Author Topic: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E  (Read 389544 times)


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #930 on: March 20, 2019, 04:43:51 AM »
Recently got Convoy, a game that's kind of like Mad Max and kind of like FTL. Haven't played enough to really talk at length about what it's about.

Also purchased SYNTHETIK a week or two back - that one is a top-down shooter kind of like Enter The Gungeon only it's robots and reloading is a lot more involved and you have a level up and unlockables system.

Reloading has two parts - most weapons require that you "eject" the previous magazine/set of shells/cartridges before then reloading, and the reloading itself works on an active reload system kind of like Gears of War. Then there's the fact guns have recoil and overheating, both of which discourage spray and pray tactics through less accuracy and damaging you, respectively. Each "class" has its own unique active combat skill (unlike ETG where some classes don't have skills that directly aid in a fight) that lets each one fulfill its own roles.

I'd gush more about the game, but I don't really have my thoughts organized - just know that if you like guns and fast-paced, top-down style shooting (not the kind that Touhou provides, mind), this one might be worth a try.

At the very least, the expansion SYNTHETIK: ARENA is out for free on Steam, so give that a go to see how its gameplay is.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #931 on: March 27, 2019, 07:17:51 AM »
Start playing Nelke and the Legendary Alchemists.

> Japanese voices only

fffffffffffff you better not do this shit with Lulua, (In all seriousness, though, the chance of this game getting a dub was basically zero from the start, so eh.)

Just beat the main story mode of Fate/Extella Link, and oh god I'm looking at the Extra Missions and it looks like max level is 150, because there's like three EX missions at that level. Well, at least the QP cost of raising Servants is lower than in FGO.

I'm plotting an Ace campaign run in AC7, since I actually have two days off work this week this time. Here's hoping I actually have something resembling energy, unlike last week. -_-
« Last Edit: March 27, 2019, 07:21:31 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #932 on: March 27, 2019, 02:09:51 PM »
They've stopped dubbing the Atelier series for a while now, cut costs for a series not selling too amazingly, not many people care for it and it allows them to localize the games faster

Also Nelke is comfy :)


  • Wow I'm back to playing this game.
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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #933 on: March 27, 2019, 06:35:04 PM »
Just beat the main story mode of Fate/Extella Link, and oh god I'm looking at the Extra Missions and it looks like max level is 150, because there's like three EX missions at that level. Well, at least the QP cost of raising Servants is lower than in FGO.

Is the game more engaging and varied than the first Extella?  I played that and while basically mindlessly slaying swaths of enemies is cathartic sometimes, going through the same scenarios a bunch of times...isn't, and the gameplay was perhaps TOO simple, at least in the bit I played. 

Really hoping Extella Link fixes these things, unless Im just the wrong audience (which is also fine of course.)
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Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #934 on: March 28, 2019, 10:27:07 AM »
They've stopped dubbing the Atelier series for a while now, cut costs for a series not selling too amazingly, not many people care for it and it allows them to localize the games faster

Also Nelke is comfy :)
*realizing I've never gotten around to playing Lydie & Suelle*

*learning it's Japanese voice only*

 :ohdear: :(
It's the Familiar of Zero anime all over again...

Is the game more engaging and varied than the first Extella?  I played that and while basically mindlessly slaying swaths of enemies is cathartic sometimes, going through the same scenarios a bunch of times...isn't, and the gameplay was perhaps TOO simple, at least in the bit I played. 

Really hoping Extella Link fixes these things, unless Im just the wrong audience (which is also fine of course.)
It's still a bit of a button masher. Most combo enders are now Skills, so unless you're in the Master's territory or have Tamamo supporting you with her NP, you can't just spam the hell out of your high power options without at least some cooldown; but you can spam them consecutively if you need it. It's much easier to enter Moon Drive mode (just quell a bunch of enemies or pick up some sake) and Moon Drive now can generate NP charge (on top of having a full NP charge somewhere on every map and a 35% charge somewhere else), so it's so much easier to spam NPs.

Extella Maneuvers are replaced by the Rush mechanic. You can counter some enemy attacks of your own, or you can punch them in the face a few times and use specific Class Skills; which will trigger a button-mash Rush. Counter Rushes are basically tug-of-wars, while Class Rushes are basically single-target Extella Maneuvers which can get support from other allied Servants in the area.

