Author Topic: "SWR color palette show and tell" What are your true colors?  (Read 10561 times)


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Sup Everyone ^_^
Well i got into the color palette editor for SWR and thought it would be cool to share em and see what other people have created and used as well. I don't know if its very popular or not...but hey if someone comes off liking some of these or want to share their own its all good then  :D

So as i said, i've been making new palettes for some chars in SWR.  These are some of my starters at the moment.

As Remilia is my favorite Touhou char i naturally started with her color palettes first hehe. I currently have 4 styles

This is my first style
Name: Scarlet Devil

I got the idea from this pic that i had in my touhou pic library for a long time now. Red is my favorite color so i find it very fitting for the Scarlet Devil herself  :D This is my first and my fave.

The second style
Name: Black Rose

My sister said "if your gonna make one similar color scheme for everyone do BLACK instead of PINK! D<" Again since Red was my fave color i was gonna give everyone blood red color scheme similar to Scarlet Devil. But then i thought i'd do PINK just to be an ass to my sis. (Long story Guilty Gear Isuka i changed EVERYONE'S color scheme to PINK JUST to annoy her since all the chars are such powerful badasses. Imagine Ky or total Pink ahhh the hilarity i had with GG times XD)  I was gonna do red for SWR. but she said Black. so i'ma do black maybe. 
I named it Black Rose for the obvious Black clothes and rose red hair so yeah.

My third style:
Actually this one isn't original
IaMP 2P Remi

I found the Player 2  IaMP Remi palette and decided to add it to my collection haha. Which player 2 color do you think is better? One looks like Flandre and the other looks....well not ahha. I like em both but I like the Flandre lookalike a bit more.

My forth style:

I got this idea from another picture as well

In the old forum i tried to make a Organization Touhou thread. The idea of that thread was to make up organization XXIII like names for the touhou chars.  Basically you take the name "Remilia" add "X" to it "Remilia X" rearrange the letters till you make a new name: I made Irlexiam ( er lex ee um) and that new name was that touhou char's Nobody. The thread wasn't about Kingdom Hearts it was about Touhou but people shot down the idea just becasue it was Kindgom Hearts related (with the thinking of its fanon corruption of the chars i.e. yaoi stuff) I still think its a cool idea to do making up new names and stuff but ah well  :-[

So this is Remilia's Nobody:Irlexiam (in my mind anyway...don't take it seriously *sweatdrop*

Well that's all i got for now ^_^ if there are others who don't mind sharing their palettes please post em up. I'm pretty interested myself in seeing em. Since i can only have 9 palettes per char i'ma either go to the random generator found here or just make em all from scratch or borrow whatever ones you guys post up and don't mind sharing

Well that's all for now. Until next time. If anyone wants to get these palettes just let me know. they look much better when in motion BELIEVE me  ;)


OH YEAH  i totally forgot.

I have a question to anyone who uses it.
I've been trying to use a palette for both player 1 and 2 however it doesn't seem to read at all. i press a number to use a palette and select a character, however for player 2 i do the same thing...but instead it reapplies the choice to player 1 instead. ._.
Example: i tried using Scarlet Devil for 1P and Black Rose for 2P but when i start it i see 1P in Black Rose instead and 2P in the default 2P

The palette editor instructions said in step 5
From character select screen, press the assigned key number (shift+assigned key in case of 2P) before selecting a character to use the desired palette. This has to be done after every match if you want to continue using the palette. Press 0 to return palette selection to default.

but that doesn't work sadly. or maybe there is somethin i'm not doing right?
if anyone knows how to do this correctly for both player 1 and 2 please let me know.

once again thanks all ^_^ and have fun being touhou'ed my brothers and sisters  8)

Edit 2:

Well after mor experimenting with that Player 2 color problem i had i found out that SHIFT+# is not the right input but its CTRL+# do that and then your player 2 can use the palettes. Funny thing is i figured it out then wanted to change the wiki page on it...went to  the discussion tab for it..and the lone sentence there was the very correction i just found out. I was dumbfounded. hahah. ah well.

