demon Binding Circle's MP cost reduced from 200/300/400 -> 200/250/300.

-Marisa's attack range reduced from 550 -> 500.
-Devildam Torch(Fairy Destruction Bomb?) replaced by Half-Space(?)
-Blazing Star's MP cost changed from 90 -> 75/80/85/90.
-Blazing Star's scaling factor increased from 0.7 -> 0.9.
-Stardust Reverie's cooldown changed from 5 -> 8/7/6/5.
-Stardust Reverie's scaling factor increased from 1.4 -> 1.6.
-Stardust Reverie's double damage AoE reduced from 200 -> 150.
-Stardust Reverie's area of effect decreased from 400 x (70~400) -> 350 x (70~350)
-Orreries Solar System's scaling factor increased from 0.3 -> 0.35.

-Flower Wither Away's maximum casting time increased from 9 -> 11 seconds.
-Flower Wither Away's base damage increased from 26/39/52/65 -> 40/50/60/70, scaling factor increased from 0.4 -> 0.6.
-Flower Wither Away's area of effect changed from 400 -> 300/350/400/450.
-Undulation Ray's base damage increased from 68/95/122/149 -> 70/100/130/160.
-Undulation Ray's scaling factor increased from 0.9 -> 1.5.

-Rolling Ball's cast range changed from 300/400/500/600 -> 450/500/550/600.
-Large Pentagram Crest's scaling factore increased from 1.1 -> 1.35.
-Kimontonkou changed to Kimontonkou.

-Lily's base armor increased by 2.
-Maze Reversal cooldown reduced from 10 -> 7 seconds.
-Call of Spring / Roar of Spring changed so that the first tick occurs immediately upon casting.
-Call of Spring / Roar of Spring's healing/damage scaling factor increased from 0.45 -> 0.7.
-Lily's Lake / River of the Wild's healing/damage scaling factor increased from 0.3 -> 0.6.
-White Spring / Black Spring's healing/damage scaling factor increased from 0.5 -> 0.9, lasts for 9 -> 7 seconds.

-Alice's base armor increased by 2.
-Returning Doll removed, all dolls return 50 MP to Alice upon destruction.
-Shanghai Doll, New England Doll, Hourai Doll all cost 50 MP to cast, 6 second cooldown.
-Shanghai Dolls armor increased by 2, New England Dolls magic resistance increased by 5.
-Doll's War cooldown of 0.75/1.50/2.25.

-Lunasa's base armor increased by 2.
-Lunasa's attack range reduced from 550 -> 515.
-Pseudo Stradivarius' scaling factor increased from 0.5 -> 0.9.
-Melancholic Strings' bonus damage increased from 8/16/24/32 -> 10/20/30/40.

-Ghost Clifford's scaling factor increased from 0.5 -> 1.5.
-Ghost Clifford's taunt time changed from 1.0/1.4/1.8/2.2 -> 1.6/1.8/2.0/2.2 seconds.
-Ghost Clifford's taunt changed from Ghost Pact Taunt(?) to Perfect Taunt(?).
-Ghost Clifford's cast range reduced from 500 -> 450.
-Ghost Clifford's cooldown changed from 10 -> 13/12/11/10 seconds.

-Lyrica's base armor increased by 1.
-Bosendorfer cast range reduced from 600 -> 500.

-Youmu's base armor reduced by 1.
-Slash of Eternity's cast range reduced 750 -> 650.

-Death Butterfly, Floating Moon added as an innate.
-Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome's scaling factor increased from 1.4 -> 1.55.
-Life of Drunk, Vision of Death's cast range reduced from 750 -> 650.
-Law of Mortality's scaling factor increased from 0.013 -> 0.015.
-Resurrection Butterfly's number of hits changed from 3/5/7 -> 5/6/7.

-Ran's attack range reduced from 550 -> 500.
-Ran's base armor increased by 2.
-Ultimate Buddhist's cooldown changed from 11 -> 17/15/13/11 seconds.
-Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser's base damage reduced from 60/90/120/150 -> 50/75/100/125, scaling factor decreased from 1.3 -> 1.05.
-Descent of Izuna-Gongen's cooldown increased from 115 -> 135 seconds.
-Descent of Izuna-Gongen's effect changed.

-Yukari's attack ranged reduced from 550 -> 525.
-Semi-Bordered Flying Object's scaling factor increased from 1.3 -> 1.55.
-Bewitching Butterfly Living in the Zen Temple's creep timing changed from 105/90/75/60(-Yukari's level) -> 70/60/50/40 seconds.
-First Category Perpetual Motion Device's number of units released changed from 2/4/6/8 -> 4/5/6/7.
-First Category Perpetual Motion Device's MP cost changed from 100/200/300/400 -> 150/200/250/300.
-First Category Perpetual Motion Device's cooldown reduced from 110 -> 100/90/70/50 seconds.

-Well-bucket-dropping Monster's cast range reduced from 1000 -> 900, cooldown changed from 6 -> 9/8/7/6 seconds.
-Well-bucket-dropping Monster's stun duration increased from 1.25 -> 1.3 seconds.
-Well-bucket-dropping Monster's base damage increased from 50/75/100/125 -> 60/90/120/150, scaling factor increased from 0.95 -> 1.25.
-Flying in a Well's cast range reduced from 500/600/700/800 -> 400/500/600/700.
-Flying in a Well's base damage changed from 120/180/240/300 -> 150/200/250/300, scaling factor increased from 2.25 -> 3.00.
-Flying in a Well's MP cost decreased from 80/100/120/140 -> 80/90/100/110.
-The Bucket of Impenetrable Defense's MP cost decreased from 60/90/120/150 -> 60/80/100/120.
-Extinguishing Number's base damage increased from 400/550/700 -> 500/725/950.

-Medicine's base armor increased by 2.

