Author Topic: ※ The information thread, rules & FAQ ※ Please read this before posting.  (Read 76583 times)


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※ Attention: All Danmakufu 'HELP ME' related questions go in the sticky Q&A threads ※

※ Put large blocks of code in pastebin links ※

Purpose of this forum: This forum is meant for discussing, displaying or talking about touhou fan games you created either with Danmakufu or with the help of other programs/methods. It can be a classical shmup, RPG, adventure... anything! As long as it is related to Touhou, you may post it here. Text based games, mutators, modifications or translations should be posted in the child forum: Touhou Projects.

Forum section rules:
● Global forum rules apply.
● Respect each other's work.
● No drama at all, period.

Danmakufu wiki - You might want to favourite this website. Has old archive of 0.12m as well.

Before entering the garage
All the links you should be aware of before doing anything with Danmakufu.

Official download site for ph3 - Here you can find the latest version from the author.
ZUN's fan creation guidelines (new) - A wise article on the wiki to consider reading if you intend to publish fan games.
The FAQ - Not reading this is being ignorant.
Danmakufu scripting tutorials - Everything you need to know from basic tutorials to expert tutorials.
BulletForge - For uploading your work in a fashionaaabluh way to share around the globe.
Installing and configuring AppLocal to play - Explaining how to install AppLocal for XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.
#danmakufu IRC webchat - Enter the official channel to chat or ask questions or just idle around.

Useful and informative threads for version ph3
Resources, tools, scripts, code and libraries that might be of assistance

[General] Public domain/creative/free to use Touhou resources - A collection of useful sites to aid your Touhou fangame with graphics, sounds, etc.
[General] [Scripting Tool] Touhou Danmakufu Packages for Sublime Text and Atom by Drake - Sublime Text 2/3 package for Touhou Danmakufu
[ph3] DNHAPM: Profiling and Game Monitoring - Monitors playthroughs of your script, logs data, and can generate reports.
[ph3] Custom Cutin script - Ever wanted the MoF / SA cutin animation? Well now you can.

Threads that need renewal / reorganisation
[ph3/0.12m] Custom created player scripts - Download various player scripts from authors or post your own.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 07:13:10 AM by Helepolis »


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Tutorial Index
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2010, 02:27:04 PM »
Tutorial Index

[General] Danmakufu and Notepad++ Style Configuration by Helepolis - Prepare your workspace to automatically load your dnh or txt files with colours enabled for variables and such.

[General] Understanding Paths and Directories by Helepolis - Covers some details regarding handling the file structure of your projects.

[ph3] Beginner and advanced video tutorials - Covers how to get a spellcard off the ground from scratch and various tutorials. Contains old archive of 0.12m.

[ph3] Danmakufu basic & intermediate Tutorial, By Sparen - Sparen provides dozens of material and articles for learning ph3.

[ph3] 0.12m to ph3 Transition guide, by Sparen - Learn and discover how to efficiently and effectively switch your scripts from 0.12m to ph3. Requires intermediate knowledge from 0.12m.

[ph3] Miransu's EV_USER insight - An extensive article about EV_USER events and how to utilize it.

[ph3] Sparen's Item Spawning basics - A helpful guide those having problems spawning items in ph3.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 07:14:24 AM by Helepolis »


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« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2010, 02:29:08 PM »
Information & FAQ

What is Danmakufu and where can I get it?
Danmakufu is an engine for running user-created danmaku scripts, capable of making single spellcards, boss fights, stages, or if you've got enough programming savvy, full games. The popular fangame Concealed the Conclusion was made in Danmakufu (but don't ask us how it works). The scripts themselves are written as notepad files, in Danmakufu's C-based scripting language, so the learning curve can be a bit steep if you've never done any programming before. However, we're here to help!

You can download anyone's scripts and put it in Danmakufu's "script" folder, and it'll appear in the game's menu. Similarly, player character scripts go in the "player" folder. If you want to start making your own scripts, consult the tutorials first!

