Author Topic: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure  (Read 238950 times)

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #540 on: November 09, 2017, 06:47:44 AM »
> Hide ourselves completely behind a large tree, and listen for the sound of the ATV's approach. We'll decide what to do based on how close she comes to passing us.

>> Attempt to hit him with an unanticipated attack. Gotta make something happen here.

>You hide behind a tree and listen. You can hear Eileen approaching, though you can't quite pinpoint where she is; north, certainly, but you aren't how far away or what direction, exactly. Perhaps more westerly, as you listen. She approaches and approaches, then comes to a stop some yards away. You can hear her engine idling. Definitely to the northwest; the tree obscures her for now, and you assume obscures you as well.
>Archer's daggers clash again and again against the enemy servant's weapons. She is calm, pressing him and finding he is more than able to meet it. Nor does he seem to be allowing any sign that he's pressured show. He'd be great at a game of cards, for sure. "You're holding back, huh?" she says, at length, sending a stab toward his gut.
>"I could say the same," he answers, batting her hand away with his gun.
>"Ah, you flatter me," Archer replies, following through with a slash toward his shoulder, hoping to make the attack awkward to parry. It does force him to turn a little, but he intercepts it cleanly. "Maybe I'm working my butt off just to keep, huh?"
>"I don't think so," he replies. Archer reverses her first deflected stab to try to slash him across the thigh, but the gun is there to take it. "This isn't even what you're good at."
>"You're so serious," Archer says, bringing her deflected second strike toward his armpit. "Have some fun!"
>"This is a serious matter," says the enemy servant, as his knife catches hers, he very nearly manages to wedge her dagger along the hilt and wrench it from her hands, but she pulls away before that can happen. "The winner can decide the fate of the world, you know!"
>She pulls back a half steps, and slashes up toward his face out of the third parry. "And what would you do, anyways?"
>"There's a lot we need to be getting ready for," he says as his gun bats her latest strike away. "I've seen things, things we aren't ready to handl-agh!" Archer's boot comes down on his shin as she turns the half-step into a kick, solidly connecting! He stumbles back, regaining his footing.
>Should Archer
>>Press the attack
>>Draw back
>>Take comfortable defensive



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #541 on: November 09, 2017, 07:23:54 AM »
Only a few yards away? Well, here goes nothing.

> @Archer: "I'm about to use a lot of mana, try not to waver!"

>>Take comfortable defensive

> As we come out from behind the tree, pre-emptively throw the Wall ahead of us to make instant cover, dive behind it to gain ground on Eileen and then!!
> Use the mana vial! Make it as tall and pointy as possible, and don't let up!

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #542 on: November 09, 2017, 07:52:26 AM »
> @Archer: "I'm about to use a lot of mana, try not to waver!"

>>Take comfortable defensive

> As we come out from behind the tree, pre-emptively throw the Wall ahead of us to make instant cover, dive behind it to gain ground on Eileen and then!!
> Use the mana vial! Make it as tall and pointy as possible, and don't let up!

>You burst around the tree and toss down a Wall Spell. It comes to you easily as always, creating a barrier of rock and soil in front of you. Eileen had indeed stopped not far from your tree, and seems to have been checking something small in her hand. As your wall forms, she grabs another vial and tosses it toward you.
>Your wall is there to deflect the vial again, but you hear it break. Do you still intend to cast from that position? As well, what are you going to use the mana vial to do with your spell? What do you seek to enhance?
>Archer feints. luring the other servant to try and intercept again, then leaves a small opening. His knife comes for it, and she moves! The gun follows, shifting for a parrying to to a bludgeon, and she draws back. Her defense is not as elegant as the other servant's, based more on dodging and ducking away than tight, perfectly performed parries. The wound to his shin was minimal, it doesn't seem to be bothering him. Disappointing, he'll be expecting that sort of thing from now on, and the payoff wasn't great. He moves to stab, then stops as Archer does, instead bringing his hand up. There is a change in the air, Archer leaps back, but she can feel it wrap around her. Something mystical. No, not quite that, perhaps? She can feel it slip past the magic resistance conferred to by the virtues of her class. No, it's not beating it, but rather bypassing entirely. It's not magic at all, at least not as any wizard would understand it...
>She can feel something slipping into her being, as if it were being appended to her soul like some sort of demiurge's afterthought. Her muscles stiffen up, pain shoots through her body.  A heartbeat passes, another, a third. The enemy servant quickly reloads his gun. Then her body kicks into motion again, the feeling of being altered is gone, she stumbles back, shocked but no longer sore.
>Should Archer:
>>Draw Back
>And should she inform Lily of this discovery immediately?




