Author Topic: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?  (Read 276821 times)


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #30 on: July 02, 2014, 12:49:40 AM »
Just started C3-bu today. This anime is totally my cup of tea.

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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #31 on: July 02, 2014, 01:02:28 AM »
-The Irregular at Magic Highschool
-If Her Flag Breaks

Recently finished(current):
-One Week Friends(it's adorable.  Go watch it.)

Recently finished(not current):
-The Pet Girl of Sakurasou(I want more.  Season two please?)

I feel like I'm forgetting some...oh well.
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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #32 on: July 02, 2014, 03:19:06 AM »
Just started C3-bu today. This anime is totally my cup of tea.

(pic is also link, which is also spoilers)

From this season
NGNL: s2 when
Mahouka: source material was lots of wordswords yet still more entertaining than this adaptation
Chaika: good show, but full of QUALITY and standard Bones changing things
Brynhildr: entertaining and solid adaptation until they jumped two whole arcs
777: Good start but I dropped it somewhere in the middle, just couldn't hold my attention
Kanojo Flag/Gaworare: see below


  • Head But No Tail
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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #33 on: July 02, 2014, 08:01:43 AM »
Started watching: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san.

Waiting for: Persona 4 The Golden Animation.


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #34 on: July 02, 2014, 08:44:44 AM »

(pic is also link, which is also spoilers)

So I marathoned Shinsekai Yori. You really gotta resolve to watch it all, because I only got fully invested around episode 11. It's a really good story.

Now I'm watching NHK, which has been... pretty unoriginal so far, except for the wacky comedy. Hoping it gets a lot better plot-wise.

EDIT: Fuck me, episode 13 made me cry. I'm pretty sure I wasn't even meant to. I don't remember the last anime that broke me like that. Where Grave of the Fireflies fails, Welcome to the NHK succeeds, apparently.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 05:16:13 PM by BT »


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #35 on: July 08, 2014, 01:24:28 AM »
I finished Railgun last night and I'm not really sure why. I don't usually like "long form" anime that much. It was just weirdly watchable. Every episode was put together well enough that I wanted to watch the next one soon after, and the first season went down in like two weeks. Very uncommon for me. Wasn't great, but was fun to watch.

So this afternoon I decided to try Index. Finished the first two episodes and did not enjoy them at all. I have no interest in seeing any more of these. I might give it another try later, but I dropped it, watched the first episode of the second season of Railgun, and enjoyed the shit out of it for no clear reason. Not sure why I like one of these so much and the other so little. This is weird. Anime is weird.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #36 on: July 08, 2014, 01:28:42 AM »
From this season
Kanojo Flag/Gaworare: see below

Still have to finish the last episode when it gets available for free people, but...this is so accurate it hurts.
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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #37 on: July 08, 2014, 02:08:25 AM »
Add Koe no Katachi to my manga list. It's personally hard for me to follow sometimes
since I was a victim of bullying growing up
but it has it been an great, emotional read so far.

Now I'm watching NHK, which has been... pretty unoriginal so far, except for the wacky comedy. Hoping it gets a lot better plot-wise.

EDIT: Fuck me, episode 13 made me cry. I'm pretty sure I wasn't even meant to. I don't remember the last anime that broke me like that. Where Grave of the Fireflies fails, Welcome to the NHK succeeds, apparently.
NHK is one of the rare series that I successfully marathoned from beginning to end. When it's off, it's pretty slow. When it's on, it's pretty emotional.

That said,
while I loved the humor, the story arcs in the second season were not as good as the first season in my opinion. That is until
the final 4 episodes, which wrap everything up spectacularly in my opinion

Recently finished(not current):
-The Pet Girl of Sakurasou(I want more.  Season two please?)

To me a second season would kind of ruin it, especially since
outside of Yūko I really didn't care about any of the new residents
. In my opinion the series was simply above average until
the graduation episode
which pushed the emotions up to 11 and was one of the few times I've ever cried over an anime (to be fair I tend to avoid obviously depressing stuff).