Edit: 3
Made a new thread for uploading our palettes for sharing. ^_^ i found out that you can upload attachments via "Additional Options" but only in the thread Unlimited Game Works. Since this is game related i made a thread there for us to share and upload our palettes to
Check it out here.

 from now on we'll use the other thread instead of this one since we can talk AND upload our palettes on that thread. Seeya on the other side.  ^_^
« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 07:59:40 AM by Kojiro »
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In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.

Re: What are your true colors? "SWR color palette show and tell"
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2009, 12:19:01 PM »
Um, sure. Okay.

Dark Blonde Reisen:

Just my first attempt on the palette editor. I think I only made a few changes. I liked the gray-blonde though and I think I could have done more with the other palettes like the tie. I might... someday...

Scarlet Mint Marisa:

Did this for the thread. I used to play with sprites so I'm relatively familiar with palettes. I think the maroon kinda overpowers the mint green.... you can hardly tell it is mint green.

Seaside Cafe Sakuya:

This has a little more creativity. I was thinking  where else maids are. Maybe Sakuya worked at a beach cafe or something,, at least that's where I got this. I think I got the ocean and sand in their, hopefully.

Hope that didn't disappoint you. But I do enjoy playing with palettes.


Re: What are your true colors? "SWR color palette show and tell"
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2009, 12:33:38 PM »
I prefer their original colours. They don't need changing.


  • Charisma!
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Re: What are your true colors? "SWR color palette show and tell"
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2009, 02:49:10 PM »
Remilia looks like from the Spanish Inquisition in the first one.

Vile Lasagna

  • Due to boredom
  • I'm mostly banned
Re: What are your true colors? "SWR color palette show and tell"
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2009, 03:01:42 PM »

Yeah, these images suck, but the colour schemes are quite nice, I'm very happy with all three of them. I eventually want to make my own P2 colours for pretty much everyone on IaMP (except Remilia who CLEARLY doesn't need my help) but haven't had many ideas for the others (but there is a Yuyuko I'm not satisfied with (note to self: try out Dark Green with golden trim for her, but might not go well with the purple shinys))
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 03:04:56 PM by VileLasagna »
rofl bye


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: What are your true colors? "SWR color palette show and tell"
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2009, 10:49:29 PM »
Hahah those look pretty good. I'd like to get that Sacrlet Mint Marisa and SeaSide Cafe Sakuya though if you don't mind sending em to me ^_^

why don't you want to touch the 2P Remilia color in IaMP? you like that one as it is? And yeah the schemes you got are pretty good to Vile hehe

I haven't touched any of the other chars yet. I first made 9 Remilia palettes since you can assign 1-9 at a time per char. so yeah.

Anyway i finished 5 more palettes for my Remilia and i assigned em all

So here's all that i got to date ^_^

Name: Scarlet Devil

Name:Black Rose

Name: Irlexiam

Name: Epiphany

When i made this one i was trying to make something different. ....well i succeeded but i had no idea what the hell to call it. At that realization....i simply called it Epiphany XD ahhaha. I still like it though so yeah.

Name: Fated Sapphire

Its in my nature to make something Blue to rival my natural Red. So i created this Deep blue Remilia.

Name: Lifeless Queen

I was thinking Queen of the Night at first but i thought of that name instead. Basically your dark gothic like style. i was listening to No-Life Queen on my ipod and came to this name while making it.

NAme: IaMP 2P Remilia

i decided to keep this one anyway. haha.

Name: Trick or Treat

My sis was watching the remastered "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and i thought of halloween colors. orange, brown and green (pumpkin) and boom put it into a palette. I think this is really nice ^_^ See her hands out? give her some candy or she'll give you a gugnir! >:D

Name: Cherry Blossom

You have to have something flower related in touhou now it seems haha. so there ya go. I was gonna go with the violet cherry blossoms from PoFV but i thought i already had a purple outfit. I might change this later to be purple, pink and white but i dunno.