Plants are relatively rare enemies now, so you don't have to constantly bounce around quelling the one bastard that keeps respawning well out of the way (plus, you now have a new Command Seal option to port over to most other Sectors), but now Shadow Servants (the new aggressor unit) often show up with other major Servants all over the place, even in Sectors you've claimed and were otherwise completely void of enemies.

Most Sectors now have their Aggressors available right from the start, instead of having to murder a ton of mooks just to get them to show up; and those that don't generally can be made so by taking other Sectors instead of just murdering everything in the Sector a bunch of times.

There's no longer secondary character missions, so there goes most of the repetitive mission grinding (but since one of the Trophies requires finishing the game in full, then replaying everything in the newly unlocked difficulty, well); but a disturbing amount of the game involves "enemy Servant is buffed! Take down the two Mana Pillars by capturing their Sectors!"

Honestly, I don't think the changes to the battle system made the thing much more complex. If you've played the Neptunia side games, it's basically the difference between Action Unleashed and MegaTagmension Blanc.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 10:34:38 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #935 on: April 04, 2019, 05:10:19 PM »

...I feel like I can leave it there, really. But suffice to say, I say a lot (primarily about racing games) that you don't really realize you've been playing a bad game until you play a great one. I've never played spectacle fighters or anything like that, and as such, I am very bad at this game. Been playing through on Normal. Hooooooly hell, does this game set my new bar for action games astronomically high. It's got the spectacle for sure! Enormous setpieces and colossal foes and action-figure-esque constant gleeful excess that just ramps up and up and up until you're firing from the hip while riding a motorcycle down an exploding highway and powersliding to slow down time to go even faster. And that's the halfway mark. But, I never really paid attention to this sort of game because there's plenty enough setpieces in the other stuff I play for me to know full well that they mean nothing without good core gameplay. In that respect, Bayonetta excels. Graceful, easy to get hold of (mostly; the floaty platforming still proves a problem for me), and consistent. Plus, you can, y'know, just keep restarting and ignore your end-of-level rank... which I've been needing to do. You get better and better at each fight not from just getting bolstered by tons of RPG-esque upgrades (those are present if you want 'em, though), but from just learning the timing and actually improving.

I've been also playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider and now the dodge-kills in that game feel pitifully absurdly easy because I am now used to Bayonetta's timing instead.

In regards to racing games, of course I've got a few new ones in the rotation there. Project CARS 2 is much more simulation-oriented and thus not really for me, but I've been very much appreciating the deeper cuts of course selection there, such as historic layouts of modern-day Formula One circuits from back when they were just public roads cordoned off, and rallycross circuits in places like Daytona. I've played Daytona International Speedway in dozens of video games starting from when I was three, and I still never had tried the rallycross layout before last week. That's a nice extra.

More pertinently, I've finally come across a PC copy of Blur at a local flea market. You might not recall Blur, but you might remember it's horrendously ill-advised advertising campaign, with a TV commercial showing a cutesy mascot kart racer. One of the little characters, a tiny broccoli man, stares longingly across the fence to something more Gran-Turismo-looking, and it had a tagline of "play with the big boys".

Now, see, I complain a lot that the only racing game most people know and like is Mario Kart, but the only racing game most people know and like is Mario Kart. When your marketing campaign is "your favorite thing is for stupid baby morons, play a real game", you will fail. This, combined with being released in a window right alongside several other arcade-style racers (most notably the similarly-fated Split/Second), doomed it to the bargain bin and shuttered the development studio (eventually; they got exactly one more project in the 007 tie-in Blood Stone). Anyways. For extra irony points, the game most directly comparable to Blur is the later Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed, and for good reason, as that was made by a good portion of Blur's staff. It's got realistic city courses and real licensed cars, but with tons of energy weapons and items and all. Any pretense of the game taking this very seriously was purely in the marketing and not really in the game itself; it isn't played up cartoonishly, it just sort of is. It's a video game. This stuff can happen. It's fun. End of explanation, as far as the game's concerned. I'm still only just starting out, but it's nicely hectic and arcade-style (not just in handling, I mean that each race is a short burst of total mayhem and plenty of things to get done in a few laps). I think I can safely say it's a damn shame this game got buried and I'll be quite glad to play a whole lot more of it.

Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #936 on: April 11, 2019, 07:52:54 AM »
San Andreas and Smash Ultimate!


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #937 on: May 14, 2019, 10:26:58 AM »
I've been playing quite a bit of EO Nexus, while commuting.
My first team was let's make a bad team and spend 140 hours on the first playthrough. I.e. Hero/Princess/Pugilist | Zodiac/Arcanist. But somehow said team managed to 100% the game on Heroic.
My second run was let's make burst damage team and kill things fast. Highlander/War Magus/Nightseeker | Harbinger/Gunner. 5-6 turns boss kills for this team were the norm. I made it to the post game, killed Juggernaut at level 114 and kinda called it quits, since the team does not really have defensive options. I switched to Picnic difficulty for shit and giggles and completely melted both super bosses in 5 turns each at level 116. Picninc is Stupid (with a capital S).
My third team is let's go back to the basics with some oriental flavor mixed in. I am running Shogun/Ronin, Protector/Landy, Medic/Sovereign | Ronin/Landy, Ninja/Nightseeker. And despite my initial fears the team performs really really well. So far made it to the 10th labyrinth and it's been quite a smooth sailing.
Randoms are mostly handled by Ninja sleeping all enemies and then Ronin and Shogun murdering everything.
Bosses usually go like this. First turn Ronin starts in the front line, Shogun uses Great Warrior on Ronin, Ronin uses Vanguard, Medic uses Attack Order, Protector uses Front Guard, Ninja usually uses Bone Crusher. Second turn Ronin hops to the backline and spams Air Blade supported by the rest of the team (Star Drop from the Medic to reduced boss's defence even further, Twin Swallows from Shogun and the like). Repeat until the boss is ded ded ded.
I am not sure if i would go for a fourth run using the classes i haven't used in the first three runs, but that would make an interesting team of Landy, Imperial, Farmer, Suvivalist + some other class.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 10:42:14 AM by CF7 »
Sometimes rumors are just... rumors

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #938 on: May 23, 2019, 05:23:24 AM »
I'd be a lot more forgiving of sub-only if the translation was actually really good. At least know your damn it's, its, and its'!

(In all seriousness, though, I'm looking forward to being back in Arland; or rather, back in the former Arls Kingdom, because Meruru is my favorite. Inb4 Witch's Tea Party was the canon Meruru ending.)

(Also also I'm apparently two months late to learn Crystar is indeed getting a translation, slated for August! I... uh... should probably get going on that playthrough.)
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 07:39:54 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #939 on: May 29, 2019, 11:38:54 PM »
Got into Persona 3 for the first time lately. It's been a relatively merciful transition going to this from P5, with the only obvious downgrades being more finicky menus and the graphics being stretched (playing the version of FES that's available for download on PS3; I miss the Wii Shop Channel and companies actually making their older games actually reasonably easy to purchase, so I wanted to show that I appreciated them doing it and go for that. Also I don't have a PS2). A bit more hectic of a schedule lately means I haven't been able to blaze through as much of it as I did P5, but I also am not learning totally from scratch this time, so that helps. That's been my main fixation as of late. I definitely am increasingly understanding why my friends have loved these franchises for so long; it's not just excellent value for the purchase price, but they're also just wonderfully deep, wonderfully fun games with truly immersive worlds and great dialogue options.

Inversely, I wanted to get a 'popcorn game' sort of mindless explosion-fest for those times that I don't have much time to dive right in, and got a copy of Watch_Dogs 2. I loved the original, but... I kinda regret getting this one. The controls are way more unintuitive, the lovable cast of characters kinda isn't (at least not yet), and I think a bit of it is just that I've grown up since the first game's release and am more obviously unimpressed by and disappointed in the shameless attempts for shock value and ripped-from-the-headlines parody. It feels more like it's trying to be GTA-esque, and I've never cared for that style. Credit where credit is due, though; the game's aesthetic seeps beautifully into every single thing about it and is an absolute treat to behold, be it the map screen being your phone's map app, the absolutely trippy and stylish mission intros, or even just little things like the studio logo intro glitching out. Every moment about it has a clear visual design that's bright and colorful and wonderful. I just kinda wish there was more solid game behind it.

