Author Topic: [Music+Art] Making Melody Needs Love! Battle's Palette (OC Theme) (2/22/12)  (Read 247630 times)


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Stare Down Sketch (OC Theme)
« Reply #330 on: February 08, 2012, 01:16:11 AM »
Stare Down Sketch
As Requested by: CrimsonScarletx (YT)

After a long~ish break, I've finally finished another OC request.

I've been improving my drumline, as well as making use of the ADSR env. and built in controllers more often instead of relying on VSTs. As a result, I've obtained a more dynamic approach which does not kill my CPU during live recording.

I'm reading about harmonics and dissonance (which is pretty late now, in retrospect) and I've been trying to think a little more vertically in terms of composition. Still, I still have a lot to improve in EQ and Mastering...

Also, I've given up on using the default Circular panning law, and opted to use the more brutal Triangular law. While regular mixers say that it should not affect the mix much, thFont seems to benefit because of how it was sampled. Still, I guess it means that I have to pay more attention to my knobs...

On another note, I'm 50% done on the backbone framework for my other project.
Gotta start working on danmaku handling...

@Irate Researchers
Can you provide their name and biological profiles? I may try doing an artwork for practice.

For some reason, he reminds me of Lezard Valeth. The story is a lot different though, so I guess that was a bit unwarranted. >.<
I have a question though, who sealed him? Also, is he in an Alternate Dim.?

Military now reminds me of Seihou series. I guess she's a more moe version of Gates?
I have a weird collection of memories.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 01:36:18 AM by Anunsew »

Irate Researchers

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Re: Stare Down Sketch (OC Theme)
« Reply #331 on: February 10, 2012, 01:12:50 AM »

@Irate Researchers
Can you provide their name and biological profiles? I may try doing an artwork for practice.

For some reason, he reminds me of Lezard Valeth. The story is a lot different though, so I guess that was a bit unwarranted. >.<
I have a question though, who sealed him? Also, is he in an Alternate Dim.?

Military now reminds me of Seihou series. I guess she's a more moe version of Gates?
I have a weird collection of memories.

The one who sealed him was the one responsible for training him, a powerful wizard known as Myrrdin.  As for the tower, it's technically a bit bigger on the inside, but he's in Gensoyoko, above a portion of the Magic Forest.

well, she's sorta like Gates, except far less bravado, far more enthusiasm.

The bio portfolios are for both, as they are sort of master and servant...
The warlock's name is Clark Thulu. 

The dragonfly is Lorno Dartflicker.

there is alternative art of both.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 01:16:57 AM by Irate Researchers »

Irate Researchers

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Re: Stare Down Sketch (OC Theme)
« Reply #332 on: February 10, 2012, 01:13:41 AM »
I would like to inform you that the characters in question now have completed images that can be utilized. 

Clark's might have a familiar face on it.

Lorno is just...  Lorno
« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 07:40:58 AM by Irate Researchers »


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Battle's Palette (OC Theme)
« Reply #333 on: February 23, 2012, 02:18:04 AM »
( 東方 OC Request) Battle's Palette ~ Multitudes
As requested by: ultimadragon88

So it's me going back to basics in this track. I stopped using most VSTi's in this track and minimized my CPU usage by only using thFont for this track. And it turned out pretty well. XD

I also realized that I'm taking a wrong approach in music composition. Instead of studying it, maybe I should take a page from ZUN's book and try to feel it. Still, it's pretty hard since I'm not really good at expressing feelings in any way whatsoever.

Regardless, I've been pretty swamped with work lately. Balancing my part-time job, studies, and hobbies is like doing a nitroglycerin juggle. I think I'm going to explode right now...XD.

Well, I have no intention in repeating this semester... :(

I would like to inform you that the characters in question now have completed images that can be utilized. 

Clark's might have a familiar face on it.

Lorno is just...  Lorno

Thanks for the notification. Still I can't compose their themes anytime soon, with the finals dogging me like a stalker. I can also try destroying the entire university so they'll postpone the exams, but that is not a very feasible option right now. I don't have any detergent.

Irate Researchers

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Re: Battle's Palette (OC Theme)
« Reply #334 on: February 23, 2012, 02:24:56 AM »
( 東方 OC Request) Battle's Palette ~ Multitudes
As requested by: ultimadragon88

So it's me going back to basics in this track. I stopped using most VSTi's in this track and minimized my CPU usage by only using thFont for this track. And it turned out pretty well. XD

I also realized that I'm taking a wrong approach in music composition. Instead of studying it, maybe I should take a page from ZUN's book and try to feel it. Still, it's pretty hard since I'm not really good at expressing feelings in any way whatsoever.

Regardless, I've been pretty swamped with work lately. Balancing my part-time job, studies, and hobbies is like doing a nitroglycerin juggle. I think I'm going to explode right now...XD.

