Author Topic: CPSS7: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED  (Read 227323 times)

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #510 on: January 01, 2016, 10:52:15 AM »
YJ, Dude. Please.

I'LL GIFT YOU AN OGRE MAGI SET IF I man this is hard uh ok I have my pictures somewhere

Well I got games. I already have a few of them even though my Santa looked through my Steam wishlist which isn't exactly something you should read but ehhh yeah sure more games are always dank even though I said I don't want games HEY WHO'S COMPLAINING? FREE GAMES 8/8 T8 R8s GR8 like my career eyy lmao

You can pop on over to take a look because they've all been redeemed already eyyy

Other than that I got Uzukis in the mail

That you can see here

She's alright.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #511 on: January 01, 2016, 07:08:39 PM »
(Picture of Uzuki looking forlornly at her spare parts in a box)


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #512 on: January 02, 2016, 01:24:01 AM »
>Ganbarimasu intensifies
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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #513 on: January 02, 2016, 12:29:29 PM »
The following content is rated U for Under the Radar!
All of my comments will be in purple to make reading a little easier...

And so, after waiting until New Years Eve, we witness the arrival of... the package!

Oh gosh! There's quite the fair amount of stuff in there, it seems. Looks like they're numbered as well, so let's follow the rules properly and open them in order...

"However, before getting them, you will have to solve some puzzles. But I know you will do alright. Just start with No 1. And no cheating. Be good, alright?"

Don't worry Toriel, I won't let you down. Also, internally squealing at the fact that this package has already started off great! Like, seriously, an Undertale theme?! GIVE ME THIS!

... Oh hi Papyrus!

...Wait what?!

... Oh you little... Welp! Time to get to work on this...

Why hello there. Also, while putting the pieces together, I noticed the markings on the back of them. And of course, it's a bone related question. Thankfully, the answer was easy...


What a load of crap :V

And that ends the joys of the skeleton. Now then...

If this is a Rubix cube, I swear I'm going to smash the thing in...

... F**K!
"hi! here's a quick puzzle i made for you. it's really simple. just align the colors and then add the numerical results from each face."

{A whole day later}

"this artbook is about some really cool girls who fly and shoot bullets. oh, and it's also cool that some are monsters and some are humans, but they still get along well... i mean, except for the shooting bullets at each other part."
Oh Alphys, you are adorable. Also, yeah, I can imagine her liking Touhou a pretty fair bit considering the whole thing...

"oh, and this doujinshi is about one of the monster girls who controls flowers. but she's actually really strong and aggressive, i mean, you wouldn't think that of a flower, right? but she's still a pretty cool one."
Oh Alphys... you have no idea! And yes, Yuuka is amazing; love her more! LOVE YUUKA! <3 <3 <3

And another Touhou folder to keep stuff in. I seriously am collecting these now in Secret Santa packages. Also, FINALLY, A MAMI FIGURE! Give me all this goodness~ <3

Now, present number 3... was literally just a little roll of paper. Knowing Undyne, there isn't probably going to be a puzzle... and low and behold...

"hey dude. sorry, no puzzle stuff from me. if you wanna get your gift, you gotta show your strength and break that chain and lock down."

I'm afraid I'm not the strongest person in existence. However, I'm fortunate in one area here... Puppy, being the adorable wife she is, offered to help on this part. And with our strength combined...

We were able to wrench it open, and reveal yet another cup for Christmas; and an Undertale one at that! Naturally, we had a mini fight over who gets the cup, but she has so many, so MINE! But yes, UNDERTALE CUP! XD


Oh, you're probably wondering about the paper I was holding in that picture. Well, it was Sans...
"felt like too much work to make a puzzle from scratch. so i just hid the key inside my brother's spaghetti. you probably found it already. that's it, unless it went somewhere else or something.
But there wasn't any spaghetti, there was just a...

It's in the f**king turd, isn't it?!

