Hello I'm Mr. Stizblee (If I set up my account right :ohdear:). I'm new to this sort of thing and I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but here goes:
I have an Idea for a joke translation to be done in Thcrap:
Mima ProjectThe idea behind this project is simple:
- All character names would be replaced with Mima (possibly without changing last names to avoid confusion).
- All character titles would be "Mimafied" e.g. Rumia's Youkai of the Dusk Title would be replaced with Mima of the Dusk.
- All character portraits and if possible sprites would be replaced with Mima (possibly with traits from the original characters to avoid confusion if anyone is willing to redraw it).
- All spell card names would be "Mimafied" e.g. Rumia's Moon Sign "Moonlight Ray" would become Mima Sign "Mimalight Ray" or something similar.
- Dialogue would be mostly unchanged besides replacing names with Mima for consistency.
- Gameplay would be completely unchanged.
Unfortunately I don't have the qualifications to make such a patch as I am a ludicrously slow typist (this all took me several hours to type out) have no programming experience and no wiki editing experience.
I know this is a selfish request but if anyone is interested in making this Idea happen please feel free to contact me or reply to this topic.
If anyone has some suggestions or advice Please feel free to voice them.
Hopefully if this works people will finally stop whining about Mima not returning :V