Author Topic: More danMATHSkufu  (Read 9783 times)

More danMATHSkufu
« on: January 22, 2019, 08:44:45 PM »
Hey everyone,
I'm pretty new to the bullet-hell genre but the Touhou games have engrossed me completely, so much so that I have learned to use Danmakufu thanks to Sparen's wonderful tutorial (if he is reading this: you have my unparalleled gratitude). I've been programming in this language now for two months and have completed my first script, and I wondered if anyone would be willing to test it out to give (constructive) criticism regarding it.
It is a bit of a particular script. The idea for me (a Warwick maths student) was to make Touhou-style boss battles featuring my maths lecturers: the enemy here is Mario Micallef, who was my vector analysis teacher last year (so you will find plenty of references to parametrisations/ vector calculus in the attacks). You have plenty of lives so the focus is on capturing things :). Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Thank you in advance,

Maximilien Dralet

EDIT: here is the James battle

and here is the brand new, and by far the best, Dave Wood battle, featuring a Mario + James cameo at the end
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 09:27:42 PM by Kinghidrorah »

JDude :3

  • tururu
  • boy with code
Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2019, 08:37:28 PM »
There is a problem with the #include on Transmathmatic.dnh, because it's unecessary putting the whole path to your shotconst; Instead of
Code: [Select]
#include "script/Mario/ZUNShot/ZUNShot_Const.txt" use
Code: [Select]
#include "./../ZUNShot/ZUNShot_Const.txt"
The two dots means that is one file back from the original one (Starting inside 'MarioSingles', and going back to the main folder 'Mario')
"dnh is hard" - said no one
"dnh is bullshit" - everyone making a creative pattern

Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2019, 09:36:14 PM »
Woops, that was an overlook. Did you manage to make it run (it's been fixed and the link has been updated) anyhow?

JDude :3

  • tururu
  • boy with code
Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2019, 09:49:29 PM »
Played with Lefkada's player (not Ultima's Player)

About the shot's SFX, it get repetitive a lot and kinda annoying; The best way to avoid that is lowering the volume a little...
I noticed that the song doesn't loop, I know the script is short compared to the song, but instead of loading the BGM and playing it, you can:
  • #BGM["./Boss.ogg"] ~ No need to load the song
  • ObjSound_SetLoopEnable(obj, true)  and
  • ObjSound_SetLoopTime(obj, 0, duration in secs); ~to make it loop

[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][Now things about the actual script][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

N1: Pretty random, but what's the point of the Futo arrows?
S1: There are some chances of walls, but I really like the way the parameters work ^^

N2-ish: Just a regular danmaku rain nothing much; but the second phase is easier than the first one? Another thing, it is possible making a phased nonspell in one single (ascent loops is the name, you can ask later Q&A thread about it)
S2: What is happening? The gray bals got on the corners, started shooting arrows normally; but then a snake of bullets was spinning out of nowhere, and I didn't knew what to do + falling murasa drops... Then the second phase is pretty much crazier for the amount of walls and fast bullets everywhere

N3.0: N1 but with a higher speed, that's it.
N3.1: It's really easy, until the laser's delay are basically less than a second, always spawning on me (RNG hates me)
S3: No warning about his movement, the bullets and that is a survival spell = instant death

S4: Laser part okay, pretty easy; but then bullet spam out of nowhere, it calms down with lasers, more bullet spam, and now curved lasers that look nice ^^; then some stars appear, more impossible spam, and lastly a lot of stars...

S5: How the angles make sense?It feels weird, because it follows but at the same time it doesn't?

[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][Final Stuff][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

At last, you should warn more the players about what's going to happen next, or just tone it down, so it doesn't look unfair; I like this script a lot, it's creative making a boss fight of your teacher and makes the battle a lot more original...
If it looked like I was a bad person, and just hating on your script; I'm sorry, but this is actually my first time reviewing someone script in here, sooo please don't take this so seriously or being personal; I just said what I thought about it, and i'm really excited on what you're going to do next ^^

and Welcome to MOTK :D
Wow, Kinghidrorah! Great scripts, keep it up, proud of you! - JDude
« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 09:56:32 PM by JDude :3 »
"dnh is hard" - said no one
"dnh is bullshit" - everyone making a creative pattern

Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2019, 10:27:27 PM »
Thank you very much for your reply, this made for an interesting read. As I said, I probably made beginner mistakes and, to be fair, I have an "easy mode" which I generally suggest playing before trying this one out. In particular the survival Vectorganza can be somewhat anticipated more knowledgeably having gone through the easier script.

