Author Topic: Rumia's posting guidelines and news updates (Updated 10-03-2014)  (Read 41272 times)


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Rumia's posting guidelines and news updates (Updated 10-03-2014)
« on: December 26, 2009, 11:05:32 PM »

We're here to play forum games, so that is what gets done here. A few outlines:

  • Post in games that have a closed player pool and you are not actively taking part in. It's disruptive and intrusive.
  • Make posts with content that offend other forum users or players. This is a variable thing because some games allow for such content. Keep it within the forum's general conduct.
  • Spam memes or silly in-jokes excessively. Once on occasion makes it funny. This is an example.


  • Have fun with the people you are playing with. It's a game and leave the personal drama at the door.
  • Ask questions if you're unsure about the content of a post you're making. Speak to the game's creator or myself.
  • Make use of the report button. It's there for feedback, the moderation team will look into everything that you bring to our attention.


Polls are now available. Via request to one of the Godmothers.

The text adventures archive has been tidied up a bit with clearer sections for completed, ongoing and dead games. If your game is listed as dead and you intend to continue it, let me know and I'll move it to dying until you revive it.

Specific to the text adventures mostly. Please indicate in the thread title which thread number you are now on so that archiving is clearer. Also put some kind of marker for completed text adventures or else I will assume they are dead.

#MotKTown channel created for Mafia related discussion on
Webchat link

Text adventures that feature self-inserts or are about any forum user are not to be posted in RPG. Such threads belong in LettyJournal.

Major cleanup of all games across all types. Incomplete games with an average of 150 posts per thread or less were removed.

Major cleanup of all games across all types. Incomplete games with an average of 150 posts per thread or less were removed.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 07:08:25 PM by Pesco »


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Rumia's posting guidelines and news updates (Updated 14-12-2010)
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2010, 08:13:33 PM »
RPG is currently undergoing a cleanup. Completed games will be moved to the new subforum, Mystia's Stored Games. Dead game threads will be deleted. ALL games listed under the spam-posting section will be discontinued and removed at the end of the cleanup process.