H-hi there, MoTK, this is my first post on the forum.
I'm yet another newbie who got into touhou somewhere around this spring. Nice to meet you, everyone
As for my current achievements:
EoSD Lunatic - MarisaB
PCB Lunatic - All shot-types (I love this game, it's simply beautiful)
IN Lunatic - Border Team (FinalA&FinalB)
PoFV Lunatic - Reimu, Marisa, Cirno, Medicine
MoF Lunatic - ReimuB
EoSD Extra - ReimuB, MarisaA, MarisaB
PCB Extra - ReimuB, MarisaA (NB), SakuyaB
PCB Phantasm - ReimuB, MarisaA, SakuyaB
IN Extra - Border Team
PoFV Extra - Komachi, Shikieiki
MoF Extra - ReimuB
I got my MoF 1cc just a couple of days ago, so I'm not doing anything atm, but SA Lunatic will be my next goal, I suppose.
I suck at fighting games.
That makes at least two of us!