Author Topic: Fire Emblem Heroes - hats for everyone  (Read 307299 times)


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Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - hats for everyone
« Reply #990 on: December 05, 2019, 08:04:59 AM »
Oh wow lots of new news.

Most exciting ones for me are the QoL change in the UI, and also the silent notification of the arena change to bonus points for getting kills with the bonus hero. Now you only need to kill one enemy unit with the bonus hero, cheerleader meta is dead, thank goodness.

Book 4 looks trippy. Might be fun? Aesthetically speaking, it looks super generic fantasy anime gacha-y, but the art's pretty gorgeous so I'll give it points.

Also Close Call 3 sounds nuts, I love it.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


  • alter cool
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - hats for everyone
« Reply #991 on: December 05, 2019, 07:13:55 PM »
Divine Codes could be a currency for the long-awaited skill upgrade shop. Or something, I dunno.

The quality of life improvements look great, being able to equip skill sets and seals from anywhere is long, looooong overdue.

Close Call 3 is pretty great and would definitely turn Vanilla Camilla into an Ophelia killer, but I would hesitate to replace Drag Back since it still does so much work. If I manage to pick up a copy I'll definitely inherit it onto Cano for testing and use in Aether Raids at the very least.

Peony looks hella busted, on some teams she should be better than Azura.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - hats for everyone
« Reply #992 on: December 06, 2019, 12:49:08 AM »
Close Call 3 is apparently restricted to infantry sword, axe, and lance units, to my immense disappointment. Hopefully it's not the case but it wouldn't surprise me.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


  • alter cool
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - hats for everyone
« Reply #993 on: January 02, 2020, 02:34:33 AM »
I finally managed to get a +SPD Arthur (I'm sure I've had tons of them but turned all of them into manuals) so I have him at +10 level 1 with Arthur's Axe. Not sure where to go with his build, there are a ton of options. Distant Counter and Null C Disrupt, Steady Breath, Fury 4 and Wrath, etc. Or maybe double Brazen Atk/Spd?
« Last Edit: January 02, 2020, 02:36:06 AM by commandercool »
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • alter cool
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - hats for everyone
« Reply #994 on: January 03, 2020, 02:37:05 PM »

This is what I ended up going with for now. Might give him Fury and Wrath later as well and just have two builds. This one has utility but relying exclusively on his crazy stats to guarantee kills seems risky. His C skill should probably be an Oath, but I don't have any I really want to fodder.

When I was giving him his skills I got sloppy and forgot that Nailah has Distant Counter somehow, so I foddered one of my (several duplicate) Nagis first for just Distant Counter. That was pretty wasteful, oops.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • alter cool
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - hats for everyone
« Reply #995 on: January 22, 2020, 01:57:37 PM »
Choose Your Legend 4 has begun, and I don't reeeeally know who to vote for. My primary picks aren't eligible because they've already made it in. Arthur and Manuela are probably my next best picks but there's no way either of them will win. I guess I'll have to consider Robin, Byleth, and some of the Heroes protagonists, any of them seem likely but cool.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • catnapping
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Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - hats for everyone
« Reply #996 on: February 02, 2020, 05:32:03 AM »
The paid subscription thing I actually don't mind, if only the qol changes weren't a part of it, that's really scummy.

Also that new Silque alt stole my breath for a moment, then another when I find out she's free. Just found my grail project, I suppose, she's so pretty.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


  • alter cool
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - hats for everyone
« Reply #997 on: February 02, 2020, 04:59:14 PM »
Yeah, the subscription thing is weird. Nerds on the internet have kind of painted me into a corner where everything there's fan backlash nerd outrage shrieking bullshit over something at this point my impulse is to automatically side against it, so I can't even really evaluate how I feel at this point beyond "Reddit is mad? Then they're probably wrong". On paper I don't really have a problem with it but the way it's implemented definitely isn't ideal.

I feel like it's inevitable that Camilla will eventually be one of those new special characters, but I don't really understand how they work. If you pay for a month do you get that month's subscription units automatically and permanently? If so then that's not bad, but if you lose them when no longer subscribed and/or aren't guaranteed to get the ones you want then that's not great.

I kind of wish the subscription was a little cheaper, Fire Emblem Heroes is one of those mobile games that's in an awkward spot where I want to give it a little money because I play it a ton and enjoy it, but the premium stuff works out in a way where it never really feels worth it to me to actually spend money. $10 a month is a liiiittle more than I want to spend as a tip though.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.