« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2012, 03:43:15 AM »
So I decided randomly that I would make Normal 1CC videos with horrible voice-overs and horrible camera quality and horrible play.
Seeing your screen in English makes me sad that the english patch doesn't work with my computer. Kind of annoying cause I want to read the story text for all the characters for once.
Also what was that against Murasa's survival
And if you want to get REALLY good against Flying Fantastica, play DS scene 12-7. After I cleared that, my success rate against Flying Fantastica has skyrocketed
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 04:17:49 AM by Chalros22 »

Current Goals: Clear all games on hard with every shottype (or team, not all solos in IN)
Remaining: EoSD 0, PCB 3, IN 0, MoF 3 (Marisa B doesn't count), SA 4, UFO all B types, TD Youmu, total 14.