It's amazing how brilliant this entire thing has been so far. We've laughed all the way, I've been screaming at the Touhou stuff, and Puppy has just been great throughout it all. And here we are now, with the key to our final gift... And I seriously can't wait to see what's in here...



Many thanks for this! A Papyrus puzzle, a plush turd, two amazing Touhou books, an Undertale cup, a Mami figure, and NSFW lollipops. So grateful for this, and you are amazing for doing this. Well done from us both! <3

{Package said it was from Brazil}


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #514 on: January 02, 2016, 01:40:59 PM »
Just popping by to say ill post my report after I get back from my vacation in japan (which ends like today but I need to deal with urgent homework first when I get back)

i should probably get to changing my sig but im too lazy

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #515 on: January 02, 2016, 06:15:22 PM »


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #516 on: January 02, 2016, 09:48:40 PM »
Well I got games. I already have a few of them even though my Santa looked through my Steam wishlist which isn't exactly something you should read
dude that's what the list is for
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #517 on: January 03, 2016, 06:28:18 AM »
dude that's what the list is for

My wishlist is basically how I remind myself to feed Dormio when I feel like it eyyy

Nietz wheres that thing I gave you

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #518 on: January 03, 2016, 04:34:30 PM »
Nietz wheres that thing I gave you
It's in one of the many boxes of I brought from Japan and are now scattered around two houses. I'll send it along as soon as I manage to find it. =p


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #519 on: January 07, 2016, 11:30:48 AM »
Okay, finally found some time to show my gift off (for what it's worth, had this been before the 25th, it would've been more on time).

So I get a package from Canada. It seems my sender has a shoe size larger than mine; an impressive feat indeed.

But I take off the lid to find an... unpleasant surprise.

Thankfully, I was not actually visited by the nonexistent Ghost of Christmas Past.

And what of the other stuff?

First, a bag of Momiji candies.

A strange, Canadian take on a familiar breakfast.

And then Touhous, Angels, and a boat.

No sure who you are (since I got Drake in a previous year), but thanks, SS!


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #520 on: January 07, 2016, 02:53:30 PM »
Truly this has been the year of tsukihime anime headfakes.


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #521 on: January 07, 2016, 03:12:17 PM »
So I get a package from Canada. It seems my sender has a shoe size larger than mine; impressive feet indeed.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #522 on: January 07, 2016, 03:52:57 PM »
Thanks for spelling out the joke.

Rin Kagamine

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #523 on: January 08, 2016, 12:34:14 AM »
I'm gonna watch Tsukihime this weekend to prove a terrible point!


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #524 on: January 08, 2016, 06:14:47 AM »
When is the list of who go whom as a Secret Santa going to be posted? I scanned the thread and couldn't find it. Are we still waiting on a few people to get their gifts? I'm totally curious of who my SS was since I know a few people on here are from Ohio.


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #525 on: January 08, 2016, 11:27:49 AM »
Holy crap Dragon's Lair! You lucky duck!

When is the list of who go whom as a Secret Santa going to be posted? I scanned the thread and couldn't find it. Are we still waiting on a few people to get their gifts? I'm totally curious of who my SS was since I know a few people on here are from Ohio.

I am also curious about this. I don't even remember who here is from Arkansas. But maybe the "secret" part of Secret Santa is to remain that way?

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #526 on: January 08, 2016, 12:33:27 PM »
Pasu, Vento and Vyrian need to post their ones. They returned from MOONLAND recently no?

After that I think we got everybody which probably will trigger Santa Hakurei to post the full list?

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #527 on: January 08, 2016, 03:36:37 PM »
I'm pretty sure Vyrian is still in jaypee but I could be wrong

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Reimu is all of it
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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #528 on: January 08, 2016, 03:43:08 PM »
Viryen is still in Japan, P and V are back in irrelevant city-state
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #529 on: January 08, 2016, 04:37:53 PM »
Viunian apologises for the delay and will post tomorrow. 
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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #530 on: January 08, 2016, 04:50:00 PM »
RIGHT THEN finally transferred the photos from my phone to the laptop, I've kept everyone waiting! Really sorry about the long wait, life always finds a way  :ohdear:

(Some of the vertical photos got.. rotated, I'm not sure why, but I think it's fine)

It's a pretty big box, and I was greeted by bubble wrap!