Well, I have no intention in repeating this semester... :(

Interesting take on Hikaru's theme.

I understand the rigors of a stressful school year all too well, but you must remember that this is your thread, and your work.  The only deadlines for this are your own.


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Re: Battle's Palette (OC Theme)
« Reply #335 on: February 23, 2012, 02:55:51 PM »
For just a single SF2 it works quite effectively. I guess you have taken into account the nuances of THFont.

Build-up is nicely done at the start. Fairly decent transitions. I think the drum backings could use different intonations at parts. Melody string/trumpet combination almost overpowers around 1:35 or so.

I also realized that I'm taking a wrong approach in music composition. Instead of studying it, maybe I should take a page from ZUN's book and try to feel it. Still, it's pretty hard since I'm not really good at expressing feelings in any way whatsoever.
I think it comes naturally - I haven't gotten a grip at expression yet, either. Keep working on compositions for now, and also start deriving more from your source material as a way to develop your own style.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



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Re: [Music+Art] Making Melody Needs Love! Battle's Palette (OC Theme) (2/22/12)
« Reply #336 on: February 25, 2012, 03:56:49 AM »
For just a single SF2 it works quite effectively. I guess you have taken into account the nuances of THFont.
But it's generally better than any soundfont I've come across so far. I've also been working with it for the longest time, so I think I should stop hiding behind the excuse of thFont's limitations.

Build-up is nicely done at the start. Fairly decent transitions. I think the drum backings could use different intonations at parts. Melody string/trumpet combination almost overpowers around 1:35 or so.
Not to mention that the hats and other high frequency sounds have been improperly filtered. Applying a low-pass at 12.5khz and a peak at 15khz to enhance the sampled synths taught me that it's not always a good idea.

Orchestra Pad + Romantic Tp is still a work in progress. The Pad compensates for the lack of bass freqs in my local Roma, but it also has an annoying fuzz at around 8khz and 11 khz. I can't notch them properly without sacrificing the main tones... I'm thinking of using a side-chained eq, but that would consume too much CPU and makes the VST wiring too complex. >.<

I think it comes naturally - I haven't gotten a grip at expression yet, either. Keep working on compositions for now, and also start deriving more from your source material as a way to develop your own style.
I guess that's the only thing I can do right now. XD


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Re: [Music+Art] Making Melody Needs Love! Battle's Palette (OC Theme) (2/22/12)
« Reply #337 on: February 25, 2012, 02:07:56 PM »
But it's generally better than any soundfont I've come across so far. I've also been working with it for the longest time, so I think I should stop hiding behind the excuse of thFont's limitations.
That's not too much of a problem. I was saying that I think you had enough experience working with this SF2 that you know its strengths and weaknesses quite well, and have found ways to get the most out of it. Same is true for any synth, VSTi, SF2, etc.; to fully utilise them one has to devote tens (most soundfonts, sound modules) if not hundreds or even thousands of hours (in the case of 6+-op FM synths or very advanced professional sets).

Orchestra Pad + Romantic Tp is still a work in progress. The Pad compensates for the lack of bass freqs in my local Roma, but it also has an annoying fuzz at around 8khz and 11 khz. I can't notch them properly without sacrificing the main tones... I'm thinking of using a side-chained eq, but that would consume too much CPU and makes the VST wiring too complex. >.<
Might be a good idea to do so anyway.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Irate Researchers

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I'm wondering, what file format do you save it to?

I was looking over some data, found Samidare uses ogg file format for music.

Re: [Music+Art] Making Melody Needs Love! Battle's Palette (OC Theme) (2/22/12)
« Reply #339 on: October 22, 2019, 01:51:44 AM »
Hi everyone, sorry for reply in  dead topic, but i was trying to contact Anunsew for a game that i'm creating.
I have tried to contact him/her in YT, FB, but he has not posted anything in 2 years on YT  and the last time he logged here was in 2014.
 i feel sad, i don't kknow what happened to him/her  he was very talented, but i hope anunsew is ok.

The reason i want to contact Anunsew is because i'm creating a rpg game  Deathrosa is not a danmaku game but is mainly inspired in touhou with some shmup elemnts,
Anyways i don't pretend to spam my game here, this is a topic of Anunsew's awesome music.

I want to add in my game a character inspired in Rin Satsuki as a tribute of her that deserves all our love and be more recognized by the th community, so i'm looking to create an original song insired in many Rin Satsuki's fanmade songs created by the community.

The Rin Satsuki's Theme of Anunsew i will say is the best fanmade song i have heard and. It does not have the best quality and the end is not the best, but the love is there! it's so nostalgic that  this song and anunsew deserves more recognition. So if anyone can help me to contact Anunsew i will be so happy to talk with him/her.

I will make a topic about this little tribute/project latter so i can get feedback from the community, and of course all of this with the permission of the artists and i will create the character a bit different from Rin with a different name but similar to avoid zun's madness

