Odd thread title because I haven't actually come up with a title for my book yet.
Writing somewhat of a self-insert book
The protag is half me
And all the things he does and the things that happen to him are half based in truth
The remainder is fiction
What does that make this? :getdown:
The plot of the book is slice-of-life
And also is a post-Coming Out Story
as if I couldn't get any more narcissistic
But I would enjoy feedback anyway <3
But enough of that, on with the show!
This'll take me a while, but I can at least promise semi-regular updates up to Entry 25.
The following will serve as sort of a Table of Contents with links to the entries as they're written, and I'm also adding links at the end of entries, like pages in a book.
~ ~ ~ Entry Index ~ ~ ~
First Entry:
Stop the Presses, A Teenager Is Late for SchoolSecond Entry: Physics Is Like Math Class, Except It's Weird~ ~ ~ ~
First Entry: Stop the Presses, a Teenager is Late for SchoolIn a dusty, humid bedroom somewhere in Oklahoma, an alarm clock goes off, where it's ignored for about thirty minutes before it's owner cares to slink out of bed, turn it off, and return to sleep.
Jacob Mason couldn't be bothered with promptness, you see. The door flew open and slammed into the wall with a loud bang as he fell back into the sheets. His mother stood there for the routine 4.47 seconds before shouting "GET UP THIS INSTANT, YOU WILL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL" and lurching away.
It took him 8 minutes to leave the bed, and ten minutes to find and successfully put on some shorts (Don't ask).
There was a text message on his phone from his girlfriend, Loretta. But everyone called her 'Lori.'
Good morning, it read. The timestamp on the message indicated that she sent it before sunup.
Unable to come up with a witty reply, Jacob replied with
Good morning! and continued about his morning duties, which included: 37 minutes of surfing YouTube, 40 seconds of dental hygiene, and probably about 20 pounds of breakfast.
At this point, it's pretty close to 8 o'clock, which leaves him perhaps negative ten minutes to catch the bus.
"Mom! I need a ride to school!"
This is what you get for postponing my driver's license test, Jacob thought.
Jacob's mother, as it turned out, had climbed back into bed, and it took her thirty minutes to get up and get ready to leave.
"This wouldn't have happened if you had just gotten up when you were supposed to," she chided.
"Why did you go back to sleep if you knew I was so irresponsible?"
"You're sixteen. I should be able to ask you to get up in the morning."
Jacob kept his retort to himself.
Upon arrival to school, his mother bolted for the door, signed the late sheet, handed Jacob the pass, and took off down the street, presumably because she had some incredibly important sleeping to do. Jacob walked through the hallways until he found the door to his first hour, Physics, already in progress.