Project CARS 2 has lost my interest in its career mode for the most part due to an issue with tire temperatures (they're modeled for you, but not for AI, meaning that qualifying takes you 15 minutes to get a good lap in where the AI will get pole position in one go), but it's become my go-to for just hopping on for a quick race at a specific course or just mixing and matching stuff in fun ways.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #940 on: June 01, 2019, 10:17:33 AM »
blarg I just spent something like five ingame months in Lulua trying to figure out what the hell they wanted me to do to a Craft to unlock the next story segment; turns out that instead of something normal, like getting a specific Effect or getting wacky with the Traits, or reaching a certain Alchemy Level to unlock something that would help, ?specific caliber of item? just meant a high Quality. I'm not entirely sure whether this game has a time limit, so wasting this much time wandering the world is... not great.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #941 on: June 01, 2019, 03:26:53 PM »
Got Brigador recently.

Gameplay-wise, Brigador is a game where you obliterate cities with mechs. Tank controls (for the most part), a semi-permanent health loss system (shields are rechargeable from enemy drops, but armor cannot be regained at all), a stealth system that means charging in guns-blazing isn't the best solution every time (especially if you choose the smaller vehicles that have less health), fully destructible environments that open up a number of tactical possibilities, and a fair amount of weapons that let you blow things up in a number of ways.

Story-wise, Brigador is a game where you discover that civilians are worth $50 a pop and that you have to pay about $400,000 to see the terms and conditions of your own mercenary contract.

It's one of those stories where literally everyone is terrible. Not that this really affects the gameplay much, since the story and lore is told to you through flavor texts and the like rather than cutscenes.

All in all, I'd recommend, though the controls may take some getting used to and the gameplay can sometimes be outright brutal.

Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #942 on: July 22, 2019, 02:47:55 AM »
Uh ... lately I'm not even playing video games.
The most recent is Minecraft, which a week ago began to play it after years of not doing it.
A lot of things changed but the game is still fun.
I'll see when I have more time (or desire) to play another game.

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #943 on: July 22, 2019, 06:50:45 PM »
I'm still playing Persona 3.

It's really good.

...I know a lot of you knew that in 2006 but I'm taking my sweet time okay

And while I remember, Watch_Dogs 2 certainly picked up after my initial frustrations, but still never quite matched what I hoped for from it. It was still a fun time but I found myself just getting used to it when it abruptly ended. Only one single setpiece brought back what I really played the first game for. At least ridiculous outfits are always fun still.

I also have recently sampled Red Faction: Guerilla Re-Mars-stered (the name is easily the worst part; the game's pretty damn solid. Destroy an empire. Here's a hammer. Smack things with it. Go have fun. I will have far more glowing praise when I'm not stuck on a weird turret autoscrolling level) and Driver: Parallel Lines (been waffling on this one a long time, finally tried it, and hoo boy yeah it's just worse GTA, never mind, please play Driver: San Francisco). Anyways. I will likely be back to ramble about Persona 3 specifically when it wraps up, which looks to be soon. (I quite enjoyed the first two of the movie adaptions, too; we shall see on the latter two soon.)

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #944 on: August 09, 2019, 10:05:05 AM »
If you've played Girls Frontline and dropped it for whatever reason, it may interest you to know that EN is currently in a collab event with VA-11 HALL-A, aka waifu bartending simulator. It'll last the rest of the month, so if you want to give drinks to T-dolls, there you go.

Should I save money for a Switch, I wonder. With the increasing amount of games that have to be modified to release on the PS4 (for example, some IF games had to have some CGs altered; Omega Labryinth Life had to pull a Mugen Souls and lost its minigames; hell, it looks like Mary Skelter 2 isn't even going to show up on PS4), maybe it's a good time to save for a potential sale and maybe pick up some Switch exclusives I'm interested in.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #945 on: August 10, 2019, 02:47:35 PM »
smh my head you cant tell me to do something useful with my life what if i wanna just sit down and play more stgs instead  :V


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #946 on: August 11, 2019, 12:26:15 PM »
Played through and finished Gnosia. Definitely the best space time-loop mafia simulator I've ever played, and considerably more emotionally affecting than a game that made me play over 130 loops has any right to be. Shockingly good, hope this one gets localized so more people can enjoy it.
Let's fight.


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #947 on: August 17, 2019, 08:35:30 PM »
I almost didn't finish Persona 3 (FES).