-Capture Web's cooldown decreased from 15/14/13/12 -> 13/12/11/10 seconds.
-Japanese Foliage Spider's spiders gain bonuses from every 7 -> 6 points of Yamame's STR/AGI.
-Filled Miasma's base damage increased from 50/75/100/125 -> 80/120/160/200.
-Filled Miasma's scaling factor changed from 0.8 -> 1.9xBonus STR + 1.9x Bonus INT.
-Fine Spun Thread's cooldown reduced from 80/65/50 -> 50/40/30.
-Fine Spun Thread's base damage increased from 15/27/39 -> 30/40/50, scaling factor decreased from 0.2 -> 0.

-Shackles a Criminal Can't Take Off's area of effect reduced from 350/400/450/500 -> 350/380/410/440.
-Yuugi's cast animation delay reduced from 1.0 -> 0.7 seconds.

-Blazing Wheel's vision during the day reduced from 1400 -> 1000, vision during the night reduced from 1200 -> 600.
-Blazing Wheel gains +2/4/6/8 magic resistance.

-Satori's attack range reduced from 550 -> 525.
-Uncontactable Rose added as an innate. (Satori's targeting skills will do an additional 12.5% damage.)
-Terrible Souvenir's base damage reduced from 30/40/50/60 -> 20/30/40/50.
-Terrible Souvenir's cast range reduced from 800 -> 750.
-Brain Fingerprint's cooldown changed from 16/12/8/4 -> 13/10/7/4 seconds.
-Brain Fingerprint's cast range reduced from 800 -> 725.
-Camera Shy Rose changed.

-Utsuho's attack range reduced from 550 -> 475.
-Peta Flare's cast range reduced from 600 -> 550.
-Peta Flare's scaling factor changed to STR x 1.05 / INT x 0.95, DoT scaling factor changed to STR x 0.35 / INT x 0.65. (The higher value will be taken.)
-Abyss Nova's scaling factor changed to STR x 1.60 / INTx2.85. (The higher value will be taken.)
-Hell?s Artificial Sun's DoT scaling factor changed to STR x 0.50 / INT x 0.85, explosion scaling factor changed to STR x 3.10 / INT x 4.75. (The higher value will be taken.)

-Koishi's attack range reduced from 550 -> 500.
-DNA's Flaw added as an innate. (When Koishi is targeted by a skill, she will reduce its damage by 12.5%.)
-Philosophy of a Hated Person's evasion chance reduced from 10/15/20/25% -> 5/10/15/20%
-Subterranean Rose's stat bonus reduced from 50/100/150 -> 50/95/140.

-Firefly Phenomenon removed.

-Mystia's model animation delay reduced from 0.35 -> 0.25 seconds.
-Hooting in the Night's scaling factor increased from 1.8 -> 2.1.

-Creation of the Future - Lunatic Moon's skill boosting effect removed.
-IkaruNga's cooldown reduced from 28/25/22/19 -> 28/24/20/16 seconds.
-Buretsu Crisis's cooldown reduced from 28/25/22/19 -> 28/24/20/16 seconds.
-Hidden Sacred Treasure - Headbutt's base damage increased from 120/150/180/210 -> 120/165/210/255.
-Hidden Sacred Treasure - Headbutt's scaling factor changed from Bonus INT x 1.2 -> Bonus STR x 1.2 + Bonus INT x 1.2.
-Hidden Sacred Treasure - Headbutt's cast range increased from 400/450/500/500 -> 500/570/640/710.

-Tewi's attack range reduced from 600 -> 550.

-Reisen's attack range reduced from 600 -> 550.
-Illusion Parallax is now a buff effect, lasts 10 seconds, costs 65 MP, 14 second cooldown.
-Illusion Parallax's range increase increased from 50/75/100/125 -> 70/105/140/175.

-Eirin's attack range reduced from 600 -> 550.

-Kaguya's attack range reduced 550 -> 525.

-Mokou Mokou -> Mokou. (Mokou revamp.)

-Throwing Atlas' MP cost changed from 120 -> 90/100/110/120.
-Throwing Atlas' cooldown reduced from 15 -> 15/14/13/12 seconds.
-Mini-Suika's vision during the day reduced from 900 -> 500, vision during the night reduced from 400 -> 250.
-Mini-Suika gains +70 magic resistance.

-Iku's attack range reduced from 600 -> 550.
-Dragon God?s Sigh activates every 3 attacks.

-Sword of the Unyielding Soil's MP cost reduced from 115/130/145/160 -> 100/115/130/145.
-Sword of Worry and Joy's HP/MP recovery changed from +2/4/6/8 -> HP +2/3/4/5, MP +4/6/8/10.
-Sword of Worry and Joy increases armor by 4/6/8/10.

-Medicine's attack range reduced from 600 -> 550.
-Medicine's base armor reduced by 1.

-Shikieiki's attack ranged reduced from 600 -> 550.
-(?) effect factor changed from x3 -> x4. (?)
-Last Judgement's cast range reduced from 600 -> 550.

-Demarcation's area of effect reduced from 250 -> 225.

-Cirno Cirno -> Cirno. (Cirno revamp.)

-Earth & Sky Dragon Kick's cast range reduced from 500/550/600/650 -> 400/450/500/550.

-Taboo Grimoire Index's effect changed.
-Devil May Cry's MP cost reduced from 150/250/350 -> 150/225/300.
-Devil May Cry causes splash damage when hitting yourself.
-Devil May Cry's splash damage reduced by 50%.

