Author Topic: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You, Ei, Yume - Gameplay Translation into deep Dreams  (Read 451293 times)


  • Blue flower
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I'll be streaming some more GST - You in about 22 hours from posting this (That should be 9am GMT)

Stream is on now over
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 11:47:41 AM by Yookie »


  • The coldest chill,
  • in the emptiness of reason.
And apparently each Waifu Level also grants +1 level to every category of stats you can level up via points.
So you mean +1 Waifu Level = +1 possible upgrade bar for unit and weapon upgrades?

I'm looking forward to the third game because it has a battleship. That'll make it MUCH easier to abuse the gameover trick. Yes, I'm a terrible person. Bite me.
I need an option, a reason, and some hope.

Soul Devour

  • A Casual Touhou Fan
  • Drifting along, one day at a time
I'm assuming you'll be covering Ei in this topic as well, right?

You've truly been a massive aid in even playing these games and I thank you for that.


  • Blue flower
  • Green
So you mean +1 Waifu Level = +1 possible upgrade bar for unit and weapon upgrades?

I'm looking forward to the third game because it has a battleship. That'll make it MUCH easier to abuse the gameover trick. Yes, I'm a terrible person. Bite me.

1 Waifu level equals exactly 1 upgrade in all upgradeable categories and in You also an increase by 5 in maximum Power. (This has been moved to a skill in Ei.)
(I should really look over my post and edit some stuff I'm certain with by now. :V) Done
I was accused of Game-Over farming by the end-screen in Kou once. I think it was because of either Daiyousei having a really high level or because I kept beating on one of the bosses that regenerate for miniscule Exp. :V

I like the systems of Ei so far. The partner stuff is really interesting, since you can't recombine during a mission. It's basically perfect for me since I always had some deployment-points left over and now I can just dump them into some partner-characters with benefitial Seishin like Cheer and Infuse. I've never been too fond of Battleships though.
I'd find it interesting if you could partner up with it. Komachi+Boat or Master Spark+Boat Spark. :V (You can clone the Palanquin in the current Demo but not deploy it multiple times.)

I'm assuming you'll be covering Ei in this topic as well, right?

You've truly been a massive aid in even playing these games and I thank you for that.

I will also cover Ei, once it is released. It will then be merged into the initial post. Unfortunately it still seems to be at 0.1.0Demo if I looked that up correctly.
It will be way less work to do since the battle screens, Seishin and youknowwhat all stays the same so the only things that will need to be done most likely
will be the characters and changes in skills/the minor general changes.
The latter is actually done, if they don't change it around further. But I doubt they'll do that at least with the skills since the new ones are already added. We'll see.

But don't forget that this wasn't all my doing. I initiated the project with a good chunk done but some of the translations and many corrections came from people in the thread that assisted me.

I'll be streaming GST again in like 11 hours. (9am GMT) Streamlink. I seem to be having more luck during the early hours. :V  Stream is over!
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 11:48:13 AM by Yookie »

Ei information would lessen the stress of trial and erroring through it. Though even with the current patch, the game is still... unplayable to a point. (locks up during a map cutscene on what could possible be the worst two chapters in the entire series thus far. =/)

Gotta wait for that 1.03 patch

Soul Devour

  • A Casual Touhou Fan
  • Drifting along, one day at a time
A couple GST Ei Bonus WPs to be aware of. The Marisa ones I can confirm:

Mission 35:
Same as the demo, have Reimu, Cirno and Sakuya attack something after they combine

Mission 36:
Also same as the demo, defeat the Three Fairies all in the same turn)

Mission 37 (M):
Defeat 10 Enemies while underwater

Mission 37 (R):
Complete the mission without bombing

Mission 38 (M): Don't know
Something to do with Tei though

Mission 38 (R):
Defeat each color of UFO in one turn

Mission 39 (M):
Marisa defeats 3 enemies after she reappears. Don't accidentally kill everything before that happens...

Mission 39 (R): Unknown...for now

Mission 40 (R):
Defeat 4 units from the other "team." (Reimu vs. Marisa mission). This presumably should be the same on the Marisa side

Mission 41 (R):
Empty Mokou's HP bar within 2 turns of her arrival

I'll try to add more that I find out.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 09:42:06 AM by Soul Devour »


  • Blue flower
  • Green
So apparently I overlooked that the game is out already. But thanks to some nice people I got it now. :V
I'll start getting the translations and stuff for the character skills/unknown Bonus WP conditions.

