Author Topic: Sakuya Quest 16 - A Z-Machine Adventure  (Read 150291 times)

Re: Sakuya Quest 16 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #180 on: September 17, 2018, 06:18:16 AM »

>Fire In The Library!
>Waking Up In The Future
>Meeting Flandre After Centuries Long Gone
>The Rainbow Serpent
>Yuyuko's "Daughter"
>Theme of Sir Kay
>Battle Against The Warlord's Soldier (I think her name was Jizo or something? Sorry for the poor memory.)
>The Wrath Of The Wumpus
>Flight To The Warlord's Castle!
>Battle Against Kaguya
>Kaguya Sees The Truth
>Uneasy Reuniting With Patchy
>At Meiling's Grave
>Flandre DESTROYS The General's Army
>Home Sweet Home? (The first visit back)
>Home Sweet Home! (The second visit back)
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 16 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #181 on: September 19, 2018, 01:10:11 AM »

>Fire In The Library!
>Waking Up In The Future
>Meeting Flandre After Centuries Long Gone
>The Rainbow Serpent
>Yuyuko's "Daughter"
>Theme of Sir Kay
>Battle Against The Warlord's Soldier (I think her name was Jizo or something? Sorry for the poor memory.)
>The Wrath Of The Wumpus
>Flight To The Warlord's Castle!
>Battle Against Kaguya
>Kaguya Sees The Truth
>Uneasy Reuniting With Patchy
>At Meiling's Grave
>Flandre DESTROYS The General's Army
>Home Sweet Home? (The first visit back)
>Home Sweet Home! (The second visit back)

>Library Accident (Impatience - Xenoblade Chronicles)
>It's Over?  (Eden - Breath of Fire 3)
>A Destined Meeting after Several Hours  (Leaving the Body - Chrono Cross)
>The Dreamer    (The End of Memories - Xenoblade Chronicles)
>Fearless Child (Unknown - Final Fantasy 6)
>Wart's Older Brother (Four Heroes - Lunar Silver Star Story Complete)
>Juza the Many (Erebos' Prelude - Ragnarok Online)
>Fighting the Marchstepper (Nervous Crisis 2 - Skies of Arcadia)
>Working Song (Watchtowers of the Seal - Watchtowers of the Seal)
>Lunatic Princess (Flight of the Bamboo Cutter - Arrange by Dark PHOENiX)
>A Moment of Hope (Evening Primrose - Imperishable Night)
>The Standoff (Strains of Insanity/Confusing Melody - Chrono Trigger)
>A Life Lived (The Great Virtue of Gathering Mana's Spirit - Legend of Mana)
>Sometimes a Sohei (You Will Know Our Names - Xenoblade Chronicles)
>There and Back Again (Eternal Wind - Final Fantasy 3)
>There and Back Once More (Eternal Wind - Final Fantasy 3 DS)
>Additional Details: Juza was heavily inspired by Incantation Samurai from Ragnarok Online, thus the insistence on an RO theme.
>The Rainbow Serpent, as some of you may have guessed, is indeed the Rainbow Serpent of Aboriginal Myth. Which is why she is Don't Mess With It tier.

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
Re: Sakuya Quest 16 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #182 on: September 20, 2018, 08:32:10 PM »
How nice.
>On one hand ,was any line of questing , investigaton or the like unpursued or just left hanging that could have better serve the "healing" of  timelines, even if "humble " enough not to grant any additional/extension of the journeys?
>On the other hand ,any points,leads which  are better off unbothered for " charity's sake"?
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 16 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #183 on: September 20, 2018, 11:00:09 PM »
How nice.
>On one hand ,was any line of questing , investigaton or the like unpursued or just left hanging that could have better serve the "healing" of  timelines, even if "humble " enough not to grant any additional/extension of the journeys?
>On the other hand ,any points,leads which  are better off unbothered for " charity's sake"?

>About the only thing thing you could have done more, that I can think of, would be to have done more to speak with Youmu. But there's a good reason this didn't happen, so it's not really a Thing. That aside, you might have been able to ask Aya about that missing time. She would have had something. This wouldn't changed much, but it would add context to other things. What were those pictures? Eh, ask me later.
>Poor handling with Yuuka might had lead to things getting worse. (You didn't visit her in second loop, she would have been taller and more impressive yet there). That aside, Shuuei was the only real time bomb, and even that one you you defused by advising Ichiro to be more pro-active about her condition. Had she not been taken to the buddhists for help, her suicide would have become suicide by shrine maiden and a notable incident. And if you were of the mindset, there were all sorts of potential hornets nests you could have kicked by lying and/or being manipulative. The results of that, I'd have to figure out after you did it.