-Patchouli's base armor increased by 2.
-Patchouli's weakness factor reduced from 87.5% -> 90.0%.
-Elemental Harvester's cast range reduced from 1500 -> 1350.
-Elemental Harvester's scaling factor increased from 2.35 -> 2.6.
-Mercury Poisoning's area of effect reduced from 250 -> 225.
-Saint Elmo's Pillar's scaling factor increased from 0.55 -> 0.65.
-Emerald Megalith's area of effect reduced from 240/280/320/360 -> 200/240/280/320.
-Emerald Megalith's scaling factor increased from 1.5 -> 1.7.
-Water Elf's scaling factor increased from 1.5 -> 1.7.
-Schrotter's Match's cast range reduced from 900 -> 800, area of effect reduced from 250 -> 225.
-Schrotter's Match's scaling factor increased from 2.0 -> 2.3.
-Ficus Creeper's cast range reduced from 1500 -> 1350, scaling factor increased from 1.45 -> 1.65.
-Phlogistic Rain's cast range reduced from 750 -> 675, scaling factor increased from 1.8 -> 2.0.

-Sakuya?s Special Stopwatch's cast range reduced from 1150/1300/1450/1600 -> 1000/1150/1300/1450.

-Remilia's base armor increased by 2.
-Spear the Gungnir's cast range reduced from 2000 -> 1800.
-Spear the Gungnir's scaling factor increased from 2.6 -> 2.8.
-Vampirish Night's HP increased from 125/250/375/500 -> 140/280/420/560.
-Bloody Magic Square adds 6/9/12/15 INT.
-Red the Nightless Castle's sustaining MP cost changed from 75 -> 35/55/75.
-Red the Nightless Castle's scaling factor changed from 0.7 -> 0.35/0.55/0.75.

-Four of a Kind's damage increased from 12/18/24/30% -> 16/24/32/40%.
-Laevateinn's cast range increased from 400/520/640/760 -> 600/680/760/840.
-And Then Will There Be None?'s critical multiplier increased from 4x -> 4/4.5/5x.

-Shizuha's attack range reduced from 600 -> 550.
-Creeping Wilted Roots' scaling factor increased from 1.6 -> 2.4.

-Minoriko Minoriko -> Minoriko. (Minoriko revamp.)

-Hina's main stat is now STR.
-Hina's STR increased from 18 + 2.1 -> 23 + 2.5.
-Hina's AGI increased from 17 + 1.5 -> 17 + 1.9.
-Hina's INT reduced from 25 + 2.4 -> 20 + 1.6.
-(?) added as an innate. (Every 10 seconds, blocks up to 15% of your max HP in damage.)
-Exiled Doll's HP increased from 90 -> 100.
-Exiled Doll's MP cost reduced from 75/100/125/150 -> 70/85/90/105.
-Broken Amulet's cooldown reduced from 5 -> 3 seconds.

-Energized Armor removed.
-Photon Cannon Cucumber.II's scaling factor increased from 1.7 -> 2.0.
-Light Saber Energy Reaction's scaling factor increased from 1.2 -> 1.45.

-Rabies Bite's White Wolf Tengus have +4/6/8/10 magic resistance.
-Maple Vanguard's cooldown reduced from 17 -> 10 seconds, scaling factor increased from 1.2 -> 2.4.

-Aya innate added. (Adds 10 movement speed for every level Aya has. Movement speed bonus does not stack with items such as broom.)
-Illusionary Dominance's scaling changed to AGI x 1.0 / INT x 2.0. (The higher value will be taken.)
-Wind God's Fan's scaling changed to AGI x 0.9 / INT x 1.8. (The higher value will be taken.)
-Illusionary Dominance's cast range reduced from 600/900/1200/1500 -> 600/850/1100/1350.
-Bunbunmaru's subsequent hit damage increased from 15/30/45/60 -> 16.5/33.0/49.5/66.0.

-Sanae's base armor increased by 1.
-Sanae's attack range decreased from 500 -> 475.
-Yasaka's Divine Wind's scaling factor increased from 0.6 -> 0.9.
-Yasaka's Divine Wind's cooldown reduced from 15 -> 15/14/13/12.
-The Day the Sea Split's effect changed.

-Kanako's attack range reduced from 600 -> 550.

-Hatate innate added.
-Rapid Shot's duration increased from 5 -> 6 seconds.
-Kakashi Spirit News' damage increased from 9/18/27/36 -> 11/22/33/44.

-Kogasa Kogasa -> Kogasa. (Kogasa revamp.)

-Spinach's STR bonus changed from 30/40/50/60 -> 20/28/36/44 + Minamitsu's Level x 1.
-Spinach's damage bonus changed from 22.5/30/37.5/45 -> 16/21/26/31 + Minamitsu's Level x 1.
-Phantom Ship's Harbor's Phantom Ship's vision during the day reduced from 1400 -> 1000, vision during the night reduced from 800 -> 600.

-Purifying Magic's cast range reduced from 600 -> 525.
-(?)'s healing rate reduced from 2.5% -> 2.0%.

-Identified's effect changed.
-Nightmare in Heiankyo's bonus damage increased from 10/20/30/40 -> 12.5/25.0/37.5/50.
-The bow of Yorimasa Genzanmi's scaling factor increased from 1.1 -> 1.5.

-Tokiko's base armor reduced by 1.

-Sunny Milk's base armor reduced by 1.
-Ice Dissolver's damage decreased from 115/150/185/220 -> 85/120/155/190.
-Ice Dissolver has a scaling factor of 0 -> 1.9 based on INT.
-Blue Deflection's damage decreased from 100/150/200/250 -> 85/120/155/190.
-Blue Deflection has a scaling factor or 0 -> 1.9 based on INT, cooldown reduced from 10 -> 10/9/8/7.
-Blue Deflection's casting range reduced from 600 -> 550.
-Hyper Inflection's base damage reduced from 60 -> 50, scaling factor increased from 0 -> 0.4 based on INT.

-New character added: Luna Child.

-New character added: Soga no Tojiko.

