Author Topic: Coin Defender 0.9.1 (3D Touhou top-down shooter)  (Read 6927 times)

Coin Defender 0.9.1 (3D Touhou top-down shooter)
« on: November 05, 2016, 04:46:18 PM »
The game can be played here. (Works best in Chrome/Opera , if Opera is used you must disable mouse gestures to prevent Opera from crashing when drag right-clicking.)

This is a small top down shooter game, using voxel graphics.

You play as Reimu(other characters are unlockable, 21 in total as of 0.9.1) and you need to keep the donation box from being swarmed. Letting the box get swarmed, or taking damage/losing a life, will cause you to drop coins.
Run out of coins and it's game over.

The game also has co-op multiplayer, where you share coins.

  • WASD = Move
  • Spacebar = Jump(Air Dashes in mid-air)
  • Left Click = Attack 1
  • Right Click = Attack 2/Ability
  • M = Toggle Music
  • Enter = Start/Pause Game
  • Escape = End Game(Back to the title screen)
  • [] = Resize radar
  • 0 = Toggle radar
  • F = Toggle FPS counter

You earn gems every wave, the amount is determined by the total coins you have, and is affected by the current wave
You can unlock characters by using gems in the shop found on the title screen.

This project was started as an experiment with WebGL(3D in web pages).
« Last Edit: April 11, 2019, 01:45:49 AM by RSGmaker »


  • Arahitogami of Contribution
  • Geez, Touhou and real life are set to hard mode...
Re: Coin Defender 0.6 (Touhou top-down shooter)
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2016, 08:53:56 PM »
Indeed quite a fun game. ^^ Although as an Opera user I didn't experience any odd crashes, but maybe it's a problem with a certain version or something like that.
I'm a decade-old Touhou Project fan. I heavily advocate for what's obscure and less popular in this series such as the PC-98 era, not-often-heard ZUN music, and the much of unpopular/unused characters.

Re: Coin Defender 0.6 (Touhou top-down shooter)
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2016, 09:39:50 PM »
Indeed quite a fun game. ^^ Although as an Opera user I didn't experience any odd crashes, but maybe it's a problem with a certain version or something like that.

It's possible to play it on Opera, just avoid moving your mouse during right clicks(the specific issue seems to be something like if the mouse moves the frame after starting right click drag or something strange like that).
I've tested the game in Windows Opera 41.0.2353.46

Re: Coin Defender 0.7 (Touhou top-down shooter)
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2016, 03:06:13 AM »
I've updated the game to version 0.7
Added 1 new enemy.
2 new playable characters.
Player characters cost less to unlock.
Performance optimizations.

And I've discovered the cause of the crashing issue with the Opera Browser, it is Opera's "mouse gestures", if you have them disabled, the game runs just fine no matter how you use your right mouse clicks. mouse gestures also would cause odd lag, and input errors while using the right mouse button.

Re: Coin Defender 0.7 (3D Touhou top-down shooter)
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2016, 10:46:01 AM »
This game really looks nice I'll definitely try it out some time


  • Arahitogami of Contribution
  • Geez, Touhou and real life are set to hard mode...
Re: Coin Defender 0.7 (Touhou top-down shooter)
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2016, 02:07:57 AM »
it is Opera's "mouse gestures", if you have them disabled, the game runs just fine no matter how you use your right mouse clicks. mouse gestures also would cause odd lag, and input errors while using the right mouse button.
That's probably why I didn't have any problems then. I don't like the mouse gestures anyway. Opera otherwise hasn't had anything else that's made it any different or worse when I played this, so I'm at least glad for that.
I'm a decade-old Touhou Project fan. I heavily advocate for what's obscure and less popular in this series such as the PC-98 era, not-often-heard ZUN music, and the much of unpopular/unused characters.

Re: Coin Defender 0.9.1 (3D Touhou top-down shooter)
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2019, 02:29:07 AM »
Coin Defender has been updated to 0.9.1.
The update adds; online co-op multiplayer, 6 new playable characters, improved character graphics(finally have smooth lighting on the models) & graphics in general. A handful of changes to character abilities, gameplay, plus some other changes, and tweaks.

I didn't post about 0.9.0, so I'll condense down this big update's info.
You now have infinite lives, now you only have to worry about running out of coins. taking damage and/or dying still drops some of your coins.
You no longer have to hunt down every single enemy, defeating most will end the wave. Enemies no longer disappear at the end of a wave.
Combos now extend the timer.
Bosses are smarter and happen more frequently(5 levels between them instead of 7).
Added 3 new characters, added difficulty levels, and a bunch of various other changes and tweaks.