I have one for komachi done too but i'll upload that when i finish more for her. I guess I'll do 9 of hers next. I like to give my palettes titles. i think its kinda cool is all haha. feels like its more than just some random colors but a style or something. Ya know how you can go with a scheme for all the chars? yeah like that but give it a name like "Seaside Cafe"or something. haha.

I like the originals too Gpop but....why not?
that's how i thought anyway. its really too bad that you can't see them when your online. you can use em but your opponent won't see it at all. pretty lame. haha. I was hoping to make these and be able to play with em and have others see em as well. but i guess not  :'(

Well if anyone wants to try these out just ask me. i don't mind at all sharing these at all. I'll email or zip em and send a download file. whichever just let me know ^_^

and linthuslyth if you don't mind I'd like the marisa and sakuya those look really good imo ^_^

Well have at'cha folks ^_^
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.

Vile Lasagna

  • Due to boredom
  • I'm mostly banned
Re: What are your true colors? "SWR color palette show and tell"
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2009, 03:07:51 AM »
The pseudo-Halloween one is quite awesome. I also like the green one but I think you could do with some less eye-searing tones (the red and blue ones also suffer from this u.u).

As for remi 2P. Yeah, that's exactly it:
"Yey, let's make a Remili...a...**looks at standard color 2**...oh...nevermind that..."
rofl bye


  • Charisma!
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  • O-ojousama!?
Re: What are your true colors? "SWR color palette show and tell"
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2009, 05:48:04 AM »
Trick or treat one -> remove wings -> add twin tail + ears -> Chen :3


  • Microwaving, please wait.
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Re: What are your true colors? "SWR color palette show and tell"
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2009, 05:50:44 AM »
The first one "Scarlet Devil"?  I think "Spanish Inquisitor" would be a much more amusing name for that getup.


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: What are your true colors? "SWR color palette show and tell"
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2009, 06:03:50 AM »
hahah.  actually i was gonna use the colors of characters NOT in SWR and make make palettes with em. Like Koishi's Orange Green or Flandre's Red/yellow etc etc. I'ma do that later fer sure.

well Vile, i think that's because they aren't the normal size at the moment. they look pretty good IN the game they are a bit more pixelated here. I thought the same thing thinking that maybe it was a bit bright but when your actually playing with it its no big deal at all. haha. that's why i said
they look much better when in motion BELIEVE me  ;)

if you want the halloween one i'll email it to you or something. i don't mind at all man  8)

I'm gonna start on komachi later on tonight and see how many schemes i can come up with.

@ Greyn

Yeah Helepolis said that earlier haha. I didn't know what the "Spanish Inquistion" was until i looked em up. but now i do  8) 
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.

Re: What are your true colors? "SWR color palette show and tell"
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2009, 06:37:09 AM »
I like you're Trick or Treat and Lifeless Queen. :D I want them as well... is there no palette database somewhere? Like the replay database in

and linthuslyth if you don't mind I'd like the marisa and sakuya those look really good imo ^_^
Oh, sure. I don't mind(but I'm kinda new here so I'm not entirely sure how to, haha). But let me just fix a couple of things, I haven't fixed the palettes of the knives and broom yet... I'll get to that later.

I made one more since I couldn't see any nice Alice ones, though I didn't entirely succeed in making an awesome one though:
Ebony Shock

(Opss, sudden realized that I forgot to change the palettes on the doll's clothes. Sorry, I'll get to that later as well.)
Black goes with everything. Dark scheme with pink-ish outlines, I hope that isn't such an eyesore for you guys.


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: What are your true colors? "SWR color palette show and tell"
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2009, 07:58:11 AM »
Since we can only upload files in the Unlimited Game Works thread I'm moving this thread over there ^_^ that we can talk and upload our good stuff alright? i edited the first post of this thread with the link as well but thought i might as well post an actual reply so people will know for sure.

Seeya on that side of the sanzu river mates ^_^
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.