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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #543 on: November 09, 2017, 03:32:38 PM »
Ugh, she would, wouldn't she. Well, we can try Blind inst--WAIT

> Switch gears and cast HALT instead! She'll be trapped inside her own cloud! Use the mana vial to increase the strength of it and overpower her resistance.

>> Attack?? If this works, she'll only need to keep it up for a little longer...
>> Do not inform Lily immediately, sounds like she needs to concentrate on something.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #544 on: November 09, 2017, 07:18:23 PM »
Ugh, she would, wouldn't she. Well, we can try Blind inst--WAIT

> Switch gears and cast HALT instead! She'll be trapped inside her own cloud! Use the mana vial to increase the strength of it and overpower her resistance.

>> Attack?? If this works, she'll only need to keep it up for a little longer...
>> Do not inform Lily immediately, sounds like she needs to concentrate on something.

>Her feet are not touching the ground, Halt will probably not work. Are you sure you would like to do this?



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #545 on: November 10, 2017, 03:35:30 AM »
Ugh, she didn't get off the ATV?

> Cast Blind, it's the only option left. As before, use the mana vial to prevent her from resisting it.
> Then hoof it away from the gas as fast as our thicc little legs will carry us.

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #546 on: November 10, 2017, 04:05:48 AM »
> Cast Blind, it's the only option left. As before, use the mana vial to prevent her from resisting it.
> Then hoof it away from the gas as fast as our thicc little legs will carry us.

>You change gears and cast Blind, drawing upon your mana vial. You pull out about half the mana stored inside it, and level your curse at the Eileen. It is a bit difficult to see her through the cloud, but sufficient for the purposes of the spell. It strikes the older woman, and you can feel it wash over her defenses, reasonably formidable ones. She cries out in surprise, and squawks, "Explorer! I need you!" reflexively.
>Information update: Explorer
>You run as fast as you can from the gas, holding your breath and hoping that it has the decency to cause pain so you know you've touched it or breathed some of it in.
>Archer finds her feel, residual ache pulsing through her body. The enemy servant levels his pistol and fires; Archer moves, the bullhit clips her shoulder, bringing a flash of searing pain and a strangled hiss! She tries to close the distance, and practically has to hit the ground to weave away from the next shot quickly enough. She throws herself to the side to avoid  a following shot, but it does not come. Instead, she hears him draw back, and comes to her feet in time to see him dashing away! "He's Caster!" she sends. "And he's coming!"
>Should Archer:
>>Try to snipe him from afar
>>Attempt to outflank him



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #547 on: November 10, 2017, 04:16:37 AM »

> @Archer: "That's fine, come back! I blinded her but I don't have a way to finish her off!"
> @Archer: "And are you sure?? She just said 'Explorer!'"
>> Pursue!

> Info dump!

P.S. to anyone else reading: does anybody have ANY guesses who the gunman might be? the only "average-looking fifties white dude that shoots really well" i could think of was Atticus Finch and the modern military weapons really make me doubt it.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2017, 04:21:05 AM by Stuffman »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #548 on: November 10, 2017, 04:37:21 AM »
> @Archer: "That's fine, come back! I blinded her but I don't have a way to finish her off!"
> @Archer: "And are you sure?? She just said 'Explorer!'"
>> Pursue!

> Info dump!

P.S. to anyone else reading: does anybody have ANY guesses who the gunman might be? the only "average-looking fifties white dude that shoots really well" i could think of was Atticus Finch and the modern military weapons really make me doubt it.

yo fuck shielder and mooncancer

>"Coming!" Archer sends back. "I've never heard of that one, but he casts! And his spells are very strange!"
>Explorer: ???
>Master: Eileen ????
>Strength: Good
>Mana: More than nonexistant
>Endurance: High
>Luck: Good
>Agility: Good
>N. Phantasm: Undefined
>Class Skills
>>Terrain Adaption
>Personal Skills
>Noble Phantasm
>Looking at this, something feels terribly off. Not in that the information is inaccurate, but that that it's...wrong. It makes you feel uncomfortable to have this knowledge in your head, it is like believing something contradictory to the truth.
>Archer gets to her feet and pursues. The enemy servant, Explorer, already has a few yards lead on her, and is moving fast enough that she doubts she can overtake him. But she refuses to fall any further behind! Nor does he seem to be any more interested in losing ground; very quickly Archer cannot help but appreciate how skillfully he runs, even through terrain like the lower slope of a forested mountain. Each step is perfect, he avoids loose stones, tree roots, changes in slope, a rabbit hole with each. While Archer can adjust for each easily; running through forests is old hat for her, he simply avoids them entirely.
>Explorer runs across a rock and leaps into the air. He twists , his pistol coming out. For a split second he faces archer and fires! She leaps a swell, as the bullet slams into the earth where her feet was. He continues his spin and lands perfectly, continuing his run, having slowed Archer for a heartbeat.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #549 on: November 11, 2017, 12:27:04 AM »
I've got nothing - the 50's is too late for a conventional explorer and too early for anything space-related. He may be some sort of 50's sci-fi/horror character but I'm not well-versed in that.

