Author Topic: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)  (Read 35326 times)


  • Overambitous Fandom-hopping otaku
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Re: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)
« Reply #30 on: December 06, 2017, 05:43:49 PM »
Well, the dialogue for Sanae's Extra was missing in english because of the storywriter of BOSM (as I've seen on touhouwiki).
Take a look what's out there:

Sanae's Scenario is finished (Even Marisa's Scenario and Extra Dialogue has been finished with translation). I wonder how long if Miika Oyasu (BOSM Storywriter) would know more because there's something missing.  :ohdear:

Seriously, I didn't even catch that until you mentioned it (nice catch, by the way)!

I was referring to the actual difficulty level select screen. All the difficulty level descriptions have been translated on Touhou Wiki...
...except the one for the extra stage.

EDIT: Did some digging earlier today.

The extra rank select(in green) roughly translates to:

'Cloud Mass Level'
'Clouds of anxiety cover the sky.'

If anyone has a better translation, let me know, as I appreciate any help for this project!  :D
« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 11:53:23 PM by Kizune-Chao »


  • Overambitous Fandom-hopping otaku
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Re: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)
« Reply #31 on: December 13, 2017, 08:56:42 PM »
An Important announcement

Hey guys, I have an important announcement to make.
So to make a long story short:
Good news:
Starting tomorrow, I'll be out of town to visit relatives in New York for a while.
Because y'know, Happy holidays!

But, uh...
I won't be able to take my PC that I use for this project.
In other words, I won't be able to work on this patch until I get back home.
...which is about a solid month from now.

So, to summarize, I should be home and back to the grind on January 14, 2018.
(keyword being SHOULD.) :P
But until then, I'll have to take a break from this project for now.

Thanks for understanding, and happy holidays,
Kizune Chao
« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 09:15:43 PM by Kizune-Chao »


  • Overambitous Fandom-hopping otaku
  • Fandom-hopping Otaku
Re: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2018, 04:32:59 AM »

...ahem. Anyways, I returned home on January 14, as promised(?) so I should be up and about working on this project...whenever I have the time.
I'm heading back to college starting tomorrow, plus there's some personal stuff to take care of. As such, I won't have nearly as much free time to work on this project as I used to, so I won't be as active on it.

Hope you understand,

Kizune Chao

Re: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)
« Reply #33 on: March 02, 2018, 08:37:42 PM »
Am I correct in assuming that English TouhouWiki has all the available translations?
Particularly interested in Sanae's Extra & all endings (stuff that isn't on the Wiki), 'cause I'm trying to accomplish pretty much the same thing (= language patch) but in Russian. And translating from Japanese is a pain.
(BTW, if it's still needed, I can provide some rough translations of texts from in-game images that are absent on the Wiki. Namely, "Story" Manual page & Options menu.)


  • Overambitous Fandom-hopping otaku
  • Fandom-hopping Otaku
Re: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)
« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2018, 07:01:09 PM »
Am I correct in assuming that English TouhouWiki has all the available translations?
Particularly interested in Sanae's Extra & all endings (stuff that isn't on the Wiki), 'cause I'm trying to accomplish pretty much the same thing (= language patch) but in Russian. And translating from Japanese is a pain.
(BTW, if it's still needed, I can provide some rough translations of texts from in-game images that are absent on the Wiki. Namely, "Story" Manual page & Options menu.)

Those translations would be super helpful! I've already translated the entire manual except for that particular page. Once again, thanks for your help!

Re: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)
« Reply #35 on: March 08, 2018, 09:31:05 PM »
Just want to point out that these translations have been made largely by guessing the meaning from Google translate output (and by a person to whom English is not a first language), so if you have any other source, you should probably trust it instead.
In some time I should be done with endings and Sanae's extra, but the quality would be the same.

Re: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)
« Reply #36 on: March 30, 2018, 02:13:10 PM »
Have you finished it yet, and if you have where is the download link?
Thank you for spending your time translating this it much be a pain.   


  • Overambitous Fandom-hopping otaku
  • Fandom-hopping Otaku
Re: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)
« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2018, 04:47:52 PM »
Just want to point out that these translations have been made largely by guessing the meaning from Google translate output (and by a person to whom English is not a first language), so if you have any other source, you should probably trust it instead.

Don't worry - my Japanese isn't that great either, so I'll take whatever translation I can get, flaws and all. Once again, thank you!
(...That sounded blunt, didn't it?)

Have you finished it yet, and if you have where is the download link?
Thank you for spending your time translating this it much be a pain.   
As of now, it's... actually, it's been a while since I last did anything (because college stuff is a thing). But, you can check our progress on the very first post.
That's great to hear, especially considering how long I've been at it (since version 0.02(second demo)).
And you're right, .dat files are a pain to deal with, especially if you lack the computer programming skills to deal with them.


  • Overambitous Fandom-hopping otaku
  • Fandom-hopping Otaku
Re: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)
« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2018, 05:42:28 PM »

I decided to recreate the fourth manual page entirely from scratch.
After several hours of trial and error in the dead of night...


  • Ordinary crow
Re: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)
« Reply #39 on: April 28, 2018, 11:03:25 AM »
Hey, I don't know anything about that stuff, but it's really great that someone is working on a project like that. It will help us and it's very pleasant to play in english, so the least I can do is saying thank you very much, keep the good work !

You're awesome  :)

Re: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)
« Reply #40 on: May 03, 2018, 02:48:37 AM »
I would like to help, I am new here but I am great at photoshop. I've been following this since 2017 and recently made an account so I could help!


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Re: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)
« Reply #41 on: May 08, 2018, 03:48:41 AM »
I was curious and wanted to look at the currently translated images in the OP link and uh... t-that's just the Japanese original still. Oops...?
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

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Re: [I'TS BACK!] Book of Star Mythology English Patch (Help Wanted!)
« Reply #42 on: May 23, 2018, 02:32:13 PM »
Sanae's Extra has been translated due to the BOSM storywriter's script update!

See the info, link bio:,21040.msg1361433.html#msg1361433

And due to some undergoing progress, I'd better be off for college at school and study. But don't worry, I'll be back on Christmas Day until New Year... unless there's more school work to do. See you on Christmas until next year of January! ;)
« Last Edit: August 02, 2018, 12:31:50 PM by HumanReploidJP »
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