Author Topic: ※ The co-mechanics of RikaNitori ※ List of all projects/works by Author  (Read 40740 times)


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
This thread will list all the authors working their precious projects or scripts from A to Z. If you have a thread with your own work, please send me a PM with your nickname, project/thread name, URL to the thread and the game type so I can list it here.

Note: Please do not carelessly bump old threads up with reasoning i.e: "WOW" "COOL" "WHEN IS IT RELEASED" etc. If you have questions/comments, PM the author or wait simply till the author updates the thread him/herself.

※ AJS - AJS's Danmaku Corner
※ Asthmagician - Asthmagician's Danmakufu Releases
※ Azure/Raibys - Another World's Chaos
※ Blargel - Blargel's Danmakufu Corner
※ Chau - Chau's Barrages
※ Darkness1 - Darkness1's Standard Stuff
※ Demonbman - Demonbman's Danmaku Scripts
※ Fluffy8x - 朝陽雲蛇仙 ~ Exorcism of Infinite Blossoms
※ Foremoster - Foremoster's Box
※ Helepolis - 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
※ Iryan - Iryan's Projects
※ Johnny Walker - Walking Scripts
※ Karanum - Touhou Genyoubu ~ City of Distortion
※ Kinghidrorah - The fruits of my danmakufu labour
※ Kyaksa - Final Fantasy Danmaku
※ Kylesky - Kylesky's Corner-o'-Danmaku
※ Mewkyuu - To Erase Nations Suddenly, He Imagined.
※ Nimble - Chromatic Wing Lab
※ Ozzy - Ozzy's Kingdom of Mushrooms
※ PhantomSong - Phantom Song's Scripts of Danmaku
※ Professor Scissors - Luminous Dream
※ Professor Scissors - Tree of Life
※ Schezo - Schezo's Stuff
※ Shockman - Shockman's Scripts
※ Snow Taradien - Snow's Workbench
※ Solais - Solais' Never Updated Not So Amateur Garbage then :V
※ Sparen - Sparen's Code Dump
※ Thaws - Thaws' Danmakufu Scripts
※ Tricky - Trickysticks' Tricky Scripts

※ FawkesGarde - Story of a Lost Sky
※ gammaraptor - Reisen's Errand Madness (Text-Based RPG)
※ Garlyle - Wish Under Celestial Star
※ Houraisan - Tenshi Adventures 1!
※ rfw - Touhou ~ Edge of Fantasy
※ Tom - Touhou Danmaku RPG
※ warpshadow - Gensokyo Everyday's story

※ GenericTouhouFan - GenericTouhouFan's Generic Crappy Crap
※ Tsalop - Voile Invaders
※ Tsalop - Perfect Youmu


※ bennelsey - Eat the Bullet
※ bennelsey - Mystia Dash
※ bennelsey - Reisen Rush
※ bennelsey - DaiPet
※ bennelsey - Rumia Hunt
※ mew77 - Touhou DazeD
※ Sparen - Touhou Terranean Cataclysm
※ suslik - Butterfly Madness
※ suslik - random minigames
« Last Edit: April 20, 2019, 03:40:46 AM by Helepolis »