Author Topic: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc  (Read 201524 times)

Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #240 on: September 26, 2018, 05:40:48 PM »
Eirin and Kaguya are practically bathing in impurity, they just don't care anymore. Kaguya being a limitless source of impurity is actually a plot point in one of the side works IIRC. They're immortal cause of the Hourai Elixir, not cause of their purity.

From the perspective of humans, impurity isn't a poison that slowly kills you or anything like that. It's just the very idea that you CAN die. It could be in a decade or 100 years or 10,000 years. To us, dying is natural so impurity is too. Lunarians think that complete immortality is the norm, and because of that they do see impurity as a sort of poison.

Basically what I'm trying to say is, a Lunarian exposed to impurity isn't going to die instantly or rapidly as if they were exposed to poison. It just means that they're now exposed to the process of dying that humans are exposed to since birth. They might now live for 1,000 years instead of 10,000. But they aren't going to suffer any massive immediate effects. Which is why the Watatsuki's and Sagume seem perfectly fine when exposed to impurity.
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #241 on: September 26, 2018, 10:27:17 PM »
That part of CiLR is actually the opposite; the udonge flowers in the presence of impurity but it still hasn't bloomed despite being years after IN, suggesting there's something else at play. In the past I think people wanted to attribute this to some kind of tangible effect, like Kaguya being a well of purity (which isn't a real concept), but I don't think that's the case at all anymore and curse my past self for poor reading comprehension.

Rather, the chapter overall is about the comparison of Kaguya to Eirin and Reisen, who have both moved on from the Moon and are now doing as the Earth people do. Kaguya on the other hand has not found a purpose for herself or motivation to participate in Earth society, and shelves her worries off to Eirin. The unblooming udonge bonsai is a metaphor for Kaguya, as just in the same way, she hasn't yet bloomed years after being in contact with the Earth. There are many passages in the chapter that allude to this both from the side of Kaguya and the side of the udonge, some of them more obvious than others. Kaguya even wonders why Eirin named Reisen "Udonge", and it's exactly because of what she speculates -- that Reisen would flourish once being touched by the Earth's impurity -- but she can't make that connection with herself. At the end of the chapter, Eirin challenges Kaguya to find something that she wants to do, and Kaguya ponders that perhaps something would happen once the udonge blooms, or rather, that it would bloom once she found that something for herself. Once you go into the chapter looking from this lens it becomes very clear.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 10:30:06 PM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #242 on: October 09, 2018, 08:51:21 PM »
Good to know my weird story idea isn't completely implausible, but I will need to address these points within the fic itself if I ever write it.

On a different note: Why exactly does Marisa like Mushrooms so much? Is it just because there's a lot of it around where Marisa lives, and she just likes the taste of it? If there isn't a canonical answer, I wouldn't mind a speculative one.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #243 on: October 10, 2018, 02:44:33 AM »
On a different note: Why exactly does Marisa like Mushrooms so much? Is it just because there's a lot of it around where Marisa lives, and she just likes the taste of it? If there isn't a canonical answer, I wouldn't mind a speculative one.

PMiSS to the rescuuuue

They're Magic Shrooms (TM) and idk if she actually eats them ever, she mostly turns 'em into soupcakes and then does science to them. boring, down-to-earth science, like "what happens if i get this wet, what happens if i burn it" kinda stuff

Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #244 on: October 12, 2018, 11:07:43 PM »
Why is this site called "Maidens of the Kaleidoscope"? Are kaleidoscopes related to Touhou in any way? Or is this just what naturally comes to mind when you look at danmaku?


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #245 on: October 13, 2018, 12:32:33 AM »
Maidens of the Kaleidoscope is the name Katchura gave to the original site, which was initially just a basic fansite. I assume "kaleidoscope" just refers to the colorful danmaku.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #246 on: October 27, 2018, 07:55:40 AM »
PMiSS to the rescuuuue

They're Magic Shrooms (TM) and idk if she actually eats them ever, she mostly turns 'em into soupcakes and then does science to them. boring, down-to-earth science, like "what happens if i get this wet, what happens if i burn it" kinda stuff

Sorry for late reply, but I feel really stupid for not just looking it up in PMISS!

That actually makes a lot of sense, Marisa is just a huge nerd about Mushrooms. Just like she is with the Stars, and Magic in general.

While I'm here, might as well ask 2 translation related questions:

1. Whenever Sakuya calls herself an "Atheist", what word is actually being used in Japanese? There has always been mass confusion over why Sakuya considers herself one when Gods clearly exist in Touhou. I've always wondered if the term in Japanese is actually some vague term that could also be translated as "Anti-theist" or something like that.

