~Hakurei Shrine~ > Patchouli's Scarlet Library
The MotK Fanworks Listing, version 3ish: We Should Probably Do Something
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Joveus Molai:
Heads up: as far as I can tell, "Gensokyo's Tales from the Crypt" Touhou Horror Stories does not seem to actually have any story content--therefore, a summary will not be necessary.
Iced Fairy:
Well that makes everybodies (and by that I mean your >.<) life easier.
Iced Fairy:
Currently the following fics have been given the "Other" genre.  Given that most of the things under that list are scripts games or other true oddities, I think it would be better to categorize them differently.  I'm open to suggestions.

Name: A Greater Chinese Empire

Name: The Lion, The Wolf, The Wasp, and The Hawk

Name: Tempest Sapphira

Name: A Sword Among Pens

Name: Flight of the Immortal Fire
Joveus Molai:

--- Quote from: Iced Fairy on April 22, 2014, 07:02:48 PM ---Currently the following fics have been given the "Other" genre.  Given that most of the things under that list are scripts games or other true oddities, I think it would be better to categorize them differently.  I'm open to suggestions.

Name: A Greater Chinese Empire

Name: A Sword Among Pens

Name: Flight of the Immortal Fire

--- End quote ---

Ah, for these three, I take responsibility.

I classified A Greater Chnese Empire as "Other" largely because I wasn't quite sure how else to classify it. The work is largely an alternate history story told primarily through prose that was designed to emulate historical fact books--as a result, I couldn't figure out what genre to put it under. I suppose we could put it under "Action", since there are descriptions of military conflict in it, or perhaps "Drama" since there are occasional dialogue exchanges illustrating certain dealings between important historical/fictional people.

I put A Sword Among Pens as "Other" because none of the genres listed seemed to fit it. The story is a monologue from the perspective of an Oni and how she's getting stressed in a particularly Oni-like manner due to isolation from others of her kind. It doesn't fit "Drama", unless I'm misunderstanding what we mean by "Drama"; it doesn't fit Mystery and Suspense, since that appears to be for detective-style mystery stories and similar works. Everything else didn't fit either.

Finally, I put Flight of the Immortal Fire down as "Other" since it's technically a Quest, i.e. a choose-your-own-ending story where the plot is directly influenced, to at least some extent, by participants.

As for The Lion, The Wolf, the Hawk, and the Wasp, which I wrote...I can understand someone having difficulty assigning a genre to this one as well. It's a series of short stories that flesh out setting elements in the Dark Souls videogame via myth-like, fireside tales. They don't neatly fall in a particular genre, since the style of story-telling was designed to emulate much older works: there's action, yes, but it's not the sort of tense, high-flying action we're used to whenever we think of something labeled "Action", etc.

Edit: If we're looking for suggestions on Tempest Saphirra, I would recommend something like Drama, ##Slice of Life.
Iced Fairy:
It took far longer then normal, and casualty rates were staggering but in the end, we made it!  The library cleanup is complete.

Thanks to all of our volunteers.  And an extra special thanks to Joveus Molai, who did about half the list himself.  It's because of him that the list got done at all, and for that I've asked he be given the librarian title.  Congrats you earned it.

The catalog's gotten so big that we had to split up the post, but everything should be in its correct space.  There's a lot of writing about, and hopefully it'll be easier to find because of this.
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