> Find some new cover that will obscure us from the north. Is Eileen doing anything?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #550 on: November 11, 2017, 02:46:08 AM »
> Find some new cover that will obscure us from the north. Is Eileen doing anything?

>It's hard to see what she is doing through the cloud of red fog.
>There is a another tree, but it is some yards away,



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #551 on: November 11, 2017, 03:59:18 AM »
> Go to it while there's still time.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #552 on: November 11, 2017, 05:25:31 AM »
> Go to it while there's still time.

>You dash for the tree.
>"He's close!" Archer sends. "I'm trying, but I can't stop him!"



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #553 on: November 11, 2017, 06:04:29 AM »
> @Archer: "I'm going to hide! Try to finish off Eileen, she should be near the fog cloud!"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #554 on: November 11, 2017, 09:33:11 AM »
> @Archer: "I'm going to hide! Try to finish off Eileen, she should be near the fog cloud!"

>"It'll take a minute!" Archer sends back.
>You duck behind the tree. You don't hear Explorer arrive, but he must be here by now. Where is Archer? You wait for tense seconds, until you hear a nearby gunshot.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #555 on: November 11, 2017, 02:55:29 PM »

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #556 on: November 11, 2017, 06:00:04 PM »

>You stay put.
>"He's defending her," Archer sends, as more gunshots ring out. "She's crawled away from her vehicle, hiding behind an oak tree. She's cast some kind of spell, and is inhaling purple smoke from a vial. Trying to-Agh! He got me!"



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #557 on: November 11, 2017, 06:24:28 PM »

> Think. We didn't see Magic Resistance anywhere in that blurb of preliminary info like we did with Rider. Does that mean Explorer doesn't have any?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #558 on: November 11, 2017, 06:29:40 PM »
> Think. We didn't see Magic Resistance anywhere in that blurb of preliminary info like we did with Rider. Does that mean Explorer doesn't have any?

>He did not have it as a class skill. You aren't sure if it can be a personal skill or not.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #559 on: November 11, 2017, 06:41:27 PM »
> Probably wishful thinking...
> Do we have any rocks at our feet?

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #560 on: November 11, 2017, 09:23:25 PM »
> Probably wishful thinking...
> Do we have any rocks at our feet?

>There are a couple rocks.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #561 on: November 11, 2017, 09:36:52 PM »
> Get one.
> @Archer "Can you still shoot? I'm running out of ideas...what if I try throwing a rock to distract him at the same moment you fire an arrow?"

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #562 on: November 11, 2017, 10:58:55 PM »
> Get one.
> @Archer "Can you still shoot? I'm running out of ideas...what if I try throwing a rock to distract him at the same moment you fire an arrow?"

>You claim a rock.
>"I'll be fine, he just got my hip," Archer sends. "And I think it's going to take more than a rock to distract him."



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #563 on: November 11, 2017, 11:33:58 PM »
> @Archer: "I'm thinking..."
> Could any of our spells be used to topple a tree?

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #564 on: November 12, 2017, 12:54:54 AM »
> @Archer: "I'm thinking..."
> Could any of our spells be used to topple a tree?

>Could they? You haven't done it, but that does not mean it can't be done.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #565 on: November 12, 2017, 01:20:06 AM »
> Hmm. If we cast Forbidden Zone but only have it affect one point within its AOE, will it work stronger/faster? Or do we think we'll need to give it some extra juice somehow?

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #566 on: November 12, 2017, 03:47:40 AM »
> Hmm. If we cast Forbidden Zone but only have it affect one point within its AOE, will it work stronger/faster? Or do we think we'll need to give it some extra juice somehow?

>Its area of effect is not malleable like that.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #567 on: November 12, 2017, 04:29:41 AM »
> Nnrgh. Okay, Elemental Conjuration lets us produce and move dirt, and works by gathering little bits of dirt in the area; can we just gather a big clump of dirt that's already there and move it?

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #568 on: November 12, 2017, 07:18:48 AM »
> Nnrgh. Okay, Elemental Conjuration lets us produce and move dirt, and works by gathering little bits of dirt in the area; can we just gather a big clump of dirt that's already there and move it?

>You really don't have any control, or real idea, where the materials come from.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #569 on: November 12, 2017, 07:43:37 AM »
> Can we throw a Wall at the base of a tree and have it spring up in such a way that it rips out the roots and topples it??