Author Topic: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past  (Read 15953 times)

Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2012, 09:58:27 PM »
Sadly I don't remember my Touhou history that well, so my timeline is fairly messed up.  Also excuse the wall of text  :ohdear:.

I started in July of 09 with EoSD, and then tried the other games when I felt like I needed a change.  When I started, I just pretended that Easy mode didn't exist - I came to Touhou for a challenge, so I mostly played Normal/Hard with some Lunatic thrown in for kicks.  IN was my first 1cc, though at the time I didn't really know that 5 starting lives was frowned upon, so in that sense MoF was my first true 1cc.  The same can be said of my Hard 1ccs.  UFO was always quite nasty to me, and so I cleared UFO Normal sometime after I already had all of my Hards of the main games (maybe excluding SA, I don't remember).  I'm not sure where my first Extra came in, I believe it was after I had some Hards done though.  Ran Yakumo.  Still my favorite Ex boss.  The other Extra bosses have been spread out since then, with Nue being just recently (still missing SoEW's and FW's).  Lunatics... My first were LLS and MS, though they both had max lives, so I don't count them.  MS had enough lives remaining to make it count had I started with 3 though :V.  There was a long break between then and my next Lunatic, maybe a year or so.  I really got out of shmups in that time - played some Cave games and Touhou casually, but nothing much.  Then I got my IN Lunatic 1cc and man that felt good... SA came a couple days later, with MoF/PCB another couple days later.  And from there you pretty much have where I am now, give or take a few small accomplishments in-between.


  • You just did it because you're older than me.
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #31 on: April 11, 2012, 10:28:11 PM »
Yeah I don't really remember it either anymore.
Can't remember the exact dates, so this is coming from memory, my old posts and guesswork.

April 09, saw someone LP the PCB demo and it looked like a fun game. I got it myself not too long since then. I had never played a shmup before Touhou.
I remember going through the games from the oldest to the newest (pc98 aside), so I spend most time on EoSD in the beginning.
1cc'd normal in about a week? I Do remember I had beaten Flan after a month.
Don't remember having much problems with any extra stage after Flandre.

July 09, beat PCB lunatic somewhere during this time.
July 09 - Okt 09, beat a bunch of games on lunatic.

October 22, 2009, 01:47:03 pm - PoDD lunatic 1cc
October 27, 2009, 07:58:13 pm - all spellcards in the series captured.
December 05, 2009, 03:00:02 pm - Every lunatic in the series beaten.
December 10, 2009, 02:53:59 pm - VoWG timeout.
February 06, 2010, 08:02:07 pm - SA perfect stage 5 lunatic

So yeah, all that in 10 months.  :V
I think I played the games a lot back then though. And playing StB and PoFV lunatic that early really helped to improve a lot faster. StB brute forces you to learn advanced techniques and PoFV helps you develop raw dodging.


  • Bomb ALL the Spellcards!
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #32 on: April 12, 2012, 01:02:53 AM »
I started Touhou in mid September of 2011~

First game was EoSD, and I have to say that it's still my favorite game in the series to date :3

I remember how I used to die a lot on Cirno in stage 2 Normal, then give up, go to Easy, and only make it to stage 4 or 5. But now, I've got EoSD, PCB, and IN with both Normal Clears and an Extra Stage Clear, as well as Normal Clears for MoF, SA, UFO, and one for TD. I'm working on PCB Hard now, so let's see how that goes ^^

And I actually spent longer with my EoSD Normal Clear than I did with Flandre . _ ."

IMO, I've gotten quite a bit better since I started~


  • Youkai Jesus, Queen of the Monks
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Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #33 on: April 12, 2012, 02:41:29 AM »
IMO, I've gotten quite a bit better since I started~

It'd be shocking if the opposite were true :getdown:

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)

Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #34 on: April 12, 2012, 03:30:37 AM »
I started playing in September last year with MoF, and had NO idea what the games were all about.
MoF has a rather different feel to the other games, too, and I remember my moment of triumph when I beat Stage 1 in Easy after 19 attempts :v
I then spent 25 hours trying to clear SA Easy, and after about 356743685 continues, I managed it with Marialice :VVV
I don't play Touhou regularly or in any measured amount, which doesn't help: I spent a week spamming PoFV and then played GFW for three days, then quit for eight more.
I think I 1cced all the Easy modes as follows:
SWR (:V) and PoFV (this was fun)

