Author Topic: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival (steam release)  (Read 208284 times)


  • Veteran Danmakufu Scripter
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Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #60 on: March 20, 2014, 06:45:24 PM »
This game is AMAZING. It's easily the best Touhou shmup fangame I've played in recent memory. Barely got a Normal 1cc on my first try, was surprised by its difficulty compared to most official games. Extra is currently kicking my ass, but with how good the music is I couldn't care less.

Speaking of the music, I just finished recording the soundtrack and am about ready to upload to youtube. Does anyone have translations to the track names or at the very least a way for me to copy paste the Chinese characters? I'd hate to misrepresent the titles.

Edit: And I just noticed someone said the OST is going to be released in the summer. Should I just wait until then?


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #61 on: March 20, 2014, 07:19:49 PM »
I don't think you should wait. I mean, I've already recorded the music myself, although I kind of forgot to attempt to upload it. Translations for track names would be nice, though! ^^;
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

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Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #62 on: March 20, 2014, 07:25:10 PM »
You can always just type the English part of the title and then edit the video by copy/pasting the Chinese characters when they release the OST in summer.

Or ask cuc to do it for you. He is Chinese.

By the way, I think this game is better than anything from ZUN :V
« Last Edit: March 20, 2014, 07:27:45 PM by ☆ Synnae ☆ »

Sweetness and love~ ♥


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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  • Harbingers, yo.
Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #63 on: March 20, 2014, 08:57:15 PM »
True, of course. I personally organized it like this:

Seeing as the ending theme had no English part, I just called it "Ending." It works until there's a translation, I guess? :V
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


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Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #64 on: March 21, 2014, 09:12:53 PM »
605M on normal with MarisaB.

Well basically I bombed Meiling's last spell and that's all. Next time I'll practice stage 4 and 5 since it's like the second time I ever do these stages so I let a lot of point items drop.
And since I had like what, 7? leftover lives when I cleared, I might as well use a lot more resources for graze.
Hard 1cc's: all windows games :3
Lunatic 1cc's: EoSD, PoFV, PCB
My replays

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #65 on: March 25, 2014, 06:29:47 PM »
Flan... so evil.... finally can get through the stage portion without dying, but all of flan's spellcards just soul crush me. It feels like I'm bombing through all of them.

Which still gets me to the survival cards with ~2 lives and a couple bombs, but I have no idea how the first one works, so I'm pretty much dead before I can do anything with the 2nd.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 09:16:50 PM by Hainiryuun »
Normal 1CC's - EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, LoLK
Hard 1CC's - EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, DDC
Lunatic 1CC's - PCB, IN, PoFV
Extra Clears - EoSD (+Ultra), PCB (+Phantasm), IN (+Ultra), PoFV, MoF, DDC


  • Oh no, which direction should I move?
  • Clumsy
Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #66 on: March 26, 2014, 06:13:32 AM »
but I have no idea how the first one works, so I'm pretty much dead before I can do anything with the 2nd.

One of the 13 coffins doesn't get loaded with roses. You need to find that coffin and avoid the other 12 shooting roses.


It's not static. Coffins will not be the same every run. Even if I look at the coffin I may not be able to keep up nor can I move around without accidentally clipping a cross bullet in the process.


I am so screwed. I'm not sure I can beat that with the resources I make it with. At best I might have 2 had I not died during the fifth card.

Edit 2: Well clearly normal mode isn't that hard to me and this was only the fifth time, 2nd time for Reimu
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 10:04:47 PM by Mesarthim »

Hard 1cc: 4 (LLS), 6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW)13 (TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)
Lunatic 1cc: 8 (IN), 9 (PoFV), 11 (SA), 12.8 (GFW), 14 (DDC)
Extra Clear: 4 (LLS) ,5 (MS) ,6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW),13(TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #67 on: April 27, 2014, 11:40:22 AM »
I'm having problem with the replay system! It seems like my replay didn't save correctly and actually plays wrong (like, my character doesn't dodge stuff I dodged, and so on). Anyone else has experienced this?


  • Not the cat
Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #68 on: April 27, 2014, 10:11:37 PM »
What an amazingly mediocre game. Easy streaming stages, messy boss fights, pointless scoring system, all made up for with shiny graphics and passable music.
The overall gameplay feels like it was made by someone who hasn't played a shmup besides touhou on normal, and it really shows in the harder difficulties (not that there's a difficulty besides lunatic) and extra stage.
Glad to have had another shmup to play for a bit, but there's not much to come back to!

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #69 on: April 28, 2014, 05:11:45 PM »
Downloading it. This game looks promising! Glad to see more danmaku shooters from China.  :3
As for balancing and game design issues the devs will get better as they make more of these games.

I feel like translating parts of it (are the themes translated yet?) but I have no experience in translating stuff whatsoever.  :V

Edit: Wow. Most of the English part of the themes mean roughly the same thing as the Chinese part.