To put it spoiler-free - which sadly makes this rather short, as much of what I absolutely adore here is the plot and excellent cast - the final boss has one extremely cheap move that can do a ludicrous amount of damage as well as cause status effects that, if you're unlucky, can full-heal the boss. I did not look forward to doing a whole bunch of grinding to be able to tank this, so I put the game aside, only occasionally jumping in and milling about.

...until a lucky drop gave me an item that could completely no-sell all status effects but poison, and I realized that I could just basically inventory-dupe it to make my full party invulnerable. What took me hours to fail the first time was a cakewalk the second go-round.

So, uh, it may have been a slightly cheap way to go about it, but I'm immensely happy with the result (maybe not the ending itself. I felt sorta like I'd been thrown over the handlebars, emotionally, like the ride had just ended and bucked me off without a moment to process it). Now I can finally agree with my friends that have been telling me I should play this for 13 years.

The same friends would tell me to also play Persona 4. I got Golden already, so I'm on it.

...with P5 taking up the first four months of my year, and 3 taking three more, maybe I'll finish this by December... and then we'll see if I NG+ anything or finally play other video games again.

Apropos of nothing, as I'm running out of new and interesting options on the racing game front, my list of complaints with Forza Horizon 4 strangely ticks just a bit longer with the Lego expansion, not because that expansion itself is a problem (it's honestly better designed than the entire game it's attached to and is a pure delight), but because they very noticeably heavily censored almost the entire soundtrack to be kid-friendly to rather ancient standards. It handily butchers every single station but Timeless FM (the classical station) with massive painfully obvious gaps in the lyrics ("Even the       finds love, the       finds love") that weren't there pre-patch. I get that it's due to company standards but good god it's annoying. Reminds me of early Need for Speed and Burnout, but at least NFS was clever with it or at least re-recorded the songs with lyrics about racing. This is more like when Beast and the Harlot was in Burnout Revenge as "Beast..." with the entire chorus removed.

To end on a positive note, DiRT 4 is far more fun than I initially gave it credit for and screwing around in Joyride mode is a blast as ever. The weight of the cars feels just right.


  • Wow I'm back to playing this game.
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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #948 on: August 18, 2019, 02:11:16 AM »
"Oh look, my healer is Charmed.  Oh look, she fully healed the boss.

This is fine."  (insert dog in burning house here)

The frustrating thing for me when that happened on my first try with that fight was I almost turned it around and won DESPITE having to start over.  I think I got to like 10-20% HP on the second time through before I finally go too worn down.

Next day I went in and everything went as it was supposed to though so that was cool.  Still though, I KNOW the feeling.  I never found those status blocking items either so I had to just pray I didn't run into that.

I'm still bitter the PS3 never got P4G, relatedly...
If you're a Pazudora player and aren't on #puzzleandlibrarians, come join us!

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #949 on: August 18, 2019, 10:07:57 AM »
Lowkey, I've never finished P3FES despite having blasted through P4 enough to get Izanagi-no-Okami. I think I stopped right after Ryoji left?

(Also, I own a copy of P5 that I bought on heavy discount, but I've never played it yet. How shitty am I?)

In SMT games, there is no such thing as a cheap strategy, considering all the bullshit they throw at you. Consider that P5 has a drop dead easy way to slay the Reaper - make him catch the flu. Also consider the only really reliable strategy to kill the Demi-Fiend in DDS relies heavily on giving your guys Null Sleep (nulls all damage while asleep) and putting them out whenever the foe is about to use Gaea Rage.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2019, 12:03:10 PM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #950 on: August 18, 2019, 04:20:04 PM »
Still though, I KNOW the feeling.  I never found those status blocking items either so I had to just pray I didn't run into that.

Sure sounds like you do because that was 100% exactly it. I just... not even ragequit, but despair-quit when that happened, though. Like, nah, I'm not even gonna wait until I get mad. Just pressed the power button and walked away. I got those status items by a total random saving throw at a friend's recommendation, as they explained that some Personas can be fused and get Heart items if you just randomly luck out. Never happened to me the whole game, but I figured, hey, I can make Abaddon, he's got a chance of producing a Tome of the Void which nulls every status but Poisoned. All you gotta do is get him to have it when he fuses, and when he hits max level, he'll produce the item.