I still have yet to 1cc 1-5 on Easy :v
At about January this year, I stopped playing Easy after realising I needed to jump a skill level and had been stuck in a rut of fear.
With amazingly few attempts, I proceeded to (just) clear IN, then clear TD, some PoFV, MoF and yesterday, PCB (2nd attempt using SakuyaB, including 2 deaths at Chen :VVV). UFO is within my grasp, and I can get to Byakuren and identify my errors (though sometimes I have bad days and die to Ichirin :V) but SA...
Yeah, SA.
EoSD I got to 2 seconds before clearing Remi's final spell in January.
I keep getting too demotivated to play EoSD, though ;w;
Hard 1ccs
Completed: IN, MoF, SA, DDC, LoLK, HSiFS

Extra 1ccs
Completed: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, SA, UFO, DDC, LoLK, HSiFS


  • Student of Danmaku
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #35 on: April 13, 2012, 02:21:45 PM »
July 4th of this year will mark my 1-year anniversary of scoring my first Windows-era Normal 1CC.  For about a year, a year and a half before that, I had been struggling some on most games, and the only game I'd actually cleared was, in fact, Lotus Land Story.  I had a couple of Easy clears - Imperishable Night FinalB, and Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream, but...

It took until near the end of the 2011 - half a year - to complete every danmaku game on Normal.  Including Highly Responsive to Prayers.  And remember that, when I first started playing, Hisoutensoku was the new game.  That should at least give some basis as to where I fall on the timeline.

I struggled.  I bitched.  I would regularly curse Remilia's name, because I had gotten to a point, especially in June, where I'd get as far as Red Magic and finally peter out.  When I beat Remilia for the first time on a 1CC, it was at 0/0.

By the end of the 2011, the only bosses I had not beaten, on Normal, were the Three Fairies, and Suika.  And starting this year, I have started on Hard, where Virtue of the Wind God is my new bane.  Shinki, Remilia, Yuyuko, and Eirin have all already fallen before me, on Hard.  Amazing, how time flies.

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #36 on: April 13, 2012, 04:14:16 PM »
Started summer-ish of 2010, with the UFO demo. Failed Easy pretty badly for a few runs, then I started picking up pace from there.

Today, EoSD/PCB Hard get. Probably would have done UFO/SA Hard by now had my old keyboard still actually worked. (New laptop now, but the direction keys have signal ghost issues)

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu

Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2012, 07:51:51 PM »
Started playing around mid-January with IN. It took me a good two weeks to get my first 1cc on Normal FinalB and that should probably tell you I didn't have any previous shmup experience. Now about three months later I've cleared all the Windows games on Hard (excluding pofv, gfw and the fighters), MoF on lunatic, a few extras and silly things like nobomb MoF extra with ReimuC.

Thinking is hard.


  • Hungry Ghost
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #38 on: April 19, 2012, 12:09:26 PM »
Started playing August 2011, about 8 months ago. Tried EoSD first, because I wanted to play the games in chronological order.

As a complete shmup-newbie I thought "Why not try Normal Mode?" and was raped HARD. After about 2 painful weeks of futile attempts trying to REACH Remilia with max lives , I decided to take it easy :yukkuri:

Then I was busy with clearing all Windows Games on Easy Modo for the next 3 months to get used to Touhou. Exactly 4 months after I started playing Touhou I 1cc'd EoSD Normal for the first time(default lives, of course).
Then I 1cc'd PCB Normal with all shottypes on a single day and am still busy with IN Normal since that. To be fair, I rarely did play Touhou since last month, and am currently trying to get used to Scarlet team.
Still no EoSD Extra clear because I somehow screw up everything after Kagome,Kagome everytime...More Practice needed!

I want to play MOF/SA/TD, but I also want to get IN done finally...
Normal 1cc: EoSD (All), PCB (All), IN (All teams), PoFV (Reimu), MoF (All), SA (ReimuA/ReimuB)
Extra stages cleared: EoSD (ReimuB), PCB (ReimuB)
StB: Level 6-X left
My Replays

Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2012, 03:00:35 PM »
Started sometime around fall 2009, with my first clear being EoSD Easy. ...haven't progressed very far at all since then; still working on a UFO Normal clear, although I have beaten PCB Extra/Phantasm, IN Extra, and MoF Extra, for what those last-life clears are worth.