I really like bubble wrap  :V

a box... with a letter taped onto it! with... are those locks..?!

>Here's a photo of the letter so you guys can read it too<

I tried to figure it out first and politely asked for a pen and started underlining
the letters in italic: two, zero, five, zero. Hmm..t, e,v, o? two.. eight.. five.. zero?
My educated guess did not work, so I started on the ygo puzzle  :colbert:

Now, I've never actually played YGO myself, did watch the show though, and my brother and sister were big fans of it growing up (I was more of the pokemon/dual masters/neopets side) but I still accepted the challenge!..

Then I tried to tackle the puzzle and....

... didn't really get anywhere. W-what the heck is a pendulum?! YGO was more easier back in the day :( As I thought out combos involving the tewi and cirno cards, Vyrien suddenly piped up,

Edited and rotated back to original because Vyrien said she looked fat

"Did you try 205 yet"




Onto the gifts! In my letter to Santa, I'd explicitly actually asked for some card game supplies, and Santa really delivered!

A Twilight Princess poster!!  :getdown: which came with...

My own ocarina of time, a compass, and some rupees! Now I too, can save Hyrule :getdown: Next, was a tube, and inside was...

A!! Medicine!!! Playmat!!!
:getdown: I didn't have a playmat for my tcg until now, and it was the best kind of playmat I could ever ask for! It was even made with one of the best Medicine artworks out there too  :derp:

Last but not least...

Deck boxes, with treats stuffed into them! :getdown: The biscuits were absolutely delicious, at this point of time they're mostly gone now  :V I think my family members stole some too :(

And that's it! Package address said it was sent from France, but I don't really know anyone from France (or do I?) Thought it was possibly from Helepolis because he sent a locked(?) chest to Vyrien the year before, but I thought he lived in another country so... I'm stumped  :V Whoever it ends up being, thank you very much for the gifts, including the puzzle! The custom touhou ygo cards were a great surprise and while I was unwrapping my gift I was just laughing the entire time because it was just so enjoyable, hope you had a great Christmas and New year!  :toot:

Viryen is still in Japan, P and V are back in irrelevant city-state

oi last warning ar
« Last Edit: January 08, 2016, 05:11:39 PM by pasu »

i should probably get to changing my sig but im too lazy

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #531 on: January 08, 2016, 11:28:24 PM »
u mad lah
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #532 on: January 10, 2016, 07:21:07 PM »
So you want to buy this awesome stick?


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #533 on: January 10, 2016, 07:55:12 PM »



*nods, then walks off*
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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #534 on: January 11, 2016, 05:04:03 AM »



*nods, then walks off*
Nobu what are you tacitly acknowledging?

I did a thing:

Thanks again Helepolis!


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #535 on: January 11, 2016, 05:52:56 AM »
But does it turn into a gundam?

Rin Kagamine

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #536 on: January 11, 2016, 06:36:35 AM »
But does it turn into a gundam?
No but the blades actually turn! #whoa #wow

Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #537 on: January 11, 2016, 07:03:44 AM »
I also did a thing

that thing was drink all the beer

thanks bunches Vic


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #538 on: January 11, 2016, 03:38:07 PM »
Glad you're enjoying.

By the way, have you upped your lockpicking abilities Vic?

Rin Kagamine

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #539 on: January 13, 2016, 03:40:42 AM »
I also did a thing

that thing was drink all the beer

thanks bunches Vic
You're welcome! Any thoughts on any beer in particular?

Glad you're enjoying.

By the way, have you upped your lockpicking abilities Vic?
I have not! I have not had a lot of time to play around with the lock, but I learned a lot about how a lock works because of the clear lock.