Mostly literal translation of the Chinese part with alternatives/other meanings/omitted literal meanings in "( )" and translator's notes in "[]":
Also, there's no definite definitive articles in Chinese.  Feel free to add "The" anywhere?  :V

01- Dream (Daydream, Fantasy) land [a pun on gensokyo]
02- Scattered Candlelight
03- Dark Girl
04- Melody of Ice on (of) the Lake (surface)
05- Fairy's Last Stand [Idiomatic phrase]
06- Eastern (Touhou) Mansion (Castle, Manor) of Dreams
07- Clean Sweep [This is another idiomatic phrase that means "making a clean sweep of something" and I'm not sure if this meaning is appropriate here]
08- Slumbering Grand Library
09- Magnificent [or maybe "Elegant" is a better intended meaning?] Devil's Dance
10- Corridor of Time [lit. Clock Corridor]
11- Bell Tower Battlefield
12- The Master of Scarlet (Red) Moon [I think scarlet is more suitable...? I kept the original english phrase]
13- Endless Fate
14- Fantastic Danmaku Festival (Game Title) ~ Red(Scarlet) Moon Edition ~ [Same case about Red/Scarlet]
15- Centennial Strange (Mysterious, Unbelievable) Tales for Magical Girls [lit. Centennial Girl's Strange Tales, the English part used "mystery" so maybe "Mysterious" suits better?]
16- Who Else is Covered in Fresh Blood [Maybe add a "?" as this is a question]

Okay most of these sound extremely redundant.  :V
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 01:59:52 PM by yap1996 »

Chronic Lurkurrr


Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #70 on: May 06, 2014, 01:42:28 AM »
Seeing that no one has translated the themes yet, here's the Mandarin title and its (probably) implied translation. And I'll probably get to the author notes and in-game dialogue, if needed.

- 空想乡   Land of Fantasy
- 散落的烛光   Scattered Candlelight
- 黑暗少女   Girl of Darkness
- 湖面的冰之曲   Rhythm of the Frozen Ice on the Lake
- 妖精背水一战   Fairy's Stand
- 东方梦之馆   Eastern Manor of Dreams
- 风卷残云   Clean sweep (A Chinese idiom, probably implying how Meirin can rekt face)
- 沉睡中的大图书馆   Slumbering Grand Library
- 华丽的恶魔之舞   Magnificent Devil's Dance
- 时钟走廊   Corridor of Time
- 钟楼战场   Bell Tower Battlefield
- 绯月之主   Master of the Scarlet Moon (绯 is actually dark-red, so yeah)
- 无尽的命运   Endless Fate
- 幕华祭 ~红月编~   Fantastic Danmaku Festival ~Scarlet Moon Incident~
- 百年少女怪谈   Strange Tales of the Centennial Girl (Sounds weird)
- 淋满鲜血的还有谁呢   Who Else Than the One Covered in Fresh Blood?
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 08:02:07 AM by Val »


  • Veteran Danmakufu Scripter
  • Currently working on a full Touhou fangame!
Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #71 on: May 06, 2014, 02:15:05 AM »
Seeing that no one has translated the themes yet, here's the Mandarin title and its (probably) implied translation. And I'll probably get to the author notes and in-game dialogue, if needed.
Sweet! I didn't upload the themes yet cause I noticed problems in the recordings of them. I'll have to do it over again from scratch but finals are coming up so it will have to wait until those are over.


Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #72 on: June 06, 2014, 06:57:51 PM »
I had the same problem as fsvgm777 until I used applocale but then I got a message saying unsupported 16-Bit Application

I have even used Dosbox to try and fix it but it says that it has an error opening up shortcuts (I had to create a shortcut from applocale because if I opened the game up with Dosbox then the first error would pop up)

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #73 on: June 06, 2014, 11:42:01 PM »
Excuseme, but the game acts weird on my computer, the backgound is distorted and the enemy doen?t appears. Do you know what can I do??? Thank you.

Nota: I ran it with the appLocate but the problem is still there.  :ohdear:


Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #74 on: June 08, 2014, 10:49:32 PM »
ok I fixed all my problems with starting the game but the config will not change even if I use applocale or Localeswitch.

it says :

Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediatly.

Input sting was in incorrect format.

Excuseme, but the game acts weird on my computer, the backgound is distorted and the enemy doen?t appears. Do you know what can I do??? Thank you.

Nota: I ran it with the appLocate but the problem is still there.  :ohdear:

try these: check it with localeswitch instead because a few people have problems with that, check if you are using the shortcut that is created by the program (this was my problem so for me I had to go to the starX folder and create a shortcut for the game from there), also if you have xp or vista open the xna and net framework, and check the net framework with net framework verifier and net framework repair tool (both endorsed by microsoft)

if that does not work then just try to re download it.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 12:10:33 AM by Tengukami »


  • DJ FlanFlan
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Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #75 on: June 24, 2014, 09:03:30 AM »
I'm a bit desperate, okay?
I'm really sorry if I necroposted...

Anyway, my copy always crash whenever I try to play.
I see a couple of users (or only one) have the same problem, but no fix.
Any way how to fix it?

"You ought to watch out, yourself. Even a high-school girl can make her own weapons these days, after all..."

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #76 on: June 24, 2014, 09:58:14 AM »
I'm a bit desperate, okay?
I'm really sorry if I necroposted...

Anyway, my copy always crash whenever I try to play.
I see a couple of users (or only one) have the same problem, but no fix.
Any way how to fix it?

sorry to hear that...
but i have no idea for non-Chinese systems either...

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #77 on: September 17, 2014, 10:24:55 PM »
Apologies for reviving this thread. I was informed earlier that reviving fangame threads is the better option than starting up an entirely new thread. Otherwise, I'm not sure what to do with this information other than starting up a new thread...

Version 1.03 of Fantastic Danmaku Festival was released earlier this month (if I'm reading the dates correctly). What version 1.03 includes are new spellcards (similar to last words or a spell practice mode if I had to compare this to anything), staff credits, and achievements. The main attraction I found (due to the language barrier) are the new spellcards.

Developer's blog regarding version 1.03's release:

Both links in the blog lead to The first link in the developer's blog leads to the DLC. Supposedly, I think you can just transfer the files from that to the game folder, but I had no luck running the game doing this (I'm bad at solving computer problems so I took the other option). The second link leads to the installation file. If you had Fantastic Danmaku Festival previously installed, you have to uninstall it if you want to go through this method. My guess for the problems I had with the first link is due to the installation for version 1.03 from the second link creating a new folder in the StarX folder when I installed it (and as a result, new data for the game to use). Just mentioning it in case someone runs into a similar problem. There is a post with more information on the DLC posted a day after the link I provided, but I'm not sure if the problems addressed in that are what I encountered based on what I get with google translate.

And before anyone asks, I don't know if there are any new spellcards for extra based on information from someone I have talked to when I first heard of this update. I've yet to beat extra either.

Other than that, here are some timeouts I did: Meiling Timeouts (Not much I can do with the lag)


  • Oh no, which direction should I move?
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Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #78 on: September 18, 2014, 12:59:37 AM »
Well I'm aware Extra got toned down a bit with a patch some time ago but I still found it soulcrushingly painful to try and complete. We'll see how much sanity I can sacrifice to try and beat it once again. I got damn close though (see video in my last post in this thread, 1.02 unpatched extra).

Hard 1cc: 4 (LLS), 6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW)13 (TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)
Lunatic 1cc: 8 (IN), 9 (PoFV), 11 (SA), 12.8 (GFW), 14 (DDC)
Extra Clear: 4 (LLS) ,5 (MS) ,6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW),13(TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.02
« Reply #79 on: September 18, 2014, 11:46:03 AM »
Apologies for reviving this thread. I was informed earlier that reviving fangame threads is the better option than starting up an entirely new thread. Otherwise, I'm not sure what to do with this information other than starting up a new thread...

sorry for my laziness, I will edit this thread  later.

edited and uploaded to mediafire.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 12:22:33 PM by rsy_type1 »


  • Oh no, which direction should I move?
  • Clumsy
Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.03 + DLC
« Reply #80 on: September 19, 2014, 04:33:42 AM »
So I finally cleared the extra stage. But it's not something I am even happy about.

Turns out you do not get prompted to save a replay or data for beating the stage, only when you fail.  But whatever, what is done is done! Never again will I put up with this stage. I only barely beat it with Patchouli's monstrous firepower.

Combat the monster extra stage with monster firepower. I wouldn't have cleared the final spell otherwise. It gets overwhelming.

Hard 1cc: 4 (LLS), 6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW)13 (TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)
Lunatic 1cc: 8 (IN), 9 (PoFV), 11 (SA), 12.8 (GFW), 14 (DDC)
Extra Clear: 4 (LLS) ,5 (MS) ,6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW),13(TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)


  • Oh no, which direction should I move?
  • Clumsy
Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.03 + DLC
« Reply #81 on: September 19, 2014, 09:30:05 AM »
I rarely double post as I find it in bad taste but I feel it's warranted at least one time.

So apparently I lied and I ended up sticking it out for one more clear, in a live video run since replay and score data don't save upon an actual clear.

Patchoili Extra stage, full run, relatively smooth until the timeouts. I officially wash my hands of this damn extra stage. I guarantee it will be months or into next year before I ever challenge this stage again. Every time I failed it was basically a piece of my soul crumbles away in defeat. I do not want to try again using a less powerful character in this stage, it's... pressuring.