Current priority of clears to work on is Mystic Square Extra, UFO Normal, and 10D Hard.

Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2012, 06:30:53 PM »
I started playing around two months ago, kicking off with TH13 Ten Desires. There was a discussion regarding it going on in a chat I frequent and since I had Subterranean Animism imported a good year prior to that (and have only touched once since then because I couldn't really get into the series and the controls with my laptop keyboard were beyond atrocious), I figured I might as well give it another go and am since then addicted to the series.

Back then when I started out, I sucked big time, instantly jumping into Hard mode of TD and getting my rear handed to me several times until I lowered the difficulty to Normal and finally stood a chance against the game.

I came a long way in these two months, having 1CC'd TD, SA (which I incidentally managed today) and both routes of IN on Hard, 1CC'd the other games on Normal and cleared all Extras and PCB's Phantasm (TH6-13 not counting the spin-offs). The Extras each took me a good day to beat, consistently retrying for hours until I got them down.

I'm still far from being a great player - and still make a lot of silly mistakes which should *never* ever happen - but I wouldn't classify myself as a bad player either. I have a Youtube Channel right here where I upload small achievements of mine to so if anybody's interested, go nuts. Due to my slow connection though, I haven't gotten to upload all my Extra runs yet, hence the rather short videos. (Sorry if this sort of advertising is prohibited, please let me know if I should remove the link)

Well yeah, 'tis a fine first post for a newbie isn't it? :P
« Last Edit: April 19, 2012, 06:51:38 PM by Weeabuu »


Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2012, 07:07:28 PM »
Don't worry, people shamelessly advertise their Youtube channels all the time. ;)


  • Deranged Collector
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2012, 08:02:55 PM »
I've said this before, but first Normal 1CCs or whatever are exciting for the very same reason High School American Football or lower is exciting - I want to see men (or women) doing manly stuff, and pushing yourself to your limit against overwhelming odds and succeeding (possibly while sweat runs down your muscular torso, dropping down from the very peaks of your manly nipples), yes, that's exactly what I want to see. Do not downplay your own achievements, never, that's not manly (though you shouldn't act like the total crack either, balance, you know!).


  • Extend!
  • *
  • High scores are meant to be broken.
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #43 on: April 20, 2012, 08:14:13 AM »
I started playing Touhou around July 2010 or so, after hearing some Touhou music (specifically, Reach for the Moon Immortal Smoke) somewhere else, asking what it was, finding a video of the game it originated from, watching like 10 or 20 other videos of games in the series, and deciding it seemed interesting enough to try. I'm normally pretty good at video games and a fast learner, so I was rather surprised to have trouble completing the games on Normal (it took me 4 months to get a Normal 1cc of any game, which I later found out was fairly typical). It was still pretty enjoyable though, since I like games with good music and high difficulty (as long as they don't have 1 hit forced restart).

If I recall correctly, each time I tried a game, I tested out each of the shot types on Normal, decided on one, then switched to Easy and aimed for a 1cc there (which gave me some trouble until I learned to bomb in advance). I've been alternating between the various Touhou games (and plenty of unrelated games) since then. My first 1ccs have tended to come in groups; that is, I got several Normal 1ccs right after each other, and same with Extra clears, Hard 1ccs, and in the last month or so, a few Lunatic 1ccs. (I've been uploading my first 1ccs of each game/difficulty on YouTube ever since my second Normal 1cc, except for a few PC-98 clears that were unrecorded or had recording issues, and lower-difficulty 1ccs of games I didn't try until I was already decent at a higher difficulty. Not that I get many viewers.)

I've also noticed I seem to care more about score than a lot of players I've seen, judging from my scores on my first 1ccs compared to other first 1ccs I've seen. (I even remember being told at one point when I was new to the series that the reason I was having trouble was because I was bombing for point items and/or trying to auto-collect way too often, especially in MoF which was one of the first games I tried. Of course, then I responded by getting into a habit of staying at the very bottom of the screen like a lot of new players, which took a while for me to get out of...)

So I guess in the last 21 months I've progressed from having trouble on Easy to having several Lunatic 1ccs. Not sure if that's fast or slow or completely and utterly average or what. (I didn't really feel like I actually knew how to play Touhou until I was down to my last few Hard 1ccs, actually.)