Anyway, for N1, the arrows are just a taste of what's to come (they represent vectors all throughout the fight). The dots represent some kind of spittle showing that the teacher is condescending towards the player for taking him on. The S1 is the result of a lot of parametrisation experiments, and though there is some micro-dodging here and there (through the yellow waves only) it is mainly a spell of anticipation: the trick to doing it consistently without getting walled is to be aggressive and not really let the bullets come to you.

Concerning N2, I know about having multiple phases in one single (I did it in the Archimedes spell), but I just felt like having a section of the lifebar marked for this. Don't know why :) . The S2 is obnoxious at first. I tried to lure the player towards the centre of the screen by having arrows cover most of the rest of the screen. Then the trick is to stay in the centre and dodge the Murasa droplets from there: there is a big delay on the bullets in the archimedean spirals to allow for some trajectory correcting. It's an intense spell though, and can be mean somewhat.

N3 is indeed just a call-back to N1. The boss is getting angry . You find N3.1 easy? Good heavens! I find it to be the hardest section in the script! S3 is not a survival spell though: out of interest, how could I telegraph his movements so that the player knows the boss is about to come down?

S4 is a complex one, and I expect nearly no-one to capture it on their first playthrough: you really need to know what's coming in order to be able to react to it.

S5 was a hard one to program actually. So the five arms oscillate individually, but at the same time the total angle of the figure they form changes over time (and a sound cue gives a warning for when that will happen). Maybe it's too hard, I'm not sure about that.

Overall, I'm pleased that you enjoyed it (or seemed to, at least). How do you think this is in terms of difficulty? Again, I've been playing bullet-hell games for 5 months only, so I'm not too good at judging this. Thanks for the word of encouragement :) ; I think I will make the shot sounds quieter as well, especially the ATTACK3 sound which is incredibly loud by default (to give you an idea, it is the one used in the bullet spam and the volume is set to 60%, I believe!).


  • Trying to be a little less lazy
  • ;
Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2019, 01:28:23 AM »
Decided to throw my hat in the ring.
I guess I can't talk too much since my own first script I actually plan on publishing is in the works but oh well

Pretty cool you did one of your teacher! Did you tell him? I'd think he'd like it.

For a first script, it isn't bad. Lots of things I appreciate and some of the structure works. But the first script is never pretty  :V  reminds me of my Rumia script that never saw the light of day

So here I go:


I played as Ultima's Reimu.

NS1: Personally, while random bullets work in cases (heck, Sakuya has this as a spellcard), on its own it's rather simple. For a nonspell, I'll let it pass. Though the arrows, despite being the main theme, looks kinda weird in this.
S1: I like it! The parametrics work nicely and the lasers later on aren't awkward. A bit on the hard side, but that's on me for being a noob. Definitely my favorite.

NS2: (I'm going to collectively put both phases here.)Personally better than the first one, imo. I like the first wave more, but I see what you were doing with the second wave. The transition is... awkward. Is there supposed to be a bit of a wait in between?
S2:  Hmm. I like the concept, but it was executed kinda weird. The spiral caught me very off guard, and I'm not exactly sure how you're supposed to approach it. I ended up finding a way by moving left and right in the center of the spiral, hoping that I wouldn't be sniped by oncoming fire. If I'm right, that spiral definitely needs more of a warning.

NS3: Same as NS1.
NS3.5: ...I'm gonna be blunt here. It's super chaotic, appearance and attack-wise. There are around 4 different bullet styles, and they're radically different. Lasers, stars, and knives all doing different things in an unorderly fashion is a bit much. Probably my least favorite nonspell.
S3: It's an alright spell. The burst at the end of each wave is a bit sudden, so a bit of a warning would be nice.