-Kappa Life Detector price increased from 200 -> 250.
-Tengu Spy Camera price increased from 300 -> 375.
-Swimsuit price reduced from 1200 -> 1100.
-Swimsuit armor bonus increased from 8 -> 10.
-Sinsack price reduced from 1200 -> 1100.
-Sinsack magic resistance increased from 8 -> 10.
-Myon Balloon armor bonus increased from 15 -> 18.
-Zun Glasses magic resistance increased from 15 -> 18.
-Iku's Clothes armor bonus increased from 10 -> 12, magic resistance increased from 10 -> 12.
-Phoenix Wing's armor bonus increased from 8 -> 10.
-Tentacle's magic resistance increased from 8 -> 10, recipe price increased from 800 -> 1000.
-Bloody Parasol's armor bonus aura increased from +4 -> +6.
-Onbanshira's magic resistance increased from 3 -> 4, magic resistance aura increased from +5 -> +6.
-Party Basket's HP regeneration reduced from 5 -> 4, MP regeneration reduced from 2.5 -> 2, reduces cooldowns by 10%.
-Hakurei Shrine Amulet's HP regeneration reduced from 5 -> 4, MP regeneration reduced from 2.5 -> 2, reduces cooldowns by 10%.
-Nuclear Fusion Control Rod's HP regeneration reduced from 5 -> 4, MP regeneration reduced from 2.5 -> 2.
-Nuclear Fusion Control Rod's price reduced from 4750 -> 4150.
-New Item: (?)'s Third Eye.
-L?vateinn's damage bonus reduced from 15% -> 12.5%.
-Nice Boat's chance to critical strike reduced from 27.5% -> 25%.
-Hakkero's bonus magic damage reduced from 30% -> 25%.
-Melancholic Violin ignores 25% -> 35% of magic resistance.

New system introduced, the modes must now be typed out within the first 10 seconds of the game starting.
-sp: Shuffle mode. Mixes up all the slots.
-cp#: Usable within shuffle mode. Requests to swap with #.
-sin: Usable within shuffle mode. Denies requests.
-ob: Referee mode.
-rb: Random ban mode.
-ar: All random mode.

New commands.
-cam#: Controls view. (80~150)
-dev: Checks your assets.
-as: Checks your attack speed.
-roll: Rolls dice.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 10:42:00 PM by Ran Yakumo »

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #48 on: January 14, 2012, 07:21:10 PM »
Thanks Dormio for that long as hell changelog translation :P

Also, DotS Model Pack v0.002 (to be used with DotS v0.980b)

Note: Delete the THDotS folder containing the old model pack before using this. There is only 1 file now - put the THDots_data.mix file in your Warcraft 3 folder, run the registry file if you haven't run it from the previous model pack yet, and that's it!

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #49 on: January 14, 2012, 09:02:18 PM »
DotS v0.980b

v0.980a -> v0.980b
-Fixed a bug that prevented weathers from being used
-Fixed an item duplication bug
-Fixed a bug that made Kanako's D skill in MOF mode have no effect
-Fixed a bug that prevented Reimu from gaining intelligence when obtaining power
-Fixed a bug that desynced players when using the -fol command (command is temporarily disabled)
-Fixed a bug that desynced players when Parsee's innate activated
-Fixed a bug that made Minoriko unable to throw apples even if she bought one
-Fixed a bug that made Yuuka's W skill have no effect
-Fixed a bug that caused Chen's R skill to activate multiple times when her W skill effect ended

-Fixed a bug that made Minoriko's W skill have no model
-Fixed a bug that made Shizuha's attack and W skill have no graphical effect
-Fixed a bug that made Minamitsu's D and F skills not display her anchor
-Fixed Medicine's F skill's lack of a model
-Fixed Tenshi's F skill's lack of a model

-Fixed the incorrect distance blinked in Aya's W skill
-Fixed Cirno's W skill not activating her frost nova
-Fixed Mokou's D and R skills not increasing her F skill's attack speed
-Fixed Cirno's F skill not lowering targets' intelligence
-Fixed Reisen's R skill not working with her F skill
-Fixed Satori's D skill doing its stun and damage twice
-Fixed Koakuma's R skill not being able to lower her next skill's cooldown
-Fixed Marisa's W skill not doing damage to heros if she's silenced during its casting

-Fixed a bug that prevented Marisa from gaining intelligence when obtaining power
-Fixed a bug that prevented Hina from gaining strength when obtaining power
-Fixed a bug with the Heart-Reading Eye that prevented it from being assembled
-Fixed a bug that prevented attack damage calculations from taking into account item bonuses
-Fixed some incorrect item descriptions
-Fixed Marisa's F skill incorrect cooldown description
-Fixed Hina being described as an intelligence hero
-Fixed Cirno's W skill giving her 100 magic resistance instead of 50
-Fixed the incorrect description of the Modern Smartphone recipe

-Fixed a bug with the damage calculations in the descriptions for Kisume's skills

-Chen's Heaven Sign 'Immortal Sage's Rumbling' base damage changed from 70/90/110/130 to 55/80/105/130
-Yukari's base mana regen reduced from 0.6 to 0.2
-Yukari's additional mana gain per level reduced from 5 to 0
-Shikieiki's Guilt Sign 'Guilty or Not Guilty' cooldown reduced from 12/10/8/6 to 10/8/6/4
-Shikieiki's Guilt Sign 'Guilty or Not Guilty' retribution damage for killing creeps increased from 4/6/8/10% to 6/8/10/12%
-Shikieiki's Guilt Sign 'Guilty or Not Guilty' retribution damage for killing girls increased from 18/24/32/40% to 24/32/40/48%
-Keine's Land Sign 'Hidden Treasure -Headbutt-' base damage reduced from 120/165/210/255 to 100/140/180/220
-Tenshi's Earthquake 'Sword of Worry and Joy' health regen of 2/3/4/5 reduced to 0
-Tenshi's 'Scarlet Weather Rhapsody of All Mankind' damage increased from 200/335/470 to 250/375/500