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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #38 on: July 08, 2014, 02:30:40 AM »
I finished Railgun last night and I'm not really sure why. I don't usually like "long form" anime that much. It was just weirdly watchable. Every episode was put together well enough that I wanted to watch the next one soon after, and the first season went down in like two weeks. Very uncommon for me. Wasn't great, but was fun to watch.

So this afternoon I decided to try Index. Finished the first two episodes and did not enjoy them at all. I have no interest in seeing any more of these. I might give it another try later, but I dropped it, watched the first episode of the second season of Railgun, and enjoyed the shit out of it for no clear reason. Not sure why I like one of these so much and the other so little. This is weird. Anime is weird.
Railgun is definitely better than Index. Magic just isn't as cool as all that physics-bending ESP. More importantly, Railgun isn't bogged down with a lame protagonist and shallow harem devices.
That said, Index gets way more Accelerator later on, which is fun.

As for me, I just started watching Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun! I'm a huge fan of the manga, and the first episode of the anime didn't disappoint. Really looking forward to following this show.


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #39 on: July 08, 2014, 07:59:31 AM »
NHK is one of the rare series that I successfully marathoned from beginning to end. When it's off, it's pretty slow. When it's on, it's pretty emotional.

That said,
while I loved the humor, the story arcs in the second season were not as good as the first season in my opinion. That is until
the final 4 episodes, which wrap everything up spectacularly in my opinion
I kind of liked NHK in the end, but sometimes they went a bit too far with the absurdity. I realize it was meant to be realistic, but
Sato's and Misaki's interactions throughout the second cour
were a bit... dumb.

I wasn't able to marathon it, though. Took about 4 days, but sometimes I couldn't watch more than 2-3 episodes at a time, and not because of the themes. Because it was a little boring.

To me a second season would kind of ruin it, especially since
outside of Yūko I really didn't care about any of the new residents
. In my opinion the series was simply above average until
the graduation episode
which pushed the emotions up to 11 and was one of the few times I've ever cried over an anime (to be fair I tend to avoid obviously depressing stuff).
I thought it was cringey as fuck. :( Which is sad, because the emotion was there as well. I was never a fan of the unrealistic wrap-up episodes. I thought the school ceremony hijack was bad in Persona 3 too.

I do appreciate Sakurasou for having a purpose and generally dealing well with drama. So, like, I forgave
episode 22 undermining episode 21 with FRIENDSHIP
because in the end it was just them exploring the pros and cons of chasing your dreams in the arts. Or something.

Oh, and I'm watching Baccano now. That first episode was a really extreme case of all over the place, but the rest of the show is already doing well to fill in the gaps, so I guess I'll let it slide. :derp:
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 08:11:39 AM by BT »


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #40 on: July 08, 2014, 09:11:46 AM »
Uhh I should probably finish Madoka since I started it. I've been watching clips of Love live so maybe I'll watch the rest of the show.

Backlog is too big but if I ever get to it I'll probably start with Mushishi because it looks promising. Oh right, and I should finish FMA Brotherhood too.

On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des millions d'hommes, on est un conqu?rant. On les tue tous, on est un dieu.
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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #41 on: July 08, 2014, 10:36:41 AM »
Backlog is too big but if I ever get to it I'll probably start with Mushishi because it looks promising.
Watch one episode every few days and start with the original 2005 series obviously.


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #42 on: July 08, 2014, 03:22:39 PM »
Still have to finish the last episode when it gets available for free people, but...this is so accurate it hurts.
The show was horrible imo.
Generic in a way that's not generic.

Have you ever wondered why the series is called To Aru Majutsu no Index, when Index gets less screen time than other characters and the latter is called To Aru Kagaku no Railgun when Misaka herself gets A LOT OF SCREEN TIME?~
I actually liked the Index series. Including magic. Othinus ftw!

Anyways, I just finished Black Bullet. T'was a whole lot better than I expected. I'll explain in a pseudo-wall of text.