Oh and recently I decided to try posting on this site, though I created this account a while ago for the purpose of more easily keeping track of new posts. Not that this is in any way related to Touhou gameplay, but just thought I'd get that out there.

Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #44 on: April 21, 2012, 04:13:31 AM »
I've had nothing but a terrible time trying to get better at Touhou. It was a miracle at all that I 1cc'd IN and cleared PCB on normal. It's like I've reached a block I can't surpass, and it's infuriating. I was so impressed with myself when I could start making it to stage 3 or even 4 without dying on normal, but now I cease to get better. I could probably play more, so I don't exactly have an excuse. Still irks me though.


  • Touhou Reimu & Miko Lovers
  • Busy doing college stuff...
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #45 on: April 22, 2012, 06:24:55 AM »
I started playing Touhou at November 2011, my first playing is EoSD, and my first thought playing normal EoSD "Meh, I'm gonna beat this game".
Then, in middle of play "WTF is this?? So much wall bullet! Oh no my continue depleted!" (I can't past Patchy, seriously) and, yes, I'm ragequitting EoSD (FYI, I haven't 1cc EoSD for 5 months).

Moving on, after ragequit EoSD, I'm play PCB. and success complete normal mode but not 1cc. I'm training and training but I can't 1cc PCB  :V
Next, at December 2011 I'm playing IN and addicting play it because deathbomb delay system  :derp: , and success 1cc normal and hard. I skip th9 (I can't play separated screen) and MoF (too damn hard)

January 2012, I'm not play any danmaku at all, but playing touhou fangame (Touhou Pocket Wars Evo+, Labyrinth of Touhou, Genius of Sappheiros, Touhoumon) until Feb 2012. Beginning of Feb 2012 start playing SA (ragequit, too hard), UFO (ragequit too), TD (success 1cc normal). For 1 month, I'm playing TD Extra mode, but I can't clear it, then to cool my anger, back playing IN Extra Mode. About 10+ trying, I success conquer IN EX mode with 2 lives remaining. Then I'm back playing TD EX mode, and clear it with zero live.

Mid March 2012, I'm playing ctc and unlock Phantasm mode (but haven't play it), then I'm search youtube some danmakufu script and found Phantasmagoria Trues, very interesting stage script. It's EX Mode difficult beyond all Touhou game I've play so far (yes, I'm not kidding), 2 mid-boss and ridiculous amount of bullet flying toward you.

Sadly, at beginning April 2012, my down arrow keyboard broken, and I can't play Danmaku anymore, and for 3 weeks I haven't touch Danmaku  :ohdear:
Buy new keyboard? Well as long as that keyboard still function, I won't change it (such a waste only one arrow broken I threw it), so I decide buying PC controller, but still searching it.

EDIT : Remove any bullshit I made, sorry for inconvinent (I spell that right?)

And that's conclude my history, if anything missing, blame Keine for eating my history (lol jk)
Last, sorry for my bad grammar, English is not my main language  :V (but fully understand English)
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 08:19:00 AM by Yao-Kun »

~Yukkuri Shiteitte ne~
So much for Take it Easy...

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #46 on: April 22, 2012, 01:26:45 PM »

What is it with some people and elevating to Lunatic mode clears in less than a year

please remove the implications that you downloaded the games it's against the rules

I'm JUST GETTING to where I'm reaching Fifth Stages on Lunatic mode, right now :getdown:

Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #47 on: April 22, 2012, 02:29:38 PM »
That's some seriously impressive learning speed there, I hope we'll see some elegant replays from you. As long as nothing but the down arrow key is out of order, may I suggest you some non-vertical Touhou?  :V It's a pretty popular special handicap. At least PCB Extras and EoSD everything are confirmed to be clearable, I haven't tried anything else.


  • excuse me
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #48 on: April 22, 2012, 04:25:44 PM »
EDIT : forgot to mention, before my down keyboard totally broken, I manage to clear 180 fps Danmakufu Iku Nagae Script at hard mode.
BTW, You can play Danmaku with the numberpad keys.


  • Touhou Reimu & Miko Lovers
  • Busy doing college stuff...
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #49 on: April 23, 2012, 12:56:43 AM »
BTW, You can play Danmaku with the numberpad keys.

yes, if my keyboard is normal (I'm using slim keyboard, that almost looks like notebook)

~Yukkuri Shiteitte ne~
So much for Take it Easy...

Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #50 on: April 23, 2012, 01:43:34 AM »
At least PCB Extras and EoSD everything are confirmed to be clearable, I haven't tried anything else.
Basically anything without too much forced vertical dodging should be doable.  SA/UFO and their extras are probably all impossible.  My memory isn't kicking in well enough to say what else would be though.  Probably just extras.


  • Rice cakes, sea anemones
  • Benzene, benzene ♪
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #51 on: April 23, 2012, 02:27:40 AM »
Basically anything without too much forced vertical dodging should be doable.  SA/UFO and their extras are probably all impossible.  My memory isn't kicking in well enough to say what else would be though.  Probably just extras.
IBUKI did SA Extra no vert about a year and a half ago with the Marisa shottypes.

Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #52 on: April 23, 2012, 02:31:08 AM »
Really?  That's pretty surprising.  Between genetics, the timeout, polygraph, and rose, I wouldn't have thought there to  be enough resources to get through it all.


  • Rice cakes, sea anemones
  • Benzene, benzene ♪
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #53 on: April 23, 2012, 02:45:30 AM »
Really?  That's pretty surprising.  Between genetics, the timeout, polygraph, and rose, I wouldn't have thought there to  be enough resources to get through it all.
The first 3 are basically what ate all of his resources :V

He timed out the first phase of Rose. Basically, he stayed at one side of the screen, dodged two rings, went to the other side of the screen, dodged another two more rings, and went back to the same side. For a whole 192 seconds.


  • Danmakufu Scripter
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #54 on: April 23, 2012, 02:48:04 AM »
I started playing Touhou in February 2010.  I 1CC'd my first Touhou game, EoSD, on Normal approximately two months later, and defeated Flandre for the first time on July 2nd.  Some time shortly after that (I can't remember exactly, but it was at least a week), I defeated Mokou.  I then proceeded to beat Ran not long after, but Yukari took a little longer.  (I remember it was near the end of August when I beat her...I think it took me about two weeks to defeat her). 

I defeated Suwako in early September when I was hanging out with one of my newly-made college friends as a freshman, and I was showing her the Touhou games.  She challenged me to give the Extra Stage a try, and I was like "but I'm gonna get raaaaped!" but she was like "do it!"  And so I did, but I actually managed to beat Suwako.  (Now she won't let me hear the end of it about how she was right xD)

I don't exactly remember when I 1CC'd my next game, which was SA, but I do recall that I defeated Koishi in mid-November that year.  I remember being in the middle of my winning run when my friends were texting me telling me to meet up with them for dinner, but I was like "hang on, just a little longer!"  When I finally beat her, I was ecstatic and went on to tell my friends over dinner, but they didn't really care. :ohdear:  About a month later, I think, was when I managed to defeat Nue...actually I'm sure it was about a month later, because I think I remember being on winter break when the victory came.

Anyway, those are most of the major milestones I remember, aside from my biggest one in recent history--beating my first Touhou game (IN) on Lunatic--which happened a little less than a month ago.


  • ex-perfecter, good times
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #55 on: April 23, 2012, 03:51:10 AM »
IBUKI did SA Extra no vert about a year and a half ago with the Marisa shottypes.
Have the replay?
Aiming to perfect every stage in Touhou. loljk don't care anymore You can find my perfects here or here.
Best perfects so far include UFO 6, MoF 4 and IN 6A.

formerly known as Seiga Kaku

チソウ タイゼン

  • tarzan cheetos
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Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #56 on: April 23, 2012, 03:55:26 AM »
Excuse me, but I could have sworn that Youkai Polygraph existed.


  • Rice cakes, sea anemones
  • Benzene, benzene ♪
Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #58 on: April 23, 2012, 04:19:53 AM »
Excuse me, but I could have sworn that Youkai Polygraph existed.
Philosophy of a Hated Person exists too but that doesn't stop him from kicking Koishi's ass :V

Have the replay?
Here's one for MarisaB.

Re: The Gameplay Performance Aspect Of Your Touhou Past
« Reply #59 on: April 23, 2012, 05:51:11 AM »
I'm pretty sure that bombs exist too.

This response deserves a thumbs up
Current Goals: Clear all games on hard with every shottype (or team, not all solos in IN)

Remaining: EoSD 0, PCB 3, IN 0, MoF 3 (Marisa B doesn't count), SA 4, UFO all B types, TD Youmu, total 14.