Download Danmakufu ph3
Download Locale Emulator

Which Windows Operating Systems are compatible with Danmakufu?
It is no longer required to run ph3 with Japanese Locale, but having Japanese characters inside scripts might sometimes result into crashes or errors. Windows 7, 8 and 10 users are advised to use a software called Locale Emulation. See the Running with Japanese Locale tutorial for configuring your Danmakufu environment.

- ph3 - Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10
- 0.12m - Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8

Why did development of ph3 halted?
Unconfirmed rumours claim Mkm is entangled in what the internet calls: "Real Life". It seems development has been halted for an undefined period. The latest up to date version of ph3 can be found here at the official site.

Why are there 2 Danmakufu versions?
Mkm has released ph3 which contains way more features and possibilities than the old engine. New people are highly advised to pick up the latest engine (ph3). We might have old 0.12m tutorials in our archive, but our latest tutorials and resources are mainly created for ph3. In case you're stuck and cannot figure it out with the wiki, feel free to post in our Q&A section. The information found on the wiki might be inaccurate or incomplete. We are doing our best to translate all functions on the wiki.

Can I directly import/move my scripts from 0.12m to the new engine?
The answer is a simple and clear: No. You can't. If you have work in the old engine, it is your choice to decide whether to rewrite them under the new engine or just finish your game in the old engine and release it. Ph3 uses a different approach compared to the previous engine so you won't be able to move them directly. Careful planning and rewriting of functions is required in order to make your scripts work.

Is there an IRC channel?
Yes, you can access it through the webchat if you have no IRC client. Otherwise:
Channel: #danmakufu
Main motk channel: #shrinemaiden

How do I install scripts from other creators
Generally everything goes into the root of the script folder. Some authors release their scripts in an folder with the name of game, just drop it in the scripts folder and you are fine. Beware though authors sometimes release also custom players along with their script, always consult the readme (if it is included).

Danmakufu crashes when I load it or try to play.
0.12m and older versions of ph3 require Danmakufu to be run under Japanese Locale. Make sure you're using Locale Emulation. 99% of the crashes are due to this. Refer to the Locale Emulation thread to see if you correctly configured it.

I want to create my own scripts! Where do I start?
We are glad to hear that. Logically you will need Danmakufu and Locale Emulation installed and configured. Scripting can be simply done in notepad, so you don't need to install complex and/or licensed software to make your own scripts. We do advise you to get notepad++ (free to download and use) as it offers friendly and useful features. From there on it depends on your knowledge. Read the basic tutorials to understand how Danmakufu works and what you need to create your first script. From there on it is totally your own motivation whether you want to advance towards an expert.

How do I release my scripts?
Zip or Rar it up and upload it to a hosting website such as mediafire, megaupload, rapidshare, zshare etc. Please keep in mind that we at Shrinemaiden community are not in any form related or responsible for you or your work.

My script crashes, help me!
80% of the time the crashing is caused by typos or incorrect usage of functions. Always double, no, TRIPLE check your code. Such as forgotten braces, parentheses, semi colons. Remember that Danmakufu is also case sensitive. Still unable to solve it? Post your problem in the Q&A thread.

What are shotsheets or shotreplace scripts?
Shotsheets are custom made or forged bullet image sheets to expand the amount of bullets you can use in your game. Each shotsheet is unique and you should refer to the readme when downloading one.

Shotreplace scripts (not to be confused with shotsheets) replace the standard and ugly danmakufu bullets. The term originally derived from Concealed the Conclusion where the creator replaced the graphics with better graphics, as well as adding extra bullets.

Are there programs other than Danmakufu to make shmup games?
Yes there are, either created by individuals or communities. However, all our resources on our forum and wiki focusses on Mkm's Danmakufu engines. Feel free to use any other program or engine, but we cannot offer proper help for them.

How do you make your own phantasm stage with the original game engine?
We don't know. Various people have managed to hack the original MoF engine and directly modify the code to create their own scripts. Remember this is not related to Danmakufu. The code is written generally in its own engine language. Our community does not support this.

