I'll get around to NNR's eventually!
1. Marisa Kirisame
2. Reimu Hakurei
3. Youmu Konpaku
4. Yukari Yakumo
5. Remilia Scarlet
6. Cirno
7. Sakuya Izayoi
8. Alice Margatroid
9. Fujiwara no Mokou
10. Byakuren Hijiri
What does the future holds for me?
7 of 8 are playable in IN. Just sayin'.
Future: You will become an astronomer working at a number of renowned observatories across the globe using a variety of types of telescopes. This includes the famous Arecibo Observatory radio telescope. Your love for your work shows as you put in long, restless days for the sake of your project. On one such night, you find yourself catching a bit of interference. Junk data? Noise? Necessary maintenance? No. Slowly, things come into focus and catch a faint glimpse of what seems to be a new undocumented meteor. Quickly, you calculate its velocity and trajectory and come to a horrible conclusion: The meteor has a formidable weight of approximately 25,000 metric tons and it's heading right towards the capital, San Juan. Time of impact? Too soon.
It's the dead of night. No one in the city hall will pick up their phones to alert the town to evacuate. Hurriedly, you grabs your work scrawled hastily upon a handful of scratch paper and dash for the door. Hopping into your car, you gun the engine. The tires screech, launching the car into the jungle. Dodging what little traffic there is at such an hour, you floor it down the highway, making phone calls the whole way. You finally reach San Juan's mayor and convey to her the gravity of the situation. Demanding your immediate presence, she gives you the address to her home as you barrel into town.
She greets you at the door while still in her PJ's and quickly demands an explanation of the situation. You provide all the information you have, laying it out on her hallway floor to get your point across ASAP. She understands, but needs to know how much time the city has left. Curses! Such information is lost in the pile of data! Your eyes dart about all the information you've provided. Finding a familiar scrap of paper, you trace your fingertip across your notes and find what you were looking for. Your calculated time of impact is... NOW! Knowing that your efforts were in vain and that doom will soon come crashing down upon the entire city, you flee. Hoping and praying and cursing you run in a vain attempt to escape the utter destruction that shall be wrought by the meteorite as it befalls the fair city. But you don't escape its wrath. The meteorite, broken down to the size of a dime, crashes into your nether regions at terminal velocity. Seems that you didn't do the math right and forgot that these things break up as they contend with earth's atmosphere.
Death: Clearly, you survived the incident, but that sort of luck won't happen all the time. You retire to a quiet rural town so you can stargaze at night. At
71 you notice another speck barreling down to earth. Out come the paper and mechanical pencil and you calculate the mass and trajectory of the object. Remembering your previous experience, you take the amount of mass lost into account this time. Unfortunately, you use it in your calculations twice. What you thought would be a golf ball sized rock turns out to be a comet as large as a station wagon which you wind up catching with your teeth.
Last Words: "Math never lies." It doesn't. You simply won't give it the right information.
Number: 8,675,309
Color: All colors featured in a standard box of 8 crayons.
Decided to use Touhou sort. 426 battles and all my nope later I got results :V
- Yumemi Okazaki
- Marisa Kirisame (PC-98 version to be precise)
- Toyosatomimi no Miko
- Kotohime
- Hina Kagiyama
- Nue Houjuu
- Byakuren Hijiri
- Satori Komeiji
- Nitori Kawashiro
- Koishi Komeiji
Wath priz awayt me?
Future: Y'know what's sweet? Life at the top. You know what's sweeter? Life at the top of the scientific world. With a few Ph.D.'s in your capable hands, you plow through the corporate ladder and soon rise to the top of a giant multidisciplined mega-company with a clientele that spans the globe and serves everyone from the smallest of the small to dictators. They rely upon you and your workers to bring them an extensive lineup of the most technologically advanced products the world over. While not without its troubles, your genius brings you success after success with each of your projects. With you at the reigns, things improve quickly. Worker morale shoots through the roof, as does production. Life is grand and things are going well, but life in any position of power does not go without its challenges, and you are caught unprepared for your first major challenge.