S4: I'm mixed. The laser grids I like, and the laser star section is cool and fits the theme nicely. Though, I'm curious on why you let the stars fire on their own for a bit once the laser part is over before the spell restarts.
      My problem is the pinwheel. Sudden is one thing: I can learn sudden.  However the pinwheel is very wide, and *Reimu just isn't fast enough to swoop around to safety. There's also that the spell lasts for over 99 seconds. That's extremely long for a survival card. Considering the two phases, I think 45~60 seconds is a bit more feasible.
*I later went and tested this with a Marisa player. Definitely better for the pinwheel, but still very annoying.

S5: Organised chaos: In a good way. My second favorite spell. The spiral, like JDude mentioned, is pretty weird. It tends to suddenly push you into stuff: maybe that's the whole point. It's a really nice spell to look at, though the orange and green is a weird combo. I blame the bullet coloring though.


Overall, for a first script? You did a really good job despite some glaring issues. Definitely love the first spell and the last one will stick around in my mind.

I think after some practice, you'll be making some super cool scripts in the future. I wonder, if you decide to go for it, which Touhou girl you'll try first...

The main thing is a bit of spell choreographing, and making sure your spell doesn't surprise people (too much at least). Since I kinda lack experience, all I can really say is to watch and study other people's scripts: good and bad. If they're on here, check their reviews if they have any.

I hope I didn't hit a nerve since I got a bit ranty at some parts. Funnily enough, this is also my first review.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2019, 03:23:40 AM by Crescendo »
Normal 1cc's: EoSD(RA), PCB(SA), IN(BT), MoF(RA), SA(MC), UFO(RB), TD(R), DDC(SA), PDLoLK(Reimu, 921 tries), HSiFS(CWin)
Fangame 1cc's: HSoB-Normal(SPurple,KWhite)
Current goals:  EoSD hard, EoSD extra.
Attempting the art of danmakufu.

Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2019, 10:32:26 AM »
Hello again,

Thanks for your feedback, which I'm taking into consideration. Don't worry about ranting, since it is mainly to get criticism from bullet-hell players that I posted this here in the first place (none of my friends play these games..).
I have updated the script again, with reworked sound volume, new colours for some of the bullets (ie for the last spell for instance: I think the visual problem was mainly due to the fact that the alpha of the bullets is quite low, so that you can see the rest of the stuff you need to dodge, but I changed to a red-green combo which, though not too original, is easy on the eyes), and new tasks for the archimedean spiral one. We now have a warning spiral with low alpha and a dull colour (grey) to show where the spirals will form (and I have kept the delay on the bullets as well). I've also changed the number of knives spawned in the "chaotic" non-spell from 8 to 6, so we end up with less stuff coming from everywhere (since you probably noticed that certain bullet patterns formed according to which side of the STG the knives hit). The Parametrisation spellcard seems quite successful, which I'm pleased about: it actually turned out really well for something that was, at first, just an experiment!

Regarding the S4, I agree that it is quite long, but this is one thing that I am not willing to change: there is a steady increase in difficulty throughout the spell which would be hard for me to convey in less time: the pinwheel seems surprising at first, but it is actually aimed towards the player, which means that Reimu can actually dodge it consistently by simple misdirection (ie going to the right on the first wave, for example). The stars after the first wave were really just to keep players on their toes.

And finally, yes the pause between the two phases of the second non-spell is intentional; I don't know why I like it, but for some reason I do: it gives a sense of ominousness before the next attack starts (in my mind at least). Anyway, thanks for trying it out and for your honest opinion. See if you think it better now!

Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2019, 11:06:05 AM »
Oh, and I forgot to add: yes I did tell my teacher, and I even showed him it. He laughed and said it seemed "harmless enough".

Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2019, 08:42:56 PM »
Hey there! I downloaded and played the script, and oh, my, was my mind totally blown! The idea was really unique, I never expected someone to make a boss based off a teacher, but it really did work out well  :)

Some spoilers below to those who haven't played it yet.

The only gripe I have with it is that (for me, at least) quite a handful of attacks are pretty much impossible to clear. Vectorganza and Fury of Archimedes being the primary offenders in this regard. Fury of Archimedes is just... too dense, for lack of better wording, and like others mentioned, there's bullets flying everywhere. The gaps are also extremely small, which wouldn't be a problem if the shots' directions weren't as chaotic as they are, but since they are....

