Welcome to the Story of Eastern Wonderland high score thread!
- Make sure to use default starting settings - that's 3 lives and 3 bombs.
- Only submit scores that were made on one credit - no continues!
- Screenshots/videos required for first place scores!
Please use the following format to submit your scores:
Difficulty - Character/Shot Type
Name - Score - Stage - AutofireOn/Off - Screenshot/Video (if applicable)
Lunatic - ReimuA
Spaz - 5,000,000 - 4 - AutofireOn - Screenshot
Now go get some scores!
-ReimuA- 1. KirbyComment - 24,025,500 - C - AutofireOn -
Replay-ReimuB- 1. KirbyComment - 22,909,640 - C - AutofireOn -
Replay 2. Karisa - 20,057,300 - C - AutofireOn -
Video 3. S-TORA - 15,894,040 - C - AutofireOn -
Screenshot 4. kurzov - 1,418,590 - 2
-ReimuC- 1. KirbyComment - 21,519,230 - C - AutofireOn -
-ReimuA- 1. KirbyComment - 21,477,840 - C - AutofireOn -
Screenshot1 -
Screenshot2 2. VgameT - 14,664,180 - C - -
Image 3. Prinny - 12,075,650 - C - AutofireOff -
Video-ReimuB- 1. KirbyComment - 23,007,770 - C - AutofireOn -
Screenshot -
Replay 2. Karisa - 20,227,690 - C - AutofireOn -
Screenshot 3. SEO - 15,554,980 - C - AutofireOff
4. Koakkuri - 13,658,720 - C - -
Picture 5. Prinny - 12,416,280 - C - AutofireOff -
Screenshot-ReimuC- 1. KirbyComment - 22,041,350 - C - AutofireOn -
Screenshot -
Replay 2. Prinny - 11,058,560 - C - AutofireOff -
-ReimuA- 1. Pearl - 18,772,850 - C - AutoFireOn -
Screenshot 2. Prinny - 15,538,380 - C - AutofireOff -
Video-ReimuB- 1. KirbyComment - 30,898,850 - C - AutofireOn -
Screenshot1 -
Screenshot2 2. Karisa - 29,790,260 - C - AutofireOn -
Video-ReimuC- 1.
-ReimuA- 1. KirbyComment - 42,942,800 - C - AutofireOn -
Screenshot -
Replay 2. Pearl - 36,534,880 - C - AutoFireOn -
Screenshot 3. Prinny - 14,526,330 - C - AutofireOn -
Video 4. Jaimers - 13,790,890 - C - -
Replay-ReimuB- 1. KirbyComment - 39,387,300 - C - AutofireOn -
Screenshot -
Replay 2. Karisa - 21,334,210 - C - AutofireOff -
Video 3. ebarrett - 11,936,570 - C - -
Screenshot-ReimuC- 1. KirbyComment - 36,050,450 - C - AutofireOn -
Screenshot -
Replay 2. theshim - 13,666,670 - C - -
-ReimuA- 1. KirbyComment - 42,603,800 - C - AutofireOn -
Screenshot -
Replay 2. Prinny - 19,428.810 - C - AutofireOn -
Video 3. Serela - 12,117,690 - C
-ReimuB- 1. KirbyComment - 38,105,400 - C - AutofireOn -
Replay 2. Karisa - 37,058,770 - C - AutofireOn -
Video -
Screenshot 3. Pdee - 31,419,820 - C - -
Replay 4. Prinny - 22,490,830 - C - AutofireOn -
Screenshot 5. Serela - 15,064,810 - C
-ReimuC- 1. KirbyComment - 33,862,900 - C - AutofireOn -
Replay 2. Zigzagwolf - 15,458,060 - C - AutofireOff -
Video (NMNB)
3. Zodiac - 14,610,620 - C - -
Replay 4. Jaimers - 13,620,960 - C - -
Replay 5. Serela - 13,111,400 - C