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
Good to know and to answer.
« Reply #184 on: October 06, 2018, 11:50:43 AM »
>About the only thing thing you could have done more, that I can think of, would be to have done more to speak with Youmu. But there's a good reason this didn't happen, so it's not really a Thing. That aside, you might have been able to ask Aya about that missing time. She would have had something. This wouldn't changed much, but it would add context to other things. What were those pictures? Eh, ask me later.
>Poor handling with Yuuka might had lead to things getting worse. (You didn't visit her in second loop, she would have been taller and more impressive yet there). That aside, Shuuei was the only real time bomb, and even that one you you defused by advising Ichiro to be more pro-active about her condition. Had she not been taken to the buddhists for help, her suicide would have become suicide by shrine maiden and a notable incident. And if you were of the mindset, there were all sorts of potential hornets nests you could have kicked by lying and/or being manipulative. The results of that, I'd have to figure out after you did it.

>Oooh,if then it is alright to ask....What were those pictures by Aya ?
>Any(more or less noteworthy) "communities"/groups/organizations "missed or that should had been better explored?
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 16 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #185 on: October 07, 2018, 01:55:33 AM »

>Oooh,if then it is alright to ask....What were those pictures by Aya ?
>Any(more or less noteworthy) "communities"/groups/organizations "missed or that should had been better explored?

>Ask me later~
>The big one was the Kobito village. You could have found your watch there, and made some little friends.
>Anyways, while I'm here, lemme see what other things I can remember.
>The messenger in Apex, the one that gave you Kanako's message and permission to use the jet, was one of the Pond Snail Sisters; from a story of two sisters who were so lazy and carefree they ended up turning to pond snails. Eventually they were saved by two hardworking brothers with prayers to Ebisumaru ( think?). This one just sort of ended up a lazy friendly youkai, and under Kanako's employment.
>The people you passed by in Apex that looked like humans but had something off were Inuit shadow people, who were humans that lived in the other world.
>The neighborhood that Nue's teahouse was in a Pueblo Native American area. Her business switched from a pub because selling liquor to Native Americans felt like poor taste.
>The wide-shouldered youkai at the Apex Myouren Temple garden was a nurikabe. I expect one of those to show up in Touhou proper one of these days.
>The black woman working as Hatate's secretary was Madam Koi Koi, a nigerian woman of legend who was a teacher that chased her son into the wild after he stole her shoe as a prank, and vanished. According to legend, she wanders the jungles looking for her lost son. Had you looked around the desk for any reason, you would have seen she has one shoe. She's there because Hatate has a lot of information sources to help in her search.
>The red-handed youkai at the Hong Dojo was an akateko. She was very protective of children for a reason.
>Yanna Case, the big foreign woman at the Dojo (and also sometimes hero according to history) is a Tractor Tsukomugami. Some of those are 100 years old now~
>Irastume was a cow youkai. In particular, she is from a story where a rogue snuck under shrine and impersonated the voice of the shrine god and commanded a local noble to give him her beautiful daughter for marriage. The noble complied, but as the daughter was being carried by litter to the wedding sight, a passing samurai freed her and put a cow in the litter. The rogue believed that the cow was the woman, under some curse, and married it. That cow would eventually become a youkai due to the rogue's strange loyalty. The Warlord is a descendant of that samurai; whom Iratsume felt an obligation toward after the rogue passed away. Had you managed to befriend her, she would have happily told all this.
>The priest of the Hakurei Shrine in Haihan was Azuki Arai . The ritual she was performing with the buddha statue comes from an actual legend, wherein they put salt on the statue's lips to make it thirsty so that it would bring rain. As the years went on, they had to find saltier and saltier things to make it thirsty.
>The baker with the arms at Apex, where you met Seiga, was one of the Hekatonkheires from Greek Myth. Amusingly, she was planned well before Hecatia was a thing.
>There are others, I can't immediately remember them. Feel free to ask.