It will as always be in the opening post, which I already updated with the information I already had from the demo. Skills will a new graphic since some got changed,
same goes for the character-specific skills as the old one is reaching an impractical size. :V
I will integrate the Waifu Bonus conditions once I checked them myself, they will just be continued in the old list.

I was breathing heavily and freaking out like I was 6 years old at Christmas again upon watching the pictures that came with the game and copying it to my harddrive. So hyped. :getdown:

First translations have been added. This includes Equipment, the learnable skills and some changes to character specific skills.

I wonder if it will bite me one day that I neglect the Palanquin Ship. I just never was a fan of the Battleships in the original games either.

No amount of Geddan smilies could express the amount of hype I felt upon entering mission 37 Marisa route.
Yuuka's Flower Shooting makes flowers grow when attacking grounded enemies. :getdown:
I already wanted to take Wriggle into my party 'cause I like her somewhat but she basically cemented her spot with that ultra awesome Wriggle Kick + Theme.
Holy crap, Marisa. Like you needed any more upgrades. I guess Reimu gets one as well and maybe becomes useful again for anything besides dodge-baiting. :V
It's really noticable how they got better with the animations over time with how dynamic they look now. It's really nice.
The game throws so many awesome characters at me and I have to pick just some of them. :V
Oh wow they finally unlocked upgrades beyond level 5. Guess I know where my next 600k Points are going then. Sorry Hatatatate, nothing for you.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 07:22:20 PM by Yookie »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Playing slowly while I can, Stage 44 is so awesome.

Mission 39 Reimu:
Defeat all scrubs before taking down Reisen, Reisen retreats at 10% HP.

Mission 42:
Clear the Map in 12 Turns.

Mission 43:
Capture all Spells, there is also one hidden spell after the initial 5.

Mission 44:
Convince Flandre with 5 other Characters except for Remillia before Convince with Remi.


  • Blue flower
  • Green
I'll be adding the Bonus-point conditions as I go through the game but not each time I finish a stage. Marisa's are tested by me, I'll trust you guys for the time being for Reimu's.

-Heavily updated Item list
 (On the topic of items: From the description of the consumables it seems that they are usable once per Stage, which would make them return afterwards. Don't know for sure though.)

-Added some Waifu-Bonus conditions, up to Stage 42

-Character Skills are being updated regularly, check them often if you're interested.

-Revisited some learnable skills and fixed their description, removed uncertainties (Luck, Equalizer)

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
I like to add
's Spell Special Conditions, since some of them are a little cryptic.

1st Spell:
Dragon Necklace
Map Attack gained, All Status Down
2nd Spell:
Buddhist Diamond
gained, Immune to a certain # of Attacks, it is a condition on her, so I just bombed it.
3rd Spell: No Attack gained.  All MP Cost + 33%.  She will not attack during this phase, she will guard until the bar breaks. Gains
Robe of the Fire Rat
Ability (All Damage -1000), until the end of 5th Spell.
4th Spell:
Cowrie Shell
gained.  # x 10% is added to her HP Regen at the beginning of Enemy Phase.  # is for every attack hitting
during the last turn.
5th Spell:
Hourai Jewel
gained.  All MP Cost + 66%, No Special Conditions

Final Spell:
End of the Imperishable Night
.  Spell Turn Number based on HP, and advances by the turn also.  1st Phase I did not see, cause all my guys are tapped for the turn.  2nd Phase: Negates own unti's Grit.  3rd Phase, no Special Conditions, severely reduced movement.  She also loses
Robe of the Fire Rat
, gains an ability in which caps all damage dealt to her at 5000.

Not very hard once you get it, you get two bombs for this stage, which is used for the 2nd Spell and perhaps 5th since at the point you might not be able to avoid that steep MP cost.

Stage 44's
final spell
Maze of Love
, is not suppose to be beaten, in fact, if you do, you lose.
The Spell is a 6x6 Map attack that has moderate Damage and accuracy.  It would not surprise if they make her cast Strike on Lunatic Mode.
You are suppose to get
into the spell circle, navigating the openings in the danmaku (it changes every turn), get to her and Convince her.  Once you do, enjoy the sweet cutscene.
The WP is to get 5 other people to convince her before

Stage 48: Oh boy.  I just got to this.  It is
At the start of the Stage, you are presented immediately with 2 dialogue choice.
1) We did not come here to fight
2) No, you give her back right now!

