Author Topic: Wondering why your thread got locked? (Updated 7/16/14)  (Read 66757 times)


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Wondering why your thread got locked? (Updated 7/16/14)
« on: June 10, 2011, 12:32:05 AM »
Threads will lock automatically when they reach 1k posts (with a few exceptions). You are free to post in any unlocked thread but we STRONGLY encourage making a new thread if there's something you want to add to a thread that's older than a month. If you choose to bump an older thread, unless it's absolutely necessary/on topic we will likely lock it and leave a message directing to make a new thread.

The rest of this post is in quotes to cover former policies for historical purposes:
CPMC/LEIA will autolock threads over 200 posts but ONLY if it hasn't been posted in for 2 days.  Hard lock at 1k posts regardless of last post time, or 14 days since last post regardless of length (essentially the global limits).
RPG will autolock threads if it hasn't been posted in 2 months (60 days), no thread length lock.
TARC/HME/Tech Support/Akyu's/SAVIOR will autolock threads over 1k posts OR if it hasn't been posted in for 14 days.

Any other board not listed does not have autolock (PSL/AAA/GBA/RaNGE/High Score/Front Page).

The lock over 200 posts/2 days since last post can be overridden by mods.  Threads can be unlocked and as long as someone posts in it before the next check it will pass, so if a mod or an IM/ID wishes to revive a thread that might have gotten locked prematurely they can simply unlock and post a bump in it.  Bumping by other users in order to intentionally leave threads open is forbidden though, only IM/IDs and mods can bump a thread to keep it alive.  If we catch someone bumping we'll simply lock the thread and delete their posts.

These autolocks are in place so we can safely archive and clean out older threads that are no longer active.  If you see a locked thread and you really wanted to post in it feel free to remake it and link to the old one.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 07:13:25 PM by helvetica »

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."