Re: Sakuya Quest 16 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #186 on: October 08, 2018, 12:35:08 AM »
>The black woman working as Hatate's secretary was Madam Koi Koi, a nigerian woman of legend who was a teacher that chased her son into the wild after he stole her shoe as a prank, and vanished. According to legend, she wanders the jungles looking for her lost son. Had you looked around the desk for any reason, you would have seen she has one shoe. She's there because Hatate has a lot of information sources to help in her search.
I tried looking her up, and I couldn't find anything about her losing her son in the jungle, what source did you get that interesting tidbit from?
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 16 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #187 on: October 08, 2018, 12:42:46 AM »
I don't remember anymore, or I would have linked it. It was some list of five African mythological things. As I recall, her son of was one of her students, and thus the only one who could steal her shoe and be expected not to receive too much abuse for it.

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
Re: Sakuya Quest 16 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #188 on: October 21, 2018, 10:12:20 PM »
>Ask me later~
>The big one was the Kobito village. You could have found your watch there, and made some little friends.
>Anyways, while I'm here, lemme see what other things I can remember.
>The messenger in Apex, the one that gave you Kanako's message and permission to use the jet, was one of the Pond Snail Sisters; from a story of two sisters who were so lazy and carefree they ended up turning to pond snails. Eventually they were saved by two hardworking brothers with prayers to Ebisumaru ( think?). This one just sort of ended up a lazy friendly youkai, and under Kanako's employment.
>The people you passed by in Apex that looked like humans but had something off were Inuit shadow people, who were humans that lived in the other world.
>The neighborhood that Nue's teahouse was in a Pueblo Native American area. Her business switched from a pub because selling liquor to Native Americans felt like poor taste.
>The wide-shouldered youkai at the Apex Myouren Temple garden was a nurikabe. I expect one of those to show up in Touhou proper one of these days.
>The black woman working as Hatate's secretary was Madam Koi Koi, a nigerian woman of legend who was a teacher that chased her son into the wild after he stole her shoe as a prank, and vanished. According to legend, she wanders the jungles looking for her lost son. Had you looked around the desk for any reason, you would have seen she has one shoe. She's there because Hatate has a lot of information sources to help in her search.
>The red-handed youkai at the Hong Dojo was an akateko. She was very protective of children for a reason.
>Yanna Case, the big foreign woman at the Dojo (and also sometimes hero according to history) is a Tractor Tsukomugami. Some of those are 100 years old now~
>Irastume was a cow youkai. In particular, she is from a story where a rogue snuck under shrine and impersonated the voice of the shrine god and commanded a local noble to give him her beautiful daughter for marriage. The noble complied, but as the daughter was being carried by litter to the wedding sight, a passing samurai freed her and put a cow in the litter. The rogue believed that the cow was the woman, under some curse, and married it. That cow would eventually become a youkai due to the rogue's strange loyalty. The Warlord is a descendant of that samurai; whom Iratsume felt an obligation toward after the rogue passed away. Had you managed to befriend her, she would have happily told all this.
>The priest of the Hakurei Shrine in Haihan was Azuki Arai . The ritual she was performing with the buddha statue comes from an actual legend, wherein they put salt on the statue's lips to make it thirsty so that it would bring rain. As the years went on, they had to find saltier and saltier things to make it thirsty.
>The baker with the arms at Apex, where you met Seiga, was one of the Hekatonkheires from Greek Myth. Amusingly, she was planned well before Hecatia was a thing.
>There are others, I can't immediately remember them. Feel free to ask.
> An Insight about Shinmyonmaru and,maybe,Sejia on the one(present)+three (future)timelines please?
>Same about the Four Oni Devas,of course glossing over clear  spoilers for the next Quests.
>How is Dreamy Sky ,the former and,is/will be holding up at the (!) Myouren Temple ? Besides ,is/will be that promising bond blooming with Flandre like when Sakuya had to leave?
>Quite a bit of nicely-adapted Mythological/Folklore/Legends!
>Insighta About them : (The 2nd  Return of the Knights Round Table!  :] ) timeyet again Sir Ector,King Wart and ,I am assuming,Sir Percival (the Young Axe-Wielding Knight from Nue Quest).
« Last Edit: October 21, 2018, 10:47:49 PM by Branneg Xy »
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .