Easy - Reimu
CyberAngel - 200,173,830 - C - 1.470% -
ReplayEasy - Marisa
CyberAngel - 218,060,070 - C - 1.080% -
ReplayEasy - Sanae
CyberAngel - 228,478,570 - C - 1.290% -
ReplayEasy - Youmu
CyberAngel - 233,981,850 - C - 1.140% -
Replay (no miss, no bomb, no focus)
Normal - Reimu
CyberAngel - 257,257,730 - C - 0.000% -
VideoNormal - Marisa
CyberAngel - 242,215,720 - C - 0.000% -
VideoNormal - Sanae
CyberAngel - 238,565,420 - C - 0.000% -
VideoNormal - Youmu
CyberAngel - 231,362,180 - C - 0.000% -
VideoA mix of old and new runs that I plan to improve sometime soon.