-Rumia's 'Is~That~So?' eating threshold and damage and health gain increased from 300/450/600 to 350/500/650
-Meiling's Qi Sign 'Earth and Sky Dragon Kick' mana cost reduced from 85 to 65
-Patchouli's skill damage increased from 90% of listed value to 92.5%
-Remilia's Scarlet Sign 'Red the Nightless Castle' base damage decreased from 70/110/150 to 60/100/140
-Remilia's Scarlet Sign 'Red the Nightless Castle' scaling factor decreased from 0.35/0.55/0.75 to 0.3/0.5/0.7
-Luna Child's Moon Sign 'Silent Storm' health regen reduced from 4.5/6.0/7.5/9.0 to 3/4/5/6
-Luna Child's Moonlight 'Moonlight Sonata' base damage reduced from 150/250/350 to 150/225/300
-Luna Child's Moonlight 'Moonlight Sonata' unit damage scaling reduced from 20 to 16
-Hina's Bad Luck Sign 'Misfortune' percentage of maximum health value reduced from 15% to 10%

-Nazrin's 'Gold Rush' additional bounty decreased from 125 to 100
-Nazrin's 'Gold Rush' cooldown decreased from 90/75/60 to 75/60/45
-Kogasa's Rain Sign 'Flurry Traveler' health regen decreased from 0.5% to 0.4%
-Minamitsu's 'Spinach' strength increase per level increased from 1 to 1.5, damage per level increased from 1.5 to 2.5
-Minamitsu's 'Spinach' mana cost reduced from 90 to 75
-Shou's 'Complete Clarification' base damage reduced from 160/240/320 to 120/200/280
-Byakuren's 'Superhuman Byakuren Hijiri' health regen now takes into account damage done to units nearby
-Byakuren's 'Nirvana's Cloudy Way in Purple' target scaling increased from 0.5 to 0.8, other units scaling increased from 0.3 to 0.5
-Byakuren's 'Legendary Flying Saucer' cooldown decreased from 17/16/15/14 to 14/13/12/11
-Tojiko's Divine Being 'Grudge of the Taoists' mana cost changed from 95/120/145/170 to 95/115/135/155
-Tojiko's Divine Being 'Grudge of the Taoists' cooldown reduced from 16/15/14/13 to 15/14/13/12
-Tojiko's Thunderbolt 'Kamatari's Death' damage increase increased from 30% to 40%
-Tojiko's Thunderbolt 'Kamatari's Death' mana cost changed from 65/85/105/125 to 65/80/95/110

-Flying Leaf Knife recipe cost increased from 400 to 700
-Crucifix recipe cost increased from 850 to 1150

Note: 0.980b2 should be on its way soon

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #50 on: January 19, 2012, 04:15:51 PM »
DotS v0.980c
Map download:
Model Pack v0.004:
Note: Delete the .mix file and put the THDotS folder from the model pack into your Warcraft 3 directory, similar to the first model pack.

v0.980b -> v0.980c
- Fixed the descriptions of the PAD, Flying Leaf Knife, Jiao Shou's Mask, Expensive Present, Lunar Bow, Internet Addiction Eliminator, Dragon Star, Tax Collecting Yin-Yang Orb, Xinhua Beta Staff Sensor, Heart-Reading Third Eye
- Fixed missing disabled icons for some items
- Fixed a bug that allowed Flandre's W effect to stay permanently
- Fixed a bug that made Reisen speak English when using her F skill (my bad, left the debug messages in last time :V)
- Fixed the incorrect cooldown of Merlin's D skill
- Fixed a bug that made Minoriko's alternate costume gain intelligence on obtaining power
- Fixed a bug that made Koishi lose her innate after using W
- Fixed a bug that made the Dragon Star have 0 mana cost
- Fixed a bug that made Mokou's F skill not proc explosions when activated
- Fixed a bug with God's Wrath and the Hakurei Border that made it not render certain effects
- Fixed a bug with Parsee's innate that made it drop her player
- Fixed a bug with Utsuho's Abyss Nova timer that made it visible to enemies from under the fog of war
- Fixed a bug that made the Heart-Reading Third Eye do 10 times its listed damage
- Fixed a bug that made the Heart-Reading Third Eye share cooldown with the Stopwatch
- Fixed the incorrect description of Minamitsu's innate
- Fixed the incorrect cooldown of the Internet Addiction Eliminator
- Fixed a bug that made Merlin's D take control away from a player if a non-hero unit hero was taunted
- Fixed the incorrect description of Wriggle's R
- Fixed the incorrect description of Lyrica at the character selection screen
- Fixed the lag caused by Cirno's W on first use
- Fixed the incorrect blink distance on Aya's W skill
- Fixed a bug that made Kanako gain extra skills under certain circumstances*
- Fixed a bug that made the fog effect from God's Wrath and the Hakurei Border linger
- Fixed a bug that made Nitori do double damage under certain circumstances**
- Fixed a bug that made the Large Power item's effect disappear when Kanako used it in MOF mode
- Fixed a bug that made Keine able to silence Nitori permanently
- Fixed the incorrect area of effect of Marisa's F skill
- Fixed a bug that made Kanako gain extra skills if she died while in MOF mode

- Physical AOE damage skills will no longer affect wards
- Slow/Stun/Attack Disables/Silence/Movement Speed Bonus Disables/Blink Disables/Taunts are now classified as debuffs
- Dragon Star, Youmu's Innate, Parsee's D, Sunlight Hairpin, Light of the Fireflies now affect these debuffs
- Skills that aren't classified as debuffs: Komachi's W, Youmu's W, Yuyuko's F, Satori's W, Shizuha's D, Kaguya's W, Medicine's W, Mystia's W, Minamitsu's F
- Item skills that aren't classified as debuffs: GHGM, 3D Escapade, Sake Dish, Straw Hat, Heart-Reading Third Eye

- Yukari's W cooldown changed from distance-dependent calculation to 155/135/115
- Cirno's W taunt effect changed to "complete taunt" (removes player control)
- Cirno's cast time reduced from 0.5s to 0.25s
- Nue's innate damage to non-illusions reduced to 40 + (0.2 x Agi)(0.2 x Int)
- Luna Child's R health regen reduced to 0
- Luna Child's W cooldown increased from 90/75/60 to 135/120/105
- Yuyuko's health increase per level increased by 1
- Minoriko's F mana regeneration decreased from 60/120/180/240 to 30/60/90/120
- Minoriko's R strength bonus reduced from 5/10/15/20 to 4/8/12/16
- Minoriko's W cooldown increased from 90 to 125
- Byakuren's innate's health regen now only takes into account damage to her target
- Byakuren's innate's damage increased from 20 + 2% x Missing Health to 30 + 2% x Missing Health

- Divine Sword has been temporarily removed
- Dragon Star's price increased from 3800 to 4100
- Green Dam Youth Escort's price increased from 3700 to 4000
- Crucifix's price increased from 3950 to 4150

* Happened when she came out of MOF before her skills' cooldowns were done
** Her R skill's AOE damage no longer affects her target
« Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 04:19:08 PM by ApharmdB »

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #51 on: February 04, 2012, 12:48:57 AM »
DotS v0.980e
Map Download:

v0.980d -> v0.980e
- Fixed the -urd command not working
- Fixed a bug that made Suika's MPP form instantly die to towers
- Fixed the command for activating/disabling killing/dying sound effects
- Fixed a bug that made Chen's W's damage stack incorrectly under certain circumstances
- Fixed the incorrect damage for Marisa's F skill
- Fixed the incorrect immediate damage value for Hatate's F skill
- Fixed the incorrect number of creeps dropped by Yukari's T skill
- Fixed a bug that made Parsee's W skill cause the game to lag

- Added the -dr command: usable only after 50 minutes, submits a draw game vote. If more than 70% of players on both sides vote for it, the game will end in a draw
- Added the -disdr command: cancels a draw vote
- Added the -seoff command: turns off kill/death sound effects
- Added the -seon command: turns on kill/death sound effects

- Shrunk the model size for Genji and Hisoutensoku by 20%
- Shrunk the model size for Suika's MPP form by 20%

- Reimu's additional health increase per level decreased from 28 to 26

- Letty's Winter Sign 'Flower Wither Away' base damage changed from 40/50/60/70 to 40/55/70/85
- Lily White's additional health increase per level increased from 24 to 27
- Lunasa's Fake Strings 'Pseudo Stradivarius' mana cost decreased from 75/90/105/120 to 60/75/90/105
- Lunasa's Poltergeist Violinist 'Melancholic Violine Piece -First Movement-' cooldown reduced from 120/100/80 to 70/55/40
- Yuyuko's Sakura Sign 'Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome' mana cost increased from 60/70/80/90 to 70/80/90/100
- Yuyuko's Sakura Sign 'Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome' base damage decreased from 60/95/130/165 to 50/85/120/155
- Yuyuko's 'Resurrection Butterfly' cooldown increased from 110 to 135
- Yukari's Outer Force 'Infinite Superspeed Flying Object' base damage decreased from 85/110/135/160 to 60/90/120/150
- Yamame's Small Thread 'Kandata's Rope' no longer damages buildings
- Yuugi's Feat of Strength 'Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe' chance to activate increased from 5/8/11/14% to 15%
- Yuugi's Feat of Strength 'Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe' physical damage changed from 200/250/300/350 to 140/210/280/350
- Yuugi's Feat of Strength 'Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe' stun duration changed from 2.0s to 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0s
- Yuugi's Feat of Strength 'Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe' is now guaranteed to activate after every 6 non-activating hits
- Satori's Memory Sign 'Brain Fingerprint' intelligence scaling factor decreased from 1.3 to 1.0
- Satori's Recollection 'Terrifying Hypnotism' cooldown changed from 75/65/55 to 85/70/55
- Utsuho's base health decreased from 675(135) to 575(35)
- Utsuho's Explosion Sign 'Peta Flare' base damage changed from 95/135/185/215 to 95/140/195/230
- Utsuho's 'Heaven and Hell Meltdown' now only damages herself and enemy units within 450 radius
- Koishi's 'Subterranean Rose' bonus attributes changed from 50/95/140 to 50/85/140

- Wriggle's 'Night Bug Tornado' base damage increased from 17-25 to 28-31[x0.5 for summoned units]
- Mystia's base health increased from 555(135) to 605(185)
- Keine's Ambition Sign 'Buretsu Crisis' health cost increased from 30% to 35%
- Keine's Land Sign 'Hidden Treasure -Headbutt-' scaling factor for bonus strength and intelligence both reduced from 1.2 to 1.0
- Tewi's additional health increase per level increased from 19 to 24
- Tewi's Cunning Rabbit 'Ancient Duper' cooldown decreased from 18 to 15
- Tewi's Cunning Rabbit 'Ancient Duper' stun duration increased from 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6 to 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0
- Tewi's Rabbit Sign 'Great Fortune Crest' bonus damage increased from 2/3/4/5% to 3/4/5/6%
- Reisen's additional health increase per level increased from 22 to 26
- Reisen's Phantasmal Bullet 'Parallel Cross' cooldown reduced from 14 to 10
- Reisen's Phantasmal Bullet 'Parallel Cross' bonus range increased from 70/105/140/175 to 90/135/180/225
- Eirin's additional health increase per level increased from 24 to 27
- Kaguya's base health decreased from 565(245) to 465(145)
- Kaguya's Impossible Request 'Rainbow Danmaku' base damage decreased from 50/80/110/140 to 40/70/100/130
- Kaguya's Impossible Request 'Rainbow Danmaku' intelligence scaling factor reduced from 1.4 to 1.3
- Yuuka's 'Flower Planting' bonus damage for Yuuka per flower reduced from 5 to 4
- Yuuka's 'Flower Planting' base damage for flowers reduced from 28-34 to 24-30
- Shikieiki's additional health increase per level increased from 24 to 27
- Shikieiki's Judgement 'Bar of Ten Kings' additional pure damage increased from 10/15/20/25 to 12/18/24/30

