Sometimes a text only requires a handful of changes, if any, to go perfectly with the Tōhō characters. In such cases it becomes doubtful if the filk should be considered a work of mine at all.
Such is the case with ?Der Rote Rache?. The text is a cosmetically altered version of ?Der H?lle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen?, the famous aria from ?The Magic Flute? (Die Zauberfl?te), composed by
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The libretto was written by
Emanuel Schikaneder, possibly together with
Ludwig Giesecke.
This Miku Hatsune version was probably the main reason for my mind connecting the aria with the Scarlet Devil.
This link leads to ?Der H?lle Rache? sung by
Sabine Devieilhe, for those who want to refresh their memory of how it sounds when performed by a 3D person.
Der Rote Rache(Originally published in May 2017.)
Der Rote Rache kocht in meinem Herzen,
Tod und Verzweiflung flammet um mich her!
F?hlt nicht durch dich Marisa Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Schwester nimmermehr.
Versto?en sei auf ewig,
Verlassen sei auf ewig,
Zertr?mmert sei?n auf ewig
Alle Bande der Magie,
Wenn nicht durch dich Marisa wird erblassen!
H?rt, Racheg?tter, h?rt der D?mon Schwur!❧❧❧
We are told that Remilia Scarlet is in friendly terms with Marisa and Reimu. However, it has been a long road. At first, the Scarlet Devil found her defeat by the black-and-white witch girl extremely difficult to swallow. As soon as she foresaw Marisa?s encounter with Flandre, Remilia went to her little sister and spoke dreadful words, pressing Flandre to act as the tool of her vengeance.
Fortunately enough, lady Remilia forgot that her sister had been exposed to continental languages a lot less than herself, being that Flandre became a vampire at a rather young age. To Remilia, switching between languages is natural like it had been to their noble human parents. To playful little Flandre... practicing German with Mystia could be helpful.
(Special thanks for inspiration go to
Sandels of the Finnish Tōhō fan community, as well as the ?
Pri?re? music video. And yes, I am convinced that Mystia Lorelei is of German descent, most probably born in the Rhine Valley.)