Author Topic: 1st TOUHOU WEBCOMIC/New 東方智霊奇伝 -"Touhou Chireikiden -Cheating Detective Satori"  (Read 30411 times)

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
  [ Warning : my Text Formatting ,only in , is occasionally glitchy , so it could be " discontinuous "...
  • (FULL TITLE )of the 1st Official Touhou Project Web MONTHLY Webcomic (which has alredy been posted,re-posted,blogged re-blogged )
    ""  Touhou Chireikiden - Strange Legend of Earth Spirits- Cheating Detective Satori  -<東方智霊奇伝 >
  •  & ;
    (Main TH Wiki's English Page and Main International Link Central, thanks to "Updates"wiki-contributions of wiki-contributors) ; in the frames of Strange Articles of the Outer World and,party-indirectly,Touhou Strange Creators of Outer World.
    • [Familiar short-handles as the list increases but up to a certain point it will not be updated due to overcrowding: please do Check&Find inside,and outside,my post Links&Key-Word]
    • Case and Story1,Part 1 " The Case of the Scarlet Devil Mansion at the Depths of the Earth " /  The Case of the Scarlet Devil Mansion goes Underground"(25 October 2019)
    • Case and Story 1-2(Story 1 Part 2 ): The Case of the Scarlet Devil Mansion at the Depths of the Earth " (25 November 2019)
    • Case 1-3: " " (25 DECEMBER 2019 Postponed To 30 DEC.)
    • 1-3.5 (4th) " "( 2͟7͟ J͟A͟N͟U͟A͟R͟Y͟ 2020)
    • 1-4 (5th) " " (  24/02/2020)
    •                                                                                                                                                        As seen/read on the Opening Chapter(and Preview and a bit of the General Cover as well) the  "1st Case" on involves the "Cheating Armchair but could-be moving" Detective(Mind Reading Youkai Detective Satori)", about The Residents&Workers&Suspects the Scarlet Devil Mansion and Relationship : a mostly-unexpected Sneak Attack ,due to peace-addlement ,has befallen residential ... ] ;)   No Spoilers ...! ] :3c   
    • The Wiki Page as far as Wiki-wise is thankfully compiled in providing,besides the (all in JP)link to the Original Blog with Options To Preview&Read( the 1st Story of the 1st Case )  and the 1 to Mangadex's Mangareader with Free Reading&Printable Digital-only(JP)Copy and 3 also 1 link for a Web-Reader's "FAN" TRANSLATION  in 4 Languages ( Russian ; Latin American  Spanish ; German ;English )
    • .
    • >"[size=78%][/size][size=78%] - The reveal/Announcement on (JP) here on Twitter  -[/size]https:// .com/comic/touhouchireikiden_1 [size=78%]-> (JP) Official Blog Official/News/Announcement/Non-Publishing Centre Page of the RAWs ( excl. The Nicovideo Video Versions ond/"Nico*"/"Nico Search,JAP and then InternationalYoutubeetc+++[/size][/size][size=78%] [/size][/size][size=78%] - >[/size][/size][size=78%]Official "Comic Retailer "&READER&PUBLISHING CENTRR (JAP).  - [/size]ENG (and in translation for other languages)Touhou Wiki-Links-Archive Page
    • A New OfficialTouhou Comic Print Work has been released and it is readable(Chapter 1 by online&physical copies) through the Wiki Links Above/Below (JP/ENG/LATAM ESP/RUS/GER,details at the footnote ).
      √√√√            √√√√
    • [/size]COMMENCE OF a L-O-N-G-I-S-H Analysis,Decription and Cross-Reference[size=78%][/size][/color]
    • [/size]The Story Scripts are written and are going to be Naturally&Thankfully written by by " Zun " ( Jun'ya Ota )  himself and the Art is by an Artist with the Pseudonym "  Ginmokusei (銀木犀) " meaning " Silverwood" !
    • So A New Officiall Touhou Series of Comic-Literature Themed around "Detective Investigative Mysteries" Requested to Be and Solvable ONLY THROUGH WITS AND INVESTIGATIVE SKILLS&POWERS WITHOUT DANMAKU OR "GENSOKYAN INCIDENT OR YOUKAI UNREST STYLES" .
    • Briefing  About the Plot Elements&Characters : Satori(Komeiji) is set the as the Nearly(!)-Armchair Detective and Main Character with,so far, (O)rin (Kaenbyou) as the main secondary character/main assistant ( Reimu&Marisa ,especially the former ,are  also fairly present in the setting in it as well )[size=78%] requested and accepted to solve "Mysterious (Nearly-Armchair)Investigative-Detective Mysteries Targeting Single Gensokyo People AND Places...![/size]
    • Interestingly this ,coherently with a not-great amount Detective-Investigative Stories and Settings,  DOES NOT COINCIDE with most of the other Touhou Literature going by "The Printwork Protagonist(s)or Lead(s)" (Satori and then Rin )"  not being"The Most Featured Active Characters or Amongst" instead " Secondary by Feature & Activity-wise"(ref. for similiar : it is partly so for Rinnosuke Owner & Shopkeeper 's Role (Kourindou's) in " CoLA/Curiosities of Lotus Asia" , and mostly so in "general CiLR/Cage in Lunatic Runagate" ( a double-thread with " SSib /Silent Sinner in Blue ")because CiLR is the " Touhou Printwork with the Highest Variation&Succession&Featuring&Activity of Characters BOTH Main and Not " ) .
    • The Leading Place,not for Importance but for Feature&Activity,is practically taken by the Gensokyo's People,but of course  more lime-light for Satori then Rin and finally some more for about The Palace of Earth Spirits and Underground & Former Hell is shown and expected in " Touhou SLoES-CDS" ; certainly together with Story & Case Characters/ Characterisation in "Suspect/Culprit/Involvements/Investigated/"Mystery" " .
    • (END)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2020, 11:43:39 PM by Branneg Xy »
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .


  • 椛ちゃん、助けてぇぇぇぇぇ!
I think you should review your BBCode.

Anyway, chapter 2 has been translated:

Quite surprised that they locked up Sakuya with Flandre.

Suspicious person

  • Just a humble wanderer
  • How suspicious~
Hmm ! Using all the available evidence provided by the manga to me, the amazing armchair detective that I am have deduced that the truth of the matter is that Sakuya did what she supposedly did because she was under the influence of some kind of spirit that somehow managed to get away from the underworld, hence the involvement of the underground people and Sakuya's lack of awareness over her actions.

See ya'll next month


  • Border of Whatever
If it happened at any other time i would have said a fox or tanuki in disguise were equally possible, but considering WBaWC this is indeed likely to be one of those "after the incident" things, so probably a spirit.

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
(  :3c  Quite Sharp Intuiitions going through the replies,and "unwritten replies"  ;) )
From the Official Blog Page of the RAWs Navigating to the Official Web Retailer I am thankful they have highlighted : " [Next update] 2019/12/30] ".
Additional (Fan) Translations and another ENG VER. has been kindly provided to " Mangadex ",the opening post has been updated right now. .
Moreover RSS FEED is available for People with Registred Accounts.
"  Touhou Chireikiden - Strange Legend of Wise Spirits - Cheating/ Detective Satori Detective Satori -<東方智霊奇伝 >" - The reveal/Announcement on (JP) here on Twitter  - - Official Blog Page of the RAWs  - Official "Comic Retailer " (JAP). - ENG (and in translation for other languages)Touhou Wiki-Links Page -
A New OfficialTouhou Comic Print Work has been released and it is readable(Chapter 1 by online&physical copies) through the Wiki Links Above/Below (JP/ENG/LATAM ESP/RUS/GER,details at the footnote ).

The Story Scripts are written and are going to be written by by " Zun/Jun'ya Ota " himself and the Art is by " 銀木犀 - Ginmokusei "
A New Officiall Touhou Series of Comic-Literature Themed around "Detective Investigative Mysteries" Requested to Be and Solvable ONLY THROUGH WITS AND INVESTIGATIVE SKILLS&POWERS WITHOUT DANMAKU OR "GENSOKYAN INCIDENT OR YOUKAI UNREST STYLES" .
Briefing  About the Plot Elements&Characters : Satori(Komeiji) is set the as the Nearly-Armchair Detective and Main Character with,so far, (O)rin (Kaenbyou) as the main secondary character/main assistant ( Reimu&Marisa ,especially the former ,are  also fairly present in the setting in it as well ) requested and accepted to solve "Mysterious (Armchair)Investigative-Detective Mysteries Targeting to Single Gensokyo People and/or Situations";
interestingly this ,coherently as with most  Detective-Investigative Stories and Settings,  DOES NOT COINCIDE with the other Touhou Literature by "The Printwork Protagonist(s)or Leads" (Satori and then Rin )"  featuring to be "The Most or Among The Most Featured Active Characters "
(ref. to  CiLR/"Cage in Lunatic Runagate" which has the highest number of "Print Work Most Featured Active Characters " ) because that place would be taken by the Gensokyo People Directly Affected/Involved/Investigated during "(Armchair)Detective Mystery".
  • Chapter One: " The Case of the Scarlet Devil Mansion at the Depths of the Earth (Part 1) " (28 October 2019)
  • Chapter Two: The Case of the Scarlet Devil Mansion at the Depths of the Earth (Part 2)" (25 November 2019)
  • Chapter One: " The Case of the Scarlet Devil Mansion at the Depths of the Earth (Part 3)" (25 December 2019)
As seen/read the Opening Starting Chapters' "Case" involves the The Residents&Workers of the Scarlet Devil Mansion since within an unexpected wrong has plagued the residential ... ;) No Spoilers ...! :3c 
The Wiki Page,not to the mention the 2Official Sources" is thankfully compiled in provisding,besides the link to Order the Official Physical(JP)Copy and 3 links for the JP Web-Raw , also 1 link for a Web-Reader's "FAN" TRANSLATION  in 4 Languages ( Russian ; Latin American  Spanish ; English German ) .
« Last Edit: December 06, 2019, 02:29:24 PM by Branneg Xy »
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
Front Page UPDATED AND TWEAKED,but Watch Out in both meanings  :ohdear:  for Detailing ! ,for the constant helpfulness and enjoyment  :o  f the interested ones .
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
Front Page UPDATED AND TWEAKED,but Watch Out in both meanings  :ohdear:  for Detailing ! ,for the constant helpfulness and enjoyment  :o  f the interested ones .

Smallish PRE-MANGA :o !? :) ) Update in anticipation for the not yet risen Day 27 Of Eastern by  on JANUARY 2020
( almost never delayed or with remainders in excess ,SAVE for the Previous  2nd CHAPTER one ,including 1st Chapter Preview)Asian (UCT)  : this ,"title-clearing","clear formatting" and suchc TOGETHER of the Title together a bit of General /Awareness.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2020, 02:12:55 AM by Branneg Xy »
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
The (long  :wat: )Opening post has been Updated and ( :blush: )Polished and Re-Formatted again.
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .