Author Topic: [Art] Megaman Battle Network x Touhou - Another Story  (Read 11007 times)

[Art] Megaman Battle Network x Touhou - Another Story
« on: July 04, 2016, 07:22:06 PM »

I have no idea how many MMBN fans are on this site, but I got very bored yesterday and decided suddenly to try to make real an idea I had in my head a few years back. Thinking about doing this for all the Windows games, but let's see how far my motivation takes me.

The chip conventions follow Battle Network 6, which has the normal version/EX/SP, with SP having variable power depending on how fast you beat the character in their SP form. These will be noted along with how the chips actually work since trying to explain the chip using three lines of nine characters is a huge pain.

The Extra bosses (possibly except for Ran?) will have a single Gigachip instead of a Megachip set. I may do other chips depending on if I get ideas as well.

EoSD (Megachips #001-024, Gigachip #001)

Reimu (No. 001-003)

SP damage: 70-120

Reimu appears and throws two yin-yang orbs, one after the other that bound forward:
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Path of orb

However, if you hold Up or Down before she fires one, you can change its direction. You can choose the path for both orbs separately this way.

Up button held
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Path of orb

Down button held
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Path of orb

Misc Note: The SP version having an orange-y Reimu is a reference to the cover of PMiSS (shown below).

Marisa (No. 004-006)

SP damage: 160-260

Marisa appears and shoots her Master Spark. Pierces i-frames. Very straightforward:
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Area hit by Master Spark

Rumia (No. 007-009)

Normal version aura strength: 50
EX version aura strength: 80
SP version aura strength: 100-200

Protects you with Rumia's Dark Aura. Any single hit that does less damage than the aura's strength is nullified. The exception to this are attacks that blow away aura (like wind), or its elemental weakness. Since there are no specific "Light" element things in the BN universe, this means things that generate bright light like Blinder or FlashBomb will immediately get rid of it. In addition, stepping on a HolyPanel will instantly remove it and the HolyPanel that was stepped on. No cheesing with the Aura+Sanctuary combo!

Cirno (No. 010-012)

SP damage: 25-50

Cirno shoots a rapid spray of icicles in a sideways-T shape outward. She's wised up a little since the Icicle Fall days, so anyone directly in front of her this time will take a full 6 hits instead of 2:
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          2 = Area hit by two icicles
          6 = Area hit by full spread

Meiling (No. 013-015)

SP damage: 190-290

Meiling punches the enemy immediately in front of her and cracks the panel they are standing on. In addition, if the enemy is standing on a not-normal or cracked panel, it hits them with an additional hit of 100 damage, and matching the element of the panel they were on. This can even shatter Metal Panels, which will add the Break property to the extra hit.

Holding Up, Down, or Right before Meiling appears when using the chip will also cause her to move one panel in that direction (if possible) before delivering the punch.

          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Area hit

Patchouli (No. 016-018)

SP damage: 120-220

Patchouli appears and will quickly cycle through her element crystals. Pressing A will stop the roulette and unleash the attack of that element:

A very wide flamethrower shoots out to burn enemies.
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Area burned

An ice block is shot out at rapid speed. It shatters if it hits an enemy, but if it doesn't hit anything, it will keep sliding as far as it can go and stop, turning into an obstacle that takes up that panel.
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Block's slide path

A thunderbolt strikes 3 squares ahead in an X-shaped blast.
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          T = Thunderstrike
          + = Thunder's blast radius

If there happens to be an obstacle where the center of the bolt hits, it will shock the entire area around the obstacle instead.
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          + = Thunder's blast radius
          @ = Obstacle

A wood spike erupts forward and will automatically move along columns to hit the nearest enemy. Panels the spike appeared on turn to Grass, and the hit does not cause invincibility frames to trigger.
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Block's slide path
          E = Enemy that gets hit

Patchouli produces two sharp metal disks to her sides that lunge forward. Has Break properties.
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Disk trajectory

Sakuya (No. 019-021)

SP damage: 100-200*

Sakuya appears and places knives on the empty panels surrounding all enemies, which then converge and impale them. The Normal version will only put knives directly on the Up/Down/Left/Right panels, but the EX and SP version will attempt to use all eight directions. The knives do 10 damage each, for a max of 80 damage if all 8 knives are made. Sakuya will then slash the nearest enemy for the damage listed on the chip, making the SP version's actual full damage 280.
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          1,2 = Knives generated on panel
          E = Enemy
          H = Enemy cut by Sakuya

Assuming a full-power SP chip, Enemy E is taking only 80 damage from the knives, but Enemy H is taking 240 damage from the slash + 4 knives.

Remilia (No. 022-024)

SP damage: 200-300

Remilia appears and throws Gungnir down the row with Break properties.
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Gungnir

If you input a backwards half-circle (Down, Down-Left, Left, Up-Left, Up) before Remilia appears, she will instead throw it in the air and have it land three spaces in front, where it explodes in a +-shape. The explosion still has Breaking properties and cracks the panels.
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          + = Gungnir explosion

Flandre (No. 001)

Flandre appears and cuts the two columns in front with her Laevatein.
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Laevatein range

If you input a forward-half circle (Down, Down-Right, Right, Up-Right, Up) before Flandre appears, three additional fireballs will appear in the column ahead after she slashes, which then zoom forward to hit any remaining enemies. The fireballs do a fixed 150 fire damage each to the first enemy they touch.
          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          F = Fireballs
          > = Fireball path
« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 05:10:32 PM by OverlordChirei »

Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2016, 07:22:24 PM »
Art Credits for EoSD (Warning for danbo links)

« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 12:45:45 PM by OverlordChirei »

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2016, 07:35:36 PM »
Oh shit, this is hella neat.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2016, 07:56:21 PM »
Ahaha, when you showed the chips I had assumed that cirno was some sort of altered vulcan. Of course you'd have much more original ideas.


  • Exposition Patchouli
  • Seeker of Truth
Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2016, 10:57:25 PM »
Awesome!  Definitely looking forward to more of this, you obviously know your stuff when it comes to BN.
Life and death are without purpose.  Our attempts to give them one are quite presumptuous of us.  But in the end, we exist, and that is enough.

Current status: Dissuading deliberately choking for imagined fame.

Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2016, 02:57:00 AM »
I said this on IRC but I'll say it again here: Those are awesome. As a fan of both MMBN and Touhou this is something I rarely see.

Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips (PCB Added 7/18)
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2016, 05:53:09 PM »
It's been two weeks, but the next set is here! Sorry for the delay.

PCB (1 Standard Chip, Megachips #025-045, Gigachip #002)

Cherry Field(C-Field)

(What? A Standard Chip??? Who cares about those???)

Gives the player a 1HP barrier. While the barrier is up, Buster Power/Rapid/Charge are all increased by +1 each, and can exceed the regular cap of 5/5/5. When the barrier is broken by being hit, it will erase all hostile projectiles currently on-screen with a shockwave, and give the player about two seconds of i-frames. The shockwave will also attempt to cause hitstun on every enemy (does no damage).

Reference to PCB's Cherry System/Supernatural Border.

Letty (No. 025-027)

SP damage: 65-90

Letty appears and rains three series of 4 snowflakes down randomly on the far 3x3 panels. She will always target these panels even if you steal the enemy's area. Enemies will always be hit by at least one snowflake at worst.

          X = Letty
          O = Empty Panel
          + = Possible area hit

If you input [Right, Down-Right, Down] before Letty appears, she will instead summon a cold stream that blows diagonally across most of the enemy field. The stream hits 3 times and turns any panels it went over into Ice Panels.

          X = Letty
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Area hit

If you input [Right, Up-Right, Up] instead the direction of the stream is reversed:

          X = Letty
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Area hit

The extra input is a reference to Diamond Ice's own Mega Card from Megaman Starforce 3:

Chen (No. 028-030)

SP damage: 160-210
Normal Wide Slash damage: 40(unboostable)
EX Wide Slash damage: 60(unboostable)
SP Wide Slash damage: 80(unboostable)

Chen rolls around the top and bottom rows, going through (but not breaking) all enemies.

          O = Empty Panel
          > = Chen's roll path
          < = Chen's return path

Once per row, you can press A again to have Chen briefly stop and deliver a swipe with Widesword range, then continue rolling through the above path. The damage values for the swipes are listed above and cannot be boosted.

          O = Empty Panel
          > = Chen's roll path
          + = Chen's swipe

Chen comes in from off-screen, so it's possible to have her swipe the edgemost panels.

In addition, if your previously used chip was one of Ran's chips (does not have to be in the same turn!), Ran will roll around on the opposite row as Chen does, also dealing the damage listed on the chip. She will not swipe if you press A, though.

Partially inspired by Battle Network 3's Punk:

Alice (No. 031-033)

SP damage: 55-80

Alice appears and summons four dolls immediately above, below, and to her sides. The dolls float and will still appear even if the panels are broken or missing. Rotate their positions with L/R.

          X = Alice
          O = Empty Panel
          1 = Axe Doll
          2 = Lance Doll
          3 = Sword Doll
          4 = Laser Doll

The attack range of each doll will be broken down below, individually:

Axe Doll

Teleports in front of the closest enemy or obstacle directly ahead and does a spin slash. If there is no enemy, it will teleport to the enemy's back column and spin there. Does Sword damage.

          E = Enemy hit
          O = Empty Panel
          1 = Axe Doll
          > = Axe Doll(After teleport)
          + = Other panels hit

Lance Doll

Rushes forward and does a lunge attack that hits two panels ahead. If the enemy is directly in front of it already, then it will attack on the spot.

          E = Enemy hit
          O = Empty Panel
          2 = Lance Doll
          + = Other panels hit

Sword Doll

Swings and makes a non-piercing Sonicboom fly down the rows. Does Sword damage.

          O = Empty Panel
          3 = Sword Doll
          > = Sonicboom range

Laser Doll

Fires a super-piercing laser. (Goes through invisible/hit i-frames)

          O = Empty Panel
          4 = Laser Doll
          > = Laser range

The dolls all hit once each and do their damage listed on the chip.

Prismriver Sisters (No. 034-036)

Prismrivers Sisters' HP (Normal): 80
Prismrivers Sisters' HP (EX): 120
Prismrivers Sisters' HP (SP): 150-250

When used, a roulette of the three Prismriver Sisters appears in front. Press A to stop the Roulette. The sister that appeared will then stay in battle and periodically play music like the Trumpy Chips.

Lyrica - Timpani's Effect (Defaults to her if you do not press A) - Immobilizes enemies while the song plays. Also renders chips unusable while stunned.
Merlin - Discord's Effect - Confuses enemies while the song plays.
Lunasa - Silence's Effect - Blinds the enemies while the song plays.
Layla - Dark Sound's Effect - Only appears in the roulette after finishing her sidequest. Paralyzes the enemies (also removing their i-frames) while the song plays.

Due to being poltergeists, they are also immune to being thrown by the Poltergeist chip.

Youmu (No. 037-039)

SP damage: 190-290

Youmu cuts all the rows in front of her with a great swing. (Non-breaking)

          X = Youmu
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Slash waves

In addition, if any enemies happen to be on panels that belong to you, Youmu's ghost half will materialize and hit them with a Widesword attack, just like the Slasher chip (This extra attack does the damage listed on the chip):

Yuyuko (No. 040-042)

SP damage: 70-120

Yuyuko will create a ghost butterfly that flies down each row. They can turn once to diagonally hit the nearest enemy. (Non-breaking, but piercing)

          X = Yuyuko
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Butterfly paths
          A = Enemy A (Hit 3 times)
          B = Enemy B (Hit 1 time)
          C = Enemy C (Hit 0 times)

In addition, if there are any enemies floating above broken (not cracked!) panels, Yuyuko will perform an extra pose and make butterflies erupt out of the holes, dealing one extra hit to these enemies.

Ran (No. 043-045)

SP damage: 200-250

Ran sets a trap on one of the enemy's panels randomly. If you press the D-Pad after Ran appears but before she starts setting the trap, you can manually decide on the trap's position. (time limit of two seconds to place) The trap may also be placed over broken panels.

Setting off the trap will not immediately cause any damage to the one that tripped it, but generate a laser grid on the panels around the victim that do the chip's damage if stepped into. The lasers last about 3 seconds, ignore invincibility frames, and break shields. If an enemy steps into the laser grid, out of it, and back into it, they will incur multiple hits of damage. If the victim does not move, they will take no damage, but are effectively stuck in that spot until the lasers go away, leaving them unable to dodge.

          X = Player
          O = Empty Panel
          E = Enemy that stepped on the trap
          + = Laser Grid

If the last chip you used was any of Chen's chips (it does not have to be in the same turn!) before setting the trap, When an enemy trips the trap, Chen will appear and automatically slash them with a wide slash for the chip's listed damage.

Yukari (No. 002)

Creates a Dark Hole in front that instantly deletes any regular enemy that has 250 or less HP at the time this chip is used. If it is a boss or another player, the limit is increased to 500 HP. This effect will even go through things like UnderShirt, Auras, Barriers, Shields, and can only be stopped by True Invincibility(Fanfare) or not being on the screen. This chip has no effect otherwise except leaving the Dark Hole there for a while. The Dark Hole also persists after deleting enemies if some happen to be left alive.

Based on the Darkness Hole Giga Card from Starforce 3.

IN will be next. I have no idea how long this one will take since the cast seems to be less memorable than the others.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 01:12:20 PM by OverlordChirei »

Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2016, 05:53:37 PM »
Art Credits for PCB (Warning for danbo links)

Cherry Field - sprite from the official games of Yukari overlaid over it as well
Prismriver Sisters
« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 12:54:48 PM by OverlordChirei »

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips (PCB Added 7/18)
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2016, 06:09:21 PM »
These are neat, but they would most deffo be too involved for my dumb ass to use. I'm a fire and forget sort while trying keep my dodge going.

Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips (PCB Added 7/18)
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2016, 06:17:01 PM »
These are neat, but they would most deffo be too involved for my dumb ass to use. I'm a fire and forget sort while trying keep my dodge going.

Marisa got yo back. Just shoot the beam and the enemy goes away. Everyone loves it.


  • Exposition Patchouli
  • Seeker of Truth
Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips (PCB Added 7/18)
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2016, 04:29:02 AM »
Yuyuko seems perfect in a Snakes deck.

Ran is very interesting, and will force more defensive setups and movement.   Prismrivers will definitely combo well with her.

Is Yukari's gap stage based, so that a Sanctuary or Geddon would shut it down?  Or is it more like an obstacle that will just murder you if you touch it?
Life and death are without purpose.  Our attempts to give them one are quite presumptuous of us.  But in the end, we exist, and that is enough.

Current status: Dissuading deliberately choking for imagined fame.

Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips (PCB Added 7/18)
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2016, 05:42:48 AM »
Yuyuko seems perfect in a Snakes deck.

I might not have explained that too well - the specific case is if the enemy has Airshoes and is standing over a broken panel/missing panel(some random encounters just have panels empty by default), she'll hit them again if they're floating over one. It could work AGAINST someone using Snake if they try to Airshoes out of the penalty of breaking all their own panels for the max damage.

Ran is very interesting, and will force more defensive setups and movement.

try these for massive fun times as you watch your enemy constantly get shoved into the lasers for huge chunks of their life

Is Yukari's gap stage based, so that a Sanctuary or Geddon would shut it down?  Or is it more like an obstacle that will just murder you if you touch it?

The original Darkness Hole card just... hits everything no matter what, and so does this one. It really just checks "is the enemy not in green invincibility and under the required HP amount? If so, instantly kill them." It's probably #1 on my list of "most unfair chip/card" ever, considering PVP and PVE, and is probably fitting for Yukari. The hole coming out is really just an extra animation for flavor, but I decided to also work that in with the Darkhole mechanic from BN 3-4 for very niche support.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 06:08:08 AM by OverlordChirei »


  • Exposition Patchouli
  • Seeker of Truth
Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips (PCB Added 7/18)
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2016, 08:02:16 AM »
Thanks for the explanations, I've not played any of the SF games.  So the hole is the only thing appearing a space in front, and the attack is field wide?  Well, there's stuff that can do more than 500 for sure, but the unavoidable nature must be infuriating. 

try these for massive fun times as you watch your enemy constantly get shoved into the lasers for huge chunks of their life

And then stick a WhiteCap on Ran itself.  Paralysed, in the lasers which ignore I-frames = ENEMY DELETED.  With the proper support, I'd think it more broken than Yukari.  :flamingv:
Life and death are without purpose.  Our attempts to give them one are quite presumptuous of us.  But in the end, we exist, and that is enough.

Current status: Dissuading deliberately choking for imagined fame.

Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips (PCB Added 7/18)
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2016, 03:03:22 PM »
And then stick a WhiteCap on Ran itself.  Paralysed, in the lasers which ignore I-frames = ENEMY DELETED.  With the proper support, I'd think it more broken than Yukari.  :flamingv:

It only hits once per time they walk into the sprite, so all that would do is make it Paralyze. You'd need to make them go into the lasers multiple times.

Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips (Updated 8/6)
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2016, 01:31:49 PM »
i'm not dead i swear

I've updated the art credits for PCB in case anyone wanted to look at those, and added a numbering system for the previous entries.

I should actually have the IN set done by tonight. However, my conscience will not let me rest easy on my way to school today, so I've decided to at least put a little bonus here.

? ? ? ? (Secret #001)

EX-Cure (No. 001)

When used, a ray of sunshine appears where you are standing and recovers 300 HP. The sunlight persists where it was summoned for about 30 seconds. As long as you stay in the sunlight, all of the following effects are applied:

-Any Recovery will heal +50% more when done under the sunlight.
-HP will regenerate by itself. The less HP you have, the slower it will restore. (It will take about five seconds to begin regenerating if you only have 1 HP left, to avoid UnderSht abuse.)
-The Gun Del Sol chips last 50% longer when fired under the sunlight.

Just like the Gun Del Sol/Django series, this becomes even more powerful when used outside. The initial recovery will recover 500 HP, and the regeneration is 50% faster (This will not change how long it takes to go from 1HP -> 2HP, however.) In addition, those with negative karma/darksouls may not use this chip, and will actually start taking damage if they're under the sunlight.

Art Credits
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 01:26:13 AM by OverlordChirei »

Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips (PCB Added 7/18)
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2016, 04:24:18 AM »
Oof, even longer delay this time, and the server being down yesterday didn't help.

IN (Megachips #046-064, Gigachip #003)

Wriggle (No. 046-048)

SP damage: 35-60

Wriggle appears and summons a number of insects listed on the chip. The insects are randomly selected from the three, and deal the damage listed on the chip.  They all do Wood damage.


Summoned in front. Zooms forward and bites the first thing it touches, draining HP equal to their damage dealt.

          X = Wriggle
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Mosquitoes' flight path


Summoned on the enemy's front row. Diagonally pierces through the closest enemy.

          X = Wriggle
          O = Empty Panel
          B = Summoned Bee
          E = Enemy hit
          + = Bee flight path extension


Summoned to the sides. They skitter forward and bite the first enemy they come across. They also leave a web on every enemy panel they walk across.

          X = Wriggle
          O = Empty Panel
          S = Spider
          >, ^ = Spider's path
          E = Enemy bitten

Mystia (No. 049-051)

SP damage: 140-190

Mystia sings, emitting a shockwave around her and sending out a note to seek out one foe. Any foes caught in the shockwave are blinded, and anyone hit by the note is confused. An enemy can be hit by both if they happen to be in front of her.

          X = Mystia
          O = Empty Panel
          + = Sound wave radius
          > = Song's path
          E = Enemy hit by music note

Keine (No. 052-054)

SP damage: 160-260

Keine headbutts the space right in front of her. An enemy unlucky enough to be stuck by this will have their Super Armor removed if it is installed. (It will not work on things like extremely huge final bosses, though.)

          X = Keine
          O = Empty Panel
          + = Panel hit

If jacked in from a place illuminated by the moon, EX-Keine will instead be summoned, and she rushes down the entire row.

          X = EX-Keine
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Panels hit

Tewi (No. 055)

Tewi gets her own battlechip! When used, if there is a free NORMAL panel behind an enemy, she will steal their next loaded battlechip. If there are multiple enemies, she will choose the closest one from the top that actually has any loaded. This works on enemies that use battlechips like Swordys and their AreaGrabs.

If your karma is negative and are dark, Dark Tewi will instead come out and steal ALL the battle chips that the target currently has selected.

Reisen (No. 056-058)

SP damage: 160-210

Reisen appears and shoots an invis-piercing wave that expands as it travels. The wave will disappear on contact with the first object or enemy. After the attack, she grants you the Invis status for 3/4/5 seconds. (Normal/EX/SP duration).

          X = Reisen
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Wave trajectory

Eirin (No. 059-061)

SP damage: 80-130

Eirin appears and shoots three arrows, one down each row. Each arrow will break a chip an enemy has loaded if they have any.

          X = Eirin
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Arrow path

If L+R are held before Eirin appears, she will instead fire all three arrows straight down the row she is on.

Kaguya (No. 062-064)

SP damage: 150-200

Kaguya appears along with her five Impossible Requests. They spin around in a roulette, and pushing A stops it, giving you the effect of the treasure.

Jeweled Branch of Horai

Instantly hits everything on the field that has an elemental affinity (including you!!!) with an elemental blast that is strong against them. The attacks don't go through shields or invis, though.

Dragon's Neck Jewel

Charges you with power, allowing you to fire your charge shot 3/4/5 times without charging (but still has some delay before firing the next), depending on the level of this chip used.

Robe of the Fire Rat

Gives you a barrier with HP equivalent to this chip's power. It takes half damage from Fire-element attacks as well.

Swallow's Cowry Shell

Waves of water wash across all rows, starting from the back of your area. They are stopped by holes and the first object or enemy they touch, and do Aqua-element damage. Wind also blows enemies to the back at the same time.

Buddha's Stone Bowl

A giant stone bowl drops on the enemy with the highest HP, dealing the damage listed on the chip. If there are multiple enemies with the same HP, it targets the one closest to the back, from the top. The bowl has Break property.

Mokou (No. 003)

Mokou appears, and then lights herself ablaze, making a storm of fire that hits all around her, four times. After this, prominences of flame leap out from unoccupied panels next to enemies, dealing 150 damage each. They will not appear if there is nowhere for them to spawn, and are not affected by any attack boost except Full Synchro.

          X = Mokou
          O = Empty Panel
          + = Flame Cyclone
          > = Prominence
          E = Enemy hit by flames

PoFV is up next, and because it only has four "new" characters, I will be doing something special for that, as well as IaMP and the other fighting games that have small numbers of new characters, in the next update.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 10:38:02 AM by OverlordChirei »

Re: [Art?] Megaman Battle Network+Touhou Battlechips (Updated 1/4 with PoFV)
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2017, 03:38:23 PM »
We're back after a year! (sort of.) Starting off with something light to get the ball rolling again.

PoFV (Megachips #065-076)

Medicine (No. 065-067)

SP damage: 80-130
Max Hits: 1

Medicine appears and shoots a crawling wave of toxic gas forward that is stopped by the first thing it hits (or holes). Any panels it travels over (including the one it stops on) are left with a gas cloud that will continually drain health. The gas lasts for a minute, can be removed by Wind attacks, stacks with poison panels, and saps health based on the chip version.

Regular: 3HP/sec (180 poison damage max)
EX: 4HP/sec (240 poison damage max)
SP*: 5HP/sec (300 poison damage max)

*Beating Medicine in a shorter time will only raise the damage of the poison wave. The gas damage is unaffected.

          X = Medicine
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Toxic gas wave
          @ = Obstacle (also hit)

Furthermore, if you hold either Up, Down, or Left as Medicine appears, but before she fires the gas, the gas will come out in a different direction. This should make it easier to get around enemies hiding behind terrain or obstacles.

Up - gas comes out on the column two panels ahead, starting from the bottom of the screen.

          X = Medicine
          O = Empty Panel
          ^ = Toxic gas wave

Down - gas comes out on the column two panels ahead, starting from the top of the screen.

          X = Medicine
          O = Empty Panel
          V = Toxic gas wave

Left - gas comes out from the opposite end of the row you are on.

          X = Medicine
          O = Empty Panel
          < = Toxic gas wave
          E = Enemy hit
          @ = Obstacle (not hit)

Yuuka (No. 068-070)

SP Damage: 65-90
Max Hits: 3

Yuuka appears and drops flowers one at a time over each enemy row. You can control where the flowers ultimately land using Left and Right. The flowers burst into a + or X shape depending on which one it is in the sequence. If the flower lands in a hole, there will be no explosion. (Damage will still be dealt if an enemy is floating over the hole, though.)

First flower explodes in a + shape and floats over top row.
Second flower explodes in an X shape and floats over middle row.
Third flower explodes in a + shape and floats over third row.

If no inputs are touched, the flowers will always land in this set pattern:

          X = Yuuka
          O = Empty Panel
          1 = 1st flower
          2 = 2nd flower
          3 = 3rd flower

Lastly, if the flowers touch down on a grass panel, the petal explosion will hit all 8 adjacent panels instead of just four.

Komachi (No. 071-073)

SP Damage: 200-250
Max Hits: 1

Komachi appears and swings her scythe in a Lifesword range forward. If you input an upward half-circle motion (Down - Down-Right - Right - Up-Right - Up) after using the chip, but before she attacks, Komachi will take as much Zenny as possible from you to power up the attack. The maximum amount that can be paid differs by chip version, and each 100 zenny adds 1 Attack.

Regular: 5000Z max, (150 -> 200)
Regular: 7000Z max, (180 -> 250)
Regular: 10000Z max, (200-250 -> 300-350)

          X = Komachi
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Swing range

Eiki (No. 074-076)

Eiki places a giant Rod of Remorse one space ahead. Won't appear on holes.

Rod HP
Regular: 200
EX: 250
SP: 300-400

When the rod is struck by anyone on the field, a piece of it flies off and generally tries to land on the panel the offender is on (in the case of rapid hits in short succession, the pieces may occasionally land on a different adjacent panel to trip them up). There is about a one-second time window before the fragment makes contact, and the damage dealt is dependent on how much HP was removed from the Rod of Remorse. The fragments do not trigger i-frames on hit, so anyone hitting it with a multi-hitting attack may take an obscene amount of hits.

The Rod of Remorse, like most obstacles, will be instantly broken when hit with a Breaking attack. If this happens, they (not everyone on their side!) will be hit by a time-freezing, super-piercing Judgment attack similar to the Guardian statue. This attack deals damage equal to however much HP was left on the rod, and also breaks all the chips they have loaded.

MoF is next!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2017, 05:59:03 PM by OverlordChirei »

Re: [Art?] Mostly Touhou Battlechip Gallery - Intermission and a new mechanic
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2017, 11:17:05 PM »
No chips this update, but instead, something new!

I had always been bothered by how folder-dependent the series typically is, and sometimes you just run out of chips at that one fight, and it's over. Today, I fix that, or at least attempt to create a concept that does.

The Custom Chip System

This is a system that allows for certain chips to be equipped as a Custom Chip, allowing them to be used in a battle more than once, and without needing to draw it. This is a mock-up of how it would look:

I made one for each side, since some people might prefer the buttons on a certain side, and were it in an actual game, this could be toggled to flip the orientation. The orientation on the right would have the HP counter overlaid on top of the Custom Chip's image, so it doesn't obstruct your HP.

Now for what all this stuff actually is:

1) The chip image for your selected Custom Chip, just to remind you what it is.

2) The Custom Chip Gauge. Naturally fills just like the regular Custom Gauge, but isn't sped up or slowed by things like FastGauge or SlowGauge. When it's full, you can press the button to use the Custom Chip(L or R) like you would a regular Battlechip with A. The bar will start filling again once you use the Custom Chip.

You can also land buster shots to very slightly increase the fill speed. The amount it is filled depends on the type of shot landed.

3) The Custom Chip's MB. MB has traditionally been a nigh-useless stat in the games, so this is also another attempt to make it meaningful. As the Custom Chip Gauge fills up, so will this numerical meter. The higher the MB of the chip, the longer it will take to load, just like real life. As a result, this means you can't just rely on only this chip to beat enemies if you want an S-Rank, as it would take a while to get ready.

In addition to all this, Custom Chips have other restrictions. They are equipped as a separate entity from normal Battlechips, and therefore cannot be used in a regular folder. Regular Battlechips must be converted into their Custom versions in order to be compatible with the system. As a result, some chips may go through some changes. To name a few:

  • The Custom Chip cannot be screen-dimming/time-stopping. Barriers and Auras specifically started stopping time after BN3, so they would change into instant-use chips when customized.
  • The chip's MB cost may change a little. This would be for balancing issues, as some chips that may be okay to use as a Preset, might not be so balanced as a 1:1 conversion to a Custom Chip. At the same time, it may even become smaller as a result.
  • The chip's intensity may change. Using Barriers and Auras as another example, being able to use them all the time might be a bit overpowered, so their absorption values would be lowered to compensate.
  • The Custom Chip you have set WILL take into account your MegaChip and Gigachip limits. If for some reason your limits become incompatible, the Custom Chip will be forcibly unequipped.
  • The Custom Chip will ALSO take into account duplicate limits. If you can only use 4 Cannons, have 4 Cannons in the folder, then you cannot set one as your Custom Chip, as that would make it 5.
  • The Custom Chip may also execute differently or have additional commands compared to using the Battlechip regularly. The best example I can give is Atk+10. When Atk+10 is set as the Custom Chip, it is used much differently than how you normally would. Simply pressing the Custom Chip button isn't enough - you must use your next Battlechip with A and press the Custom Chip at the same time, and it will loose the attack with the +10 bonus applied. It is done this way to avoid you being able to infinitely stack +10's on a single multi-hitting chip to make it kill anything.

Also, Custom Chips look slightly different to help differentiate them from regular Battlechips, and may even have different text! An idea of what they'd look like below:


Finally, this may mean that I have to go back and re-evaluate if any of the chips made in this thread should acquire a Custom version aside from Cherry Field. "Navi" chips would have an alternate attack from that boss when loaded, giving some chips more value than initially percieved.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 06:53:40 AM by OverlordChirei »

Re: [Art?] Mostly Touhou Battlechip Gallery - Screw conventional ordering!
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2017, 10:55:28 AM »
I really wanted to do SA so fuck conventional numbering here we go

SA (Megachips #092-110, Gigachip #004, Secret Chip #002)

Kisume (No. 092)

Custom Chip Only
MB: 64

Works exactly like DropDown or PopUp, but activated through the Custom Chip system. When activated, the Custom Chip Gauge turns orange and starts depleting. Grants you Invisible status until the timer runs out or you use any attack. If you attack, you will return to being Invisible the moment you are in a neutral state again if there is MB left in the gauge. In addition, even if you are hit by invis-piercing attacks, it will not void the chip's duration, but you will still take damage.

Roughly 6~7 MB is 1 second of time on the effect, giving it a total time of about 9~10 seconds.

Yamame (No. 093-095)

MB: 35/60/85
Max Hits: 1*
SP Damage: 80-130

*Only on execution.

When summoned, Yamame will hit the column two panels in front of her, and every column two panels after that with a swath of webs. The webs will linger for about 5 seconds and do damage equivalent to the chip if enemies step on them after the initial attack. Webs are not created on panels that are already occupied. If she makes webs on your panels, you can't trip them and take damage yourself.

          X = Yamame
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Webs
          @ = Enemy hit

Parsee (No. 096-098)

MB: 43/63/83
Max Hits: 1
SP Damage: 90-140*

*This chip has variable damage!

When used, Parsee will attempt to check if the enemy/enemies have loaded chips. If the total MB of their currently selected chips exceeds the MB of YOUR currently selected chips(Parsee's chip does NOT count, as you just used it.), she will hit the offenders with a green bullet that does the chip's listed damage, plus however much MB they exceed your stack by.

Example: You use Parsee SP which is your only chip that turn, and the enemy has 50 MB worth of chips ready to use. The bullet will do 140+50 damage, as you would have 0MB worth of chips left over after using Parsee.

Lastly, the bullet cannot hit through i-frames or Invisible status.

Yuugi (No. 099-101)

MB: 39/64/89
Max Hits: 1
SP Damage: 200-250

Yuugi punches one panel in front of wherever she is summoned.

          X = Yuugi
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Punch Range

However, if she hits an obstacle, extra fragments fly outward and hit all the panels behind it in a spread. If you hit the Rod of Remorse or a Guardian statue, the attack will still be enhanced, but the respective punishments will still occur after Yuugi leaves. The fragments do the same damage listed on the chip, but do NOT have Break property.

          X = Yuugi
          O = Empty Panel
          @ = RockCube hit
          > = New Attack Range

Satori (No. 004)

MB: 99

Satori will appear and recall the last summon chip that you used. The summon will NOT have any attack boosts that might have been placed on it, but you may use Attack+ chips and things like Full Synchro when using Satori to boost the power of the recalled memory. If no summon was used prior, the chip will disappear and be wasted.

Extra Input: When used, Satori will appear and open her Third Eye. If you input a full-circle on the D-Pad (starting from Up) before she opens her eye, it will let out a powerful flash of light. The flash will remove all Invis effects/mercy invincibility the opponent may have at that moment, leaving them open for the re-summon to hit them. It will also inflict Blindness if they were hit by it (Barriers and Auras prevent this.)

Rin (No. 102-104)

MB: 24/51/78
Max Hits: 2
SP Damage: 90-140

Rin will appear and summon two flaming Hell's Rolling Wheels one after the other, on the rows above and below her. The wheels travel forward, can turn diagonally once, pierce enemies, but stops on obstacles or holes.

          X = Rin          @ = Obstacle
          O = Empty Panel           E = Enemy hit
          > = Hell's Rolling Wheels

Utsuho (No. 105-107)

MB: 42/68/94
Max Hits: 1
SP Damage: 200-300

Utsuho appears and throws a large Solar Flare three panels ahead. The flare explodes in a 3x3 range.

          X = Utsuho
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Solar Flare

Koishi (No. 108-110)

MB: 57/78/99
Max Hits: 10
SP Damage: 30-40

Koishi appears, creates hearts on the panels above and below her, and every panel in front of those. The hearts then travel forward and vanish upon hitting the first thing they run into. The hearts are also able to turn diagonally once if they detect an enemy in that direction. Hearts CANNOT spawn on panels already occupied. The hearts do not ignore invis or i-frames.

          X = Koishi
          O = Empty Panel         @ = Enemy brutally eviscerated(6 hits)
          > = Hearts spawned/hearts path          - = Hearts spawned that hit nothing

Additionally, if your HP drops to 0 but have any of Koishi's chips loaded in your current stack, the chips will automatically break, and you will go berserk as if you had used Dark Invisible, randomly moving and shooting, and using chips you had used before from your subconscious. You are invulnerable in this state, and return to 1HP after the state ends.

Regular version grants 5 seconds, EX version grants 7 seconds, and SP version grants 9 seconds. If you happen to have multiple Koishi chips selected and unused at the moment of your death, they will all break at the same time, and their total effect timer will be added up.

Spectral Sword (No. 002)

Custom Chip Only
MB: 60
Max Hits: 1...?

A sword that has the exact same inputs as Variable Sword. It does elemental damage if you are Fire/Aqua/Elec/Wood element, and will pierce Invis/i-frames if Normal style.

In addition, the chip has a very special command that allows it to unite with certain battlechips to produce new attacks. To unite, use the respective battlechip and this chip at the exact same time to unleash the attack. The attack of both chips will also be added together and run through a formula to determine the damage.

Note: Only ONE of the listed secondary chips is required to perform the move, but better chips are better attack!

Quake Blade

Atk: (Chips Atk * 1)
Element: Sword, Break
Max Hits: 1

Smashes down the Spectral Sword on the two front panels ahead, causing an earthquake that hits the entire field instantly(except you!). However, the quake only does half the damage of the actual sword, and does not have Break property. The panels hit by the sword are also broken, and no quake will be produced if the sword hits empty panels.

          X = Player
         @ = Earthquake effect
          > = Sword Smash

Crystal Cutter

Atk: (Chips Atk * 0.5)
Element: Sword
Max Hits: 4

Throws out the Spectral Sword along the bottom two rows as a 2x2 projectile from where you are, and loops around the field. Each time its sprite passes through panels, it inflicts another hit, up to a maximum of 4 hits if they're on the middlemost panels. If the sword collides with a shield or guarded obstacle, it will clash and immediately stop, otherwise it will go straight through all enemies and obstacles.

          X = Player
         O = Empty Panel
          >, ^, < = Sword Path


> = Sword's initial position/size, moves one panel distance at a time

Tornado Straight

Atk: (Chips Atk * 0.25)
Element: Wind, Sword, Break
Max Hits: 6

Thrusts the sword two panels ahead in a tornado, shredding any enemy unlucky enough to be in range. Unlike DrillArm, enemies caught by this will NOT be knocked back as they are hit, and will take the full brunt of the attack unless they have SuperArmor and move away.

          X = Player
         O = Empty Panel
          > = Sword Range

Super Windslash

Atk: (Chips Atk * 0.5)
Element: Wind, Sword
Non-flinching(except for the last hit)
Max Hits: 4

Cuts furiously in a reverse-T shape in front. The last hit will cause mercy invincibility to trigger.

          X = Player
         O = Empty Panel
          > = Sword Range

Overlord Judgment
+ *

Atk: (Chips Atk * 1)
Element: Break, Sword, Cursor
Max Hits: 1

A giant Spectral Sword crashes into the enemy furthest in the back row, also cracking that panel. If the are multiple enemies, it targets the one with the highest HP. If they have the same HP, it hits the one closest to the top.

*If Justice One is used to make the attack, the sword makes an explosion upon impact that does one-half the attack's damage around the impact zone.

Range: Automatically targets enemy

Magma Blade

Atk: (Chips Atk * 0.75)
Element: Fire, Sword
Max Hits: 1

Lets loose a gigantic sword swing (Lifesword range) in front. The panels that are swung over become Lava panels.

          X = Player
         O = Empty Panel
          > = Sword Range

Freeze Wave

Atk: (Chips Atk * 0.75)
Element: Aqua, Sword
Max Hits: 1

Sends out a column-wide sword wave made of ice. Any enemy hit will be instantly frozen. Can be stopped by obstacles.

          X = Player
         O = Empty Panel
          > = Sword Wave

Heart Break

Atk: 200 (Regardless of version used)
Element: Sword
Max Hits: 3

Koishi appears holding the Spectral Sword, and does two slashes on the enemy area in a heart shape. The sword then grows to a tremendous size and she cuts everything on the screen. The final hit Breaks and ignores i-frames/invis.

After the final hit lands, any Style, Soul, Chaos Unison, Beast Out, Beast Over*, Cross, Star Force, Tribe On, Tribe King, Noise Form, Finalized Noise Form, or anything similar is instantly cancelled.

*Because Beast Over renders the user invincible for its duration, the final hit of Heart Break will do 0 damage, but it will still cancel the transformation and put the user into Very Tired state if hit by Heart Break.

Lastly, this attack may only be performed once in any battle, just like a Program Advance. Attempting to create the combination again in the same battle will not work, and just swing the Spectral Sword normally.

First Hit (Red)

          X = Koishi
         O = Empty Panel
          < = Sword Slash

Second Hit (Blue)

          X = Koishi
         O = Empty Panel
          > = Sword Slash

Final Hit

          X = Koishi
          / = True Despair

I'll do MoF next time maybe
« Last Edit: July 30, 2017, 07:20:52 AM by OverlordChirei »

Re: [Art?] Mostly Touhou Battlechip Gallery - Mountain of Faith (7/26)
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2017, 07:32:28 PM »
It's finally here!!!

MoF (Standard #002, Megachips #111-128, Secret Chip #003-004)

Harvest Stage (Aki Sisters)

MB: 38

A screen-dimming card that only works if there are grass panels.

All grass panels on your side of the field are cut away, generating sweet potatoes which are automatically collected, healing you. The amount healed is the same as the chip's attack power, meaning that ATK+ chips or Full Synchro can increase the amount healed.

In addition, all grass panels on the enemy's side of the field become purple Cursed Grass panels.
These act as poison panels, and do not count as traditional grass panels for any purpose except
being lit on fire to cause 2x damage to anyone standing on them, and being consumed to
power up tornadoes. Tornadoes powered up this way inflict an HP bug as well.
The act of cursing the panels also does one hit of the chip's damage to anything on the panels at the time.

Using Harvest Stage when you have Cursed Grass will clear it, but not give you any potatoes.

Hina (No. 111-113)

MB: 41/69/97
Max Hits: 5
SP Damage: 70-95

Upon being called, Hina will appear and collect all your bugs/status effects, and then release the collected energy into a spiraling blast that hits the column in front of her, and every other column after. Normally she will only hit once, but hit an additional time for every bug removed, up to five hits for 4+ bugs.

          X = Hina
          O = Empty Panel
          V, ^ = Curse wave

Nitori (No. 114-116)

MB: 40/66/88
Max Hits: 2
SP Damage: 80-130

Nitori will appear, and shoot three aqua rockets from her backpack. The rockets will always land on enemies present, and if there are less than three, the rockets will land on random enemy panels. If there are more than three enemies (Liberation missions), she will target the ones with the most HP, starting from the direction she is facing. The panels hit also turn into Ocean panels.

After that, Nitori will take out her bubble gun and shoot three bubbles two panels ahead on the rows in front of her, like the Bubble Hook card from Starforce. Anyone hit by this will be put into Bubble status.

          X = Nitori
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Bubble shot range

Aya (No. 117-119)

MB: 45/70/95
Max Hits: 5
SP Damage: 40-50

Aya will dash forward at lightning speed, wrapping around the screen back to the panel she started at. The panels to the sides of her dash will have tornadoes generated on them. The dash itself only hits twice, but the tornadoes hit five times, and can consume panels to do double damage like the actual Tornado chip.

If there happens to be an obstacle in the way, and should Aya not do enough damage with her dash to break the obstacle, she will bump into it and have her dash be cut short.

          X = Aya (start and end point)          @ = Tornado
          O = Empty Panel
          > = Flight path

          X = Aya          @ = Tornado
          O = Empty Panel          & = Obstacle
          > = Flight path

Sanae (No. 120-122)

MB: 38/65/92
Max Hits: 3 (2 in PvP)
SP Damage: 130-180

When used on the first turn, Sanae will appear and call down a single star to strike the closest enemy on the far 3x3 panels for the chip's damage. For every few turns after that, more stars are generated.