Vectorganza has a similiar issue : even after my playthroughs of the script, I never managed to avoid the spirals the boss shoots (after the arrows), they just rotate way too fast to be dodged, and the projectiles are also too fast to use the gaps in-between them to avoid them that way.

The rest of the script, however, was great. I'd say "Arrowmance" was my favourite card, as despite its simplicity, it is fairly hard, yet still clearable without much trouble if I'm on my toes, so to say. I don't need to spend much time on the nonspells, most I just end bombing until I run out of bombs haha.

Other than these, it is a fantastic idea well-translated into danmaku gameplay. The "HEHE! SPELL BONUS FAILED!" was also quite a nice touch, in my opinion. Looking forward to your next script!
Achieve your mission without regrets.

Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2019, 12:04:09 AM »
Oh wow, I am really chuffed about this enthusiastic response, thank you very much for that!! Regarding your gripes, they mainly come from the fact that I designed Vectorganza as a memo spellcard (it is entirely possible to avoid the last pinwheel, but you need to stay close to the boss and know that you can actually misdirect the pinwheel's initial angle) and Fury of Archimedes as a trick card (the three circles of grey bullets are to show that these won't damage you, and I intend for the player to stay at the middle of the screen, but there might have been a better way of conveying this..)

In any case, the next script's creative process is almost complete and I expect it to be done by next week-end (depending on whether I can find an artist because the previous one is unavailable right now): this one will feature my real and functional analysis teacher, and the spellcards definitely feel more inspired to me, even after such a short period of time. I'll post it here when I am done. Again, thanks a lot for the positive comment, you really made my evening!

Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2019, 05:51:50 PM »
Hello everyone,

I thought that I'd post my second boss battle against one of my lecturers here as well for those who would like to experience it. I'm glad with it, but feel free to rage if you don't like it (with reason) :) ! This battle is against James Robinson, who was my analysis lecturer in my first year and is my functional analysis teacher now in my third, and he REALLY likes sines, power series, spirals, the Hahn-Banach theorem and the Mean Value theorem amongst other things, so I made sure to reference all of these in the script. Anyhow, let me know what you think!
Best wishes,



Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2019, 08:53:55 PM »
Hey there! Played this one, just like your Mario script. Unlike that one, though, I got really close to clearing this on my first try, having failed due to... me being overly curious and ignoring the warning at the last spell.

About the script itself.... I'd say it's a very solid script, and the addition of dialogues also make it that all the more fun to play. It's probably me being not that good when it comes to micrododging (extremely tight dodges with minimal movements) but "Sine of the times" felt way harder than the rest of the attacks. I managed to clear it after a few times, though, after figuring out how it works, though a blind first run lead to an inescapable wall situation. Nothing too major, however. I should have been more attentive.

The only other attack which had a minor issue in my opinion was the nonspell including bubbles. Them being non-transparent makes it kinda hard to determine their non-hitbox area. I don't think the shotsheet you use involves ADD rendered shots, but they would help in this regard a lot. It's nothing that major though as they could be navigated around, but I felt it'd be the best to point it out.

The rest of the script, though, was really great to play through. Hahn-Banachstension is my favourite : it's fairly dodgeable, doesn't have too many surprises that would catch one off-guard, and it's visually one of the best to look at.

And of course, I can't forget the "No Girl's Land" warning which I went ahead and haphazardly ignored :D

Keep up the great work! It's amazing to see real-world people, teachers even more so, and maths come to life in danmaku like this!
« Last Edit: February 10, 2019, 09:00:33 PM by Mr.Ownage »
Achieve your mission without regrets.

Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2019, 11:29:21 PM »
Ah hello again,  I just realised that I forgot to answer. I'm glad you appreciated the script, which took a large amount of effort to make (I'm sligthly disappointed at the moment though since it has gone unremarked compared to my Mario script both here and on the university maths page when I think it is the superior script.. oh well).

In retrospect, this may indeed be easier than the Mario script, though it has its tough moments (the first spell gets nasty towards the end, for example). Sine of the times never gives me too much trouble since I'm pretty good with slow precise movement, and planning ahead, but Hahn-Banachstension, though nearly static, always messes with my mind (that's the point after all). By the way if you're curious, the name of that spell is a reference to the Hahn-Banach theorem which states that certain functions defined on small domains can be extended on larger domains, hence the idea of filling up the screen progressively by starting from something small. And this is something more minor, but I'm quite proud of the moment where the teacher goes super saiyan (that reference is dear to me).