- Suika's 'Throwing Atlas' cooldown decreased from 15/14/13/12 to 9
- Suika's 'Massacre at Mt. Ooe' is now guaranteed to activate after every 4 consecutive non-activating hits
- Suika's Great Oni 'Missing Purple Power' cooldown decreased from 100 to 60
- Tenshi's 'Scarlet Weather Rhapsody of All Mankind' cooldown increased from 120 to 135

- Rumia's 'Is~That~So?' cooldown decreased from 55/47/39 to 50/40/30
- Meiling's Three Blasts 'Colourful Mountain Breaker' no longer reduces attack speed of enemies struck
- Patchouli's base health increased from 410(90) to 430(110)
- Patchouli's additional health increase per level increased from 21 to 26
- Patchouli's additional mana increase per level increased from 0 to 1
- Patchouli's ten normal skills' mana costs reduced from 70/105/140/175 to 60/90/120/150
- Flandre's Destruction 'Core Breaker' no longer does any bonus damage to normal units
- Remilia's Midnight Queen 'Scarlet Cradle' no longer reduces damage from normal units

- Sunny Milk's base health decreased from 575(135) to 475(35)
- Luna Child's Moonlight 'Moonlight Sonata' agility increase reduced from 2.0 to 0.0
- Luna Child's Moonlight 'Moonlight Sonata' base damage increased from 150/225/300 to 250/350/400

- Shizuha's additional health increase per level increased from 22 to 26
- Shizuha's Wilt Sign 'Creeping Roots' cast range increased from 550 to 700
- Shizuha's God Sign 'Divinity of Eight Million Red Leaves' agility increase increased from 5/10/15/20 to 10/15/20/25
- Minoriko's base health decreased from 575(135) to 475(35)
- Hina's Flawed Sign 'Broken Amulet' cooldown increased from 4 to 6
- Hina's Cursed Field 'Purification River Deposit' cooldown increased from 125 to 165
- Momiji's White Wolf 'Tengu Corps' bonus damage per level increased from 2.0 to 2.5
- Momiji's Tengu 'Maple Leaf Vanguard' stun duration increased from 1.9/2.2/2.5/2.8 to 2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5
- Sanae's additional health increase per level increased from 22 to 26

- Shou's base health decreased from 595(135) to 495(35)
- Shou's Light Sign 'Purifying Magic' base damage decreased from 60/95/130/165 to 50/85/120/155
- Shou's Light Sign 'Purifying Magic' mana cost increased from 35/50/65/80 to 40/55/70/85

- Tojiko's base health increased from 400(80) to 455(135)
- Tojiko's additional health increase per level increased from 24 to 27
- Tojiko's additional mana increase per level increased from 0 to 3
- Tojiko's Divine Being 'Grudge of the Taoists' mana cost changed from 95/115/135/155 to 95/110/125/140

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #52 on: February 12, 2012, 06:54:05 PM »
DotS v0.980f
Map download:
(Pay no attention to the filename. It is indeed v0.980f.)

**Changelog will come later today. Need sleep. Too much world editor.**
The Chinese changelog is here in the meantime -

Re: General games updates and info thread
« Reply #53 on: February 24, 2012, 07:22:16 AM »
DotS v0.980i
Map download: (High Resolution Models; Needs external model pack v0.004)
Map download: (Low Resolution Models; Does not need external model pack)

v0.980h -> v0.980i
Fixed the incorrect chance to crit for the Nice Boat
Fixed a bug that made selecting Reisen 2 under -sp mode give the player Lyrica instead
Fixed Suika's F skill incorrectly activating
Fixed the incorrect attack damage reduction at the end of Chen's W skill
Fixed a bug with Iku's W skill that crashed the game when playing on the 5211 platform
Fixed Merlin's R skill's incorrect health regen calculation
Fixed a bug that made Mystia's Flute and Jiao Shou's Mask share cooldowns
Fixed a bug that made illusions drop Concordias when they were killed
Fixed a bug that prevented illusions made by Shikieiki's W from being damaged by towers
Fixed a bug that made Marisa's R skill do extra damage
Fixed a bug that made Marisa's W skill stun duration too long
Fixed the incorrect description of Marisa's innate skill
Fixed a bug that allowed Kanako's F skill to target towers
Fixed a bug that made Reisen 2's R skill activate incorrectly
Fixed the missing cooldown display for the Stormcrow item
Fixed some girls being unable to become completely invisible
Fixed the incorrect models used for illusions of some girls
Fixed a bug that made the illusions of some girls being able to deal damage
Unable to fix - some bugs were fixed but the changelog for those bugfixes was lost :X

Youmu's base mana regen increased from 0.85 to 1.15
Yuyuko's Sakura Sign 'Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome' base damage decreased from 50/85/120/155 to 40/75/110/145
Yuyuko's base mana regen decreased from 1.16 to 0.86
Yukari's Outer Force 'Infinite Superspeed Flying Object' number of creeps dropped reduced from 4/5/6/7 to 3/4/5/6
Lunasa's Violinist 'Melancholic Strings' scaling factor on bonus intelligence reduced from 0.20 to 0.00
Lunasa's Poltergeist Violinist 'Melancholic Violin Piece -First Movement' base damage reduced from 135/202.5/270 to 130/195/260
Kisume's Agility changed from 24 + 2.40 to 24 + 2.75
Kisume's Horror 'Well Bucket Dropping Monster' base damage increased from 70/105/140/175 to 80/120/160/200
Kisume's Well Bucket 'Flying in a Well' base damage changed from 150/200/250/300 to 150/225/300/375
Koishi's 'Philosophy of a Hated Person' changed from 20% chance to do 175%/200%/225%/250% damage to 16%/22%/28%/34% chance to do 200% damage
Koishi's Recollection 'DNA's Flaw' 12.5% reduction of a targeted spell's damage increased to 25% reduction
Satori's Heartfelt Fancy 'Uncontactable Rose' 12.5% reduction of an AoE spell's damage increased to 25% reduction