1st turn - 1 star6th turn - two sets of 9 stars hit the far 3x3 area
2nd+3rd turns - +1 star10th turn - two sets of 9 stars hit the far 3x3 area,
plus five more that hit random panels
4th turn -  9 stars hit the whole far 3x3 area     

In PvP, the last formation is omitted, and the two sets of nine stars is bumped up to the 9th turn.

In addition, if Kanako or Suwako's chips were used as the most recent "summon", then extra effects are added.

Kanako - The stars become onbashira, which now have Breaking property.
Suwako - The stars become frogs, which cause Confusion on hit and no longer causes the attack to flinch/give i-frames on hit.

Kanako (No. 123-125)

MB: 48/73/98
Max Hits: 1
SP Damage: 180-280

Kanako will drop an onbashira in front of her, and up to two more will appear and try to hit other enemies elsewhere. Any onbashira that don't hit an enemy will stay on the field as an obstacle with the HP of the chip's base attack power. If they would cause the enemy to have less than three moveable panels by being on the field, then they will not remain.

If the D-Pad is held before she launches her attack, she can place them in alternative formations.

Up or Down

          X = Kanako
          O = Empty Panel
          & = Onbashira(Pillar)


          X = Kanako
          O = Empty Panel
          & = Onbashira(Pillar)


          X = Kanako
          O = Empty Panel
          & = Onbashira(Pillar)

*In these cases, the third pillar will not appear.

Suwako (No. 126-128)

MB: 49/74/99
Max Hits: 3
SP Damage: 60-85

The chip will call Suwako to throw three bouncing iron rings simultaneously. They continue until they reach the edge of the battlefield.

First ring

          X = Suwako
          O = Empty Panel
          1 = Ring path

Second ring

          X = Suwako
          O = Empty Panel
          2= Ring path

Third ring

          X = Suwako
          O = Empty Panel
          3 = Ring path

Additionally, if you become unable to select Suwako's chip normally during a turn, but still have space to select more chips, you can select her dimmed-out chip, and recieve a special "FrogHide" chip instead.

This chip will grant you the effects of PopUp for seven seconds. All the things that can affect PopUp also apply to this. Anything that also might require an Invis-style chip may also use this.

Buyo-Buyo the Superfat Igglybuff (No. 003)

A very special holy Gigachip that needs your karma to be maxed out (1000) to use. You must also have your full 3x3 area open, and the panels cannot have Lava, Swamp, Dark Holes, or be broken.

When used with all these conditions met, Buyo-Buyo will appear and wiggle his arms happily. This has no effect until you reach the custom screen again.

Upon doing so, your folder will be overwritten for this turn with a Certain Someone's limitless folder. It has no restrictions on Mega or Giga chips, every single chip will be * code, and if applicable, your Custom value will be set to maximum, allowing 8 chips to be shown for this one screen. The chips are randomly selected from a wide pool, and you will generally recieve a varied amount of options.

Regular Attacks
  • Fire Sword X (200)
  • Aqua Sword X (200)
  • Elec Sword X (150)
  • Bamboo Sword X (180)
  • Wind Racket X (200)
  • Step Cross (130)
  • Yo-yo X (70)
  • Sensor X (190)
  • Drill Arm X (80)
  • X-Boomer (200)
  • Lance X (200)
  • Wide Shot X (150)
  • Bubble Star X (120)
  • Flame Line X (220)
  • Curse Shield X (290)
  • Magnum X (210)
  • Meta Gel X (190)
  • Meteor 18 (100)
  • Tank Cannon X (200)
  • Quake X (250)
  • Elec Pulse X (180)
  • Reflector X (240)
  • Marker Cannon X (160)
  • Machine Gun X (90)
  • Golem Hit X (300)

Support (Will get at least 2)
  • Recover 300
  • Barrier 200
  • Element Trap (240)
  • Anti Damage (100)
  • Attack+30
  • Invisible
  • Blinder (Removes i-frames)
  • Grab Revenge (40)
  • Life Aura
  • Sanctuary
  • EX-Cure

Stronger Attacks (Rare)
  • Neo Variable Sword (240)
  • Spectral Sword (200) (*1)
  • Gun Del Sol EX
  • Big Red Wave (220) (*2)
  • Freeze Bomb (180) (*2)
  • Sparker (100) (*2, *3)
  • Gaia Sword (100) (*2, *4)
  • Z-Saber (100)
  • Knightman SP (320)
  • Napalmman SP (250)
  • Searchman SP (75)
  • Shademan SP (240)
  • Cirno SP
  • Rin SP
  • Utsuho SP
  • Koishi SP

Special Results/Gensou Advance (Very Rare)
  • Crystal Cutter GA (100)
  • Tornado Straight GA (60)
  • Quake Blade GA (450)
  • Super Windslash GA (120)
  • Overlord Judgment GA (500) (*5)
  • Magma Blade GA (400)
  • Freeze Wave GA (300)

*1 - This Spectral Sword may not be fused to create the union attacks, but the input commands may still be used.
*2 - Only recieved if currently Fire/Aqua/Elec/Wood elemental.
*3 - Max 400 damage, charge time sped up.
*4 - Max 500 damage.
*5 - Has the impact zone as if Justice One was used to create it.

Hyper Charge (No. 004)

When used, you lose the ability to fire normal shots, and can only fire charge shots instead for 15 seconds. There is a small delay when firing repeated charged shots depending on which one you have.

In addition, charge shots fired in this manner do double damage. Charge Shots that cause binding effects like Paralysis cannot reapply their effects until a moment after it naturally wears off on the enemy, but still do not cause i-frames and can be chained together for damage.

How to obtain: In-battle GMD with the secret boss at the end of Chireiden Net 6 after obtaining all title screen marks.

[Art] Megaman Battle Network x Touhou - Another Story (8/13)
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2017, 04:26:58 PM »
Random update, but I decided to slap together some title screens just so this collection has a proper header/name. The chances of this actually becoming a game are probably near zero, but I just wanted it to seem neat. The start of the first post has been updated with these.

Art Credits

Another Memory Title Screen Trace
Another Impulse Title Screen Trace
« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 05:10:47 PM by OverlordChirei »