// To Neovereign ( Rif. to second-to-last post/Author's Closing Post of Seijia Quest 
Do not get discouraged and dishearthened for your Problems and Obstacles Online,

lest they seem worse than they actually are or actually increased ,together with the Limited Interest Here
Sure The Interest Expressed by " the number of active players and their rate of replies "is important...but what is even more important is the Interst Expressed by "the total activity by the overall number of replies,of readings/views and story duration "
//// Set off Visiting Reina&Uni or...?//
// Mmmh... IMHO and in Retrospect, a Victory Key,but not the only 1 , for the Meiling Fighting Trial was likely to explain beforehand the Condition of Challenge by Flandre and then set the Goal for a " Indirectly Defeat Meiling by Surpassing her Favorite Techniques&Spellcards with Koakuma's (Patchouli Energized ) " rather than directly defeating,or mostly-defeating, her in a (Mixed Multiple) Danmaku Duel ; even in the latter - there are some hints regarding Meiling's Fighting Prowess both in the story and during the fight - it could have been a good help //
> Though I really should be at least see you off , explain the gist of it to Marisa,and Miss Alicec and wait for Miss Sakuya or anyone else comes back with a word by the Young Mistress or maybe the Mistress.> After reply :" Lady Patchouli , tell me when you are ready to go outside of myself ".> If ready neatly position Lady Patchouli's clothes in a clean patch by the covered wall and start letting her out with our eyes closed.
> If not ready,postpone but be ready for it.