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Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2019, 04:57:26 AM »
@Author Kinghidrorah. Heads up, I am going to merge your thread,21800.0.html with this one.

Unless you're releasing a large work, it would be better to organise your scripts into one thread.

Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2019, 10:29:21 AM »
Ah OK. Sorry about that.

Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2019, 05:18:32 PM »
I'm not sure of who will see this, but here goes nothing..

Here is the third game in my maths-themed boss battles! The enemy this time is Dave Wood, director of undergraduate studies and researcher at Warwick in dynamical systems (hence all of the references to dynamics, vector fields, chaos theory and all of the emphasis on the boss's movement). This is by far the largest project I have made thus far and I am very pleased with it, but I wanted to have some feedback concerning it (on all aspects, but especially on the difficulty: do you find it reasonable?). In any case, I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to hearing news from you all!
Thank you in advance,

Maximilien Dralet (aka Kinghidrorah)


  • Danmakufu Artist
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Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2019, 12:50:00 AM »

When I try to unarchive it, my unarchiver says that the RAR is corrupted.

EDIT: Nevermind; something weird happened on my end.

Dave Script by Kinghidrorah

General Notes:
- Boss Icon (the yellow "Dave" at the bottom) should be on the HUD, not in the playing field. When in the playing field, it can be very distracting.
- I can't say much about the color scheme since I don't know much about Dave, but it can be a little... overkill to have the nonspells all be rainbow colored.
- Music doesn't loop properly

Nonspell 1:
- Fairly generic. Not much to say here

Spell 1:
- Really nice-looking opener
- Arrows and butterflies have no delay or warning on them when they spawn.
- It's a really nice spell to look at, but it's very easy to die and for the pattern to be broken
- Overall a spell that is much better appreciated on a second playthrough

Nonspell 2:
- A well-executed and fun to play nonspell.

Spell 2:
- Now THIS is how you do math in danmaku form... or so I'd like to say, but it lags a lot and the background can obscure the bullets since it's so bright

Nonspell 3:
- Interesting, for sure. May want delay clouds on the bullets that spawn from the stars

Nonspell 4:
- Similar to Nonspell 1. Not much to say here


Nonspell 5:
- Now THIS nonspell looks a lot better, graphic wise. Can be a little too difficult though

Spell 3:
- Unfortunately, the colors you utilized are quite dark and given how thin the strokes are, it becomes hard to spot the bullets on the background. One of them in particular (Integral of e^(x^2) ?) is very hard to see

Nonspell 6:
- Bullets are a little too dense, especially with the angular velocity. Otherwise a nice spell.

Spell 4:
- Opener is unnecessarily long and non-threatening to the player, and doesn't even match up to when the first actual laser appears
- Bullets come with no warning and there is no sign of it stopping; depending on the player's position, it could be quite unfair

[ End of second run]

I haven't played the entire thing so I don't know what else you have in store, but you seem to have a good mix of interesting attacks and simple yet effective attacks. I'd be careful about your use of graphics (contrast, readability, etc) as well as difficulty balancing. However, those are more advanced aspects of general game design, and will come with practice, feedback, and iteration.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2019, 01:28:32 AM by Sparen »

Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2019, 09:33:09 AM »
Well well well, Sparen playing my script. This is an honour, sir, so thank you for that. In any case, the feedback did not fall in deaf ears:

-First things first: how do you make the boss icon appear on the HUD? I used this method because I did not know of any other.
-The nonspells are not all multicoloured; the first ones tend to be (this represents the chaotic nature of Dave's behaviour) and then they tend to become more monochrome as the fight goes on (though the spells are still colourful) until the grand finale (which I hope you will experience :).*
-I'm aware of my music not looping properly, but I'm unsure of how to test it other than waiting for two minutes in front of my computer to see if I got the timing right (which is tedious). Do you have any hints in order to do that?

I agree with some of your comments regarding the first spell. I tried adding delay to the butterflies but found it visually unappealing and less threatening; also the "unstable fixed point" of blue arrows is, well, fixed, so I found delay on these arrows to be unnecessary. I have changed the spawning area of the green circles (which do have delay) to make the spell consistently fair (ie the ones on the bottom spawn closer to the player, so they don't accelerate as much anymore).

