Of course, I am aware Mac is POSIX-compliant so a lot of *nix libraries work on it natively.
I think most of the problems you may be talking about may be completely caused by Apple's reluctance to update certain "uncool" but necessary parts of the system (like, for example, holy crap Lion finally supports latest versions of OpenGL, and the last OS X release only just included hardware-accelerated OpenGL support through X11, herpityderp).
Oh good, two more reasons to install Lion.
Apple is more attempting to push its native APIs over the common Unix ones, largely thanks to how similar the iOS ones are.
And... Wine not using Cocoa is a sign of laziness? I don't think you realize just how long it would take to do that. :V
* EP looks at GIMP Cocoa project
...yeah, it would.
But most of the MacPorts, Fink, and similar crew seem more bent on getting apps direct-ported over. That works...but at a hefty performance penalty thanks to shoddy OS implementations and an odd split between the Unix-based and OS X-based developer camps in most of these projects (though there are a few exceptions).
Maybe you need to pick an OS that's not so brain-damaged, or more like, given a Jobsian lobotomy. I hear Macs run Windows pretty nicely.
Ehe, I use Windows, Mac, and Linux already. :smug:
My major reason for using OS X, other than long (~15 years) usage timespan, is for much of my audio (Logic), video (FCE4), and graphics (Pixelmator) work.
While the latter two are more debatable due to competent alternatives on Windows and Linux, for the first one OS X's Core Audio and Core MIDI APIs are very low-latency, flexible, and require very little configuration by end users. Logic, being an Apple product as well, ties with these quite well and offers a lot of content (~50GB) in addition for a cheap price.
And I technically have a Hackintosh unit ATM. Booting over to Windows and Linux isn't hard.
Also, I'd go ahead and give OS X a try for a few months or so at least before making a statement on it next time. It helps to know the situation firsthand, just saying ^_^