> It is presumably not Flan either? Would we even know?> Lady Patchouli, I sense something in Mistress's room, but it is not her. Should we investigate?
> All right. Here goes nothing...> Enter Remilia's room, closing the door behind us. Search around for the source of the energy once we're inside.
> Do we recognize the creature?
Well, this game happened.
> It's...some sort of creature in a cage. I don't know what it is...
> Oh. Okay, I'll leave it be, then.> Exit the room, closing the door behind us.
// Ah, Koakuma has met Tupai (Caged and Asleep in Remilia's Room) . //> " Where could Mistress Remilia be? Perhaps with Miss Sakuya or by the Library or by the Young Mistress' Room? What do you think, Lady Patchouli? "> After anwser: "... Do you think Miss Alice and Marisa need some further explanation about what happened or are Meiling and the fairy maids enough? "
> Might as well check the library next, then.> Head back to the library.
> Wave to them.> "Is Mistress around?"
> "Oh, good. May I enter so I can assist her, then?"
> "Thank you, dearies."> Enter the library and begin searching for Remilia.
> Steel ourselves for any of the nine thousand ways in which this could end extremely poorly.> I've found her, Lady Patchouli~> "May I help you Mistress?"
> Phew...> "My apologies that we were not around to help you. Is this perhaps what you wished to speak with Lady Patchouli about?"
> "Oh. Well, she is here with me right now, actually, so we can address your concern."
> Oh, you can hear people clearly. That's a good sign~> Repeat everything Patchouli said out loud in our imitation-Patchouli voice.
> "My apologies, Mistress."> Repeat everything Patchouli said out loud in our normal voice.> Since you can hear, Lady Patchouli, perhaps you would like to try speaking out loud next? I don't know if it will work, but I think it is worth a try.