I actually thought it would be some generic harem/action/rom-com/loli/sci-fi. I was kind of wrong.

The theme is post-apocalyptic events. The cause is an unknown virus. So one would think it's zombies....WRONG. It's insects, GIANT EFFING INSECTS.
Well actually there are also various hybrid monster animals, but insects pretty much dominate everything now. Humans are part of the low-tier in the food chain.

You get like a Guilty Crown/Full Metal Alchemist/To Aru hybrid. With less to no magic nonesense, more post-apocalyptic chaos and a bit of science.
It's actually ironic really, it's science-oriented, yet those giant insects defy the Square-Cube-Law.

It's like the To Aru series and those other 2 in a way since it's divided into arcs instead of the usual "intro-filler-climax-end" gigs most does.
Full Metal Alchemist? Well, you'll see once you read/watched far enough...Plus, there are a lot of deaths...a lot.
There aren't any fillers, since everything happens rather fast and straightforward. Which how I like mah non-generics.

I would say the genre should be around drama/action/sci-fi.

It's not the best anime of course, but it was the best I watched during last season IMO. And it's starting to rise in popularity too. Baka-Tsuki has now been getting numerous recent translations now.

That, and whoever the artist of the Light Novel is pretty top notch. But I liked the manga art style better. Hon Morino makes everything adorable. He also does Touhou fanart btw.

I rate it a carrot/10. I'm gonna write my review on it on MAL soon.

I dunno if Nisekoi was part of last season though, but if it was. That would be the best adorable one yet. Still it's generic rom com.

Oh yea, I also watched Akuma no Riddle.

It was "meh" for the most part. I could've watched it longer if they gave more screen time to my Akuma no Waifu, Nio Hashiri.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 03:31:32 PM by En »

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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #43 on: July 08, 2014, 04:01:24 PM »
Currently watching: none as there arent really any summer series that are a must watch for me atm. Which gives me time to catch up on my VN backlog at least.

Anticipating: Grisaia no Kajitsu anime in the fall. My only fear is that it will fall well short of what is the best VN Ive ever read.

Current manga I keep up with: To-Love Ru, Nana to Kaoru, Kiss X Sis, Onii-Chan control
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 06:07:23 PM by Hainiryuun »
Normal 1CC's - EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, LoLK
Hard 1CC's - EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, DDC
Lunatic 1CC's - PCB, IN, PoFV
Extra Clears - EoSD (+Ultra), PCB (+Phantasm), IN (+Ultra), PoFV, MoF, DDC


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #44 on: July 11, 2014, 01:20:06 AM »


> Love Live! Season 1
> Hunter x Hunter


> Touhou Suzunaan - Forbidden Scrollery -
> Gintama
> Prison School
> Kamen Teacher
> Kuroko no Basket(I'm reading this because of how ridiculous it's escalating right now. Spoiler Alert:
Talking about the people in Rakuzan in court are all in the Zone. Especially that "2nd Zone".
> Assassination Classroom

Planning to


> Black Bullet
> To aru Kagaku no Railgun S
> Non non Biyori
> Baka to Test Series
> Sket Dance


> Touhou Ibarakasen - Wild and Horned Hermit -
> Shaman King: Flowers
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:20:54 PM by AlterEgo »


  • Head But No Tail
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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #45 on: July 11, 2014, 04:12:00 AM »
Recently finished: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san

Currently watching; Persona 4 Golden: The Animation


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #46 on: July 11, 2014, 04:34:19 AM »
I only watch/follow Hunter X Hunter, will read mango once the animu ends/enters hiatus.

