The first thought that came to my mind personally was the PC-98 cast.
Kurumi seems to like interacting with the walls of the screen, and is purportedly a vampire. Her attacks are pretty notable and memorable, so I'll do my best to think of some names for them.
Kurumi's first phase- Bat Sign "Echolocation"
Named for the reverberating effects of the beams, from which bullets home in on the player.
Kurumi's second phase- Lake Sign "Fish-Eating Bat"
Named for the appearance of Kurumi diving up and down, causing water waves to spread out.
Kurumi's third phase- Bat Sign "Devil's Cannon"
You can't see much of the attack here, but it seems to be a modified version of Echolocation with multiple beams fired at the walls.
Kurumi's fourth phase- Bat Sign "Vampire's Fangs"
Named from the small, "Double bullets" that resemble fangs.