Author Topic: High score board guidelines! PLEASE READ! [New post: 2016-06-09]  (Read 22926 times)


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Welcome to MotK's scoreboards!

Post any and all Touhou scores here. Don't be discouraged if you're not in the higher ranks to start off with - practice, and you'll work your way up. Friendly competition is highly encouraged, of course - go for the top score!

A couple of things to take note of before posting scores:

  • Please only submit runs that were done on full defaults! This means the default starting lives (3 total) and default bombs (usually 3, occasionally 2). Runs found to not be using these settings will not be added to the scoreboard in the interests of fairness.
  • Submitting replays along with your scores for confirmation and for people to watch is highly encouraged, and the most popular places to upload your scores and replays are (in English) and (in Japanese). Feel free to use either of these.
  • Feel free to double post (rather than post edit) if there's been a while between your scores, or your scores from your last post have already been updated. It's difficult to notice them sometimes if these new scores have been edited into previous posts, so double posting and bumping the threads would be useful in these cases.
  • A little discussion, such as exchanging specific scoring strategies and congratulating people on their scores, is absolutely fine. However, please try to keep general game discussion in the Help Me Eirin! section.
  • Being competitive is fine, of course, but don't make fun of other people's scores even if you can do better - keep it civil.
  • Please use the same name for all your submissions, to keep it clear which scores are yours throughout the scoreboards. If you are no longer satisfied with the name you've used, you may request to change it once.
  • If you see any inconsistencies, errors, or things that could be improved in some way, feel free to send a scoreboard moderator a PM about them, and we'll see what we can do.
  • Scoreboard participation is reserved for un-permabanned members. If you are permabanned, any scores you have posted will be removed.
  • Please format your scores as requested in the scoreboard's original post. We will no longer add any scores incorrectly formatted and will simply ignore these submissions.

And that's all of them. It'd be awesome if you guys could follow these.

Regarding TAS (tool assisted slowdown) runs:

MotK does not formally punish those who falsify TAS runs as real runs and submit them in the scoreboards or the tournament boards. However, if you are found (by myself, or other trusted members of the community) to have cheated, you can expect to be called out on it, and have any present scores of yours removed from score tables. Future scores will not be allowed either unless you can prove convincingly (as determined, again, by myself or other trusted members) that you're submitting a legitimate run.

Thankfully these cases are really rare, and we wouldn't do something like this unless we were very sure about the illegitimacy of the run, but just to make sure - the scoreboards are here for honest competition, guys, not for cheating your way to the top. Expect to lose a great deal of respect from many if you try to ruin the fun like that.

Now that's out of the way, have fun, and go submit some scores! :D
« Last Edit: December 13, 2018, 02:35:37 AM by Karisa »
Let's fight.


  • There's no escape.
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  • It's time to burn!
Re: High score board guidelines! PLEASE READ BEFORE SUBMITTING SCORES!
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2011, 04:52:02 AM »
Categories will be truncated at 30 entries from now on. This only affects one or two categories so far, but it should help keep things tidy in the long run.
Let's fight.


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  • It's time to burn!
Re: High score board guidelines! PLEASE READ BEFORE SUBMITTING SCORES!
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2013, 11:29:00 PM »
Just to reiterate one of the points made at the top: before editing your post to update or add new scores in the same post, please check if there's been a scoreboard update since your original post! A significant increase in update speed is likely in the wake of our new mod staff, so this makes things a lot easier on us - it's hard to catch new scores in old posts from before the previous update. When in doubt, feel free to double post! It's not clutter, it's a big helping hand to us trying to get stuff done accurately.

Let's fight.


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  • Really...!
Re: High score board guidelines! PLEASE READ! [New post: 27/09/14]
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2014, 05:19:16 AM »
As we feel that scoreboard participation is a privilege to unpermabanned members, I have decided to begin removing scores from permabanned accounts, as they are no longer members of the community. Deleted account's scores will stay as they were not forcibly ejected from the forums.

Visit #sokumaidens on for discussion and matchmaking for a wide variety of fighting games!
Feel free to message me if you need anything!


  • I'm not clumsy...
  • Really...!
Re: High score board guidelines! PLEASE READ! [New post: 2015-02-26]
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2015, 04:33:34 PM »
We have noticed an increased number of users submitting scores in an incorrect format. The formats are there to make life slightly easier when adding your scores - we don't want to have to reformat your entire submission to keep the scoreboard neat and tidy. From today onwards, we will be completely ignoring submissions that are incorrectly formatted.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 09:08:14 AM by Shimatora »

Visit #sokumaidens on for discussion and matchmaking for a wide variety of fighting games!
Feel free to message me if you need anything!


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  • High scores are meant to be broken.
Re: High score board guidelines! PLEASE READ! [New post: 2016-06-09]
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2016, 02:02:07 PM »
To keep it clear which scores are by the same person, please use only one name for all your submissions. This name can be your MotK display name, your in-game replay name, or something else you are known by, but it should be consistent across the MotK scoreboards.

If you submit with multiple names, you'll be asked which name you prefer. We are willing to update the name on your past scores, but only once, given the time it takes to update a name across the various threads.

(This has actually been enforced for a while, but it's rare enough that it was never posted in the guidelines until now.)
« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 02:07:04 PM by Karisa »