Author Topic: Grand Touhou STG Fangames List (maintained by CreepyNinja_)  (Read 48976 times)


  • Veteran Danmakufu Scripter
  • Currently working on a full Touhou fangame!
Re: Grand Touhou STG Fangames List (maintained by CreepyNinja_)
« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2018, 06:36:41 PM »
Reawakening of Youkai Mountain isn't dead. It just has a slow developement (and some stuff that i can't mention happened). I joined the team in this year and so far there's possibility of a demo release for this year.
I can't say much more to be honest.
Ah, that's interesting to hear. I too have heard almost nothing about the game. Do you think you can say whether the team has finished anything playable yet? Within this year is a really broad amount of time.

Gusano Wornis

  • Member of Team Mystique
Re: Grand Touhou STG Fangames List (maintained by CreepyNinja_)
« Reply #31 on: March 16, 2018, 07:24:17 PM »
Ah, that's interesting to hear. I too have heard almost nothing about the game. Do you think you can say whether the team has finished anything playable yet? Within this year is a really broad amount of time.
I think I can, but not now, (most of last year was used to make a system that is really optimized for the resolution we're aiming, 1280x960)
I'll talk about this with the main programmer to see if we can manage to release a demo for next winter. We are right now looking for player sprites, since the team is mostly aimed to have everything custom made.  ::)

but first I'll release a new nanbei demo and the soundtrack. :D
carrying dead weight since 2015~


  • Just Another Luna Dodger :v
Re: Grand Touhou STG Fangames List (maintained by CreepyNinja_)
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2018, 10:36:32 AM »
Update!! Since, as some people may have actually seen, 2018 seems to be "fangames" year for us! So I added some new entries to my list!
東方八ヶ岳 ~ Reawakening of Youkai Mountain (
MotK Forum)
東方音楽花 ~ Mystical Elementic Rise
(MotK Forum)
東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism (
MotK Forum)
東方封魔再録 ~ the Return of Eastern Wonderland (
MotK Forum)
南米狂悪夢 ~ Rise of Suicide Nightmares (
MotK Forum)
And a shout out for 東方逆妙乱 ~ Ephemeral Unnatural Balance (MotK Forum) - it was on the list for some time, yet it's also well-developing.

Besides that, some other fangames came to the list as well.
妖精空想花 ~ 東方三月精 Fairy Fangame. - by Tir&ひっとー
Scarlet Meister - by ハードカバーは鈍器
Touhou - Frightening Foe Story
- by TrickySticks

There also have been added "SHMUPs and STGs" and "Pending" section. If you want to find some real SHMUPs, it's your way to go.
In "Pending" section you can find games that usually have DL link missing. Usually they cannot be found but are suspected to be findable. If you have any of these games you can send me them, since I doubt you'll find them alone.

Also, there comes the request to you:
Because a lot of fangames sits on my Mediafire server, the space there is slowly shrinking.
If you want to help me and increase cloud storage space - and you haven't used their services so far - I encourage you to register account here.
Do it by using this link. I will be grateful!
« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 04:07:05 PM by CreepyNinja_ »

Re: Grand Touhou STG Fangames List (maintained by CreepyNinja_)
« Reply #33 on: June 11, 2019, 07:18:43 AM »
where's Lua Stg Activity in the list? I searched but I did not find...