Author Topic: Shogun: Rise of the Renegade  (Read 1562 times)

Shogun: Rise of the Renegade
« on: July 04, 2012, 09:24:56 AM »
Anyone playing this? For those who don't know, it's a danmaku game on the Android platform. Shocking, I know. The difficulty of the first level feels like TD's normal difficulty, but unlike Touhou shmups, the difficulty spike occurs in stage 2 and never lets up. You will need to buy the game for $2.99 to play for more than half a minute on any level other than the first though. I can't tell if the game's difficulty is due to playing on a 4 inch capacitative touchscreen or not, but stage 2 and beyond kicks my ass so bad :(

Interestingly there's a world rank and city rank for your score - it saves your scores on a world/regional scoreboard once your game ends and computes the ranking. I forgot my world rank since it's something insignificant, on the order of 13k++, but my city rank is 618 at the moment. Cheap thrill :P Figured it might be fun to see how a community of danmaku gamers would do on Shogun, since most games on Android/iOS are casual/social ones and this one really stands out in difficulty.