If you picked the first, only your side will start with boosted Power.
If you picked the second, you get another dialogue choice. If you pick the first she starts at 130 Power. The second, 150. The third, 170. Her HP is boosted as well. If playing against a 170 power
would tell you, she basically runs you over, especially with superior spell attacks, so don't do it on first playthrough.

Also, the info tells me that her spells are no push power either.  I'll get back to you guys when I beat her.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 12:35:38 AM by c l e a r »

I just finished this game today and the ending was superb. I honestly think the final chapter was flawlessly done and i can only wonder how they'll finish the series off in the last game.

Also some other knowledge for stuff this far. For
second spell you can just use guard break sp skills to damage her. Also a warning, in chapter 49 you can soft lock the game at the end of the chapter so save before you finish it. If you do get a soft lock
pay attention to where the ship goes and make sure none of the characters are adjacent to it, if you don't, then the event minions will spawn in the first, second, third and 4th spaces in the upper left hand corner and when their queue comes up the game sits there.

In regards to
if you can
defeat her, then
the rest of the game will be a joke since she is arguably the hardest boss in the entire game. She totals around 180 thousand health(including her spell cards/estimate) and her dodge is insanely high so if you want to land hits you need to use all your sp on hitting her. It is definitely possible to cap all her cards buuuuuuut its not likely. Its easier to just get to the point where she can use spell cards and stall. 

Since most everyone has gotten to that point, can I just come out and say the the two chapters featuring
are total BS? I enjoyed the game up to that point, but that particular section almost ruined things. I understand thats what they were going for with THAT plotline, but it doesnt mean I have to like it, or that kind of situation/character.

Thankfully the games goes back to being good after it.


  • Blue flower
  • Green
She is kinda hard and annoying to fight and I was rather happy that every relevant damagedealer in my party had either Strike, Sense or good Accuracy+Focus.
It was really mean though that she became immune to ranged attacks in that one phase
Her Accuracy is also a somewhat limiting factor, requiring you to either rely on your robust characters, switch teammebers often and/or spam protective Seishin (I did all of that to an extent)
(I actually  managed to have Sanae gain 100% Hitrate against her with Maximum God+Full Faith+Hard Shooter equipped)
The thing with her is also that she doesn't gain any attacks with more than 6 range until her last Spellcard which is something I mercilessly abused.
But I'm only at the (apparent) first fight against her, so things may change. (They didn't. She still couldn't effectively harm Suika-Gourd carrying Elly with 2 Support-Defenses)
She also somehow managed to have a displayed accuracy of 167%. :V
At least she gives nice Experience and Points, so there's that.
Also one of her Spellcard startups outright crashed my game and another one didn't deploy its Danmaku field, effectively freezing. But it seemed to just be random. Still annoying.
Also I don't know why, but Bosses really love to attack Kurumi when they get the chance. Yorihime even preffered attacking her than using her Map Spell on 5 people.

By the way, what exactly is the penalty for your party-members dying? In Kou you had to pay an amount of Points to "repair" them but I never really thought about it after that since that "Repair-number" got replaced by the cost in You.

If someone has an idea about the Waifu-Bonus for Stage49 then please tell us. I've listed what it's not in the Op

So everybody returns after our "adventure on za moon" except for Yuuka. :< (and Mima). At least I have Yuyu back.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 04:36:25 PM by Yookie »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
I am literally stumped.  Idk what to do, she forces your hand so hard.
It is not only how she has god-like Accuracy and Evasion.  It is that her danmaku restricts movement, making it unable do anything.  The Moon Rabbits also do not help, they flank on you from both sides and also have movement modifiers, which is another headache.

Running up on the map does not help either, she has S rank in Water.  I am think of running off to the side this next try and see if she does not move.  Right now, she moves on Turn 2, idk if it is a range thing, or is it a timed thing, if it is the latter than I am pretty screwed and need to think of a better strat.

If only she does not move twice a turn, this would be so much more doable.  Does she double MAP attack when she gets to her final card?  And how long does it last?


  • Blue flower
  • Green
All of her Spellcards are on a 3 turn timer. For me she attacked 2 times normally during her Map-Spell and then used it, so yeah, 3 Actions. :V
You basically have to beat her down with Strike, Sense, Alert and the like.
I doubt it is really doable without abusing her lack of range. I had my group of Kurumi, Alice & Marisa who could shoot at her without fearing retaliation. I trapped her with my melees who could either reliably dodge during her turn by Evading or were guarded by one of my two tanks/were one of my two tanks. So you can take it mostly easy for all but the last and second Spellcard if you have high range.
But it is rather silly how against even an almost dead, focused Reimu with high level Instinct Dodge and Point-upgrades in Mobility she still has 100% Hitrate.
I guess I was just lucky with my party-setup having both long range and many Strikes/Alerts/Guards/Grits.
Daunt is also very strong against her, except that you only have access to at least 5 and that only if you massively leveled Lunasa (I had her in my party the entire time and she still could barely not use 3), otherwise you only get 4 with Rumia and her making you unable to reduce her below 130 Power, at which her Bonus Accuracy/Evasion triggers. (Komachi, why didn't you come to the moon as well? :V)
All in all it is not a battle to be won practically I guess. But that was also stated here earlier and seems fitting. (Still didn't prevent me from beating her up. :V Like I'd lose out on those resources.)
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 08:16:49 PM by Yookie »

I am literally stumped.  Idk what to do, she forces your hand so hard.
It is not only how she has god-like Accuracy and Evasion.  It is that her danmaku restricts movement, making it unable do anything.  The Moon Rabbits also do not help, they flank on you from both sides and also have movement modifiers, which is another headache.

Running up on the map does not help either, she has S rank in Water.  I am think of running off to the side this next try and see if she does not move.  Right now, she moves on Turn 2, idk if it is a range thing, or is it a timed thing, if it is the latter than I am pretty screwed and need to think of a better strat.

If only she does not move twice a turn, this would be so much more doable.  Does she double MAP attack when she gets to her final card?  And how long does it last?

Her map attack lasts 3 turns, she did it once per turn for me. She also might move, then map attack afterwards potentially hitting more people. It is possible she might double or triple map attack, but i personally did not see it happen. In regards to the fight you might want to take a look at her from a different angle. For instance remembering what happened in canon might lead you to the solution. Also the WP bonus heavily implies what I'm saying is accurate as well.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Finally cheesed it, it was no walk.
Captured the 1st (+1600 DMG) and 3rd card (Break ACC Cap), which imo are the easier to fulfill than 2nd (Null all shot type attacks). and Final (Severe Movement debuff + Wide Map)

Also, I finally figured out what it means by Breaking Accuracy Cap.
You know how when you graze, you take the Acc after grazing, and that is the damage you take if you dodge with it?
This is basically her breaking over 100%,  Yes, with 200+% Acc, this means she is hitting you twice at the same time.

The escape mission is also very bullshit, it is simply unfair for an escape sequence when you are in an disadvantage and can only move once, while she starts off with boosted power and still be able to move twice.  I can try to get the WP, I believe it is to have all your units past the white line when the map ends on the 8th turn.

also holds a useless item drop, a trophy that says you beat
on Stage 49, may be it actually has a use in the next game?  It's stupidly hard regardless, she has 64,000 HP while you have like no power and trying to run.  In order to beat her, I think you have to forfeit the WP all together.

Anyways, new patch is out.  Hopefully some of this horrible lag is fixed.


  • Blue flower
  • Green
I beat her up. She just resurrects. I guess you have to do it several times.
And imho the WP bonus isn't even worth it on that map, considering how those two bunnies operating the laser guns give extra 20k points each and you get huge amounts of experience, PP and points by defeating everything. I guess it's a personal choice.

also holds a useless item drop, a trophy that says you beat
on Stage 49, may be it actually has a use in the next game?  It's stupidly hard regardless, she has 64,000 HP while you have like no power and trying to run.  In order to beat her, I think you have to forfeit the WP all together.

Well that and killing her promptly has her reviving to full HP, so you're REALLY wasting your resources, unless you dedicate one member of the party to escort the ship over to the white line.

On another note, I noticed you missed an item that is dropped by
. Might have to do with you being on the Marisa route though.

Any idea what it does? I keep passing it up whenever I dig through my items and it bugs me.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 09:46:43 AM by Renuarb »


  • Blue flower
  • Green
That item increases Critical Hit chance by 15%.
I beat her up in the mission that starts the story arc about the Moon but she didn't carry any items.
If you give me an unedited screenshot of that Item-page I can edit it in though. Never mind, getting it to have the proper size would be a pain. :V
I'll add it once I play Reimu's route or get another copy of it, should that be possible.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 10:33:35 AM by Yookie »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
item drop on the moon is Crit Rate +30%, ACC +20%.
It actually makes sense for her to come back at full health upon defeat, in fact, I think she comes back endlessly due the plot events when the 8th turn passes.
Also, that item mentioned is a Reimu Route exclusive.