I'm actually surprised you like NS 2; I find it OK but it acts more as a breather in my opinion before the craziness really starts.

Spell 2: oh boy, this one gave me trouble to balance. I have now darkened the background considerable which makes the spell, I have to admit, far better to play. Also the number of unnecessary bullets has been greatly reduced, resulting in the disappearance of lag (at least on my computer, I don't know about other people's).

You are correct about NS3. I have added clouds, and they look pretty as well. NS 5 is hard, I agree, but I can do it 3/4 approximately and have not intention of changing it, since I want it to fit the music.

I remade the bullets for Spell 3 and it is now far more doable (and the hitboxes have been reduced a bit). Keep in mind this was an experiment, since this is my first time making my own bullets, so sorry about it not being optimal earlier.

NS 6 is actually very easy. The first part can be misdirected, then safespotted, and the second is just a bit of spiral dodging (no angular velocity though).

Spell 4 has been tweaked: I have controlled the randomness greatly and also now 3 lasers spawn instead of one when the spell really starts (that was a bug). Sorry if you find the opening too long, but I actually like it that way, so that is how it will remain.

In any case, if you carry on (and please do, your feedback is gold and the end of the script is by far my favourite part!), please redownload the script since I have updated it again with all the previous changes. Thanks in advance, Sparen!


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2019, 01:37:40 PM »
-First things first: how do you make the boss icon appear on the HUD? I used this method because I did not know of any other.

You use render priorities to do this. When assigning a render priority between 0.2 and 0.8 (which is the case for the 'default' render priority when you create a sprite), the sprites are rendered inside the playing field, with (0, 0) being the top left corner of the playing field. Outside of that range ( <0.2, >0.8 ), they render with respect to the top left of the window.

-I'm aware of my music not looping properly, but I'm unsure of how to test it other than waiting for two minutes in front of my computer to see if I got the timing right (which is tedious). Do you have any hints in order to do that?

Welcome to the club. :)

I recommend using Audacity ( to better find loop points.

NS 6 is actually very easy. The first part can be misdirected, then safespotted, and the second is just a bit of spiral dodging (no angular velocity though).
The important thing to note is that just because you may consider an attack to be easy doesn't mean that others will think the same way. Everyone plays games in a slightly different way, and as the creator, you get used to things that others may not see.

A good example of this that I remember is the following:

A beta tester was invited to a studio to test a game. He had no idea how to open his inventory. When he asked, they said 'Oh, just triple-press this key' as if it was obvious. It was something that was obvious to the devs who had been using that system for months, but was not obvious to someone who had sat down in front of the game for the first time.

For this particular nonspell, I'd likely fare much better on a repeat attempt.

In any case, if you carry on (and please do, your feedback is gold and the end of the script is by far my favourite part!), please redownload the script since I have updated it again with all the previous changes. Thanks in advance, Sparen!
No problem; keep on iterating and improving. You have some great ideas in there and with better execution, you can definitely release their potential.

Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2019, 09:23:41 PM »
Hello again, so I have finalised the script and am pleased with the result, hence I would like to post it on Bulletforge if possible. BUT I noticed back in January that it apparently wasn't accepting any new registrations and have been looking rather frequently since, and that still hasn't changed. So how does one register if registration is never a thing?

R. P. Genocraft

  • Craftsman of absolute unpredictability
  • Boundary of productive and lazy
Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2019, 11:43:36 PM »
Hello again, so I have finalised the script and am pleased with the result, hence I would like to post it on Bulletforge if possible. BUT I noticed back in January that it apparently wasn't accepting any new registrations and have been looking rather frequently since, and that still hasn't changed. So how does one register if registration is never a thing?
It's been unavailable for literally years by now, so unfortunately it's probably not getting fixed any soon.


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: More danMATHSkufu
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2019, 02:30:27 AM »
It's been unavailable for literally years by now, so unfortunately it's probably not getting fixed any soon.

It only took one troll to rid the community of this privilege. And unless someone else is willing to take on the job of maintaining and paying for Bulletforge, that's not going to change.

Other standard upload sites work fine. Mega, Mediafire, etc.