What are contests on RikaNitori?
From time to time either the moderator or community members organises a competitive contest with different assignments each time. You can see the Hall of Fame for the previous contests and winners. These contests are randomly summoned but require a visible interest level in order to become a sticky thread an worthy of Hall of Fame entry.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 07:03:58 AM by Helepolis »


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RikaNitori Hall of fame
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2010, 03:16:21 PM »
Contests & Hall of Fame
Every once in a while we hold contests to see who can make the best script with a given subject in a short amount of time. This is a record of the past contests held here:

Contest 1: Halloween!
Objectives: Create a Halloween-themed script with two attacks and two spells max.
Judges: Onthenet, Drake, Naut, Stuffman (stand-in)
1st Place: Helepolis
2nd Place: Stuffman
3rd Place: Thaws

Contest 2: Dead Simple!
Objectives: Create a script using only the WHITE05 bullet, with three attack/spells max. Judged purely on danmaku.
Judge: Stuffman
1st Place: VideoGameCrack
2nd Place: Blargel
3rd Place: Kayorei

Contest 3: Survival Card
Objectives: Create a single survival spellcard, up to 120 seconds.
Judge: Naut
1st Place: Thaws
2nd Place: Iryan
3rd Place: DgBarca

Contest 4: Laser Light Show
Objectives: Create up to three spellcards using only lasers.
Judge: Blargel
1st Place: Iryan
2nd Place: Azure
3rd Place: Nimble

Contest 5: Who are these people?
Objectives: Creating up two spell cards using unfamiliar or generally unused characters such as Rinnosuke, three mischievous fairies, Akyu etc.
Judges: Blargel, Helepolis, Kefit
Normal ★★
1st - Dr. Katz
2nd - Furienfify
3rd - Nobu

Lunatic ★★★★
1st - Nimble
2nd - Johnny Walker
3rd - Ravenlock

Contest 6: Blinded by the light
Objectives: Creating up to 3 spell cards using a restricted set of material provided by the judges, such as the ADDitive bullet sheet, blinding your eyes.
Judges: Naut & Drake
1st - Stuffman
2nd - Foremoster
3rd - Bitz

Contest 7: All Halloween Even 2
Objectives: Creating a halloween theme based stage with a boss. Pretty much everything goes as long as it is within the specific rules.
Judges: RikaNitori Mechanics and customers (aka public judgement)
1st - Sasupoika
2nd - Thaws
3rd - Kylesky

Contest 8: This aint Space Invaders!
Objectives: Create a very retro shmup game in tribute to games such as Space War!, Galaxian, Asteroids, and of course despite the title, Space Invaders, with pre-given graphics and restrictions.
Judges: Community members are free to send in judgements.
1st - Naut
2nd - Azure
3rd - Stuffman

Contest 9: Perfect Memento in Self-insert Sense
Objectives: The only approved and accepted fan-self-insert for Danmakufu! Insert yourself as the ultimate enemy, waiting to be exterminated by the players. However, this contest is done in ph3 beta! To promote and learn the new engine.
Judges: Helepolis
1st - Sasupoika
2nd - Kazu
3rd - Schezo

Contest 10: Youkai Exterminator Extermination
Objectives: The youkai girls are tired of getting exterminated. Time for some payback by scripting a bossfight against one of our heroines. Contest was free of engine choice!
Judges: Drake & Erppo
1st - TalosMistake & Lucas
2nd - Naut
3rd - Sparen

Contest 11: Apprehensive Adherent Abasement!
Objectives: Your objective of this contest is to create a boss fight with a minimum of 3 non-cards and spells using a character who follows another character. Examples are: Youmu, Reisen, Orin, Okuu, Shou, Nazrin, Seiga, Futo. I'll explain this a little further below.
Judges: PhantomSong
1st - Kirbio
2nd - Darkness1
3rd - Sparen/BobtheTanuki

Contest 12: Incident Causer Mayhem!
Objectives: Recreate a boss fight against any final boss of the Touhou project.
Judges: PhantomSong
1st - Arby26
2nd - Darkness1
3rd - Trickysticks

Contest 13: Contradictory Catastrophe!!
Objectives: Design the original touhou bosses with opposing/contradictory powers.
Judges: Sparen, AchySolrock, Trickysticks, Miransu
1st - Kirbio
2nd - Lunar Hazuki
3rd - Ephy / Lefkada

Contest 14: Popular Popularity!
Objectives: Create a bossfight who is within the top 30 popularity list.
Judges: TalosMistake, ExPorygon, Lunarethic
1st - AJS
2nd - Fear Chronicle
3rd - TresserT

Contest 15: Trick or Shoot!
Objectives: Create a bossfight in halloween style
Judges: Trickysticks, Sparen, AJS
1st - Lunarethic
2nd - TresserT
3rd - Kirbio

Contest 16: Unexpected Master Mind
Objectives: Your ordinary stage one boss from past games becomes the culprit behind the incident.
Judges: Lefkada, AJS, Neshima
1st - TresserT
2nd - Python
3rd - Spectral Nexus

Contest 17: Laser Light Show Redux!
Objectives: Create a spell card battle using only lasers. No bullets allowed!
Judges: ? ? ?
1st - Pyhton
2nd - CrestedPeak9
3rd - Sparen

Contest 18: Extra Love
Objectives: Show some extra love for your favourite extra boss by giving them extra spotlight in this extra special contest.
Judges: ExPorygon, Trickysticks
1st - Junky
2nd - Jimmy
3rd - Conarnar

Contest 19: Stolen Artefact: Reisen
Objectives: Design a boss fight that uses the gimmick(s) of another boss.
Judges: ExPorygon, Trickysticks
1st - bronxterror - Memories of a Pseudo Rabbit
2nd - Sparen - Moonstruck Magician
3rd - Achy & gtbot - Bird Eyes of Lunacy
« Last Edit: July 18, 2018, 03:54:55 PM by Helepolis »


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0.12m Archive
This post contains old threads related to danmakufu version 0.12m. Content in these threads are no longer actively supported. Please do not bump these threads. Generic 0.12m support is given in the Q&A such as getting old scripts to work. Thank you for your understanding.

[0.12m] Danmakufu error message troubleshooting - Troubleshooting with Danmakufu's amazing error messages.
[0.12m] Snippets of code for handy functions. - You may want to add this thread as favourite as well.
[0.12m] Danmakufu Syntax highlighter for Notepad++ - Useful tool for Notepad++ to highlight and guide you  while typing syntax.
[0.12m] Shot replace thread - All the user created shotsheets are found here.
[0.12m] Animation handling library - If you are sick and tired of animation handling. This thread makes your life easier.
[0.12m] ShotData Maker - A simple but clever tool that writes ShotData lines for your shotsheet for easy referring.
[0.12m] Danmakufu .dat File Packer/Unpacker - Pack your files the ZUN way, in DAT format.

[0.12m] Danmakufu Basics Tutorial, by Blargel - Covers the basic syntax of a spell card script, shows how to get a simple spell card off the ground, and gives some information on the various functions used to create bullets. For beginners.
[0.12m] Danmakufu Intermediate Tutorial, by Naut and Iryan - Covers a number of useful subjects beyond the basics, such as complex bullet creation tricks, object bullets and other tasks, enemy movement, boss and stage scripts, and dialogue functions.
[0.12m] Advanced Danmakufu Scripting Techniques, by Blargel - Covers some advanced concepts, such as nested functions, recursive functions, multi-dimensional arrays, libraries, and a few other things.
[0.12m] Drawing Tutorial by Nuclear Cheese - Covers the drawing functions used to show non-standard graphics onscreen, including 3d functions.
[0.12m] Shot Object Tutorial by Nuclear Cheese - Covers the basics of creating an object shot.
[0.12m] Player Script Tutorial by Stuffman - Covers all the steps involved in creating a complete playable character. Covers some advanced concepts such as homing and spell card objects.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 07:25:14 AM by Helepolis »