Audit time comes in out of nowhere in the form of a neatly-dressed stern woman with thin rectangular glasses and her hair in a bun. This stoic and strict woman from the FDA kicks down your doors with 12 worker bees, 25 laptops, 100 clipboards with fresh sheets of paper and enough red pens to grade the the entire collective works of a billion failing engineering students. Demanding entry, you let them in, and they disappear into your huge company's main campus. Out of nowhere, they emerge at the door to your office six weeks later after spending the entire time within your facilities. The stern woman has each of her assistants carry 50 pounds worth of paper covered in ink. Something tells you things weren't to her liking.
"During our visit to your facilities, we found 1,283,392 general non-compliances, 51,873 high priority CAPA issues, 782 OSHA compliance failures, 469 violations of human or animal rights, 72 Geneva convention violations and hobo in a bathroom offering to dance the Charleston for money. We would've gone into further depth in your vaccine production facility, but we found our way in barred by a goat who was being used a living coatrack for bras and panties. He was subsisting upon spent beer kegs and a stack of pizza boxes approximately 20 meters high. We tried to interview the director of the facility that you hired to work there, but he had passed out clutching to a bottle of gin. He was covered in chocolate syrup and seemed to have superglued one arm to his desk which was nailed to the ceiling. Our attempts to go elsewhere in your facilities were met with similar result considering that we are still awaiting blood test results to see if we have rabies. Sir, your company is listed as making everything from pharmaceuticals to explosives, yet we only found that your company makes candies in suggestive shapes and cheap beer. What exactly do you do here?" You pull up somebody else's pants (hot pants that say "juicy" on the backside no less) to cover your tra-la-la and slowly shrug to your audience with a guilty half-smile.
The rest of your days are spent behind a register at a fast food joint.
Death: You are given a massive order from a morbidly obese woman with 13 screaming children and you drown in a milkshake while trying to fulfill it at
60. notalwaysright.com has a field day with the woman's poor reaction to your demise.
Last Words: "Lady, you don't want to know what goes... into... the vanilla ones. URK!"
Number: 500
Color: If you go 1/6th of the speed of light, a red stoplight will look green. The more you know.
Fool, I choose my own fate!
...but it wouldn't hurt to check, right?
1. Reimu
2. Renko
3. Kosuzu
4. Kokoro
5. Sakuya
6. Marisa
7. Youmu
8. Akyuu
9. Rinnosuke
10. Raiko
Future: You prefer a quiet life. A
very quiet life. The library is working for you. Nice, quiet, and you've got your quiet books that don't make noise unless you drop them. That's fine. But as the years at the library pass, things get noisy. Too noisy. It starts out simple enough. One person comes in, takes a book, asks you in a hushed tone if she can check it out, then leaves. That was bad enough. Soon, a
few people arrive, leaf through books, then ask to check them out too! How disturbing! Soon
mobs of people arrive to go through
your massive collection of books! The nerve! Even parents drag a squadron of screaming little brats along so they can do their homework and get books for their book reports! That does it! That's the last straw! It's time to get QUIET up ins!
You wait. Patiently. For the day. To. End. Then, sloooooowly, your frayed nerves fire, allowing you to pry your finger from your desk. You stand up and take a slow, deep breath and get to work. Out come the shovels. Out come the trowels. As do the springs and buckets and towels. Not to mention a few things far more unpleasant than these. You heap your tools in a great pile and smile, fully prepared with what you are about to do.
The next morning, you sit at your desk and wait. And wait. And wait some more. But there are no disturbances to be heard. Slowly, you get up from your seat, carefully avoiding the tripwires, spike pits, and certain tiles on the floor. You peer out the window and witness your handiwork. A net swings from a lamp post with a mother and two whiny kids in it. A street sign points to a fake entrance that sends vehicles rocketing down and off a ramp into a giant pool of tartar sauce. There is no one at the door until you see an old woman step on the pressure plate in front of it and she is launched into the local lake. You slowly creep back to your desk and sit down with your hands folded across your lap. A grin spreads over your face. Yes. Today shall be a quiet day indeed.
Death: Was making the alligator pit right below your desk
that good of an idea? Really? You've survived all those who would take over your sanctum and live to
Number: 299.561
Color: Dust