2. A long time ago, ZUN sent an e-mail to a fan detailing some info about Youki's backstory to a fan, You can read it here. The thing I wonder, however, is what exactly is the fan site it was published on for? If you press the little link on the bottom, it sents you to an area, which if google translate isn't lying to me, seems to be for fan fiction and fan music? Am I correct? All I can say if that is the case, is that I really, really wish I could read it. (Google Translate garbles it too much to be enjoyable)
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #247 on: October 27, 2018, 11:14:33 AM »
1) She says 無神論者 which is pretty much literally "atheist". If we're talking specifically about the bit in WaHH 35, it's that Reimu says 神隠し which is both the word for spiriting away (which she means) and more literally "god hiding", hence why Reimu says she doesn't mean Amaterasu secluding herself in a cave, but that doesn't come across the best in the translation. Sakuya is just making a joke here. And the other instance where she says she doesn't believe in gods, in IaMP, she's also just making a joke at Reimu's expense after she repeatedly asked her for donations (i.e. "I don't believe in gods, so I have no reason to make an offering"). I think taking her seriously in these cases as though she literally wouldn't believe gods exist despite living in Gensokyo is a tad silly; at most you could possibly take it to mean that she doesn't have faith in gods, which is a much more tangible concept.

2) It really is just some dude's fansite, there are short fics and silly AA art and made up song lyrics. By the sounds of it they were probably pretty young.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 11:39:03 AM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #248 on: October 27, 2018, 01:02:30 PM »
She probably calls herself an "atheist" in a sense that she doesn't bother to follow any religious teachings and wouldn't ask any gods for any kind of help.


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #249 on: December 31, 2018, 03:29:39 PM »
Need help finding the name of an English fangame that's been on the tip of my tongue for a while.

The scant few details I remember are;

-The game was meant to debut at a convention. I forgot if it was AWA or Anime Boston.

-Utsuho was a focus character in the game. She wore denim overalls.

-Nitori was also there.

-PC98 characters also had a focus, as I know Rikako was there as well.

Thanks for any help.


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #250 on: March 02, 2019, 12:39:13 PM »
Does anyone know if there have been any efforts made towards fixing Antimony of Common Flowers official English subtitles? I know there is the thcrap English patch for the game, but that one translates the actual textboxes and feels like a rush job, as all the text runs out of the speech bubbles.

If nobody has tried there hand at it, I'm wondering how difficult it would be to edit the subtitles.
< picture leads to my YouTube channel

Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #251 on: March 02, 2019, 06:10:13 PM »
Does anyone know if there have been any efforts made towards fixing Antimony of Common Flowers official English subtitles? I know there is the thcrap English patch for the game, but that one translates the actual textboxes and feels like a rush job, as all the text runs out of the speech bubbles.

If nobody has tried there hand at it, I'm wondering how difficult it would be to edit the subtitles.
Here's the relevant thcrap issue:
[AoCF] Subtitles patching ? Issue #70 ? thpatch/thcrap
It seems to be on hold due to lack of manpower.

Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #252 on: March 03, 2019, 04:03:59 AM »
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but would anyone know of any good replacements for 'Create.swf'?
I'm wondering if there is any similar alternatives to the artwork it has, as I haven't had any success with getting 'Create.swf' to work.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 09:21:19 PM by jikan »

Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #253 on: March 17, 2019, 01:03:00 PM »
Here's something I don't quite understand: why is, near the end of FS, Mamizou trying to endear the villagers to tanuki? Endearment is the polar opposite of fear, the thing youkai need to continue existing, so why? Is it really true that they don't need fear specifically and simple belief will do, and Mamizou figured that out, or what? She mentions being able to "come and go as [they] please", so is it that she's tired of having to disguise herself while in the village? Of all the things in FS, that might be the thing that confuses me most.

Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #254 on: August 04, 2019, 04:24:55 PM »
- Anyone knows what happen to Touhou Fan Project Hifuu Activity Club Record?
Are they sill there or have they cancel it?

Re: Miscellaneous Questions 7 - To Misc or not to Misc
« Reply #255 on: November 15, 2019, 09:36:52 AM »
- Anyone knows what happen to Touhou Fan Project Hifuu Activity Club Record?
Are they sill there or have they cancel it?
Sorry for the late reply. According to this tweet the third episode is in production, and seems to be about the EoSD cast.