Tewi's health increase per level increased from 44 to 58
Reisen's Wave Sign 'Heart Murmur' damage increased from [2*Target's Magic Resistance] to [3*Target's Magic Resistance]
Reisen's Phantasmal Bullet 'Parallel Cross' bonus range increased from 110/165/225/275 to 120/180/240/300
Reisen's Phantasmal Bullet 'Parallel Cross' now ignores 10/15/20/25% of her target's armour for its duration
Eirin's health increase per level increased from 56 to 62, agility changed from 15 + 1.30 to 15 + 2.00
Eirin's 'Brain of the Moon' now gives her an additional [10% * Eirin's Intelligence] as pure damage for her attacks
Eirin's 'Nightmare Butterfly Dream Pill', 'Game of Life' and 'Imperishable Night Redux' now cost 50 health to use
Eirin's 'Game of Life' scaling factor for on-hit damage increased from 0.8 to 1.6
Eirin's 'Hourai Elixir' now costs 150 health
Mokou's Immortal 'Firebird -Flying Phoenix-' increment for her F skill reduced from 1 charge to 0.5 charge
Mokou's Limiting Edict 'Iwakasa's Moon Curse' increment for her F skill reduced from 2 charges to 1 charge
Komachi's agility changed from 18 + 1.70 to 18 + 2.00
Shikieiki's health increase per level increased from 56 to 62
Shikieiki's agility increased from 16 + 1.55 to 20 + 2.50
Suika's agility changed from 18 + 1.50 to 18 + 2.00
Iku's agility changed from 24 + 2.00 to 24 + 2.50
Iku's 'Veils Like Space' bonus electrical damage increased from 10/20/30/40 to 12.5/25.0/37.5/50.0
Iku's Thorn Sign 'Thundercloud Stickleback' base damage changed from 40/55/70/85 to 40/60/80/100
Iku's Heaven Sign 'The Drill that Breaks the Heavens' mana cost changed from 150/250/350 to 150, cooldown changed from 100/90/80 to 100/75/50

Koakuma's health increase per level increased from 58 to 65
Koakuma's Fire Sign 'Pyro Match' base damage changed from 75/105/135/165 to 75/110/145/180
Koakuma's Little Devil 'Devil May Cry' mana cost reduced from 150/225/300 to 0
Remilia's Divine Spear 'Spear the Gungnir' cast range increased from 1800 to 2500
Remilia's Scarlet Sign 'Red the Nightless Castle' base damage increased from 60/100/140 to 70/110/150
Flandre's QED 'Ripples of 495 Years' life leech reduced from 12/18/24/30% to 10/15/20/25%
Flandre's QED 'Ripples of 495 Years' additional physical damage increased from 9/12/15/18 to 10/15/20/25
Patchouli's Sun Sign 'Royal Flare' effect changed
Patchouli's health increase per level increased from 52 to 59
Patchouli's skill descriptions updated with more info

Aya's 'Bunbunmaru' duration reduced from 16s to 12s

Shizuha's agility changed from 25 + 2.50 to 25 + 3.00
Kanako's Divine Festival 'Expanded Onbashira' intelligence scaling factor of 1.00 changed to either 1.70*Int or 12.5%*Health
Kanako's Rice Porridge in a Tube 'God's Rice Porridge' intelligence scaling factor increased from 0.40 to 0.80
Kanako's 'Mountain of Faith' attack speed reduction of 60% changed to a base attack time increase from 1.75 to 2.25
Kanako's 'Mountain of Faith' bonus health changed to bonus armour and magic resistance, canceling additional health and mana regen
Kanako's 'Mountain of Faith' mana cost reduced from 250 to 0, transformation time reduced from 2.50s to 1.00s
Kanako's Weird Festival 'Madly Dance on the Medoteko' intelligence scaling factor of 0.70 changed to 1.15*Int or 10%*Health
Kanako's Weird Festival 'Madly Dance on the Medoteko' area of effect increased from 300 to 600, mana cost reduced from 180/200/220/240 to 110
Kanako's Weird Festival 'Madly Dance on the Medoteko' cooldown reduced from 30 to 15, number of pillars increased from 5/6/7/8 to 6/8/10/12
Kanako's Heaven's Stream 'Miracle of Otensui' mana cost reduced from 200 to 90/110/130/150
Kanako's Divine Husk 'Divining Crop' mana cost reduced from 180/240/300/360 to 100/125/150/175

Reisen II's health increase per level reduced from 80 to 70
Tokiko's Heron Sign 'Toki's Counterattack' health recovery increased from 50% to 75%
Tojiko's projectile model changed
Tojiko's health increase per level increased from 57 to 65
Tojiko's Apparition 'Iruka's Thunder' base damage changed from 150/250/350 to 150/275/400
Tojiko's Apparition 'Iruka's Thunder' target armour scaling factor increased from 20 to 30
Renko's agility changed from 20 + 1.90 to 20 + 2.75
Renko's Schrodinger's Cat agility increase increased from 7 to 8

v0.980g -> v0.980h
Fixed a bug that made Suika's F skill proc twice
Fixed a bug that made the Red Llama cancel all health regeneration effects

Reisen II's base health increased from 515 to 595
Reisen II's Defence 'Lunar Defence Formation' bonus attack damage increased from 4/6/8/10% to 6/9/12/15%
Reisen II's Defence 'Lunar Defence Formation' second bonus attack damage increased from 4/6/8/10% to 6/8/10/12%
Reisen II's Contemplation 'Lunar Veil' cooldown changed from 24/21/18/15s to 15s