Other than that I pretty much only follow The Legend of Korra which isn't animu. :V


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #47 on: July 12, 2014, 04:26:36 AM »
Planning to:
Date a live: Seemed like a deconstruction/parody of dating sims, so it sparked my interest
Maria Holic: Catchy intro, seems interesting
Saint Seiya Omega: The art immediately reminded me of, like, a hybrid of some sort between Pretty Cure and Casshern Sins, so I'm willing to try it out.
Dog and Scissors: Premise seems interesting. I mean, a guy helps a girl but dies in the process and gets turned into a dog and lives with said girl? What?
Nyaruko: Theme song, general curiosity
End of Evangelion: I've been putting off this mindrape for long enough
One Piece: I hear it's really good, it's just so bloody long

Not technically Anime:
Kamen Rider Gaim: Fruity
Kamen Rider Faiz: I started this, but I stopped because of that ass KUSAKA

Necromancer (technically re-finished): Oh please somebody read this, I love it so much. It's really short and sweet--just 20 chapters. It's set in a very dark and stark mood, and the sparseness of the pages compliments it really well. I also love this guy's art style. The character designs are quite cool too. It also features the only instance, that I know of, of a guy using Reimu's sidelock hair ribbon/clamp things. I hope he/she makes more.

Currently watching/reading
JJBA Stardust Crusade: Not much to say here, I mean it's JJBA. On the other hand, I do like part 2 with Joseph more. Joseph always had to use his head to defeat more powerful foes. Jotaro just waits until the end to STAR PLATINUM the guy just for the lulz.

Naruto: Guilty pleasure, but it's kind of this thing I kept up with since way long ago and I must see it through to the end. It's a been pretty typical shonen ever since Shippuden power creep, but it's enjoyable at least, even with all the ridiculous retcons. At least it's not Bleach.
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu/Assassination Classroom(aka AssClass): Possibly one of my now favorite mangas of all time. I think it handles its own situation very well, not afraid to be serious or humorous when the story requires it to be.
Detective Conan: omg don't even
D.N. Angel: Seriously wth Amano, it's been over THREE YEARS. DON"T MAKE ME LIVE WITH THIS CLIFFHANGER
D. Gray-man: Seriously Seriously WTH, two series that I liked that have been on hiatus for more than a year (almost two years in this case) and they both start with 'D.'s. Well, at least Allen got to be in the new Jump Victory VS game, so at the very least I know that Jump still acknowledges his presence. Or lack thereof.