The ironic thing is that it more helpful to not run and just try and go around beating up the bunnies since those reinforcements for designed to deny you passage, but does a lousy job to kill you if you are far away.


  • Blue flower
  • Green
That's the item she's carrying on Stage 48, the L-Shooter. Unless I'm misunderstanding something here. (also it grants +30% Accuracy & 10% Crit-chance)
On Stage 49 she has something that looks like a Magatama that only says something about being a collector item.

On another, more lighthearted note I had this rather amusing thing happen to me and could even reproduce it. :V
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 03:00:57 PM by Yookie »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
That was the trophy i am talking about earlier, it is nothing more than trophy at this point.

Also, you have a few things wrong in the OP
For 46, it is not letting UFOs into the white space, that is the losing condition (
also counts).  The WP is to trash all the UFOs, and then trash
up before the time limit.

And I am fairly positive that for 49, it is pass every single one of your unit over the white line.  I don't see how it is otherwise, I'm guessing if one of your units die, it does not count even if you passed everybody else.


  • Blue flower
  • Green
I tested getting everyone over the white line but didn't wait until turn 8, so that's probably it. If that is actually the condition then it really isn't wort it. You lose out on so much stuff from beating up those bunnies.
I'll fix that in the op and might as well add some new ones,Done, thanks for checking it.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 03:06:34 PM by Yookie »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
> did not wait till turn 8
You need to fulfill the win condition while having EVERYONE over at Turn 8, i think that's it.  I'm not too sure about the dying part though.

Also, if you want some help with translations from the OP on Ei, I can help when I come back today,  You have some stuff that are wrong or just you do not know and stuff like that.


  • Blue flower
  • Green
I appreciate any given help, so go ahead. There's still a lot of personal skills to be translated. ~
I try to not put in potentially wrong translations but rather leave it empty. In the end I mostly put in what I think it is with a remark that it needs testing or something.
Names of character specific skills will very often not be the actual translation but rather something I thought sounds fitting, so they're likely "wrong". Feel free to give me the actual name and I most likely will put it in there unless I really like what I thought up. (I won't rename that one skill Wriggle learned. It fits. so. well. She deserves it.)

I also really feel the need to record most of the themes since they are so awesome and I couldn't find them on Youtube yet. That's gonna be so much work. :V
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 04:12:56 PM by Yookie »

I can't offer any translation help, but I could toss a few more missing items your way.

Not sure where and when I got the first item pictured, but it had to be around the time the IN plot got resolved. (I remember having it on the moon)


  • Blue flower
  • Green
I do have the Hourai Branch (actually obvious original wielder is actually obvious. :P), I just didn't update the list for a long time. :V It doesn't even have the actual Cat Tail in it yet, so yeah. It's been forever.
(It allows the one who carries it to perform 1 (additional) Support Attack & Defense each)
I'll probably update that today night. (which is in about four hours) It's not like it's such a big effort but I don't want to edit and re-upload the image because of every little thing.
I assume I'll get the other item soon enough and put it in when that happens. I want it all to have a uniform look in terms of image-resolution and stuff and that's the easiest way to do so for me.
(Most items are also rather easy to figure out, so there's that.)

If anyone could figure out what the additional effect of the "Enemy Marker" (dropped by
) is then that would be great.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 05:09:45 PM by Yookie »

Oh, you had it all along. I saw you updating the information and just thought you somehow missed it. (Or it was something special I did during the
fight. I mean I killed her like.... 30+ times on version 1.01. Don't think that was intended lol.


  • Blue flower
  • Green
Did you redo the stage this often or did she just refuse to die? I had the latter happen to me with some mook enemies. I depleted their entire life-bar, they went pi-chun but then they performed a counterattack while not having a sprite and afterwards were alive, albeit barely.

I also only just figured out why the Palanquin Ship deals no damage. All of its attacks bar one are ranged. The attacks run off of Murasa's stats. Murasa's Range stat is utter garbage.
Its pilots are still in the mid thirties on Stage 53 because I never use it. :V But I was never a fan of those Battleships in the first place. I just keep it out of harms way.

Oh wow. Apparently Eirin's "Genius of the Moon" skill does not merely strengthen Heal & Renew but makes them restore HP/MP fully.
Or Heal heavily scales off of the Skill-stat or something and Eirin just so happens to be able to Heal 6.8k in one go like that. Well, Lily and Dai are just Faries after all I guess.
Eirin doesn't get to heal that often anyway since I need her for attacking.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 06:07:38 PM by Yookie »