Hello Artists,
look at your Acolyte Gappy, now back to me, now back at Gappy, now back to me.
Unfortunately, she isn't around much.
But if she had someone to help out with tasks, things would be better.
Look down, back up.
You now have a second Acolyte.
I'm multiacolyting.
Anyway, as you may have noticed, Gappy's barely around at the moment due to real life being harsh, and stuff like the last Art challenge taking... was it two months?.... to judge is kinda not so pretty. And the current challenge is nearing deadline without any signs of Gappy around.
So to keep AAA running smoothly, mainly in terms of challenges and adding new Art threads to the Listing, I have been appointed to help out as a second Acolyte around here.
Anything you would usually contact Gappy about, I'm here for now, so don't hesitate to contact me on IRC or via PM.
I might also drop in on #atelier-magna from time to time if something's up, else you can always find me on #scarlet-library, the PSL-channel.
Well then, keep up the good work everyone and let's keep AAA the nice place it is