Someone mentioned part 2 coming out. I never got around to trying 1 because what I heard didn't sound interesting to me, but I couldn't really remember why not. I'll copy and paste the end of the discussion that I'd like answered if anybody has any opinions to share:
(that battles are also mmorpg-like, which is good)
This IIRC, is exactly what turned me off from trying it at all. You see, I've enjoyed an mmorpg or two, but the fact is I think their battles tend to suck. I mean normally you just stand their having auto-attack done for you pressing buttons whenever you can waiting for their cooldown. That's what I associate with MMORPG-combat, and I find it rather mindless and boring.
What exactly do you mean by mmorpg combat, and what are the good features? Sorry if I'm being difficult, I'm just legitimately confused why anybody think an mmorpg has a better system than a regular rpg given my viewpoint. Thanks for the response though.