Another original:
Quick, Precise, Stalking DeathYoutubeMidi means low quality synths (may contain slight differences from the mp3 and Youtube versions)
Requested by: ninjaloser602 from Youtube
Midi fix and refix by: NamelessLegacy
It sounds better than my first few originals, I think.
Well, it does sound different. :3
Anyway, the intro riff (0~0:19) is based from Marisa's Casket of Stars from TH04~
At least, the idea for the square bass line is. :/
The main melody (0:20~0:32)...although I don't know where I got it from, I tried mixing THfont's trumpets (both Romantic and Brass) a little different from my other tries. It sounds a little bit richer now.
I composed two bass lines for this piece, one for the Slap Bass (whole notes and eighths), and the other one for the Square Wave (eighths and sixteenths).
The main padding was Strings (as usual) playing whole bars throughout the whole piece. Also, you might also notice Saw waves playing long chords scattered all over the place.
The drum (THDrum, actually) was a simple 8 beat pattern, so nothing much to say about it.
Vibraphones (from 0:57 onwards) are padded with UAGP (Unfiltered Acoustic Grand Piano, a fancy name I gave for THFont's Acoustic Piano after I apply some mixing to it.
Also, you might notice that I did not apply looping fade this time. I think it sounds more final if I cut it at the last bar instead. However, if ever it was made to loop, it would loop back to 0:57, thus the intro up to 0:56 will only be played once.
The composition itself is arranged:
(0:00 ~ 0:19) Intro
(0:20 ~ 0:31) First Chorus (Slap Bass playing whole notes)
(0:32 ~ 0:44) Full Chorus (Slap Bass playing eighths)
(0:45 ~ 0:56) Chorus Variation (Unvaried Finish)
(0:57 ~ 1:10) First Bridge
(1:11 ~ 1:28) First Verse
(1:29 ~ 1:46) First Verse Variation
(1:47 ~ 2:00) Second Bridge (Vibraphone playing an octave higher)
(2:01 ~ 2:13) Full Chorus
(2:14 ~ 2:28) Chorus Variation (Varied Finish)
(2:29 ~ 2:59) Second Verse
(3:00 ~ 3:13) Second Bridge
(3:14 ~ 3:26) Full Chorus
(3:27 ~ 3:40) Chorus Variation (Varied Finish)
(3:41 ~ 3:53) Full Chorus Modulated
(3:54 ~ 4:10) Chorus Variation Modulated (Varied Finish)
...well, it's the first theme I ever did that had any sort of planning, so I'm quite proud of it. XD
*Anunsew stretches*
Time to make another Rin Satsuki theme.
I think I'm ready. XD
I wonder if I can get it done by December 12 though