~Hakurei Shrine~ > Alice's Art Atelier |
[Music+Art] Making Melody Needs Love! Battle's Palette (OC Theme) (2/22/12) |
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Title needs MOAR ellipses. And wat. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS POST IS NOT REGULARLY UPDATED Since I can be a bit lazy. >_> My latest work can be found in the recent posts. They might also be found here, but don't always count on it. This post is a Work-in-Progress. I do plan to update it fully when I get the time and motivation to do so. MUSIC Youtube Originals: Rin Satsuki's Theme: Cherry Flavored Justice ~ Descending Red / (Requested by Precision/Anunsew and Coin Spire): The Penetrating Flame of Justice Meimu Hakurei Theme: Eden of Phantasm ~ Fantasy Candy Shiku (Requested by Coin Spire): Eye of Painful Death ~ Fourth Melody Belisaria Yagami (Requested by BelisariaYagami): 穢れ亡き夢 ~ Ethereal Mind Raiko Inabikari (Requested by MikiMikiDouga): The Oni of Raijin~A Striking Black Op in the Clouds of Darkness! Aiki (Requested by Coin Spire): Because Children's Hearts are Purer, Their Wrath is Wilder ~ Second Lachrymose Rose Sammy Miyako (Requested by ArmWarmerSponge): Reversed Looking Glass ~ Stopping the Tides Miki Bandy (Requested by ninjaloser602): Quick, Precise, Stalking Death Sumire Raikōji (Requested by Ruro): And Thou Shalt be Judged ~ Violet Reparation Swerve (Requested by SwerveStarEx): Kindly Destruction ~ The Stealthy Calm Berserker Jameson + DeSa (Requested by strawberrywitch): Triple Paradigm Eva Lundahl(Requested by Just50001):械時計の歌 ~ Wounded Clockwork Doll Umi no Charlotte (Requested by Naeten): ( 東方 OC Request) Twelve Nautical Smiles Kamon Farenheights (Requested by Pikayo): Eclipsed Light within the Radiant Darkness Re-arrange 秋霜玉 ~ Shuusou Gyoku Girl's Magical Crusade [西方 Arrange] Witches' Ball ~ Magus トルテルマジック: Witch of Love Potion Touhou 1 ~ Highly Responsive to Prayers: Iris The "Alice in Wonderland Angel" ~ Swordsman from a Distant Star Now Until the Moment You Die! Civilization of Magic Touhou 2 ~ Story of Eastern Wonderland: She's in a Temper! Touhou 3 ~ Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream: Lost Dream, Broken Dream (Final) Touhou 6 ~ Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil: Rumia Laughs in the Night Somewhere By the Lake Music Box for the Sleeping Princess Tea Breaks Invitiation by U.N Owen Touhou 10 ~ Mountain of Faith Hina, Will You Please Help Me? Touhou 11 ~ Subterranean Animism Unlikely Anguish ~ Last Remote Non-Touhou arranges Far East Hourai Illusion OC Rearranges ( 東方 OC Request) 永遠寝ろ ~ Sweet Dreams Medleys: Different Shades of Autumn Mp3 Rin Satsuki's Theme: Cherry Flavored Justice ~ Descending Red / Alternate Link / The Penetrating Flame of Justice Meimu Hakurei Theme: Eden of Phantasm ~ Fantasy Candy / Alternate Link Aiki Theme: Second Lachrymose Rose Shiku Theme: Eye of Painful Death Sammy Theme: Reversed Looking Glass ~ Stopping the Tides (Re-uploaded) Miki Theme: Quick, Precise, Stalking Death Sumire Theme: And Thou Shalt Be Judged ~ Violet Reparation / Remastered version Swerve Theme: Tindeck Download and mp3 link Eva Theme:械時計の歌 ~ Wounded Clockwork Doll Touhou HRtP rearranges: Shingyouku Theme: Positive and Negative Konngara Theme: The "Alice in Wonderland Angel" ~ Swordsman from a Distant Star / Loop-friendly version Sariel Theme: Now Until the Moment You Die! // Civilization of Magic ( Alternate Link ) / Loop version Ending theme: Iris Touhou SoEW rearranges: Rika's theme: She's in a Temper! Touhou PoDD rearranges: Kana Anaberal's Theme: Lost Dream, Broken Dream Ellen Fuwafuwaatama Aureus's Theme: Tabula Rasa ~ Silky White Paper Reimu Hakurei's Theme: Oriental Love Consultation Touhou MS rearranges: Yuki's Theme: Crimson Dead! Touhou EoSD rearranges: Cirno's Theme: Somewhere by the Lake Remilia Scarlet's Theme: Music Box for the Sleeping Princess Flandre Scarlet's Theme: Tea Breaks / Invitation by U.N Owen Touhou Fanmade work arranges: 東方 異世門 (Eastern Otherworldly Gate) Tracks Track 1: A Usual Day ~ Serene Orient Track 2: Uncanny Occurence Track 3: Deep Within the Discovered Path Track 4: Familiar Dream 東方幻妖風 ~ City of Distortion Tracks Track 1: [url=http://tindeck.com/listen/hyxi]Mirage City Track 2: Graceful Ambush Track 3: Ultranegative Spiritual Spectrum Track 4: Nightshade Spirit Non-Touhou rearranges: 秋霜玉 ~ Shuusou Gyoku: Witches' Ball ☆その他の作品 ~ ZUN's Strange Works: Evening Oriental Magician Far East Hourai Illusion v0.5 (this one's a bit bad, the other one is probably what you want) / Far East Hourai Illusion Non-ZUN: Deli Shop Quartet Medleys: Different Shades of Autumn Searching the old posts, I've found out that someone made a theme of Rin Satsuki before, so I'm not altogether original. :3 ART Well, this ain't really an art thread, so it's a little bit barren here. Marisa Kirisame Rin Satsuki Remilia Scarlet Sumire Raikōji Poinsettia Compressed update data now follows: ____________________ Update (Forgot the date, but pretty sure it was 2010...right?) Changed the Rin links to the higher quality version. Also cut the annoying 5 second