Light Novels... though not technically Manga
Nanana's Buried Treasure: I haven't seen the anime, and I don't intend to until I finish all the volumes I bought (which is just 2). I seriously want to like this; I want to be hooked. I just have no clue how to take this seriously--it's so bad. And I don't mean not-interesting bad, I mean my-brain-cells-are-dying bad. The book starts off with obviously evil dad casting son out to some distant academy island's academy. MC meets titular Nanana, who (or is it 'which'?) happens to be a ghost bound to the room he's to live in. As if this isn't bad enough already, but if handled smartly it could be good. Heck, as a guy it is a rather... a bit of a hook. The first thing they do is decide who is the 'owner of the room'. They do this by wrestling. Whee. Now apparently this ghost girl is a genius who also knows actual wrestling, not to mention she can make herself intangible at will, so now he's pinned down. Now comes the stupid part. Apparently he's being pinned in a position such that his hand is between her breasts. So the guy goes through this entire 2~3 pages of monologue of stupid BuShwa of how as a man, he has to take the opportunity to "touch god", aka: grope OPPAI. He even outlines his plan to do so while not being seen as a pervert by taking advantage of the wrestling context he's placed in. So he does so and gets his arm dislocated (not because of his act, per se. He had to provoke her into doing so so that it would give him the few microseconds of freedom of movement to move his pinned arm. She remained unaware that this happened) in the process, which good for him. I wish the arms of every transparent, dull, and obviously self-insertable MCs of retarded harems that perform contrived and avoidable-to-anyone-with-even-a-handful-of-neurons OPPAI grabs would break (Shinji of Evangelion doesn't count though; that was more of a character defining moment for Rei). I recently read about people's gripes with how Light Novel MCs are usually always so snarky, meta-aware, and arrogant. It wasn't until I actually read this LN that for the first time I understood why people had this problem. As an example, the MC is then lead around the campus grounds by the class representative girl. After being toured around, he thanks her and immediately she does this stupid "D-don't misunderstand" crap. I hate hot-off-the-mold tsunderes anyway, but the MC has to be obnoxious enough to POINT OUT that: oh, isn't this a tsundere phrase? Omg, this is so exciting! stupid bushwa. Meta and 4th wall breakage is an interesting use of comedy, but not when the MC has to obnoxiously be aware of every single damned anime/manga trope out there and comment on it. I'm not necessarily saying that he does this all the time, but every single occasion that it does happen is laced with such an overwhelming flair of otaku-inside-joke-ism that it's really aggravating. I'm not hooked, but it's frustrating because I want to like it. I'm not even half way in and all this nonsense is happening. I'm reading it because I want to like it and I want to learn to read Japanese. Too bad it's so unintelligible. It's especially bad because I just finished reading Enders Exile and Earth Unaware (prequel, if you're curious) from the Ender series by Orson Scott Card. His books are amazing, and his dialogues are very clever, witty, and intelligent (although I did feel that Enders Exile carried a bit too much of this in a way that kind of delivered this sort of pseudo-voice heavy handed, though I reread it and the feeling passed). In fact, I realized from Enders Exile that sexuality/sexual-ness is a very powerful tool; it has the ability to instantly hook into my young hormones and keep my eyes and mind glued on every word. It also only worked because of how masterfully, emotionally, and intelligently Card handled this one scene. And I feel that this very powerful tool is very gravely misused in Nanana, and perhaps many other cheap fanservice-y scenarios in other anime/manga/light novels. I don't object to their use much though, since this medium's purpose--more of less--is to provide easy entertainment, and fanservice-y scenes are often funny because of how ludicrous they are. Also I'm a functioning male. Anyway, I'm hoping it gets better because I'm going to keep reading. But did I really have to use the word 'stupid' 4 times in the same essay (holy crap I just wrote an essay)? Five times now.
Baka and Test: Liked the show, bought the LN
TMoHS: Part of the reason I'm not going to watch the anime of light novels I want to read from now on--until I finish, that is--is because of how dull reading this LN became because I've already watch both seasons and the movie.
SAO Progressive: I hated the anime, but since I watched it so dismissively, I'm going to give it another try
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #48 on: July 12, 2014, 06:18:49 AM »
Currently watching:
Saber Marionette J
Ore no Imouto
Currently reading:
Pok?mon Adventures (I have to admit it's better than the anime)
World of Narue (Bought)
NANA (bought)

Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #49 on: July 13, 2014, 02:28:05 PM »
Detective Conan: omg don't even

It will end... one day... maybe... probably not.

That moment when you realize your DC folder alone is over 200 GB
Normal 1CC's - EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, LoLK
Hard 1CC's - EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, DDC
Lunatic 1CC's - PCB, IN, PoFV
Extra Clears - EoSD (+Ultra), PCB (+Phantasm), IN (+Ultra), PoFV, MoF, DDC


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #50 on: July 14, 2014, 02:46:34 AM »
It will end... one day... maybe... probably not.
For serious.
The author said he had an idea for what to do to end the series, what, 5 years ago?
On the other hand, that new girl with Sera piques my interest
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour

Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #51 on: July 15, 2014, 05:17:47 PM »
frankly I dont rly watch a lot of anime or manga
but for now

- SAO2 (can't wait for trap Kirito |O//w/O>
-Dragonball Z Kai
- The Greatest Disciple Kenichi  (just finish couple weeks ago
- Mangaka and assistant (Read the comic since 6 yrs ago, also a touhou doujin artist

- Attack on Titan (planning to read after a break cuz I hate reading just 1 ep
- One punch man (very inspiring battle scene and might take it for references too
- The Greatest Disciple Kenichi
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 05:21:17 PM by Freeze-Ex »


  • Seven Colored Puppeteer
Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #52 on: July 17, 2014, 06:49:09 AM »
I'm currently watching Nichijou: My Ordinary Life, Madoka Magica, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

I'm also re-watching Ouran High School Host Club, Hetalia, and Black Butler.

Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #53 on: July 17, 2014, 11:57:18 AM »
Just got done with Log Horizon.

The anime needs more Akatsuki.

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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #54 on: July 18, 2014, 03:00:17 AM »
And I can now put Suite Precure down as finished, huzzah! Just three seasons left other than the current. RNG has told me to go with Doki Doki, the worst entry of all. May as well get it out of the way. :X

Also planning on watching K, I've already been impressed with the animation and music, so it's on the agenda!
Did you bring a light?

Smash the Fash; The far right belongs in the TRASH.


  • catnapping
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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #55 on: July 18, 2014, 03:07:50 AM »
I forgot a few. These are really obscure ones, so if you're curious or interested, I'll suggest them to you.

Current Manga:
+C Sword and Cornett: The genre is Josei (female equivalent of seinen). Which basically means lots of pretty boys (like shoujo), but with a more mature storyline. Art is cool, which is why I started it, and I wanted to try a Josei manga. It's very story driven, but whether that story is actually good will be up to you. It's interesting enough to continue reading, and the plot is interesting enough. Try it out.

Ubel Blatt: Beware, a NSFW manga. I was first hooked to this one because of how cool the MC's four hair-sword super mode looked (basically, imagine if Flandre could use her wings as weapons, except it's attached to her hair and not her back). The first few chapters are pretty typical ecchi style, which means nudeness (and some sex, in this case) for no reason. Past that, the characters start to settle into their roles and the plot takes off (and the rest of the sex scenes after this have a context, and it's only the villains, pretty much). It's pretty exciting, and I wish it didn't have the ecchi parts sometimes. But then, it's kind of goes past being a fanservice-y thing (except for when you can tell it's fanservice) into a sort of grime-y dark thing that adds a sort of edgy-ness to it all, which--along with the dark plot--mixes together into a coherent whole of sorts. Like I said, first few chapters, the MC doesn't act like himself, like the author didn't really decide on what to write yet. Then it settles down and the plot starts, so if you find yourself struggling--but want to like it--I suggest you keep reading through it a bit more until some backstory kicks in.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


  • "This is the risk of taking it easy.Drop dead easy."
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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #56 on: July 18, 2014, 05:27:54 AM »
Though I stopped watching anime,I vowed myself to finish Kill la Kill and Madoka Magica.
I have some of the merchandise,so better to know behind it.


  • alter cool
Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #57 on: July 18, 2014, 08:39:54 PM »
Though I stopped watching anime,I vowed myself to finish Kill la Kill and Madoka Magica.
I have some of the merchandise,so better to know behind it.

If you're going to not watch anime but watch two things, you picked the right things. Madoka and KLK are probably the most notable (and, I would say, best) things of at least the last five years.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • すやぁ...
Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #58 on: July 19, 2014, 08:40:17 AM »
Only thing I'm watching weekly this season is Hanayamata and I'm expecting to love it quite a lot. Watched the first ep of Locodol but eh, it didn't give me enough interest at all to watch it weekly.

And just watched the first season of AKB0048 which I really loved. Though I found it quite emotional to me and teared up a little right throughout, more often than I really should have but I couldn't help it. Pretty wonderful though. About to watch the second season right now.

Edit: Well season 2 (eps 13-26) was... Iunno. Really disliked the first 4 eps each of which left me with a 'this is gunna be crappy :/' mindest but it was alright I guess. Just a lot of stuff I really didn't like developing/happening and I felt disconnected from it as well as it feeling weird compared to the first but I'm not sure and can't express why. Just no-where near as fun, exciting and wonderful as the first season for me and I barely had that emotional connection.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 02:05:32 PM by Massaca »

Aya Reiko

  • Humans are scary!
Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #59 on: July 22, 2014, 09:39:56 AM »
Watching: Sailor Moon Crystal

Will finish... maybe: Madoka, if and when the prices stop being insane.
Will buy when it comes out:  The re-mastered BSSM DVDs when Viz releases them.