~Hakurei Shrine~ > Alice's Art Atelier
Art Tips Thread II
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Quad City QBs:
Russell Stutler on sketching
Quad City QBs:
For those of you on the art-appreciator side of things--Ctrl+Paint's Matt Kohr speaks on critique and how to make it as useful as it can be.
Looking at the ten tips to become a better artist, I have a question: how do I learn to accept failure as a positive thing? I can read those tips, but I don't know how to apply them :/ I'd appreciate help with this.

--- Quote from: TERMspeon on July 11, 2012, 02:47:43 PM ---Looking at the ten tips to become a better artist, I have a question: how do I learn to accept failure as a positive thing? I can read those tips, but I don't know how to apply them :/ I'd appreciate help with this.

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I don't know how to explain it properly. But I'd say the way I try to accept failure as a positive thing is to just  move on and be happy with the end results even if its nowhere near the results I imaged...

That is, if I'm not punching myself in the face after I finish a drawing.   :derp:
I'm still learning how to accept failure myself for the most part.

--- Quote from: Bad Appellant!! on July 03, 2012, 01:09:58 AM ---For those of you on the art-appreciator side of things--Ctrl+Paint's Matt Kohr speaks on critique and how to make it as useful as it can be.

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And Matt Kohr's other videos are very recommended for those into digital painting.  if anyone wants to, check out his site.  :V
Hm, i c. Thanks for the answer, though I could still use more help with that.

Also, another question: how do I make drawing something that relaxes me? I heard that's a common effect of drawing, but more often than not it makes my mood worse, perhaps due to not being able to really accept failure.
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