Hard 1cc: 4 (LLS), 6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW)13 (TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)
Lunatic 1cc: 8 (IN), 9 (PoFV), 11 (SA), 12.8 (GFW), 14 (DDC)
Extra Clear: 4 (LLS) ,5 (MS) ,6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW),13(TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.03 + DLC
« Reply #82 on: September 19, 2014, 11:42:37 AM »
Patchoili Extra stage, full run, relatively smooth until the timeouts. I officially wash my hands of this damn extra stage. I guarantee it will be months or into next year before I ever challenge this stage again. Every time I failed it was basically a piece of my soul crumbles away in defeat. I do not want to try again using a less powerful character in this stage, it's... pressuring.

I feel so sorry for your bad feelings about this game.

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.03 + DLC
« Reply #83 on: September 19, 2014, 12:16:20 PM »
I don't think I can timeout any of the other challenges after Cirno without going one by one on each pattern : Cirno Timeouts

Also, congrats on the extra clear Mesarthim. I don't know why version 1.03 changed it so that clears can't have replays saved. Replays aren't saved if you cleared the main game either from what I noticed. The difficulty spikes are pretty disheartening. Its what stopping me from taking the time to learn lunatic.

Edit: Realized how strange the first line sounds. I kind of meant doing individual videos as opposed to a small series.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 12:28:49 PM by t_prinny »

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.03 + DLC
« Reply #84 on: September 19, 2014, 01:17:03 PM »
I don't know why version 1.03 changed it so that clears can't have replays saved. Replays aren't saved if you cleared the main game either from what I noticed.

sorry for this bug , I will upload the fix patch later.

edit: patch uploaded,now it will ask you to save replay.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 01:24:11 PM by rsy_type1 »


  • Oh no, which direction should I move?
  • Clumsy
Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.03 + DLC
« Reply #85 on: September 19, 2014, 06:47:59 PM »
Oh I don't HATE the game per say, just this stage. Basically just paint the picture of the word extra on it and I'll pour my life into making sure it gets cleared, unless it's story of eastern wonderland because that game has bad mechanics.

I mean for one there's absolutely no way I can clear Flandre's final spell without a large stash of lives and bombs for the last third of it. It's extremely overwhelming. Despite how much of a pain in the ass it is I don't have any particular gripe about the second timeout, can't say the same for the first timeout. The problem with the first timeout is despite the alteration to the chain ring (especially the outer ring) the thing that is most troublesome is the empty coffin, yes, the empty coffin. Unless you have amazing peripheral vision if you happened to be staring at the wrong coffin more than likely you can't tell which coffin is the empty one because the effects of a coffin filling make it hard to make out the empty one. I have mixed feelings about the timeout in general in that I find it'd be really easy if it was more noticeable but am not content with the fact it's up to RNG (random coffin placement per wave) for me to clear half of the waves (wave 5 being a great example in my video, starts in front of me but I couldn't see and went right instead of left). I plain just don't like the third spell but I believe my last piece of criticism is the sixth spell, the one with fireballs and flying coffins. I do find it's nice to see that you are let known that the coffins are coming via a visual flash but the bat effects from the coffins put so much information on the screen that it is hard to see the fireballs and sword bullets.

Also I despise that armored knight but I forgive his existence because it's not an issue to bomb him :(

*breathes out* But after clearing it with patchouli I feel a little less terrible about the stage as a whole, I just don't like knowing I had to abuse the strongest character to clear that stage.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 06:54:11 PM by Mesarthim »

Hard 1cc: 4 (LLS), 6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW)13 (TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)
Lunatic 1cc: 8 (IN), 9 (PoFV), 11 (SA), 12.8 (GFW), 14 (DDC)
Extra Clear: 4 (LLS) ,5 (MS) ,6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW),13(TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.03 + DLC
« Reply #86 on: October 10, 2014, 02:31:10 PM »
Can someone help me with this problem ?

I got this error message when i tried to open thmhj.exe

I've already installed xnafr3.1.msi, NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 and changed my system locale to Chinese (PRC)

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.03 + DLC
« Reply #87 on: October 11, 2014, 04:39:11 PM »
I got this error message when i tried to open thmhj.exe

Device does not support molti-level texture width and height values that are not powers of 2.

most textures of this game are  powers of 2.
your graphics card model?

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.03 + DLC
« Reply #88 on: October 12, 2014, 03:01:04 AM »
Device does not support molti-level texture width and height values that are not powers of 2.

most textures of this game are  powers of 2.
your graphics card model?

Re: 東方幕華祭 ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival--ver1.03 + DLC
« Reply #89 on: October 12, 2014, 01:38:39 PM »

maybe you have to upgrade your DX version or change another graphics card.