~Hakurei Shrine~ > Help Me, Eirin!
A Beginner's Guide to Touhou Scoring
I got interested in scoring IN before I got a Hard 1cc so yeah, you can start whenever. The only thing you need to score effectively is being comfortable with the mode you'll be playing and that's about it. Any tricks you'd need to learn don't depend on general skill you'd get by going higher. Well, playing on harder modes does build up one's confidence for easier ones, but I wouldn't say that's something mandatory.
Plus a bit of general wisdom. Don't hold yourself back with arbitrary goals. Go ahead and try everything. Feel free to drop anything that you feel to be too tough for you at the moment, but don't miss out on gameplay experiences regardless of your level of skill. Your first time flailing around in Lunatic or Extra can still bring good memories later.
--- Quote from: CyberAngel on February 15, 2019, 07:20:31 AM ---I got interested in scoring IN before I got a Hard 1cc so yeah, you can start whenever. The only thing you need to score effectively is being comfortable with the mode you'll be playing and that's about it. Any tricks you'd need to learn don't depend on general skill you'd get by going higher. Well, playing on harder modes does build up one's confidence for easier ones, but I wouldn't say that's something mandatory.
Plus a bit of general wisdom. Don't hold yourself back with arbitrary goals. Go ahead and try everything. Feel free to drop anything that you feel to be too tough for you at the moment, but don't miss out on gameplay experiences regardless of your level of skill. Your first time flailing around in Lunatic or Extra can still bring good memories later.
--- End quote ---
Okay I definitely feel there's games I could confidently play in normal well enough to focus on scoring a bit so I'm going to try that a bit. Normal IN seems like it'd be a great way to start practicing with the score system a bit I think.
I get what you're saying completely. I've been thinking of how I want to get to the point of being able to do lunatic 1ccs, which I do, but I shouldn't hesitate to just experiment a little and have some fun and explore different aspects of the game too. That said it can be tough to break the mentality when so much of my experience with the series has simply been trying to learn and understand how the game works (especially with no experience with bullet hells previously) and it wasn't until I beat LoLK in normal point device a few times that I felt confident enough to start experimenting a bit. I feel like I've learned so much about this series and yet still know so little :D
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