silence at the end. -_- Enjoy ^^ Update (What date is it today?...June...June...,er..June 27, 2010) Added Fantasy Candy. Well, my conscience says that it sounds good, but she's a bad liar. :/ Also added a Mirror link for those who have issues with MediaFire. Update (July 7, 2010) Yay, it's Tanabata! Added Eye of Painful Death. Hooray for weird sounds! Update (July 27, 2010) Added Witch of Love Potion and Iris I need some inspiration... Update (August 10, 2010) Added 穢れ亡き夢 ~ Ethereal Mind I'm just necrobumphing anyway Update (August 22, 2010) Added Rumia Laughs in the Night what Update (August 30, 2010) Added Iris mp3 download Update (September 7, 2010) Added The Oni of Raijin~A Striking Black Op in the Clouds of Darkness! Exclamation points are moe~ Update (September 10, 2010) Changed the Raiko links to higher quality upload. That's the last time I'm going to mix music without eating anything for nearly six hours... Update (September 15, 2010) Added Aiki links. Added download link for Shiku Update (September 26, 2010) Added mp3 for Lost Dream. What, no Youtube? Update (September 29, 2010) Added mp3 for Music Box for the Sleeping Princess Youtube link for Kana and Remilia Changed the (NEW!) tags, because I was too lazy to do it last 26. Update (October 6, 2010) Added Youtube link for Miwako... Added mp3 link for Tabula Rasa I'm so dead.....>.< Update (October 13, 2010) Remixed Kana's re-arrange. Changed the links. Update (October 29, 2010 Uploaded Erich's theme. Update (October 30, 2010 GygesHina, will You Please Help Me? and Lost Dream Final, uploaded. Update (November 17, 2010) Uploaded Different Shades of Autumn. Uploaded Tea Breaks. Also had come to a conclusion that I hate updating this log more than anything else. :/ Update (December 5, 2010) Uploaded Quick, Precise, Stalking Death Update (December 11~12, 2010) Added Rin Satsuki's Theme: Penetrating Flame of Justice Added Rin Satsuki's Picture Update (January 6, 2011) Added Remilia's picture Update (January 13, 2011) Added Sumire's theme and Serene Orient Update (January 18, 2011) Added Uncanny Occurence Update (January 25, 2011) Added Deep Within the Discovered Path Anunsew is working hard! Update (January 27, 2011) Added Far East Hourai Illusion version 2! XD A~NUN~SUUuuuuuuuuuuu~ Update (January 28, 2011) Added Sumire's theme on youtube and remastered version~ Added PaN mp3 Update (January 31, 2011) Added Rika's theme on youtube + mp3! A~NUN~SUUuuuuuuuuuuu~ Update (February 1, 2011) Added Familiar Dream Update (February 7, 2011) Added Konngara's theme and youtube link Update (February 11, 2011) Added Poinsettia Update (February 15, 2011) Added Civilization of Magic Update (February 17, 2011) Added youtube link of CoM Update (March 3, 2011) Added Sariel's First theme Update (March 14~16, 2011) Added Swerve's theme Update (March 28, 2011) Added Invitation Added Youtube link Yes, updating the update log is not really interesting for me. :./ Update (April 1, 2011) Added Marisa drawing Update (April something, 2011) Added Evening Oriental Witch Fixed Fehourai link Update (April 18, 2011) Added Crimson Dead! Update (April 30, 2011) Added Track 1 and 2 of 東方幻妖風 ~ City of Distortion Update (May 21, 2011) Added Cirno remix. Dropped New tags because I'm too lazy to keep updating them. Update (May 27, 2011) Added Reimu remix Update (May 28, 2011) Remastered Reimu remix Update (June 5, 2011) Added Cirno Youtube Update (June 12, 2011) Yay! Philippine Independence Day! Added Deli Shop Quartet and a rip-off of Marisa's theme >_> Update (June 14, 2011) Added Nightshade Spirit Update (June 25, 2011) Added Triple Paradigm Update(July, 2011) Forgot to update. Added a bunch of stuff, I'll probably update the list in August. So lazy~ Update(August, 2011) Added Last Remote and Eva's theme Update(November, 2011) Added some themes to the list ____________________ It's far from professional, but I hope somebody likes it. ^^ Anyway, feel free to listen, enjoy, and comment about it (good and bad, though good comments would be nice...) Holy Crap, the size tags STACK. These works and other works in succeeding posts by this user/ 'Anunsew' or 'Precision' or 'undone12' are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. |
I know a certain someone who will take you home. Not to mention, how I'm working on a Satsuki Rin script. I wonder how this goes with that, it sounds more Final Boss-ish than the one I'm using now what I got from Nico. |
Zengar Zombolt:
Hey, this sounds rather nice! I approve of it. However the fadeout at the end sounds... Weird. Also I weep for you. Moerin, do your thing. |
The fadeout was done using note velocity, not with expression so... *ehem* Please forget the above lines... Glad that someone likes it. ^^ It supposed to loop back to 0:20 after finishing the last chorus, so it doesn't really have an ending. So someone is making a Rin Satsuki script on danmakufu? |
Aye, it's my very first amateur work. So it's not that great, but I learned a lot during making it. It's almost done, only two cards needed. |
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