...and, if you register him in the Compendium just before he hits max level, you can just keep dismissing him and purchasing him back and quickly farm as many as you need. So, I did.

It does not feel like the most satisfactory of victories since it required some chance, but it involved an actual strategy and the grinding necessary to get him to max level also got my party where they actually needed to be for the fight, so it worked out.

I'm still bitter the PS3 never got P4G, relatedly...

I bought this PSTV, like, three years ago.

Can you imagine how stunned I am that I finally have this extremely specific actual single use for it

(Also, the PSTV inheriting the Vita's ability to put a game on standby has nicely opened this up to being playable way more hours of the day because I can actually stop without having saved. Not that I don't still do that frantically and constantly, but picking up exactly where I left off is a real nice time-saver, especially where I'm actually busy lately unlike when I started P5.)

Lowkey, I've never finished P3FES despite having blasted through P4 enough to get Izanagi-no-Okami. I think I stopped right after Ryoji left?

(Also, I own a copy of P5 that I bought on heavy discount, but I've never played it yet. How shitty am I?)

Well if there's no more Ryoji, why even bother, can't blame you there

Hey, great to get in on the ground floor and snag something when it's cheap, but also, it being the title I started with, I'd obviously heavily massively recommend P5. And I'll keep that in mind, strategy-wise; if it works, it works! (I had no idea about the DDS one, that's pretty frickin' hilarious.)

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #951 on: September 12, 2019, 01:06:40 PM »
So I just learned that Celeste has Chapter 9 out. Oh boy, it's kind of crazy, and apparently I'm not even halfway through yet. The two new mechanics introduced so far (jellyfish that you can use to glide, and pufferfish that explode if you're in a specific arc and also get pushed down if you hit them out of that arc) are pretty neat.
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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #952 on: November 23, 2019, 08:27:55 PM »
Since I last checked in, I've finished P4 Golden and, speaking of Celestes, started up yet another series my friends recommend, Danganronpa. I've played the first, second, and Ultra Despair Girls. (How do I have time for all this? Well, not having a job by the time P4G ended certainly opened things up, and by god have I needed an outlet, especially with motorsports season mostly over and icecross season not yet begun! So I'm just frantically plowing through the whole backlog.)

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc feels very much heavy on story and light on, well, actual gameplay, if you're coming into it expecting Ace Attorney or a point-and-click adventure game. It's a visual novel first and foremost, without much depth to the gameplay, but there's enough going on in it that it still feels like it matters that it's interactive. It is best played, not read or watched (doesn't help that the Funimation dub kinda butchers my top favs, anyhow). Absolutely fantastic atmosphere, characters, and setting kept me actively hooked even where I really, really did not like the last chapter.

Super Danganronpa 2 (yes, that's the Japanese title. I just like getting to call things "Super", it's fun) definitely, uh... well, let's be honest. Major improvement on the gameplay difficulty front, as in, it's actually pretty punishing, and Logic Dive is extremely fun. (Essentially, to come to some conclusions, you have to dive into your mind. On a snowboard. And basically play a Sonic 2 special stage in the middle of a trial. It's so stupid and so spectacular.) However, the cast is enormously more hit-or-miss. For me, it was almost entirely miss, and the ones I did like, uh, had a very bad time of it very quickly. But, I'm doing Island Mode in post-game and I'm finally able to catch up on their FTEs, and I'm starting to really like more of the cast, to the point where I went from despising most of the cast to not disliking anybody very strongly. Also, if you're the type to just tune in and watch, Chris Tergliafera, the voice actor of Gundham, has been streaming his own first playthrough lately.

And Ultra Despair Girls... dear lord. Where to even begin with that. I don't think I've ever so heavily enjoyed a game that I don't think I want to recommend. I absolutely loved the cast and the ending and yet I will freely admit that so much of it was brazenly uncomfortable to outright abhorrent that I feel like most human beings I know do not need to experience it. But it closes the circle on DR1 and DR2 in a very satisfying way, and the two lead characters do have excellent chemistry.

All this to say, I'm yet again late to the bandwagon on a series my friends like by an enormous margin of years, and thus I am standing here in a barren empty field of internet finally able to appreciate that the Naegis, Chihiro, and
a certain stabby stabby serial killer
are the absolute best.